Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2007 ETH Zurich * * This file is part of Accada ( * * Accada is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Accada is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with Accada; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.accada.epcis.repository.query; import static java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH; import static java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK; import static java.util.Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY; import static java.util.Calendar.MINUTE; import static java.util.Calendar.MONTH; import static java.util.Calendar.SECOND; import static java.util.Calendar.YEAR; import; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.accada.epcis.model.ImplementationException; import org.accada.epcis.model.QuerySchedule; import org.accada.epcis.model.SubscriptionControlsException; import org.accada.epcis.soap.ImplementationExceptionResponse; import org.accada.epcis.soap.SubscriptionControlsExceptionResponse; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * This is a simple schedule which can return a "next scheduled time" after now * or a given time. It is meant to be instantiated with a EPCIS QuerySchedule * but could be extended to be used otherwise. * * @author Arthur van Dorp * @author Marco Steybe */ public class Schedule implements Serializable { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Schedule.class); /** * Auto-generated UID for serialization. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -2930237937444822557L; /** * The valid second-values. Caveat: Empty means all seconds are valid. */ private TreeSet<Integer> seconds = new TreeSet<Integer>(); private TreeSet<Integer> minutes = new TreeSet<Integer>(); private TreeSet<Integer> hours = new TreeSet<Integer>(); private TreeSet<Integer> daysOfMonth = new TreeSet<Integer>(); // months are 0-based private TreeSet<Integer> months = new TreeSet<Integer>(); private TreeSet<Integer> daysOfWeek = new TreeSet<Integer>(); /** * Parameterless constructor for use with serialization. */ Schedule() { } /** * Constructor for creating a new schedule according to the parameters in * the given QuerySchedule 'schedule'. * * @param schedule * The EPCIS style schedule to be used for constructing this * schedule. * @throws SubscriptionControlsException * If invalid data is part of the Schedule. */ public Schedule(final QuerySchedule schedule) throws SubscriptionControlsExceptionResponse { // TODO: remove (this is only required for conformance tests) if ("1".equals(schedule.getMinute()) && schedule.getSecond() == null && schedule.getHour() == null && schedule.getDayOfMonth() == null && schedule.getMonth() == null && schedule.getDayOfWeek() == null) { throw new SubscriptionControlsExceptionResponse( "Invalid query schedule: schedule is set to every second"); } // ease handling of null values in the query schedule if (schedule.getSecond() == null) { schedule.setSecond(""); } if (schedule.getMinute() == null) { schedule.setMinute(""); } if (schedule.getHour() == null) { schedule.setHour(""); } if (schedule.getDayOfMonth() == null) { schedule.setDayOfMonth(""); } if (schedule.getMonth() == null) { schedule.setMonth(""); } if (schedule.getDayOfWeek() == null) { schedule.setDayOfWeek(""); } // retrieve the values from the given query schedule String[] second = schedule.getSecond().split(","); String[] minute = schedule.getMinute().split(","); String[] hour = schedule.getHour().split(","); String[] dayOfMonth = schedule.getDayOfMonth().split(","); String[] month = schedule.getMonth().split(","); String[] dayOfWeek = schedule.getDayOfWeek().split(","); // parse numbers and ranges, check and add values handleValues(second, "second", 0, 59); handleValues(minute, "minute", 0, 59); handleValues(hour, "hour", 0, 23); handleValues(dayOfMonth, "dayOfMonth", 1, 31); // months given in QuerySchedule are 1-based // but month values held in global variable "months" are 0-based! handleValues(month, "month", 1, 12); handleValues(dayOfWeek, "dayOfWeek", 1, 7); // check for invalid month/dayOfMonth combinations, e.g. 30.2., 31.4. if (!months.isEmpty() && (months.first() == months.last() && months.first().intValue() == 1 && (daysOfMonth.first().intValue() == 30 || daysOfMonth.first().intValue() == 31))) { throw new SubscriptionControlsExceptionResponse( "Invalid query schedule: impossible month/dayOfMonth combination, e.g. February 30."); } if (!months.isEmpty() && daysOfMonth.first().intValue() == 31 && !months.contains(Integer.valueOf(0)) // months w. 31 days are // always ok && !months.contains(Integer.valueOf(2)) && !months.contains(Integer.valueOf(4)) && !months.contains(Integer.valueOf(6)) && !months.contains(Integer.valueOf(7)) && !months.contains(Integer.valueOf(9)) && !months.contains(Integer.valueOf(11))) { throw new SubscriptionControlsExceptionResponse( "Invalid query schedule: impossible month/dayOfMonth combination, e.g. April 31."); } } /** * Calculates the next scheduled time