Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package omero.cmd.graphs; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ome.api.IQuery; import; import omero.cmd.Chgrp; import omero.cmd.Delete; import omero.cmd.DoAll; import omero.cmd.GraphModify; import omero.cmd.Helper; import omero.cmd.Request; /** * Preprocessors have a chance to modify the list of * {@link Request} instances which are passed to a * {@link DoAll}. If this strategy is continued, this * should be refactored behind a discoverable interface. * * @author Josh Moore, josh at * @author * @since 5.0 */ public class Preprocessor { private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Preprocessor.class); /** * The types of target for which we care about adjusting graph operation requests. * @author * @since 5.0 */ public static enum TargetType { IMAGE, FILESET, DATASET, PROJECT, WELL, PLATE, SCREEN; /** lookup from initial-capital name to type, e.g. "/Image" to {@link TargetType#IMAGE} */ public static final ImmutableMap<String, TargetType> byName; /** lookup from type to initial-capital name, e.g. {@link TargetType#IMAGE} to "/Image" */ public static final ImmutableMap<TargetType, String> byType; static { final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, TargetType> byNameBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); final ImmutableMap.Builder<TargetType, String> byTypeBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (final TargetType value : TargetType.values()) { final String name = '/' +, 1) +; byNameBuilder.put(name, value); byTypeBuilder.put(value, name); } byName =; byType =; } } /** * A tuple of target type and target ID. * Instances with the same type and ID are {@link #equals(Object)} and have the same {@link #hashCode()}. * @author * @since 5.0 */ public static class GraphModifyTarget { public final TargetType targetType; public final long targetId; /** * Construct a target type-ID tuple. * @param targetType the target type * @param targetId the target ID */ public GraphModifyTarget(TargetType targetType, long targetId) { if (targetType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("target type must be set"); } this.targetType = targetType; this.targetId = targetId; } /** * Return only the targets of the given type. * @param targets some targets * @param targetType the desired type of target * @return the targets of the desired type */ public static List<GraphModifyTarget> filterByType(Collection<GraphModifyTarget> targets, TargetType targetType) { final List<GraphModifyTarget> filtered = new ArrayList<GraphModifyTarget>(); for (final GraphModifyTarget target : targets) { if (target.targetType == targetType) { filtered.add(target); } } return filtered; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) { return true; } if (o instanceof GraphModifyTarget) { final GraphModifyTarget same = (GraphModifyTarget) o; return this.targetType == same.targetType && this.targetId == same.targetId; } else { return false; } } @Override public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder().append(this.targetType.ordinal()).append(this.targetId).toHashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return this.targetType + ":" + this.targetId; } } /** the target type hierarchy, an ordered list descending from higher to lower */ protected static final ImmutableList<Entry<TargetType, TargetType>> targetTypeHierarchy; static { final<Entry<TargetType, TargetType>> builder = ImmutableList .builder(); builder.add(Maps.immutableEntry(TargetType.PROJECT, TargetType.DATASET)); builder.add(Maps.immutableEntry(TargetType.DATASET, TargetType.IMAGE)); builder.add(Maps.immutableEntry(TargetType.SCREEN, TargetType.PLATE)); builder.add(Maps.immutableEntry(TargetType.PLATE, TargetType.WELL)); builder.add(Maps.immutableEntry(TargetType.WELL, TargetType.IMAGE)); builder.add(Maps.immutableEntry(TargetType.FILESET, TargetType.IMAGE)); targetTypeHierarchy =; } protected final List<Request> requests; protected final HierarchyNavigatorWrap<TargetType, GraphModifyTarget> hierarchyNavigator; /** * Transform the list of requests. * A prohibited prefix must be in the list, and the first must precede any prohibited suffixes. * @param isRelevant which type of graph operation's requests to transform * @param newRequestTarget the target of the new request to create to replace the removed ones * @param prohibitedPrefixes the requests that may not precede the new request * @param prohibitedSuffixes