Java tutorial
package openaf; import java.awt.Desktop; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import; import; import; import org.mozilla.javascript.Context; import org.mozilla.javascript.IdScriptableObject; import org.mozilla.javascript.NativeFunction; import org.mozilla.javascript.NativeJSON; import org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject; import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable; import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject; import org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined; import; import; import openaf.SimpleLog.logtype; /** * * @author Nuno Aguiar * */ public class AFCmdOS extends AFCmdBase { final public static String argHelp = "Usage: openaf [options]\n\n" + "Options:\n" + " -e (input) - provide input directly instead of using stdin\n" + " -p - received streaming input (OS pipe)\n" + " -f (script file) - provide a script file directly\n" + "\n" + " --install - generates scripts to use openaf on the current directory\n" + " --check - checks if this is the current version\n" + " --update - updates to the most current version\n" + " --console - interactive OpenAF console\n" + " --repack - repack OpenAF.jar for faster startup times\n" + " --daemon - executes a script/opack as a daemon\n" + " --script - executes a script/opack\n" + "\n" + " -h - show this help information\n" + " -helpscript (term) - show help on a search term on scripting\n" + "\n(version " + VERSION + " (" + DISTRIBUTION + "), " + LICENSE + ")"; final protected static String OPTION_OUTPUT_TYPE = "-o"; final protected static String OPTION_DEBUG = "-debug"; final protected static String OPTION_EXPR = "-e"; final protected static String OPTION_HELP = "-h"; final protected static String OPTION_SCRIPTHELP = "-helpscript"; final protected static String OPTION_INPUT_TYPE = "-i"; final protected static String OPTION_INSTALL = "--install"; final protected static String OPTION_CHECK = "--check"; final protected static String OPTION_UPDATE = "--update"; final protected static String OPTION_REPACK = "--repack"; final protected static String OPTION_OPACK = "--opack"; final protected static String OPTION_CONSOLE = "--console"; final protected static String OPTION_OJOB = "--ojob"; final protected static String OPTION_SCRIPTOPTION = "--script"; final protected static String OPTION_DAEMON = "--daemon"; final protected static String OPTION_PIPE = "-p"; final protected static String OPTION_CODE = "-c"; final protected static String OPTION_SCRIPTFILE = "-f"; final protected static String OPTION_INTERPRET = "--i"; final protected static String PREFIX_SCRIPT = "script:"; final protected static String OPACK = ".package.json"; public static enum outputtype { OUTPUT_JSON }; public static enum inputtype { INPUT_EXPR, INPUT_JSON, INPUT_SCRIPT, INPUT_AUTO }; //public static org.mozilla.javascript.Context cx; //public static ScriptableObject globalscope; //public static JSEngine jse; public static ZipFile zip; protected inputtype INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_AUTO; protected String exprInput = ""; protected String scriptfile = ""; protected String code = ""; protected String classfile = ""; protected String injectscriptfile = ""; protected String injectclassfile = ""; protected long numberOfIncludedLines = 0; protected boolean __noSLF4JErrorOnly = true; protected boolean silentMode = false; protected boolean silenceRepack = false; protected boolean pipe = false; protected boolean compile = false; protected boolean filescript = false; protected boolean classscript = false; protected boolean opack = false; protected boolean console = false; protected boolean ojob = false; protected boolean injectscript = false; protected boolean injectclass = false; protected boolean daemon = false; protected boolean injectcode = false; protected pmIn, pmOut; //public static String[] args; @Override public String dIP(Object aPass) { if (aPass instanceof String) { return (String) AFBase.decryptIfPossible((String) aPass); } if (aPass instanceof NativeFunction) { try { Context cx = (Context) AFCmdBase.jse.enterContext(); return (String) ((NativeFunction) aPass).call(cx, (Scriptable) AFCmdBase.jse.getGlobalscope(), cx.newObject((Scriptable) AFCmdBase.jse.getGlobalscope()), new Object[] {}); } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } finally { AFCmdBase.jse.exitContext(); } } return null; } /** * */ public AFCmdOS() { super(); afc = this; afcmd = "AFCmdOS"; } public void setNoSLF4JErrorOnly(boolean aFlag) { __noSLF4JErrorOnly = aFlag; } /** * */ protected void showHelp() { showHelp(argHelp); } /** * */ protected void install() { INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; silentMode = true; InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/js/genScripts.js"); OutputStream os = System.out; try { execute(is, os, ""); } catch (Exception e) { SimpleLog.log(logtype.ERROR, "Error generating OpenAF scripts: " + e.getMessage(), e); } System.exit(0); } /** * */ protected void check() { INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; silentMode = true; InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/js/check.js"); OutputStream os = System.out; try { execute(is, os, ""); } catch (Exception e) { SimpleLog.log(logtype.ERROR, "Error generating checking version: " + e.getMessage(), e); } System.exit(0); } /** * */ protected void update() { INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; silentMode = true; InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/js/update.js"); OutputStream os = System.out; try { execute(is, os, ""); } catch (Exception e) { SimpleLog.log(logtype.ERROR, "Error generating updating version: " + e.getMessage(), e); } System.exit(0); } /** * * @throws IOException */ protected void showHelpScript() throws IOException { INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; silentMode = true; InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/js/example.js"); OutputStream os = System.out; try { execute(is, os, ""); } catch (Exception e) { SimpleLog.log(logtype.ERROR, "Error obtaining script help: " + e.getMessage(), e); } System.exit(0); } /** * Process arguments * * @param args * @throws MalformedURLException */ protected void processArgs(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException { boolean checkNext = false; boolean url = false; boolean operation = false; String checkOption = ""; for (String a : args) { if (checkNext) { checkNext = false; switch (checkOption) { case OPTION_EXPR: exprInput = a; continue; case OPTION_SCRIPTFILE: scriptfile = a; continue; case OPTION_DAEMON: scriptfile = a; continue; case OPTION_CODE: code = a; continue; } } switch (a) { case OPTION_PIPE: pipe = true; continue; case OPTION_OUTPUT_TYPE: checkNext = true; checkOption = OPTION_OUTPUT_TYPE; continue; case OPTION_INPUT_TYPE: checkNext = true; checkOption = OPTION_INPUT_TYPE; continue; case OPTION_EXPR: checkNext = true; checkOption = OPTION_EXPR; continue; case OPTION_DEBUG: SimpleLog.currentLogLevel = SimpleLog.logtype.DEBUG; continue; case OPTION_SCRIPTFILE: checkNext = true; checkOption = OPTION_SCRIPTFILE; filescript = true; continue; case OPTION_SCRIPTOPTION: checkNext = true; silentMode = true; INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; checkOption = OPTION_SCRIPTFILE; filescript = true; continue; case OPTION_DAEMON: checkNext = true; silentMode = true; INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; checkOption = OPTION_DAEMON; filescript = true; daemon = true; continue; case OPTION_HELP: showHelp(); continue; case OPTION_INSTALL: //install(); silenceRepack = true; filescript = false; silentMode = true; INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; injectclass = true; injectclassfile = "genScripts_js"; continue; case OPTION_UPDATE: //update(); silenceRepack = true; filescript = false; silentMode = true; INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; injectclass = true; injectclassfile = "update_js"; continue; case OPTION_OPACK: filescript = false; silentMode = true; INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; opack = true; //injectscript = true; //injectscriptfile = "/js/opack.js"; injectclass = true; injectclassfile = "opack_js"; continue; case OPTION_OJOB: filescript = false; silentMode = true; INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; ojob = true; //injectscript = true; //injectscriptfile = "/js/ojob.js"; injectclass = true; injectclassfile = "ojob_js"; continue; case OPTION_CONSOLE: filescript = false; silentMode = true; INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; console = true; //injectscript = true; //injectscriptfile = "/js/openafconsole.js"; injectclass = true; injectclassfile = "openafconsole_js"; continue; case OPTION_REPACK: filescript = false; silentMode = true; silenceRepack = true; INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; //injectscript = true; //injectscriptfile = "/js/repack.js"; injectclass = true; injectclassfile = "repack_js"; continue; case OPTION_INTERPRET: AFCmdBase.optLevel = -1; AFCmdBase.restartEngine(); continue; case OPTION_CHECK: //check(); filescript = false; silentMode = true; INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; injectclass = true; injectclassfile = "check_js"; continue; case OPTION_CODE: checkNext = true; silentMode = true; checkOption = OPTION_CODE; code = ""; injectcode = true; continue; case OPTION_SCRIPTHELP: /*try { showHelpScript(); } catch (IOException e) { SimpleLog.log(logtype.ERROR, "Error obtaining script example: " + e.getMessage(), e); }*/ filescript = false; silentMode = true; INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; injectclass = true; injectclassfile = "example_js"; continue; } } } /** * * @param in * @param out * @param op * @throws Exception */ protected void execute(InputStream in, OutputStream out, String op) throws Exception { boolean processScript = false; StringBuilder input = new StringBuilder(); // Check repack if (this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/js.jar") != null && !silenceRepack) System.err.println("Warning: Please consider repacking OpenAF (use --repack)."); // 1. Read the input from stdin and option -e and from a file // StringBuilder theInput = new StringBuilder(); pmIn = new JsonObject(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); if (pipe) { String lineO = ""; while ((lineO = br.readLine()) != null) { input.append(lineO); input.append("\n"); } } else { while (br.ready()) { input.append(br.readLine()); input.append("\n"); } } //br.close(); if (INPUT_TYPE != inputtype.INPUT_EXPR) { if (!exprInput.equals("")) { theInput.append(exprInput); } else { theInput.append(input); } } else { theInput.append(input); INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; } // 2. Recognize input // pmOut = new JsonObject(); // 2.1 Auto detect the input if (INPUT_TYPE == inputtype.INPUT_AUTO) { if (theInput.toString().startsWith(PREFIX_SCRIPT) || theInput.toString().startsWith("#!")) INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; } if (theInput.length() > 0) { switch (INPUT_TYPE) { case INPUT_JSON: pmIn = (new, JsonObject.class); break; case INPUT_SCRIPT: processScript = true; break; default: break; } } JsonObject pmOut = execute(pmIn, op, processScript, theInput, false); // 4. Generate output // if (!silentMode) { String outS = ""; outS = pmOut.toString(); out.write(outS.getBytes()); out.write('\n'); out.flush(); out.close(); } } /** * * @param in * @param out * @param appoperation2 * @throws Exception */ protected execute( pmIn, String op, boolean processScript, StringBuilder theInput, boolean isolatePMs) throws Exception { // 3. Process input // INPUT_TYPE = inputtype.INPUT_SCRIPT; if (((!pipe) && (!filescript) && (!processScript) && (!injectcode) && (!injectclass))) { if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported() && Desktop.getDesktop().isSupported(Desktop.Action.BROWSE)) { /*injectscript = true; injectscriptfile = "/js/openafgui.js"; filescript = true;*/ injectclass = true; injectclassfile = "openafgui_js"; filescript = false; silentMode = true; } } if (processScript || filescript || injectcode || injectclass) { // Obtain script String script = null; if (filescript) { if (injectscript) { script = IOUtils.toString(getClass().getResourceAsStream(injectscriptfile), "UTF-8"); } else { boolean isZip = false; boolean isOpack = false; pm = null; ZipFile tmpZip = null; // Determine if it's opack/zip DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream( new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(scriptfile.replaceFirst("::[^:]+$", "")))); int test = dis.readInt(); dis.close(); if (test == 0x504b0304) { isZip = true; try { tmpZip = new ZipFile(scriptfile.replaceFirst("::[^:]+$", "")); isOpack = tmpZip.getEntry(OPACK) != null; zip = tmpZip; } catch (Exception e) { } if (isOpack) { if (scriptfile.indexOf("::") <= 0) { pm = new Gson().fromJson( IOUtils.toString(zip.getInputStream(zip.getEntry(OPACK)), (Charset) null), JsonObject.class); try { pm.get("main"); } catch (Exception e) { isZip = false; } } } } // Read normal script or opack/zip if (isZip) { if (scriptfile.indexOf("::") <= 0 && isOpack) { if (pm.get("main").getAsString().length() > 0) { script = IOUtils.toString( zip.getInputStream(zip.getEntry(pm.get("main").getAsString())), "UTF-8"); scriptfile = scriptfile + "/" + pm.get("main").getAsString(); } else { throw new Exception("Can't execute main script in " + scriptfile); } } else { try { script = IOUtils.toString( zip.getInputStream(zip.getEntry(scriptfile.replaceFirst(".+::", ""))), "UTF-8"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { throw new Exception("Can't find " + scriptfile.replaceFirst(".+::", "")); } } } else { script = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(scriptfile), (Charset) null); zip = null; } } } else { if (!injectclass) script = theInput.toString(); } if (script != null) { script = script.replaceAll("^#.*", "//"); script = script.replaceFirst(PREFIX_SCRIPT, ""); if (daemon) script = "ow.loadServer().simpleCheckIn('" + scriptfile + "'); " + script + "; ow.loadServer().daemon();"; if (injectcode) script += code; } Context cx = (Context) jse.getNotSafeContext(); cx.setErrorReporter(new OpenRhinoErrorReporter()); String includeScript = ""; NativeObject jsonPMOut = new NativeObject(); synchronized (this) { Object opmIn; opmIn = AFBase.jsonParse(pmIn.toString()); Object noSLF4JErrorOnly = Context.javaToJS(__noSLF4JErrorOnly, (Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope()); ScriptableObject.putProperty((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), "__noSLF4JErrorOnly", noSLF4JErrorOnly); ScriptableObject.putProperty((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), "pmIn", opmIn); ScriptableObject.putProperty((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), "__pmIn", opmIn); // Add pmOut object Object opmOut = Context.javaToJS(jsonPMOut, (Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope()); ScriptableObject.putProperty((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), "pmOut", opmOut); ScriptableObject.putProperty((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), "__pmOut", opmOut); // Add expr object Object opmExpr = Context.javaToJS(exprInput, (Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope()); ScriptableObject.putProperty((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), "expr", opmExpr); ScriptableObject.putProperty((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), "__expr", opmExpr); ScriptableObject.putProperty((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), "__args", args); // Add scriptfile object if (filescript) { Object scriptFile = Context.javaToJS(scriptfile, (Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope()); ScriptableObject.putProperty((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), "__scriptfile", scriptFile); ScriptableObject.putProperty((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), "__iszip", (zip == null) ? false : true); } // Add AF class ScriptableObject.defineClass((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), AFBase.class, false, true); // Add DB class ScriptableObject.defineClass((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), DB.class, false, true); // Add CSV class ScriptableObject.defineClass((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), CSV.class, false, true); // Add IO class ScriptableObject.defineClass((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), IOBase.class, false, true); // Add this object Scriptable afScript = null; //if (!ScriptableObject.hasProperty((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), "AF")) { afScript = (Scriptable) jse.newObject((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), "AF"); //} if (!ScriptableObject.hasProperty((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), "af")) ((IdScriptableObject) jse.getGlobalscope()).put("af", (Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), afScript); // Add the IO object if (!ScriptableObject.hasProperty((Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), "io")) ((IdScriptableObject) jse.getGlobalscope()).put("io", (Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), jse.newObject(jse.getGlobalscope(), "IO")); } // Compile & execute script /*try { InputStream in1 = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/js/openaf.js"); includeScript = IOUtils.toString(in1, (Charset) null); numberOfIncludedLines = numberOfIncludedLines + includeScript.split("\r\n|\r|\n").length; AFCmdBase.jse.addNumberOfLines(includeScript); } catch (Exception e) { SimpleLog.log(logtype.DEBUG, "Error including openaf.js", e); }*/ AFBase.runFromClass(Class.forName("openaf_js").getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance()); cx.setErrorReporter(new OpenRhinoErrorReporter()); if (isolatePMs) { script = "(function(__pIn) { var __pmOut = {}; var __pmIn = __pIn; " + script + "; return __pmOut; })(" + pmIn.toString() + ")"; } Object res = null; if (injectscript || filescript || injectcode || processScript) { Context cxl = (Context) jse.enterContext(); org.mozilla.javascript.Script compiledScript = cxl.compileString(includeScript + script, scriptfile, 1, null); res = compiledScript.exec(cxl, (Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope()); jse.exitContext(); } if (injectclass) { res = AFBase.runFromClass(Class.forName(injectclassfile).getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance()); } if (isolatePMs && res != null && !(res instanceof Undefined)) { jsonPMOut = (NativeObject) res; } else { // Obtain pmOut as output jsonPMOut = (NativeObject) ((ScriptableObject) jse.getGlobalscope()).get("__pmOut"); } // Convert to ParameterMap Object stringify = NativeJSON.stringify(cx, (Scriptable) jse.getGlobalscope(), jsonPMOut, null, null); gson = new; pmOut = gson.fromJson(stringify.toString(),; // Leave Rhino //org.mozilla.javascript.Context.exit(); //jse.exitContext(); } return pmOut; } /** * Main program * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Java version check String version = System.getProperty("java.version"); if (version.startsWith("1.7") && version.lastIndexOf('_') > 0 && Integer.valueOf(version.substring(version.lastIndexOf('_') + 1)) < 32) { System.err.println( "Warning: You are using java " + version + ". Please consider upgrading to >= 1.7.0_32."); } AFCmdOS afc = new AFCmdOS(); AFCmdBase.args = args; try { afc.processArgs(args); } catch (MalformedURLException e1) { SimpleLog.log(SimpleLog.logtype.ERROR, "Error with the URL: " + e1.getMessage(), null); SimpleLog.log(SimpleLog.logtype.DEBUG, "", e1); } try { afc.execute(, System.out, ""); } catch (Exception e1) { SimpleLog.log(SimpleLog.logtype.ERROR, "Error while executing operation: " + e1.getMessage(), null); SimpleLog.log(SimpleLog.logtype.DEBUG, "", e1); } } }