Java tutorial
/** * ************************************************************************ * Copyright (C) 2010 Atlas of Living Australia All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * ************************************************************************* */ package org.ala.spatial.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.ala.layers.client.Client; import org.ala.layers.dao.LayerDAO; import org.ala.layers.dto.Field; import org.ala.layers.dto.Layer; import org.ala.layers.intersect.Grid; import org.ala.layers.intersect.SimpleRegion; import org.ala.spatial.analysis.index.LayerFilter; import org.ala.spatial.analysis.maxent.MaxentServiceImpl; import org.ala.spatial.analysis.maxent.MaxentSettings; import; import; /** * @author Adam */ public class AnalysisJobMaxent extends AnalysisJob { long[] stageTimes; String currentPath; String taxon; String area; String envlist; String txtTestPercentage; String chkJackknife; String chkResponseCurves; LayerFilter[] envelope; SimpleRegion region; int cells; int speciesCount; String resolution; String[] envnameslist; public AnalysisJobMaxent(String pid, String currentPath_, String taxon_, String envlist_, SimpleRegion region_, LayerFilter[] filter_, String txtTestPercentage_, String chkJackknife_, String chkResponseCurves_, String resolution_) { super(pid); currentPath = currentPath_; taxon = taxon_; region = region_; envelope = filter_; txtTestPercentage = txtTestPercentage_; chkJackknife = chkJackknife_; chkResponseCurves = chkResponseCurves_; envlist = envlist_; resolution = resolution_; envnameslist = envlist.split(":"); System.out.println("ENVLIST*** " + envlist); //TODO: remove rough estimate if (region != null) { cells = (int) Math.ceil(region.getWidth() / Double.parseDouble(resolution) * region.getHeight() / Double.parseDouble(resolution)); } else { cells = 1000000; //or something } //cells = GridCutter.countCells(region, envelope); // SamplingService ss = SamplingService.newForLSID(taxon); // double[] p = ss.sampleSpeciesPoints(taxon, region, null); // if (p != null) { // speciesCount = p.length / 2; // } //TODO: dynamic species count speciesCount = 10000; stageTimes = new long[4]; setStage(0); setProgress(0); } @Override public void run() { try { setCurrentState(RUNNING); setStage(0); // dump the species data to a file setProgress(0, "dumping species data"); // SamplingService ss = SamplingService.newForLSID(taxon); // // StringBuffer removedSpecies = new StringBuffer(); // double[] points = ss.sampleSpeciesPointsMinusSensitiveSpecies(taxon, region, null, removedSpecies); // // if (points == null) { // setProgress(1, "failed: No occurrence points found in selection region"); // setCurrentState(FAILED); // setMessage("No species selected.\nHint: Make sure your active area includes species occurrences"); // // return; // } // // StringBuffer sbSpecies = new StringBuffer(); // // get the header // sbSpecies.append("species, longitude, latitude"); // sbSpecies.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); // for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i += 2) { // sbSpecies.append("species, " + points[i] + ", " + points[i + 1]); // sbSpecies.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); // } setProgress(0, "preparing input files and run parameters"); //get species query data File speciesqueryfile = new File(currentPath + "output" + File.separator + "maxent" + File.separator + getName() + File.separator + "species_query.csv"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(speciesqueryfile)); String speciesq = br.readLine(); String bs = br.readLine(); br.close(); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(speciesqueryfile); OccurrenceData od = new OccurrenceData(); String[] s = od.getSpeciesData(speciesq, bs, null); if (s[0] == null) { //error, no species System.out.println("Has error, sending maxent error message"); setProgress(1, "failed: "); setCurrentState(FAILED); setMessage("No species selected.