Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Alfresco Software Limited. * * This file is part of Alfresco * * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>. */ package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.alfresco.mongo.MongoClientFactory; import org.alfresco.mongo.MongoDBFactory; import org.alfresco.mongo.MongoDBForTestsFactory; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.poi.POIXMLProperties; import org.apache.poi.POIXMLProperties.CoreProperties; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; import; import org.springframework.core.env.ConfigurableEnvironment; import org.springframework.core.env.PropertiesPropertySource; import; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI; import com.mongodb.ServerAddress; /** * @see TestRestAPI V1 * * @author Derek Hulley * @since 2.0 */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class RestAPITest implements TestConstants { public static final String RELEASE = "RestAPITest"; public static final int SCHEMA = 0; public static final String MONGO_TEST_DATABASE = "bm21-data"; private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(RestAPITest.class); private Gson gson = new Gson(); private MongoDBForTestsFactory mockDBFactory; private ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ctx; private MongoTestDAO dao; private TestRestAPI api; private TestRunServicesCache testRunServicesCache; private DB appDB; private String mongoHost; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { gson = new Gson(); // Create a mock DB to connect to mockDBFactory = new MongoDBForTestsFactory(); mongoHost = mockDBFactory.getMongoHost(); String database = mockDBFactory.getObject().getName(); // Create an application context (don't start, yet) ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String[] { PATH_APP_CONTEXT }, false); // Pass our properties to the new context Properties ctxProperties = new Properties(); { ctxProperties.put(PROP_MONGO_CONFIG_HOST, mongoHost); ctxProperties.put(PROP_MONGO_CONFIG_DATABASE, database); ctxProperties.put(PROP_MONGO_TEST_DATABASE, MONGO_TEST_DATABASE); ctxProperties.put(PROP_APP_RELEASE, RELEASE); ctxProperties.put(PROP_APP_SCHEMA, "" + SCHEMA); ctxProperties.put(PROP_APP_INHERITANCE, "COMMON, TEST"); ctxProperties.put(PROP_TEST_RUN_MONITOR_PERIOD, "" + 20000); ctxProperties.put(PROP_SYSTEM_CAPABILITIES, "Java"); ctxProperties.put(PROP_APP_CONTEXT_PATH, "/"); ctxProperties.put(PROP_APP_DIR, "."); } ConfigurableEnvironment ctxEnv = ctx.getEnvironment(); ctxEnv.getPropertySources().addFirst(new PropertiesPropertySource("RestAPITest", ctxProperties)); // Override all properties with system properties ctxEnv.getPropertySources().addFirst(new PropertiesPropertySource("system", System.getProperties())); // Start the context now ctx.refresh(); // Get beans dao = ctx.getBean(MongoTestDAO.class); appDB = dao.getDb(); TestServiceImpl testService = ctx.getBean(TestServiceImpl.class); LogService logService = ctx.getBean(LogService.class); this.testRunServicesCache = ctx.getBean(TestRunServicesCache.class); api = new TestRestAPI(dao, testService, logService, testRunServicesCache); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { if (ctx != null) { try { ctx.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (mockDBFactory != null) { try { mockDBFactory.destroy(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } @Test public void basic() { assertNotNull(appDB); Set<String> collectionNames = new HashSet<String>(); collectionNames.add("test.drivers"); collectionNames.add("test.defs"); collectionNames.add("tests"); collectionNames.add("test.runs"); collectionNames.add("test.props"); Set<String> dbColNames = removeSystemValues(appDB.getCollectionNames()); assertEquals(collectionNames, dbColNames); } /** * make sure the system name is NOT contained as from 3.2 on * * @param collection * (Set<String>) collection to check * @return */ private Set<String> removeSystemValues(Set<String> collection) { if (null != collection) { // make sure the system name is NOT contained as from 3.2 on if (collection.contains("system.indexes")) { collection.remove("system.indexes"); } } return collection; } @Test public void connectToMongoDB() throws UnknownHostException { DB db = dao.getDb(); String dbName = db.getName(); ServerAddress mongoAddress = db.getMongo().getAddress(); // Now connect a real mongo client to it MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(mongoAddress); // won't be removed in V3.x of MongoDB .... new code uses new API .... @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") DB dbCheck = mongoClient.getDB(dbName); // See if we can add/remove stuff and that it works assertTrue(dao.createTest("TESTconnectToMongoDB", "connectToMongoDB", "R1", 1)); MongoTestDAO daoCheck = new MongoTestDAO(dbCheck); DBObject testCheckObj = daoCheck.getTest("TESTconnectToMongoDB", false); assertNotNull(testCheckObj); // clean-up mongoClient.close(); } /** * Helper to convert Json to map for quick testing of values */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Map<String, Object> fromJson(String json) { Map<String, Object> map = (HashMap<String, Object>) gson.fromJson(json, HashMap.class); return map; } private void checkLongValue(String json, String field, Long value) { Map<String, Object> map = fromJson(json); Long actual = Double.valueOf(map.get(field).toString()).longValue(); assertEquals("Incorrect json for field '" + field + "': \n" + json + "\n", value, actual); } private void checkTimeValue(String json, String field, long time) { Map<String, Object> map = fromJson(json); long actual = Double.valueOf(map.get(field).toString()).longValue(); long startTime = time - 30000L; long endTime = time + 30000L; assertTrue("Incorrect time range for field '" + field + "' around " + time + ": \n" + json, startTime <= actual && actual <= endTime); } private void checkDoubleValue(String json, String field, Double value) { Map<String, Object> map = fromJson(json); Double actual = Double.valueOf(map.get(field).toString()); assertEquals("Incorrect json for field '" + field + "': \n" + json + "\n", value, actual); } /** * Helper method to check that a test run is in a particular state */ private void checkTestRunState(String test, String run, TestRunState state, boolean expected) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Do a direct check String checkStateStr = api.getTestRunState(test, run); TestRunState checkState = TestRunState.valueOf(checkStateStr); if (expected) { assertEquals("State was incorrect for " + test + "." + run + ". ", state, checkState); } else { assertNotSame("State was incorrect for " + test + "." + run + ". ", state, checkState); } // Now check by querying for the state assertEquals(expected, api.getTestRuns(test, 0, 2, state.toString()).contains("\"name\" : \"" + run + "\"")); // Check that the appropriate fields have been set for the given state String checkJson = api.getTestRunSummary(test, run); switch (checkState) { case NOT_SCHEDULED: checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_SCHEDULED, -1L); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_STARTED, -1L); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_STOPPED, -1L); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_COMPLETED, -1L); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_DURATION, 0L); checkDoubleValue(checkJson, FIELD_PROGRESS, 0.0); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_RESULTS_SUCCESS, 0L); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_RESULTS_FAIL, 0L); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_RESULTS_TOTAL, 0L); checkDoubleValue(checkJson, FIELD_SUCCESS_RATE, 1.0); break; case SCHEDULED: checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_SCHEDULED, now); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_STARTED, -1L); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_STOPPED, -1L); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_COMPLETED, -1L); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_DURATION, 0L); checkDoubleValue(checkJson, FIELD_PROGRESS, 0.0); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_RESULTS_SUCCESS, 0L); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_RESULTS_FAIL, 0L); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_RESULTS_TOTAL, 0L); checkDoubleValue(checkJson, FIELD_SUCCESS_RATE, 1.0); break; case STARTED: checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_SCHEDULED, now); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_STARTED, now); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_STOPPED, -1L); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_COMPLETED, -1L); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_RESULTS_FAIL, 0L); checkDoubleValue(checkJson, FIELD_SUCCESS_RATE, 1.0); break; case COMPLETED: checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_SCHEDULED, now); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_STARTED, now); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_STOPPED, -1L); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_COMPLETED, now); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_DURATION, 30001L); // The // range // is +- // 30s, // so we // check // it's // in // range // 1ms-60001ms checkDoubleValue(checkJson, FIELD_PROGRESS, 1.0); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_RESULTS_SUCCESS, 21L); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_RESULTS_FAIL, 0L); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_RESULTS_TOTAL, 21L); checkDoubleValue(checkJson, FIELD_SUCCESS_RATE, 1.0); break; case STOPPED: checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_SCHEDULED, now); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_STARTED, now); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_STOPPED, now); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_COMPLETED, -1L); checkTimeValue(checkJson, FIELD_DURATION, 30001L); // The // range // is +- // 30s, // so we // check // it's // in // range // 1ms-60001ms checkDoubleValue(checkJson, FIELD_PROGRESS, 0.0); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_RESULTS_SUCCESS, 0L); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_RESULTS_FAIL, 0L); checkLongValue(checkJson, FIELD_RESULTS_TOTAL, 0L); checkDoubleValue(checkJson, FIELD_SUCCESS_RATE, 