Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 University of Dundee & Open Microscopy Environment.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

package omero.cmd.graphs;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.NestedNullException;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxy;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


import ome.model.IObject;
import ome.system.Roles;
import omero.cmd.Duplicate;
import omero.cmd.DuplicateResponse;
import omero.cmd.HandleI.Cancel;
import omero.cmd.ERR;
import omero.cmd.Helper;
import omero.cmd.IRequest;
import omero.cmd.Response;

 * Request to duplicate model objects.
 * @author
 * @since 5.2.1
public class DuplicateI extends Duplicate implements IRequest, WrappableRequest<Duplicate> {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DuplicateI.class);

    private static final Set<GraphPolicy.Ability> REQUIRED_ABILITIES = ImmutableSet.of();

    /* all bulk operations are batched; this size should be suitable for IN (:ids) for HQL */
    private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 256;

    private static enum Inclusion {
        /* the object is to be duplicated */
        /* the object is not to be duplicated, but it may be referenced from duplicates */
        /* the object is not to be duplicated, nor is it to be referenced from duplicates */

    private final ACLVoter aclVoter;
    private final SystemTypes systemTypes;
    private final GraphPathBean graphPathBean;
    private final Set<Class<? extends IObject>> targetClasses;
    private GraphPolicy graphPolicy; /* not final because of adjustGraphPolicy */
    private final SetMultimap<String, String> unnullable;

    /* a taxonomy based on the class hierarchy of model objects in Java */
    private SpecificityClassifier<Class<? extends IObject>, Inclusion> classifier;

    private List<Function<GraphPolicy, GraphPolicy>> graphPolicyAdjusters = new ArrayList<Function<GraphPolicy, GraphPolicy>>();
    private Helper helper;
    private GraphHelper graphHelper;
    private GraphTraversal graphTraversal;

    private GraphTraversal.PlanExecutor processor;

    private int targetObjectCount = 0;
    private int duplicatedObjectCount = 0;

    private final Map<IObject, IObject> originalsToDuplicates = new HashMap<IObject, IObject>();
    private final Map<Entry<String, Long>, IObject> originalClassIdToDuplicates = new HashMap<Entry<String, Long>, IObject>();
    private final Multimap<IObject, PropertyUpdate> propertiesToUpdate = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    private final SetMultimap<IObject, IObject> blockedBy = HashMultimap.create();

     * Given class names provided by the user, find the corresponding set of actual classes.
     * @param classNames names of model object classes
     * @return the named classes
    private Set<Class<? extends IObject>> getClassesFromNames(Collection<String> classNames) {
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(classNames)) {
            return Collections.emptySet();
        final Set<Class<? extends IObject>> classes = new HashSet<Class<? extends IObject>>();
        for (String className : classNames) {
            final int lastDot = className.lastIndexOf('.');
            if (lastDot > 0) {
                className = className.substring(lastDot + 1);
            final Class<? extends IObject> actualClass = graphPathBean.getClassForSimpleName(className);
            if (actualClass == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown model object class named: " + className);
        return classes;

     * Construct a new <q>duplicate</q> request; called from {@link GraphRequestFactory#getRequest(Class)}.
     * @param aclVoter ACL voter for permissions checking
     * @param securityRoles the security roles
     * @param systemTypes for identifying the system types
     * @param graphPathBean the graph path bean to use
     * @param deletionInstance a deletion instance for deleting files
     * @param targetClasses legal target object classes for duplicate
     * @param graphPolicy the graph policy to apply for duplicate
     * @param unnullable properties that, while nullable, may not be nulled by a graph traversal operation
    public DuplicateI(ACLVoter aclVoter, Roles securityRoles, SystemTypes systemTypes, GraphPathBean graphPathBean,
            Deletion deletionInstance, Set<Class<? extends IObject>> targetClasses, GraphPolicy graphPolicy,
            SetMultimap<String, String> unnullable) {
        this.aclVoter = aclVoter;
        this.systemTypes = systemTypes;
        this.graphPathBean = graphPathBean;
        this.targetClasses = targetClasses;
        this.graphPolicy = graphPolicy;
        this.unnullable = unnullable;

