Source code

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Here is the source code for


                    QueryJ Core
Copyright (C) 2002-today  Jose San Leandro Armendariz
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
Thanks to ACM S.L. for distributing this library under the GPL license.
Contact info:
 * Filename:
 * Author: Jose San Leandro Armendariz
 * Description: Common logic for all templates.
 * Date: 2013/08/15
 * Time: 08:24
package org.acmsl.queryj.api;

 * Importing QueryJ Core classes.
import org.acmsl.queryj.Literals;
import org.acmsl.queryj.QueryJCommand;
import org.acmsl.queryj.api.exceptions.CannotFindPlaceholderImplementationException;
import org.acmsl.queryj.api.exceptions.CannotFindTemplateGroupException;
import org.acmsl.queryj.api.exceptions.CannotFindTemplateInGroupException;
import org.acmsl.queryj.api.exceptions.DevelopmentModeException;
import org.acmsl.queryj.api.exceptions.InvalidTemplateException;
import org.acmsl.queryj.api.exceptions.QueryJBuildException;
import org.acmsl.queryj.api.handlers.fillhandlers.FillHandler;

 * Importing QueryJ Placeholders classes.
import org.acmsl.queryj.api.placeholders.FillTemplateChainFactory;

 * Importing ACM-SL Commons classes.
import org.acmsl.commons.logging.UniqueLogFactory;
import org.acmsl.commons.utils.ClassLoaderUtils;

 * Importing ANTLR classes.
import org.antlr.v4.parse.ANTLRParser;

 * Importing Apache Commons Logging classes.
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

 * Importing JetBrains annotations.
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;

 * Importing annotations.
import org.checkthread.annotations.ThreadSafe;

 * Importing StringTemplate classes.
import org.stringtemplate.v4.ST;
import org.stringtemplate.v4.STErrorListener;
import org.stringtemplate.v4.STGroup;
import org.stringtemplate.v4.misc.STMessage;

 * Importing JDK classes.
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;

 * Common logic for all templates.
 * @param <C> the context type.
 * @author <a href="">Jose San Leandro</a>
 * @since 3.0
 * Created: 2013/08/15 08/24
public abstract class AbstractTemplate<C extends TemplateContext>
        implements STTemplate<C>, DefaultThemeConstants, Serializable {
     * The default StringTemplate error listener.
    protected static final STErrorListener DEFAULT_ST_ERROR_LISTENER = new STErrorListener() {
         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void compileTimeError(@NotNull final STMessage stMessage) {
            final Log log = UniqueLogFactory.getLog(AbstractQueryJTemplate.class);

            if (log != null) {

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void runTimeError(@NotNull final STMessage stMessage) {
            final Log log = UniqueLogFactory.getLog(AbstractQueryJTemplate.class);

            if (log != null) {

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void IOError(@NotNull final STMessage stMessage) {
            final Log log = UniqueLogFactory.getLog(AbstractQueryJTemplate.class);

            if (log != null) {

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void internalError(@NotNull final STMessage stMessage) {
            final Log log = UniqueLogFactory.getLog(AbstractQueryJTemplate.class);

            if (log != null) {

     * The template context.
    private C m__TemplateContext;

     * Caches the StringTemplateGroup for each template class.
    private static Map<String, ?> m__mSTCache;

     * The placeholder package.
    private String m__strPlaceholderPackage;

     * Whether we are in debug mode.
    private boolean m__bDebugEnabled;

     * A singleton container to avoid the double-checking lock idiom.
    protected static final class FinalizingThreadSingletonContainer {
         * The singleton instance.
        private static final FinalizingThread THREAD = new FinalizingThread();

         * Retrieves the thread.
         * @return such information.
        public static FinalizingThread getInstance() {
            return THREAD;

     * Builds a {@code AbstractTemplate} with given context.
     * @param context the context.
    protected AbstractTemplate(@NotNull final C context) {
        this(context, Literals.DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_PACKAGE);

