Java tutorial
/* QueryJ Core Copyright (C) 2002-today Jose San Leandro Armendariz This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Thanks to ACM S.L. for distributing this library under the GPL license. Contact info: ****************************************************************************** * * Filename: * * Author: Jose San Leandro Armendariz (chous) * * Description: Overrides JdbcMetadataManager in order to retrieve Oracle * dictionary information when using the standard DatabaseMetaData * instance does provide no information. * * Date: 6/8/12 * Time: 5:08 PM * */ package; /* * Importing some project classes. */ import org.acmsl.commons.utils.Chronometer; import org.acmsl.queryj.Literals; import org.acmsl.queryj.api.exceptions.QueryJException; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.MetadataExtractionListener; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.MetadataTypeManager; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.engines.Engine; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.engines.JdbcMetadataManager; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.vo.Attribute; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.vo.AttributeIncompleteValueObject; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.vo.ForeignKeyIncompleteValueObject; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.vo.Table; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.vo.TableIncompleteValueObject; import org.acmsl.queryj.api.MetaLanguageUtils; /* * Importing some ACM-SL Commons classes. */ import org.acmsl.commons.logging.UniqueLogFactory; /* * Importing some Apache Commons-Logging classes. */ import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; /* * Importing some JetBrains annotations. */ import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; /* * Importing some JDK classes. */ import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /* * Importing annotations. */ import org.checkthread.annotations.ThreadSafe; /** * Overrides {@link org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.engines.JdbcMetadataManager} * in order to retrieve Oracle dictionary information when using the * standard {@link java.sql.DatabaseMetaData} instance does provide no information. * @author <a href="">chous</a> * @since 2012/06/08 */ @ThreadSafe public class OracleMetadataManager extends JdbcMetadataManager implements OracleTableRepository, Serializable { /** * The serial version id. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -914170490377897216L; /** * String literal: "left outer join ( "; */ public static final String LEFT_OUTER_JOIN = "left outer join ( "; /** * Creates a {@link org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.engines.AbstractJdbcMetadataManager} with given information. * @param metadata the {@link java.sql.DatabaseMetaData} instance. * @param metadataExtractionListener the {@link org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.MetadataExtractionListener} instance. * @param catalog the database catalog. * @param schema the database schema. * @param tableNames the table names. * @param tables the list of tables. * @param disableTableExtraction whether to disable table extraction or not. * @param lazyTableExtraction whether to retrieve table information on demand. * @param caseSensitive whether it's case sensitive. * @param engine the engine. */ public OracleMetadataManager(@NotNull final DatabaseMetaData metadata, @NotNull final MetadataExtractionListener metadataExtractionListener, @Nullable final String catalog, @Nullable final String schema, @NotNull final List<String> tableNames, @NotNull final List<Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>>> tables, final boolean disableTableExtraction, final boolean lazyTableExtraction, final boolean caseSensitive, @NotNull final Engine<String> engine) { super(Literals.ORACLE, metadata, metadataExtractionListener, catalog, schema, tableNames, tables, disableTableExtraction, lazyTableExtraction, caseSensitive, engine); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @NotNull @Override @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected List<Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>>> extractTableMetadata( @Nullable final List<String> tableNames, @NotNull final DatabaseMetaData metaData, @Nullable final String catalog, @Nullable final String schema, final boolean caseSensitiveness, @NotNull final MetadataExtractionListener metadataExtractionListener, @NotNull final MetaLanguageUtils metaLanguageUtils) throws SQLException, QueryJException { return extractTableMetadata(tableNames, metaData.getConnection(), caseSensitiveness, metadataExtractionListener, metaLanguageUtils, getMetadataTypeManager()); } /** * Processes the schema. * @param tableNames the table names. * @param connection the