Java tutorial
/* ==================================================================== * Limited Evaluation License: * * The exclusive owner of this work is The Openrate Project. * This work, including all associated documents and components * is Copyright The Openrate Project 2006-2014. * * The following restrictions apply unless they are expressly relaxed in a * contractual agreement between the license holder or one of its officially * assigned agents and you or your organisation: * * 1) This work may not be disclosed, either in full or in part, in any form * electronic or physical, to any third party. This includes both in the * form of source code and compiled modules. * 2) This work contains trade secrets in the form of architecture, algorithms * methods and technologies. These trade secrets may not be disclosed to * third parties in any form, either directly or in summary or paraphrased * form, nor may these trade secrets be used to construct products of a * similar or competing nature either by you or third parties. * 3) This work may not be included in full or in part in any application. * 4) You may not remove or alter any proprietary legends or notices contained * in or on this work. * 5) This software may not be reverse-engineered or otherwise decompiled, if * you received this work in a compiled form. * 6) This work is licensed, not sold. Possession of this software does not * imply or grant any right to you. * 7) You agree to disclose any changes to this work to the copyright holder * and that the copyright holder may include any such changes at its own * discretion into the work * 8) You agree not to derive other works from the trade secrets in this work, * and that any such derivation may make you liable to pay damages to the * copyright holder * 9) You agree to use this software exclusively for evaluation purposes, and * that you shall not use this software to derive commercial profit or * support your business or personal activities. * * This software is provided "as is" and any expressed or impled warranties, * including, but not limited to, the impled warranties of merchantability * and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall * The Openrate Project or its officially assigned agents be liable to any * direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages * (including but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; * Loss of use, data, or profits; or any business interruption) however caused * and on theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort * (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of * this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. * This software contains portions by The Apache Software Foundation, Robert * Half International. * ==================================================================== */ /* ========================== VERSION HISTORY ========================= * $Log:,v $ * Revision 1.7 2014-01-27 14:57:58 max * Add unit test initial version * * Revision 1.6 2012-10-20 20:41:30 ian * Update for JUnit and Ticket #650870 * * Revision 1.5 2011-06-23 18:14:39 ian * Change ID to long for compatibility with Sequel Server * * Revision 1.4 2010/06/30 22:18:58 ian * removed extraneous new lines * * Revision 1.3 2008/08/31 22:30:32 ian * 0.682 Add ModT to tables * * Revision 1.2 2008/03/15 17:46:37 ian * 0.661 Allow manual management of transactions to permit grouped methods in a logical transaction * * Revision 1.1 2007/10/08 14:46:34 ian * 0.621 Updated class names, added getProducts * * Revision 1.5 2007/10/01 21:49:48 ian * 0.621 Code formatting * * Revision 1.4 2007/09/24 22:32:06 ian * 0.620 Code Revision for readability * * Revision 1.3 2007/08/30 20:55:06 ian * Header and minor bug fixes * * Revision 1.2 2007/08/29 16:32:37 ian * Added Logging, minor bug fixes * * ==================================================================== */ package OpenRate.customerinterface.webservices; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Session; /** * @netbeans.hibernate.facade beanClass=com.Account */ public class AccountFacade { public long saveAccount(Session session, Account account) { long tmpAccountID; account.setModT(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis());; session.persist(account); tmpAccountID = account.getAccountID(); return tmpAccountID; } public void deleteAccount(Session session, Account account) { session.delete(account); } public long generate(Session session, long AccountVerID, long AccountID, String MSN) { long tmpAccountID; Account account = new Account(); account.setAccountVerID(AccountVerID); account.setAccountID(AccountID); account.setMSN(MSN); tmpAccountID = saveAccount(session, account); return tmpAccountID; } public List getAccID(Session session, long accountAccountID) { org.hibernate.Query query = session.createQuery( " select account " + " from " + " Account as account " + " where " + " account.accountID = ? "); query.setLong(0, accountAccountID); return query.list(); } public List getAccID(Session session, String accountMSN) { org.hibernate.Query query = session.createQuery( " select account " + " from " + " Account as account " + " where " + " account.MSN = ? "); query.setParameter(0, accountMSN); return query.list(); } public List getAccID(Session session, String accountMSN, int accountVersionEffectiveDate) { org.hibernate.Query query = session.createQuery(" select account " + " from " + " Account as account, AccountVersion as accountVersion " + " where " + " account.accountVerID = accountVersion.accountVerID " + " and accountVersion.effectiveDate =( select max( accountVersion1.effectiveDate ) from Account as account1, AccountVersion as accountVersion1 where account1.accountVerID = accountVersion1.accountVerID " + " and account1.MSN = ? " + " and accountVersion1.effectiveDate <= ? " + ")" + " and account.MSN = ? "); query.setParameter(0, accountMSN); query.setInteger(1, accountVersionEffectiveDate); query.setParameter(2, accountMSN); return query.list(); } public List getMaxAccVersionID(Session session, String accountMSN) { org.hibernate.Query query = session.createQuery(" select account " + " from " + " Account as account " + " where account.accountVerID=(select max(account1.accountVerID) from Account as account1 where " + " account1.MSN = ? " + ")"); query.setParameter(0, accountMSN); return query.list(); } public List getMaxAccID(Session session) { org.hibernate.Query query = session.createQuery(" select account " + " from " + " Account as account " + " where account.accountID=(select max(account1.accountID) from Account as account1)"); return query.list(); } public List getMaxAccVersionID(Session session) { org.hibernate.Query query = session.createQuery(" select account " + " from " + " Account as account " + " where account.accountVerID=(select max(account1.accountVerID) from Account as account1)"); return query.list(); } public List getAccountID(Session session, int accountAccountVerID) { org.hibernate.Query query = session.createQuery(" select account " + " from " + " Account as account " + " where " + " account.accountVerID = ? "); query.setInteger(0, accountAccountVerID); return query.list(); } }