the requests that may be omitted after the new request */ protected final void transform(Predicate<Request> isRelevant, GraphModifyTarget newRequestTarget, Set<GraphModifyTarget> prohibitedPrefixes, Set<GraphModifyTarget> prohibitedSuffixes) { boolean added = false; for (int index = this.requests.size() - 1; index >= 0; index--) { if (!isRelevant.apply(requests.get(index))) { continue; } final GraphModify request = (GraphModify) this.requests.get(index); final TargetType targetType = TargetType.byName.get(request.type); if (targetType == null) { continue; } /* it is a relevant request with an understood target type */ final GraphModifyTarget requestTarget = new GraphModifyTarget(targetType,; /* must we now prefix it? */ if (!added && prohibitedPrefixes.contains(requestTarget)) { added = true; /* FIXME: this does not modify user-set options */ final GraphModify newRequest = (GraphModify) ((IGraphModifyRequest) request).copy(); newRequest.type = TargetType.byType.get(newRequestTarget.targetType); = newRequestTarget.targetId; this.requests.add(index + 1, newRequest); } /* must we remove it? */ if (prohibitedSuffixes.contains(requestTarget)) { if (!added) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "some prohibited prefix must occur before any prohibited suffixes"); } this.requests.remove(index); } } if (!added) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no prohibited prefix is among the requests"); } } public Preprocessor(List<Request> requests, Helper helper) { final IQuery iQuery = helper.getServiceFactory().getQueryService(); this.hierarchyNavigator = new HierarchyNavigatorWrap<TargetType, GraphModifyTarget>(iQuery) { @Override protected String typeToString(TargetType type) { return TargetType.byType.get(type); } @Override protected TargetType stringToType(String typeName) { return TargetType.byName.get(typeName); } @Override protected Entry<String, Long> entityToStringLong(GraphModifyTarget entity) { return Maps.immutableEntry(TargetType.byType.get(entity.targetType), entity.targetId); } @Override protected GraphModifyTarget stringLongToEntity(String typeName, long id) { return new GraphModifyTarget(TargetType.byName.get(typeName), id); } }; this.requests = requests; process(); } public Preprocessor(List<Request> requests, HierarchyNavigatorWrap<TargetType, GraphModifyTarget> hierarchyNavigator) { this.hierarchyNavigator = hierarchyNavigator; this.requests = requests; process(); } /** * Returns a copy of the requests field or an empty list if null. */ public List<Request> getRequests() { if (requests == null) { return new ArrayList<Request>(); } return new ArrayList<Request>(requests); } /** * Recursively find all the direct and indirect containers of the given target. * @param contained a target * @return all the target's containers */ private Set<GraphModifyTarget> getAllContainers(GraphModifyTarget contained) { final Set<GraphModifyTarget> allContainers = new HashSet<GraphModifyTarget>(); final Set<GraphModifyTarget> pendingContained = new HashSet<GraphModifyTarget>(); pendingContained.add(contained); while (!pendingContained.isEmpty()) { final Iterator<GraphModifyTarget> pendingContainedsIterator = pendingContained.iterator(); final GraphModifyTarget nextContained =; pendingContainedsIterator.remove(); final Set<GraphModifyTarget> nextContainers = new HashSet<GraphModifyTarget>(); for (final Entry<TargetType, TargetType> relationship : targetTypeHierarchy) { if (relationship.getValue() == nextContained.targetType) { nextContainers.addAll(hierarchyNavigator.doLookup(relationship.getKey(), nextContained)); } } allContainers.addAll(nextContainers); pendingContained.addAll(nextContainers); } return allContainers; } /** * Generate predicates where each identifies a distinct group of requests that should be processed together. * @return the predicates to guide request list processing */ private Collection<Predicate<Request>> predicatesForRequests() { final Set<Long> chgrpRequestGroups = new HashSet<Long>(); boolean deleteRequest = false; final List<Predicate<Request>> predicates = new ArrayList<Predicate<Request>>(); for (final Request request : this.requests) { if (!