1.0); break; } } /** * Basic CRUD of a test run */ @Test public void testScenario01() { DBObject dbObject; String json; TestDetails testDetails; TestRunDetails testRunDetails; PropSetBean propSetBean; // Check the response when there are no tests json = api.getTests("A", 4, 0, 10); assertEquals("Empty Json results must still be an array", "[]", json); testDetails = new TestDetails(); testDetails.setName("T01"); testDetails.setRelease(RELEASE); testDetails.setSchema(SCHEMA); testDetails.setDescription("A test for scenario 01."); json = api.createTest(testDetails); assertFalse(json, json.indexOf("\"default\" : \"NEVER-LEAVES-THE-SERVER\"") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf(MASK) >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"description\" : \"The password for the user executing the process.\"") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("A test for scenario 01.") >= 0); assertEquals("Expect exact match from createTest and getTest", json, api.getTest("T01")); assertTrue(api.getTests(RELEASE, SCHEMA, 0, 2).contains("\"name\" : \"T01\"")); // Update test testDetails = new TestDetails(); testDetails.setOldName("T01"); testDetails.setName("TEST01"); testDetails.setVersion(0); testDetails.setDescription("The test for scenario 01."); json = api.updateTest(testDetails); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("The test for scenario 01.") >= 0); // Set 'proc.pwd' at the test level propSetBean = new PropSetBean(); propSetBean.setVersion(0); propSetBean.setValue("pwd1"); json = api.setTestProperty("TEST01", "proc.pwd", propSetBean); assertFalse(json, json.indexOf("pwd1") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf(MASK) >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"description\" : \"The password for the user executing the process.\"") >= 0); dbObject = dao.getProperty("TEST01", null, "proc.pwd"); assertEquals("NEVER-LEAVES-THE-SERVER", dbObject.get(FIELD_DEFAULT)); assertEquals("pwd1", dbObject.get(FIELD_VALUE)); // Set 'processCount' for test 'T01' propSetBean = new PropSetBean(); propSetBean.setVersion(0); propSetBean.setValue("500"); json = api.setTestProperty("TEST01", "processCount", propSetBean); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"default\" : \"200\"") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"value\" : \"500\"") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"title\" : \"Process Count\"") >= 0); dbObject = dao.getProperty("TEST01", null, "processCount"); assertEquals("200", dbObject.get(FIELD_DEFAULT)); assertEquals("500", dbObject.get(FIELD_VALUE)); // Check the response when there are no test runs json = api.getTestRuns("TEST01", 0, 10, ""); assertEquals("Empty Json results must still be an array", "[]", json); // Create run 01 testRunDetails = new TestRunDetails(); testRunDetails.setName("01"); testRunDetails.setDescription("Scenario 01 - Run 01"); json = api.createTestRun("TEST01", testRunDetails); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"description\" : \"Scenario 01 - Run 01\"") >= 0); assertFalse(json, json.indexOf("\"default\" : \"NEVER-LEAVES-THE-SERVER\"") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"default\" : \"admin\"") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"default\" : \"" + MASK) >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"default\" : \"500\"") >= 0); assertEquals("Expect exact match from createTestRun and getTestRun", json, api.getTestRun("TEST01", "01")); assertTrue(api.getTestRuns("TEST01", 0, 2, "").contains("\"name\" : \"01\"")); // Update test run testRunDetails = new TestRunDetails(); testRunDetails.setOldName("01"); testRunDetails.setName("001"); testRunDetails.setVersion(0); testRunDetails.setDescription("The test run 001."); json = api.updateTestRun("TEST01", testRunDetails); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("The test run 001.") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"progress\" : 0.0") >= 0); // Set 'processCount' for run '01' propSetBean = new PropSetBean(); propSetBean.setVersion(0); propSetBean.setValue("125"); json = api.setTestRunProperty("TEST01", "001", "processCount", propSetBean); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"version\" : 1") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"default\" : \"500\"") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"value\" : \"125\"") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"title\" : \"Process Count\"") >= 0); dbObject = dao.getProperty("TEST01", "001", "processCount"); assertEquals("500", dbObject.get(FIELD_DEFAULT)); assertEquals("125", dbObject.get(FIELD_VALUE)); // Get the test run by its state checkTestRunState("TEST01", "001", TestRunState.NOT_SCHEDULED, true); checkTestRunState("TEST01", "001", TestRunState.SCHEDULED, false); // Delete the test run api.deleteTestRun("TEST01", "001", true); try { api.getTestRun("TEST01", "001"); } catch (WebApplicationException e) { assertEquals(Status.