database connection. * @param caseSensitiveness whether the checks are case sensitive or not. * @param metadataExtractionListener the metadata extraction listener. * @param metaLanguageUtils the {@link MetaLanguageUtils} instance. * @param metadataTypeManager the {@link MetadataTypeManager} instance. * @return the list of all table names. * @throws SQLException if the extraction fails. * @throws QueryJException if any other error occurs. */ @NotNull @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected List<Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>>> extractTableMetadata( @Nullable final List<String> tableNames, @NotNull final Connection connection, final boolean caseSensitiveness, @NotNull final MetadataExtractionListener metadataExtractionListener, @NotNull final MetaLanguageUtils metaLanguageUtils, @NotNull final MetadataTypeManager metadataTypeManager) throws SQLException, QueryJException { @NotNull final List<Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>>> result; @Nullable final Log t_Log = UniqueLogFactory.getLog(OracleMetadataManager.class); @Nullable SQLException sqlExceptionToThrow = null; @Nullable ResultSet t_rsResults = null; @Nullable PreparedStatement t_PreparedStatement = null; @Nullable TableIncompleteValueObject t_Table; @NotNull final Map<String, TableIncompleteValueObject> t_mTableMap = new HashMap<>(); @NotNull final Map<String, List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject>> t_mColumnMap = new HashMap<>(); @NotNull final Map<String, List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject>> t_mPrimaryKeyMap = new HashMap<>(); @NotNull final Map<String, List<ForeignKeyIncompleteValueObject>> t_mForeignKeyMap = new HashMap<>(); @NotNull final Map<String, List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject>> t_mForeignKeyAttributeMap = new HashMap<>(); try { @NotNull final String t_strQuery = "select c.table_name, " + "tc.comments table_comment, " + "c.column_name, " + "uc.comments column_comment, " + "c.data_type, " + "c.data_length, " + "c.data_precision, " + "c.data_scale, " + "c.nullable, " + "c.column_id, " + "cons.position pk_position, " + "fks.constraint_name fk_name, " + "fks.target_table, " + "fks.position fk_position " + "from user_tab_comments tc, user_col_comments uc, " + "user_tab_columns c " + LEFT_OUTER_JOIN + "select ucc.* " + "from user_cons_columns ucc, user_constraints uc " + "where uc.constraint_type = 'P' and uc.status = 'ENABLED' " + "and uc.constraint_name = ucc.constraint_name) cons " + "on c.table_name = cons.table_name and c.column_name = cons.column_name " + LEFT_OUTER_JOIN + "select rcon.constraint_name, " + "col.position, " + "rcol.table_name source_table, " + "con.table_name target_table, " + "rcol.column_name " + "from user_constraints con, " + "user_cons_columns col, " + "user_constraints rcon, " + "user_cons_columns rcol " + "where rcon.constraint_type = 'R' " + "and rcon.r_constraint_name = con.constraint_name " + "and col.table_name = con.table_name " + "and col.constraint_name = con.constraint_name " + "and rcol.table_name = rcon.table_name " + "and rcol.constraint_name = rcon.constraint_name " + "and rcol.position = col.position) fks " + "on c.table_name = fks.source_table and c.column_name = fks.column_name " + "where instr(tc.table_name, '$') = 0 " + "and tc.table_name = c.table_name " + "and tc.table_name = uc.table_name " + "and c.column_name = uc.column_name "; if ((t_Log != null) && (t_Log.isDebugEnabled())) { t_Log.debug("query:" + t_strQuery); } t_PreparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(t_strQuery); } catch (@NotNull final SQLException invalidQuery) { sqlExceptionToThrow = invalidQuery; } if (t_PreparedStatement != null) { try { t_rsResults = t_PreparedStatement.executeQuery(); } catch (@NotNull final SQLException queryFailed) { sqlExceptionToThrow = queryFailed; } } if (t_rsResults != null) { try { while ( { processRow(t_rsResults, t_mTableMap, t_mColumnMap, t_mPrimaryKeyMap, t_mForeignKeyMap, t_mForeignKeyAttributeMap, caseSensitiveness, metaLanguageUtils, metadataTypeManager); } } catch (@NotNull final SQLException errorIteratingResults) { sqlExceptionToThrow = errorIteratingResults; } } if (t_rsResults != null) { try { t_rsResults.close(); } catch (@NotNull final SQLException sqlException) { if (t_Log != null) { t_Log.error("Cannot close the result set.", sqlException); } } } if (t_PreparedStatement != null) { try { t_PreparedStatement.close(); } catch (@NotNull final SQLException sqlException) { if (t_Log != null) { t_Log.error("Cannot close the statement.", sqlException); } } } if (sqlExceptionToThrow != null) { throw sqlExceptionToThrow; } buildUpTables(t_mTableMap, t_mColumnMap, t_mPrimaryKeyMap, t_mForeignKeyMap, t_mForeignKeyAttributeMap, caseSensitiveness, metaLanguageUtils); result = cloneTables(t_mTableMap.values()); return result; } /** * Builds the table structures. * @param tableMap the table map. * @param columnMap the column map. * @param primaryKeyMap the primary key map. * @param foreignKeyMap the foreign key map. * @param foreignKeyAttributeMap the foreign key attribute map. * @param caseSensitiveness whether it's case sensitive. * @param metaLanguageUtils the {@link MetaLanguageUtils} instance. */ protected void buildUpTables(@NotNull final Map<String, TableIncompleteValueObject> tableMap, @NotNull final Map<String, List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject>> columnMap, @NotNull final Map<String, List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject>> primaryKeyMap, @NotNull final Map<String, List<ForeignKeyIncompleteValueObject>> foreignKeyMap, @NotNull final Map<String, List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject>> foreignKeyAttributeMap, final boolean caseSensitiveness, @NotNull final MetaLanguageUtils metaLanguageUtils) { @Nullable final Log t_Log = UniqueLogFactory.getLog(OracleMetadataManager.class); @Nullable Chronometer t_Chronometer = null; if ((t_Log != null) && (t_Log.isInfoEnabled())) { t_Chronometer = new Chronometer();"Building up " + tableMap.size() + " tables ..."); } for (@Nullable final TableIncompleteValueObject t_Table : tableMap.values()) { if (t_Table != null) { @Nullable final List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject> t_lColumns = columnMap.get(t_Table.getName()); if (t_lColumns != null) { t_Table.setAttributes(toAttributeList(t_lColumns)); } @Nullable final List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject> t_lPrimaryKeys = primaryKeyMap.get(t_Table.getName()); if (t_lPrimaryKeys != null) { t_Table.setPrimaryKey(toAttributeList(t_lPrimaryKeys)); } @Nullable final List<ForeignKeyIncompleteValueObject> t_lForeignKeys = foreignKeyMap.get(t_Table.getName()); if (t_lForeignKeys != null) { for (@Nullable final ForeignKeyIncompleteValueObject t_ForeignKey : t_lForeignKeys) { if (t_ForeignKey != null) { final List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject> t_lForeignKeyAttributes = foreignKeyAttributeMap .get(t_ForeignKey.getFkName()); if (t_lForeignKeyAttributes != null) { t_ForeignKey.setAttributes(toAttributeList(t_lForeignKeyAttributes)); } } } t_Table.setForeignKeys(toForeignKeyList(t_lForeignKeys)); } } } if ((t_Log != null) && (t_Log.isInfoEnabled())) {"Table build up phase took " +;"Processing table comments ..."); t_Chronometer = new Chronometer(); } // second round: fix table properties based on the table comments. processTableComments(tableMap.values(), metaLanguageUtils); if ((t_Log != null) && (t_Log.isInfoEnabled())) {"Processing table comments took " +;"Building hierarchy relationships ..."); t_Chronometer = new Chronometer(); } // third round: parent tables bindParentChildRelationships(tableMap.values(), caseSensitiveness, metaLanguageUtils); if ((t_Log != null) && (t_Log.isInfoEnabled())) {"Hierarchy relationships took " +;"Binding attributes ..."); t_Chronometer = new Chronometer(); } bindAttributes(tableMap.values(), columnMap); if ((t_Log != null) && (t_Log.isInfoEnabled())) {"Attribute binding took " +; } } /** * Processes the tables' comments. * @param tables the list of {@link Table tables}. * @param metaLanguageUtils the {@link MetaLanguageUtils} instance. */ protected void processTableComments(@NotNull final Collection<TableIncompleteValueObject> tables, @NotNull final MetaLanguageUtils metaLanguageUtils) { for (@Nullable final TableIncompleteValueObject t_Table : tables) { if (t_Table != null) { @Nullable final String t_strComment = t_Table.getComment(); if (t_strComment != null) { if (metaLanguageUtils.isStatic(t_strComment)) { @Nullable final Attribute<String> attribute = findAttribute( metaLanguageUtils.retrieveStaticAttribute(t_strComment), t_Table.getAttributes(), false); if (attribute != null) { t_Table.setStaticAttribute(attribute); } } if (metaLanguageUtils.retrieveTableDecorator(t_strComment)) { t_Table.setVoDecorated(true); } } } } } /** * Process given row. * @param resultSet the result set. * @param tableMap the map with the temporary table results. * @param columnMap the map with the temporary column results. * @param primaryKeyMap the map with the temporary primary keys. * @param foreignKeyMap the map with the temporary foreign keys. * @param foreignKeyAttributeMap the map with the temporary foreign key attributes. * @param caseSensitiveness whether the engine is case sensitive or not. * @param metaLanguageUtils the {@link MetaLanguageUtils} instance. * @param metadataTypeManager the {@link MetadataTypeManager} instance. * @throws SQLException if the process fails. