Java tutorial
/* QueryJ Core Copyright (C) 2002-today Jose San Leandro Armendariz This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Thanks to ACM S.L. for distributing this library under the GPL license. Contact info: ****************************************************************************** * * Filename: * * Author: Jose San Leandro Armendariz (chous) * * Description: MetadataManager-backed TableDAO instance. * * Date: 6/6/12 * Time: 6:26 AM * */ package org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.engines; /* * Importing ACM SL Commons classes. */ import org.acmsl.commons.logging.UniqueLogFactory; /* * Importing QueryJ Core classes. */ import org.acmsl.queryj.api.MetaLanguageUtils; import org.acmsl.queryj.api.dao.DAOTemplateUtils; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.MetadataManager; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.MetadataUtils; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.TableDAO; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.vo.Attribute; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.vo.AttributeValueObject; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.vo.ForeignKey; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.vo.Row; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.vo.RowValueObject; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.vo.Table; /* * Importing Apache Commons Logging classes. */ import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; /* * Importing some JetBrains annotations. */ import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; /* * Importing some JDK classes. */ import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; /** * {@link MetadataManager}-backed {@link TableDAO} instance. * @author <a href="">chous</a> * @since 3.0 * Created: 2012/06/06 * @param <M> the metadata manager type. */ public abstract class MetadataManagerTableDAO<M extends MetadataManager> implements TableDAO { /** * The {@link MetadataManager} instance. */ private M m__MetadataManager; /** * The cache of DAO -> Table. */ private static final Map<String, Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>>> FIND_BY_DAO_CACHE = new HashMap<>(); /** * The cache miss. */ private static final Map<String, Boolean> FIND_BY_DAO_CACHE_MISS = new HashMap<>(); /** * Creates a new {@code MetadataManagerTableDAO} instance using given {@link MetadataManager}. * @param manager the {@link MetadataManager} instance. */ public MetadataManagerTableDAO(@NotNull final M manager) { immutableSetMetadataManager(manager); } /** * Specifies the {@link MetadataManager} instance. * @param manager the {@link MetadataManager manager}. */ protected final void immutableSetMetadataManager(@NotNull final M manager) { m__MetadataManager = manager; } /** * Specifies the {@link MetadataManager} instance. * @param manager the {@link MetadataManager manager}. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected void setMetadataManager(@NotNull final M manager) { immutableSetMetadataManager(manager); } /** * Retrieves the {@link MetadataManager} instance. * @return such {@link MetadataManager instance}. */ @NotNull protected MetadataManager getMetadataManager() { return m__MetadataManager; } /** * Retrieves the table matching given name. * @param name the table name. * @return the associated {@link Table} instance, if the table is found. */ @Override @Nullable public Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>> findByName(@NotNull final String name) { return findByName(name, getMetadataManager().isCaseSensitive()); } /** * Retrieves the table matching given name. * @param name the table name. * @param caseSensitiveness whether the engine is case sensitive or not. * @return the associated {@link Table} instance, if the table is found. */ @Nullable protected Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>> findByName(@NotNull final String name, final boolean caseSensitiveness) { @Nullable Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>> result = null; @NotNull final List<Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>>> t_Tables = findAllTables(); for (@Nullable final Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>> t_Table : t_Tables) { if (t_Table != null) { if ((caseSensitiveness) && (t_Table.getName().equals(name))) { result = t_Table; break; } else if ((!caseSensitiveness) && (t_Table.