Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* ** ** Advanced Distributed Learning Co-Laboratory (ADL Co-Lab) Hub grants you ** ("Licensee") a non-exclusive, royalty free, license to use, modify and ** redistribute this software in source and binary code form, provided that ** i) this copyright notice and license appear on all copies of the software; ** and ii) Licensee does not utilize the software in a manner which is ** disparaging to ADL Co-Lab Hub. ** ** This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL ** EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ** ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ** OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. ADL Co-Lab Hub AND ITS LICENSORS ** SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF ** USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO ** EVENT WILL ADL Co-Lab Hub OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, ** PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, ** INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE ** SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADL Co-Lab Hub HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH ** DAMAGES. ** *******************************************************************************/ package org.adl.sequencer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import org.adl.util.debug.DebugIndicator; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * <strong>Filename:</strong><br><br> * * <strong>Description:</strong><br><br> * This class contains several static utiliy methods utilized by the * sequencing subsystem.<br><br> * * <strong>Design Issues:</strong><br> * This implementation is intended to be used by the SCORM 2004 3rd * Edition Sample RTE.<br> * <br> * * <strong>References:</strong><br> * <ul> * <li>IMS SS Specification</li> * <li>SCORM 2004 3rd Edition</li> * </ul> * * @author ADL Technical Team */ public class ADLSeqUtilities { /** * This controls display of log messages to the java console */ private static boolean _Debug = DebugIndicator.ON; /** * Initializes one activity (<code>SeqActivity</code>) that will be added to * an activity tree. * * @param iNode A node from the DOM tree of an element containing * sequencing information. * * @param iColl The collection of reusable sequencing information. * * @return An initialized activity (<code>SeqActivity</code>), or <code> * null</code> if there was an error initializing the activity. */ private static SeqActivity buildActivityNode(Node iNode, Node iColl) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "buildActivityNode"); } SeqActivity act = new SeqActivity(); boolean error = false; String tempVal = null; // Set the activity's ID -- this is a required attribute act.setID(ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(iNode, "identifier")); // Get the activity's resource ID -- if it exsits tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(iNode, "identifierref"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { act.setResourceID(tempVal); } } // Check if the activity is visible tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(iNode, "isvisible"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { act.setIsVisible((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } // Get the children elements of this activity NodeList children = iNode.getChildNodes(); // Initalize this activity from the information in the DOM for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node curNode = children.item(i); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (curNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("item")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found an <item> element"); } // Initialize the nested activity SeqActivity nestedAct = ADLSeqUtilities.buildActivityNode(curNode, iColl); // Make sure this activity was created successfully if (nestedAct != null) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Adding child"); } act.addChild(nestedAct); } else { error = true; } } else if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("title")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found the <title> element"); } act.setTitle(ADLSeqUtilities.getElementText(curNode, null)); } else if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("sequencing")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found the <sequencing> element"); } Node seqInfo = curNode; // Check to see if the sequencing information is referenced in // the <sequencingCollection> tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "IDRef"); if (tempVal != null) { // Combine local and global sequencing information // Get the referenced Global sequencing information String search = "imsss:sequencing[@ID='" + tempVal + "']"; if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Looking for XPATH --> " + search); } // Use the referenced set of sequencing information Node seqGlobal = null; XPathFactory pathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath path = pathFactory.newXPath(); try { seqGlobal = (Node) path.evaluate(search, iColl, XPathConstants.NODE); //XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(iColl, search); } catch (Exception e) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR : In transform"); e.printStackTrace(); } } if (seqGlobal != null) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> FOUND"); } } else { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: Not Found"); } seqInfo = null; error = true; } if (!error) { // Clone the global node seqInfo = seqGlobal.cloneNode(true); // Loop through the local sequencing element NodeList seqChildren = curNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < seqChildren.getLength(); j++) { Node curChild = seqChildren.item(j); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (curChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Local definition"); System.out.println(" ::--> " + j); System.out.println(" ::--> <" + curChild.getLocalName() + ">"); } // Add this to the global sequencing info try { seqInfo.appendChild(curChild); } catch (org.w3c.dom.DOMException e) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: "); e.printStackTrace(); } error = true; seqInfo = null; } } } } } // If we have an node to look at, extract its sequencing info if (seqInfo != null) { // Record this activity's sequencing XML fragment // XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(); // -+- TODO -+- // serializer.setNewLine("CR-LF"); // act.setXMLFragment(serializer.writeToString(seqInfo)); // Extract the sequencing information for this activity error = !ADLSeqUtilities.extractSeqInfo(seqInfo, act); if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Extracted Sequencing Info"); } } } } } // Make sure this activity either has an associated resource or children if (act.getResourceID() == null && !act.hasChildren(true)) { // This is not a vaild activity -- ignore it error = true; } // If the activity failed to initialize, clear the variable if (error) { act = null; } if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> error == " + error); System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "buildActivityNode"); } return act; } /** * Initializes an activity tree (<code>SeqActivityTree</code>) from the * contents of a content package.