Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package; import static omero.rtypes.rstring; import; import java.text.DateFormatSymbols; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import loci.formats.FormatReader; import ome.api.IAdmin; import ome.api.IUpdate; import ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig; import ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer; import ome.model.core.OriginalFile; import ome.model.meta.Experimenter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ome.system.Roles; import ome.system.ServiceFactory; import ome.util.SqlAction; import ome.util.checksum.ChecksumProviderFactory; import ome.util.checksum.ChecksumProviderFactoryImpl; import omero.ResourceError; import omero.ServerError; import omero.grid.ImportLocation; import omero.grid.ImportProcessPrx; import omero.grid.ImportSettings; import omero.grid._ManagedRepositoryOperations; import omero.grid._ManagedRepositoryTie; import omero.model.ChecksumAlgorithm; import omero.model.Fileset; import omero.model.FilesetEntry; import omero.model.FilesetI; import omero.model.FilesetJobLink; import omero.model.FilesetVersionInfo; import omero.model.FilesetVersionInfoI; import omero.model.IndexingJobI; import omero.model.Job; import omero.model.MetadataImportJob; import omero.model.MetadataImportJobI; import omero.model.PixelDataJobI; import omero.model.ThumbnailGenerationJob; import omero.model.ThumbnailGenerationJobI; import omero.model.UploadJob; import omero.sys.EventContext; import omero.util.IceMapper; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrLookup; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrSubstitutor; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import Ice.Current; /** * Extension of the PublicRepository API which only manages files * under ${}/ManagedRepository. * * @author Colin Blackburn <cblackburn at dundee dot ac dot uk> * @author Josh Moore, josh at * @author * @since 5.0 */ public class ManagedRepositoryI extends PublicRepositoryI implements _ManagedRepositoryOperations { private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ManagedRepositoryI.class); private final static int parentDirsToRetain = 3; /* This class is used in the server-side creation of import containers. * The suggestImportPaths method sanitizes the paths in due course. * From the server side, we cannot imitate ImportLibrary.createImport * in applying client-side specifics to clean up the path. */ private static final ClientFilePathTransformer nopClientTransformer = new ClientFilePathTransformer( new Function<String, String>() { // @Override since JDK6 public String apply(String from) { return from; } }); /* used for generating %monthname% for path templates */ private static final DateFormatSymbols DATE_FORMAT = new DateFormatSymbols(); /* referenced by only the bare-bones ManagedRepositoryI constructor used in testing */ private static final String ALL_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS = Joiner.on(',').join(Collections2.transform( ChecksumAlgorithmMapper.getAllChecksumAlgorithms(), ChecksumAlgorithmMapper.CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM_NAMER)); private final FilePathNamingValidator filePathNamingValidator; private final String template; private final ProcessContainer processes; private final String rootSessionUuid; private final long userGroupId; /** * Creates a {@link ProcessContainer} internally that will not be managed * by background threads. Used primarily during testing. * @param template * @param dao */ public ManagedRepositoryI(String template, RepositoryDao dao) throws Exception { this(template, dao, new ProcessContainer(), new ChecksumProviderFactoryImpl(), ALL_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHMS,, null, new Roles()); } public ManagedRepositoryI(String template, RepositoryDao dao, ProcessContainer processes, ChecksumProviderFactory checksumProviderFactory, String checksumAlgorithmSupported, String pathRules, String rootSessionUuid, Roles roles) throws ServerError { super(dao, checksumProviderFactory, checksumAlgorithmSupported, pathRules); this.template = template; this.processes = processes; this.filePathNamingValidator = new FilePathNamingValidator(this.filePathRestrictions); this.rootSessionUuid = rootSessionUuid; this.userGroupId = roles.getUserGroupId();"Repository template: " + this.template); } @Override public Ice.Object tie() { return new _ManagedRepositoryTie(this); } /** * Split a template path into the root- and user-owned segments * @param templatePath a template path * @return the root- and user-owned segments * @throws ApiUsageException if there are no user-owned components */ private static Map.Entry<FsFile, FsFile> splitPath(String templatePath) throws omero.ApiUsageException { int splitPoint = templatePath.lastIndexOf("//"); if (splitPoint < 0) { splitPoint = 0; } final FsFile rootPath = new FsFile(templatePath.substring(0, splitPoint)); final FsFile userPath = new FsFile(templatePath.substring(splitPoint)); if (FsFile.emptyPath.equals(userPath)) { throw new omero.ApiUsageException(null, null, "no user-owned directories in managed repository template path"); } return Maps.immutableEntry(rootPath, userPath); } // // INTERFACE METHODS // /** * Return a template based directory path. The path will be created * by calling {@link #makeDir(String, boolean, Ice.Current)}. */ public ImportProcessPrx uploadFileset(Fileset fs, ImportSettings settings, Ice.Current __current) throws omero.ServerError { ImportLocation location = internalImport(fs, settings, __current); return createUploadProcess(fs, location, settings, __current, true); } /** * Return a template based directory path. The path will be created * by calling {@link #makeDir(String, boolean, Ice.Current)}. */ public ImportProcessPrx importFileset(Fileset fs, ImportSettings settings, Ice.Current __current) throws omero.ServerError { ImportLocation location = internalImport(fs, settings, __current); return createImportProcess(fs, location, settings, __current); } private ImportLocation internalImport(Fileset fs, ImportSettings settings, Ice.Current __current) throws omero.ServerError { if (fs == null || fs.sizeOfUsedFiles() < 1) { throw new omero.ApiUsageException(null, null, "No paths provided"); } if (settings == null) { settings = new ImportSettings(); // All defaults. } if (settings.checksumAlgorithm == null) { throw new omero.ApiUsageException(null, null, "must specify checksum algorithm"); } final List<FsFile> paths = new ArrayList<FsFile>(); for (FilesetEntry entry : fs.copyUsedFiles()) { paths.add(new FsFile(entry.getClientPath().getValue())); } // This is the first part of the string which comes after: // ManagedRepository/, e.g. %user%/%year%/etc. final EventContext ec = repositoryDao.getEventContext(__current); final String templatePath = expandTemplate(template, ec); final Map.Entry<FsFile, FsFile> pathSegments = splitPath(templatePath); final FsFile rootOwnedPath = pathSegments.getKey(); final FsFile userOwnedPath = pathSegments.getValue(); // at this point, the template path should not yet exist on the filesystem createTemplateDir(rootOwnedPath, userOwnedPath, __current); final FsFile relPath = FsFile.concatenate(rootOwnedPath, userOwnedPath); fs.setTemplatePrefix(rstring(relPath.toString() + FsFile.separatorChar)); final Class<? extends FormatReader> readerClass = getReaderClass(fs, __current); // The next part of the string which is chosen by the user: // /home/bob/myStuff FsFile basePath = commonRoot(paths); // If any two files clash in that chosen basePath directory, then // we want to suggest a similar alternative. return suggestImportPaths(relPath, basePath, paths, readerClass, settings.checksumAlgorithm, __current); } public ImportProcessPrx importPaths(List<String> paths, Ice.Current __current) throws ServerError { if (paths == null || paths.size() < 1) { throw new omero.ApiUsageException(null, null, "No paths provided"); } final ImportContainer container = new ImportContainer(null /*file*/, null /*target*/, null /*userPixels*/, "Unknown" /*reader*/, paths.toArray(new String[0]), false /*spw*/); final ImportSettings settings = new ImportSettings(); final Fileset fs = new FilesetI(); try { container.fillData(new ImportConfig(), settings, fs, nopClientTransformer); settings.checksumAlgorithm = this.checksumAlgorithms.get(0); } catch (IOException e) { // impossible ServiceUtilities.handleException(e, "IO exception from operation without IO"); } return importFileset(fs, settings, __current); } public List<ImportProcessPrx> listImports(Ice.Current __current) throws omero.ServerError { final List<Long> filesetIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); final List<ImportProcessPrx> proxies = new ArrayList<ImportProcessPrx>(); final EventContext ec = repositoryDao.getEventContext(__current); final List<ProcessContainer.Process> ps = processes.listProcesses(ec.memberOfGroups); for (final ProcessContainer.Process p : ps) { filesetIds.add(p.getFileset().getId().getValue()); } final List<Fileset> filesets = repositoryDao.loadFilesets(filesetIds, __current); for (Fileset fs : filesets) { if (!fs.getDetails().getPermissions().canEdit()) { filesetIds.remove(fs.getId().getValue()); } } for (final ProcessContainer.Process p : ps) { if (filesetIds.contains(p.getFileset().getId())) { proxies.add(p.getProxy()); } } return proxies; } public List<ChecksumAlgorithm> listChecksumAlgorithms(Current __current) { return this.checksumAlgorithms; } public ChecksumAlgorithm suggestChecksumAlgorithm(List<ChecksumAlgorithm> supported, Current __current) { final Set<String> supportedNames = new HashSet<String>( Lists.transform(supported, ChecksumAlgorithmMapper.CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM_NAMER)); for (final ChecksumAlgorithm configured : listChecksumAlgorithms(__current)) { if (supportedNames.contains(ChecksumAlgorithmMapper.CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM_NAMER.apply(configured))) { return configured; } } return null; } // // HELPERS // /** * Creating the process will register itself in an appropriate * container (i.e. a SessionI or similar) for the current * user and therefore this instance no longer needs to worry * about the maintenance of the object. */ protected ImportProcessPrx createImportProcess(Fileset fs, ImportLocation location, ImportSettings settings, Current __current) throws ServerError { // Initialization version info final ImportConfig config = new ImportConfig(); final FilesetVersionInfo serverVersionInfo = new FilesetVersionInfoI(); serverVersionInfo.setBioformatsReader(rstring("Unknown")); config.fillVersionInfo(serverVersionInfo); // Create and validate jobs if (fs.sizeOfJobLinks() != 1) { throw new omero.ValidationException(null, null, "Found more than one job link. " + "Link only updateJob on creation!"); } final FilesetJobLink jobLink = fs.getFilesetJobLink(0); final Job job = jobLink.getChild(); if (job == null) { throw new omero.ValidationException(null, null, "Found null-UploadJob on creation"); } if (!(job instanceof UploadJob)) { throw new omero.ValidationException(null, null, "Found non-UploadJob on creation: " + job.getClass().getName()); } MetadataImportJob metadata = new MetadataImportJobI(); metadata.setVersionInfo(serverVersionInfo); fs.linkJob(metadata); fs.linkJob(new PixelDataJobI()); if (settings.doThumbnails != null && settings.doThumbnails.getValue()) { ThumbnailGenerationJob thumbnail = new ThumbnailGenerationJobI(); fs.linkJob(thumbnail); } fs.linkJob(new IndexingJobI()); if (location instanceof ManagedImportLocationI) { OriginalFile of = ((ManagedImportLocationI) location).getLogFile().asOriginalFile(IMPORT_LOG_MIMETYPE); of = persistLogFile(of, __current); job.linkOriginalFile((omero.model.OriginalFile) new IceMapper().map(of)); } return createUploadProcess(fs, location, settings, __current, false); } /** * Creating the process will register itself in an appropriate * container (i.e. a SessionI or similar) for the current * user and therefore this instance no longer needs to worry * about the maintenance of the object. */ protected ImportProcessPrx createUploadProcess(Fileset fs, ImportLocation location, ImportSettings settings, Current __current, boolean uploadOnly) throws ServerError { // Create CheckedPath objects for use by saveFileset final int size = fs.sizeOfUsedFiles(); final List<CheckedPath> checked = new ArrayList<CheckedPath>(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final String path = location.sharedPath + FsFile.separatorChar + location.usedFiles.get(i); checked.add(checkPath(path, settings.checksumAlgorithm, __current)); } final Fileset managedFs = repositoryDao.saveFileset(getRepoUuid(), fs, settings.checksumAlgorithm, checked, __current); // Since the fileset saved validly, we create a session for the user // and return the process. final ManagedImportProcessI proc = new ManagedImportProcessI(this, managedFs, location, settings, __current); processes.addProcess(proc); return proc.getProxy(); } /** * Get the suggested BioFormats Reader for the given Fileset. * @param fs a fileset * @param __current the current ICE context * @return a reader class, or null if none could be found */ protected Class<? extends FormatReader> getReaderClass(Fileset fs, Current __current) { for (final Job job : fs.linkedJobList()) { if (job instanceof UploadJob) { Class<?