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name))) { result = t_Table; break; } } } return result; } /** * Retrieves the list of tables with foreign keys to given table. * @param target the target table. * @return the list of referring tables. */ @NotNull public List<Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>>> findReferringTables( @NotNull final String target) { @NotNull final List<Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>>> result = new ArrayList<Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>>>( 1); @Nullable final List<Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>>> t_Tables = findAllTables(); @NotNull List<ForeignKey<String>> t_lForeignKeys; for (@Nullable final Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>> t_Table : t_Tables) { if (t_Table != null) { t_lForeignKeys = t_Table.getForeignKeys(); for (@Nullable final ForeignKey<String> t_ForeignKey : t_lForeignKeys) { if ((t_ForeignKey != null) && (t_ForeignKey.getTargetTableName().equalsIgnoreCase(target))) { result.add(t_Table); break; } } } } return result; } /** * Retrieves the table associated to given DAO. * @param dao the DAO name. * @return the table. */ @Override @Nullable public Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>> findByDAO(@NotNull final String dao) { return findByDAO(dao, MetadataUtils.getInstance()); } /** * Retrieves the {@link Table} associated to given DAO, from local cache. * @param dao the DAO. * @return such {@link Table}, or <code>null</code> if not found. */ protected static Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>> getCachedByDAO( @NotNull final String dao) { return FIND_BY_DAO_CACHE.get(dao.toLowerCase(Locale.US)); } /** * Caches given association between DAO and {@link Table}. * @param dao the DAO. * @param table the associated table. */ protected synchronized static void cacheByDAO(@NotNull final String dao, @NotNull final Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>> table) { FIND_BY_DAO_CACHE.put(dao, table); } /** * Annotates a miss for given DAO. * @param dao the dao. */ protected synchronized static void cacheByDAOMiss(@NotNull final String dao) { FIND_BY_DAO_CACHE_MISS.put(dao, Boolean.TRUE); } /** * Checks whether given DAO is known to have no associated {@link Table}. * @param dao the DAO to check. * @return <code>true</code> in such case. */ protected synchronized boolean isDaoAlreadyProcessed(@NotNull final String dao) { boolean result = false; final Boolean miss = FIND_BY_DAO_CACHE_MISS.get(dao); if (miss != null) { result = miss; } return result; } /** * Retrieves the table associated to given DAO. * @param dao the DAO name. * @param metadataUtils the {@link MetadataUtils} instance. * @return the table. */ @Nullable protected Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>> findByDAO(@NotNull final String dao, @NotNull final MetadataUtils metadataUtils) { @Nullable Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>> result = getCachedByDAO(dao); if ((result == null) && (!isDaoAlreadyProcessed(dao))) { for (@Nullable final Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>> t_Table : findAllTables()) { if ((t_Table != null) && (metadataUtils.matches(t_Table.getName(), dao))) { result = t_Table; break; } } if (result != null) { cacheByDAO(dao, result); } else { cacheByDAOMiss(dao); } } return result; } /** * Retrieves the actual contents of given table. * @param tableName the table name. * @return the retrieved rows. */ @Override @NotNull public List<Row<String>> queryContents(@NotNull final String tableName) throws SQLException { return queryContents(tableName, getMetadataManager()); } /** * Queries the contents of given table. * @param tableName the table name. * @param metadataManager the metadata manager. * @return the retrieved rows. * @throws SQLException if the contents cannot be retrieved. */ @NotNull protected List<Row<String>> queryContents(@NotNull final String tableName, @NotNull final MetadataManager metadataManager) throws SQLException { return queryContents(tableName, metadataManager, MetaLanguageUtils.getInstance(), MetadataUtils.getInstance()); } /** * Queries