<br><br> * * Currently, only this method exists. It accepts an <organization> * XML node -- the default <organization> element from the parsed CP * DOM. * * This method constructs a completly initialized activity tree. This * implementation is not optimized and is known to have scalablity issues. * <br><br> * * NOTE: The constuction of an activity tree is not coupled to the * implementation of the sequencer; the sequencer only requires that an * activity tree exists. * * @param iOrg The <code>Node</code> object corresponding to the * default <code><organization></code> element of the CP. * * @param iColl The <code>Node</code> object corresponding to the set of * reusable sequencing definitions. *- * @return An initialized activity tree (<code>SeqActivityTree</code>), or * <code>null</code> if initialization fails. */ public static SeqActivityTree buildActivityTree(Node iOrg, Node iColl) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "buildActivityTree"); } SeqActivityTree tree = new SeqActivityTree(); // Build and set the root of the activity tree SeqActivity root = ADLSeqUtilities.buildActivityNode(iOrg, iColl); // Make sure the root was created successfully if (root != null) { tree.setRoot(root); tree.setDepths(); tree.setTreeCount(); } else { // If any activity failed to initialize, the activity tree is invalid tree = null; } if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "buildActivityTree"); } return tree; } /** * This method resets the global objective information for a set of * referenced global objectives. * * @param iLearnerID The identifier of the student being tracked. * * @param iScopeID The identifier of the objective's scope. * * @param iObjList A list of global objective IDs. */ public static void clearGlobalObjs(String iLearnerID, String iScopeID, List<String> iObjList) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "clearGlobalObjs"); } System.out.println("NOT IMPLEMENTED: ADLSeqUtilities:clearGlobalObjs"); // Get a connection to the global objective DB /*Connection conn = LMSDBHandler.getConnection(); if ( conn != null ) { if ( iLearnerID != null ) { if ( iObjList != null ) { try { PreparedStatement stmtClearRecord = null; // Create the SQL string, convert it to a prepared statement. String sqlClearRecord = "UPDATE Objectives " + "SET satisfied = ?, measure = ? " + "WHERE objID = ? AND " + "learnerID = ? AND scopeID = ?"; stmtClearRecord = conn.prepareStatement(sqlClearRecord); for ( int i = 0; i < iObjList.size(); i++ ) { String objID = (String)iObjList.elementAt(i); if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> Attempting to clear " + "record for --> " + iLearnerID + " [" + iScopeID + "]" + " // " + objID); } // Insert values into the prepared statement and execute // the query. synchronized(stmtClearRecord) { stmtClearRecord.setString(1, "unknown"); stmtClearRecord.setString(2, "unknown"); stmtClearRecord.setString(3, objID); stmtClearRecord.setString(4, iLearnerID); if ( iScopeID == null ) { stmtClearRecord.setString(5, ""); } else { stmtClearRecord.setString(5, iScopeID); } stmtClearRecord.executeUpdate(); } } // Close the prepared statement. stmtClearRecord.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: DB Failure"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL objectives list"); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL learnerID"); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL connection"); } } if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "clearGlobalObjs"); }*/ } /** * Creates a status record associated with a given activity tree's root * and a given learner. * * @param iCourseID The ID identifing the activity tree. * * @param iLearnerID The ID identifing the student. */ public static void createCourseStatus(String iCourseID, String iLearnerID) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "createCourseStatus"); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iCourseID); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iLearnerID); } System.out.println("NOT IMPLEMENTED - ADLSeqUtilies:createCourseStatus"); // Get a connection to the global objective DB /*Connection conn = LMSDBHandler.getConnection(); if ( conn != null ) { if ( iLearnerID != null ) { if ( iCourseID != null ) { try { PreparedStatement stmtCheckRecord = null; // Create the SQL string, convert it to a prepared stat. String sqlCheckRecord = "SELECT * FROM CourseStatus WHERE " + "courseID = ? AND " + "learnerID = ?"; stmtCheckRecord = conn.prepareStatement( sqlCheckRecord ); ResultSet objRS = null; synchronized(stmtCheckRecord) { stmtCheckRecord.setString(1, iCourseID); stmtCheckRecord.setString(2, iLearnerID); objRS = stmtCheckRecord.executeQuery(); } PreparedStatement stmtCreateRecord = null; // the objective does not exist, add it if ( ! ) { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> Creating course status " + "--> " + iCourseID + "--> " + iLearnerID); } // Create the SQL string, // convert it to a prepared statement String sqlCreateRecord = "INSERT INTO CourseStatus " + "(courseID, learnerID, " + "satisfied, measure, " + "completed) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ? ,?, ?)"; stmtCreateRecord = conn.prepareStatement(sqlCreateRecord); // Insert values into the prepared statement and // execute the query. synchronized(stmtCreateRecord) { stmtCreateRecord.setString(1, iCourseID); stmtCreateRecord.setString(2, iLearnerID); stmtCreateRecord.setString(3, "unknown"); stmtCreateRecord.setString(4, "unknown"); stmtCreateRecord.setString(5, "unknown"); stmtCreateRecord.executeUpdate(); } // Close the prepared statement stmtCreateRecord.close(); } // Close the result set and prepared statement objRS.close(); stmtCheckRecord.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: DB Failure"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL Course ID"); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL Student ID"); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL connection"); } } if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "createCourseStatus"); }*/ } /** * This method ensures that global objective information exists for a set of * referenced global objectives. * * @param iLearnerID The identifier of the student being tracked. * * @param iScopeID The identifier of the objective's scope. * * @param iObjList A list of global objective IDs. */ public static void createGlobalObjs(String iLearnerID, String iScopeID, List<String> iObjList) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "createGlobalObjs"); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iLearnerID); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iScopeID); } System.out.println("NOT IMPLEMENTED: ADLSeqUtilities:createGlobalObjs"); // Get a connection to the global objective DB /*Connection conn = LMSDBHandler.getConnection(); if ( conn != null ) { if ( iLearnerID != null ) { if ( iObjList != null ) { try { PreparedStatement stmtCheckRecord = null; // Create the SQL string, convert it to a prepared stat. String sqlCheckRecord = "SELECT * FROM Objectives WHERE " + "objID = ? AND " + "learnerID = ? AND scopeID = ?"; stmtCheckRecord = conn.prepareStatement( sqlCheckRecord ); ResultSet objRS = null; for ( int i = 0; i < iObjList.size(); i++ ) { String objID = (String)iObjList.elementAt(i); if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> Checking for objective " + "--> " + iLearnerID + " [" + iScopeID + "]" + " // " + objID); } synchronized(stmtCheckRecord) { stmtCheckRecord.setString(1, objID); stmtCheckRecord.setString(2, iLearnerID); if ( iScopeID == null ) { stmtCheckRecord.setString(3, ""); } else { stmtCheckRecord.setString(3, iScopeID); } objRS = stmtCheckRecord.executeQuery(); } PreparedStatement stmtCreateRecord = null; // the objective does not exist, add it if ( ! ) { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> Creating objective " + "--> " + iLearnerID + " [" + iScopeID + "]" + " // " + objID); } // Create the SQL string, // convert it to a prepared statement String sqlCreateRecord = "INSERT INTO Objectives " + "(objID, learnerID, " + "scopeID, " + "satisfied, measure) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ? ,?, ?)"; stmtCreateRecord = conn.prepareStatement(sqlCreateRecord); // Insert values into the prepared statement and // execute the query. synchronized(stmtCreateRecord) { stmtCreateRecord.setString(1, objID); stmtCreateRecord.setString(2, iLearnerID); if ( iScopeID == null ) { stmtCreateRecord.setString(3, ""); } else { stmtCreateRecord.setString(3, iScopeID); } stmtCreateRecord.setString(4, "unknown"); stmtCreateRecord.setString(5, "unknown"); stmtCreateRecord.executeUpdate(); } // Close the prepared statement stmtCreateRecord.close(); } } // Close the result set and prepared statement objRS.close(); stmtCheckRecord.