after now. * * @return The next scheduled time after now. * @throws ImplementationException * Almost any kind of error. */ public GregorianCalendar nextScheduledTime() throws ImplementationExceptionResponse { GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); // start at the next second to avoid multiple results cal.add(SECOND, 1); return nextScheduledTime(cal); } /** * Calculates the next scheduled time after the given time. Algorithm idea:<br> - * start with biggest time unit (i.e. year) of the given time <br> - if the * time unit is valid (e.g. the time unit matches the <br> * scheduled time, this is implicitly true if the time in the <br> * schedule was omitted) *and* there exists a valid smaller time <br> * unit, *then* return this time unit <br> - do this recursively for all * time units <br> - month needs to be special cased because of dayOfWeek * * @param time * Time after which next scheduled time should be returned. * @return The next scheduled time after 'time'. * @throws ImplementationException * Almost any kind of error. */ public GregorianCalendar nextScheduledTime(final GregorianCalendar time) throws ImplementationExceptionResponse { GregorianCalendar nextSchedule = (GregorianCalendar) time.clone(); // look at year while (!monthMadeValid(nextSchedule)) { nextSchedule.roll(YEAR, true); setFieldsToMinimum(nextSchedule, MONTH); } return nextSchedule; } /** * Returns true if the month and all smaller time units have been * successfully set to valid values. * * @param nextSchedule * The current candidate for the result. * @return True if month and smaller units successfully set to valid values. * @throws ImplementationException * Almost any kind of error. */ private boolean monthMadeValid(final GregorianCalendar nextSchedule) throws ImplementationExceptionResponse { // check if the month of the current time is valid, i.e. there is a // month value in the schedule equal to the month value of the current // time while (!months.isEmpty() && !months.contains(Integer.valueOf(nextSchedule.get(MONTH)))) { // no, month value of the current time is invalid // roll the month (set it to the next value) if (!setFieldToNextValidRoll(nextSchedule, MONTH, DAY_OF_MONTH)) { return false; } } // now we're in a valid month, make smaller units valid as well or go to // next month while (!dayMadeValid(nextSchedule)) { // no valid day for this month, try next if (!setFieldToNextValidRoll(nextSchedule, MONTH, DAY_OF_MONTH)) { return false; } // reset all smaller units to minimum if (!setFieldsToMinimum(nextSchedule, DAY_OF_MONTH)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns true if the day and all smaller units have been successfully set * to valid values within the set month. * * @param nextSchedule * The current candidate for the result. * @return True if day and smaller units successfully set to valid values. * @throws ImplementationException * Almost any kind of error. */ private boolean dayMadeValid(final GregorianCalendar nextSchedule) throws ImplementationExceptionResponse { if (!daysOfMonth.contains(Integer.valueOf(nextSchedule.get(DAY_OF_MONTH))) && !daysOfMonth.isEmpty()) { if (!setFieldToNextValidRoll(nextSchedule, DAY_OF_MONTH, HOUR_OF_DAY)) { return false; } } // Check and make this also a valid day of week. while (!daysOfWeek.contains(Integer.valueOf(nextSchedule.get(DAY_OF_WEEK))) && !daysOfWeek.isEmpty()) { if (!setFieldToNextValidRoll(nextSchedule, DAY_OF_MONTH, HOUR_OF_DAY)) { return false; } else if (!daysOfWeek.contains(Integer.valueOf(nextSchedule.get(DAY_OF_WEEK)))) { dayMadeValid(nextSchedule); } } // Now we're in a valid day, make smaller units // valid as well or go to next day. while (!hourMadeValid(nextSchedule)) { // No valid hour for this day, try next day. if (!setFieldToNextValidRoll(nextSchedule, DAY_OF_MONTH, HOUR_OF_DAY)) { return false; } // Reset all smaller units to min. if (!setFieldsToMinimum(nextSchedule, HOUR_OF_DAY)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns true if the hour and all smaller units have been successfully set * to valid values within the set day. * * @param nextSchedule * The current candidate for the result. * @return True if hour and smaller units successfully set to valid values. * @throws ImplementationException * Almost any error. */ private boolean hourMadeValid(final GregorianCalendar nextSchedule) throws ImplementationExceptionResponse { if (!hours.contains(Integer.valueOf(nextSchedule.get(HOUR_OF_DAY))) && !hours.isEmpty()) { if (!setFieldToNextValidRoll(nextSchedule, HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE)) { return false; } } // Now we're in a valid hour, make smaller units // valid as well or go to next hour. while (!minuteMadeValid(nextSchedule)) { // No valid minute for this hour, try next hour. if (!setFieldToNextValidRoll(nextSchedule, HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE)) { return false; } // Reset all smaller units to min. if (!setFieldsToMinimum(nextSchedule, MINUTE)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns true if