     * Builds a {@code AbstractTemplate} with given context.
     * @param context the context.
     * @param placeholderPackage the package of the placeholder classes.
    protected AbstractTemplate(@NotNull final C context, @NotNull final String placeholderPackage) {
        this(context, placeholderPackage, false);

     * Builds a {@code AbstractTemplate} with given context.
     * @param context the context.
     * @param placeholderPackage the package of the placeholder classes.
     * @param debugEnabled whether to enable debugging or not.
    protected AbstractTemplate(@NotNull final C context, @NotNull final String placeholderPackage,
            final boolean debugEnabled) {
        setSTCache(new HashMap<String, Object>());
        //ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean(). getInputArguments().toString().contains(XRUNJDWP_TRANSPORT));

     * Specifies the {@link QueryJTemplateContext}.
     * @param context the context.
    private void immutableSetTemplateContext(@NotNull final C context) {
        m__TemplateContext = context;

     * Specifies the {@link QueryJTemplateContext}.
     * @param context the context.
    protected void setTemplateContext(@NotNull final C context) {

     * Retrieves the {@link QueryJTemplateContext context}.
     * @return such context.
    public C getTemplateContext() {
        return m__TemplateContext;

     * Specifies the placeholder package.
     * @param pkg such package.
    protected final void immutableSetPlaceholderPackage(@NotNull final String pkg) {
        this.m__strPlaceholderPackage = pkg;

     * Specifies the placeholder package.
     * @param pkg such package.
    protected void setPlaceholderPackage(@NotNull final String pkg) {

     * Retrieves the placeholder package.
     * @return such package.
    protected String getPlaceholderPackage() {
        return this.m__strPlaceholderPackage;

     * Specifies the ST cache.
     * @param map the map to use as cache.
    protected static void setSTCache(@NotNull final Map<String, ?> map) {
        m__mSTCache = map;

     * Retrieves the ST cache.
     * @return the map being used as cache.
    protected static Map<String, ?> getSTCache() {
        return m__mSTCache;

     * Specifies the debug mode.
     * @param mode such mode.
    protected final void immutableSetDebugEnabled(final boolean mode) {
        this.m__bDebugEnabled = mode;

     * Specifies whether debugging is enabled for this template.
     * @param flag the desired behavior.
    public void setDebugEnabled(final boolean flag) {

     * Whether debugging is enabled for this template.
     * @return {@code true} in such case.
    public boolean isDebugEnabled() {
        return m__bDebugEnabled;

     * Retrieves the string template group.
     * @param path the path.
     * @param lookupPaths the lookup paths.
     * @return such instance.
    protected STGroup retrieveGroup(@NotNull final String path, @NotNull final List<String> lookupPaths) {
        return retrieveGroup(path, lookupPaths, Charset.defaultCharset(), (Map<String, STGroup>) getSTCache(),

     * Retrieves the string template group.
     * @param path the path.
     * @param lookupPaths the lookup paths.
     * @param charset the charset.
     * @param cache the ST cache.
     * @param debugMode if we're debugging.
     * @return such instance.
    protected STGroup retrieveGroup(@NotNull final String path, @NotNull final List<String> lookupPaths,
            @NotNull final Charset charset, @NotNull final Map<String, STGroup> cache, final boolean debugMode) {
        final STGroup result;

        final STGroup cached;

        final String t_Key;

        if (!debugMode) {
            t_Key = buildSTGroupKey(path);
            cached = cache.get(t_Key);
        } else {
            t_Key = null;
            cached = null;

        if ((debugMode) || (cached == null)) {
            result = retrieveGroup(path, lookupPaths, retrieveStErrorListener(), charset, debugMode,

            if ((!debugMode) && (result != null)) {
                cache.put(t_Key, result);
        } else {
            result = cached;

        return result;

