Java tutorial
/* * #! * Ontopoly Editor * #- * Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013 The Ontopia Project * #- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * !# */ package ontopoly.conversion; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import net.ontopia.infoset.core.LocatorIF; import net.ontopia.infoset.impl.basic.URILocator; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.AssociationIF; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.OccurrenceIF; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TopicIF; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TopicMapBuilderIF; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TopicMapIF; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TopicMapStoreIF; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.TopicNameIF; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.index.ScopeIndexIF; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.entry.TopicMapReferenceIF; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.entry.TopicMapRepositoryIF; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.entry.TopicMapSourceIF; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.impl.utils.AbstractTopicMapStore; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.core.DeclarationContextIF; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.core.InvalidQueryException; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.core.QueryProcessorIF; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.core.QueryResultIF; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.query.utils.QueryUtils; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.DuplicateSuppressionUtils; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.MergeUtils; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.utils.TopicStringifiers; import net.ontopia.topicmaps.xml.XTMTopicMapReference; import net.ontopia.utils.OntopiaRuntimeException; import ontopoly.OntopolyApplication; import ontopoly.OntopolyContext; import ontopoly.model.PSI; import ontopoly.model.TopicMap; import ontopoly.sysmodel.OntopolyRepository; import ontopoly.sysmodel.TopicMapSource; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public class ConversionUtils { private static final LocatorIF psibase = URILocator.create(""); private static final LocatorIF xsdbase = URILocator.create(""); private static final LocatorIF xtmbase = URILocator.create(""); private static final LocatorIF teqbase = URILocator.create(""); public static String upgradeExisting(TopicMap topicMap) { UpgradeUtils.upgradeTopicMap(topicMap); String referenceId = topicMap.getId(); OntopolyContext.getOntopolyRepository().registerOntopolyTopicMap(referenceId, topicMap.getName()); return referenceId; } public static String convertExisting(TopicMap topicMap, String tmname) { OntopolyRepository ontopolyRepository = OntopolyContext.getOntopolyRepository(); TopicMapRepositoryIF repository = ontopolyRepository.getTopicMapRepository(); String referenceId = inferAndCreateSchema(null, topicMap, tmname, repository); OntopolyContext.getOntopolyRepository().registerOntopolyTopicMap(referenceId, topicMap.getName()); return referenceId; } public static String convertNew(TopicMap oldTopicMap, String tmname, TopicMapSource tmsource) { TopicMapRepositoryIF repository = OntopolyContext.getOntopolyRepository().getTopicMapRepository(); try { String referenceId = OntopolyContext.getOntopolyRepository().createOntopolyTopicMap(tmsource.getId(), tmname); TopicMapIF topicMapIF = OntopolyContext.getOntopolyRepository().getTopicMapRepository() .getReferenceByKey(referenceId).createStore(false).getTopicMap(); TopicMap newTopicMap = new TopicMap(topicMapIF, referenceId); return inferAndCreateSchema(oldTopicMap, newTopicMap, tmname, repository); } catch (Exception e) { throw new OntopiaRuntimeException(e); } } private static String inferAndCreateSchema(TopicMap oldTopicMap, TopicMap newTopicMap, String tmname, TopicMapRepositoryIF repository) { boolean newtopicmap = (oldTopicMap != null); // create new topic map TopicMapStoreIF store = newTopicMap.getTopicMapIF().getStore(); try { TopicMapStoreIF oldstore = null; LocatorIF oldbaseloc = null; if (newtopicmap) { // get old store oldstore = oldTopicMap.getTopicMapIF().getStore(); oldbaseloc = oldstore.getBaseAddress(); } // convert topic map TopicMapIF tm = store.getTopicMap(); Collection<LocatorIF> reifier_subinds = new HashSet<LocatorIF>(); LocatorIF versionTopicPSI = URILocator.create(""); if (newtopicmap) { // get hold of old reifier TopicIF oreifier = oldstore.getTopicMap().getReifier(); if (oreifier == null) { reifier_subinds = Collections.emptySet(); } else { reifier_subinds = oreifier.getSubjectIdentifiers(); } // merge in old topic map try { MergeUtils.mergeInto(store.getTopicMap(), oldstore.getTopicMap()); } finally { oldstore.close(); } } else { // import TED ontology TopicMapReferenceIF ontologyTopicMapReference = repository .getReferenceByKey(OntopolyRepository.ONTOLOGY_TOPIC_MAP_ID); if (ontologyTopicMapReference == null) throw new OntopiaRuntimeException( "Could not find ontology topic map '" + OntopolyRepository.ONTOLOGY_TOPIC_MAP_ID + "'"); TopicMapStoreIF ontologyTopicMapStore = ontologyTopicMapReference.createStore(true); try { MergeUtils.mergeInto(tm, ontologyTopicMapStore.getTopicMap()); } finally { ontologyTopicMapStore.close(); } // reify topic map TopicMapBuilderIF tmbuilder = tm.getBuilder(); TopicIF reifier = tm.getReifier(); if (reifier == null) { reifier = tmbuilder.makeTopic(); tm.setReifier(reifier); tmbuilder.makeTopicName(reifier, tmname); TopicIF versionTopic = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(versionTopicPSI); tmbuilder.makeOccurrence(reifier, versionTopic, Float.toString(OntopolyApplication.CURRENT_VERSION_NUMBER)); } } // copy old reifier reify topic map if not already done TopicIF nreifier = tm.getReifier(); TopicIF oreifier = null; Iterator<LocatorIF> iiter = reifier_subinds.iterator(); while (iiter.hasNext()) { LocatorIF reifier_subind =; oreifier = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(reifier_subind); if (oreifier != null) break; } TopicMapBuilderIF tmbuilder = tm.getBuilder(); if (nreifier == null) { if (oreifier != null) { nreifier = oreifier; } else { nreifier = tmbuilder.makeTopic(); tm.setReifier(nreifier); } } else { if (oreifier != null && !Objects.equals(oreifier, nreifier)) MergeUtils.mergeInto(nreifier, oreifier); } // make topic map reifier and instance of on:topic-map nreifier.addType(topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("topic-map"), tm)); // replace reifier names with new one if (newtopicmap) { Object[] nrnames = nreifier.getTopicNames().toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < nrnames.length; i++) { TopicNameIF tn = (TopicNameIF) nrnames[i]; tn.remove(); } // String tmname = oldTopicMap.getName();1 tmbuilder.makeTopicName(nreifier, tmname); } // Check ontology version: TopicIF versionTopic = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(versionTopicPSI); String versionNumber = Float.toString(OntopolyApplication.CURRENT_VERSION_NUMBER); OccurrenceIF versionOcc = getOccurrenceOfType(nreifier, versionTopic); if (versionOcc == null) // create new ontology version occurrence tmbuilder.makeOccurrence(nreifier, versionTopic, versionNumber); else // Update ontology version value versionOcc.setValue(versionNumber); // infer TED schema inferAndCreateSchema(tm, nreifier); // run duplicate suppression DuplicateSuppressionUtils.removeDuplicates(tm); TopicMapReferenceIF ref = store.getReference(); if (ref instanceof XTMTopicMapReference) { // use old base address LocatorIF newbaseloc = store.getBaseAddress(); if (oldbaseloc != null) ((AbstractTopicMapStore) store).setBaseAddress(oldbaseloc); // save topic map with TED ontology ((XTMTopicMapReference) ref).save(); // revert to new base address if (oldbaseloc != null) ((AbstractTopicMapStore) store).setBaseAddress(newbaseloc); // close reference ref.close(); } // commit changes to topic map store.commit(); } catch (Throwable e) { if (store != null) store.abort(); throw new OntopiaRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (store != null) store.close(); } // refresh repository, so that new reference is visible repository.refresh(); return newTopicMap.getId(); } private static void inferAndCreateSchema(TopicMapIF tm, TopicIF reifier) throws InvalidQueryException, MalformedURLException { // create tracker instance SchemaTracker tracker = new SchemaTracker(); // track topics and associations tracker.trackTopics(tm.getTopics()); tracker.trackAssociations(tm.getAssociations()); TopicMapBuilderIF tmbuilder = tm.getBuilder(); QueryProcessorIF queryProcessor = QueryUtils.getQueryProcessor(tm); QueryResultIF result = null; // declaration context DeclarationContextIF dc = QueryUtils.parseDeclarations(tm, "using on for i\"\" " + "using xtm for i\"\" " + "supertype-of($SUB, $SUP) :-" + " { xtm:superclass-subclass($SUB : xtm:subclass, $SUP : xtm:superclass) |" + " xtm:superclass-subclass($SUB : xtm:subclass, $X : xtm:superclass)," + " supertype-of($X, $SUP) }. " + "descendant-of($ANC, $DES) :- " + " { xtm:superclass-subclass($ANC : xtm:superclass, $DES : xtm:subclass) |" + " xtm:superclass-subclass($ANC : xtm:superclass, $MID : xtm:subclass)," + " descendant-of($MID, $DES) }."); // load superclass-subclass hierarchy Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> subsup = new HashMap<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>>(); Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> supsub = new HashMap<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>>(); result = queryProcessor.execute( "select $SUP, $SUB from xtm:superclass-subclass($SUB : xtm:subclass, $SUP : xtm:superclass)?", dc); try { while ( { TopicIF sup = (TopicIF) result.getValue(0); TopicIF sub = (TopicIF) result.getValue(1); // subtype to supertype mapping Collection<TopicIF> x = subsup.get(sub); if (x == null) { x = new HashSet<TopicIF>(); subsup.put(sub, x); } x.add(sup); // supertype to subtype mapping Collection<TopicIF> y = supsub.get(sup); if (y == null) { y = new HashSet<TopicIF>(); supsub.put(sup, y); } y.add(sub); } } finally { result.close(); } // aggregate all ontology types Collection<TopicIF> onto_types = tracker.getOntologyTypes(); // translate name scopes into name types ScopeIndexIF sindex = (ScopeIndexIF) tm.getIndex("net.ontopia.topicmaps.core.index.ScopeIndexIF"); Collection<TopicIF> nstypes = new HashSet<TopicIF>(); Iterator<TopicIF> nsiter = tracker.getSuspectNameScopes().iterator(); while (nsiter.hasNext()) { TopicIF ntheme =; if (onto_types.contains(ntheme) || isTEDTopic(ntheme) || ntheme.equals(reifier)) continue; nstypes.add(ntheme); // translate name scope into name type Iterator<TopicNameIF> tniter = sindex.getTopicNames(ntheme).iterator(); while (tniter.hasNext()) { TopicNameIF tn =; tn.setType(ntheme); tn.removeTheme(ntheme); // WARN: what if basename have other themes in its name scope? } // register name field on topic type Iterator<TopicIF> nstiter = tracker.getNameScopeTopicTypes(ntheme).iterator(); while (nstiter.hasNext()) { TopicIF ttype =; if (ttype == null) continue; // HACK: don't know what to do here. TopicIF nfield = registerNameType(ntheme, tm); registerNameField(ttype, nfield, topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("cardinality-0-M"), tm), tm); } } // untyped topics Iterator<TopicIF> utyped = tracker.getUntypedTopics().iterator(); while (utyped.hasNext()) { TopicIF untyped =; if (untyped == null || onto_types.contains(untyped) || isTEDTopic(untyped) || untyped == reifier || nstypes.contains(untyped) || supsub.containsKey(untyped) || subsup.containsKey(untyped)) continue; registerUntypedTopic(untyped, tm); } // add super types to list of topic types Collection<TopicIF> all_topic_types = new HashSet<TopicIF>(tracker.getTopicTypes()); all_topic_types.addAll(supsub.keySet()); // get topmost super types Collection<TopicIF> topmost_types = getTopMostTypes(all_topic_types, subsup); // create schema Iterator<TopicIF> ttypes = all_topic_types.iterator(); while (ttypes.hasNext()) { TopicIF ttype =; if (ttype == null || isTEDTopic(ttype)) continue; // topic type registerTopicType(ttype, tm); // register default name if (topmost_types.contains(ttype)) registerDefaultNameField(ttype, tm); // subject locator if (!isSubjectLocatorDeclaredOnSuperType(ttype, tracker, subsup)) { int maxcard = getBroadestSubjectLocatorMaxCardinality(ttype, tracker, supsub); if (maxcard > 0) { TopicIF subloc_card = getCardinalityTopic( getBroadestSubjectLocatorMinCardinality(ttype, tracker, supsub), maxcard, tm); registerSubjectLocatorField(ttype, subloc_card, tm); } } // subject indicator if (!isSubjectIndicatorDeclaredOnSuperType(ttype, tracker, subsup)) { int maxcard = getBroadestSubjectIndicatorMaxCardinality(ttype, tracker, supsub); if (maxcard > 0) { TopicIF subind_card = getCardinalityTopic( getBroadestSubjectIndicatorMinCardinality(ttype, tracker, supsub), maxcard, tm); registerSubjectIndicatorField(ttype, subind_card, tm); } } // name types Collection<TopicIF> n_decl_on_supertype = getNamesDeclaredOnSuperType(ttype, tracker, subsup); Iterator<TopicIF> ntypes = tracker.getNameTypes(ttype).iterator(); while (ntypes.hasNext()) { TopicIF ntype =; if (ntype == null || isTEDTopic(ntype) || n_decl_on_supertype.contains(ntype)) continue; TopicIF cardinality = getCardinalityTopic( getBroadestNameTypeMinCardinality(ttype, ntype, tracker, supsub), getBroadestNameTypeMaxCardinality(ttype, ntype, tracker, supsub), tm); TopicIF nfield = registerNameType(ntype, tm); registerNameField(ttype, nfield, cardinality, tm); } // external occurrence types Collection<TopicIF> oe_decl_on_supertype = getExternalOccurrencesDeclaredOnSuperType(ttype, tracker, subsup); TopicIF datatype_uri = topicByPSI(xsdbase.resolveAbsolute("#anyURI"), tm); Iterator<TopicIF> oetypes = tracker.getExternalOccurrenceTypes(ttype).iterator(); while (oetypes.hasNext()) { TopicIF oetype =; if (oetype == null || isTEDTopic(oetype) || oe_decl_on_supertype.contains(oetype)) continue; TopicIF cardinality = getCardinalityTopic( getBroadestExternalOccurrenceTypeMinCardinality(ttype, oetype, tracker, supsub), getBroadestExternalOccurrenceTypeMaxCardinality(ttype, oetype, tracker, supsub), tm); oetype = registerOccurrenceType(oetype, datatype_uri, tm); registerOccurrenceField(ttype, oetype, cardinality, tm); } // internal occurrence types Collection<TopicIF> oi_decl_on_supertype = getInternalOccurrencesDeclaredOnSuperType(ttype, tracker, subsup); TopicIF datatype_string = topicByPSI(xsdbase.resolveAbsolute("#string"), tm); Iterator<TopicIF> oitypes = tracker.getInternalOccurrenceTypes(ttype).iterator(); while (oitypes.hasNext()) { TopicIF oitype =; if (oitype == null || isTEDTopic(oitype) || oi_decl_on_supertype.contains(oitype)) continue; TopicIF cardinality = getCardinalityTopic( getBroadestInternalOccurrenceTypeMinCardinality(ttype, oitype, tracker, supsub), getBroadestInternalOccurrenceTypeMaxCardinality(ttype, oitype, tracker, supsub), tm); oitype = registerOccurrenceType(oitype, datatype_string, tm); registerOccurrenceField(ttype, oitype, cardinality, tm); } } // association types Collection<TopicIF> excluded_atypes = new HashSet<TopicIF>(); excluded_atypes.add(topicByPSI(xtmbase.resolveAbsolute("#superclass-subclass"), tm)); excluded_atypes.add(topicByPSI(teqbase.resolveAbsolute("#hierarchical-relation-type"), tm)); Iterator<TopicIF> atypes = tracker.getAssociationTypes().iterator(); while (atypes.hasNext()) { TopicIF atype =; if (atype == null || isTEDTopic(atype) || excluded_atypes.contains(atype)) continue; // association type atype = registerAssociationType(atype, tm); // symmetric association if (tracker.isSymmetricAssociationType(atype)) addAssociation1(psibase.resolveAbsolute("is-symmetric"), atype, psibase.resolveAbsolute("association-type"), tm); // role types Iterator<TopicIF> rtypes = tracker.getRoleTypes(atype).iterator(); while (rtypes.hasNext()) { TopicIF rtype =; if (rtype == null || isTEDTopic(rtype)) continue; // role type rtype = registerRoleType(rtype, tm); // count player type instances Collection<TopicIF> ptypes = tracker.getPlayerTypes(atype, rtype); int ptypes_count = 0; Iterator<TopicIF> ptiter = ptypes.iterator(); while (ptiter.hasNext()) { ptypes_count += tracker.getTopicTypeInstances(; } // use search-dialog if drop-down list too long (> 50 elements) TopicIF interfaceControl; if (ptypes_count > 50) interfaceControl = topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("search-dialog"), tm); else interfaceControl = topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("drop-down-list"), tm); TopicIF rfield = registerRoleField(atype, rtype, interfaceControl, tm); ptiter = ptypes.iterator(); while (ptiter.hasNext()) { TopicIF ptype =; if (ptype == null) ptype = getUntypedTopic(psibase, tm); else if (isTEDTopic(ptype)) continue; if (!isRoleDeclaredOnSuperType(ptype, ptypes, subsup)) { TopicIF cardinality = getCardinalityTopic( getBroadestPlayerTypeMinCardinality(atype, rtype, ptype, tracker, supsub), getBroadestPlayerTypeMaxCardinality(atype, rtype, ptype, tracker, supsub), tm); registerPlayerTypeField(rfield, ptype, cardinality, tm); } } } } // remove identity fields duplicated on subtypes // remove name fields duplicated on subtypes // remove occurrence fields duplicated on subtypes // remove fields duplicated on subtypes result = queryProcessor.execute( "select $A1 from direct-instance-of($TTYPE, on:topic-type), descendant-of($XTYPE, $TTYPE), " + "role-player($R1, $TTYPE), type($R1, on:field-owner), " + "association-role($A1, $R1), type($A1, on:has-field), " + "association-role($A1, $R2), $R1 /= $R2, type($R2, on:field-definition), role-player($R2, $FIELD), " + "role-player($R3, $XTYPE), type($R3, on:field-owner), " + "association-role($A2, $R3), type($A2, on:has-field), " + "association-role($A2, $R4), $R3 /= $R4, type($R4, on:field-definition), role-player($R4, $FIELD)?", dc); try { while ( { AssociationIF assoc = (AssociationIF) result.getValue(0); assoc.remove(); } } finally { result.close(); } // generate field order TopicIF ted_field_order = topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("field-order"), tm); List<Object[]> fields = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); result = queryProcessor.execute("/* #OPTION: optimizer.reorder=false */ " + "select $topic, $owner, $field from " + "direct-instance-of($topic, on:topic-type), { descendant-of($owner, $topic) | $owner = $topic }, " + "role-player($R1, $owner), type($R1, on:field-owner), " + "association-role($A, $R1), type($A, on:has-field), " + "association-role($A, $R2), $R1 /= $R2, type($R2, on:field-definition), role-player($R2, $field), " + "not(instance-of($topic, on:system-topic))" + "order by $topic ?", dc); try { while ( { fields.add(result.getValues()); } } finally { result.close(); } // sort the fields Collections.sort(fields, new FieldsComparator(tm, psibase)); // update/create field order values int fOrder = 1000; TopicIF prevTopic = null; Iterator<Object[]> fiter = fields.iterator(); while (fiter.hasNext()) { Object[] f =; TopicIF curTopic = (TopicIF) f[0]; if (prevTopic != curTopic) { fOrder = 1000; prevTopic = curTopic; } // create new field order OccurrenceIF occ = tmbuilder.makeOccurrence(curTopic, ted_field_order, StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toString(fOrder), 9, '0')); occ.addTheme((TopicIF) f[2]); fOrder = fOrder + 1000; } } private static class FieldsComparator implements Comparator<Object> { private TopicIF ted_nt; private TopicIF ted_si; private TopicIF ted_sl; private TopicIF ted_ot; private TopicIF ted_at; private TopicIF ted_untyped_name; private FieldsComparator(TopicMapIF tm, LocatorIF psibase) throws MalformedURLException { ted_nt = topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("name-type"), tm); ted_si = topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("subject-identifier"), tm); ted_sl = topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("subject-locator"), tm); ted_ot = topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("occurrence-type"), tm); ted_at = topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("association-type"), tm); ted_untyped_name = topicByPSI(PSI.TMDM_TOPIC_NAME, tm); } @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Object[] f1 = (Object[]) o1; Object[] f2 = (Object[]) o2; // sort by topic type int tids = ((TopicIF) f1[0]).getObjectId().compareTo(((TopicIF) f2[0]).getObjectId()); if (tids != 0) return tids; // sort by field class int fkey1 = 1000; int fkey2 = 1000; if (ted_sl.equals(f1[2])) fkey1 = 2; else if (ted_si.equals(f1[2])) fkey1 = 3; else { Iterator<TopicIF> fit = ((TopicIF) f1[2]).getTypes().iterator(); while (fit.hasNext()) { TopicIF ft1 =; if (ted_nt.equals(ft1)) { if (ted_untyped_name.equals(f1[2])) fkey1 = 0; else fkey1 = 1; } else if (ted_ot.equals(ft1)) fkey1 = 4; else if (ted_at.equals(ft1)) fkey1 = 5; else continue; break; } } if (ted_sl.equals(f2[2])) fkey2 = 2; else if (ted_si.equals(f2[2])) fkey2 = 3; else { Iterator<TopicIF> fit = ((TopicIF) f2[2]).getTypes().iterator(); while (fit.hasNext()) { TopicIF ft2 =; if (ted_nt.equals(ft2)) { if (ted_untyped_name.equals(f2[2])) fkey2 = 0; else fkey2 = 1; } else if (ted_ot.equals(ft2)) fkey2 = 4; else if (ted_at.equals(ft2)) fkey2 = 5; else continue; break; } } //! if (fkey1 == 1000) System.out.println("FT1 type unknown: " + f1[2]); //! if (fkey2 == 1000) System.out.println("FT2 type unknown: " + f2[2]); if (fkey1 != fkey2) return (fkey1 > fkey2 ? 1 : -1); // sort by field type name String fn1 = TopicStringifiers.toString((TopicIF) (fkey1 == 5 ? f1[3] : f1[2])); String fn2 = TopicStringifiers.toString((TopicIF) (fkey2 == 5 ? f2[3] : f2[2])); return fn1.compareTo(fn2); } } private static void registerTopicType(TopicIF topic, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { // topic to be an instance of on:topic-type TopicIF topicType = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(psibase.resolveAbsolute("topic-type")); topic.addType(topicType); } private static void registerUntypedTopic(TopicIF topic, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { // topic to be an instance of on:untyped-topic topic.addType(getUntypedTopic(psibase, tm)); } private static TopicIF registerNameType(TopicIF ntype, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { // topic to be an instance of on:name-type TopicIF nameType = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(psibase.resolveAbsolute("name-type")); ntype.addType(nameType); return ntype; } private static TopicIF registerOccurrenceType(TopicIF otype, TopicIF datatype, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { // topic to be an instance of on:occurrence-type TopicIF occType = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(psibase.resolveAbsolute("occurrence-type")); otype.addType(occType); // datatype addAssociation2(psibase.resolveAbsolute("has-datatype"), otype, psibase.resolveAbsolute("field-definition"), datatype, psibase.resolveAbsolute("datatype"), tm); return otype; } private static TopicIF registerAssociationType(TopicIF atype, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { // topic to be an instance of on:association-type TopicIF assocType = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(psibase.resolveAbsolute("association-type")); atype.addType(assocType); return atype; } private static TopicIF registerRoleType(TopicIF rtype, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { // topic to be an instance of on:role-type TopicIF roleType = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(psibase.resolveAbsolute("role-type")); rtype.addType(roleType); return rtype; } private static TopicIF registerSubjectLocatorField(TopicIF ttype, TopicIF cardinality, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { TopicIF ifield = findIdentityField(topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("subject-locator"), tm), tm); registerField(ttype, ifield, cardinality, tm); return ifield; } private static TopicIF registerSubjectIndicatorField(TopicIF ttype, TopicIF cardinality, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { TopicIF ifield = findIdentityField(topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("subject-identifier"), tm), tm); registerField(ttype, ifield, cardinality, tm); return ifield; } // private static TopicIF registerItemIdentifierField(TopicIF ttype, TopicIF cardinality, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { // TopicIF ifield = findIdentityField(topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("item-identifier"), tm), tm); // registerField(ttype, ifield, cardinality, tm); // return ifield; // } private static TopicIF findIdentityField(TopicIF itype, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { QueryProcessorIF qp = QueryUtils.getQueryProcessor(tm); QueryResultIF qr = null; TopicIF ifield = null; try { Map<String, TopicIF> params = Collections.singletonMap("itype", itype); qr = qp.execute("using on for i\"\"\n" + "select $ifield from on:has-identity-type(%itype% : on:identity-type, $ofield : on:identity-field)?", params); if ( ifield = (TopicIF) qr.getValue(0); } catch (Exception e) { if (qr != null) qr.close(); } if (ifield == null) { TopicIF fieldType = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(psibase.resolveAbsolute("identity-field")); ifield = tm.getBuilder().makeTopic(fieldType); addAssociation2(psibase.resolveAbsolute("has-identity-type"), itype, psibase.resolveAbsolute("identity-type"), ifield, psibase.resolveAbsolute("identity-field"), tm); } return ifield; } private static void registerDefaultNameField(TopicIF topic, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { // mandatory default name registerNameField(topic, topicByPSI(PSI.TMDM_TOPIC_NAME, tm), topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("cardinality-1-1"), tm), tm); } private static TopicIF registerNameField(TopicIF ttype, TopicIF ntype, TopicIF cardinality, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { TopicIF nfield = findNameField(ntype, tm); registerField(ttype, nfield, cardinality, tm); return nfield; } private static TopicIF findNameField(TopicIF ntype, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { QueryProcessorIF qp = QueryUtils.getQueryProcessor(tm); QueryResultIF qr = null; TopicIF nfield = null; try { Map<String, TopicIF> params = Collections.singletonMap("ntype", ntype); qr = qp.execute("using on for i\"\"\n" + "select $nfield from on:has-name-type(%ntype% : on:name-type, $nfield : on:name-field)?", params); if ( nfield = (TopicIF) qr.getValue(0); } catch (Exception e) { if (qr != null) qr.close(); } if (nfield == null) { TopicIF fieldType = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(psibase.resolveAbsolute("name-field")); nfield = tm.getBuilder().makeTopic(fieldType); addAssociation2(psibase.resolveAbsolute("has-name-type"), ntype, psibase.resolveAbsolute("name-type"), nfield, psibase.resolveAbsolute("name-field"), tm); } return nfield; } private static void registerField(TopicIF ttype, TopicIF xfield, TopicIF cardinality, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { addAssociation2(psibase.resolveAbsolute("has-field"), ttype, psibase.resolveAbsolute("field-owner"), xfield, psibase.resolveAbsolute("field-definition"), tm); addAssociation2(psibase.resolveAbsolute("has-cardinality"), xfield, psibase.resolveAbsolute("field-definition"), cardinality, psibase.resolveAbsolute("cardinality"), tm); } private static TopicIF registerOccurrenceField(TopicIF ttype, TopicIF otype, TopicIF cardinality, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { TopicIF ofield = findOccurrenceField(otype, tm); registerField(ttype, ofield, cardinality, tm); addAssociation2(psibase.resolveAbsolute("has-datatype"), ofield, psibase.resolveAbsolute("field-definition"), topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("datatype-string"), tm), psibase.resolveAbsolute("datatype"), tm); return ofield; } private static TopicIF findOccurrenceField(TopicIF otype, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { QueryProcessorIF qp = QueryUtils.getQueryProcessor(tm); QueryResultIF qr = null; TopicIF ofield = null; try { Map<String, TopicIF> params = Collections.singletonMap("otype", otype); qr = qp.execute("using on for i\"\"\n" + "select $ofield from on:has-occurrence-type(%otype% : on:occurrence-type, $ofield : on:occurrence-field)?", params); if ( ofield = (TopicIF) qr.getValue(0); } catch (Exception e) { if (qr != null) qr.close(); } if (ofield == null) { TopicIF fieldType = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(psibase.resolveAbsolute("occurrence-field")); ofield = tm.getBuilder().makeTopic(fieldType); addAssociation2(psibase.resolveAbsolute("has-occurrence-type"), otype, psibase.resolveAbsolute("occurrence-type"), ofield, psibase.resolveAbsolute("occurrence-field"), tm); } return ofield; } private static TopicIF registerRoleField(TopicIF atype, TopicIF rtype, TopicIF interfaceControl, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { TopicIF afield = findAssociationField(atype, tm); TopicIF rfield = findRoleField(afield, rtype, tm); // addAssociation2(psibase.resolveAbsolute("has-association-field"), // afield, psibase.resolveAbsolute("association-field"), // rfield, psibase.resolveAbsolute("role-field"), tm); return rfield; } private static TopicIF findAssociationField(TopicIF atype, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { QueryProcessorIF qp = QueryUtils.getQueryProcessor(tm); QueryResultIF qr = null; TopicIF afield = null; try { Map<String, TopicIF> params = Collections.singletonMap("atype", atype); qr = qp.execute("using on for i\"\"\n" + "select $afield from on:has-association-type(%atype% : on:association-type, $afield : on:association-field)?", params); if ( afield = (TopicIF) qr.getValue(0); } catch (Exception e) { if (qr != null) qr.close(); } if (afield == null) { TopicIF fieldType = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(psibase.resolveAbsolute("association-field")); afield = tm.getBuilder().makeTopic(fieldType); addAssociation2(psibase.resolveAbsolute("has-association-type"), atype, psibase.resolveAbsolute("association-type"), afield, psibase.resolveAbsolute("association-field"), tm); } return