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: DB Failure"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL Objective List"); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL StudentID"); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL connection"); } } if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "createGlobalObjs"); }*/ } /** * This method deletes a course associated with a learner from the DB * * @param iCourseID The ID identifing the activity tree. * * @param iLearnerID The identifier of the student being tracked. * */ public static void deleteCourseStatus(String iCourseID, String iLearnerID) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "deleteCourseStatus"); } System.out.println("NOT IMPLEMENTED - ADLSeqUtilies:deleteCourseStatus"); // Get a connection to the global objective DB /*Connection conn = LMSDBHandler.getConnection(); if ( conn != null ) { if ( iLearnerID != null ) { if ( iCourseID != null ) { try { PreparedStatement stmtDeleteRecord = null; // Create the SQL string, convert it to a prepared statement. String sqlDeleteRecord = "DELETE * FROM CourseStatus " + "WHERE courseID = ? AND " + "learnerID = ?"; stmtDeleteRecord = conn.prepareStatement(sqlDeleteRecord); // Insert values into the prepared statement and // execute the query. synchronized(stmtDeleteRecord) { stmtDeleteRecord.setString(1, iCourseID); stmtDeleteRecord.setString(2, iLearnerID); stmtDeleteRecord.executeUpdate(); } // Close the prepared statement stmtDeleteRecord.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: DB Failure"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL course ID"); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL student ID"); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL connection"); } } if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "deleteCourseStatus"); }*/ } /** * This method deletes a set global objective information from the database * * @param iLearnerID The identifier of the student being tracked. * * @param iScopeID The identifier of the objective's scope. * * @param iObjList A list of global objective IDs. */ public static void deleteGlobalObjs(String iLearnerID, String iScopeID, List<String> iObjList) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "deleteGlobalObjs"); } System.out.println("NOT IMPLEMENTED - ADLSeqUtilies:deleteGlobalObjs"); // Get a connection to the global objective DB /*Connection conn = LMSDBHandler.getConnection(); if ( conn != null ) { if ( iLearnerID != null ) { if ( iObjList != null ) { try { PreparedStatement stmtDeleteRecord = null; // Create the SQL string, convert it to a prepared statement. String sqlDeleteRecord = "DELETE FROM Objectives " + "WHERE objID = ? AND " + "learnerID = ? AND scopeID = ?"; stmtDeleteRecord = conn.prepareStatement(sqlDeleteRecord); for ( int i = 0; i < iObjList.size(); i++ ) { String objID = (String)iObjList.elementAt(i); if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> Attempting to delete " + "record for --> " + iLearnerID + " [" + iScopeID + "]" + " // " + objID); } // Insert values into the prepared statement and // execute the query. synchronized(stmtDeleteRecord) { stmtDeleteRecord.setString(1, objID); stmtDeleteRecord.setString(2, iLearnerID); if ( iScopeID == null ) { stmtDeleteRecord.setString(3, ""); } else { stmtDeleteRecord.setString(3, iScopeID); } stmtDeleteRecord.executeUpdate(); } } // Close the prepared statement stmtDeleteRecord.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: DB Failure"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL objective list"); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL StudentID"); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL connection"); } } if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "deleteGlobalObjs"); }*/ } /** * Displays the values of the <code>ADLTOC</code> objects that constitute a * table of contents. This method is used for diagnostic purposes. * * @param iTOC A List of <code>ADLTOC</code> objects describing the TOC. */ public static void dumpTOC(List<ADLTOC> iTOC) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - dumpTOC"); if (iTOC != null) { System.out.println(" ::--> " + iTOC.size()); ADLTOC temp = null; for (int i = 0; i < iTOC.size(); i++) { temp = iTOC.get(i); temp.dumpState(); } } else { System.out.println(" ::--> NULL"); } System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - dumpTOC"); } } /** * Extracts the contents of the IMS SS <code><sequencing></code> * element and initializes the associated activity. * * @param iNode The DOM node associated with the IMS SS * <code><sequencing></code>) element. * * @param ioAct The associated activity being initialized. * * @return <code>true</code> if the sequencing information extracted * successfully, otherwise <code>false</code>. */ private static boolean extractSeqInfo(Node iNode, SeqActivity ioAct) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "extractSeqInfo"); } boolean ok = true; String tempVal = null; // Get the children elements of <sequencing> NodeList children = iNode.getChildNodes(); // Initalize this activity's sequencing information for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node curNode = children.item(i); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (curNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("controlMode")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found the <controlMode> element"); } // Look for 'choice' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "choice"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setControlModeChoice((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } // Look for 'choiceExit' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "choiceExit"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setControlModeChoiceExit((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } // Look for 'flow' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "flow"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setControlModeFlow((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } // Look for 'forwardOnly' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "forwardOnly"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setControlForwardOnly((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } // Look for 'useCurrentAttemptObjectiveInfo' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "useCurrentAttemptObjectiveInfo"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setUseCurObjective((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } // Look for 'useCurrentAttemptProgressInfo' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "useCurrentAttemptProgressInfo"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setUseCurProgress((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } } else if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("sequencingRules")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found the <sequencingRules> " + "element"); } ok = ADLSeqUtilities.getSequencingRules(curNode, ioAct); } else if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("limitConditions")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found the <limitConditions> " + "element"); } // Look for 'attemptLimit' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "attemptLimit"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setAttemptLimit(Long.valueOf(tempVal)); } } // Look for 'attemptAbsoluteDurationLimit' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "attemptAbsoluteDurationLimit"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setAttemptAbDur(tempVal); } } // Look for 'attemptExperiencedDurationLimit' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "attemptExperiencedDurationLimit"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setAttemptExDur(tempVal); } } // Look for 'activityAbsoluteDurationLimit' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "activityAbsoluteDurationLimit"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setActivityAbDur(tempVal); } } // Look for 'activityExperiencedDurationLimit' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "activityExperiencedDurationLimit"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setActivityExDur(tempVal); } } // Look for 'beginTimeLimit' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "beginTimeLimit"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setBeginTimeLimit(tempVal); } } // Look for 'endTimeLimit' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "endTimeLimit"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setEndTimeLimit(tempVal); } } } else if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("auxiliaryResources")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found the <auxiliaryResourcees> " + "element"); } ok = ADLSeqUtilities.getAuxResources(curNode, ioAct); } else