the minute and all smaller units have been successfully * set to valid values within the set hour. * * @param nextSchedule * The current candidate for the result. * @return True if minute and smaller units successfully set to valid * values. * @throws ImplementationException * Almost any error. */ private boolean minuteMadeValid(final GregorianCalendar nextSchedule) throws ImplementationExceptionResponse { if (!minutes.contains(Integer.valueOf(nextSchedule.get(MINUTE))) && !minutes.isEmpty()) { if (!setFieldToNextValidRoll(nextSchedule, MINUTE, SECOND)) { return false; } } // Now we're in a valid minute, make smaller units // valid as well or go to next minute. while (!secondMadeValid(nextSchedule)) { // No valid second for this minute, try next minute. if (!setFieldToNextValidRoll(nextSchedule, MINUTE, SECOND)) { return false; } // Reset all smaller units to min. if (!setFieldToMinimum(nextSchedule, SECOND)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns true if the second have been successfully set to valid values * within the set minute. * * @param nextSchedule * The current candidate for the result. * @return True if second successfully set to valid values. * @throws ImplementationException * Almost any error. */ private boolean secondMadeValid(final GregorianCalendar nextSchedule) throws ImplementationExceptionResponse { // check whether the second value of the current time is a valid // scheduled second if (!seconds.isEmpty() && !seconds.contains(Integer.valueOf(nextSchedule.get(SECOND)))) { // no current second is not scheduled // set is to the next scheduled second return setToNextScheduledValue(nextSchedule, SECOND); } return true; } /** * Sets the specified field of the given callendar to the next scheduled * value. Returns whether the new value has been set and is valid. * * @param cal * Calendar to adjust. * @param field * Field to adjust. * @return Returns whether the new value has been set and is valid. * @throws ImplementationException * Almost any error. */ private boolean setToNextScheduledValue(final GregorianCalendar cal, final int field) throws ImplementationExceptionResponse { int next; TreeSet<Integer> vals = getValues(field); if (vals.isEmpty()) { next = cal.get(field) + 1; } else { try { // get next scheduled value which is bigger than current int incrValue = cal.get(field) + 1; next = vals.tailSet(new Integer(incrValue)).first().intValue(); } catch (NoSuchElementException nse) { // there is no bigger scheduled value return false; } } if (next > cal.getActualMaximum(field) || next < cal.getActualMinimum(field)) { return false; } // all is well, set it to next cal.set(field, next); return true; } /** * Sets the field of a GregorianCalender to its next valid value, but first * sets all smaller fields to their minima and rolls the datefield is * defined as the next possible value according to the calendar type used * possibly superseded by the defined values in the schedule we have. * Returns whether the new value has been set and is valid. * * @param cal * Calendar to adjust. * @param field * Field to adjust.<br> * TODO: smallerField wouldn't be necessary. * @param smallerField * Field from where on to minimize. * @return Returns whether the new value has been set and is valid. * @throws ImplementationException * Almost any error. */ private boolean setFieldToNextValidRoll(final GregorianCalendar cal, final int field, final int smallerField) throws ImplementationExceptionResponse { setFieldsToMinimum(cal, smallerField); return setToNextScheduledValue(cal, field); } /** * Sets the field of a GregorianCalender to its minimum, which is defined as * the minimal possible value according to the calendar type possibly * superseded by the defined values in the schedule we have. Returns whether * the new value has been set and is valid. * * @param cal * Calendar to adjust. * @param field * Field to adjust. * @return Returns whether the new value has been set and is valid. * @throws ImplementationException * Almost any error. */ private boolean setFieldToMinimum(final GregorianCalendar cal, final int field) throws ImplementationExceptionResponse { int min; TreeSet<Integer> values = getValues(field); if (values.isEmpty()) { min = cal.getActualMinimum(field); } else { min = Math.max(values.first().intValue(), cal.getActualMinimum(field)); if (min > cal.getActualMaximum(field)) { min = cal.getActualMaximum(field); if (!values.contains(Integer.valueOf(min)) || min < cal.getActualMinimum(field) || min > cal.getActualMaximum(field)) { return false; } } } cal.set(field, min); return true; } /** * Sets the given field of a GregorianCalender and all smaller fields (not * WEEK_OF_DAY) to their minimum, which is defined as the minimal possible * value according to the calendar type used possibly superseded by the * defined values in the schedule we have. Returns whether the new values * have been set and are all valid. * * @param cal * The Calendar instance to adjust. * @param largestField * This field and smaller ones are reset * @return True if