Java tutorial
/************************************************************************************************** * This file is part of [SpringAtom] Copyright [][2013] * * * * [SpringAtom] is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * [SpringAtom] is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with [SpringAtom]. If not, see <>. * **************************************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.hibernate.annotations.Formula; import org.hibernate.annotations.OnDelete; import org.hibernate.annotations.OnDeleteAction; import org.hibernate.annotations.Type; import org.joda.time.*; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils; import javax.persistence.*; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import javax.validation.constraints.Size; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; @Table @Entity public class NAppointment extends NAssignedActivity implements Iterable<NAppointmentTask>, Appointment<NUser, NCar> { private static final String DATE_TIME_TYPE = "org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime"; private static final long serialVersionUID = -3158182089097228777L; @Type(type = DATE_TIME_TYPE) @Column(name = "begin", nullable = false) @NotNull(message = MSG.BEGIN_NULL_MSG) private DateTime begin = null; @Type(type = DATE_TIME_TYPE) @Column(name = "end", nullable = false) @NotNull(message = MSG.END_NULL_MSG) private DateTime end = null; @Size(min = 1, message = MSG.NO_TASK_MSG) @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "appointment", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @OnDelete(action = OnDeleteAction.CASCADE) private List<NAppointmentTask> tasks = null; @NotNull(message = MSG.CAR_NULL_MSG) @ManyToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name = "car") private NCar car = null; @Formula(value = "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(begin)") private Long beginTs = null; @Formula(value = "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end)") private Long endTs = null; @Column(nullable = true) private boolean allDay = false; @Column(nullable = true) private boolean closed = false; @Override public boolean isClosed() { return this.closed; } public NAppointment setClosed(final boolean closed) { this.closed = closed; return this; } @Override public boolean isAllDay() { return this.allDay; } public NAppointment setAllDay(final boolean allDay) { this.allDay = allDay; return this; } @Override public Collection<AppointmentTask> getTasks() { this.requireTaskList(); final Set<AppointmentTask> set = Sets.newHashSet(); set.addAll(this.tasks); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(set); } public NAppointment setTasks(final Collection<NAppointmentTask> tasks) { Assert.notNull(tasks); return this.addTask(tasks); } public NAppointment addTask(final Collection<NAppointmentTask> tasks) { this.requireTaskList(); for (final NAppointmentTask task : tasks) { if (!this.tasks.contains(task)) { this.tasks.add(task.setAppointment(this)); } } return this; } @Override public DateTime getBegin() { this.requireBeginDate(); return this.begin.toDateTime(); } public NAppointment setBegin(final DateTime begin) { this.begin = begin; return this; } @Override public DateTime getEnd() { this.requireEndDate(); return this.end.toDateTime(); } public NAppointment setEnd(final DateTime end) { this.end = end; return this; } @Override public Interval getInterval() { return new Interval(this.begin, this.end); } public NAppointment setInterval(final ReadableInterval duration) { this.setBegin(duration.getStart()); this.setEnd(duration.getEnd()); return this; } @Override public NCar getCar() { if ( == null) { = new NCar(); } return; } public NAppointment setCar(final NCar car) { = car; return this; } private void requireTaskList() { if (this.tasks == null) { this.tasks = Lists.newLinkedList(); } } public NAppointment removeTask(final NAppointmentTask... tasks) { if (this.tasks == null) { return this; } this.tasks.removeAll(Lists.newArrayList(tasks)); return this; } public NAppointment assignTasks() { if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(this.tasks)) { for (final NAppointmentTask task : this.tasks) { task.setAppointment(this); } } return this; } public long getBeginTs() { if (this.beginTs != null) { return this.beginTs; } return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(this.begin.getMillis()); } public long getEndTs() { if (this.endTs != null) { return this.endTs; } return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(this.end.getMillis()); } public boolean postpone(final ReadableDuration duration, final boolean toFuture) { if (this.begin != null && this.end != null) { final int scalar = toFuture ? 1 : -1; this.begin = this.begin.withDurationAdded(duration, scalar); this.end = this.end.withDurationAdded(duration, scalar); return true; } return false; } public LocalTime getBeginTime() { this.requireBeginDate(); return this.begin.toLocalTime(); } public NAppointment setBeginTime(final LocalTime localTime) { this.requireBeginDate(); final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = this.begin.toMutableDateTime(); mutableDateTime.setTime(localTime.toDateTimeToday()); this.begin = mutableDateTime.toDateTime(); return this; } private void requireBeginDate() { if (this.begin == null) { this.begin =; } } public LocalTime getEndTime() { this.requireEndDate(); return this.end.toLocalTime(); } public NAppointment setEndTime(final LocalTime localTime) { this.requireEndDate(); final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = this.end.toMutableDateTime(); mutableDateTime.setTime(localTime.toDateTimeToday()); this.end = mutableDateTime.toDateTime(); return this; } private void requireEndDate() { if (this.end == null) { this.end =; } } public LocalDate getBeginDate() { return this.getBegin().toLocalDate(); } public NAppointment setBeginDate(final LocalDate localDate) { this.requireBeginDate(); final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = this.begin.toMutableDateTime(); mutableDateTime.setDate(localDate.getYear(), localDate.getMonthOfYear(), localDate.getDayOfMonth()); this.begin = mutableDateTime.toDateTime(); return this; } public LocalDate getEndDate() { return this.getEnd().toLocalDate(); } public NAppointment setEndDate(final LocalDate localDate) { this.requireEndDate(); final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = this.end.toMutableDateTime(); mutableDateTime.setDate(localDate.getYear(), localDate.getMonthOfYear(), localDate.getDayOfMonth()); this.end = mutableDateTime.toDateTime(); return this; } @Override public Iterator<NAppointmentTask> iterator() { return this.tasks.iterator(); } private static class MSG { static final String BEGIN_NULL_MSG = "Begin dateTime for event must not be null"; static final String END_NULL_MSG = "End dateTime for event must not be null"; static final String CAR_NULL_MSG = "Car for event must not be null"; static final String NO_TASK_MSG = "SAppointment must contain at least one task [SAppointmentTask]"; } }