if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("rollupRules")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found the <rollupRules> " + "element"); } ok = ADLSeqUtilities.getRollupRules(curNode, ioAct); } else if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("objectives")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found the <objectives> " + "element"); } ok = ADLSeqUtilities.getObjectives(curNode, ioAct); } else if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("randomizationControls")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found the " + "<randomizationControls> element"); } // Look for 'randomizationTiming' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "randomizationTiming"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setRandomTiming(tempVal); } } // Look for 'selectCount' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "selectCount"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setSelectCount((Integer.valueOf(tempVal)).intValue()); } } // Look for 'reorderChildren' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "reorderChildren"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setReorderChildren((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } // Look for 'selectionTiming' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "selectionTiming"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setSelectionTiming(tempVal); } } } else if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("deliveryControls")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found the <deliveryControls> " + "element"); } // Look for 'tracked' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "tracked"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setIsTracked((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } // Look for 'completionSetByContent' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "completionSetByContent"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setSetCompletion((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } // Look for 'objectiveSetByContent' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "objectiveSetByContent"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setSetObjective((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } } else if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("constrainedChoiceConsiderations")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found the " + "<constrainedChoiceConsiderations> " + "element"); } // Look for 'preventActivation' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "preventActivation"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setPreventActivation((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } // Look for 'constrainChoice' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "constrainChoice"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setConstrainChoice((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } } else if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("rollupConsiderations")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found the " + "<rollupConsiderations> " + "element"); } // Look for 'requiredForSatisfied' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "requiredForSatisfied"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setRequiredForSatisfied(tempVal); } } // Look for 'requiredForNotSatisfied' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "requiredForNotSatisfied"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setRequiredForNotSatisfied(tempVal); } } // Look for 'requiredForCompleted' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "requiredForCompleted"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setRequiredForCompleted(tempVal); } } // Look for 'requiredForIncomplete' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "requiredForIncomplete"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setRequiredForIncomplete(tempVal); } } // Look for 'measureSatisfactionIfActive' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "measureSatisfactionIfActive"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setSatisfactionIfActive((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } } } } if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> " + ok); System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "extractSeqInfo"); } return ok; } /** * Extracts the conditions assoicated with a sequencing rule. * * @param iNode The DOM node associated with one of the IMS SS <code> * <ruleConditions></code> element. * * @return The condition set (<code>SeqConditionSet</code>) assoicated with * the rule. */ private static SeqConditionSet extractSeqRuleConditions(Node iNode) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "extractSeqRuleConditions"); } String tempVal = null; SeqConditionSet condSet = new SeqConditionSet(); List<SeqCondition> conditions = new ArrayList<SeqCondition>(); // Look for 'conditionCombination' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(iNode, "conditionCombination"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { condSet.mCombination = tempVal; } } else { // Enforce Default condSet.mCombination = SeqConditionSet.COMBINATION_ALL; } NodeList condInfo = iNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < condInfo.getLength(); i++) { Node curCond = condInfo.item(i); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (curCond.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (curCond.getLocalName().equals("ruleCondition")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a <Condition> " + "element"); } SeqCondition cond = new SeqCondition(); // Look for 'condition' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curCond, "condition"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { cond.mCondition = tempVal; } } // Look for 'referencedObjective' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curCond, "referencedObjective"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { cond.mObjID = tempVal; } } // Look for 'measureThreshold' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curCond, "measureThreshold"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { cond.mThreshold = (new Double(tempVal)).doubleValue(); } } // Look for 'operator' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curCond, "operator"); if (tempVal != null) { if (tempVal.equals("not")) { cond.mNot = true; } else { cond.mNot = false; } } conditions.add(cond); } } } if (conditions.size() > 0) { // Add the conditions to the condition set condSet.mConditions = conditions; } else { condSet = null; } if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "extractSeqRuleConditions"); } return condSet; } /** * Attempts to find the indicated attribute of the target element. * * @param iNode The DOM node of the target element. * * @param iAttribute The requested attribute. * * @return The value of the requested attribute on the target element, * <code>null</code> if the attribute does not exist. */ private static String getAttribute(Node iNode, String iAttribute) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - getAttribute"); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iAttribute); } String value = null; // Extract the node's attribute list and check if the requested // attribute is contained in it. NamedNodeMap attrs = iNode.getAttributes(); if (attrs != null) { // Attempt to get the requested attribute Node attr = attrs.getNamedItem(iAttribute); if (attr != null) { // Extract the attributes value value = attr.getNodeValue(); } else { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> The attribute \"" + iAttribute + "\" does not exist."); } } } else { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> This node has no attributes."); } } if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> " + value); System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - getAttribute"); } return value; } /** * Extracts the descriptions of auxiliary resoures associated with the * activity from the activiy's associated element in the DOM. * * @param iNode The DOM node associated with the IMS SS <code> * <dataMap></code>) element. * * @param ioAct The associated activity being initialized * * @return <code>true</code> if the sequencing information extracted * successfully, otherwise <code>false</code>. */ private static boolean