    public Map<String, String> getCallContext() {
        return null;

    public void init(Helper helper) {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            final GraphUtil.ParameterReporter arguments = new GraphUtil.ParameterReporter();
            arguments.addParameter("typesToDuplicate", typesToDuplicate);
            arguments.addParameter("typesToReference", typesToReference);
            arguments.addParameter("typesToIgnore", typesToIgnore);
            arguments.addParameter("targetObjects", targetObjects);
            arguments.addParameter("childOptions", childOptions);
            arguments.addParameter("dryRun", dryRun);
            LOGGER.debug("request: " + arguments);

        this.helper = helper;
        helper.setSteps(dryRun ? 3 : 8);
        this.graphHelper = new GraphHelper(helper, graphPathBean);

        classifier = new SpecificityClassifier<Class<? extends IObject>, Inclusion>(
                new SpecificityClassifier.ContainmentTester<Class<? extends IObject>>() {
                    public boolean isProperSupersetOf(Class<? extends IObject> parent,
                            Class<? extends IObject> child) {
                        return parent != child && parent.isAssignableFrom(child);

        try {
            classifier.addClass(Inclusion.DUPLICATE, getClassesFromNames(typesToDuplicate));
            classifier.addClass(Inclusion.REFERENCE, getClassesFromNames(typesToReference));
            classifier.addClass(Inclusion.IGNORE, getClassesFromNames(typesToIgnore));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw helper.cancel(new ERR(), e, "bad-class");

        graphPolicyAdjusters.add(0, new Function<GraphPolicy, GraphPolicy>() {
            public GraphPolicy apply(GraphPolicy graphPolicy) {
                return SkipTailPolicy.getSkipTailPolicy(graphPolicy, new Predicate<Class<? extends IObject>>() {
                    public boolean apply(Class<? extends IObject> modelObject) {
                        final Inclusion classification = classifier.getClass(modelObject);
                        return classification == Inclusion.REFERENCE || classification == Inclusion.IGNORE;

        graphPolicy.registerPredicate(new PermissionsPredicate());

        graphTraversal = graphHelper.prepareGraphTraversal(childOptions, REQUIRED_ABILITIES, graphPolicy,
                graphPolicyAdjusters, aclVoter, systemTypes, graphPathBean, unnullable, new InternalProcessor(),

        graphPolicyAdjusters = null;

     * Note how to update a specific model object property.
     * @author
     * @since 5.2.3
    private static abstract class PropertyUpdate {
        protected final IObject duplicate;
        protected final String property;

         * Create a note regarding how to update a specific model object property.
         * @param duplicate the duplicate object holding the property
         * @param property the name of the property
        PropertyUpdate(IObject duplicate, String property) {
            this.duplicate = duplicate;
   = property;

         * Update the model object property to which this instance corresponds.
         * @param mapping the mapping from the original object's links to other objects to those objects' corresponding duplicates,
         * returns {@code null} if no such duplicate exists so as to avoid stealing links from the original objects
         * @throws GraphException if the property value could not be updated
        abstract void execute(Function<Object, IObject> mapping) throws GraphException;

     * Note how to update a specific model object property that is directly accessible.
     * @author
     * @since 5.2.3
    private static class PropertyUpdateAccessible extends PropertyUpdate {
        protected final Object value;

         * Create a note regarding how to update a specific model object property.
         * @param duplicate the duplicate object holding the property
         * @param property the name of the property
         * @param value the property value from the original object
        PropertyUpdateAccessible(IObject duplicate, String property, Object value) {
            super(duplicate, property);
            this.value = value;

        void execute(Function<Object, IObject> mapping) throws GraphException {
            final Object duplicateValue = GraphUtil.copyComplexValue(mapping, value);
            if (duplicateValue != null) {
                try {
                    PropertyUtils.setNestedProperty(duplicate, property, duplicateValue);
                } catch (NestedNullException | ReflectiveOperationException e) {
                    throw new GraphException(
                            "cannot set property " + property + " on duplicate " + duplicate.getClass().getName());