\nHint: Make sure your active area includes species occurrences"); } else { writeFile(s[0], currentPath + "output" + File.separator + "maxent" + File.separator + getName() + File.separator, "species_points.csv"); if (s[1] != null) { writeFile(s[1], currentPath + "output" + File.separator + "maxent" + File.separator + getName() + File.separator, "Prediction_removedSpecies.txt"); } String cutDataPath = GridCutter.cut2(envnameslist, resolution, region, envelope, null); System.out.println("CUTDATAPATH: " + region + " " + cutDataPath); MaxentSettings msets = new MaxentSettings(); msets.setMaxentPath(AlaspatialProperties.getAnalysisMaxentCmd()); msets.setRandomTestPercentage(Integer.parseInt(txtTestPercentage)); msets.setEnvPath(cutDataPath); //use (possibly) cut layers String ctxVarToggler = ""; for (int l = 0; l < envnameslist.length; l++) { if (Client.getLayerDao().getLayerByName(envnameslist[l]) != null && Client.getLayerDao() .getLayerByName(envnameslist[l]).getType().equals("contextual")) { ctxVarToggler += envnameslist[l] + " "; } else if (envnameslist[l].startsWith("aloc_")) { ctxVarToggler += envnameslist[l] + " "; } } msets.setEnvVarToggler(ctxVarToggler); msets.setEnvList(Arrays.asList(envnameslist.clone())); //msets.setSpeciesFilepath(setupSpecies(sbSpecies.toString(), currentPath + "output" + File.separator + "maxent" + File.separator + getName() + File.separator)); msets.setSpeciesFilepath(currentPath + "output" + File.separator + "maxent" + File.separator + getName() + File.separator + "species_points.csv"); msets.setOutputPath(currentPath + "output" + File.separator + "maxent" + File.separator + getName() + File.separator); if (chkJackknife != null) { msets.setDoJackknife(true); } if (chkResponseCurves != null) { msets.setDoResponsecurves(true); } MaxentServiceImpl maxent = new MaxentServiceImpl(); maxent.setMaxentSettings(msets); System.out.println("To run: " + msets.toString()); setStage(1); setProgress(0, "running Maxent"); int exitValue = maxent.process(this); System.out.println("Completed: " + exitValue); setProgress(1, "Maxent finished with exit value=" + exitValue); setStage(2); setProgress(0, "exporting results"); Hashtable htProcess = new Hashtable(); String[] imgExtensions = { ".png", "_only.png", "_only_thumb.png", "_thumb.png" }; if (isCancelled()) { // } else if (exitValue == 0) { // check if there is an error String maxentError = getMaxentError(new File(msets.getOutputPath() + "maxent.log"), 2); if (maxentError != null) { System.out.println("Has error, sending maxent error message"); setProgress(1, "failed: " + maxentError); setCurrentState(FAILED); if (maxentError.equals("Warning: Skipping species because it has 0 test samples")) { setMessage("Warning: Skipping species because it has 0 test samples." + (msets.getRandomTestPercentage() > 0 ? "\nHint: Try to set the test percetage to '0'" : "")); } else if (maxentError.equals("No species selected")) { setMessage( "No species selected.\nHint: Make sure your active area includes species occurrences"); } } else { // rename the env filenames to their display names String pth_plots = currentPath + "output" + File.separator + "maxent" + File.separator + getName() + File.separator + "plots" + File.separator; String pth = currentPath + "output" + File.separator + "maxent" + File.separator + getName() + File.separator; // for (int ei = 0; ei < envnameslist.length; ei++) { // readReplace(pth + "species.html", ".*?\\b"+envpathlist[ei]+"\\b.*?", Layers.layerNameToDisplayName(envnameslist[ei].replace(" ", "_")) + "("+envnameslist[ei]+")" ); // for (int j = 0; j < imgExtensions.length; j++) { // try { // FileUtils.moveFile( // new File(pth_plots + "species_" + envpathlist[ei] + imgExtensions[j]), // new File(pth_plots + "species_" + Layers.layerNameToDisplayName(envnameslist[ei].replace(" ", "_")) + "("+envnameslist[ei]+")" + imgExtensions[j])); // } catch (Exception ex) { // } // } // } // //remove species image path in output species.html // readReplaceBetween(pth + "species.html", "<HR><H2>Pictures of the model", "<HR>","<HR>"); // readReplace(pth + "species.html", "<a href = \"plots/\"> <img src=\"plots/\" width=600></a>", "see map window"); // readReplace(pth + "species.html", "plots\\\\", "plots/"); // // readReplace(pth + "species.html", "<a href = \"species_samplePredictions.csv\">The prediction strength at the training and (optionally) test presence sites</a><br>", ""); String input = getInputs(); // String sciname = input.substring(input.indexOf("scientificName:") + 