getAuxResources(Node iNode, SeqActivity ioAct) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "getAuxResources"); } boolean ok = true; String tempVal = null; // List of auxiliary resources List<ADLAuxiliaryResource> auxRes = new ArrayList<ADLAuxiliaryResource>(); // Get the children elements of <auxiliaryResources> NodeList children = iNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node curNode = children.item(i); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (curNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("auxiliaryResource")) { // Build a new data mapping rule if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a <auxiliaryResource> " + "element"); } ADLAuxiliaryResource res = new ADLAuxiliaryResource(); // Get the resource's purpose tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "purpose"); if (tempVal != null) { res.mType = tempVal; } // Get the resource's ID tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "auxiliaryResourceID"); if (tempVal != null) { res.mResourceID = tempVal; } // Add this datamap to the list associated with this activity auxRes.add(res); } } } // Add the set of auxiliary resources to the activity ioAct.setAuxResources(auxRes); if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "getAuxResources"); } return ok; } /*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Private Methods -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*/ /** * Attempts to find the indicated subelement of the current node and * extact its value. * * @param iNode The DOM node of the target element. * * @param iElement The requested subelement. * * @return The value of the requested subelement of target element, or * <code>null</code> if the subelement does not exist. */ private static String getElementText(Node iNode, String iElement) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "getElementText"); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iElement); } StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(); Node curNode = null; NodeList children = null; if (iElement != null && iNode != null) { children = iNode.getChildNodes(); // Locate the target subelement for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { curNode = children.item(i); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (curNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> " + i); System.out.println(" ::--> <" + curNode.getLocalName() + ">"); } if (curNode.getLocalName().equals(iElement)) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found <" + iElement + ">"); } break; } } } if (curNode != null) { String comp = curNode.getLocalName(); if (comp != null) { // Make sure we found the subelement if (!comp.equals(iElement)) { curNode = null; } } else { curNode = null; } } } else { curNode = iNode; } if (curNode != null) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Looking at children"); } // Extract the element's text value. children = curNode.getChildNodes(); // Cycle through all children of node to get the text if (children != null) { // There must be a value value = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { curNode = children.item(i); // make sure we have a 'text' element if ((curNode.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) || (curNode.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE)) { value.append(curNode.getNodeValue()); } } } } if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> " + value); System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "getElementText"); } return value.toString(); } /** * Retrieves the measure associated with the global objective and * the student. * * @param iObjID The ID identifing the desired global objective. * * @param iLearnerID The ID identifing the student. * * @param iScopeID The identifier of the objective's scope. * * @return The score associated with the shared competency, or * <code>null</code> if either ID is invalid. */ public static String getGlobalObjMeasure(String iObjID, String iLearnerID, String iScopeID) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "getGlobalObjMeasure"); } String measure = null; System.out.println("NOT IMPLEMENTED - ADLSeqUtilies:getGlobalObjMeasure"); // Get a connection to the global objective DB /*Connection conn = LMSDBHandler.getConnection(); if ( conn != null ) { if ( iObjID != null ) { if ( iLearnerID != null ) { try { PreparedStatement stmtSelectMeasure = null; ResultSet objRS = null; // Create the SQL string and convert it to // a prepared statement. String sqlSelectMeasure = "SELECT measure FROM Objectives " + "WHERE objID = ? AND " + "learnerID = ? AND scopeID = ?"; stmtSelectMeasure = conn.prepareStatement(sqlSelectMeasure); // Insert values into the prepared statement and execute the // query synchronized( stmtSelectMeasure) { stmtSelectMeasure.setString(1, iObjID); stmtSelectMeasure.setString(2, iLearnerID); if ( iScopeID == null ) { stmtSelectMeasure.setString(3, ""); } else { stmtSelectMeasure.setString(3, iScopeID); } objRS = stmtSelectMeasure.executeQuery(); } // Make sure a result set is returned if ( ) { measure = objRS.getString("measure"); } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> No resultset"); } } // Close result set objRS.close(); // Close the prepared statement stmtSelectMeasure.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR : DB Failure"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR : NULL student ID"); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR : NULL objective ID"); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR : NULL connection"); } } if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> " + measure); System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "getGlobalObjMeasure"); }*/ return measure; } /** * Retrieves the statified status associated with the global objective and * the student. * * @param iObjID The ID identifing the global shared objective. * * @param iLearnerID The ID identifing the student. * * @param iScopeID The identifier of the objective's scope. * * @return The satified status associated with the global objective, * or <code>null</code> if either ID is invalid. */ public static String getGlobalObjSatisfied(String iObjID, String iLearnerID, String iScopeID) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "getGlobalObjSatisfied"); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iObjID); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iLearnerID); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iScopeID); } String satisfiedStatus = null; System.out.println("NOT IMPLEMENTED - ADLSeqUtilies:getGlobalObjSatisfied"); // Get a connection to the global objective DB /*Connection conn = LMSDBHandler.getConnection(); if ( conn != null ) { if ( iLearnerID != null ) { if ( iObjID != null ) { try { PreparedStatement stmtSelectSatisfied= null; ResultSet objRS = null; // Create the SQL string, convert it to a prepared statement. String sqlSelectSatisfied = "SELECT satisfied FROM " + "Objectives WHERE " + "objID = ? AND " + "learnerID = ? AND scopeID = ?"; stmtSelectSatisfied = conn.prepareStatement(sqlSelectSatisfied); // Insert values into the prepared statement // and execute the query. synchronized(stmtSelectSatisfied) { stmtSelectSatisfied.setString(1, iObjID); stmtSelectSatisfied.setString(2, iLearnerID); if ( iScopeID == null ) { stmtSelectSatisfied.setString(3, ""); } else { stmtSelectSatisfied.setString(3, iScopeID); } objRS = stmtSelectSatisfied.executeQuery(); } // Make sure a result set is returned if ( ) { satisfiedStatus = objRS.getString("satisfied"); } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> No result set"); } satisfiedStatus = null; } // Close result set objRS.close(); // Close the prepared statement stmtSelectSatisfied.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR : DB Failure"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR : NULL comp ID"); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR : NULL learnerID"); } } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR : NULL connection"); } } if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> " + satisfiedStatus); System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "getGlobalObjSatisfied"); }*/ return satisfiedStatus; } /** * Extracts the objective maps associated with a specific objective from the * <code><objectives></code> element of the DOM. * * @param iNode The DOM node associated with an objective.