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode(), e.getResponse().getStatus()); } } /** * Copy test run */ @Test public void testScenario02() { DBObject dbObject; String json; TestDetails testDetails; TestRunDetails testRunDetails; PropSetBean propSetBean; testDetails = new TestDetails(); testDetails.setName("T02"); testDetails.setRelease(RELEASE); testDetails.setSchema(SCHEMA); testDetails.setDescription("A test for scenario 02."); json = api.createTest(testDetails); // Set 'proc.pwd' at the test level propSetBean = new PropSetBean(); propSetBean.setVersion(0); propSetBean.setValue("pwd1"); json = api.setTestProperty("T02", "proc.pwd", propSetBean); // Copy the test testDetails.setName("T02_CP"); testDetails.setRelease(null); testDetails.setSchema(null); testDetails.setDescription(null); testDetails.setCopyOf("T02"); testDetails.setVersion(0); json = api.createTest(testDetails); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("T02_CP") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("A test for scenario 02.") >= 0); assertEquals("Expect exact match from createTest and getTest", json, api.getTest("T02_CP")); assertTrue(api.getTests(RELEASE, SCHEMA, 0, 2).contains("\"name\" : \"T02\"")); assertTrue(api.getTests(RELEASE, SCHEMA, 0, 2).contains("\"name\" : \"T02_CP\"")); json = api.getTestProperty("T02_CP", "proc.pwd"); assertFalse(json, json.indexOf("pwd1") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf(MASK) >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"description\" : \"The password for the user executing the process.\"") >= 0); dbObject = dao.getProperty("T02_CP", null, "proc.pwd"); assertEquals("NEVER-LEAVES-THE-SERVER", dbObject.get(FIELD_DEFAULT)); assertEquals("pwd1", dbObject.get(FIELD_VALUE)); // Create run 01 testRunDetails = new TestRunDetails(); testRunDetails.setName("01"); testRunDetails.setDescription("Scenario 02 - Run 01"); json = api.createTestRun("T02_CP", testRunDetails); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"description\" : \"Scenario 02 - Run 01\"") >= 0); assertFalse(json, json.indexOf("\"default\" : \"NEVER-LEAVES-THE-SERVER\"") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"default\" : \"admin\"") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"default\" : \"" + MASK) >= 0); // Copy-create run 02 testRunDetails.setDescription(null); testRunDetails.setName("02"); testRunDetails.setCopyOf("01"); testRunDetails.setVersion(0); json = api.createTestRun("T02_CP", testRunDetails); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"description\" : \"Scenario 02 - Run 01\"") >= 0); assertFalse(json, json.indexOf("\"default\" : \"NEVER-LEAVES-THE-SERVER\"") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"default\" : \"admin\"") >= 0); assertTrue(json, json.indexOf("\"default\" : \"" + MASK) >= 0); } /** * Schedule a test run */ @Test public void testScenario03() { String json; TestDetails testDetails; TestRunDetails testRunDetails; PropSetBean propSetBean; testDetails = new TestDetails(); testDetails.setName("T03"); testDetails.setRelease(RELEASE); testDetails.setSchema(SCHEMA); testDetails.setDescription("A test for scenario 03."); json = api.createTest(testDetails); // Set 'proc.pwd' at the test level propSetBean = new PropSetBean(); propSetBean.setVersion(0); propSetBean.setValue("pwd1"); json = api.setTestProperty("T03", "proc.pwd", propSetBean); // Create run 01 testRunDetails = new TestRunDetails(); testRunDetails.setName("01"); testRunDetails.setDescription("Scenario 03 - Run 01"); json = api.createTestRun("T03", testRunDetails); // Set 'processCount' for run '01' propSetBean = new PropSetBean(); propSetBean.setVersion(0); propSetBean.setValue("125"); json = api.setTestRunProperty("T03", "01", "processCount", propSetBean); // Schedule the run TestRunSchedule testRunSchedule = new TestRunSchedule(); testRunSchedule.setVersion(5); // Wrong version testRunSchedule.setScheduled(System.currentTimeMillis()); try { api.scheduleTestRun("T03", "01", testRunSchedule); fail("Version number not checked for test run scheduling."); } catch (WebApplicationException e) { // Expected } testRunSchedule.setVersion(0); // Correct json = api.scheduleTestRun("T03", "01", testRunSchedule); assertTrue("'scheduled' not set", json.contains("" + testRunSchedule.getScheduled())); // Get the test run by its state checkTestRunState("T03", "01", TestRunState.NOT_SCHEDULED, false); checkTestRunState("T03", "01", TestRunState.SCHEDULED, true); checkTestRunState("T03", "01", TestRunState.STARTED, false); } /** * Helper method to create a test run */ private String createTestRun(String test, String testDescription, String run, String runDescription) { TestDetails testDetails; TestRunDetails testRunDetails; testDetails = new TestDetails(); testDetails.setName(test); testDetails.setRelease(RELEASE); testDetails.setSchema(SCHEMA); testDetails.setDescription(testDescription); try { api.createTest(testDetails); } catch (WebApplicationException e) { if (e.getResponse().getStatus() == Status.CONFLICT.getStatusCode()) { // Test already exists } else { throw e; } } // Create run 01 testRunDetails = new TestRunDetails(); testRunDetails.setName(run); testRunDetails.setDescription(runDescription); return api.createTestRun(test, testRunDetails); } /** * Locking of properties and state change protection */ @Test public synchronized void testScenario04() { String json = createTestRun("T04", "A test for scenario 04.", "01", "Scenario 04 - Run 01"); // First check that we get the correct response for a missing test run try { api.getTestRunSummary("Fred", "01"); fail("Missing test must throw NOT FOUND."); } catch (WebApplicationException e) { assertEquals(Status.