Java tutorial
/* * ome.formats.importer.gui.AddDatasetDialog * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 University of Dundee. All rights reserved. * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ package ome.formats.importer.gui; import info.clearthought.layout.TableLayout; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JProgressBar; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.WindowConstants; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; import loci.formats.IFormatReader; import loci.formats.gui.FormatFileFilter; import ome.formats.OMEROMetadataStoreClient; import ome.formats.importer.IObservable; import ome.formats.importer.IObserver; import ome.formats.importer.ImportCandidates; import ome.formats.importer.ImportConfig; import ome.formats.importer.ImportContainer; import ome.formats.importer.ImportEvent; import ome.formats.importer.ImportLibrary; import ome.formats.importer.OMEROWrapper; import omero.model.Dataset; import omero.model.IObject; import omero.model.Screen; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * @author Brian Loranger brain at * */ public class FileQueueHandler extends JPanel implements ActionListener, PropertyChangeListener, IObserver { /** Logger for this class */ private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FileQueueHandler.class); public final static String ADD = "add"; public final static String REMOVE = "remove"; public final static String CLEARDONE = "clear_done"; public final static String CLEARFAILED = "clear_failed"; public final static String IMPORT = "import"; public final static String REFRESH = "refresh"; private final ImportConfig config; private final OMEROWrapper importReader, scanReader; private final GuiImporter viewer; private final FileQueueChooser fileChooser; private final FileQueueTable qTable; private final HistoryTable historyTable; private final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0); private final ScheduledExecutorService scanEx; private final ScheduledExecutorService importEx; private JProgressBar directoryProgressBar; private JDialog progressDialog; protected boolean cancelScan = false; private boolean candidatesFormatException = false; /** * @param scanEx ScheduledExecutorService for scanning * @param importEx ScheduledExecutorService for importing * @param viewer Parent viewer class * @param config ImportConfig */ FileQueueHandler(ScheduledExecutorService scanEx, ScheduledExecutorService importEx, GuiImporter viewer, ImportConfig config) { this.scanEx = scanEx; this.importEx = importEx; this.config = config; this.viewer = viewer; this.historyTable = viewer.getHistoryTable(); this.importReader = new OMEROWrapper(config); this.scanReader = new OMEROWrapper(config); //reader.setChannelStatCalculationStatus(true); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); fileChooser = new FileQueueChooser(config, scanReader); fileChooser.addActionListener(this); fileChooser.addPropertyChangeListener(this); qTable = new FileQueueTable(); qTable.addPropertyChangeListener(this); // Functionality to allows the reimport button to work if (historyTable != null) { historyTable.addObserver(this); addPropertyChangeListener(historyTable); } JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, fileChooser, qTable); splitPane.setResizeWeight(0.1); add(splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); } /** * @return qTable; */ public FileQueueTable getTable() { return qTable; } /** * @return OMEROMetadataStoreClient */ protected OMEROMetadataStoreClient getOMEROMetadataStoreClient() { return viewer.getLoginHandler().getMetadataStore(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { final String action = event.getActionCommand(); //final File[] files = fileChooser.getSelectedFiles(); //If the directory changed, don't show an image. if (action.equals(JFileChooser.APPROVE_SELECTION)) { doSelection(true); } } private void addEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (enabled) viewer.setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); else viewer.setCursor(java.awt.Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); qTable.addBtn.setEnabled(enabled); qTable.removeBtn.setEnabled(enabled); } /** * @param enterDirectories -if True, will enter a directory rather then import it * This is used to allow 'normal' functionality for JFileChooser.APPROVE_SELECTION * using the VK_ENTER key. */ private void doSelection(boolean enterDirectories) { boolean filesOnly = true; for (File file : fileChooser.getSelectedFiles()) { if (file.isDirectory()) filesOnly = false; } if (enterDirectories && !filesOnly && fileChooser.getSelectedFiles().length == 1) fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(fileChooser.getSelectedFile()); else addSelectedFiles(); } /** * Add all files that are selected in the JFileChooser * */ private void addSelectedFiles() { boolean