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused,unchecked") protected void processRow(@NotNull final ResultSet resultSet, @NotNull final Map<String, TableIncompleteValueObject> tableMap, @NotNull final Map<String, List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject>> columnMap, @NotNull final Map<String, List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject>> primaryKeyMap, @NotNull final Map<String, List<ForeignKeyIncompleteValueObject>> foreignKeyMap, @NotNull final Map<String, List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject>> foreignKeyAttributeMap, final boolean caseSensitiveness, @SuppressWarnings("unused") @NotNull final MetaLanguageUtils metaLanguageUtils, @NotNull final MetadataTypeManager metadataTypeManager) throws SQLException { @NotNull final String t_strTableName = resultSet.getString(Literals.TABLE_NAME_U); @Nullable final String t_strTableComment = resultSet.getString("TABLE_COMMENT"); @NotNull final String t_strColumnName = resultSet.getString(Literals.COLUMN_NAME_U); @Nullable final String t_strColumnComment = resultSet.getString("COLUMN_COMMENT"); @NotNull final String t_strType = resultSet.getString(Literals.DATA_TYPE1); final int t_iLength = resultSet.getInt("DATA_LENGTH"); @Nullable final Integer t_iPrecision = resultSet.getInt("DATA_PRECISION"); //Integer t_iScale = resultSet.getInt("DATA_SCALE"); final boolean t_bNullable = "Y".equalsIgnoreCase(resultSet.getString(Literals.NULLABLE)); final int t_iOrdinalPosition = resultSet.getInt(Literals.COLUMN_ID1); @Nullable final Integer t_iPkPosition = resultSet.getInt("PK_POSITION"); @Nullable final String t_strFkName = resultSet.getString("FK_NAME"); @Nullable final String t_strTargetTable = resultSet.getString("TARGET_TABLE"); //Integer t_iFkPosition = resultSet.getInt("FK_POSITION"); @Nullable TableIncompleteValueObject t_Table = tableMap.get(t_strTableName); if (t_Table == null) { t_Table = new TableIncompleteValueObject(t_strTableName, t_strTableComment); tableMap.put(t_strTableName, t_Table); } @Nullable List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject> t_lColumns = columnMap.get(t_strTableName); if (t_lColumns == null) { t_lColumns = new ArrayList<>(); columnMap.put(t_strTableName, t_lColumns); } @NotNull final AttributeIncompleteValueObject t_CurrentAttribute = new AttributeIncompleteValueObject( t_strColumnName, metadataTypeManager.getJavaType(t_strType, t_iPrecision), t_strType, t_strTableName, t_strColumnComment, t_iOrdinalPosition, t_iLength, t_iPrecision, t_bNullable, null); t_lColumns.add(t_CurrentAttribute); if (t_iPkPosition != 0) { @Nullable List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject> t_lPrimaryKey = primaryKeyMap.get(t_strTableName); if (t_lPrimaryKey == null) { t_lPrimaryKey = new ArrayList<>(1); primaryKeyMap.put(t_strTableName, t_lPrimaryKey); } t_lPrimaryKey.add(t_CurrentAttribute); } if (t_strFkName != null) { @Nullable List<ForeignKeyIncompleteValueObject> t_lForeignKeys = foreignKeyMap.get(t_strTableName); if (t_lForeignKeys == null) { t_lForeignKeys = new ArrayList<>(1); foreignKeyMap.put(t_strTableName, t_lForeignKeys); } @Nullable List<AttributeIncompleteValueObject> t_lFkAttributes = foreignKeyAttributeMap.get(t_strFkName); if (t_lFkAttributes == null) { t_lFkAttributes = new ArrayList<>(1); foreignKeyAttributeMap.put(t_strFkName, t_lFkAttributes); } t_lFkAttributes.add(t_CurrentAttribute); @Nullable ForeignKeyIncompleteValueObject t_ForeignKey = findForeignKeyByName(t_strFkName, t_lForeignKeys, caseSensitiveness); if (t_ForeignKey == null) { t_ForeignKey = new ForeignKeyIncompleteValueObject(t_strFkName, t_strTableName, t_strTargetTable); t_lForeignKeys.add(t_ForeignKey); } } } /** * Finds a foreign key using the name. * @param name the foreign key name. * @param foreignKeys the list of {@link ForeignKeyIncompleteValueObject foreign keys}. * @param caseSensitiveness whether the match is case sensitive or not. * @return the foreign key with given name, or <code>null</code> if not found. */ @Nullable protected ForeignKeyIncompleteValueObject findForeignKeyByName(@NotNull final String name, @NotNull final List<ForeignKeyIncompleteValueObject> foreignKeys, final boolean caseSensitiveness) { @Nullable ForeignKeyIncompleteValueObject result = null; for (@Nullable final ForeignKeyIncompleteValueObject t_ForeignKey : foreignKeys) { if (t_ForeignKey != null) { if ((caseSensitiveness) && (name.equals(t_ForeignKey.getFkName()))) { result = t_ForeignKey; break; } else if ((!caseSensitiveness) && (name.equalsIgnoreCase(t_ForeignKey.getFkName()))) { result = t_ForeignKey; break; } } } return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isInvalidColumnNameException(@NotNull final SQLException sqlException) { return sqlException.getErrorCode() == 17006; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isInvalidColumnTypeException(@NotNull final SQLException sqlException) { return sqlException.getErrorCode() == 17004; } }