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode(), e.getResponse().getStatus()); } try { api.getTestRunSummary("T04", "Fred"); fail("Missing test run must throw NOT FOUND."); } catch (WebApplicationException e) { assertEquals(Status.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode(), e.getResponse().getStatus()); } // It should not have started json = api.getTestRunSummary("T04", "01"); assertTrue(json.contains("\"started\" : -1")); // Attempt to override the test run properties json = api.getTestRunProperty("T04", "01", "proc.pwd"); PropSetBean propSetBean = new PropSetBean(); propSetBean.setValue("NEW VALUE BEFORE START"); propSetBean.setVersion(0); api.setTestRunProperty("T04", "01", "proc.pwd", propSetBean); try { // Using an incorrect version api.setTestRunProperty("T04", "01", "proc.pwd", propSetBean); } catch (WebApplicationException e) { assertEquals(Status.CONFLICT.getStatusCode(), e.getResponse().getStatus()); } // Point to the correct MongoDB propSetBean.setValue(mongoHost); propSetBean.setVersion(0); api.setTestRunProperty("T04", "01", PROP_MONGO_TEST_HOST, propSetBean); // Monitor the test. We do this here so that we don't have to wait a // long time for the monitor to kick in. // The defaults here do not matter as the test definition was written in // the @Before phase test = ctx.getBean(; // Extract the test run wrapper DBObject testRunObj = null; try { testRunObj = dao.getTestRun("T04", "01", false); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e1) { fail("Should find 'T04.01'!"); } ObjectId testRunId = (ObjectId) testRunObj.get(FIELD_ID); TestRun testRun = test.getTestRun(testRunId); // The test run should not even be on the menu assertNull("Should not even be considering the test run", testRun); // Now schedule it TestRunSchedule schedule = new TestRunSchedule(); schedule.setScheduled(System.currentTimeMillis() + 20000L); // It // is // scheduled // for // 20s // from // now schedule.setVersion(0); json = api.scheduleTestRun("T04", "01", schedule); // Poke the test and check that the test run's new state brings it into // view test.forcePing(); testRun = test.getTestRun(testRunId); assertNotNull("The test should have found the test run as it is now scheduled.", testRun); assertNull("The test run has not hit scheduled time so it must have started its context.", testRun.getCtx()); // The test run should not have started as the scheduled time will not // have passed checkTestRunState("T04", "01", TestRunState.SCHEDULED, true); checkTestRunState("T04", "01", TestRunState.STARTED, false); // Now update the schedule to make it runnable immediately schedule.setScheduled(System.currentTimeMillis() - 20000L); // Overdue schedule.setVersion(1); json = api.scheduleTestRun("T04", "01", schedule); test.forcePing(); assertNotNull("Should be a test run context", testRun.getCtx()); checkTestRunState("T04", "01", TestRunState.SCHEDULED, false); checkTestRunState("T04", "01", TestRunState.STARTED, true); // Attempt to override the test run properties json = api.getTestRunProperty("T04", "01", "proc.pwd"); propSetBean = new PropSetBean(); propSetBean.setValue("NEW VALUE AFTER START"); propSetBean.setVersion(1); try { api.setTestRunProperty("T04", "01", "proc.pwd", propSetBean); fail("Should not be able to override properties of a running test."); } catch (WebApplicationException e) { assertEquals(Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode(), e.getResponse().getStatus()); } // Terminate checkTestRunState("T04", "01", TestRunState.STARTED, true); json = api.terminateTestRun("T04", "01"); checkTestRunState("T04", "01", TestRunState.STOPPED, true); String nowStr = "" + System.currentTimeMillis(); assertTrue(json.contains("\"stopped\" : " + nowStr.substring(0, 5))); // Must still not be able to edit any properties try { api.setTestRunProperty("T04", "01", "proc.pwd", propSetBean); fail("Should not be able to override properties of a terminated test."); } catch (WebApplicationException e) { assertEquals(Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode(), e.getResponse().getStatus()); } // The test run should have stopped test.forcePing(); assertNull("Should NOT be a test run context after termination", testRun.getCtx()); // Make sure that the test drops the test run from consideration test.forcePing(); assertNull("Test must drop a completed test run", test.getTestRun(testRunId)); try { test.