afield; } private static TopicIF findRoleField(TopicIF afield, TopicIF rtype, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { QueryProcessorIF qp = QueryUtils.getQueryProcessor(tm); QueryResultIF qr = null; TopicIF rfield = null; try { Map<String, TopicIF> params = new HashMap<String, TopicIF>(2); params.put("afield", afield); params.put("rtype", rtype); qr = qp.execute("using on for i\"\"\n" + "select $rfield from on:has-association-field(%afield% : on:association-field, $rfield : on:role-field), " + "on:has-role-type($rfield : on:role-field, %rtype% : on:role-type)?", params); if ( rfield = (TopicIF) qr.getValue(0); } catch (Exception e) { if (qr != null) qr.close(); } if (rfield == null) { TopicIF fieldType = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(psibase.resolveAbsolute("role-field")); rfield = tm.getBuilder().makeTopic(fieldType); addAssociation2(psibase.resolveAbsolute("has-role-type"), rtype, psibase.resolveAbsolute("role-type"), rfield, psibase.resolveAbsolute("role-field"), tm); addAssociation2(psibase.resolveAbsolute("has-association-field"), afield, psibase.resolveAbsolute("association-field"), rfield, psibase.resolveAbsolute("role-field"), tm); } return rfield; } private static void registerPlayerTypeField(TopicIF rfield, TopicIF ptype, TopicIF cardinality, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { registerField(ptype, rfield, cardinality, tm); } private static void addAssociation1(LocatorIF atypePSI, TopicIF player1, LocatorIF rtype1PSI, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { TopicMapBuilderIF tmbuilder = tm.getBuilder(); AssociationIF assoc = tmbuilder.makeAssociation(topicByPSI(atypePSI, tm)); tmbuilder.makeAssociationRole(assoc, topicByPSI(rtype1PSI, tm), player1); } private static void addAssociation2(LocatorIF atypePSI, TopicIF player1, LocatorIF rtype1PSI, TopicIF player2, LocatorIF rtype2PSI, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { TopicMapBuilderIF tmbuilder = tm.getBuilder(); AssociationIF assoc = tmbuilder.makeAssociation(topicByPSI(atypePSI, tm)); tmbuilder.makeAssociationRole(assoc, topicByPSI(rtype1PSI, tm), player1); tmbuilder.makeAssociationRole(assoc, topicByPSI(rtype2PSI, tm), player2); } // private static void addAssociation3(LocatorIF atypePSI, // TopicIF player1, LocatorIF rtype1PSI, // TopicIF player2, LocatorIF rtype2PSI, // TopicIF player3, LocatorIF rtype3PSI, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { // TopicMapBuilderIF tmbuilder = tm.getBuilder(); // AssociationIF assoc = tmbuilder.makeAssociation(topicByPSI(atypePSI, tm)); // tmbuilder.makeAssociationRole(assoc, topicByPSI(rtype1PSI, tm), player1); // tmbuilder.makeAssociationRole(assoc, topicByPSI(rtype2PSI, tm), player2); // tmbuilder.makeAssociationRole(assoc, topicByPSI(rtype3PSI, tm), player3); // } // // private static void addAssociation4(LocatorIF atypePSI, // TopicIF player1, LocatorIF rtype1PSI, // TopicIF player2, LocatorIF rtype2PSI, // TopicIF player3, LocatorIF rtype3PSI, // TopicIF player4, LocatorIF rtype4PSI, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { // TopicMapBuilderIF tmbuilder = tm.getBuilder(); // AssociationIF assoc = tmbuilder.makeAssociation(topicByPSI(atypePSI, tm)); // tmbuilder.makeAssociationRole(assoc, topicByPSI(rtype1PSI, tm), player1); // tmbuilder.makeAssociationRole(assoc, topicByPSI(rtype2PSI, tm), player2); // tmbuilder.makeAssociationRole(assoc, topicByPSI(rtype3PSI, tm), player3); // tmbuilder.makeAssociationRole(assoc, topicByPSI(rtype4PSI, tm), player4); // } private static TopicIF topicByPSI(LocatorIF psiloc, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { TopicIF topic = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(psiloc); if (topic == null) throw new OntopiaRuntimeException("Could not find topic with PSI '" + psiloc + "'"); return topic; } private static boolean isTEDTopic(TopicIF topic) { Iterator<LocatorIF> iter = topic.getSubjectIdentifiers().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { LocatorIF loc =; String address = loc.getAddress(); if (address.startsWith("") || address.startsWith("")) return true; } return false; } private static TopicIF getUntypedTopic(LocatorIF psibase, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { LocatorIF psi = psibase.resolveAbsolute("untyped-topic"); TopicIF untyped = tm.getTopicBySubjectIdentifier(psi); if (untyped == null) { // create untyped type TopicMapBuilderIF builder = tm.getBuilder(); untyped = builder.makeTopic(); untyped.addSubjectIdentifier(psi); builder.makeTopicName(untyped, "Untyped topic"); // register topic type registerTopicType(untyped, tm); // register default name registerDefaultNameField(untyped, tm); } return untyped; } protected static TopicIF getCardinalityTopic(int mincard, int maxcard, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { //! mincard = 0; // HACK! ignoring min cardinality for now as it is harder to compute if (maxcard == 1) { if (mincard == 1) return topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("cardinality-1-1"), tm); else return topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("cardinality-0-1"), tm); } else if (maxcard > 1) { if (mincard > 0) return topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("cardinality-1-M"), tm); else return topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("cardinality-0-M"), tm); } else return topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("cardinality-0-M"), tm); } protected TopicIF getCardinalityTopic(int cardinalityCount, TopicMapIF tm) throws MalformedURLException { if (cardinalityCount <= 1) return topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("cardinality-0-1"), tm); else return topicByPSI(psibase.resolveAbsolute("cardinality-0-M"), tm); } protected static boolean isSubjectLocatorDeclaredOnSuperType(TopicIF ttype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> subsup) { Collection<TopicIF> supertypes = subsup.get(ttype); if (supertypes == null) return false; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = supertypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF supertype =; if (tracker.getSubjectLocatorMaxCardinality(supertype) > 0) return true; boolean onsup = isSubjectLocatorDeclaredOnSuperType(supertype, tracker, subsup); if (onsup) return true; } return false; } protected static boolean isSubjectIndicatorDeclaredOnSuperType(TopicIF ttype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> subsup) { Collection<TopicIF> supertypes = subsup.get(ttype); if (supertypes == null) return false; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = supertypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF supertype =; if (tracker.getSubjectIndicatorMaxCardinality(supertype) > 0) return true; boolean onsup = isSubjectIndicatorDeclaredOnSuperType(supertype, tracker, subsup); if (onsup) return true; } return false; } protected static Collection<TopicIF> getNamesDeclaredOnSuperType(TopicIF ttype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> subsup) { Collection<TopicIF> supertypes = subsup.get(ttype); if (supertypes == null) return Collections.emptySet(); Collection<TopicIF> result = new HashSet<TopicIF>(); Iterator<TopicIF> iter = supertypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF supertype =; result.addAll(tracker.getNameTypes(supertype)); result.addAll(getNamesDeclaredOnSuperType(supertype, tracker, subsup)); } return result; } protected static Collection<TopicIF> getInternalOccurrencesDeclaredOnSuperType(TopicIF ttype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> subsup) { Collection<TopicIF> supertypes = subsup.get(ttype); if (supertypes == null) return Collections.emptySet(); Collection<TopicIF> result = new HashSet<TopicIF>(); Iterator<TopicIF> iter = supertypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF supertype =; result.addAll(tracker.getInternalOccurrenceTypes(supertype)); result.addAll(getInternalOccurrencesDeclaredOnSuperType(supertype, tracker, subsup)); } return result; } protected static Collection<TopicIF> getExternalOccurrencesDeclaredOnSuperType(TopicIF ttype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> subsup) { Collection<TopicIF> supertypes = subsup.get(ttype); if (supertypes == null) return Collections.emptySet(); Collection<TopicIF> result = new HashSet<TopicIF>(); Iterator<TopicIF> iter = supertypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF supertype =; result.addAll(tracker.getExternalOccurrenceTypes(supertype)); result.addAll(getExternalOccurrencesDeclaredOnSuperType(supertype, tracker, subsup)); } return result; } protected static boolean isRoleDeclaredOnSuperType(TopicIF ttype, Collection<TopicIF> ptypes, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> subsup) { Collection<TopicIF> supertypes = subsup.get(ttype); if (supertypes == null) return false; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = supertypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF supertype = (TopicIF); if (ptypes.contains(supertype)) return true; boolean onsup = isRoleDeclaredOnSuperType(supertype, ptypes, subsup); if (onsup) return true; } return false; } protected static int getBroadestSubjectLocatorMinCardinality(TopicIF ttype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> supsub) { Collection<TopicIF> subtypes = supsub.get(ttype); int cardinality = tracker.getSubjectLocatorMinCardinality(ttype); if (subtypes == null) return cardinality; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = subtypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF subtype =; int card = getBroadestSubjectLocatorMinCardinality(subtype, tracker, supsub); if (card < cardinality) cardinality = card; } return cardinality; } protected static int getBroadestSubjectLocatorMaxCardinality(TopicIF ttype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> supsub) { Collection<TopicIF> subtypes = supsub.get(ttype); int cardinality = tracker.getSubjectLocatorMaxCardinality(ttype); if (subtypes == null) return cardinality; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = subtypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF subtype =; int card = getBroadestSubjectLocatorMaxCardinality(subtype, tracker, supsub); if (card < cardinality) cardinality = card; } return cardinality; } protected static int getBroadestSubjectIndicatorMinCardinality(TopicIF ttype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> supsub) { Collection<TopicIF> subtypes = supsub.get(ttype); int cardinality = tracker.getSubjectIndicatorMinCardinality(ttype); if (subtypes == null) return cardinality; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = subtypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF subtype =; int card = getBroadestSubjectIndicatorMinCardinality(subtype, tracker, supsub); if (card < cardinality) cardinality = card; } return cardinality; } protected static int getBroadestSubjectIndicatorMaxCardinality(TopicIF ttype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> supsub) { Collection<TopicIF> subtypes = supsub.get(ttype); int cardinality = tracker.getSubjectIndicatorMaxCardinality(ttype); if (subtypes == null) return cardinality; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = subtypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF subtype =; int card = getBroadestSubjectIndicatorMaxCardinality(subtype, tracker, supsub); if (card < cardinality) cardinality = card; } return cardinality; } protected static int getBroadestNameTypeMinCardinality(TopicIF ttype, TopicIF ntype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> supsub) { Collection<TopicIF> subtypes = supsub.get(ttype); int cardinality = tracker.getNameTypeMinCardinality(ttype, ntype); if (subtypes == null) return cardinality; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = subtypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF subtype =; int card = getBroadestNameTypeMinCardinality(subtype, ntype, tracker, supsub); if (card > cardinality) cardinality = card; } return cardinality; } protected static int