(request instanceof GraphModify) || ((GraphModify) request).type == null) { // do nothing } else if (request instanceof Delete && !deleteRequest) { deleteRequest = true; predicates.add(new Predicate<Request>() { public boolean apply(Request request) { return Delete.class.isAssignableFrom(request.getClass()) && TargetType.byName.get(((GraphModify) request).type) != null; } }); } else if (request instanceof Chgrp) { final long targetGroup = ((Chgrp) request).grp; if (chgrpRequestGroups.add(targetGroup)) { predicates.add(new Predicate<Request>() { public boolean apply(Request request) { return Chgrp.class.isAssignableFrom(request.getClass()) && ((Chgrp) request).grp == targetGroup && TargetType.byName.get(((GraphModify) request).type) != null; } }); } } } return predicates; } /** * Preprocess the list of requests. */ protected void process() { boolean modified = false; for (final Predicate<Request> isRelevant : predicatesForRequests()) { final SetMultimap<TargetType, GraphModifyTarget> targets = HashMultimap.create(); /* direct references */ for (final Request relevantRequest : Collections2.filter(this.requests, isRelevant)) { final GraphModify gm = (GraphModify) relevantRequest; final TargetType targetType = TargetType.byName.get(gm.type); targets.put(targetType, new GraphModifyTarget(targetType,; } /* indirect references */ for (final Entry<TargetType, TargetType> relationship : Preprocessor.targetTypeHierarchy) { final TargetType containerType = relationship.getKey(); final TargetType containedType = relationship.getValue(); final Set<GraphModifyTarget> containers = targets.get(containerType); this.hierarchyNavigator.prepareLookups(containedType, containers); for (final GraphModifyTarget container : containers) { targets.putAll(containedType, this.hierarchyNavigator.doLookup(containedType, container)); } } /* review the referenced FS images */ this.hierarchyNavigator.prepareLookups(TargetType.FILESET, targets.get(TargetType.IMAGE)); while (!targets.get(TargetType.IMAGE).isEmpty()) { final GraphModifyTarget image = targets.get(TargetType.IMAGE).iterator().next(); /* find the image's fileset */ final Set<GraphModifyTarget> containers = this.hierarchyNavigator.doLookup(TargetType.FILESET, image); final Iterator<GraphModifyTarget> filesetIterator = GraphModifyTarget .filterByType(containers, TargetType.FILESET).iterator(); final GraphModifyTarget fileset; if (!filesetIterator.hasNext()) { /* pre-FS image */ targets.get(TargetType.IMAGE).remove(image); continue; } fileset =; if (filesetIterator.hasNext()) { throw new IllegalStateException("image is contained in multiple filesets"); } /* check that all the fileset's images are referenced */ final Set<GraphModifyTarget> filesetImages = this.hierarchyNavigator.doLookup(TargetType.IMAGE, fileset); final boolean completeFileset = targets.get(TargetType.IMAGE).containsAll(filesetImages); /* this iteration will handle this fileset sufficiently, so do not revisit it */ targets.get(TargetType.IMAGE).removeAll(filesetImages); /* this preprocessing is applied only when all of a fileset's images are referenced */ if (!(completeFileset)) { continue; } /* okay, list the fileset as a target among the requests, after all of its images and their containers */ final Set<GraphModifyTarget> prohibitedPrefixes = new HashSet<GraphModifyTarget>(filesetImages); for (final GraphModifyTarget filesetImage : filesetImages) { prohibitedPrefixes.addAll(getAllContainers(filesetImage)); } /* and, once listed, neither the fileset nor its images need subsequent requests */ final Set<GraphModifyTarget> prohibitedSuffixes = new HashSet<GraphModifyTarget>(filesetImages); prohibitedSuffixes.add(fileset); /* adjust the list of requests accordingly */ transform(isRelevant, fileset, prohibitedPrefixes, prohibitedSuffixes); modified = true; } } if (modified && log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(requestToString(requests.get(0))); for (int i = 1; i < requests.size(); i++) { sb.append(","); sb.append(requestToString(requests.get(i))); } log.debug("transformed to: {}", sb); } } /** * Convert a single request to a pretty string. */ protected String requestToString(final Request request) { StringBuilder requestString = new StringBuilder(); if (request instanceof Delete) { requestString.append("DELETE"); } else if (request instanceof Chgrp) { requestString.append("CHGRP"); requestString.append('('); requestString.append(((Chgrp) request).grp); requestString.append(')'); } else { requestString.append('?'); } if (request instanceof GraphModify) { final GraphModify graphModify = (GraphModify) request; requestString.append('['); requestString.append(graphModify.type); requestString.append(':'); requestString.append(; requestString.append(']'); } return requestString.toString(); } }