     * Note how to update a specific model object property that is accessible only via {@code iterate} and {@code add} methods.
     * @author
     * @since 5.2.3
    private static class PropertyUpdateInaccessible extends PropertyUpdate {
        protected final IObject original;
        protected final Method reader, writer;
        protected final boolean isOrdered;

        private Set<IObject> written = new HashSet<IObject>();

         * Create a note regarding how to update a specific model object property.
         * @param original the original object holding the property
         * @param duplicate the duplicate object holding the property
         * @param property the name of the property
         * @param reader the {@code iterate} method for the property
         * @param writer the {@code add} method for the property
         * @param isOrdered if the property value is a collection whose order must be preserved on duplication
        PropertyUpdateInaccessible(IObject original, IObject duplicate, String property, Method reader,
                Method writer, boolean isOrdered) {
            super(duplicate, property);
            this.original = original;
            this.reader = reader;
            this.writer = writer;
            this.isOrdered = isOrdered;

        void execute(Function<Object, IObject> mapping) throws GraphException {
            try {
                final Iterator<IObject> linkedTos = (Iterator<IObject>) reader.invoke(original);
                boolean stillWriting = true;
                while (linkedTos.hasNext()) {
                    final IObject linkedTo =;
                    final IObject duplicateOfLinkedTo = mapping.apply(linkedTo);
                    if (stillWriting && duplicateOfLinkedTo != null) {
                        if (written.add(duplicateOfLinkedTo)) {
                            writer.invoke(duplicate, duplicateOfLinkedTo);
                    } else if (isOrdered) {
                        /* cannot easily update other than by appending so skip the rest for now */
                        stillWriting = false;
            } catch (NestedNullException | ReflectiveOperationException e) {
                throw new GraphException(
                        "cannot set property " + property + " on duplicate " + duplicate.getClass().getName());

     * Copy simple property values to the duplicate model object.
     * @throws GraphException if duplication failed
    private void copySimpleProperties() throws GraphException {
        for (final Entry<IObject, IObject> originalAndDuplicate : originalsToDuplicates.entrySet()) {
            final IObject original = originalAndDuplicate.getKey();
            final IObject duplicate = originalAndDuplicate.getValue();
            final String originalClass = Hibernate.getClass(original).getName();
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("copying properties from " + originalClass + ":" + original.getId());
            try {
                /* process property values for a given object that is duplicated */
                for (final String superclassName : graphPathBean.getSuperclassesOfReflexive(originalClass)) {
                    /* process property values that do not relate to edges in the model object graph */
                    for (final String property : graphPathBean.getSimpleProperties(superclassName)) {
                        /* ignore inaccessible properties */
                        if (!graphPathBean.isPropertyAccessible(superclassName, property)) {
                        /* copy original property value to duplicate, creating new instances of collections */
                        final Object value = PropertyUtils.getProperty(original, property);
                        final Object duplicateValue = GraphUtil.copyComplexValue(Functions.constant(null), value);
                        PropertyUtils.setProperty(duplicate, property, duplicateValue);
            } catch (NestedNullException | ReflectiveOperationException e) {
                throw new GraphException("failed to duplicate " + originalClass + ':' + original.getId());

