Java tutorial
/* * #%L * Triple2NL * %% * Copyright (C) 2015 Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW) * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ /** * */ package org.aksw.simba.bengal.triple2nl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.core.QueryExecutionFactory; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.http.QueryExecutionFactoryHttp; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.model.QueryExecutionFactoryModel; import org.aksw.simba.bengal.triple2nl.converter.DefaultIRIConverter; import org.aksw.simba.bengal.triple2nl.converter.IRIConverter; import org.aksw.simba.bengal.triple2nl.converter.LiteralConverter; import org.aksw.simba.bengal.triple2nl.gender.DictionaryBasedGenderDetector; import org.aksw.simba.bengal.triple2nl.gender.Gender; import org.aksw.simba.bengal.triple2nl.gender.GenderDetector; import org.aksw.simba.bengal.triple2nl.nlp.relation.BoaPatternSelector; import org.aksw.simba.bengal.triple2nl.nlp.stemming.PlingStemmer; import; import; import; import org.aksw.triple2nl.util.GenericType; import org.apache.commons.collections15.ListUtils; import org.apache.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype; import org.apache.jena.graph.Node; import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple; import org.apache.jena.graph.impl.LiteralLabel; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.OWL; import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF; import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDFS; import org.dllearner.kb.sparql.SparqlEndpoint; import org.dllearner.reasoning.SPARQLReasoner; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.OWL2Datatype; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import net.sf.extjwnl.dictionary.Dictionary; import simplenlg.features.Feature; import simplenlg.features.InternalFeature; import simplenlg.features.LexicalFeature; import simplenlg.framework.CoordinatedPhraseElement; import simplenlg.framework.DocumentElement; import simplenlg.framework.LexicalCategory; import simplenlg.framework.NLGElement; import simplenlg.framework.NLGFactory; import simplenlg.lexicon.Lexicon; import simplenlg.phrasespec.NPPhraseSpec; import simplenlg.phrasespec.SPhraseSpec; import simplenlg.realiser.english.Realiser; import; import; /** * Convert triple(s) into natural language. * * @author Lorenz Buehmann * */ public class TripleConverter { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TripleConverter.class); private static String DEFAULT_CACHE_BASE_DIR = System.getProperty(""); private static String DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR = DEFAULT_CACHE_BASE_DIR + "/triple2nl-cache"; private NLGFactory nlgFactory; private Realiser realiser; private IRIConverter uriConverter; private LiteralConverter literalConverter; private PropertyVerbalizer pp; private SPARQLReasoner reasoner; private boolean determinePluralForm = false; // show language as adjective for literals private boolean considerLiteralLanguage = true; // encapsulate string literals in quotes "" private boolean encapsulateStringLiterals = true; // for multiple types use 'as well as' to coordinate the last type private boolean useAsWellAsCoordination = true; private boolean returnAsSentence = true; private boolean useGenderInformation = true; private GenderDetector genderDetector; public TripleConverter() { this(new QueryExecutionFactoryModel(ModelFactory.createDefaultModel()), DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR, Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon()); } public TripleConverter(SparqlEndpoint endpoint) { this(endpoint, DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR); } public TripleConverter(QueryExecutionFactory qef, String cacheDirectory, Dictionary wordnetDirectory) { this(qef, null, null, cacheDirectory, wordnetDirectory, null); } public TripleConverter(SparqlEndpoint endpoint, String cacheDirectory) { this(endpoint, cacheDirectory, null); } public TripleConverter(SparqlEndpoint endpoint, String cacheDirectory, Dictionary wordnetDirectory) { this(new QueryExecutionFactoryHttp(endpoint.getURL().toString(), endpoint.getDefaultGraphURIs()), null, null, cacheDirectory, wordnetDirectory, Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon()); } public TripleConverter(SparqlEndpoint endpoint, String cacheDirectory, Dictionary wordnetDirectory, Lexicon lexicon) { this(new QueryExecutionFactoryHttp(endpoint.getURL().toString(), endpoint.getDefaultGraphURIs()), null, null, cacheDirectory, wordnetDirectory, lexicon); } public TripleConverter(QueryExecutionFactory qef, IRIConverter uriConverter, String cacheDirectory, Dictionary