the contents of given table. * @param tableName the table name. * @param metadataManager the metadata manager. * @param metaLanguageUtils the {@link MetaLanguageUtils} instance. * @param metadataUtils the {@link MetadataUtils} instance. * @return the retrieved rows. * @throws SQLException if the contents cannot be retrieved. */ @NotNull protected List<Row<String>> queryContents(@NotNull final String tableName, @NotNull final MetadataManager metadataManager, @NotNull final MetaLanguageUtils metaLanguageUtils, @NotNull final MetadataUtils metadataUtils) throws SQLException { List<Row<String>> result = null; @Nullable final Table<String, Attribute<String>, List<Attribute<String>>> t_Table = metadataManager.getTableDAO() .findByName(tableName); if (t_Table != null) { @Nullable final Attribute<String> t_StaticAttribute = t_Table.getStaticAttribute(); @Nullable final String t_strStaticAttribute; if (t_StaticAttribute == null) { t_strStaticAttribute = metaLanguageUtils.retrieveStaticAttribute(t_Table.getComment()); } else { t_strStaticAttribute = t_StaticAttribute.getName(); } if (t_strStaticAttribute != null) { result = queryContents(tableName, t_strStaticAttribute, metadataUtils.retrieveAttributes(tableName, metadataManager), metadataManager); } } if (result == null) { result = new ArrayList<>(0); } return result; } /** * Queries the contents of given table. * @param tableName the table name. * @param staticAttributeName the name of the static attribute. * @param attributes the attributes. * @param metadataManager the metadata manager. * @return the retrieved rows. * @throws SQLException if the contents cannot be retrieved. */ @NotNull public List<Row<String>> queryContents(@NotNull final String tableName, @Nullable final String staticAttributeName, @NotNull final List<Attribute<String>> attributes, @NotNull final MetadataManager metadataManager) throws SQLException { return queryContents(tableName, staticAttributeName, attributes, metadataManager.getMetaData()); } /** * Queries the contents of given table. * @param tableName the table name. * @param staticAttributeName the name of the static attribute. * @param attributes the attributes. * @param metaData the metadata. * @return the retrieved rows. * @throws SQLException if the contents cannot be retrieved. */ @NotNull protected List<Row<String>> queryContents(@NotNull final String tableName, @Nullable final String staticAttributeName, @NotNull final List<Attribute<String>> attributes, @NotNull final DatabaseMetaData metaData) throws SQLException { return queryContents(tableName, staticAttributeName, attributes, metaData.getConnection()); } /** * Queries the contents of given table. * @param tableName the table name. * @param staticAttributeName the static attribute name. * @param attributes the attributes. * @param connection the connection. * @return the retrieved rows. * @throws SQLException if the contents cannot be retrieved. */ @NotNull protected List<Row<String>> queryContents(@NotNull final String tableName, @Nullable final String staticAttributeName, @NotNull final List<Attribute<String>> attributes, @NotNull final Connection connection) throws SQLException { // TODO: Move this to TableDAO @NotNull final List<Row<String>> result = new ArrayList<>(); @Nullable final Log t_Log = UniqueLogFactory.getLog(DAOTemplateUtils.class); final int t_iColumnCount = attributes.size(); @Nullable ResultSet t_rsResults = null; @Nullable PreparedStatement t_PreparedStatement = null; try { t_PreparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("select * from " + tableName); t_rsResults = t_PreparedStatement.executeQuery(); @NotNull final String[] t_astrColumnNames = new String[t_iColumnCount]; @NotNull final String[] t_astrColumnValues = new String[t_iColumnCount]; @Nullable String t_strRowName; if (t_rsResults != null) { while ( { t_strRowName = null; @NotNull final ResultSetMetaData t_rsMetaData = t_rsResults.getMetaData(); int t_iArrayIndex; for (int t_iIndex = 1; t_iIndex <= t_iColumnCount; t_iIndex++) { t_iArrayIndex = t_iIndex - 1; t_astrColumnNames[t_iArrayIndex] = t_rsMetaData.getColumnName(t_iIndex); t_astrColumnValues[t_iArrayIndex] = t_rsResults.getString(t_iIndex); if (staticAttributeName.equalsIgnoreCase(t_astrColumnNames[t_iArrayIndex])) { t_strRowName = t_astrColumnValues[t_iArrayIndex]; } } reorderAttributes(attributes, t_astrColumnNames, t_astrColumnValues); @NotNull final List<Attribute<String>> t_lAttributes = new ArrayList<>(t_astrColumnValues.length); Attribute<String> t_NewAttribute; for (int t_iIndex = 0; t_iIndex < t_astrColumnValues.length; t_iIndex++) { @Nullable final Attribute<String> t_Attribute = attributes.get(t_iIndex); if (t_Attribute != null) { t_NewAttribute = new AttributeValueObject(t_Attribute.getName(), t_Attribute.getTypeId(), t_Attribute.getType(), t_Attribute.getTableName(), t_Attribute.getComment(), t_Attribute.getOrdinalPosition(), t_Attribute.getLength(), t_Attribute.getPrecision(), t_Attribute.getKeyword(), t_Attribute.getRetrievalQuery(), t_Attribute.getSequence(), t_Attribute.isNullable(), t_astrColumnValues[t_iIndex], t_Attribute.isReadOnly(), t_Attribute.isBoolean(), t_Attribute.getBooleanTrue(), t_Attribute.getBooleanFalse(), t_Attribute.getBooleanNull()); t_lAttributes.add(t_NewAttribute); } } result.add(buildRow(t_strRowName, tableName, t_lAttributes)); } } } finally { try { if (t_rsResults != null) { t_rsResults.close(); } } catch (@NotNull final SQLException sqlException) { if (t_Log != null) { t_Log.error("Cannot close the ResultSet.", sqlException); } } try { if (t_PreparedStatement != null) { t_PreparedStatement.close(); } } catch (@NotNull final SQLException sqlException) { if (t_Log != null) { t_Log.error("Cannot close the PreparedStatement.", sqlException); } } } return result; } /** * Builds a row with given information. * @param rowName the row name. * @param tableName the table name. * @param attributes the attributes. * @return the row. */ @NotNull protected Row<String> buildRow(@NotNull final String rowName, @NotNull final String tableName, @NotNull final List<Attribute<String>> attributes) { return new RowValueObject(rowName, tableName, attributes); } /** * Reorders the attributes in the same order as the original ones. * @param attributes the original attributes. * @param names the retrieved attribute names. * @param values the retrieved attribute values. */ protected void reorderAttributes(@Nullable final Collection<Attribute<String>> attributes, @NotNull final String[] names, @NotNull final String[] values) { @Nullable final Iterator<Attribute<String>> t_itAttributeIterator = (attributes != null) ? attributes.iterator() : null; if (t_itAttributeIterator != null) { Attribute<String> t_CurrentAttribute; int t_iIndex = 0; int t_iPosition; final int t_iCount = attributes.size(); @NotNull final String[] t_astrAuxNames = new String[t_iCount]; @NotNull final String[] t_astrAuxValues = new String[t_iCount]; while (t_itAttributeIterator.hasNext()) { t_CurrentAttribute =; t_iPosition = retrieveAttributeIndex(t_CurrentAttribute.getName(), names); if ((t_iPosition >= 0) && (t_iPosition < t_iCount)) { t_astrAuxNames[t_iIndex] = names[t_iPosition]; t_astrAuxValues[t_iIndex] = values[t_iPosition]; } t_iIndex++; } copyArray(t_astrAuxNames, names); copyArray(t_astrAuxValues, values); } } /** * Retrieves the index of the attribute in given collection. * @param name the attribute name. * @param attributes the attributes. * @return such index. */ protected int retrieveAttributeIndex(@NotNull final String name, @Nullable final String[] attributes) { int result = -1; final int t_iCount = (attributes != null) ? attributes.length : 0; String t_strAttribute; if (attributes != null) { for (int t_iIndex = 0; t_iIndex < t_iCount; t_iIndex++) { t_strAttribute = attributes[t_iIndex]; if (name.equals(t_strAttribute)) { result = t_iIndex; break; } } } return result; } /** * Copies given array. * @param source the source. * @param target the target. */ protected void copyArray(@NotNull final String[] source, @NotNull final String[] target) { System.arraycopy(source, 0, target, 0, source.length); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @NotNull @Override public String toString() { return "{ \"metadataManager\": \"" + m__MetadataManager.hashCode() + '"' + ", \"class\": \"MetadataManagerTableDAO\"" + ", \"package\": \"org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.engines\" }"; } }