15, input.indexOf(";", input.indexOf("scientificName:") + 15)); // String scirank = input.substring(input.indexOf("taxonRank:") + 10, input.indexOf(";", input.indexOf("taxonRank:") + 10)); readReplace(pth + "species.html", "Maxent model for species", "Maxent model for " + taxon); String paramlist = "Model reference number: " + getName() + "<br>Species: " + taxon //+ " (" + scirank + ")" + "<br>Layers: <ul>"; LayerDAO layerDao = Client.getLayerDao(); for (int ei = 0; ei < envnameslist.length; ei++) { System.out.println("LAYER NAME: " + envnameslist[ei]); Layer lyr = layerDao.getLayerByName(envnameslist[ei]); if (lyr != null) { paramlist += "<li>" + lyr.getDisplayname() + " (" + envnameslist[ei] + ")</li>"; } else { if (envnameslist[ei].startsWith("aloc_")) { paramlist += "<li>Classification (" + envnameslist[ei].split("_")[1] + ")</li>"; } else { paramlist += "<li>" + envnameslist[ei] + "</li>"; } } } paramlist += "</ul>"; readReplace(pth + "species.html", "end of this page.<br>", "end of this page.<br><p>" + paramlist + "</p>"); readReplace(pth + "species.html", msets.getOutputPath(), ""); readReplaceBetween(pth + "species.html", "Command line", "<br>", ""); readReplaceBetween(pth + "species.html", "Command line", "<br>", ""); // replace the summary readReplace(pth + "species.html", "This page contains some analysis of the Maxent model for", "This <a href=''>Maxent</a> v3.3.3e predictive model for"); readReplace(pth + "species.html", ", created", " was created"); readReplace(pth + "species.html", " using Maxent version 3.3.3e.", "."); readReplace(pth + "species.html", "If you would like to do further analyses, the raw data used here is linked to at the end of this page", "Links at the bottom of this page to the raw data may be used for further analysis"); if (chkResponseCurves != null) { StringBuffer sbTable = new StringBuffer(); String[] ctxlist = msets.getEnvVarToggler().split(" "); if (msets.getEnvVarToggler().length() > 0) { sbTable.append("<pre>"); for (String ctx : ctxlist) { if (ctx.startsWith("aloc_")) { continue; } sbTable.append("<span style='font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline'>" + ctx + " legend</span><br />"); //sbTable.append(IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(/*TabulationSettings.environmental_data_path + ctx + ".txt"*/""))); sbTable.append(IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream( GridCutter.getLayerPath(resolution, ctx) + ".txt"))); sbTable.append("<br /><br />"); } sbTable.append("</pre>"); readReplace(pth + "species.html", "<br><HR><H2>Analysis of variable contributions</H2><br>", sbTable.toString() + "<br><HR><H2>Analysis of variable contributions</H2><br>"); } } readReplaceBetween(pth + "species.html", "<br>Click <a href=species_explain.bat", "memory.<br>", ""); readReplaceBetween(pth + "species.html", "(A link to the Explain", "additive models.)", ""); StringBuffer removedSpecies = new StringBuffer(); try { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader( currentPath + "output" + File.separator + "maxent" + File.separator + getName() + File.separator + "Prediction_removedSpecies.txt")); String ss; while ((ss = br.readLine()) != null) { removedSpecies.append(ss); } br.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } if (removedSpecies.length() > 0) { String header = "'Sensitive species' have been masked out of the model. See:\r\n\r\nLSID,Species scientific name,Taxon rank"; writeToFile(header + removedSpecies.toString(), currentPath + "output" + File.separator + "maxent" + File.separator + getName() + File.separator + "Prediction_maskedOutSensitiveSpecies.csv"); String insertBefore = "<a href = \"species.asc\">The"; String insertText = "<b><a href = \"Prediction_maskedOutSensitiveSpecies.csv\">'Sensitive species' masked out of the model</a></br></b>"; readReplace(pth + "species.html", insertBefore, insertText + insertBefore); } // //delete image // FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(pth_plots + "species.png")); // FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(pth + "species_samplePredictions.csv")); // FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(pth + "maxent.log")); // FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(msets.getSpeciesFilepath())); writeProjectionFile(msets.getOutputPath()); // if