wordnetDirectory) { this(qef, null, uriConverter, cacheDirectory, wordnetDirectory, Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon()); } public TripleConverter(QueryExecutionFactory qef, String cacheDirectory, Lexicon lexicon) { this(qef, null, null, cacheDirectory, null, lexicon); } public TripleConverter(QueryExecutionFactory qef, PropertyVerbalizer propertyVerbalizer, IRIConverter uriConverter, String cacheDirectory, Dictionary wordnetDirectory, Lexicon lexicon) { if (uriConverter == null) { uriConverter = new DefaultIRIConverter(qef, cacheDirectory); } this.uriConverter = uriConverter; if (propertyVerbalizer == null) { propertyVerbalizer = new PropertyVerbalizer(uriConverter, wordnetDirectory); } pp = propertyVerbalizer; if (lexicon == null) { lexicon = Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon(); } nlgFactory = new NLGFactory(lexicon); realiser = new Realiser(lexicon); literalConverter = new LiteralConverter(uriConverter); literalConverter.setEncapsulateStringLiterals(encapsulateStringLiterals); reasoner = new SPARQLReasoner(qef); genderDetector = new DictionaryBasedGenderDetector(); } /** * Return a textual representation for the given triple. * * @param t * the triple to convert * @return the textual representation */ public String convert(Triple t) { return convert(t, false); } /** * Return a textual representation for the given triple. * * @param t * the triple to convert * @param negated * if phrase is negated * @return the textual representation */ public String convert(Triple t, boolean negated) { NLGElement phrase = convertToPhrase(t, negated); String text; if (returnAsSentence) { text = realiser.realiseSentence(phrase); } else { text = realiser.realise(phrase).getRealisation(); } return text; } /** * Return a textual representation for the given triples. Currently we * assume that all triples have the same subject! * * @param triples * the triples to convert * @return the textual representation */ public String convert(List<Triple> triples) { // combine with conjunction CoordinatedPhraseElement typesConjunction = nlgFactory.createCoordinatedPhrase(); // separate type triples from others List<Triple> typeTriples = -> t.predicateMatches(RDF.type.asNode())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); List<Triple> otherTriples = ListUtils.subtract(triples, typeTriples); // convert the type triples List<SPhraseSpec> typePhrases = convertToPhrases(typeTriples); // if there is more than one type, we combine them into a single clause if (typePhrases.size() > 1) { // combine all objects in a coordinated phrase CoordinatedPhraseElement combinedObject = nlgFactory.createCoordinatedPhrase(); // the last 2 phrases are combined via 'as well as' if (useAsWellAsCoordination) { SPhraseSpec phrase1 = typePhrases.remove(typePhrases.size() - 1); SPhraseSpec phrase2 = typePhrases.get(typePhrases.size() - 1); // combine all objects in a coordinated phrase CoordinatedPhraseElement combinedLastTwoObjects = nlgFactory .createCoordinatedPhrase(phrase1.getObject(), phrase2.getObject()); combinedLastTwoObjects.setConjunction("as well as"); combinedLastTwoObjects.setFeature(Feature.RAISE_SPECIFIER, false); combinedLastTwoObjects.setFeature(InternalFeature.SPECIFIER, "a"); phrase2.setObject(combinedLastTwoObjects); } Iterator<SPhraseSpec> iterator = typePhrases.iterator(); // pick first phrase as representative SPhraseSpec representative =; combinedObject.addCoordinate(representative.getObject()); while (iterator.hasNext()) { SPhraseSpec phrase =; NLGElement object = phrase.getObject(); combinedObject.addCoordinate(object); } combinedObject.setFeature(Feature.RAISE_SPECIFIER, true); // set the coordinated phrase as the object representative.setObject(combinedObject); // return a single phrase typePhrases = Lists.newArrayList(representative); } for (SPhraseSpec phrase : typePhrases) { typesConjunction.addCoordinate(phrase); } // convert the other triples CoordinatedPhraseElement othersConjunction = nlgFactory.createCoordinatedPhrase(); List<SPhraseSpec> otherPhrases = convertToPhrases(otherTriples); // we have to keep one triple with subject if we have no type triples if (typeTriples.isEmpty()) { othersConjunction.addCoordinate(otherPhrases.remove(0)); } // make subject pronominal, i.e. -> he/she/it -> asPronoun(p.getSubject())); for (SPhraseSpec phrase : otherPhrases) { othersConjunction.addCoordinate(phrase); } List<DocumentElement> sentences = new ArrayList(); if (!typeTriples.isEmpty()) { sentences.add(nlgFactory.createSentence(typesConjunction)); } if (!otherTriples.isEmpty()) { sentences.add(nlgFactory.createSentence(othersConjunction)); } DocumentElement paragraph = nlgFactory.createParagraph(sentences); String realisation = realiser.realise(paragraph).getRealisation().trim(); return realisation; } private void asPronoun(NLGElement el) { if (el.hasFeature(InternalFeature.SPECIFIER)) { NLGElement specifier = el.getFeatureAsElement(InternalFeature.SPECIFIER); if (specifier.hasFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE)) { specifier.setFeature(Feature.PRONOMINAL, true); } } else { el.setFeature(Feature.PRONOMINAL, true); } } /** * Convert a triple into a phrase object * * @param t * the triple * @return the phrase */ public SPhraseSpec convertToPhrase(Triple t) { return convertToPhrase(t, false); } /** * Convert a triple into a phrase object * * @param t * the triple * @return the phrase */ public SPhraseSpec convertToPhrase(Triple t, boolean negated) { return convertToPhrase(t, negated, false); } /** * Convert a triple into a phrase object * * @param t * the triple * @param negated * if phrase is negated * @param reverse * whether subject and object should be changed during * verbalization * @return the phrase */ public SPhraseSpec convertToPhrase(Triple t, boolean negated, boolean reverse) { logger.debug("Verbalizing triple " + t); SPhraseSpec p = nlgFactory.createClause(); Node subject = t.getSubject(); Node predicate = t.getPredicate(); Node object = t.getObject(); // process predicate // start with variables if (predicate.isVariable()) { // if subject is variable then use variable label, else generate // textual representation // first get the string representation for the subject NLGElement subjectElement = processSubject(subject); p.setSubject(subjectElement); // predicate is variable, thus simply use variable label p.setVerb("be related via " + predicate.toString() + " to"); // then process the object NLGElement objectElement = processObject(object, false); p.setObject(objectElement); } // more interesting case. Predicate is not a variable // then check for noun and verb. If the predicate is a noun or a // verb, then // use possessive or verbal form, else simply get the boa pattern else { // check if object is class boolean objectIsClass = predicate.matches(RDF.type.asNode()); // first get the string representation for the subject NLGElement subjectElement = processSubject(subject); // then process the object NPPhraseSpec objectElement = processObject(object, objectIsClass); // handle the predicate PropertyVerbalization propertyVerbalization = pp.verbalize(predicate.getURI()); String predicateAsString = propertyVerbalization.getVerbalizationText(); // if the object is a class we generate 'SUBJECT be a(n) OBJECT' if (objectIsClass) { p.setSubject(subjectElement); p.setVerb("be"); objectElement.setSpecifier("a"); p.setObject(objectElement); } else { // get the lexicalization type of the predicate PropertyVerbalizationType type; if (predicate.matches(RDFS.label.asNode())) { type = PropertyVerbalizationType.NOUN; } else { type = propertyVerbalization.getVerbalizationType(); } /*- * if the predicate is a noun we generate a possessive form, i.e. 'SUBJECT'S PREDICATE be OBJECT' */ if (type == PropertyVerbalizationType.NOUN) { // subject is a noun with possessive feature // NLGElement subjectWord = // nlgFactory.createInflectedWord(realiser.realise(subjectElement).getRealisation(), // LexicalCategory.NOUN); // subjectWord.setFeature(LexicalFeature.PROPER, true); // subjectElement = // nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(subjectWord); subjectElement.setFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE, true); // build the noun phrase for the predicate NPPhraseSpec predicateNounPhrase = nlgFactory .createNounPhrase(PlingStemmer.stem(predicateAsString)); // set the possessive subject as specifier predicateNounPhrase.setFeature(InternalFeature.SPECIFIER, subjectElement); // check if object is a string literal with a language tag if (considerLiteralLanguage) { if (object.isLiteral() && object.getLiteralLanguage() != null && !object.getLiteralLanguage().isEmpty()) { String languageTag = object.getLiteralLanguage(); String language = Locale.forLanguageTag(languageTag).getDisplayLanguage(Locale.ROOT); predicateNounPhrase.setPreModifier(language); } } p.setSubject(predicateNounPhrase); // we use 'be' as the new predicate p.setVerb("be"); // add object p.setObject(objectElement); // check if we have to use the plural form // simple heuristic: OBJECT is variable and predicate is of // type owl:FunctionalProperty or rdfs:range is xsd:boolean boolean isPlural = determinePluralForm && usePluralForm(t); predicateNounPhrase.setPlural(isPlural); p.setPlural(isPlural); // check if we reverse the triple representation if (reverse) { subjectElement.setFeature(Feature.POSSESSIVE, false); p.setSubject(subjectElement); p.setVerbPhrase(nlgFactory.createVerbPhrase("be " + predicateAsString + " of")); p.setObject(objectElement); } } // if the predicate is a verb else if (type == PropertyVerbalizationType.VERB) { p.setSubject(subjectElement); p.setVerb(pp.getInfinitiveForm(predicateAsString)); p.setObject(objectElement); p.