Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 University of Dundee & Open Microscopy Environment. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package omero.cmd.graphs; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ome.model.IObject; import ome.model.internal.Permissions; import ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ome.system.EventContext; import ome.system.Login; import ome.system.Roles; import omero.cmd.Chgrp2; import omero.cmd.Chgrp2Response; import omero.cmd.HandleI.Cancel; import omero.cmd.ERR; import omero.cmd.Helper; import omero.cmd.IRequest; import omero.cmd.Response; /** * Request to move model objects to a different experiment group, replacing version 5.0's {@code ChgrpI}. * @author * @since 5.1.0 */ public class Chgrp2I extends Chgrp2 implements IRequest, WrappableRequest<Chgrp2> { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Chgrp2I.class); private static final ImmutableMap<String, String> ALL_GROUPS_CONTEXT = ImmutableMap.of(Login.OMERO_GROUP, "-1"); private static final Set<GraphPolicy.Ability> REQUIRED_ABILITIES = ImmutableSet.of(GraphPolicy.Ability.OWN); private final ACLVoter aclVoter; private final SystemTypes systemTypes; private final GraphPathBean graphPathBean; private final Deletion deletionInstance; private final Set<Class<? extends IObject>> targetClasses; private GraphPolicy graphPolicy; /* not final because of adjustGraphPolicy */ private final SetMultimap<String, String> unnullable; private List<Function<GraphPolicy, GraphPolicy>> graphPolicyAdjusters = new ArrayList<Function<GraphPolicy, GraphPolicy>>(); private Helper helper; private GraphTraversal graphTraversal; private GraphTraversal.PlanExecutor unlinker; private GraphTraversal.PlanExecutor processor; private int targetObjectCount = 0; private int deletedObjectCount = 0; private int movedObjectCount = 0; /** * Construct a new <q>chgrp</q> request; called from {@link GraphRequestFactory#getRequest(Class)}. * @param aclVoter ACL voter for permissions checking * @param securityRoles the security roles * @param systemTypes for identifying the system types * @param graphPathBean the graph path bean to use * @param deletionInstance a deletion instance for deleting files * @param targetClasses legal target object classes for chgrp * @param graphPolicy the graph policy to apply for chgrp * @param unnullable properties that, while nullable, may not be nulled by a graph traversal operation */ public Chgrp2I(ACLVoter aclVoter, Roles securityRoles, SystemTypes systemTypes, GraphPathBean graphPathBean, Deletion deletionInstance, Set<Class<? extends IObject>> targetClasses, GraphPolicy graphPolicy, SetMultimap<String, String> unnullable) { this.aclVoter = aclVoter; this.systemTypes = systemTypes; this.graphPathBean = graphPathBean; this.deletionInstance = deletionInstance; this.targetClasses = targetClasses; this.graphPolicy = graphPolicy; this.unnullable = unnullable; } @Override public Map<String, String> getCallContext() { return new HashMap<String, String>(ALL_GROUPS_CONTEXT); } @Override public void init(Helper helper) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { final GraphUtil.ParameterReporter arguments = new GraphUtil.ParameterReporter(); arguments.addParameter("groupId", groupId); arguments.addParameter("targetObjects", targetObjects); arguments.addParameter("childOptions", childOptions); arguments.addParameter("dryRun", dryRun); LOGGER.debug("request: " + arguments); } this.helper = helper; helper.setSteps(dryRun ? 4 : 6); /* check that the user is a member of the destination group */ final EventContext eventContext = helper.getEventContext(); if (!(eventContext.isCurrentUserAdmin() || eventContext.getMemberOfGroupsList().contains(groupId))) { final Exception e = new IllegalArgumentException("not a member of the chgrp destination group"); throw helper.cancel(new ERR(), e, "not-in-group"); } final List<ChildOptionI> childOptions = ChildOptionI.castChildOptions(this.childOptions); if (childOptions != null) { for (final ChildOptionI childOption : childOptions) { childOption.init(); } } final ExperimenterGroup destinationGroup = (ExperimenterGroup) helper.getSession() .get(ExperimenterGroup.class, groupId); final Permissions destinationGroupPermissions = destinationGroup.getDetails().getPermissions(); final boolean isToGroupReadable = destinationGroupPermissions.isGranted(Permissions.Role.GROUP, Permissions.Right.READ); if (!isToGroupReadable) { graphPolicy.setCondition("to_private"); } GraphPolicy graphPolicyWithOptions = graphPolicy; graphPolicyWithOptions = ChildOptionsPolicy.getChildOptionsPolicy(graphPolicyWithOptions, childOptions, REQUIRED_ABILITIES); for (final Function<GraphPolicy, GraphPolicy> adjuster : graphPolicyAdjusters) { graphPolicyWithOptions = adjuster.apply(graphPolicyWithOptions); } graphPolicyAdjusters = null; GraphTraversal.Processor processor = new InternalProcessor(); if (dryRun) { processor = GraphUtil.disableProcessor(processor); } graphTraversal = new GraphTraversal(helper.getSession(), eventContext, aclVoter, systemTypes, graphPathBean, unnullable, graphPolicyWithOptions, processor); } @Override public Object step(int step) throws Cancel { helper.assertStep(step); try { switch (step) { case 0: /* if targetObjects were an IObjectList then this would need IceMapper.reverse */ final SetMultimap<String, Long> targetMultimap = HashMultimap.create(); for (final Entry<String, List<Long>> oneClassToTarget : targetObjects.entrySet()) { /* determine actual