Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 University of Dundee & Open Microscopy Environment. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package omero.cmd.graphs; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ome.api.IQuery; import; import; import; import ome.model.IObject; import ome.parameters.Parameters; import; import ome.system.Login; import omero.api.LongPair; import omero.cmd.DiskUsage; import omero.cmd.DiskUsageResponse; import omero.cmd.HandleI.Cancel; import omero.cmd.ERR; import omero.cmd.Helper; import omero.cmd.IRequest; import omero.cmd.Response; import omero.model.OriginalFile; /** * Calculate the disk usage entailed by the given objects. * @author * @since 5.1.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class DiskUsageI extends DiskUsage implements IRequest { /* TODO: This class can be substantially refactored and simplified by using the graph traversal reimplementation. */ /* FIELDS AND CONSTRUCTORS */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DiskUsageI.class); private static final ImmutableMap<String, String> ALL_GROUPS_CONTEXT = ImmutableMap.of(Login.OMERO_GROUP, "-1"); /* <FromClass, Map.Entry<ToClass, HQL>> */ private static final ImmutableMultimap<String, Map.Entry<String, String>> TRAVERSAL_QUERIES; private static final ImmutableSet<String> OWNED_OBJECTS; private static final ImmutableSet<String> ANNOTATABLE_OBJECTS; private static final Map<String, String> classIdProperties = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, String>()); private final PixelsService pixelsService; private final ThumbnailService thumbnailService; private final GraphPathBean graphPathBean; private Helper helper; /** * Construct a disk usage request. * @param pixelsService the pixels service * @param thumbnailService the thumbnail service * @param graphPathBean the graph path bean */ public DiskUsageI(PixelsService pixelsService, ThumbnailService thumbnailService, GraphPathBean graphPathBean) { this.pixelsService = pixelsService; this.thumbnailService = thumbnailService; this.graphPathBean = graphPathBean; } /* NAVIGATION OF MODEL OBJECT GRAPH */ static { final ImmutableMultimap.Builder<String, Map.Entry<String, String>> builder = ImmutableMultimap.builder(); builder.put("Project", Maps.immutableEntry("Dataset", "SELECT FROM ProjectDatasetLink WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Dataset", Maps.immutableEntry("Image", "SELECT FROM DatasetImageLink WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Screen", Maps.immutableEntry("Plate", "SELECT FROM ScreenPlateLink WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Plate", Maps.immutableEntry("Well", "SELECT id FROM Well WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Plate", Maps.immutableEntry("PlateAcquisition", "SELECT id FROM PlateAcquisition WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("PlateAcquisition", Maps.immutableEntry("WellSample", "SELECT id FROM WellSample WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Well", Maps.immutableEntry("WellSample", "SELECT id FROM WellSample WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Well", Maps.immutableEntry("Reagent", "SELECT FROM WellReagentLink WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("WellSample", Maps.immutableEntry("Image", "SELECT FROM WellSample WHERE id IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Image", Maps.immutableEntry("Pixels", "SELECT id FROM Pixels WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Pixels", Maps.immutableEntry("Thumbnail", "SELECT id FROM Thumbnail WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Pixels", Maps.immutableEntry("OriginalFile", "SELECT FROM PixelsOriginalFileMap WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Pixels", Maps.immutableEntry("Channel", "SELECT id FROM Channel WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Pixels", Maps.immutableEntry("PlaneInfo", "SELECT id FROM PlaneInfo WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Channel", Maps.immutableEntry("LogicalChannel", "SELECT FROM Channel WHERE id IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Image", Maps.immutableEntry("Fileset", "SELECT