Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Activiti Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) library * Copyright 2015 Tim Stephenson * *******************************************************************************/ package org.activiti.bdd; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import org.activiti.engine.ActivitiObjectNotFoundException; import org.activiti.engine.history.HistoricProcessInstance; import org.activiti.engine.history.HistoricTaskInstance; import org.activiti.engine.identity.User; import org.activiti.engine.impl.test.JobTestHelper; import org.activiti.engine.runtime.Job; import org.activiti.engine.runtime.ProcessInstance; import org.activiti.engine.task.Task; import org.activiti.engine.test.ActivitiRule; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.toxos.activiti.assertion.ProcessAssert; /** * Builds and runs process acceptance test cases using a fluent API. * * @author Tim Stephenson */ public class ActivitiSpec { private static final Set<String> emptySet = new HashSet<String>(); private ActivitiRule activitiRule; private String specName; private ProcessInstance processInstance; private String messageName; private HashMap<String, Object> collectVars; private String processDefinitionKey; public ActivitiSpec(ActivitiRule activitiRule, String name) { this.activitiRule = activitiRule; this.specName = name; this.collectVars = new HashMap<String, Object>(); writeBddPhrase("Instantiated specification for scenario %1$s", specName); } /** * @param preCondition * Natural language definition of scenario pre-conditions. * @return */ public ActivitiSpec given(String preCondition) { writeBddPhrase("%1$sGIVEN: %2$s", System.getProperty("line.separator"), preCondition); return this; } /** * Write a BDD phrase (Given, When or Then ...). * * <p> * Default implementation writes to System.out. * * @param phrase */ protected void writeBddPhrase(String phrase) { System.out.println(phrase); } /** * Write a BDD phrase (Given, When or Then ...). * * <p> * Default implementation writes to System.out. * * @param phrase * @param args * Substitution arguments for phrase. */ protected void writeBddPhrase(String format, Object... args) { writeBddPhrase(String.format(format, args)); } public Object getVar(String varName) { return collectVars.get(varName); } /** * @return The process instance started by the specification. */ public ProcessInstance getProcessInstance() { return processInstance; } public ActivitiSpec whenEventOccurs(String eventDescription, String key, Set<String> collectVars, Map<String, Object> putVars) { this.processDefinitionKey = key; HashMap<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : putVars.entrySet()) { vars.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } processInstance = activitiRule.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceByKey(processDefinitionKey, vars); assertNotNull(processInstance); assertNotNull(processInstance.getId()); writeBddPhrase("WHEN: %1$s", eventDescription); return this; } /** * Define the start event for the business process. * * @param eventDescription * 'When' phase of scenario. * @param key * Specifies the Process Definition to start. * @param collectVars * Process variables to collect in the specification. * @param putVars * Process variables to inject at process start. * @param tenantId * Process tenant, may be null. * @return The updated specification. */ public ActivitiSpec whenEventOccurs(String eventDescription, String key, Set<String> collectVars, Map<String, Object> putVars, String tenantId) { this.processDefinitionKey = key; HashMap<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : putVars.entrySet()) { vars.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } processInstance = activitiRule.getRuntimeService() .startProcessInstanceByKeyAndTenantId(processDefinitionKey, vars, tenantId); assertNotNull(processInstance); assertNotNull(processInstance.getId()); writeBddPhrase("WHEN: %1$s", eventDescription); return this; } /** * Define the message start event for the business process. * * @param eventDescription * 'When' phase of scenario. * @param msgName * Specifies the message name identifying the Process Definition * to start. * @param messageResource * Classpath resource to load and inject as process variable or * the variable itself as a string. * @param tenantId * Process tenant, may be null. * @return The updated specification. */ public ActivitiSpec whenMsgReceived(String eventDescription, String msgName, String messageResource, String tenantId) { this.messageName = msgName; HashMap<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>(); vars.put("messageName", adapt(msgName)); vars.put(adapt(messageName), getJson(messageResource)); processInstance = activitiRule.