> potentialReaderClass; try { final FilesetVersionInfo versionInfo = ((UploadJob) job).getVersionInfo(__current); final String readerName = versionInfo.getBioformatsReader(__current).getValue(); potentialReaderClass = Class.forName(readerName); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { log.debug("No info provided for reader class"); continue; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error getting reader class", e); continue; } if (FormatReader.class.isAssignableFrom(potentialReaderClass)) { return (Class<? extends FormatReader>) potentialReaderClass; } } } return null; } /** * From a list of paths, calculate the common root path that all share. In * the worst case, that may be "/". May not include the last element, the filename. * @param some paths * @return the paths' common root */ protected FsFile commonRoot(List<FsFile> paths) { final List<String> commonRoot = new ArrayList<String>(); int index = 0; boolean isCommon = false; while (true) { String component = null; for (final FsFile path : paths) { final List<String> components = path.getComponents(); if (components.size() <= index + 1) // prohibit very last component isCommon = false; // not long enough else if (component == null) { component = components.get(index); isCommon = true; // first path } else // subsequent long-enough path isCommon = component.equals(components.get(index)); if (!isCommon) break; } if (isCommon) commonRoot.add(paths.get(0).getComponents().get(index++)); else break; } return new FsFile(commonRoot); } /** * Turn the current template into a relative path. Makes use of the data * returned by {@link #replacementMap(Ice.Current)}. * * @param curr * @return */ protected String expandTemplate(final String template, EventContext ec) { if (template == null) { return ""; // EARLY EXIT. } final Map<String, String> map = replacementMap(ec); final StrSubstitutor strSubstitutor = new StrSubstitutor(new StrLookup() { @Override public String lookup(final String key) { return map.get(key); } }, "%", "%", '%'); return strSubstitutor.replace(template); } /** * Generates a map with most of the fields (as strings) from the * {@link EventContext} for the current user as well as fields from * a current {@link Calendar} instance. Implementors need only * provide the fields that are used in their templates. Any keys that * cannot be found by {@link #expandeTemplate(String, Ice.Current)} will * remain untouched. * * @param curr * @return */ protected Map<String, String> replacementMap(EventContext ec) { final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); final Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); map.put("user", ec.userName); map.put("userId", Long.toString(ec.userId)); map.put("group", ec.groupName); map.put("groupId", Long.toString(ec.groupId)); map.put("year", Integer.toString(now.get(Calendar.YEAR))); map.put("month", String.format("%02d", now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)); map.put("monthname", DATE_FORMAT.getMonths()[now.get(Calendar.MONTH)]); map.put("day", String.format("%02d", now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))); map.put("time", String.format("%02d-%02d-%02d.%03d", now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), now.get(Calendar.MINUTE), now.get(Calendar.SECOND), now.