     * Retrieves the StringTemplate error listener.
     * @return such instance.
    protected STErrorListener retrieveStErrorListener() {

     * Builds a key to store the ST group associated to
     * given path and theme.
     * @param path the ST path.
     * @return such key.
    protected final String buildSTGroupKey(@NotNull final String path) {
        return ".:\\AbstractQueryJTemplate//STCACHE//" + path + "//";

     * Retrieves the string template group.
     * @param path the path.
     * @param lookupPaths the lookup paths.
     * @param errorListener the {@link STErrorListener} instance.
     * @param charset the charset.
     * @param debugMode whether we're debugging or not.
     * @param stUtils the {@link STUtils} instance.
     * @return such instance.
    protected STGroup retrieveGroup(@NotNull final String path, @NotNull final List<String> lookupPaths,
            @NotNull final STErrorListener errorListener, @NotNull final Charset charset, final boolean debugMode,
            @NotNull final STUtils stUtils) {
        return stUtils.retrieveGroup(path, lookupPaths, errorListener, charset, debugMode);

     * Configures given {@link org.stringtemplate.v4.ST} instance.
     * @param stringTemplate such template.
    protected void configure(@NotNull final ST stringTemplate) {

     * Retrieves the template in given group.
     * @param group the StringTemplate group.
     * @return the template.
    protected ST retrieveTemplate(@Nullable final STGroup group) {
        ST result = null;

        if (group != null) {
            result = group.getInstanceOf(TEMPLATE_NAME);

        return result;

     * Logs a custom header.
     * @param header the header.
    protected void logHeader(@Nullable final String header) {
        final Log t_Log = UniqueLogFactory.getLog(AbstractQueryJTemplate.class);

        if (t_Log != null) {

     * Builds the header for logging purposes.
     * @return such header.
    protected String buildHeader() {
        return Literals.GENERATING + getClass().getName() + ".";

     * Prints a log message displaying ClassLoader issues related
     * to ANTLR.jar and StringTemplate.jar.
    protected synchronized void traceClassLoaders() {
        final FinalizingThread t_FinalizingThread = FinalizingThreadSingletonContainer.getInstance();

        if (t_FinalizingThread.isNew()) {
            final Runtime t_Runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();

            if (t_Runtime != null) {

     * Cleans up the thread to trace class loaders on shutdown.
    protected void cleanUpClassLoaderTracing() {
        final FinalizingThread t_FinalizingThread = FinalizingThreadSingletonContainer.getInstance();

        final Runtime t_Runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();

        if (t_Runtime != null) {

     * Thread to provide some information about ANTLR class loaders,
     * since it's likely to have triggered the VM shutdown.
    protected static class FinalizingThread extends Thread {
         * Whether the thread is new or not.
        private boolean m__bNew = true;

         * Retrieves whether this thread has just been created or not.
         * @return such information.
        public boolean isNew() {
            final boolean result = m__bNew;

            m__bNew = false;

            return result;

         * Runs the thread.
        public void run() {

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public String toString() {
            return "{ \"new\": " + m__bNew + ", \"class\": \"" + FinalizingThread.class.getSimpleName() + "\""
                    + ", \"package\": \"" + FinalizingThread.class.getPackage() + "\" }";

     * Prints a log message displaying ClassLoader issues related
     * to ANTLR.jar and StringTemplate.jar.
    protected static void traceANTLRClassLoadingIssues() {
        // CharScanner; panic: ClassNotFoundException:
        // org.antlr.stringtemplate.language.ChunkToken
        // can happen if ANTLR gets loaded by a ClassLoader
        // with no reference to StringTemplate classes.
        final Log t_Log = UniqueLogFactory.getLog(AbstractQueryJTemplate.class);

        final ClassLoaderUtils t_ClassLoaderUtils = ClassLoaderUtils.getInstance();

        if (t_Log != null) {
            final StringBuilder t_sbMessage = new StringBuilder();

