Java tutorial
/* QueryJ Core Copyright (C) 2002-today Jose San Leandro Armendariz This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Thanks to ACM S.L. for distributing this library under the GPL license. Contact info: ****************************************************************************** * * Filename: * * Author: Jose San Leandro Armendariz * * Description: Common logic for CustomSqlProviders. * * Date: 2014/03/08 * Time: 19:32 * */ package org.acmsl.queryj.customsql; /* * Importing ACM-SL Java Commons classes. */ import org.acmsl.commons.logging.UniqueLogFactory; /* * Importing QueryJ Core classes. */ import org.acmsl.queryj.customsql.xml.SqlXmlParser; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.SqlParameterDAO; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.SqlPropertyDAO; import org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.SqlResultDAO; /* * Importing Apache Commons Logging classes. */ import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; /* * Importing JetBrains annotations. */ import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; /* * Importing annotations. */ import org.checkthread.annotations.ThreadSafe; /* * Importing JDK classes. */ import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * Common logic for {@link CustomSqlProvider}s. * @author <a href="">Jose San Leandro</a> * @since 3.0 * Created: 2014/03/08 19:32 */ @ThreadSafe public abstract class AbstractCustomSqlProvider implements CustomSqlProvider { /** * The serial version id. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4395843851323478336L; /** * The default separator when computing hashes. */ protected static final String DEFAULT_SEPARATOR = "|"; /** * Computes the hash of given String. * @param value the value. * @param charset the charset. * @return the hash. */ @NotNull protected String getHash(@NotNull final String value, @NotNull final String charset) { @Nullable String result = null; try { @NotNull final MessageDigest t_MessageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1"); result = URLEncoder.encode( DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(t_MessageDigest.digest(value.getBytes(charset))), charset); } catch (@NotNull final NoSuchAlgorithmException noSuchAlgorithm) { @Nullable final Log t_Log = UniqueLogFactory.getLog(SqlXmlParser.class); if (t_Log != null) { t_Log.fatal("Cannot use SHA1 for computing hashes", noSuchAlgorithm); } } catch (@NotNull final UnsupportedEncodingException unsupportedEncoding) { @Nullable final Log t_Log = UniqueLogFactory.getLog(SqlXmlParser.class); if (t_Log != null) { t_Log.fatal("Cannot use UTF-8 for encoding hashes", unsupportedEncoding); } } if (result == null) { result = ""; } return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @NotNull @Override public <T> String getHash(@NotNull final Sql<T> sql, @NotNull final String charset) { return getHash(sql.getId(), sql.getName(), sql.getType(), sql.getDao(), sql.isValidate(), sql.isDynamic(), sql.getValue(), sql.getRepositoryScope(), sql.getImplementation(), sql.getParameterRefs(), charset, getSqlParameterDAO(), getSqlResultDAO(), DEFAULT_SEPARATOR); } /** * Retrieves the hash of the SQL whose details are given. * @param id the id. * @param name the sql name. * @param type the type. * @param dao the DAO. * @param validate whether to validate or not. * @param dynamic whether it's dynamic or not. * @param value the value. * @param repositoryScoped whether it's repository-scoped or not. * @param implementation the implementation value. * @param parameterRefs the parameter refs. * @param charset the charset. * @param parameterDAO the {@link org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.SqlParameterDAO} instance. * @param resultDAO the {@link org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.SqlResultDAO} instance. * @param separator the hash separator. * @param <T> the type. * @return such hash. */ @NotNull protected <T> String getHash(@NotNull final T id, @NotNull final T name, @NotNull final T type, @Nullable final T dao, final boolean validate, final boolean dynamic, @Nullable final T value, @Nullable final T repositoryScoped, @Nullable final T implementation, @NotNull final List<ParameterRef> parameterRefs, @NotNull final String charset, @NotNull final SqlParameterDAO parameterDAO, @NotNull final SqlResultDAO resultDAO, @NotNull final String separator) { @NotNull final String result; @NotNull final StringBuilder t_Builder = new StringBuilder(); t_Builder.append(name); t_Builder.append(separator); t_Builder.append(type); t_Builder.append(separator); if (dao != null) { t_Builder.append(dao); t_Builder.append(separator); } t_Builder.append(validate); t_Builder.append(separator); t_Builder.append(dynamic); t_Builder.append(separator); if (value != null) { t_Builder.append(value); t_Builder.append(separator); } if (repositoryScoped != null) { t_Builder.append(repositoryScoped); } else { t_Builder.append("null"); } t_Builder.append(separator); if (implementation != null) { t_Builder.append(implementation); } else { t_Builder.append("null"); } t_Builder.append(separator); for (@Nullable final ParameterRef t_ParameterRef : parameterRefs) { if (t_ParameterRef != null) { @Nullable final Parameter<String, ?