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Test should not fail on stop!"); } } /** * Check that progress updates are made automatically and that the test run * automatically * stops and closes down. */ @Test public synchronized void testScenario05() throws Exception { createTestRun("T05", "A test for scenario 05.", "01", "Scenario 05 - Run 01"); // Monitor the test. We do this here so that we don't have to wait a // long time for the monitor to kick in. // The defaults here do not matter as the test definition was written in // the @Before phase test = ctx.getBean(; // Force an immediate ping update test.forcePing(); // Extract the test run wrapper DBObject testRunObj = null; try { testRunObj = dao.getTestRun("T05", "01", false); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e1) { fail("Should find 'T05.01'!"); } ObjectId testRunId = (ObjectId) testRunObj.get(FIELD_ID); TestRun testRun = test.getTestRun(testRunId); assertNull("The test run should not be instantiated until it has been scheduled.", testRun); // Now schedule it TestRunSchedule schedule = new TestRunSchedule(); schedule.setScheduled(System.currentTimeMillis()); schedule.setVersion(0); api.scheduleTestRun("T05", "01", schedule); // Point to the correct MongoDB PropSetBean propSetBean = new PropSetBean(); propSetBean.setValue(mongoHost); propSetBean.setVersion(0); api.setTestRunProperty("T05", "01", PROP_MONGO_TEST_HOST, propSetBean); // Force another ping, which will activate the test run test.forcePing(); testRun = test.getTestRun(testRunId); assertNotNull("The test run shouldbe instantiated once it has been scheduled.", testRun); // Loop a bit to allow the test run to complete boolean completed = false; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this.wait(1000L); // Need to keep checking progress test.forcePing(); String testRunStateJson = api.getTestRunSummary("T05", "01"); if (testRunStateJson.contains(TestRunState.COMPLETED.toString())) { completed = true; break; // This is what we were looking for } } checkTestRunState("T05", "01", TestRunState.COMPLETED, true); // Check that it's completed assertTrue("Test run did not progress to completion: " + api.getTestRunSummary("T05", "01"), completed); // Force another ping, which will deactivate the test run test.forcePing(); // Terminate try { api.terminateTestRun("T05", "01"); fail("Cannot terminate a test run that has completed."); } catch (WebApplicationException e) { assertEquals(Status.CONFLICT.getStatusCode(), e.getResponse().getStatus()); } // The test run should have completed assertNull("Should NOT be a test run context after completion", testRun.getCtx()); } /** * Point the test at a missing MongoDB */ @Test public synchronized void testScenario06() throws Exception { createTestRun("T06", "A test for scenario 06.", "01", "Scenario 06 - Run 01"); // Set an incorrect MongoDB host PropSetBean propSetBean = new PropSetBean(); propSetBean.setValue("localhostFAIL"); propSetBean.setVersion(0); api.setTestRunProperty("T06", "01", PROP_MONGO_TEST_HOST, propSetBean); // Direct monitor test = ctx.getBean(; // Now schedule it TestRunSchedule schedule = new TestRunSchedule(); schedule.setScheduled(System.currentTimeMillis()); schedule.setVersion(0); api.scheduleTestRun("T06", "01", schedule); // Poke the test and check that the test run's new state brings it into // view test.forcePing(); // The test run should not have started as the mongo host is invalid // from server 2.1 on the test would be STOPPED if incorrect server // connection - because otherwise it will restart over and over again. // depending on the test check speed the status would be scheduled or // stopped - but must never be started! checkTestRunState("T06", "01", TestRunState.STARTED, false); // Now check that the logs reflect the situation LogWatcher logWatcher = ctx.getBean(LogWatcher.class); boolean found = false; for (String logFilename : logWatcher.getLogFilenames()) { File logFile = new File(logFilename); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(logFile); try { String scanned = scanner.findWithinHorizon("localhostFAIL", 0); if (scanned != null) { found = true; break; } } finally { scanner.close(); } } assertTrue("Failed to find error message for MongoDB host.", found); test.stop(); } /** * Utility method to create and execute a test run */ private void executeTestRun(String testName, String testDescription, String runName, String runDescription) throws Exception { createTestRun(testName, testDescription, runName, runDescription); test = ctx.getBean(; test.forcePing(); // Now schedule it TestRunSchedule schedule = new TestRunSchedule(); schedule.setScheduled(System.currentTimeMillis()); schedule.setVersion(0); api.scheduleTestRun(testName, runName, schedule); // Point to the correct MongoDB String testHost = api.getTestRunProperty(testName, runName, PROP_MONGO_TEST_HOST); PropSetBean propSetBean = new PropSetBean(); propSetBean.setValue(mongoHost); propSetBean.setVersion(0); api.setTestRunProperty(testName, runName, PROP_MONGO_TEST_HOST, propSetBean); // Force another ping, which will activate the test run test.forcePing(); // Loop a bit to allow the test run to complete boolean completed = false; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this.wait(1000L); // Need to keep checking progress test.forcePing(); String testRunSummaryJson = api.getTestRunSummary(testName, runName); Map<String, Object> testRunSummaryMap = fromJson(testRunSummaryJson); if ( testRunSummaryMap.get(FIELD_STATE))) { completed = true; break; // This is what we were looking for } } checkTestRunState(testName, runName, TestRunState.COMPLETED, true); // Check