filesOnly = true; final File[] _files = fileChooser.getSelectedFiles(); if (_files == null) { mustSelectFile(); return; } final String[] paths = new String[_files.length]; for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { paths[i] = _files[i].getAbsolutePath(); } final int which = count.incrementAndGet(); final String msg = Arrays.toString(paths);"Scheduling candidate calculations(%s)=%s", which, msg)); final IObserver self = this; for (File file : fileChooser.getSelectedFiles()) { if (file.isDirectory()) filesOnly = false; } addEnabled(false); if (filesOnly) { boolean isSPW = false; final List<ImportContainer> containers = new ArrayList<ImportContainer>(); boolean runCandidates = false; for (File file : fileChooser.getSelectedFiles()) { String fileStr = file.toString(); String fileExt = fileStr.substring(fileStr.lastIndexOf('.') + 1, fileStr.length()); fileExt = fileExt.toLowerCase(); if (fileExt.equals("flex") || fileExt.equals("xdce") || fileExt.equals("mea") || fileExt.equals("res") || fileExt.equals("htd") || fileExt.equals("dib") || fileExt.equals("c01") || fileExt.equals("pnl")) { isSPW = true; } else if (fileExt.equals("txt") || fileExt.startsWith("tif") || fileExt.startsWith("dat") || fileExt.equals("xml") || fileExt.equals("exp") || fileExt.equals("log") || fileExt.equals("ini")) { // arbitrary file extension so we must do candidates runCandidates = true; break; } ImportContainer container = new ImportContainer(file, null, null, false, null, null, null, isSPW); containers.add(container); } if (!runCandidates) {"Handling import containers(%s)=%s", which, msg)); handleFiles(containers); return; } } Runnable run = new Runnable() { public void run() {"Background: calculating candidates(%s)=%s", which, msg)); final ImportCandidates candidates = new ImportCandidates(scanReader, paths, self); final List<ImportContainer> containers = candidates.getContainers(); javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() {"Handling import containers(%s)=%s", which, msg)); handleFiles(containers); } }); } }; scanEx.execute(run); } /** * Retrieve the file chooser's selected reader then iterate over * each of our supplied containers filtering out those whose format * do not match those of the selected reader. * * @param allContainers List of ImporterContainers */ private void handleFiles(List<ImportContainer> allContainers) { FileFilter selectedFilter = fileChooser.getFileFilter(); IFormatReader selectedReader = null; if (selectedFilter instanceof FormatFileFilter) { log.debug("Selected file filter: " + selectedFilter); selectedReader = ((FormatFileFilter) selectedFilter).getReader(); } List<ImportContainer> containers = new ArrayList<ImportContainer>(); for (ImportContainer ic : allContainers) { if (selectedReader == null) { // The user selected "All supported file types" containers = allContainers; break; } String a = selectedReader.getFormat(); String b = ic.getReader(); if (a.equals(b) || b == null) { containers.add(ic); } else { log.debug(String.format("Skipping %s (%s != %s)", ic.getFile().getAbsoluteFile(), a, b)); } } Boolean spw = spwOrNull(containers); if (containers.size() == 0 && !candidatesFormatException) { final JOptionPane optionPane = new JOptionPane("\nNo importable files found in this selection.", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); final JDialog errorDialog = new JDialog(viewer, "No Importable Files Found", true); errorDialog.setContentPane(optionPane); optionPane.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { String prop = e.getPropertyName(); if (errorDialog.isVisible() && (e.getSource() == optionPane) && (prop.equals(JOptionPane.VALUE_PROPERTY))) { errorDialog.dispose(); } } }); errorDialog.toFront(); errorDialog.pack(); errorDialog.setLocationRelativeTo(viewer); errorDialog.setVisible(true); } if (candidatesFormatException) { viewer.candidateErrorsCollected(viewer); candidatesFormatException = false; } if (spw == null) { addEnabled(true); containers.clear(); return; // Invalid containers. } if (getOMEROMetadataStoreClient() != null && spw.booleanValue()) { addEnabled(true); SPWDialog dialog = new SPWDialog(config, viewer, "Screen Import", true, getOMEROMetadataStoreClient()); if (dialog.cancelled == true || dialog.screen == null) return; for (ImportContainer ic : containers) { ic.setTarget(dialog.screen); String title = dialog.screen.getName().getValue(); addFileToQueue(ic, title, false, 0); } qTable.centerOnRow(qTable.getQueue().getRowCount() - 1); qTable.importBtn.requestFocus(); } else if (getOMEROMetadataStoreClient() != null) { addEnabled(true); ImportDialog dialog = new ImportDialog(config, viewer, "Image Import", true, getOMEROMetadataStoreClient()); if (dialog.cancelled == true || dialog.dataset == null) return; Double[] pixelSizes = new Double[] { dialog.pixelSizeX, dialog.pixelSizeY, dialog.pixelSizeZ }; Boolean useFullPath = config.useFullPath.get(); if (dialog.useCustomNamingChkBox.isSelected() == false) useFullPath = null; //use the default bio-formats naming for (ImportContainer ic : containers) { ic.setTarget(dialog.dataset); ic.setUserPixels(pixelSizes); ic.setArchive(dialog.archiveImage.isSelected()); String title = ""; if (dialog.project.getId() != null) { ic.setProjectID(dialog.project.getId().getValue()); title = dialog.project.getName().getValue() + " / " + dialog.dataset.getName().getValue(); } else { title = "none / " + dialog.dataset.getName().getValue(); } addFileToQueue(ic, title, useFullPath, config.numOfDirectories.get()); } qTable.centerOnRow(qTable.getQueue().getRowCount() - 1); qTable.importBtn.requestFocus(); } else { addEnabled(true); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(viewer, "Due to an error the application is unable to \n" + "retrieve an OMEROMetadataStore and cannot continue." + "The most likely cause for this error is that you" + "are not logged in. Please try to login again."); } } /** * Dialog 'must select at least one importable file' */ private void mustSelectFile() { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(viewer, "You must select at least one importable file to\n" + "add to the import queue. Choose an image in the\n" + "left-hand panel first before continuing."); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.beans.PropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent) */ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { String prop = e.getPropertyName(); if (prop.equals(ADD)) { doSelection(false); } else if (prop.equals(REMOVE)) { int[] rows = qTable.getQueue().getSelectedRows(); if (rows.length == 0) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(viewer, "You must select at least one file in the queue to\n" + "remove. Choose an image in the right-hand panel \n" + "first before removing."); return; } while (rows.length > 0) { if (qTable.getQueue().getValueAt(rows[0], 2) == "added" || qTable.getQueue().getValueAt(rows[0], 2) == "pending") { removeFileFromQueue(rows[0]); rows = qTable.getQueue().getSelectedRows(); } } } else if (prop.equals(CLEARDONE)) { int numRows = qTable.getQueue().getRowCount(); for (int i = (numRows - 1); i >= 0; i--) { if (qTable.getQueue().getValueAt(i, 2) == "done") { removeFileFromQueue(i); } } qTable.clearDoneBtn.setEnabled(false); } else if (prop.equals(CLEARFAILED)) { int numRows = qTable.getQueue().getRowCount(); for (int i = (numRows - 1); i >= 0; i--) { if (qTable.getQueue().getValueAt(i, 2) == "failed" || qTable.getQueue().getValueAt(i, 2) == "unreadable") { removeFileFromQueue(i); } } qTable.clearFailedBtn.setEnabled(false); } else if (prop.equals(IMPORT)) { if (viewer.getLoggedIn() == false) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(viewer, "You must be logged in before you can import."); return; } qTable.clearDoneBtn.setEnabled(false); qTable.clearFailedBtn.setEnabled(false); try { if (qTable.importing == false) { ImportContainer[] candidates = qTable.getImportContainersFromTable(); if (candidates != null) { ImportLibrary library = new ImportLibrary(getOMEROMetadataStoreClient(), importReader); library.addObserver(new LoggingImportMonitor()); if (getOMEROMetadataStoreClient() != null) { ImportHandler importHandler = new ImportHandler(importEx, viewer, qTable, config, library, candidates); importHandler.addObserver(viewer); importHandler.addObserver(qTable); } } qTable.importing = true; qTable.getQueue().setRowSelectionAllowed(false); qTable.removeBtn.setEnabled(false); } else { qTable.importBtn.setText("Wait..."); qTable.importBtn.setEnabled(false); viewer.getStatusBar().setStatusIcon("gfx/import_cancelling_16.png", "Cancelling import... please wait."); //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(viewer, // "You import will be cancelled after the " + // "current file has finished importing."); if (cancelImportDialog(viewer) == true) { qTable.cancel = true; qTable.abort = true; qTable.importing = false; System.exit(0); } else { qTable.cancel = true; qTable.importing = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Generic error while updating GUI for import.", ex); return; } } else if (prop.equals(JFileChooser.DIRECTORY_CHANGED_PROPERTY)) { config.savedDirectory.set(new File(fileChooser.getCurrentDirectory().getAbsolutePath())); } else if (prop.equals(REFRESH)) { fileChooser.setVisible(false); fileChooser.rescanCurrentDirectory(); fileChooser.setVisible(true); } } public void enableImports(boolean b) { qTable.addBtn.setEnabled(b); qTable.removeBtn.setEnabled(b); if (b == true && qTable.getTable().getRowCount() > 0) qTable.importBtn.setEnabled(true); else if (b == false) qTable.importBtn.setEnabled(false); } /** * Checks whether all the candidate imports in the list are either SPW or * not SPW. If there is a mismatch, then a warning is shown and null returned, * otherwise a Boolean of