class from given target object class name */ String targetObjectClassName = oneClassToTarget.getKey(); final int lastDot = targetObjectClassName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot > 0) { targetObjectClassName = targetObjectClassName.substring(lastDot + 1); } final Class<? extends IObject> targetObjectClass = graphPathBean .getClassForSimpleName(targetObjectClassName); /* check that it is legal to target the given class */ final Iterator<Class<? extends IObject>> legalTargetsIterator = targetClasses.iterator(); do { if (!legalTargetsIterator.hasNext()) { final Exception e = new IllegalArgumentException( "cannot target " + targetObjectClassName); throw helper.cancel(new ERR(), e, "bad-target"); } } while (!; /* note IDs to target for the class */ final Collection<Long> ids = oneClassToTarget.getValue(); targetMultimap.putAll(targetObjectClass.getName(), ids); targetObjectCount += ids.size(); } final Entry<SetMultimap<String, Long>, SetMultimap<String, Long>> plan = graphTraversal .planOperation(helper.getSession(), targetMultimap, true, true); return Maps.immutableEntry(plan.getKey(), GraphUtil.arrangeDeletionTargets(helper.getSession(), plan.getValue())); case 1: graphTraversal.assertNoPolicyViolations(); return null; case 2: processor = graphTraversal.processTargets(); return null; case 3: unlinker = graphTraversal.unlinkTargets(true); graphTraversal = null; return null; case 4: unlinker.execute(); return null; case 5: processor.execute(); return null; default: final Exception e = new IllegalArgumentException( "model object graph operation has no step " + step); throw helper.cancel(new ERR(), e, "bad-step"); } } catch (Cancel c) { throw c; } catch (GraphException ge) { final omero.cmd.GraphException graphERR = new omero.cmd.GraphException(); graphERR.message = ge.message; throw helper.cancel(graphERR, ge, "graph-fail"); } catch (Throwable t) { throw helper.cancel(new ERR(), t, "graph-fail"); } } @Override public void finish() { } @Override public void buildResponse(int step, Object object) { helper.assertResponse(step); if (step == 0) { /* if the results object were in terms of IObjectList then this would need */ final Entry<SetMultimap<String, Long>, SetMultimap<String, Long>> result = (Entry<SetMultimap<String, Long>, SetMultimap<String, Long>>) object; if (!dryRun) { try { deletionInstance.deleteFiles(GraphUtil.trimPackageNames(result.getValue())); } catch (Exception e) { helper.cancel(new ERR(), e, "file-delete-fail"); } } final Map<String, List<Long>> movedObjects = new HashMap<String, List<Long>>(); final Map<String, List<Long>> deletedObjects = new HashMap<String, List<Long>>(); for (final Entry<String, Collection<Long>> oneMovedClass : result.getKey().asMap().entrySet()) { final String className = oneMovedClass.getKey(); final Collection<Long> ids = oneMovedClass.getValue(); movedObjects.put(className, new ArrayList<Long>(ids)); movedObjectCount += ids.size(); } for (final Entry<String, Collection<Long>> oneDeletedClass : result.getValue().asMap().entrySet()) { final String className = oneDeletedClass.getKey(); final Collection<Long> ids = oneDeletedClass.getValue(); deletedObjects.put(className, new ArrayList<Long>(ids)); deletedObjectCount += ids.size(); } final Chgrp2Response response = new Chgrp2Response(movedObjects, deletedObjects); helper.setResponseIfNull(response);"in " + (dryRun ? "mock " : "") + "chgrp to " + groupId + " of " + targetObjectCount + ", moved " + movedObjectCount + " and deleted " + deletedObjectCount + " in total"); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { final GraphUtil.ParameterReporter arguments = new GraphUtil.ParameterReporter(); arguments.addParameter("includedObjects", response.includedObjects); arguments.addParameter("deletedObjects", response.deletedObjects); LOGGER.debug("response: " + arguments); } } } @Override public Response getResponse() { return helper.getResponse(); } @Override public void copyFieldsTo(Chgrp2 request) { GraphUtil.copyFields(this, request); request.groupId = groupId; } @Override public void adjustGraphPolicy(Function<GraphPolicy, GraphPolicy> adjuster) { if (graphPolicyAdjusters == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("request is already initialized"); } else { graphPolicyAdjusters.add(adjuster); } } @Override public int getStepProvidingCompleteResponse() { return 0; } @Override public GraphPolicy.Action getActionForStarting() { return GraphPolicy.Action.INCLUDE; } @Override public Map<String, List<Long>> getStartFrom(Response response) { return ((Chgrp2Response) response).includedObjects; } /** * A <q>chgrp</q> processor that updates model objects' group. * @author * @since 5.1.0 */ private final class InternalProcessor extends BaseGraphTraversalProcessor { private final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InternalProcessor.class); private final ExperimenterGroup group = new ExperimenterGroup(groupId, false); public InternalProcessor() { super(helper.getSession()); } @Override public void processInstances(String className, Collection<Long> ids) throws GraphException { final String update = "UPDATE " + className + " SET = :group WHERE id IN (:ids)"; final int count = session.createQuery(update).setParameter("group", group).setParameterList("ids", ids) .executeUpdate(); if (count != ids.size()) { LOGGER.warn("not all the objects of type " + className + " could be processed"); } } @Override public Set<GraphPolicy.Ability> getRequiredPermissions() { return REQUIRED_ABILITIES; } } }