FROM Image WHERE id IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Fileset", Maps.immutableEntry("Job", "SELECT FROM FilesetJobLink WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Job", Maps.immutableEntry("OriginalFile", "SELECT FROM JobOriginalFileLink WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Fileset", Maps.immutableEntry("Image", "SELECT id FROM Image WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Fileset", Maps.immutableEntry("FilesetEntry", "SELECT id FROM FilesetEntry WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("FilesetEntry", Maps.immutableEntry("OriginalFile", "SELECT FROM FilesetEntry WHERE id IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Annotation", Maps.immutableEntry("OriginalFile", "SELECT FROM FileAnnotation WHERE id IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Image", Maps.immutableEntry("Roi", "SELECT id FROM Roi WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Roi", Maps.immutableEntry("Shape", "SELECT id FROM Shape WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Roi", Maps.immutableEntry("OriginalFile", "SELECT FROM Roi WHERE id IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Image", Maps.immutableEntry("Instrument", "SELECT FROM Image WHERE id IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Instrument", Maps.immutableEntry("Detector", "SELECT id FROM Detector WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Instrument", Maps.immutableEntry("Dichroic", "SELECT id FROM Dichroic WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Instrument", Maps.immutableEntry("Filter", "SELECT id FROM Filter WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Instrument", Maps.immutableEntry("LightSource", "SELECT id FROM LightSource WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Instrument", Maps.immutableEntry("Objective", "SELECT id FROM Objective WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("Dichroic", Maps.immutableEntry("LightPath", "SELECT id FROM LightPath WHERE IN (:ids)")); builder.put("LogicalChannel", Maps.immutableEntry("LightPath", "SELECT FROM LogicalChannel WHERE id IN (:ids)")); TRAVERSAL_QUERIES =; } static { final ImmutableSet.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableSet.builder(); builder.add("Annotation"); builder.add("Channel"); builder.add("Dataset"); builder.add("Detector"); builder.add("Dichroic"); builder.add("Fileset"); builder.add("Filter"); builder.add("Image"); builder.add("LogicalChannel"); builder.add("Instrument"); builder.add("LightPath"); builder.add("LightSource"); builder.add("Objective"); builder.add("OriginalFile"); builder.add("Pixels"); builder.add("PlaneInfo"); builder.add("PlateAcquisition"); builder.add("Plate"); builder.add("Project"); builder.add("Reagent"); builder.add("Roi"); builder.add("Screen"); builder.add("Shape"); builder.add("Well"); builder.add("WellSample"); OWNED_OBJECTS =; } static { final ImmutableSet.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableSet.builder(); builder.add("Annotation"); builder.add("Channel"); builder.add("Dataset"); builder.add("Detector"); builder.add("Dichroic"); builder.add("Experimenter"); builder.add("ExperimenterGroup"); builder.add("Fileset"); builder.add("Filter"); builder.add("Image"); builder.add("Instrument"); builder.add("LightPath"); builder.add("LightSource"); builder.add("Objective"); builder.add("OriginalFile"); builder.add("PlaneInfo"); builder.add("PlateAcquisition"); builder.add("Plate"); builder.add("Project"); builder.add("Reagent"); builder.add("Roi"); builder.add("Screen"); builder.add("Shape"); builder.add("Well"); ANNOTATABLE_OBJECTS =; } /* USAGE STATISTICS TRACKING */ /** * Track the disk usage subtotals and totals. Not thread-safe. * @author * @since 5.1.0 */ private static class Usage { private final Map<LongPair, Map<String, Integer>> countByTypeByWho = new HashMap<LongPair, Map<String, Integer>>(); private final Map<LongPair, Map<String, Long>> sizeByTypeByWho = new HashMap<LongPair, Map<String, Long>>(); private final Map<LongPair, Integer> totalCountByWho = new HashMap<LongPair, Integer>(); private final