generated successfully, then add it to geoserver String url = AlaspatialProperties.getGeoserverUrl() + "/rest/workspaces/ALA/coveragestores/maxent_" + getName() + "/file.arcgrid?coverageName=species_" + getName(); String extra = ""; String username = AlaspatialProperties.getGeoserverUsername(); String password = AlaspatialProperties.getGeoserverPassword(); // first zip up the file as it's going to be sent as binary //String ascZipFile = Zipper.zipFile(msets.getOutputPath() + "species.asc"); String[] infiles = { msets.getOutputPath() + "species.asc", msets.getOutputPath() + "species.prj" }; String ascZipFile = msets.getOutputPath() + ""; Zipper.zipFiles(infiles, ascZipFile); // Upload the file to GeoServer using REST calls System.out.println("Uploading file: " + ascZipFile + " to \n" + url); UploadSpatialResource.loadResource(url, extra, username, password, ascZipFile); //Enable browser caching, FIX for zoom to extent required. // String data = "<coverage><metadata><entry key=\"cacheAgeMax\">3600</entry><entry key=\"cachingEnabled\">true</entry><entry key=\"dirName\">maxent_" + getName() + "_species</entry></metadata></coverage>"; // url = (String) htGeoserver.get("geoserver_url") + "/rest/workspaces/ALA/coveragestores/maxent_" + getName() + "/coverages/maxent_" + getName() + ".xml"; // UploadSpatialResource.assignSld(url, extra, username, password, data); htProcess.put("status", "success"); /// htProcess.put("pid", getName()); htProcess.put("info", "/output/maxent/" + getName() + "/species.html"); //convert .asc to .grd/.gri convertAscToDiva(msets.getOutputPath() + "species.asc", msets.getOutputPath() + getName()); setStage(3); // generate the readme.txt file CitationService.generatePredictionReadme(msets.getOutputPath(), msets.getSpeciesFilepath() .substring(msets.getSpeciesFilepath().lastIndexOf("points"))); setProgress(1, "finished"); setCurrentState(SUCCESSFUL); //write out infor for adjusting input parameters System.out.println("MAXENT:" + cells + "," + envnameslist.length + " " + speciesCount + " " + (stageTimes[1] - stageTimes[0]) + " " + (stageTimes[2] - stageTimes[0]) + " " + (stageTimes[3] - stageTimes[2])); } } else { System.out.println("Failed 1"); setProgress(1, "failed"); setCurrentState(FAILED); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Failed with exception: " + e.getMessage()); setProgress(1, "failed: " + e.getMessage()); setCurrentState(FAILED); setMessage( "Error processing your Prediction request. Please try again or if problem persists, contact the Administrator.\n\nPlease quote the Prediction ID: " + getName()); } } @Override public long getEstimate() { if (getProgress() == 0) { return 0; } long progTime; synchronized (progress) { progTime = progressTime; } long timeRemaining = 0; long t1 = 0, t2 = 0, t3 = 0; if (stage <= 0) { //data load; 0 to 0.2 t1 += (cells * AlaspatialProperties.getAnalysisMaxentEstimateMult0()) * envnameslist.length; //default t1 = t1 + progTime - stageTimes[0]; } if (stage <= 1) { //running; 0.2 to 0.9 t2 += (cells * AlaspatialProperties.getAnalysisMaxentEstimateMult1()) * envnameslist.length; //default if (stage == 1) { t2 = t2 + progTime - stageTimes[1]; } } if (stage > 1) { //data export + done t3 += 5000 * AlaspatialProperties.getAnalysisMaxentEstimateMult2(); //default if (stage == 2) { t3 = t3 + progTime - stageTimes[2]; } } timeRemaining = t1 + t2 + t3; return timeRemaining; //smoothEstimate(timeRemaining); } @Override public void setProgress(double d) { if (stage == 0) { //data load; 0 to 0.2 progress = d / 5.0; } else if (stage == 1) { //running; 0.2 to 0.9 progress = 0.2 + 10 * d / 7.0; } else { //exporting/done progress = 0.9 + d / 10.0; } super.setProgress(progress); } @Override public double getProgress() { //return expected progress since cannot track internals long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long progTime; synchronized (progress) { progTime = progressTime; } long t1 = 0, t2 = 0, t3 = 0; double d1, d2, d3; //progress is [time passed] / [time expected] if (stage <= 0) { //data load; 0 to 0.2 t1 += (cells * AlaspatialProperties.getAnalysisMaxentEstimateMult0()) * envnameslist.length; //default d1 = (currentTime - stageTimes[0]) / (double) t1; if (d1 > 0.9) { d1 = 0.9; } d1 *= 0.2; //range limit } else { d1 = 0.2; } if (stage <= 1) { //running; 0.2 to 0.9 t2 += (cells * AlaspatialProperties.getAnalysisMaxentEstimateMult1()) * envnameslist.length; //default if (stage == 1) { d2 = (currentTime - stageTimes[1]) / (double) t2; } else { d2 = 0; } if (d2 > 0.9) { d2 = 0.9; } d2 *= 0.7; //range limit } else { d2 = 0.7; } if (stage > 1) { //data export + done t3 += 5000 * AlaspatialProperties.getAnalysisMaxentEstimateMult2(); //default if (stage == 2) { d3 = (currentTime - stageTimes[2]) / (double) t3; } else { d3 = 0; } if (d3 > 0.9) { d3 = 0.9; } d3 *= 0.1; //range limit } else { d3 = 0.1; } return d1 + d2 + d3; } @Override public String getStatus() { if (getProgress() < 1) { String msg; if (stage == 0) { //data load; 0 to 0.2 msg = "Data preparation, "; } else if (stage == 1) { //seeding; 0.2 to 0.9 msg = "Running, "; } else { //transforming data; 0.9 to 1.0 msg = "Exporting results, "; } return msg + "est remaining: " + getEstimateInMinutes() + " min"; } else { if (stage == -1) { return "not started, est: " + getEstimateInMinutes() + " min"; } else { return "finished, total run time=" + Math.round(getRunTime() / 1000) + "s"; } } } @Override public void setStage(int i) { super.setStage(i); if (i < 4) { stageTimes[i] = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } public void setCells(int i) { cells = i; } public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(getName()); sb.append("; Maxent"); sb.append("; state=").append(getCurrentState()); sb.append("; status=").append(getStatus()); sb.append("; grid cell count=").append(cells); sb.append("; number of layers=").append(envnameslist.length); return sb.toString(); } static public void readReplace(String fname, String oldPattern, String replPattern) { String line; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fname); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis)); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { line = line.replaceAll(oldPattern, replPattern); sb.append(line + "\n"); } reader.close(); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fname)); out.write(sb.toString()); out.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { System.err.println("*** exception ***"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } public void readReplaceBetween(String fname, String startOldText, String endOldText, String replText) { String line; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fname); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis)); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line + "\n"); } int start, end; start = sb.indexOf(startOldText); if (start >= 0) { end = sb.indexOf(endOldText, start + 1); sb.replace(start, end + endOldText.length(), replText); } reader.close(); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fname)); out.write(sb.toString()); out.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { System.err.println("*** exception ***"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } private String setupSpecies(String speciesList, String outputpath) { try { File fDir = new File(outputpath); fDir.mkdir(); //File spFile = File.createTempFile("points_", ".csv", fDir); File spFile = new File(fDir, "species_points.csv"); PrintWriter spWriter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(spFile))); //spWriter.write("spname, longitude, latitude \n"); spWriter.write(speciesList); spWriter.close(); return spFile.getAbsolutePath(); } catch (IOException ex) { //Logger.getLogger(MaxentServiceImpl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); System.out.println("error writing species file:"); ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } return null; } private void writeToFile(String text, String filename) { try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filename); fw.append(text); fw.