     * Note in which order to persist the duplicate model objects and how to copy their properties.
     * @throws GraphException if duplication failed
    private void noteNewPropertyValuesForDuplicates() throws GraphException {
        /* allow lookup regardless of if original is actually a Hibernate proxy object */
        final Function<Object, IObject> duplicateLookup = new Function<Object, IObject>() {
            public IObject apply(Object original) {
                if (original instanceof IObject) {
                    final String originalClass;
                    if (original instanceof HibernateProxy) {
                        originalClass = Hibernate.getClass(original).getName();
                    } else {
                        originalClass = original.getClass().getName();
                    final Long originalId = ((IObject) original).getId();
                    return originalClassIdToDuplicates.get(Maps.immutableEntry(originalClass, originalId));
                } else {
                    return null;
        /* note how to copy property values into duplicates and link with other model objects */
        for (final Entry<IObject, IObject> originalAndDuplicate : originalsToDuplicates.entrySet()) {
            final IObject original = originalAndDuplicate.getKey();
            final IObject duplicate = originalAndDuplicate.getValue();
            final String originalClass = Hibernate.getClass(original).getName();
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("noting how to copy properties from " + originalClass + ":" + original.getId());
            try {
                /* process property values for a given object that is duplicated */
                for (final String superclassName : graphPathBean.getSuperclassesOfReflexive(originalClass)) {
                    /* process property values that link from the duplicate to other model objects */
                    for (final Entry<String, String> forwardLink : graphPathBean.getLinkedTo(superclassName)) {
                        /* next forward link */
                        final String linkedClassName = forwardLink.getKey();
                        final String property = forwardLink.getValue();
                        /* ignore details for now, duplicates never preserve original ownership */
                        if (property.startsWith("details.")) {
                        /* note which of the objects to which the original links should be ignored */
                        final Set<Long> linkedToIdsToIgnore = new HashSet<Long>();
                        for (final Entry<String, Collection<Long>> linkedToClassIds : graphTraversal
                                .getLinkeds(superclassName, property, original.getId()).asMap().entrySet()) {
                            final String linkedToClass = linkedToClassIds.getKey();
                            final Collection<Long> linkedToIds = linkedToClassIds.getValue();
                            if (classifier.getClass(
                                    Class.forName(linkedToClass).asSubclass(IObject.class)) == Inclusion.IGNORE) {
                        /* check for another accessor for inaccessible properties */
                        Object value;
                        if (graphPathBean.isPropertyAccessible(superclassName, property)) {
                            /* copy the linking from the original's property over to the duplicate's */
                            try {
                                value = PropertyUtils.getNestedProperty(original, property);
                            } catch (NestedNullException e) {
                            if (value instanceof Collection) {
                                /* if a collection property, include only the objects that aren't to be ignored */
                                final Collection<IObject> valueCollection = (Collection<IObject>) value;
                                final Collection<IObject> valueToCopy;
                                if (value instanceof List) {
                                    valueToCopy = new ArrayList<IObject>();
                                } else if (value instanceof Set) {
                                    valueToCopy = new HashSet<IObject>();
                                } else {
                                    throw new GraphException("unexpected collection type: " + value.getClass());
                                for (final IObject linkedTo : valueCollection) {
                                    if (!linkedToIdsToIgnore.contains(linkedTo.getId())) {
                                value = valueToCopy;
                            } else if (value instanceof IObject) {
                                /* if the property value is to be ignored then null it */
                                if (linkedToIdsToIgnore.contains(((IObject) value).getId())) {
                                    value = null;
                            /* note how to copy the property value, replacing originals with corresponding duplicates */
                            if (value != null) {
                                        new PropertyUpdateAccessible(duplicate, property, value));
                        } else {
                            /* this could be a one-to-many property with direct accessors protected */
                            final Class<? extends IObject> linkerClass = Class.forName(superclassName)
                            final Class<? extends IObject> linkedClass = Class.forName(linkedClassName)
                            final Method reader, writer;
                            try {
                                reader = linkerClass.getMethod("iterate" + StringUtils.capitalize(property));
                                writer = linkerClass.getMethod("add" + linkedClass.getSimpleName(), linkedClass);
                            } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
                                /* no luck, so ignore this property */
                            boolean isOrdered;
                            try {
                                linkerClass.getMethod("getPrimary" + linkedClass.getSimpleName());
                                isOrdered = true;
                            } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
                                isOrdered = false;
                            value = reader.invoke(original);
                            /* note how to copy the linking from the original's property over to the duplicate's */
                            propertiesToUpdate.put(duplicate, new PropertyUpdateInaccessible(original, duplicate,
                                    property, reader, writer, isOrdered));
                            if (isOrdered) {
                                /* ensure that the values are written in order */
                                IObject previousDuplicate = null;
                                final Iterator<IObject> valueIterator = (Iterator<IObject>) reader.invoke(original);
                                while (valueIterator.hasNext()) {
                                    final IObject nextDuplicate = originalsToDuplicates.get(;
                                    if (nextDuplicate != null) {
                                        if (previousDuplicate != null) {
                                            blockedBy.put(nextDuplicate, previousDuplicate);
                                        previousDuplicate = nextDuplicate;
                        /* persist the property values before persisting the holder */
                        final Set<IObject> duplicatesInValue = GraphUtil.filterComplexValue(duplicateLookup, value);
                        blockedBy.putAll(duplicate, duplicatesInValue);
            } catch (NestedNullException | ReflectiveOperationException e) {
                throw new GraphException("failed to duplicate " + originalClass + ':' + original.getId());