> t_Parameter = parameterDAO.findByPrimaryKey(t_ParameterRef.getId()); if (t_Parameter != null) { t_Builder.append(getHash(t_Parameter, charset, separator)); t_Builder.append(separator); } } } @Nullable final Result<String> t_Result = resultDAO.findBySqlId(id.toString()); if (t_Result != null) { t_Builder.append(getHash(t_Result, charset, separator)); } result = getHash(t_Builder.toString(), charset); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @NotNull @Override public <T, V> String getHash(@NotNull final Parameter<T, V> parameter, @NotNull final String charset) { return getHash(parameter, charset, DEFAULT_SEPARATOR); } /** * Computes the hash for given {@link Parameter parameter}. * @param parameter the parameter. * @param charset the charset. * @param separator the hash separator. * @return the hash. * @param <T> the type. * @param <V> the type of the value. */ @NotNull protected <T, V> String getHash(@NotNull final Parameter<T, V> parameter, @NotNull final String charset, @NotNull final String separator) { return getHash(parameter.getIndex(), parameter.getType(), charset, separator); } /** * Computes the hash for given {@link Parameter parameter}. * @param index the parameter index. * @param type the parameter type. * @param charset the charset. * @param separator the hash separator. * @return the hash. * @param <T> the type. */ @NotNull protected <T> String getHash(final int index, @NotNull final T type, @NotNull final String charset, @NotNull final String separator) { @NotNull final String result; @NotNull final StringBuilder t_Builder = new StringBuilder(); t_Builder.append(index); t_Builder.append(separator); t_Builder.append(type); result = getHash(t_Builder.toString(), charset); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @NotNull @Override public <T> String getHash(@NotNull final Result<T> result, @NotNull final String charset) { return getHash(result.getClassValue(), result.getPropertyRefs(), charset, getSqlPropertyDAO(), DEFAULT_SEPARATOR); } /** * Computes the hash for given {@link org.acmsl.queryj.customsql.Result result}. * @param result the result. * @param charset the charset. * @param separator the separator. * @param <T> the type. * @return the hash. */ @NotNull protected <T> String getHash(@NotNull final Result<T> result, @NotNull final String charset, @NotNull final String separator) { return getHash(result.getClassValue(), result.getPropertyRefs(), charset, getSqlPropertyDAO(), separator); } /** * Computes the hash for given {@link org.acmsl.queryj.customsql.Result result}. * @param classValue the class value. * @param propertyRefs the {@link PropertyRef property refs}. * @param charset the charset. * @param propertyDAO the {@link org.acmsl.queryj.metadata.SqlPropertyDAO property DAO}. * @param separator the separator. * @param <T> the type. * @return the hash. */ @NotNull protected <T> String getHash(@Nullable final T classValue, @NotNull final List<PropertyRef> propertyRefs, @NotNull final String charset, @NotNull final SqlPropertyDAO propertyDAO, @NotNull final String separator) { @NotNull final String result; @NotNull final StringBuilder t_Builder = new StringBuilder(); if (classValue != null) { t_Builder.append(classValue); t_Builder.append(separator); } for (@Nullable final PropertyRef t_PropertyRef : propertyRefs) { if (t_PropertyRef != null) { @Nullable final Property<String> t_Property = propertyDAO.findByPrimaryKey(t_PropertyRef.getId()); if (t_Property != null) { t_Builder.append(getHash(t_Property, charset, separator)); } } } result = getHash(t_Builder.toString(), charset); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @NotNull @Override public <T> String getHash(@NotNull final Property<T> property, @NotNull final String charset) { return getHash(property.getColumnName(), property.getType(), property.isNullable(), charset, DEFAULT_SEPARATOR); } /** * Computes the hash for given {@link Property} information. * @param property the property. * @param charset the charset. * @param separator the hash separator. * @param <T> the type. * @return the computed hash. */ @NotNull protected <T> String getHash(@NotNull final Property<T> property, @NotNull final String charset, @NotNull final String separator) { return getHash(property.getColumnName(), property.getType(), property.isNullable(), charset, separator); } /** * Computes the hash for given {@link Property} information. * @param columnName the column name. * @param type the column type. * @param nullable whether the column allows nulls. * @param charset the charset. * @param separator the hash separator. * @param <T> the type. * @return the computed hash. */ @NotNull protected <T> String getHash(@NotNull final T columnName, @NotNull final T type, final boolean nullable, @NotNull final String charset, @NotNull final String separator) { @NotNull final String result; @NotNull final StringBuilder t_Builder = new StringBuilder(); t_Builder.append(columnName); t_Builder.append(separator); t_Builder.append(type); t_Builder.append(separator); t_Builder.append(nullable); result = getHash(t_Builder.toString(), charset); return result; } }