that it's completed assertTrue("Test run did not progress to completion: " + api.getTestRunSummary(testName, runName), completed); // Force another ping, which will deactivate the test run test.forcePing(); } /** * Checks the test application APIs for retrieving test results. */ @Test public synchronized void testScenario07() throws Exception { /* * In-memory byte[] are used because we know the size of the documents * will be manageable. */ executeTestRun("T07", "A test for scenario 07.", "01", "Scenario 07 - Run 01"); // Get report for test run that does not exist try { ResultsRestAPI resultsAPI = api.getTestRunResultsAPI("T07MISSING", "01"); resultsAPI.getReportCSV();"Expected exception regarding missing test."); } catch (WebApplicationException e) { assertEquals(Status.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode(), e.getResponse().getStatus()); } ResultsRestAPI resultsAPI = api.getTestRunResultsAPI("T07", "01"); // Get the results CSV StreamingOutput csvOutput = resultsAPI.getReportCSV(); ByteArrayOutputStream csvBos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); csvBos.close(); csvOutput.write(csvBos); String csvResults = new String(csvBos.toByteArray()); // Check assertTrue(csvResults.contains("Data:,bm21-data.T07.01.results")); assertTrue(csvResults.contains("Started")); assertTrue(csvResults.contains("Finished")); assertTrue(csvResults.contains("Duration")); // Get the JSON results String chartJson = resultsAPI.getTimeSeriesResults(0L, "seconds", 1, 5, false); assertTrue(chartJson.startsWith("[ { \"time\" : ")); assertTrue(chartJson.contains("[ { \"time\" : ")); assertTrue(chartJson.contains("000 , \"name\" : \"start\" , \"mean\" : ")); assertTrue(chartJson.endsWith(" , \"fail\" : 0 , \"failPerSec\" : 0.0}]")); // Get the XLSX report StreamingOutput xlsxOutput = resultsAPI.getReportXLSX(); ByteArrayOutputStream xlsxBos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); xlsxOutput.write(xlsxBos); xlsxBos.close(); ByteArrayInputStream xlsxBis = new ByteArrayInputStream(xlsxBos.toByteArray()); XSSFWorkbook xlsxWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(xlsxBis); xlsxBis.close(); // Write it to a temp file just for fun File xlsxFile = File.createTempFile(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), ".xlsx"); FileOutputStream xlsxFos = new FileOutputStream(xlsxFile); xlsxWorkbook.write(xlsxFos); xlsxFos.close();"XLSX report found here: " + xlsxFile); // Check POIXMLProperties xlsxProperties = xlsxWorkbook.getProperties(); CoreProperties xlsxCoreProperties = xlsxProperties.getCoreProperties(); Assert.assertNotNull("No XLSX description: " + xlsxFile, xlsxCoreProperties.getDescription()); Assert.assertTrue("Title in XLSX must contain test run FQN: " + xlsxFile, xlsxCoreProperties.getTitle().contains("T07.01")); Assert.assertTrue("Description in XLSX must contain test name and description: " + xlsxFile, xlsxCoreProperties.getDescription().contains("A test for scenario 07.")); Assert.assertTrue("Description in XLSX must contain test name and description." + xlsxFile, xlsxCoreProperties.getDescription().contains("Scenario 07 - Run 01")); xlsxWorkbook.close(); } /** * Checks that test run deletion removes the associated collections */ @Test public synchronized void testScenario08() throws Exception { MongoClient testMongoClient = new MongoClientFactory(new MongoClientURI(MONGO_PREFIX + mongoHost), null, null).getObject(); DB testMongoDB = new MongoDBFactory(testMongoClient, MONGO_TEST_DATABASE).getObject(); Set<String> testRunCollections = removeSystemValues(testMongoDB.getCollectionNames()); Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of collections in results: " + testRunCollections, 0, testRunCollections.size()); executeTestRun("T08", "A test for scenario 08.", "01", "Scenario 08 - Run 01"); testRunCollections = removeSystemValues(testMongoDB.getCollectionNames()); Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of collections in results: " + testRunCollections, 5, testRunCollections.size()); Assert.assertTrue(testRunCollections.contains("")); Assert.assertTrue(testRunCollections.contains("T08.01.results")); Assert.assertTrue(testRunCollections.contains("T08.01.sessions")); // Delete the test run api.deleteTestRun("T08", "01", true); testRunCollections = removeSystemValues(testMongoDB.getCollectionNames()); Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of collections in results: " + testRunCollections, 2, testRunCollections.size()); } /** * Checks that test deletion removes the associated collections */ @Test public synchronized void testScenario09() throws Exception { MongoClient testMongoClient = new MongoClientFactory(new MongoClientURI(MONGO_PREFIX + mongoHost), null, null).getObject(); DB testMongoDB = new MongoDBFactory(testMongoClient, MONGO_TEST_DATABASE).getObject(); Set<String> testRunCollections = removeSystemValues(testMongoDB.getCollectionNames()); Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of collections in results: " + testRunCollections, 0, testRunCollections.size()); executeTestRun("T09", "A test for scenario 09.", "01", "Scenario 09 - Run 