whether or not this is a SPW import will be returned. */ private Boolean spwOrNull(final List<ImportContainer> containers) { Boolean isSPW = null; for (ImportContainer importContainer : containers) { /* // Temporary fix for ome.tiff and ome.xml to dataset and not spw if (importContainer.reader.equals("OME-TIFF") || importContainer.reader.equals("OME-XML")) return false; */ if (isSPW != null && importContainer.getIsSPW() != isSPW.booleanValue()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(viewer, "You have chosen some Screen-based images and some \n " + "non-screen-based images. Please import only one type at a time."); log.debug("Directory import found SPW and non-SPW data:"); for (ImportContainer ic2 : containers) { log.debug(String.format(" Spw? %5s\t%s", ic2.getIsSPW(), ic2.getFile())); } return null; } isSPW = importContainer.getIsSPW(); } return isSPW; } /** * Import cancelled dialog * * @param frame parent frame * @return - true / false if import cancelled */ private boolean cancelImportDialog(Component frame) { String s1 = "OK"; String s2 = "Force Quit Now"; Object[] options = { s1, s2 }; int n = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(frame, "Click 'OK' to cancel after the current file has\n" + "finished importing, or click 'Force Quit Now' to\n" + "force the importer to quit importing immediately.\n\n" + "You should only force quit the importer if there\n" + "has been an import problem, as this leaves partial\n" + "files in your server dataset.\n\n", "Cancel Import", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, s1); if (n == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Return a stipped down string containing the file name and X number of directories above it. * Used for display purposes. * @param file * @param useFullPath * @param numOfDirectories * @return */ private String getImageName(File file, Boolean useFullPath, int numOfDirectories) { // standardize the format of files from window '\' to unix '/' String path = file.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\', '/'); if (useFullPath == true) return path; else if (numOfDirectories == 0) return file.getName(); else { String[] directories = splitDirectories(path); if (numOfDirectories > directories.length - 1) numOfDirectories = directories.length - 1; int start = directories.length - numOfDirectories - 1; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = start; i < directories.length - 1; i++) { //viewer.appendToDebugLn(directories[i]); if (directories[i].length() != 0) { if (i == start) { buf.append(directories[i]); } else { buf.append("/"); buf.append(directories[i]); } } } buf.append("/"); buf.append(file.getName()); return buf.toString(); } } /** * Split the directories by file seperator character ("/" or "\") * @param path * @return */ private String[] splitDirectories(String path) { //viewer.appendToDebugLn(path); String[] fields = path.split("/"); //Integer length = fields.length; //viewer.appendToDebugLn(length.toString()); return fields; } /** * Remove file from Queue * * @param row - row index of file to remove */ private void removeFileFromQueue(int row) { qTable.getTable().removeRow(row); //qTable.table.fireTableRowsDeleted(row, row); if (qTable.getTable().getRowCount() == 0) qTable.importBtn.setEnabled(false); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see ome.formats.importer.IObserver#update(ome.formats.importer.IObservable, ome.formats.importer.ImportEvent) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void update(IObservable observable, ImportEvent event) { final OMEROMetadataStoreClient store = viewer.getLoginHandler().getMetadataStore(); if (event instanceof ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorHandler.EXCEPTION_EVENT) { viewer.getErrorHandler().update(observable, event); if (event instanceof ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorHandler.UNKNOWN_FORMAT && fileChooser.getSelectedFiles().length == 1 && fileChooser.getSelectedFile().isFile()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(viewer, "This file's format is not recognized. \n" + "Perhaps the file is damaged?", "Unknown Format", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } if (event instanceof ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorHandler.FILE_EXCEPTION) { candidatesFormatException = true; } } if (event instanceof ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorHandler.MISSING_LIBRARY) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(viewer, "You appear to be missing a required library needed for \n" + "this file import. See the debug log messages for details."); } else if (event instanceof ImportCandidates.SCANNING) { addEnabled(false); ImportCandidates.SCANNING ev = (ImportCandidates.SCANNING) event; if (scanEx.isShutdown() || cancelScan) {"Cancelling scan"); ev.cancel(); cancelScan = false; } if (ev.totalFiles < 