     * Duplicate model object properties, linking them as appropriate with each other and with other model objects.
     * @throws GraphException if duplication failed
    private void persistDuplicatesWithNewPropertyValues() throws GraphException {
        /* copy property values into duplicates and link with other model objects */
        final Session session = helper.getSession();
        final ListMultimap<IObject, IObject> propertyUpdateTriggers = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        final Set<IObject> persisted = new HashSet<IObject>();
        final Set<IObject> remainingTransient = new HashSet<IObject>(originalsToDuplicates.values());
        while (!remainingTransient.isEmpty()) {
            boolean isProgress = false;
            final Iterator<IObject> remainingTransientIterator = remainingTransient.iterator();
            while (remainingTransientIterator.hasNext()) {
                final IObject duplicate =;
                final Set<IObject> blockers = blockedBy.get(duplicate);
                blockers.retainAll(remainingTransient); /* changes to the view affect the underlying map */
                if (blockers.isEmpty()) {
                    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOGGER.debug("duplicating an instance of " + duplicate.getClass().getName());
                    /* before persisting an object, fill in its links to other objects */
                    for (final PropertyUpdate update : propertiesToUpdate.get(duplicate)) {
                        final Function<Object, IObject> duplicateProxyLookup = new Function<Object, IObject>() {
                            public IObject apply(Object original) {
                                if (original instanceof IObject) {
                                    final String originalClass;
                                    if (original instanceof HibernateProxy) {
                                        originalClass = Hibernate.getClass(original).getName();
                                    } else {
                                        originalClass = original.getClass().getName();
                                    final Long originalId = ((IObject) original).getId();
                                    final IObject duplicate = originalClassIdToDuplicates
                                            .get(Maps.immutableEntry(originalClass, originalId));
                                    if (duplicate == null) {
                                        return null;
                                    if (persisted.contains(duplicate)) {
                                        return duplicate;
                                    } else {
                                        /* this value is omitted from the object's property value when it is persisted so we note
                                         * to update this property when the value is persisted */
                                        propertyUpdateTriggers.put(duplicate, update.duplicate);
                                return null;
                    /* fill in other objects' links to the object to be persisted, such as back-references */
                    final Function<Object, IObject> duplicateProxyLookup = new Function<Object, IObject>() {
                        public IObject apply(Object original) {
                            if (original instanceof IObject) {
                                final String originalClass;
                                if (original instanceof HibernateProxy) {
                                    originalClass = Hibernate.getClass(original).getName();
                                } else {
                                    originalClass = original.getClass().getName();
                                final Long originalId = ((IObject) original).getId();
                                final IObject duplicate = originalClassIdToDuplicates
                                        .get(Maps.immutableEntry(originalClass, originalId));
                                if (duplicate == null) {
                                    return null;
                                if (persisted.contains(duplicate)) {
                                    return duplicate;
                            return null;
                    for (final IObject objectToUpdate : propertyUpdateTriggers.get(duplicate)) {
                        for (final PropertyUpdate update : propertiesToUpdate.get(objectToUpdate)) {
                    final Collection<PropertyUpdate> propertiesToUpdateForDuplicate = new ArrayList<PropertyUpdate>(
                    /* when an object is persisted its hash changes, so move key in persisted and in propertiesToUpdate */
                    propertiesToUpdate.putAll(duplicate, propertiesToUpdateForDuplicate);
                    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOGGER.debug("persisted " + duplicate.getClass().getName() + ":" + duplicate.getId());
                    isProgress = true;
            if (!isProgress) {
                throw new GraphException("internal duplication error: cyclic model graph");