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, propertyVerbalization.getTense()); } // in other cases, use the BOA pattern else { List<org.aksw.simba.bengal.triple2nl.nlp.relation.Pattern> l = BoaPatternSelector .getNaturalLanguageRepresentation(predicate.toString(), 1); if (l.size() > 0) { String boaPattern = l.get(0).naturalLanguageRepresentation; // range before domain if (boaPattern.startsWith("?R?")) { p.setSubject(subjectElement); p.setObject(objectElement); } else { p.setObject(subjectElement); p.setSubject(objectElement); } p.setVerb(BoaPatternSelector.getNaturalLanguageRepresentation(predicate.toString(), 1) .get(0).naturalLanguageRepresentationWithoutVariables); } // last resort, i.e., no BOA pattern found else { p.setSubject(subjectElement); p.setVerb("be related via \"" + predicateAsString + "\" to"); p.setObject(objectElement); } } } } // check if the meaning of the triple is it's negation, which holds for // boolean properties with FALSE as value if (!negated) { // check if object is boolean literal if (object.isLiteral() && object.getLiteralDatatype() != null && object.getLiteralDatatype().equals(XSDDatatype.XSDboolean)) { // omit the object p.setObject(null); negated = !(boolean) object.getLiteralValue(); } } // set negation if (negated) { p.setFeature(Feature.NEGATED, negated); } // set present time as tense // p.setFeature(Feature.TENSE, Tense.PRESENT); // System.out.println(realiser.realise(p)); return p; } /** * Converts a collection of triples into a list of phrases. * * @param triples * the triples * @return a list of phrases */ public List<SPhraseSpec> convertToPhrases(Collection<Triple> triples) { List<SPhraseSpec> phrases = new ArrayList<>(); for (Triple triple : triples) { phrases.add(convertToPhrase(triple)); } return phrases; } /** * Whether to encapsulate the value of string literals in "". * {@see LiteralConverter#setEncapsulateStringLiterals(boolean)} * * @param encapsulateStringLiterals * TRUE if string has to be wrapped in "", otherwise FALSE */ public void setEncapsulateStringLiterals(boolean encapsulateStringLiterals) { this.literalConverter.setEncapsulateStringLiterals(encapsulateStringLiterals); } /** * @param determinePluralForm * the determinePluralForm to set */ public void setDeterminePluralForm(boolean determinePluralForm) { this.determinePluralForm = determinePluralForm; } /** * @param considerLiteralLanguage * the considerLiteralLanguage to set */ public void setConsiderLiteralLanguage(boolean considerLiteralLanguage) { this.considerLiteralLanguage = considerLiteralLanguage; } private boolean usePluralForm(Triple triple) { return triple.getObject().isVariable() && !(reasoner.isFunctional(new OWLObjectPropertyImpl(IRI.create(triple.getPredicate().getURI()))) || reasoner.getRange(new OWLDataPropertyImpl(IRI.create(triple.getPredicate().getURI()))) .asOWLDatatype().getIRI().equals(OWL2Datatype.XSD_BOOLEAN.getIRI())); } /** * @param returnAsSentence * whether the style of the returned result is a proper English * sentence or just a phrase */ public void setReturnAsSentence(boolean returnAsSentence) { this.returnAsSentence = returnAsSentence; } /** * @param useGenderInformation * whether to use the gender information about a resource */ public void setUseGenderInformation(boolean useGenderInformation) { this.useGenderInformation = useGenderInformation; } public void setGenderDetector(GenderDetector genderDetector) { this.genderDetector = genderDetector; } /** * Process the node and return an NLG element that contains the textual * representation. The output depends on the node type, i.e. variable, URI * or literal. * * @param node * the node to process * @return the NLG element containing the textual representation of the node */ public NLGElement processNode(Node node) { NLGElement element; if (node.isVariable()) { element = processVarNode(node); } else if (node.isURI()) { element = processResourceNode(node); } else if (node.isLiteral()) { element = processLiteralNode(node); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not convert blank node."); } return element; } /** * Converts the node that is supposed to represent a class in the knowledge * base into an NL phrase. * * @param node * the node * @param plural * whether the plural form should be used * @return the NL phrase */ public NPPhraseSpec processClassNode(Node node, boolean plural) { NPPhraseSpec object; if (node.equals(OWL.Thing.asNode())) { object = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(GenericType.ENTITY.getNlr()); } else if (node.equals(RDFS.Literal.asNode())) { object = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(GenericType.VALUE.getNlr()); } else if (node.equals(RDF.Property.asNode())) { object = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(GenericType.RELATION.getNlr()); } else if (node.equals(RDF.type.asNode())) { object = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(GenericType.TYPE.getNlr()); } else { String label = uriConverter.convert(node.getURI()); if (label != null) { // get the singular form label = PlingStemmer.stem(label); // we assume that classes are always used in lower case format label = label.toLowerCase(); object = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(nlgFactory.createInflectedWord(label, LexicalCategory.NOUN)); } else { object = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(GenericType.ENTITY.getNlr()); } } // set plural form object.setPlural(plural); return object; } public NPPhraseSpec processVarNode(Node varNode) { return nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(nlgFactory.createWord(varNode.toString(), LexicalCategory.NOUN)); } public NPPhraseSpec processLiteralNode(Node node) { LiteralLabel lit = node.getLiteral(); // convert the literal String literalText = literalConverter.convert(lit); NPPhraseSpec np = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(nlgFactory.createWord(literalText, LexicalCategory.NOUN)); np.setPlural(literalConverter.isPlural(lit)); return np; } public NPPhraseSpec processResourceNode(Node node) { // get string from URI String s = uriConverter.convert(node.getURI()); // create word NLGElement word = nlgFactory.createWord(s, LexicalCategory.NOUN); // add gender information if enabled if (useGenderInformation) { Gender gender = genderDetector.getGender(s); if (gender == Gender.FEMALE) { word.setFeature(LexicalFeature.GENDER, simplenlg.features.Gender.FEMININE); } else if (gender == Gender.MALE) { word.setFeature(LexicalFeature.GENDER, simplenlg.features.Gender.MASCULINE); } } // should be a proper noun, thus, will not be pluralized by morphology word.setFeature(LexicalFeature.PROPER, true); // wrap in NP NPPhraseSpec np = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(word); return np; } private NLGElement processSubject(Node subject) { NLGElement element; if (subject.isVariable()) { element = processVarNode(subject); } else if (subject.isURI()) { element = processResourceNode(subject); } else if (subject.isLiteral()) { element = processLiteralNode(subject); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not convert " + subject); } return element; } private NPPhraseSpec processObject(Node object, boolean isClass) { NPPhraseSpec element; if (object.isVariable()) { element = processVarNode(object); } else if (object.isLiteral()) { element = processLiteralNode(object); } else if (object.isURI()) { if (isClass) { element = processClassNode(object, false); } else { element = processResourceNode(object); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not convert blank node " + object + "."); } return element; } /** * Takes a URI and returns a noun phrase for it * * @param uri * the URI to convert * @param plural * whether it is in plural form * @param isClass * if URI is supposed to be a class * @return the noun phrase */ public NPPhraseSpec getNPPhrase(String uri, boolean plural, boolean isClass) { NPPhraseSpec object; if (uri.equals(OWL.Thing.getURI())) { object = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(GenericType.ENTITY.getNlr()); } else if (uri.equals(RDFS.Literal.getURI())) { object = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(GenericType.VALUE.getNlr()); } else if (uri.equals(RDF.Property.getURI())) { object = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(GenericType.RELATION.getNlr()); } else if (uri.equals(RDF.type.getURI())) { object = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(GenericType.TYPE.getNlr()); } else { String label = uriConverter.convert(uri); if (label != null) { if (isClass) { // get the singular form label = PlingStemmer.stem(label); // we assume that classes are always used in lower case // format label = label.toLowerCase(); } object = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(nlgFactory.createInflectedWord(label, LexicalCategory.NOUN)); } else { object = nlgFactory.createNounPhrase(GenericType.ENTITY.getNlr()); } } object.setPlural(plural); return object; } }