            final String t_strAntlrLocation = t_ClassLoaderUtils.findLocation(ANTLRParser.class);

            final String t_strStringTemplateLocation = t_ClassLoaderUtils.findLocation(ST.class);

            t_sbMessage.append("A fatal error in StringTemplate-based generation "
                    + "has stopped QueryJ build process.\n" + "If you see error messages from StringTemplate, "
                    + "review your templates. Otherwise, if the VM " + "exited due to ClassNotFoundException or "
                    + "NoClassDefFoundException regarding ANTLR or StringTemplate "
                    + "classes (i.e. ChunkToken), then " + "antlr-X.Y.jar has been loaded by a class loader "
                    + "with no idea of where StringTemplate classes "
                    + "are, and therefore ANTLR's reflection-based "
                    + "instantiation fails. Check your classpath or the way "
                    + "it's defined by Ant or any other tool you might be " + "using. ");
            final boolean t_bAntlrLocationFound = ((t_strAntlrLocation != null)
                    && (t_strAntlrLocation.trim().length() > 0));
            final boolean t_bStringTemplateLocationFound = ((t_strStringTemplateLocation != null)
                    && (t_strStringTemplateLocation.trim().length() > 0));

            if ((t_bAntlrLocationFound) || (t_bStringTemplateLocationFound)) {
                t_sbMessage.append("Hint: ");

                if ((t_strAntlrLocation != null) && (t_strAntlrLocation.trim().length() > 0)) {
                    t_sbMessage.append("ANTLR is loaded from ");

                if (t_bStringTemplateLocationFound) {
                    if (t_bAntlrLocationFound) {
                        t_sbMessage.append(" whereas ");
                    t_sbMessage.append("StringTemplate is loaded from ");


     * {@inheritDoc}
    public ST generate(final boolean relevantOnly) throws InvalidTemplateException, DevelopmentModeException {
        return generate(getTemplateContext(), relevantOnly);

     * Generates the source code.
     * @param context the {@link QueryJTemplateContext} instance.
     * @param relevantOnly whether to include only relevant placeholders.
     * @return such output.
     * @throws InvalidTemplateException if the template is invalid.
     * @throws DevelopmentModeException if we're running in development mode.
    protected ST generate(@NotNull final C context, final boolean relevantOnly)
            throws InvalidTemplateException, DevelopmentModeException {
        final ST result;

        if (!relevantOnly) {


        result = generateOutput(context, relevantOnly);


        return result;

     * Retrieves the source code generated by this template.
     * @param context the context.
     * @param relevantOnly whether to include only relevant placeholders.
     * @return such code.
     * @throws InvalidTemplateException if the template is invalid.
     * @throws DevelopmentModeException if we're running in development mode.
    protected ST generateOutput(@NotNull final C context, final boolean relevantOnly)
            throws InvalidTemplateException, DevelopmentModeException {
        final ST result;

        Throwable t_ExceptionToWrap = null;

        final STGroup t_Group = retrieveGroup();

        if (t_Group == null) {
            throw new CannotFindTemplateGroupException(getTemplateName());
        } else {
            result = retrieveTemplate(t_Group);

            if (result != null) {
                try {
                    final Map<String, Object> placeHolders = new HashMap<>();

                    final List<FillTemplateChain<? extends FillHandler<?>>> fillChains = buildFillTemplateChains(

                    for (@NotNull
                    final FillTemplateChain<? extends FillHandler<?>> chain : fillChains) {
                        final QueryJCommand command = chain.providePlaceholders(relevantOnly);

                        for (@NotNull
                        final String key : command.getKeys()) {
                            placeHolders.put(key, command.getObjectSetting(key));

                    result.add(CONTEXT, placeHolders);

                } catch (@NotNull final QueryJBuildException invalidTemplate) {
                    t_ExceptionToWrap = invalidTemplate;

                if (t_ExceptionToWrap != null) {
                    throw buildInvalidTemplateException(context, result, t_ExceptionToWrap);
            } else {
                throw new CannotFindTemplateInGroupException(t_Group, TEMPLATE_NAME);

        return result;