getBroadestNameTypeMaxCardinality(TopicIF ttype, TopicIF ntype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> supsub) { Collection<TopicIF> subtypes = supsub.get(ttype); int cardinality = tracker.getNameTypeMaxCardinality(ttype, ntype); if (subtypes == null) return cardinality; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = subtypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF subtype =; int card = getBroadestNameTypeMaxCardinality(subtype, ntype, tracker, supsub); if (card > cardinality) cardinality = card; } return cardinality; } protected static int getBroadestExternalOccurrenceTypeMinCardinality(TopicIF ttype, TopicIF oetype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> supsub) { Collection<TopicIF> subtypes = supsub.get(ttype); int cardinality = tracker.getExternalOccurrenceTypeMinCardinality(ttype, oetype); if (subtypes == null) return cardinality; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = subtypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF subtype =; int card = getBroadestExternalOccurrenceTypeMinCardinality(subtype, oetype, tracker, supsub); if (card < cardinality) cardinality = card; } return cardinality; } protected static int getBroadestExternalOccurrenceTypeMaxCardinality(TopicIF ttype, TopicIF oetype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> supsub) { Collection<TopicIF> subtypes = supsub.get(ttype); int cardinality = tracker.getExternalOccurrenceTypeMaxCardinality(ttype, oetype); if (subtypes == null) return cardinality; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = subtypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF subtype =; int card = getBroadestExternalOccurrenceTypeMaxCardinality(subtype, oetype, tracker, supsub); if (card > cardinality) cardinality = card; } return cardinality; } protected static int getBroadestInternalOccurrenceTypeMinCardinality(TopicIF ttype, TopicIF oitype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> supsub) { Collection<TopicIF> subtypes = supsub.get(ttype); int cardinality = tracker.getInternalOccurrenceTypeMinCardinality(ttype, oitype); if (subtypes == null) return cardinality; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = subtypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF subtype =; int card = getBroadestInternalOccurrenceTypeMinCardinality(subtype, oitype, tracker, supsub); if (card < cardinality) cardinality = card; } return cardinality; } protected static int getBroadestInternalOccurrenceTypeMaxCardinality(TopicIF ttype, TopicIF oitype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> supsub) { Collection<TopicIF> subtypes = supsub.get(ttype); int cardinality = tracker.getInternalOccurrenceTypeMaxCardinality(ttype, oitype); if (subtypes == null) return cardinality; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = subtypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF subtype =; int card = getBroadestInternalOccurrenceTypeMaxCardinality(subtype, oitype, tracker, supsub); if (card > cardinality) cardinality = card; } return cardinality; } protected static int getBroadestPlayerTypeMinCardinality(TopicIF atype, TopicIF rtype, TopicIF ptype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> supsub) { Collection<TopicIF> subtypes = supsub.get(ptype); int cardinality = tracker.getPlayerTypeMinCardinality(atype, rtype, ptype); if (subtypes == null) return cardinality; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = subtypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF subtype =; int card = getBroadestPlayerTypeMinCardinality(atype, rtype, subtype, tracker, supsub); if (card < cardinality) cardinality = card; } return cardinality; } protected static int getBroadestPlayerTypeMaxCardinality(TopicIF atype, TopicIF rtype, TopicIF ptype, SchemaTracker tracker, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> supsub) { Collection<TopicIF> subtypes = supsub.get(ptype); int cardinality = tracker.getPlayerTypeMaxCardinality(atype, rtype, ptype); if (subtypes == null) return cardinality; Iterator<TopicIF> iter = subtypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF subtype =; int card = getBroadestPlayerTypeMaxCardinality(atype, rtype, subtype, tracker, supsub); if (card > cardinality) cardinality = card; } return cardinality; } protected static Collection<TopicIF> getTopMostTypes(Collection<TopicIF> ttypes, Map<TopicIF, Collection<TopicIF>> subsup) { Collection<TopicIF> result = new HashSet<TopicIF>(); Iterator<TopicIF> iter = ttypes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TopicIF ttype =; if (!subsup.containsKey(ttype)) result.add(ttype); } return result; } public static TopicMapSourceIF getSource(TopicMapRepositoryIF rep, String tmsource) { TopicMapSourceIF source = null; if (tmsource != null) source = rep.getSourceById(tmsource); else { // if tmsource is null, it means the list wasn't displayed, // because there's only one source which supports create. so we // have to find it. Iterator<TopicMapSourceIF> it = rep.getSources().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { TopicMapSourceIF candidate =; if (candidate.supportsCreate()) { source = candidate; break; } } if (source == null) throw new OntopiaRuntimeException("No source supporting create was found!"); } if (!source.supportsCreate()) throw new OntopiaRuntimeException( "Topic map source '" + tmsource + "' does not support creating new topic maps."); return source; } public static OccurrenceIF getOccurrenceOfType(TopicIF topic, TopicIF occType) { Collection<OccurrenceIF> result = getOccurrencesOfType(topic, occType); if (result.isEmpty()) return null; return result.iterator().next(); } public static Collection<OccurrenceIF> getOccurrencesOfType(TopicIF topic, TopicIF occType) { List<OccurrenceIF> result = new ArrayList<OccurrenceIF>(); for (Iterator<OccurrenceIF> iter = topic.getOccurrences().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { OccurrenceIF occurrence =; TopicIF otype = occurrence.getType(); if (otype != null && otype.equals(occType)) result.add(occurrence); } return result; } }