Map<LongPair, Long> totalSizeByWho = new HashMap<LongPair, Long>(); private boolean bumpTotals = false; /** * The next call to {@link #add(String, Long)} may bump {@link #totalCount} and {@link #totalSize}. * @return this instance, for method chaining */ Usage bumpTotals() { bumpTotals = true; return this; } /** * Adjust counts and sizes according to given ownership, type and size. * Does not adjust anything unless {@code size > 0}. * @see #bumpTotals() * @param owner the ID of an owner * @param group the ID of a group * @param type a type * @param size a size */ void add(long owner, long group, String type, Long size) { if (size <= 0) { bumpTotals = false; return; } final LongPair ownership = new LongPair(owner, group); final Map<String, Integer> countByType; final Map<String, Long> sizeByType; if (countByTypeByWho.containsKey(ownership)) { countByType = countByTypeByWho.get(ownership); sizeByType = sizeByTypeByWho.get(ownership); } else { countByType = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); sizeByType = new HashMap<String, Long>(); countByTypeByWho.put(ownership, countByType); sizeByTypeByWho.put(ownership, sizeByType); } Long sizeThisType = sizeByType.get(type); if (sizeThisType == null) { countByType.put(type, Integer.valueOf(1)); sizeByType.put(type, size); } else { countByType.put(type, countByType.get(type) + 1); sizeByType.put(type, sizeThisType + size); } if (bumpTotals) { Integer totalCount = totalCountByWho.get(ownership); Long totalSize = totalSizeByWho.get(ownership); if (totalCount == null) { totalCount = 0; } if (totalSize == null) { totalSize = 0L; } totalCount++; totalSize += size; totalCountByWho.put(ownership, totalCount); totalSizeByWho.put(ownership, totalSize); bumpTotals = false; } } /** * @return a disk usage response corresponding to the current usage */ public DiskUsageResponse getDiskUsageResponse() { return new DiskUsageResponse(countByTypeByWho, sizeByTypeByWho, totalCountByWho, totalSizeByWho); } /** * Convert a map into a concise string representation. * @param byWho a map with owner, group keys * @return the string representation */ private String toString(Map<LongPair, ?> byWho) { final List<String> asStrings = new ArrayList<String>(byWho.size()); final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (final Map.Entry<LongPair, ?> entry : byWho.entrySet()) { sb.setLength(0); sb.append(entry.getKey().first); sb.append('/'); sb.append(entry.getKey().second); sb.append('='); sb.append(entry.getValue()); asStrings.add(sb.toString()); } return Joiner.on(", ").join(asStrings); } @Override public String toString() { return "files = [" + toString(totalCountByWho) + "], bytes = [" + toString(totalSizeByWho) + "]"; } } /* CMD REQUEST FRAMEWORK */ @Override public ImmutableMap<String, String> getCallContext() { return ALL_GROUPS_CONTEXT; } @Override public void init(Helper helper) { this.helper = helper; helper.setSteps(1); } @Override public DiskUsageResponse step(int step) throws Cancel { helper.assertStep(step); if (step != 0) { throw helper.cancel(new ERR(), new IllegalArgumentException(), "disk usage operation has no step " + step); } try { return getDiskUsage(); } catch (Cancel c) { throw c; } catch (Throwable t) { throw helper.cancel(new ERR(), t, "disk usage operation failed"); } } @Override public void finish() { } @Override public void buildResponse(int step, Object object) { helper.assertResponse(step); if (step == 0) { helper.setResponseIfNull((DiskUsageResponse) object); } } @Override public Response getResponse() { return helper.getResponse(); } /* DISK USAGE CALCULATION */ /** * Notes the ownership and disk usage of an original file. Immutable. * @author * @since 5.1.0 */ private static class OwnershipAndSize { /** the ID of the owner of the file */ public final long owner; /** the ID of the group of the file */ public final long group; /** the size of the file */ public final long size; /** * Construct a tuple of a file's ownership and disk usage. * @param owner the ID of the owner of the file * @param group the ID of the group of the file * @param size the size of the file */ OwnershipAndSize(long owner, long group, long size) { this.owner = owner; = group; this.size = size; } } /** * Get the size of the file at the given path, or {@code 0} if it does not exist. * @param path a file path * @return the file's size, or {@code 0} if the file does not exist */ private static long getFileSize(String path) { final File file = new File(path); return file.exists() ? file.length() : 0; } /** * Look up the identifier property for the given class. * @param className a class name * @return the identifier property, never {@code null} * @throws Cancel if an identifier property could not be found for the given class */ private String getIdPropertyFor(String className) throws Cancel { String idProperty = classIdProperties.get(className); if (idProperty == null) { final Class<? extends IObject> actualClass = graphPathBean.getClassForSimpleName(className); if (actualClass == null) { final Exception e = new IllegalArgumentException("class " + className + " is unknown"); throw helper.cancel(new ERR(), e, "bad-class"); } idProperty = graphPathBean.getIdentifierProperty(actualClass.getName()); if (idProperty == null) { final Exception e = new IllegalArgumentException( "no identifier property is known for class " + className); throw helper.cancel(new ERR(), e, "bad-class"); } classIdProperties.put(className, idProperty); } return idProperty; } /** * Calculate the disk usage of the model objects specified in the request. * @return the total usage, in bytes */ private DiskUsageResponse getDiskUsage() { final IQuery queryService = helper.getServiceFactory().getQueryService(); final int batchSize = 256; final SetMultimap<String, Long> objectsToProcess = HashMultimap.create(); final SetMultimap<String, Long> objectsProcessed = HashMultimap.create(); final Usage usage = new Usage(); /* original file ID to types that refer to them */ final SetMultimap<Long, String> typesWithFiles = HashMultimap.create(); /* original file ID to file ownership and size */ final Map<Long, OwnershipAndSize> fileSizes = new HashMap<Long, OwnershipAndSize>(); /* note the objects to process */ for (final String className : classes) { final String hql = "SELECT " + getIdPropertyFor(className) + " FROM " + className; for (final Object[] resultRow : queryService.projection(hql, null)) { if (resultRow != null) { final Long objectId = (Long) resultRow[0]; objectsToProcess.put(className, objectId); } } } for (final Map.Entry<String, List<Long>> objectList : objects.entrySet()) { objectsToProcess.putAll(objectList.getKey(), objectList.getValue()); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { final List<Long> ids = Lists.newArrayList(objectsToProcess.get(objectList.getKey())); Collections.sort(ids); LOGGER.debug("size calculator to process " + objectList.getKey() + " " + Joiner.on(", ").join(ids)); } } /* check that the objects' class names are valid */ for (final String className : objectsToProcess.keySet()) { getIdPropertyFor(className); } /* iteratively process objects, descending the model graph */ while (!objectsToProcess.isEmpty()) { /* obtain canonical class name and ID list */ final Map.Entry<String, Collection<Long>> nextClass = objectsToProcess.asMap().entrySet().iterator() .next(); String className = nextClass.getKey(); final int lastDot = className.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot >= 0) { className = className.substring(lastDot + 1); } else if (className.charAt(0) == '/') { className = className.substring(1); } /* get IDs still to process, and split off a batch of them for this query */ final Collection<Long> ids = nextClass.getValue(); ids.removeAll(objectsProcessed.get(className)); if (ids.isEmpty()) { continue; } final List<Long> idsToQuery = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.limit(ids, batchSize)); ids.removeAll(idsToQuery); objectsProcessed.putAll(className, idsToQuery); final Parameters parameters = new Parameters().addIds(idsToQuery); if ("Pixels".equals(className)) { /* Pixels may have /OMERO/Pixels/<id> files */ final String hql = "SELECT id,, FROM Pixels WHERE id IN (:ids)"; for (final Object[] resultRow : queryService.projection(hql, parameters)) { if (resultRow != null) { final Long pixelsId = (Long) resultRow[0]; final Long ownerId = (Long) resultRow[1]; final Long groupId = (Long) resultRow[2]; final String pixelsPath = pixelsService.getPixelsPath(pixelsId); usage.bumpTotals().add(ownerId, groupId, className, getFileSize(pixelsPath)); usage.bumpTotals().add(ownerId, groupId, className, getFileSize(pixelsPath + PixelsService.PYRAMID_SUFFIX)); usage.bumpTotals().add(ownerId, groupId, className, getFileSize( pixelsPath + PixelsService.PYRAMID_SUFFIX + BfPyramidPixelBuffer.PYR_LOCK_EXT)); } } } else if ("Thumbnail".equals(className)) { /* Thumbnails may have /OMERO/Thumbnails/<id> files */ final String hql = "SELECT id,, FROM Thumbnail WHERE id IN (:ids)"; for (final Object[] resultRow : queryService.projection(hql, parameters)) { if (resultRow != null) { final Long thumbnailId = (Long) resultRow[0]; final Long ownerId = (Long) resultRow[1]; final Long groupId = (Long) resultRow[2]; final String thumbnailPath = thumbnailService.getThumbnailPath(thumbnailId); usage.bumpTotals().add(ownerId, groupId, className, getFileSize(thumbnailPath)); } } } else if ("OriginalFile".equals(className)) { /* OriginalFiles have their size noted */ final String hql = "SELECT id,,, size FROM OriginalFile WHERE id IN (:ids)"; for (final Object[] resultRow : queryService.projection(hql, parameters)) { if (resultRow != null && resultRow[3] instanceof Long) { final Long fileId = (Long) resultRow[0]; final Long ownerId = (Long) resultRow[1]; final Long groupId = (Long) resultRow[2]; final Long fileSize = (Long) resultRow[3]; fileSizes.put(fileId, new OwnershipAndSize(ownerId, groupId, fileSize)); } } } else if ("Experimenter".equals(className)) { /* for an experimenter, use the list of owned objects */ for (final String resultClassName : OWNED_OBJECTS) { final String hql = "SELECT " + getIdPropertyFor(resultClassName) + " FROM " + resultClassName + " WHERE IN (:ids)"; for (final Object[] resultRow : queryService.projection(hql, parameters)) { objectsToProcess.put(resultClassName, (Long) resultRow[0]); } } } else if ("ExperimenterGroup".equals(className)) { /* for an experimenter group, use the list of owned objects */ for (final String resultClassName : OWNED_OBJECTS) { final String hql = "SELECT " + getIdPropertyFor(resultClassName) + " FROM " + resultClassName + " WHERE IN (:ids)"; for (final Object[] resultRow : queryService.projection(hql, parameters)) { objectsToProcess.put(resultClassName, (Long) resultRow[0]); } } } /* follow the next step from here on the model object graph */ for (final Map.Entry<String, String> query : TRAVERSAL_QUERIES.get(className)) { final String resultClassName = query.getKey(); final String hql = query.getValue(); for (final Object[] resultRow : queryService.projection(hql, parameters)) { if (resultRow != null && resultRow[0] instanceof Long) { final Long resultId = (Long) resultRow[0]; objectsToProcess.put(resultClassName, resultId); if ("OriginalFile".equals(resultClassName)) { typesWithFiles.put(resultId, className); } } } } if (ANNOTATABLE_OBJECTS.contains(className)) { /* also watch for annotations on the current objects */ final String hql = "SELECT FROM " + className + "AnnotationLink WHERE IN (:ids)"; for (final Object[] resultRow : queryService.projection(hql, parameters)) { objectsToProcess.put("Annotation", (Long) resultRow[0]); } } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { Collections.sort(idsToQuery); LOGGER.debug("usage is " + usage + " after processing " + className + " " + Joiner.on(", ").join(idsToQuery)); } } /* collate file counts and sizes by referer type */ for (final Map.Entry<Long, OwnershipAndSize> fileIdSize : fileSizes.entrySet()) { final Long fileId = fileIdSize.getKey(); final OwnershipAndSize fileSize = fileIdSize.getValue(); Set<String> types = typesWithFiles.get(fileId); if (types.isEmpty()) { types = ImmutableSet.of("OriginalFile"); } usage.bumpTotals(); for (final String type : types) { usage.add(fileSize.owner,, type, fileSize.size); } } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("usage is " + usage + " after including " + OriginalFile.class.getSimpleName() + " sizes"); } return usage.getDiskUsageResponse(); } }