Java tutorial
/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009 Atlas of Living Australia * All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************/ package org.ala.harvester; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.ala.client.util.RestfulClient; import org.ala.dao.InfoSourceDAO; import org.ala.dao.SolrUtils; import org.ala.dao.StoreHelper; import org.ala.documentmapper.DocumentMapper; import org.ala.documentmapper.MappingUtils; import org.ala.hbase.RepoDataLoader; import org.ala.repository.ParsedDocument; import org.ala.repository.Predicates; import org.ala.repository.Repository; import org.ala.repository.Triple; import org.ala.util.Response; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionManagerParams; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonAnyGetter; import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonAnySetter; import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonCreator; import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonProperty; import; import; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * A Harvester class for Biocache */ @Component("biocacheHarvester") public class BiocacheHarvester implements Harvester { protected Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BiocacheHarvester.class); protected Repository repository; protected int timeGap = 0; @Inject protected InfoSourceDAO infoSourceDAO; @Inject protected StoreHelper storeHelper; @Inject protected SolrUtils solrUtils; protected Map<String, String> hashTable; protected ObjectMapper mapper; //create restful client with no connection timeout. protected RestfulClient restfulClient = new RestfulClient(0); protected HttpClient httpClient; public static final String DATA_RESOURCE_URL = ""; public static final String COLLECTORY_URL = ""; public static final String BIOCACHE_SEARCH_URL_TEMPLATE = "{0}&fq=multimedia:Image&facet=off&fl=taxon_name,raw_taxon_name,occurrence_id,image_url,id,row_key,data_resource_uid,occurrence_details,collector,photographer_s,rights,all_image_url&pageSize=100"; public static final String BIOCACHE_OCCURRENCE_URL = ""; public static final String BIOCACHE_MEDIA_URL = ""; public static final String COLLECTION_PUBLIC_PAGE_TEMPLATE = "{0}"; private int ctr = 0; private Date startDate = null; private Date endDate = null; private String biocacheSearchQuery; public BiocacheHarvester() { int timeout = 3000; //msec hashTable = new Hashtable<String, String>(); hashTable.put("accept", "application/json"); mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.getDeserializationConfig().set(DeserializationConfig.Feature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); HttpConnectionManagerParams params; MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager m_connectionmgr = new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager(); params = new HttpConnectionManagerParams(); params.setConnectionTimeout(timeout); params.setSoTimeout(timeout); params.setDefaultMaxConnectionsPerHost(100); params.setMaxTotalConnections(3000); m_connectionmgr.setParams(params); httpClient = new HttpClient(m_connectionmgr); // Default is to search all records. The query can be modified using the -query argument to the main method. biocacheSearchQuery = "*:*"; } private DynaBean getJsonDynaBean(String url) throws Exception { DynaBean dynaBean = null; String content = ""; Object[] resp = restfulClient.restGet(url, hashTable); if ((Integer) resp[0] == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { content = resp[1].toString(); if (content != null && content.length() > "[]".length()) { dynaBean = mapper.readValue(content, DynaBean.class); } } else { logger.warn("Unable to process url: " + url); } return dynaBean; } private byte[] getContent(String url) throws Exception { GetMethod gm = new GetMethod(url); httpClient.executeMethod(gm); Response r = new Response(); r.setResponseAsBytes(gm.getResponseBody()); Header hdr = gm.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"); if (hdr != null) { String contentType = hdr.getValue(); if (contentType.contains(";")) { contentType = contentType.substring(0, contentType.indexOf(";")); contentType = contentType.trim(); } r.setContentType(contentType); } return r.getResponseAsBytes(); } private void processJsonDynaBean(DynaBean dynaBean) throws Exception { List<String> imageUrls = null; String identifier = null; String mediaURL = "/data/biocache-media/"; if (dynaBean != null && dynaBean.getOther().get("occurrences") != null) { List occurrences = (List) dynaBean.getOther().get("occurrences"); for (int i = 0; i < occurrences.size(); i++) { try {"\n ------------------- \n*** record ctr: " + (ctr++) + "\n -------------------"); ParsedDocument imageDoc = new ParsedDocument(); List<Triple<String, String, String>> triples = imageDoc.getTriples(); Map<String, String> dcs = imageDoc.getDublinCore(); Map<String, Object> occurrence = (Map<String, Object>) occurrences.get(i); imageUrls = (List<String>) occurrence.get("images"); //load all the images for (String imageUrl : imageUrls) { if (imageUrl.length() > 4) { imageDoc.setContentType(new MimetypesFileTypeMap().getContentType(imageUrl)); } if (imageUrl != null && imageUrl.trim().startsWith(mediaURL)) { imageUrl = imageUrl.trim().replaceFirst(mediaURL, BIOCACHE_MEDIA_URL); String occurrenceID = (String) occurrence.get("occurrenceID"); //Fix so that if occurrenceId starts with http or https it is treated as the identifier for the image. This will allow the BIE images to retain the same identifiers thus rankings are preserved. if (occurrenceID != null && occurrenceID.trim().startsWith("http://") || occurrenceID.trim().startsWith("https://")) { identifier = occurrenceID.trim(); } else { identifier = imageUrl; } } else { identifier = imageUrl; }"imageUrl: " + imageUrl + ", occurrence: " + occurrence); imageDoc.setGuid(identifier); imageDoc.setContent(getContent(imageUrl)); dcs.put(Predicates.DC_TITLE.toString(), (String) occurrence.get("scientificName")); dcs.put(Predicates.DC_IDENTIFIER.toString(), identifier); String licence = (String) occurrence.get("rights"); if (licence != null) { dcs.put(Predicates.DC_LICENSE.toString(), licence); } String dataResourceUid = (String) occurrence.get("dataResourceUid"); String occurrenceDetails = (String) occurrence.get("occurrenceDetails"); if (occurrenceDetails != null) { dcs.put(Predicates.DC_IS_PART_OF.toString(), occurrenceDetails); } else { String collectionPageURL = MessageFormat.format(COLLECTION_PUBLIC_PAGE_TEMPLATE, dataResourceUid); dcs.put(Predicates.DC_IS_PART_OF.toString(), collectionPageURL); } String photographer = (String) occurrence.get("photographer"); String collector = (String) occurrence.get("collector"); if (photographer != null) { dcs.put(Predicates.DC_CREATOR.toString(), photographer); } else if (collector != null) { dcs.put(Predicates.DC_CREATOR.toString(), collector); } String subject = MappingUtils.getSubject(); String sname = (String) occurrence.get("scientificName"); if (sname == null) { sname = (String) occurrence.get("raw_scientificName"); } triples.add(new Triple<String, String, String>(subject, Predicates.SCIENTIFIC_NAME.toString(), sname)); triples.add(new Triple<String, String, String>(subject, Predicates.IMAGE_URL.toString(), imageUrl)); //bie image link back to biocache occurrence triples.add(new Triple<String, String, String>(subject, Predicates.OCCURRENCE_UID.toString(), (String) occurrence.get("uuid"))); triples.add(new Triple<String, String, String>(subject, Predicates.OCCURRENCE_ROW_KEY.toString(), (String) occurrence.get("rowKey"))); if (imageDoc != null && imageDoc.getGuid() != null) { debugParsedDoc(imageDoc); this.repository.storeDocument(dataResourceUid, imageDoc); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //do nothing...continue on next logger.error("processJsonDynaBean: " + ex); } } } } /** * data load process * * @throws Exception */ private void load() throws Exception { int ctr = 0; String dateRangeQuery = formatDateRangeQuery(); logger.debug("Date query: " + dateRangeQuery); DynaBean dynaBean = this.getJsonDynaBean(DATA_RESOURCE_URL + '&' + dateRangeQuery);"FIRST url: " + DATA_RESOURCE_URL + '&' + dateRangeQuery);"Filter url: " + MessageFormat.format(BIOCACHE_SEARCH_URL_TEMPLATE, biocacheSearchQuery)); //System.exit(0); if ("OK".equalsIgnoreCase(dynaBean.status)) { ctr = dynaBean.totalRecords; List<Map<String, String>> list = ((List<Map<String, String>>) ((Map) ((List) dynaBean .get("facetResults")).get(0)).get("fieldResult")); addMissingInfosources(list); for (int i = 0; i <= ctr / 100; i++) { try { String url = MessageFormat.format(BIOCACHE_SEARCH_URL_TEMPLATE, biocacheSearchQuery) + "&start=" + (i * 100); if (dateRangeQuery != null) { url = url + "&" + dateRangeQuery; }"*** loop url: " + url); dynaBean = this.getJsonDynaBean(url); processJsonDynaBean(dynaBean); } catch (Exception ex) { //log it and continue to next logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } } String formatDateRangeQuery() { if (this.endDate != null) { SimpleDateFormat sfd = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("fq=last_load_date:%5B"); sb.append(sfd.format(this.getStartDate())); sb.append("%20TO%20"); sb.append(sfd.format(this.getEndDate())); sb.append("%5D"); return sb.toString(); } else { return null; } } /** * Dynamically add the missing infosources so we don't miss harvesting images for new data resources. * * @param dataResourceFacet */ private void addMissingInfosources(List<Map<String, String>> dataResourceFacet) { Map<String, String> uidsToIds = infoSourceDAO.getUidInfosourceIdMap(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); for (Map<String, String> dataResource : dataResourceFacet) { String dr = RepoDataLoader.getDataResource(dataResource.get("fq")); if (!uidsToIds.containsKey(dr)) { logger.warn("Dynamically adding an infosource for " + dr); try { Object[] resp = restfulClient.restGet(COLLECTORY_URL + dr); Map map = mapper.readValue(resp[1].toString(), Map.class); Object url = map.get("websiteUrl"); if (url == null) url = map.get("alaPublicUrl"); infoSourceDAO.addInfosource(dr, map.get("name").toString(), url.