Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2015 Andoni del Olmo * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package org.ado.minesync.service; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.util.Log; import; import org.ado.minesync.ActivityTracker; import org.ado.minesync.commons.ALog; import org.ado.minesync.config.AppConfiguration; import org.ado.minesync.db.SyncTypeEnum; import org.ado.minesync.exception.DropboxAccountException; import org.ado.minesync.exception.MineSyncException; import org.ado.minesync.gui.ExceptionNotifier; import org.ado.minesync.gui.notification.ConfigurationNotification; import org.ado.minesync.gui.notification.MineSyncNotification; import org.ado.minesync.minecraft.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; /** * Service to upload/download all worlds. * * @author andoni * @since 1.0.0 */ public class UploadDownloadService extends IntentService { public static final String BROADCAST_ACTION = "org.ado.minesync"; public static final String BROADCAST_PROGRESS = "progress"; public static final String OPERATION_TYPE = "Operation_Type_Enum"; public static final String OPERATION_TITLE = "Operation_Title"; public static final String OPERATION_WORLD_NAME = "operation_world_name"; public static final String OPERATION_WORLD_SYNC_TYPE = "pperation_world_sync_type"; private static final String TAG = UploadDownloadService.class.getName(); private final IBinder binder = new UploadDownloadBinder(); private final Handler handler = new Handler(); Intent intent; private MinecraftWorldManager minecraftWorldManager; private MinecraftData minecraftData; private ActivityTracker activityTracker; private ConfigurationNotification configurationNotification; private MineSyncNotification mineSyncNotification; private int progress; private Runnable sendUpdatesToUI = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (progress < 100) { displayLoggingInfo(); handler.postDelayed(this, 1000); } else { try { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } } }; private String operationTitle; public UploadDownloadService() { this(UploadDownloadService.class.getName()); } public UploadDownloadService(String name) { super(name); } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return binder; } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); ALog.d(TAG, "onCreate."); minecraftWorldManager = new MinecraftWorldManager( AppConfiguration.getDropboxAccountManager(getApplicationContext()), getApplicationContext()); minecraftData = new MinecraftData(); activityTracker = new ActivityTracker(getApplicationContext()); configurationNotification = new ConfigurationNotification(getApplicationContext()); mineSyncNotification = new MineSyncNotification(this); intent = new Intent(BROADCAST_ACTION); } @Override protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) { ALog.d(TAG, "onHandleIntent. intent[" + intent + "]."); removeCallbacks(); handler.postDelayed(sendUpdatesToUI, 5000); operationTitle = intent.getStringExtra(OPERATION_TITLE); try { startProcess((OperationTypeEnum) intent.getSerializableExtra(OPERATION_TYPE), intent.getStringExtra(OPERATION_WORLD_NAME), (SyncTypeEnum) intent.getSerializableExtra(OPERATION_WORLD_SYNC_TYPE)); } catch (MineSyncException e) { ExceptionNotifier.notifyException(getApplicationContext(), e); } catch (DropboxAccountException e) { ExceptionNotifier.notifyException(getApplicationContext(), e); } } private void displayLoggingInfo() { ALog.v(TAG, "entered DisplayLoggingInfo"); intent.putExtra(BROADCAST_PROGRESS, progress); intent.putExtra(OPERATION_TITLE, operationTitle); sendBroadcast(intent); } @Override public void onDestroy() { ALog.d(TAG, "onDestroy."); super.onDestroy(); } private void removeCallbacks() { handler.removeCallbacks(sendUpdatesToUI); } private void startProcess(OperationTypeEnum operationType, String worldName, SyncTypeEnum syncType) throws MineSyncException, DropboxAccountException { switch (operationType) { case DOWNLOAD: mineSyncNotification.buildNotification(false, false); mineSyncNotification.updateSyncState(MineSyncService.SyncStateEnum.UPLOADING_DONWLOADING); minecraftWorldManager.downloadWorld(worldName, syncType, getMinecraftWorldListener(worldName)); break; case DOWNLOAD_ALL:; minecraftWorldManager.downloadAll(getMinecraftWorldAllListener(operationType)); break; case UPLOAD: mineSyncNotification.buildNotification(false, false); mineSyncNotification.updateSyncState(MineSyncService.SyncStateEnum.UPLOADING_DONWLOADING); minecraftWorldManager.uploadWorld(worldName, syncType, getMinecraftWorldListener(worldName)); break; case UPLOAD_ALL:; minecraftWorldManager.uploadAll(getMinecraftWorldAllListener(operationType)); break; } } private MinecraftWorldListener getMinecraftWorldListener(final String worldName) { return new AbstractMinecraftWorldListener() { @Override public void operationFinished(MinecraftWorldActionEnum minecraftWorldAction, File file) { if (MinecraftWorldActionEnum.NETWORK == minecraftWorldAction && StringUtils.equals(MinecraftUtils.getWorldName(file), worldName)) { ALog.i(TAG, "File \"%s\" successfully transferred.", file.getName()); mineSyncNotification.updateSyncState(MineSyncService.SyncStateEnum.SYNC_ACTIVE); } } }; } private MinecraftWorldListener getMinecraftWorldAllListener(final OperationTypeEnum operationType) { return new MinecraftWorldListener() { int item = 0; @Override public void operationFinished(MinecraftWorldActionEnum minecraftWorldAction, File file) { if (MinecraftWorldActionEnum.NETWORK.equals(minecraftWorldAction) && OperationTypeEnum.DOWNLOAD_ALL.equals(operationType)) { ALog.d(TAG, "file downloaded [%s]", file.getName()); int total = 0; try { total = getDropboxNumberOfFiles(); } catch (DropboxAccountException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } item++; publishProgress((int) getPercentage(total)); } else if (OperationTypeEnum.UPLOAD_ALL.equals(operationType)) { int total = minecraftData.getWorlds().size() * 2; item++; publishProgress((int) getPercentage(total)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unexpected state. operationType \"" + operationType + "\" minecraftWorldAction \"" + minecraftWorldAction + "\" file \"" + file.getName() + "\"."); } } private float getPercentage(int total) { float percentage = (float) ((item * 100) / total); ALog.d(TAG, "progress: %s", percentage); return percentage; } @Override public void operationFinished() { ALog.d(TAG, "operationFinished"); progress = 100; displayLoggingInfo(); activityTracker.setConfigurationProcess(true); activityTracker.setNeedToShowConfigurationProcessFinishedDialog(true); configurationNotification.setFinished(); } }; } private void publishProgress(int percentage) { ALog.d(TAG, "publishProgress [" + percentage + "]"); this.progress = percentage; configurationNotification.setProgress(percentage); } private int getDropboxNumberOfFiles() throws DropboxAccountException { try { return minecraftWorldManager.getDropboxNumberOfFiles(); } catch (DbxException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Cannot access Dropbox", e); return 0; } } public class UploadDownloadBinder extends Binder { public UploadDownloadService getService() { return UploadDownloadService.this; } } }