Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SnippetToParagraphAndSectionHeaderContent { private PageFetcher pFetcher = new PageFetcher(); private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(""); private PageByTagsParser pageParser = new PageByTagsParser(); private static StringDistanceMeasurer meas = new StringDistanceMeasurer(); private Pair<String[], Map<String, String>> extractSentencesAndSectionMapFromPage(String url) { String downloadedPage = pFetcher.fetchPage(url, 10000); if (downloadedPage == null || downloadedPage.length() < 100) { return null; } List<String> acceptedSectionHeaders = pageParser.extractSectionTitles(url); Map<String, String> headerContent = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String h : acceptedSectionHeaders) { try { int pos = downloadedPage.indexOf(h); if (pos < 0) continue; String areaContent = downloadedPage.substring(pos + h.length(), Math.min(pos + h.length() + 500, downloadedPage.length())) + "._."; if (areaContent != null) headerContent.put(h, areaContent); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // String pageOrigHTML = pFetcher.fetchOrigHTML(url); downloadedPage = downloadedPage.replace(" ", "&"); downloadedPage = downloadedPage.replaceAll("(?:&)+", "#"); String[] sents = downloadedPage.split("#"); for (int i = 0; i < sents.length; i++) { String s = sents[i]; s = s.trim().replace(" ", ". ").replace("..", ".").replace(". . .", " ").replace(": ", ". ") .replace("- ", ". ").replace(". .", ".").trim(); sents[i] = s; } sents = cleanAndSplitListOfSents(sents); return new Pair<String[], Map<String, String>>(sents, headerContent); } public HitBase formTextFromOriginalPageGivenSnippet(HitBase item) { Pair<String[], Map<String, String>> sentsMap = extractSentencesAndSectionMapFromPage(item.getUrl()); if (sentsMap == null) return item; String[] sents = sentsMap.getFirst(); item.setSectionHeaderContent(sentsMap.getSecond()); // String title = item.getTitle().replace("<b>", " ").replace("</b>", " // ") // .replace(" ", " ").replace(" ", " "); // generation results for this sentence List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); // form plain text from snippet String snapshot = item.getAbstractText().replace("<b>", " ").replace("</b>", " ").replace(" ", " ") .replace(" ", " ").replace("\"", ""); String snapshotMarked = snapshot.replace(" ...", "."); List<String> fragments = TextProcessor.splitToSentences(snapshotMarked); if (fragments.size() < 3 && StringUtils.countMatches(snapshotMarked, ".") > 1) { snapshotMarked = snapshotMarked.replace("..", "&").replace(".", "&"); String[] fragmSents = snapshotMarked.split("&"); fragments = Arrays.asList(fragmSents); } for (String f : fragments) { String followSent = null; if (f.length() < 50) continue; String pageSentence = ""; // try to find original sentence from webpage try { String[] mainAndFollowSent = getFullOriginalSentenceFromWebpageBySnippetFragment(f, sents); pageSentence = mainAndFollowSent[0]; followSent = mainAndFollowSent[1]; if (pageSentence != null && followSent != null) result.add(pageSentence + "\n" + followSent); else if (pageSentence != null) { result.add(pageSentence); } else { result.add(f);"Could not find the original sentence \n" + f + "\n in the page "); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } item.setOriginalSentences(result); return item; } protected String[] cleanAndSplitListOfSents(String[] longestSents) { float minFragmentLength = 40, minFragmentLengthSpace = 4; List<String> sentsClean = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String sentenceOrMultSent : longestSents) { if (sentenceOrMultSent == null || sentenceOrMultSent.length() < 20) continue; if (GeneratedSentenceProcessor.acceptableMinedSentence(sentenceOrMultSent) == null) { // System.out.println("Rejected sentence by // GeneratedSentenceProcessor.acceptableMinedSentence = // "+sentenceOrMultSent); continue; } // aaa. hhh hhh. kkk . kkk ll hhh. lll kkk n. int numOfDots = sentenceOrMultSent.replace('.', '&').split("&").length; float avgSentenceLengthInTextPortion = (float) sentenceOrMultSent.length() / (float) numOfDots; if (avgSentenceLengthInTextPortion < minFragmentLength) continue; // o oo o ooo o o o ooo oo ooo o o oo numOfDots = sentenceOrMultSent.replace(' ', '&').split("&").length; avgSentenceLengthInTextPortion = (float) sentenceOrMultSent.length() / (float) numOfDots; if (avgSentenceLengthInTextPortion < minFragmentLengthSpace) continue; List<String> furtherSplit = TextProcessor.splitToSentences(sentenceOrMultSent); // forced split by ',' somewhere in the middle of sentence // disused - Feb 26 13 // furtherSplit = furtherMakeSentencesShorter(furtherSplit); furtherSplit.remove(furtherSplit.size() - 1); for (String s : furtherSplit) { if (s.indexOf('|') > -1) continue; s = s.replace("<em>", " ").replace("</em>", " "); s = Utils.convertToASCII(s); sentsClean.add(s); } } return (String[]) sentsClean.toArray(new String[0]); } // given a fragment from snippet, finds an original sentence at a webpage by // optimizing alignmemt score public static String[] getFullOriginalSentenceFromWebpageBySnippetFragment(String fragment, String[] sents) { // if (fragment.trim().length() < 15) // return null; // StringDistanceMeasurer meas = new StringDistanceMeasurer(); Double dist = 0.0; String result = null, followSent = ""; for (int i = 0; i < sents.length; i++) { String s = sents[i]; if (s == null || s.length() < 30) continue; Double distCurr = meas.measureStringDistance(s, fragment); if (distCurr > dist && distCurr > 0.4) { result = s; dist = distCurr; try { if (i < sents.length - 1 && sents[i + 1].length() > 60) { String f1 = GeneratedSentenceProcessor.acceptableMinedSentence(sents[i + 1]); if (f1 != null) { followSent = f1; } } if (i < sents.length - 2 && sents[i + 2].length() > 60) { String f2 = GeneratedSentenceProcessor.acceptableMinedSentence(sents[i + 2]); if (f2 != null) { followSent += " " + f2; } } if (i < sents.length - 3 && sents[i + 3].length() > 60) { String f3 = GeneratedSentenceProcessor.acceptableMinedSentence(sents[i + 3]); if (f3 != null) { followSent += " " + f3; } } if (i < sents.length - 4 && sents[i + 4].length() > 60) { String f4 = GeneratedSentenceProcessor.acceptableMinedSentence(sents[i + 4]); if (f4 != null) { followSent += " " + f4; } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } return new String[] { result, followSent }; } }