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceByMessageAndTenantId(msgName, vars, tenantId); assertNotNull(processInstance); assertNotNull(processInstance.getId()); writeBddPhrase("WHEN: %1$s", eventDescription); return this; } /** * Define the message to send to be caught by an intermediate event of the * business process. * * @param eventDescription * 'When' phase of scenario. * @param msgName * Specifies the message name identifying the Process Definition * to interact with. * @param messageResource * Classpath resource to load and inject as process variable or * the variable itself as a string. * @param tenantId * Process tenant, may be null. * @return The updated specification. */ public ActivitiSpec whenFollowUpMsgReceived(String eventDescription, String msgName, String messageResource, String tenantId) { this.messageName = msgName; HashMap<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>(); vars.put("messageName", adapt(msgName)); vars.put(adapt(messageName), getJson(messageResource)); activitiRule.getRuntimeService().signal(processInstance.getId(), vars); writeBddPhrase("WHEN: %1$s", eventDescription); return this; } protected String getJson(String messageResource) { InputStream is = null; Reader source = null; Scanner scanner = null; String json = null; try { is = getClass().getResourceAsStream(messageResource); // assertNotNull("Unable to load test resource: " + messageResource, // is); source = new InputStreamReader(is); scanner = new Scanner(source); json = scanner.useDelimiter("\\A").next(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // assume message supplied directly json = messageResource; } finally { try { scanner.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ; } } return json; } /** * Script Task resulting from the scenario specification. * * <p> * Task will be asserted to have been completed, variables collected and/or * updated and then completed. * * @param taskDefinitionKey * Key (BPMN id) for task. * @param collectVars * Variable names to collect in the scenario. * @return The updated specification. */ public ActivitiSpec thenScriptTask(String taskDefinitionKey, Set<String> collectVars) { return thenServiceTask(taskDefinitionKey, collectVars); } public ActivitiSpec thenScriptTask(String taskDefinitionKey) { return thenServiceTask(taskDefinitionKey, emptySet); } /** * Service Task resulting from the scenario specification. * * <p> * Task will be asserted to have been completed, variables collected and/or * updated and then completed. * * @param taskDefinitionKey * Key (BPMN id) for service task. * @param collectVars * Variable names to collect in the scenario. * @return The updated specification. */ public ActivitiSpec thenServiceTask(String taskDefinitionKey, Set<String> collectVars) { List<HistoricTaskInstance> tasks = activitiRule.getHistoryService().createHistoricTaskInstanceQuery() .taskDefinitionKey(taskDefinitionKey).list(); assertTrue("Did not find the expected task with key " + taskDefinitionKey, tasks.size() != 0); for (String varName : collectVars) { collectVar(varName); } writeBddPhrase("THEN: Task '%1$s' was created and completed", taskDefinitionKey); return this; } public ActivitiSpec thenServiceTask(String taskDefinitionKey) { return thenServiceTask(taskDefinitionKey, emptySet); } /** * User Task resulting from the scenario specification. * * <p> * Task will be asserted to exist, variables collected and/or updated and * then completed. * * @param taskDefinitionKey * Key (BPMN id) for user task. * @param collectVars * Variable names to collect in the scenario. * @param putVars * Variables to be injected into the process context. * @return The updated specification. */ public ActivitiSpec thenUserTask(String taskDefinitionKey, Set<String> collectVars, Map<String, Object> putVars) { Task task = activitiRule.getTaskService().createTaskQuery().singleResult(); assertNotNull("Did not find the expected task with key " + taskDefinitionKey, task); assertEquals(taskDefinitionKey, task.getTaskDefinitionKey()); for (String varName : collectVars) { collectVar(varName); } HashMap<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : putVars.entrySet()) { vars.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } activitiRule.getTaskService().complete(task.getId(), vars, false); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : putVars.entrySet()) { ProcessAssert.assertProcessVariableLatestValueEquals(processInstance, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } writeBddPhrase("THEN: User Task '%1$s' is created and completed", taskDefinitionKey); return this; } /** * Execute an extension action for the scenario. * * <p> * For example may be used to change state the process will subsequently * need or to perform custom assertions about the scenario. * * @param action * @return The updated specification. * @throws Exception */ public ActivitiSpec thenExtension(ExternalAction action) throws Exception { action.execute(this); writeBddPhrase("THEN: extension '%1$s' is run", action.getClass().getName()); return this; } /** * A scenario event allowing the process engine to execute for the specified * period. * * @param maxMillisToWait * Maximum milli-seconds to allow the engine to execute. * @return The updated specification. */ public ActivitiSpec whenExecuteJobsForTime(int maxMillisToWait) { JobTestHelper.executeJobExecutorForTime(activitiRule, maxMillisToWait, 1); List<Job> jobs = activitiRule.getManagementService().createJobQuery().list(); writeBddPhrase("WHEN: executed jobs for %1$d, %2$d jobs remained", maxMillisToWait, jobs.size()); return this; } /** * A scenario event allowing the process engine to execute for the specified * period. * * @param timeout * Maximum milli-seconds to allow the engine to execute. * @return The updated specification. */ public ActivitiSpec whenExecuteAllJobs(int timeout) { JobTestHelper.waitForJobExecutorToProcessAllJobs( activitiRule.getProcessEngine().getProcessEngineConfiguration(), activitiRule.getManagementService(), timeout, 1); writeBddPhrase("WHEN: executed all jobs"); return this; } /** * Advances process engine by the specified amount of time. * * @param field * One of the field constants in