= * * @return The set (<code>List</code>) of objective maps extracted * successfully, otherwise <code>null</code>. */ private static List<SeqObjectiveMap> getObjectiveMaps(Node iNode) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "getObjectiveMaps"); } String tempVal = null; List<SeqObjectiveMap> maps = new ArrayList<SeqObjectiveMap>(); // Get the children elements of this objective NodeList children = iNode.getChildNodes(); // Initalize this objective's objective maps for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node curNode = children.item(i); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (curNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("mapInfo")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a <mapInfo> " + "element"); } SeqObjectiveMap map = new SeqObjectiveMap(); // Look for 'targetObjectiveID' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "targetObjectiveID"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { map.mGlobalObjID = tempVal; } } // Look for 'readSatisfiedStatus' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "readSatisfiedStatus"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { map.mReadStatus = (Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue(); } } // Look for 'readNormalizedMeasure' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "readNormalizedMeasure"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { map.mReadMeasure = (Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue(); } } // Look for 'writeSatisfiedStatus' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "writeSatisfiedStatus"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { map.mWriteStatus = (Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue(); } } // Look for 'writeNormalizedMeasure' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "writeNormalizedMeasure"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { map.mWriteMeasure = (Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue(); } } maps.add(map); } } } // Don't return an empty set. if (maps.size() == 0) { maps = null; } if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "getObjectiveMaps"); } return maps; } /** * Extracts the objectives associated with the activity from the * <code><objectives></code> element of the DOM. * * @param iNode The DOM node associated with the IMS SS <code> * <objectives></code> element. * * @param ioAct The associated activity being initialized * * @return <code>true</code> if the sequencing information extracted * successfully, otherwise <code>false</code>. */ private static boolean getObjectives(Node iNode, SeqActivity ioAct) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "getObjectives"); } boolean ok = true; String tempVal = null; List<SeqObjective> objectives = new ArrayList<SeqObjective>(); // Get the children elements of <objectives> NodeList children = iNode.getChildNodes(); // Initalize this activity's objectives for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node curNode = children.item(i); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (curNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("primaryObjective")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a <primaryObjective> " + "element"); } SeqObjective obj = new SeqObjective(); obj.mContributesToRollup = true; // Look for 'objectiveID' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "objectiveID"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { obj.mObjID = tempVal; } } // Look for 'satisfiedByMeasure' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "satisfiedByMeasure"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { obj.mSatisfiedByMeasure = (Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue(); } } // Look for 'minNormalizedMeasure' tempVal = getElementText(curNode, "minNormalizedMeasure"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { obj.mMinMeasure = (new Double(tempVal)).doubleValue(); } } List<SeqObjectiveMap> maps = getObjectiveMaps(curNode); if (maps != null) { obj.mMaps = maps; } obj.mContributesToRollup = true; objectives.add(obj); } else if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("objective")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a <objective> " + "element"); } SeqObjective obj = new SeqObjective(); // Look for 'objectiveID' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "objectiveID"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { obj.mObjID = tempVal; } } // Look for 'satisfiedByMeasure' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "satisfiedByMeasure"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { obj.mSatisfiedByMeasure = (Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue(); } } // Look for 'minNormalizedMeasure' tempVal = getElementText(curNode, "minNormalizedMeasure"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { obj.mMinMeasure = (new Double(tempVal)).doubleValue(); } } List<SeqObjectiveMap> maps = getObjectiveMaps(curNode); if (maps != null) { obj.mMaps = maps; } objectives.add(obj); } } } // Set the Activity's objectives ioAct.setObjectives(objectives); if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "getObjectives"); } return ok; } /** * Extracts the rollup rules associated with the activity from the * <code><sequencingRules></code> element of the DOM. * * @param iNode The DOM node associated with the IMS SS <code> * <sequencingRules></code> element. * * @param ioAct The associated activity being initialized * * @return <code>true</code> if the sequencing information extracted * successfully, otherwise <code>false</code>. */ private static boolean getRollupRules(Node iNode, SeqActivity ioAct) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "getRollupRules"); } boolean ok = true; String tempVal = null; List<SeqRollupRule> rollupRules = new ArrayList<SeqRollupRule>(); // Look for 'rollupObjectiveSatisfied' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(iNode, "rollupObjectiveSatisfied"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setIsObjRolledUp((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } // Look for 'objectiveMeasureWeight' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(iNode, "objectiveMeasureWeight"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setObjMeasureWeight((new Double(tempVal)).doubleValue()); } } // Look for 'rollupProgressCompletion' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(iNode, "rollupProgressCompletion"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { ioAct.setIsProgressRolledUp((Boolean.valueOf(tempVal)).booleanValue()); } } // Get the children elements of <rollupRules> NodeList children = iNode.getChildNodes(); // Initalize this activity's rollup rules for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node curNode = children.item(i); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (curNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("rollupRule")) { // Extract all of the rollup Rules if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a <rollupRule> " + "element"); } SeqRollupRule rule = new SeqRollupRule(); // Look for 'childActivitySet' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "childActivitySet"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { rule.mChildActivitySet = tempVal; } } // Look for 'minimumCount' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "minimumCount"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { rule.mMinCount = (Long.valueOf(tempVal)).longValue(); } } // Look for 'minimumPercent' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curNode, "minimumPercent"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { rule.mMinPercent = (new Double(tempVal)).doubleValue(); } } rule.mConditions = new SeqConditionSet(true); List<SeqCondition> conditions = new ArrayList<SeqCondition>(); NodeList ruleInfo = curNode.getChildNodes(); // Initalize this rollup rule for (int j = 0; j < ruleInfo.getLength(); j++) { Node curRule = ruleInfo.item(j); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (curRule.