     * Link other model objects to the duplicates.
     * @throws GraphException if duplication failed
    private void linkToNewDuplicates() throws GraphException {
        /* copy property values into duplicates and link with other model objects */
        final Session session = helper.getSession();
        for (final IObject original : originalsToDuplicates.keySet()) {
            final String originalClass = Hibernate.getClass(original).getName();
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("adjusting properties of " + originalClass + ":" + original.getId());
            try {
                /* process property values for a given object that is duplicated */
                for (final String superclassName : graphPathBean.getSuperclassesOfReflexive(originalClass)) {
                    /* process property values that link to the duplicate from other model objects */
                    for (final Entry<String, String> backwardLink : graphPathBean.getLinkedBy(superclassName)) {
                        /* next backward link */
                        final String linkingClass = backwardLink.getKey();
                        final String property = backwardLink.getValue();
                        /* ignore inaccessible properties */
                        if (!graphPathBean.isPropertyAccessible(linkingClass, property)) {
                        for (final Entry<String, Collection<Long>> linkedFromClassIds : graphTraversal
                                .getLinkers(linkingClass, property, original.getId()).asMap().entrySet()) {
                            final String linkedFromClass = linkedFromClassIds.getKey();
                            final Collection<Long> linkedFromIds = linkedFromClassIds.getValue();
                            if (classifier.getClass(
                                    Class.forName(linkedFromClass).asSubclass(IObject.class)) == Inclusion.IGNORE) {
                                /* these linkers are to be ignored */
                            /* load the instances that link to the original */
                            final String rootQuery = "FROM " + linkedFromClass + " WHERE id IN (:ids)";
                            for (final List<Long> idsBatch : Iterables.partition(linkedFromIds, BATCH_SIZE)) {
                                final List<IObject> linkers = session.createQuery(rootQuery)
                                        .setParameterList("ids", idsBatch).list();
                                for (final IObject linker : linkers) {
                                    if (originalsToDuplicates.containsKey(linker)) {
                                        /* ignore linkers that are to be duplicated, those have already been handled */
                                    /* copy the linking from the original's property over to the duplicate's */
                                    final Object value;
                                    try {
                                        value = PropertyUtils.getNestedProperty(linker, property);
                                    } catch (NestedNullException e) {
                                    /* for linkers adjust only the collection properties */
                                    if (value instanceof Collection) {
                                        final Collection<IObject> valueCollection = (Collection<IObject>) value;
                                        final Collection<IObject> newDuplicates = new ArrayList<IObject>();
                                        for (final IObject originalLinker : valueCollection) {
                                            IObject duplicateOfValue = originalsToDuplicates.get(originalLinker);
                                            if (duplicateOfValue != null) {
                                                /* previous had just original, now include duplicate too */
            } catch (NestedNullException | ReflectiveOperationException e) {
                throw new GraphException("failed to adjust " + originalClass + ':' + original.getId());

    public Object step(int step) throws Cancel {
        try {
            switch (step) {
            case 0:
                final SetMultimap<String, Long> targetMultimap = graphHelper.getTargetMultimap(targetClasses,
                targetObjectCount += targetMultimap.size();
                final Entry<SetMultimap<String, Long>, SetMultimap<String, Long>> plan = graphTraversal
                        .planOperation(helper.getSession(), targetMultimap, true, true);
                if (plan.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                } else {
                    final Exception e = new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "duplication plan unexpectedly includes deletion");
                    throw helper.cancel(new ERR(), e, "bad-plan");
                return plan.getKey();
            case 1:
                return null;
            case 2:
                processor = graphTraversal.processTargets();
                return null;
            case 3:
                return null;
            case 4:
                return null;
            case 5:
                return null;
            case 6:
                return null;
            case 7:
                return null;
                final Exception e = new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "model object graph operation has no step " + step);
                throw helper.cancel(new ERR(), e, "bad-step");
        } catch (Cancel c) {
            throw c;
        } catch (GraphException ge) {
            final omero.cmd.GraphException graphERR = new omero.cmd.GraphException();
            graphERR.message = ge.message;
            throw helper.cancel(graphERR, ge, "graph-fail");
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw helper.cancel(new ERR(), t, "graph-fail");