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND))); map.put("session", ec.sessionUuid); map.put("sessionId", Long.toString(ec.sessionId)); map.put("eventId", Long.toString(ec.eventId)); map.put("perms", ec.groupPermissions.toString()); return map; } /** * Take the relative path created by * {@link #expandTemplate(String, Ice.Current)} and call * {@link makeDir(String, boolean, Ice.Current)} on each element of the path * starting at the top, until all the directories have been created. * The full path must not already exist, although a prefix of it may. */ protected void createTemplateDir(FsFile rootOwnedPath, FsFile userOwnedPath, Ice.Current curr) throws ServerError { if (!rootOwnedPath.getComponents().isEmpty()) { final Current rootCurr = sudo(curr, rootSessionUuid); rootCurr.ctx.put(omero.constants.GROUP.value, Long.toString(userGroupId)); makeDir(rootOwnedPath.toString(), true, rootCurr); } final FsFile relPath = FsFile.concatenate(rootOwnedPath, userOwnedPath); if (userOwnedPath.getComponents().size() > 1) { final int relPathSize = relPath.getComponents().size(); final List<String> relPathPrefix = relPath.getComponents().subList(0, relPathSize - 1); makeDir(new FsFile(relPathPrefix).toString(), true, curr); } makeDir(relPath.toString(), false, curr); } /** Return value for {@link #trimPaths}. */ private static class Paths { final FsFile basePath; final List<FsFile> fullPaths; Paths(FsFile basePath, List<FsFile> fullPaths) { this.basePath = basePath; this.fullPaths = fullPaths; } } /** * Trim off the start of long client-side paths. * @param basePath the common root * @param fullPaths the full paths from the common root down to the filename * @param readerClass BioFormats reader for data, may be null * @return possibly trimmed common root and full paths */ protected Paths trimPaths(FsFile basePath, List<FsFile> fullPaths, Class<? extends FormatReader> readerClass) { // find how many common parent directories to retain according to BioFormats Integer commonParentDirsToRetain = null; final String[] localStylePaths = new String[fullPaths.size()]; int index = 0; for (final FsFile fsFile : fullPaths) localStylePaths[index++] = serverPaths.getServerFileFromFsFile(fsFile).getAbsolutePath(); try { commonParentDirsToRetain = readerClass.newInstance().getRequiredDirectories(localStylePaths); } catch (Exception e) { } final List<String> basePathComponents = basePath.getComponents(); final int baseDirsToTrim; if (commonParentDirsToRetain == null) { // no help from BioFormats // find the length of the shortest path, including file name int smallestPathLength; if (fullPaths.isEmpty()) smallestPathLength = 1; /* imaginary file name */ else { smallestPathLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (final FsFile path : fullPaths) { final int pathLength = path.getComponents().size(); if (smallestPathLength > pathLength) smallestPathLength = pathLength; } } // plan to trim to try to retain a certain number of parent directories baseDirsToTrim = smallestPathLength - parentDirsToRetain - (1 /* file name */); } else // plan to trim the common root according to BioFormats' suggestion baseDirsToTrim = basePathComponents.size() - commonParentDirsToRetain; if (baseDirsToTrim < 0) return new Paths(basePath, fullPaths); // actually do the trimming basePath = new FsFile(basePathComponents.subList(baseDirsToTrim, basePathComponents.size())); final List<FsFile> trimmedPaths = new ArrayList<FsFile>(fullPaths.size()); for (final FsFile path : fullPaths) { final List<String> pathComponents = path.getComponents(); trimmedPaths.add(new FsFile(pathComponents.subList(baseDirsToTrim, pathComponents.size()))); } return new Paths(basePath, trimmedPaths); } /** * Take a relative path that the user would like to see in his or her * upload area, and provide an import location instance whose paths * correspond to existing directories corresponding to the sanitized * file paths. * @param relPath Path parsed from the template * @param basePath Common base of all the listed paths ("/my/path") * @param reader BioFormats reader for data, may be null * @param checksumAlgorithm the checksum algorithm to use in verifying the integrity of uploaded files * @return {@link ImportLocation} instance */ protected ImportLocation suggestImportPaths(FsFile relPath, FsFile basePath, List<FsFile> paths, Class<? extends FormatReader> reader, ChecksumAlgorithm checksumAlgorithm, Ice.Current __current) throws omero.ServerError { final Paths trimmedPaths = trimPaths(basePath, paths, reader); basePath = trimmedPaths.basePath; paths = trimmedPaths.fullPaths; // validate paths this.filePathNamingValidator.validateFilePathNaming(relPath); this.filePathNamingValidator.validateFilePathNaming(basePath); for (final FsFile path : paths) { this.filePathNamingValidator.validateFilePathNaming(path); } // Static elements which will be re-used throughout final ManagedImportLocationI data = new ManagedImportLocationI(); // Return value data.logFile = checkPath(relPath.toString() + ".log", checksumAlgorithm, __current); // try actually making directories final FsFile newBase = FsFile.concatenate(relPath, basePath); data.sharedPath = newBase.toString(); data.usedFiles = new ArrayList<String>(paths.size()); data.checkedPaths = new ArrayList<CheckedPath>(paths.size()); for (final FsFile path : paths) { final String relativeToEnd = path.getPathFrom(basePath).toString(); data.usedFiles.add(relativeToEnd); final String fullRepoPath = data.sharedPath + FsFile.separatorChar + relativeToEnd; data.checkedPaths.add(new CheckedPath(this.serverPaths, fullRepoPath, this.checksumProviderFactory, checksumAlgorithm)); } // Assuming we reach here, then we need to make // sure that the directory exists since the call // to saveFileset() requires the parent dirs to // exist. List<CheckedPath> dirs = new ArrayList<CheckedPath>(); Set<String> seen = new HashSet<String>(); dirs.add(checkPath(data.sharedPath, checksumAlgorithm, __current)); for (CheckedPath checked : data.checkedPaths) { if (!seen.contains(checked.getRelativePath())) { dirs.add(checked.parent()); seen.add(checked.getRelativePath()); } } repositoryDao.makeDirs(this, dirs, true, __current); return data; } /** * @param x a collection of items, not {@code null} * @param y a collection of items, not {@code null} * @return if the collections have the same items in the same order, or if one is a prefix of the other */ private static boolean isConsistentPrefixes(Iterable<?> x, Iterable<?> y) { final Iterator<?> xIterator = x.iterator(); final Iterator<?> yIterator = y.iterator(); while (xIterator.hasNext() && yIterator.hasNext()) { if (! { return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks for the top-level user directory restriction before calling * {@link PublicRepositoryI#makeCheckedDirs(LinkedList<CheckedPath>, boolean, Current)} */ @Override protected void makeCheckedDirs(final LinkedList<CheckedPath> paths, boolean parents, Session s, ServiceFactory sf, SqlAction sql, ome.system.EventContext effectiveEventContext) throws ServerError { final IAdmin adminService = sf.getAdminService(); final EventContext ec = IceMapper.convert(effectiveEventContext); final String expanded = expandTemplate(template, ec); final FsFile rootOwnedPath = splitPath(expanded).getKey(); final List<CheckedPath> pathsToFix = new ArrayList<CheckedPath>(); final List<CheckedPath> pathsForRoot; /* if running as root then the paths must be root-owned */ final long rootId = adminService.getSecurityRoles().getRootId(); if (adminService.getEventContext().getCurrentUserId() == rootId) { pathsForRoot = ImmutableList.copyOf(paths); } else { pathsForRoot = ImmutableList.of(); } for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) { CheckedPath checked = paths.get(i); if (checked.isRoot) { // This shouldn't happen but just in case. throw new ResourceError(null, null, "Cannot re-create root!"); } /* check that the path is consistent with the root-owned template path directories */ if (!isConsistentPrefixes(rootOwnedPath.getComponents(), checked.fsFile.getComponents())) { throw new omero.ValidationException(null, null, "cannot create directory \"" + checked.fsFile + "\" with template path's root-owned \"" + rootOwnedPath + "\""); } pathsToFix.add(checked); } super.makeCheckedDirs(paths, parents, s, sf, sql, effectiveEventContext); /* ensure that root segment of the template path is wholly root-owned */ if (!pathsForRoot.isEmpty()) { final Experimenter rootUser = sf.getQueryService().find(Experimenter.class, rootId); final IUpdate updateService = sf.getUpdateService(); for (final CheckedPath pathForRoot : pathsForRoot) { final OriginalFile directory = repositoryDao.findRepoFile(sf, sql, getRepoUuid(), pathForRoot, null); if (directory.getDetails().getOwner().getId() != rootId) { directory.getDetails().setOwner(rootUser); updateService.saveObject(directory); } } } // Now that we know that these are the right directories for // the current user, we make sure that the directories are in // the user group. repositoryDao.createOrFixUserDir(getRepoUuid(), pathsToFix, s, sf, sql); } }