java.util.Calendar. * @param amount * Amount to change field by. * @return The updated specification. * @see <a * href="">java.util.Calendar</a> */ public ActivitiSpec whenProcessTimePassed(int field, int amount) { Calendar cal = activitiRule.getProcessEngine().getProcessEngineConfiguration().getClock() .getCurrentCalendar(); cal.add(field, amount); Date time = cal.getTime(); writeBddPhrase("WHEN: process time advanced to : %1$s", time.toString()); activitiRule.setCurrentTime(time); return this; } /** * Assert that the specified sub-process callActivity has actually been * invoked. * * @param subProcDefKey * Key (id without vsn info) of the sub-process that should have * been invoked. * @return The updated specification. */ public ActivitiSpec thenSubProcessCalled(String subProcDefKey) { if (subProcDefKey == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter subProcId must not be null"); } boolean found = searchForSubProc(subProcDefKey, processInstance.getId()); assertTrue(String.format("No call made to %1$s", subProcDefKey), found); writeBddPhrase("THEN: The sub-process %1$s is called", subProcDefKey); return this; } private boolean searchForSubProc(String subProcDefKey, String procId) { List<HistoricProcessInstance> childProcessInstances = activitiRule.getHistoryService() .createHistoricProcessInstanceQuery().superProcessInstanceId(procId).list(); for (HistoricProcessInstance hpi : childProcessInstances) { if (hpi.getProcessDefinitionId().startsWith(subProcDefKey)) { return true; } } for (HistoricProcessInstance hpi : childProcessInstances) { if (searchForSubProc(subProcDefKey, hpi.getId())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Verify that the outcome of the scenario is that the process is complete. * * @return The updated specification. */ public ActivitiSpec thenProcessIsComplete() { ProcessAssert.assertProcessEnded(processInstance); writeBddPhrase("THEN: The process is complete"); return this; } /** * Verify that the outcome of the scenario is that the process completed in * the all the BPMN event ids. * * @param endEventId * @return The updated specification. */ public ActivitiSpec thenProcessEndedAndInEndEvents(String... endEventIds) { ProcessAssert.assertProcessEndedAndInEndEvents(processInstance, endEventIds); writeBddPhrase("THEN: The process is complete and finished in these events %1$s", endEventIds); return this; } /** * Verify that the outcome of the scenario is that the process completed in * the one and only BPMN event id. * * @param endEventId * @return The updated specification. */ public ActivitiSpec thenProcessEndedAndInExclusiveEndEvent(String endEventId) { // ProcessInstance processInstance2 = activitiRule.getProcessEngine() // .getRuntimeService().createProcessInstanceQuery() // .processInstanceId(processInstance.getId()).singleResult(); HistoricProcessInstance processInstance2 = activitiRule.getProcessEngine().getHistoryService() .createHistoricProcessInstanceQuery().processInstanceId(processInstance.getId()).singleResult(); assertNotNull(processInstance2); assertNotNull(processInstance2.getEndTime()); ProcessAssert.assertProcessEndedAndInExclusiveEndEvent(processInstance, endEventId); writeBddPhrase("THEN: The process is complete and in the end event %1$s", endEventId); return this; } public ActivitiSpec thenUserExists(String userId, String... groupIds) { User user = activitiRule.getIdentityService().createUserQuery().userId(userId).singleResult(); assertNotNull(user); for (String groupId : groupIds) { assertTrue(activitiRule.getIdentityService().createGroupQuery().groupId(groupId).count() > 0); } writeBddPhrase("THEN: The user %1$s exists", userId); return this; } public ActivitiSpec thenUserAuthenticated(String userId, String newPwd) { activitiRule.getIdentityService().checkPassword(userId, newPwd); return this; } /** * * @param varName * @return The updated specification. */ public ActivitiSpec collectVar(String varName) { Object var = null; try { var = activitiRule.getRuntimeService().getVariable(processInstance.getId(), varName); } catch (ActivitiObjectNotFoundException e) { // assume process ended, try history var = activitiRule.getHistoryService().createHistoricVariableInstanceQuery() .processInstanceId(processInstance.getId()).variableName(varName).singleResult().getValue(); } System.out.println(String.format("%1$s: %2$s", varName, var)); assertNotNull(var); collectVars.put(varName, var); return this; } private String adapt(String msgName) { return msgName.replace('.', '_'); } /** * Creates an immutable pair to specify a process variable. * * @param varName * @param varValue * @return an immutable pair representing a scenario variable. */ public static ImmutablePair<String, Object> newPair(String varName, Object varValue) { return new ImmutablePair<String, Object>(varName, varValue); } /** * Convenience method to create a set of strings. * * @param strings * @return */ public static Set<String> buildSet(String... strings) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); for (String s : strings) { set.add(s); } return set; } /** * Convenience method to create variable map. * * @param immutablePair * @return */ public static Map<String, Object> buildMap(ImmutablePair<String, Object>... immutablePair) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (ImmutablePair<String, Object> pair : immutablePair) { map.put(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue()); } return map; } public static Set<String> emptySet() { return emptySet; } }