01"); executeTestRun("T09", "A test for scenario 09.", "02", "Scenario 09 - Run 02"); testRunCollections = removeSystemValues(testMongoDB.getCollectionNames()); Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of collections in results: " + testRunCollections, 8, testRunCollections.size()); Assert.assertTrue(testRunCollections.contains("")); Assert.assertTrue(testRunCollections.contains("T09.01.results")); Assert.assertTrue(testRunCollections.contains("T09.01.sessions")); Assert.assertTrue(testRunCollections.contains("")); Assert.assertTrue(testRunCollections.contains("T09.02.results")); Assert.assertTrue(testRunCollections.contains("T09.02.sessions")); // Delete the test run api.deleteTest("T09", true); testRunCollections = removeSystemValues(testMongoDB.getCollectionNames()); Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of collections in results: " + testRunCollections, 2, testRunCollections.size()); } @Test public synchronized void testScenario10() throws Exception { // Create the test executeTestRun("T10", "A test for scenario 10.", "01", "Scenario 10 - Run 01"); // Now get the registered drivers String json = api.getTestDrivers("T10", true); assertTrue("Driver not found for test: " + json, json.contains("\"expires\" : { \"$date\" : \"20")); } /** * Extra data creation and export of XSLX Workbook * * @throws Exception */ @Test public synchronized void testScenario11() throws Exception { // test definitions and extra data sheets String test = "T11"; String run = "01"; String driver = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String sheet1 = ""; String sheet2 = ""; String sheet3 = ""; String[] fieldNames = { "tf1", "tf2", "tf3", "tf4", "tf5" }; String[] descriptions = { "Test Field 1", "Test Field 2", "Test Field 3", "Test Field 4", "Test Field 5" }; String[] values = new String[5]; executeTestRun(test, "A test for scenario 11.", run, "Scenario 11 - Run 01"); // get the extra data report service DataReportService reportService = this.testRunServicesCache.getDataReportService(test, run); assertNotNull(reportService); // create a random value array for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { values[i] = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } // append some extra data and a description reportService.appendData(driver, test, run, sheet1, fieldNames, values); reportService.appendData(driver, test, run, sheet2, fieldNames, values); reportService.appendData(driver, test, run, sheet2, fieldNames, values); reportService.appendData(driver, test, run, sheet3, fieldNames, values); reportService.appendData(driver, test, run, sheet3, fieldNames, values); reportService.appendData(driver, test, run, sheet3, fieldNames, values); reportService.setDescription(driver, test, run, sheet3, fieldNames, descriptions); // create and download an XSLX ResultsRestAPI resultsAPI = api.getTestRunResultsAPI(test, run); StreamingOutput xlsxOutput = resultsAPI.getReportXLSX(); ByteArrayOutputStream xlsxBos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); xlsxOutput.write(xlsxBos); xlsxBos.close(); ByteArrayInputStream xlsxBis = new ByteArrayInputStream(xlsxBos.toByteArray()); XSSFWorkbook xlsxWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(xlsxBis); xlsxBis.close(); File xlsxFile = File.createTempFile(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), ".xlsx"); FileOutputStream xlsxFos = new FileOutputStream(xlsxFile); xlsxWorkbook.write(xlsxFos); xlsxFos.close(); // validate data in DB assertNull("Expected no description row for sheet 1, but found one?", reportService.getDescription(null, test, run, sheet1)); assertNull("Expected no description row for sheet 2, but found one?", reportService.getDescription(null, test, run, sheet2)); List<String> descList = reportService.getDescription(null, test, run, sheet3); assertNotNull("Expected a description row for sheet 3, but can't find any ...", descList); int count = 0; for (String desc : descList) { assertEquals( "Description of sheet 3 mismatch. Expected '" + descriptions[count] + "' found '" + desc + "'.", descriptions[count++], desc); } // validate number of sheets String[] sheetNames = reportService.getSheetNames(null, test, run); assertEquals("Expected 3 sheets of extra data, found: " + sheetNames.length, 3, sheetNames.length); // validate number of entries for each extra data int countTestEntries = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { DBCursor dbCursor = reportService.getData(null, test, run, sheetNames[j]); while (null != dbCursor && dbCursor.hasNext()) { List<String> valuesFromMongo = reportService.getNextValueRow(dbCursor); countTestEntries++; assertEquals("Expected 5 columns in extra data, found: " + valuesFromMongo.size(), 5, valuesFromMongo.size()); } } assertEquals("Expected 6 lines of extra data ... found: " + countTestEntries, 6, countTestEntries); // delete test api.deleteTest(test, true); // validate assertNull("Sheet names expected to be empty.", reportService.getSheetNames(null, test, run)); assertNull("Description of sheet 3 expected to be empty.", reportService.getDescription(null, test, run, sheet3)); // clean-up: delete XLSX file xlsxWorkbook.close(); xlsxFile.delete(); } }