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (curRule.getLocalName().equals("rollupConditions")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a " + "<rollupConditions> " + "element"); } // Look for 'conditionCombination' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curRule, "conditionCombination"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { rule.mConditions.mCombination = tempVal; } } else { // Enforce Default rule.mConditions.mCombination = SeqConditionSet.COMBINATION_ANY; } NodeList conds = curRule.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < conds.getLength(); k++) { Node con = conds.item(k); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (con.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (con.getLocalName().equals("rollupCondition")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println( " ::--> Found a " + "<rollupCondition> " + "element"); } SeqCondition cond = new SeqCondition(); // Look for 'condition' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(con, "condition"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { cond.mCondition = tempVal; } } // Look for 'operator' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(con, "operator"); if (tempVal != null) { if (tempVal.equals("not")) { cond.mNot = true; } else { cond.mNot = false; } } conditions.add(cond); } } } } else if (curRule.getLocalName().equals("rollupAction")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a " + "<rollupAction> " + "element"); } // Look for 'action' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curRule, "action"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { rule.setRollupAction(tempVal); } } } } } // Add the conditions to the condition set for the rule rule.mConditions.mConditions = conditions; // Add the rule to the ruleset rollupRules.add(rule); } } } if (rollupRules != null) { ISeqRollupRuleset rules = new SeqRollupRuleset(rollupRules); // Set the Activity's rollup rules ioAct.setRollupRules(rules); } if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "getRollupRules"); } return ok; } /** * Extracts the sequencing rules associated with the activity from the * <code><sequencingRules></code> element of the DOM. * * @param iNode The DOM node associated with the IMS SS <code> * <sequencingRules></code> element. * * @param ioAct The associated activity being initialized * * @return <code>true</code> if the sequencing information extracted * successfully, otherwise <code>false</code>. */ private static boolean getSequencingRules(Node iNode, SeqActivity ioAct) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "getSequencingRules"); } boolean ok = true; String tempVal = null; List<ISeqRule> preRules = new ArrayList<ISeqRule>(); List<ISeqRule> exitRules = new ArrayList<ISeqRule>(); List<ISeqRule> postRules = new ArrayList<ISeqRule>(); // Get the children elements of <sequencingRules> NodeList children = iNode.getChildNodes(); // Initalize this activity's sequencing rules for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node curNode = children.item(i); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (curNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("preConditionRule")) { // Extract all of the precondition rules if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a <preConditionRule> " + "element"); } SeqRule rule = new SeqRule(); NodeList ruleInfo = curNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < ruleInfo.getLength(); j++) { Node curRule = ruleInfo.item(j); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (curRule.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (curRule.getLocalName().equals("ruleConditions")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a " + "<ruleConditions> element"); } // Extract the condition set rule.mConditions = extractSeqRuleConditions(curRule); } else if (curRule.getLocalName().equals("ruleAction")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a <ruleAction> " + "element"); } // Look for 'action' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curRule, "action"); if (tempVal != null) { if (!isEmpty(tempVal)) { rule.mAction = tempVal; } } } } } if (rule.mConditions != null && rule.mAction != null) { preRules.add(rule); } else { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR : Invaild Pre SeqRule"); } } } else if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("exitConditionRule")) { // Extract all of the exit action rules if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a " + "<exitConditionRule> element"); } SeqRule rule = new SeqRule(); NodeList ruleInfo = curNode.getChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < ruleInfo.getLength(); k++) { Node curRule = ruleInfo.item(k); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (curRule.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (curRule.getLocalName().equals("ruleConditions")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a " + "<ruleConditions> element"); } // Extract the condition set rule.mConditions = extractSeqRuleConditions(curRule); } else if (curRule.getLocalName().equals("ruleAction")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a <ruleAction> " + "element"); } // Look for 'action' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curRule, "action"); if (tempVal != null) { rule.mAction = tempVal; } } } } if (rule.mConditions != null && rule.mAction != null) { exitRules.add(rule); } else { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR : Invaild Exit SeqRule"); } } } else if (curNode.getLocalName().equals("postConditionRule")) { // Extract all of the post condition action rules if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a " + "<postConditionRule> element"); } SeqRule rule = new SeqRule(); NodeList ruleInfo = curNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < ruleInfo.getLength(); j++) { Node curRule = ruleInfo.item(j); // Check to see if this is an element node. if (curRule.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (curRule.getLocalName().equals("ruleConditions")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a " + "<ruleConditions> element"); } // Extract the condition set rule.mConditions = extractSeqRuleConditions(curRule); } else if (curRule.getLocalName().equals("ruleAction")) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Found a <ruleAction> " + "element"); } // Look for 'action' tempVal = ADLSeqUtilities.getAttribute(curRule, "action"); if (tempVal != null) { rule.mAction = tempVal; } } } } if (rule.mConditions != null && rule.mAction != null) { postRules.add(rule); } else { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR : Invaild Post SeqRule"); } } } } } if (preRules.size() > 0) { ISeqRuleset rules = new SeqRuleset(preRules); ioAct.setPreSeqRules(rules); } if (exitRules.size() > 0) { ISeqRuleset rules = new SeqRuleset(exitRules); ioAct.setExitSeqRules(rules); } if (postRules.size() > 0) { ISeqRuleset rules = new SeqRuleset(postRules); ioAct.setPostSeqRules(rules); } if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "getSequencingRules"); } return ok; } /** * Determines if the value is empty * * @param iValue The value from a DOM node * * @return <code>true</code> the value is empty or consists entirely of * white space */ private static boolean isEmpty(String iValue) { return (StringUtils.isBlank(iValue)); } /** * Sets the status associated with a given activity tree's root and a given * learner. * * @param iCourseID The ID identifing the activity tree. * * @param iLearnerID The ID identifing the student. * * @param iSatisfied The course's satisfied status. * * @param iMeasure The course's measure. * * @param iCompleted The course's completion status. * * @return <code>true</code> if the set was successful; if an error occured * <code>false</code>. */ public static boolean setCourseStatus(String iCourseID, String iLearnerID, String iSatisfied, String iMeasure, String iCompleted) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "setCourseStatus"); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iCourseID); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iLearnerID); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iSatisfied); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iMeasure); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iCompleted); } boolean success = true; // Validate vocabulary if (!