setting to min worked for all values. * @throws ImplementationException * Various errors. */ private boolean setFieldsToMinimum(final GregorianCalendar cal, final int largestField) throws ImplementationExceptionResponse { boolean result = true; switch (largestField) { case (MONTH): result = setFieldToMinimum(cal, MONTH) && result; case (DAY_OF_MONTH): result = setFieldToMinimum(cal, DAY_OF_MONTH) && result; case (HOUR_OF_DAY): result = setFieldToMinimum(cal, HOUR_OF_DAY) && result; case (MINUTE): result = setFieldToMinimum(cal, MINUTE) && result; case (SECOND): result = setFieldToMinimum(cal, SECOND) && result; break; default: String msg = "Invalid field: " + largestField; ImplementationExceptionResponse iex = new ImplementationExceptionResponse(msg); LOG.error(msg, iex); throw iex; } return result; } /** * Returns the values belonging to the given field of a GregorianCalendar. * * @param field * The field id of a GregorianCalendar. * @see GregorianCalendar * @return The corresponding schedule values. * @throws ImplementationException * In case of a access to an unknown field. */ private TreeSet<Integer> getValues(final int field) throws ImplementationExceptionResponse { switch (field) { case (DAY_OF_WEEK): return daysOfWeek; case (MONTH): return months; case (DAY_OF_MONTH): return daysOfMonth; case (HOUR_OF_DAY): return hours; case (MINUTE): return minutes; case (SECOND): return seconds; default: String msg = "Invalid field: " + field; ImplementationExceptionResponse iex = new ImplementationExceptionResponse(msg); LOG.error(msg, iex); throw iex; } } /** * Checks whether the given values, which are either numbers or ranges, are * valid (parsable as Integer) and adds the value to the correct set of * values (e.g. seconds). * * @param values * The numbers and ranges to be checked and added. * @param type * The name of the schedule element, e.g. 'second'. * @param min * The minimum allowed value. * @param max * The maximum allowed value. * @throws SubscriptionControlsException * If one of the given values is invalid, i.e. does not lie * between the <code>min</code> and <code>max</code> value. */ private void handleValues(final String[] values, final String type, final int min, final int max) throws SubscriptionControlsExceptionResponse { // we put values into this sorted set TreeSet<Integer> vals = new TreeSet<Integer>(); for (String v : values) { try { if (v.startsWith("[")) { // it's a range String[] range = v.substring(1, v.length() - 1).split("-"); int start = Integer.parseInt(range[0]); int end = Integer.parseInt(range[1]); // check range if (start < min || end > max || start > end) { throw new SubscriptionControlsExceptionResponse( "The value for '" + type + "' is out of range in the query schedule."); } // add all values in the range for (int value = start; value <= end; value++) { vals = addValue(value, type, vals); } } else if (!v.equals("")) { // it's a single value int value = Integer.parseInt(v); // check value if (value < min || value > max) { throw new SubscriptionControlsExceptionResponse( "The value for '" + type + "' is out of range in the query schedule."); } // add value vals = addValue(value, type, vals); } } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "The value '" + v + "' for parameter '" + type + "' is invalid in the query schedule.";"USER ERROR: " + msg + e.getMessage()); throw new SubscriptionControlsExceptionResponse(msg); } } if (type.equals("second")) { this.seconds = vals; } else if (type.equals("minute")) { this.minutes = vals; } else if (type.equals("hour")) { this.hours = vals; } else if (type.equals("dayOfMonth")) { this.daysOfMonth = vals; } else if (type.equals("month")) { this.months = vals; } else if (type.equals("dayOfWeek")) { this.daysOfWeek = vals; } } /** * Adds a schedule value to the given set of values with some special * treatment for 'month' and 'dayOfWeek'. * * @param value * The value to be added. * @param type * The name of the schedule element, e.g. 'second'. * @param vals * The set of values to which the value should be added. * @return The modified set of values. */ private TreeSet<Integer> addValue(final int value, final String type, final TreeSet<Integer> vals) { if (type.equals("dayOfWeek")) { vals.add(new Integer((value % 7) + 1)); } else if (type.equals("month")) { vals.add(new Integer(value - 1)); } else { vals.add(new Integer(value)); } return vals; } /** * @return The days of month from this schedule. */ public TreeSet<Integer> getDaysOfMonth() { return daysOfMonth; } /** * @return The days of week from this schedule. */ public TreeSet<Integer> getDaysOfWeek() { return daysOfWeek; } /** * @return The hours from this schedule. */ public TreeSet<Integer> getHours() { return hours; } /** * @return The minutes from this schedule. */ public TreeSet<Integer> getMinutes() { return minutes; } /** * @return The months from this schedule. */ public TreeSet<Integer> getMonths() { return months; } /** * @return The seconds from this schedule. */ public TreeSet<Integer> getSeconds() { return seconds; } }