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to add missing infosource " + dataResource, e); } } } } /** * @see */ @Override public void setConnectionParams(Map<String, String> connectionParams) { } @Override public void start(int infosourceId, int timeGap) throws Exception { this.timeGap = timeGap; start(infosourceId); } /** * @see */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void start(int infosourceId) throws Exception { start(infosourceId, false); } public void start(int infosourceId, boolean shutdown) throws Exception { Thread.sleep(timeGap); load(); if (shutdown) { storeHelper.shutdown(); solrUtils.shutdownSolr(); } } public void debugParsedDoc(ParsedDocument parsedDoc) { logger.debug("==============================================================================="); logger.debug("GUID: " + parsedDoc.getGuid()); logger.debug("Content-Type: " + parsedDoc.getContentType()); Map<String, String> dublinCore = parsedDoc.getDublinCore(); for (String key : dublinCore.keySet()) { logger.debug("DC: " + key + "\t" + dublinCore.get(key)); } List<Triple<String, String, String>> triples = parsedDoc.getTriples(); for (Triple<String, String, String> triple : triples) { logger.debug("RDF: " + triple.getSubject() + "\t" + triple.getPredicate() + "\t" + triple.getObject()); } logger.debug("==============================================================================="); } /** * @see */ public void setRepository(Repository repository) { this.repository = repository; } @Override public void setDocumentMapper(DocumentMapper documentMapper) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } // ==================<main>============ /** * Main method for testing this particular Harvester * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String[] locations = { "classpath*:spring.xml" }; ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(locations); BiocacheHarvester h = (BiocacheHarvester) context.getBean(BiocacheHarvester.class); Repository r = (Repository) context.getBean("repository"); h.setRepository(r); if (args.length == 1) { h.setEndDate(new Date()); if ("-lastYear".equals(args[0])) { h.setStartDate(DateUtils.addYears(h.getEndDate(), -1)); } else if ("-lastMonth".equals(args[0])) { h.setStartDate(DateUtils.addMonths(h.getEndDate(), -1)); } else if ("-lastWeek".equals(args[0])) { h.setStartDate(DateUtils.addWeeks(h.getEndDate(), -1)); } else if ("-lastDay".equals(args[0])) { h.setStartDate(DateUtils.addDays(h.getEndDate(), -1)); } else if ("-lastHour".equals(args[0])) { h.setStartDate(DateUtils.addHours(h.getEndDate(), -1)); } else { //attempt to parse the date down to an acceptable date try { Date startDate = DateUtils.parseDate(args[0], new String[] { "yyyy-MM-dd" }); h.setStartDate(startDate); } catch (java.text.ParseException e) { h.setStartDate(DateUtils.addDays(h.getEndDate(), -1)); } } } else if (args.length == 2 && "-query".equals(args[0])) { h.setQuery(args[1]); } h.start(-1, true); } public Date getStartDate() { return startDate; } public void setStartDate(Date startDate) { this.startDate = startDate; } public Date getEndDate() { return endDate; } public void setEndDate(Date endDate) { this.endDate = endDate; } public void setQuery(String query) { this.biocacheSearchQuery = query;"Query set to: " + query); } } //================================================ class DynaBean { // Two mandatory properties protected String status; protected String query; protected int startIndex; protected int totalRecords; // and then "other" stuff: protected Map<String, Object> other = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // Could alternatively add setters, but since these are mandatory @JsonCreator public DynaBean(@JsonProperty("status") String status, @JsonProperty("query") String query, @JsonProperty("startIndex") int startIndex, @JsonProperty("totalRecords") int totalRecords) { this.status = status; this.query = query; this.startIndex = startIndex; this.totalRecords = totalRecords; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public String getQuery() { return query; } public int getStartIndex() { return startIndex; } public int getTotalRecords() { return totalRecords; } public Object get(String name) { return other.get(name); } public Map<String, Object> getOther() { return other; } // "any getter" needed for serialization @JsonAnyGetter public Map<String, Object> any() { return other; } @JsonAnySetter public void set(String name, Object value) { other.put(name, value); } }