    public void finish() {

    public void buildResponse(int step, Object object) {
        /* if the results object were in terms of IObjectList then this would need */
        if (dryRun && step == 0) {
            final SetMultimap<String, Long> result = (SetMultimap<String, Long>) object;
            final Map<String, List<Long>> duplicatedObjects = GraphUtil.copyMultimapForResponse(result);
            duplicatedObjectCount += result.size();
            final DuplicateResponse response = new DuplicateResponse(duplicatedObjects);
  "in mock duplication of " + targetObjectCount + ", duplicated " + duplicatedObjectCount
                    + " in total");
        } else if (!dryRun && step == 6) {
            final Map<String, List<Long>> duplicatedObjects = new HashMap<String, List<Long>>();
            for (final IObject duplicate : originalsToDuplicates.values()) {
                final String className = duplicate.getClass().getName();
                List<Long> ids = duplicatedObjects.get(className);
                if (ids == null) {
                    ids = new ArrayList<Long>();
                    duplicatedObjects.put(className, ids);
            final DuplicateResponse response = new DuplicateResponse(duplicatedObjects);
  "in duplication of " + targetObjectCount + ", duplicated " + duplicatedObjectCount
                    + " in total");

            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                final GraphUtil.ParameterReporter arguments = new GraphUtil.ParameterReporter();
                arguments.addParameter("duplicates", response.duplicates);
                LOGGER.debug("response: " + arguments);

    public Response getResponse() {
        return helper.getResponse();

    public void copyFieldsTo(Duplicate request) {
        GraphUtil.copyFields(this, request);
        request.typesToDuplicate = new ArrayList<String>(typesToDuplicate);
        request.typesToReference = new ArrayList<String>(typesToReference);
        request.typesToIgnore = new ArrayList<String>(typesToIgnore);

    public void adjustGraphPolicy(Function<GraphPolicy, GraphPolicy> adjuster) {
        if (graphPolicyAdjusters == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("request is already initialized");
        } else {

    public int getStepProvidingCompleteResponse() {
        return dryRun ? 0 : 6;

    public GraphPolicy.Action getActionForStarting() {
        return GraphPolicy.Action.INCLUDE;

    public Map<String, List<Long>> getStartFrom(Response response) {
        return ((DuplicateResponse) response).duplicates;

     * A <q>duplicate</q> processor that assists with duplicating model objects.
     * This processor merely reads from the database and initializes the duplicate objects.
     * The updates to the objects' property values occur in a later step.
     * @author
     * @since 5.2.1
    private final class InternalProcessor extends BaseGraphTraversalProcessor {

        public InternalProcessor() {

        public void processInstances(String className, Collection<Long> ids) throws GraphException {
            final String rootQuery = "FROM " + className + " WHERE id IN (:ids)";
            for (final List<Long> idsBatch : Iterables.partition(ids, BATCH_SIZE)) {
                final List<IObject> originals = session.createQuery(rootQuery).setParameterList("ids", idsBatch)
                for (final IObject original : originals) {
                    final IObject duplicate;
                    try {
                        duplicate = (IObject) Hibernate.getClass(original).newInstance();
                    } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
                        throw new GraphException("cannot create a duplicate of " + original);
                    final String originalClass = Hibernate.getClass(original).getName();
                    final Long originalId = original.getId();
                    originalClassIdToDuplicates.put(Maps.immutableEntry(originalClass, originalId), duplicate);
                    originalsToDuplicates.put(original, duplicate);

        public Set<GraphPolicy.Ability> getRequiredPermissions() {
            return REQUIRED_ABILITIES;