(iSatisfied.equals("unknown") || iSatisfied.equals("satisfied") || iSatisfied.equals("notSatisfied"))) { success = false; if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Invalid value: " + iSatisfied); System.out.println(" ::--> " + success); System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "setCourseStatus"); } return success; } // Validate vocabulary if (!(iCompleted.equals("unknown") || iCompleted.equals("completed") || iCompleted.equals("incomplete"))) { success = false; if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Invalid value: " + iCompleted); System.out.println(" ::--> " + success); System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "setCourseStatus"); } return success; } // Validate measure range try { double measure = Double.parseDouble(iMeasure); if (measure < -1.0 || measure > 1.0) { success = false; } } catch (Exception e) { success = false; } if (!success) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Invalid value: " + iMeasure); System.out.println(" ::--> " + success); System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "setCourseStatus"); } return success; } System.out.println("NOT IMPLEMENTED - ADLSeqUtilies:setCourseStatus"); // Get a connection to the global objective DB /*Connection conn = LMSDBHandler.getConnection(); if ( conn != null ) { if ( iLearnerID != null ) { if ( iCourseID != null ) { try { PreparedStatement stmtUpdateSatisfied = null; // Create the SQL string String sqlUpdateSatisfied = "UPDATE CourseStatus " + "SET " + "satisfied = ? ," + "measure = ? ," + "completed = ? " + "WHERE courseID = ? AND " + "learnerID = ?"; stmtUpdateSatisfied = conn.prepareStatement(sqlUpdateSatisfied); // Execute the query synchronized(stmtUpdateSatisfied) { stmtUpdateSatisfied.setString(1, iSatisfied); stmtUpdateSatisfied.setString(2, iMeasure); stmtUpdateSatisfied.setString(3, iCompleted); stmtUpdateSatisfied.setString(4, iCourseID); stmtUpdateSatisfied.setString(5, iLearnerID); stmtUpdateSatisfied.executeUpdate(); } // Close the prepared statement stmtUpdateSatisfied.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: DB Failure"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } success = false; } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL course ID"); } success = false; } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL learner ID"); } success = false; } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL connection"); } success = false; } if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> " + success); System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "setCourseStatus"); }*/ return success; } /** * Sets the measure associated with the global objective and the student. * * @param iObjID The ID identifing the desired global objective. * * @param iLearnerID The ID identifing the student. * * @param iScopeID The identifier of the objective's scope. * * @param iMeasure The desired measure. * * @return <code>true</code> if the set was successful; if an error occured * <code>false</code>. */ public static boolean setGlobalObjMeasure(String iObjID, String iLearnerID, String iScopeID, String iMeasure) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "setGlobalObjMeasure"); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iObjID); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iLearnerID); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iScopeID); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iMeasure); } boolean goodMeasure = true; boolean success = true; // Validate score if (!iMeasure.equals("unknown")) { try { Double tempMeasure = new Double(iMeasure); double range = tempMeasure.doubleValue(); if (range < -1.0 || range > 1.0) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Invalid range: " + iMeasure); } // The measure is out of range -- ignore goodMeasure = false; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Invalid value: " + iMeasure); } // Invalid format or 'Unknown' goodMeasure = false; } if (!goodMeasure) { success = false; if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> " + success); System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "getGlobalObjMeasure"); } return success; } } System.out.println("NOT IMPLEMENTED - ADLSeqUtilies:setGlobalObjMeasure"); // Get a connection to the global objective DB /*Connection conn = LMSDBHandler.getConnection(); if ( conn != null ) { if ( iObjID != null ) { if ( iLearnerID != null ) { try { PreparedStatement stmtUpdateMeasure = null; // Create the SQL string and covert it to a prepared statement String sqlUpdateMeasure = "UPDATE Objectives SET " + "measure = ? " + "WHERE objID = ? AND " + "learnerID = ? AND scopeID = ?"; stmtUpdateMeasure = conn.prepareStatement(sqlUpdateMeasure); // Insert values into the prepared statement and execute the // update query synchronized( stmtUpdateMeasure ) { stmtUpdateMeasure.setString(1, iMeasure); stmtUpdateMeasure.setString(2, iObjID); stmtUpdateMeasure.setString(3, iLearnerID); if ( iScopeID == null ) { stmtUpdateMeasure.setString(4, ""); } else { stmtUpdateMeasure.setString(4, iScopeID); } stmtUpdateMeasure.executeUpdate(); } // Close the prepared statement stmtUpdateMeasure.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: DB Failure"); e.printStackTrace(); } success = false; } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL learnerID"); } success = false; } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL obj ID"); } success = false; } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL connection"); } success = false; } if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> " + success); System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "getGlobalObjMeasure"); }*/ return success; } /** * Sets the satisfied status associated with a global objective and student. * * @param iObjID The ID identifing the global objective information. * * @param iLearnerID The ID identifing the student. * * @param iScopeID The identifier of the objective's scope. * * @param iSatisfied The desired satisfied status. * * @return <code>true</code> if the set was successful; if an error occured * <code>false</code>. */ public static boolean setGlobalObjSatisfied(String iObjID, String iLearnerID, String iScopeID, String iSatisfied) { if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> BEGIN - " + "setGlobalObjSatisfied"); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iObjID); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iLearnerID); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iScopeID); System.out.println(" ::--> " + iSatisfied); } boolean success = true; // Validate vocabulary if (!(iSatisfied.equals("unknown") || iSatisfied.equals("satisfied") || iSatisfied.equals("notSatisfied"))) { success = false; if (_Debug) { System.out.println(" ::--> Invalid value: " + iSatisfied); System.out.println(" ::--> " + success); System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "setSharedCompMastery"); } return success; } System.out.println("NOT IMPLEMENTED - ADLSeqUtilies:setGlobalObjSatisfied"); // Get a connection to the global objective DB /*Connection conn = LMSDBHandler.getConnection(); if ( conn != null ) { if ( iLearnerID != null ) { if ( iObjID != null ) { try { PreparedStatement stmtUpdateSatisfied = null; // Create the SQL string String sqlUpdateSatisfied = "UPDATE Objectives SET " + "satisfied = ? " + "WHERE objID = ? AND " + "learnerID = ? AND scopeID = ?"; stmtUpdateSatisfied = conn.prepareStatement(sqlUpdateSatisfied); // Execute the query synchronized(stmtUpdateSatisfied) { stmtUpdateSatisfied.setString(1, iSatisfied); stmtUpdateSatisfied.setString(2, iObjID); stmtUpdateSatisfied.setString(3, iLearnerID); if ( iScopeID == null ) { stmtUpdateSatisfied.setString(4, ""); } else { stmtUpdateSatisfied.setString(4, iScopeID); } stmtUpdateSatisfied.executeUpdate(); } // Close the prepared statement stmtUpdateSatisfied.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: DB Failure"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } success = false; } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL objective ID"); } success = false; } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL learnerID"); } success = false; } } else { if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> ERROR: NULL connection"); } success = false; } if ( _Debug ) { System.out.println(" ::--> " + success); System.out.println(" :: ADLSeqUtilities --> END - " + "setGlobalObjSatisfied"); }*/ return success; } } // end ADLSeqUtilities