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void writeProjectionFile(String outputpath) { try { File fDir = new File(outputpath); fDir.mkdir(); PrintWriter spWriter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputpath + "species.prj"))); StringBuffer sbProjection = new StringBuffer(); sbProjection.append("GEOGCS[\"WGS 84\", ").append("\n"); sbProjection.append(" DATUM[\"WGS_1984\", ").append("\n"); sbProjection.append(" SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563, ").append("\n"); sbProjection.append(" AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7030\"]], ").append("\n"); sbProjection.append(" AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6326\"]], ").append("\n"); sbProjection.append(" PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0, ").append("\n"); sbProjection.append(" AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]], ").append("\n"); sbProjection.append(" UNIT[\"degree\",0.01745329251994328, ").append("\n"); sbProjection.append(" AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9122\"]], ").append("\n"); sbProjection.append(" AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4326\"]] ").append("\n"); //spWriter.write("spname, longitude, latitude \n"); spWriter.write(sbProjection.toString()); spWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { //Logger.getLogger(MaxentServiceImpl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); System.out.println("error writing species file:"); ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } } public String getImage() { return "output/maxent/" + getName() + "/plots/species_hidden.png"; } AnalysisJob copy() { return new AnalysisJobMaxent(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), currentPath, taxon, envlist, region, envelope, txtTestPercentage, chkJackknife, chkResponseCurves, resolution); } private String getMaxentError(File file, int count) { try { RandomAccessFile rf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); // first check if maxent threw a 'No species selected' error String nosp = rf.readLine(); // first line: date/time nosp = rf.readLine(); // second line: maxent version nosp = rf.readLine(); // third line: "No species selected" if (nosp.equals("No species selected")) { return "No species selected"; } long flen = file.length() - 1; int nlcnt = -1; StringBuilder lines = new StringBuilder(); while (nlcnt != count) {; char c = (char); lines.append(c); if (c == '\n') { nlcnt++; } } String line = lines.reverse().toString(); if (line.contains("Warning: Skipping species because it has 0 test samples")) { return "Warning: Skipping species because it has 0 test samples"; } rf.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to read lines"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } // return false anyways return null; } private void convertAscToDiva(String asc, String grd) { try { //read asc BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(asc)); String s; //maxent output grid is: s = br.readLine(); int ncols = Integer.parseInt(s.replace("ncols", "").trim()); s = br.readLine(); int nrows = Integer.parseInt(s.replace("nrows", "").trim()); s = br.readLine(); double lng1 = Double.parseDouble(s.replace("xllcorner", "").trim()); s = br.readLine(); double lat1 = Double.parseDouble(s.replace("yllcorner", "").trim()); s = br.readLine(); double div = Double.parseDouble(s.replace("cellsize", "").trim()); s = br.readLine(); double nodata = Double.parseDouble(s.replace("NODATA_value", "").trim()); double[] data = new double[ncols * nrows]; for (int i = 0; i < ncols * nrows; i++) { data[i] = Double.NaN; } int r = 0; while ((s = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] row = s.split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < row.length && i < ncols; i++) { double v = Double.parseDouble(row[i]); if (v != nodata) { data[r * ncols + i] = v; } } r++; if (r == nrows) { break; } } br.close(); Grid g = new Grid(null); g.writeGrid(grd, data, lng1, lat1, lng1 + ncols * div, lat1 + nrows * div, div, div, nrows, ncols); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private String writeFile(String contents, String outputpath, String filename) { try { File fDir = new File(outputpath); fDir.mkdir(); File spFile = new File(fDir, filename); PrintWriter spWriter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(spFile))); spWriter.write(contents); spWriter.close(); return spFile.getAbsolutePath(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("error writing species file:"); ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } return null; } }