     * Builds the correct chain.
     * @param context the context.
     * @return the specific {@link FillTemplateChain}.
     * @throws QueryJBuildException if the template chain cannot be built.
    public List<FillTemplateChain<? extends FillHandler<?>>> buildFillTemplateChains(@NotNull final C context)
            throws QueryJBuildException {
        final List<FillTemplateChain<? extends FillHandler<?>>> result = new ArrayList<>();

        final Class<FillTemplateChainFactory<C>> factoryClass = retrieveFillTemplateChainFactoryClass(context,

        if (factoryClass != null) {
            final ServiceLoader<FillTemplateChainFactory<C>> loader = ServiceLoader.load(factoryClass);

            if (loader != null) {
                for (@NotNull
                final FillTemplateChainFactory<C> factory : loader) {
                    result.add((FillTemplateChain<? extends FillHandler<?>>) factory.createFillChain(context));
            } else {
                throw new CannotFindPlaceholderImplementationException(factoryClass);
        } else {
            throw new CannotFindPlaceholderImplementationException(context.getClass().getName());

        return result;

     * Retrieves the placeholder chain provider.
     * @param context the context.
     * @param placeholderPackage the placeholder package.
     * @return the {@link} class.
     * @throws QueryJBuildException if the factory class is invalid.
    protected Class<FillTemplateChainFactory<C>> retrieveFillTemplateChainFactoryClass(@NotNull final C context,
            @NotNull final String placeholderPackage) throws QueryJBuildException {
        Class<FillTemplateChainFactory<C>> result = null;

        final String contextName = context.getClass().getSimpleName().replaceAll("^TemplateDef", "");

        final String baseName = buildFillTemplateChainFactoryClass(contextName, placeholderPackage);

        try {
            result = (Class<FillTemplateChainFactory<C>>) Class.forName(baseName);
        } catch (@NotNull final ClassNotFoundException classNotFound) {
            final Log t_Log = UniqueLogFactory.getLog(AbstractQueryJTemplate.class);

            if (t_Log != null) {
      "Template context " + contextName + " not supported", classNotFound);

        return result;

     * Builds the {@link FillTemplateChainFactory} class name.
     * @param contextName the context name.
     * @param placeholderPackage the placeholder package.
     * @return the class name.
    String buildFillTemplateChainFactoryClass(@NotNull final String contextName,
            @NotNull final String placeholderPackage) {
        final String result;

        String aux = contextName;

        if (aux.endsWith(Literals.CONTEXT)) {
            aux = aux.substring(0, aux.lastIndexOf(Literals.CONTEXT));

        if (aux.endsWith(Literals.TEMPLATE)) {
            aux = aux.substring(0, aux.lastIndexOf(Literals.TEMPLATE));

        if (!aux.endsWith(Literals.FILL_TEMPLATE_CHAIN_FACTORY)) {
            aux = aux + Literals.FILL_TEMPLATE_CHAIN_FACTORY;

        result = placeholderPackage + "." + aux;

        return result;

     * Builds a context-specific exception.
     * @param context the context.
     * @param template the {@link ST} instance.
     * @param actualException the actual exception.
     * @return the specific {@link InvalidTemplateException} for the template.
    public abstract InvalidTemplateException buildInvalidTemplateException(@NotNull final C context,
            @NotNull final ST template, @NotNull final Throwable actualException);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String toString() {
        return "{ \"placeholderPackage\": \"" + this.m__strPlaceholderPackage + '"' + ", \"debug\": "
                + this.m__bDebugEnabled + ", \"class\": \"AbstractTemplate" + '"' + ", \"templateContext\": "
                + this.m__TemplateContext + ", \"package\": \"org.acmsl.queryj.api\" }";