0) { if (progressDialog == null) { double layoutTable[][] = { { 10, 180, 100, 10 }, // columns { 5, 20, 5, 30, 5 } }; // rows progressDialog = new JDialog(viewer, "Processing Files"); progressDialog.setSize(300, 90); progressDialog.setLocationRelativeTo(viewer); TableLayout layout = new TableLayout(layoutTable); progressDialog.setLayout(layout); directoryProgressBar = new JProgressBar(); directoryProgressBar.setString("Please wait."); directoryProgressBar.setStringPainted(true); directoryProgressBar.setIndeterminate(true); progressDialog.add(directoryProgressBar, "1,1,2,1"); JButton cancelBtn = new JButton("Cancel"); progressDialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); cancelBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { cancelScan = true; progressDialog.dispose(); progressDialog = null; addEnabled(true); } }); progressDialog.add(cancelBtn, "2,3,R,C"); progressDialog.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(cancelBtn); progressDialog.setVisible(true); progressDialog.toFront(); } } else { if (progressDialog != null) { updateProgress(ev.totalFiles, ev.numFiles); } if (ev.totalFiles == ev.numFiles && progressDialog != null) { progressDialog.dispose(); progressDialog = null; addEnabled(true); } } viewer.appendToOutput( "Processing files: Scanned " + ev.numFiles + " of " + ev.totalFiles + " total.\n"); log.debug(ev.toLog()); } else if (event instanceof ImportEvent.REIMPORT) { String objectName = "", projectName = "", fileName = ""; Long objectID = 0L, projectID = 0L; File file = null; Integer finalCount = 0; IObject object; int[] selectedRows = null; if (historyTable != null) selectedRows = historyTable.eTable.getSelectedRows(); for (int r : selectedRows) { Vector row = new Vector(); objectID = (Long) historyTable.table.getValueAt(r, 5); projectID = (Long) historyTable.table.getValueAt(r, 6); fileName = (String) historyTable.table.getValueAt(r, 0); file = new File((String) historyTable.table.getValueAt(r, 4)); if (projectID == null || projectID == 0) { object = null; try { object = store.getTarget(Screen.class, objectID); objectName = ((Screen) object).getName().getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to retrieve screen: " + objectID, e); continue; } } else { object = null; try { object = store.getTarget(Dataset.class, objectID); objectName = ((Dataset) object).getName().getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to retrieve dataset: " + objectID, e); continue; } try { projectName = store.getProject(projectID).getName().getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to retrieve project: " + projectID, e); continue; } } // TODO: The 6th parameter should be 'format', not 'fileName'! ImportContainer container = new ImportContainer(file, projectID, object, cancelScan, null, fileName, null, cancelScan); finalCount = finalCount + 1; Double[] pixelSizes = new Double[] { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; row.add(fileName); if (projectID == null || projectID == 0) { row.add(objectName); } else { row.add(projectName + "/" + objectName); } // WHY ISN'T THIS CODE USING addFiletoQueue?!!? row.add("added"); row.add(container); row.add(file); row.add(false); row.add(projectID); row.add(pixelSizes); qTable.getTable().addRow(row); } if (finalCount == 0) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(viewer, "None of the images in this history\n" + "list can be reimported."); } else if (finalCount == 1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(viewer, "One of the images in this history list has been\n" + "re-added to the import queue for reimport."); } else if (finalCount > 1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(viewer, finalCount + " images in this history list have been re-added\n" + "to the import queue for reimport."); } if (qTable.getTable().getRowCount() > 0) qTable.importBtn.setEnabled(true); qTable.importBtn.doClick(); } } /** * Add file to queue * * @param container - container for file adding * @param pdsString - project/dataset/screen string * @param useFullPath - use full path / partial path for name * @param numOfDirectories how many directories to use for partial path */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addFileToQueue(ImportContainer container, String pdsString, Boolean useFullPath, int numOfDirectories) { Vector row = new Vector(); String imageName; if (useFullPath != null) { imageName = getImageName(container.getFile(), useFullPath, numOfDirectories); container.setCustomImageName(imageName); } else { imageName = container.getFile().getAbsolutePath(); } row.add(imageName); row.add(pdsString); row.add("added"); row.add(container); qTable.getTable().addRow(row); if (qTable.getTable().getRowCount() == 1) qTable.importBtn.setEnabled(true); } /** * Update progress * * @param totalFiles * @param numFiles */ private void updateProgress(final int totalFiles, final int numFiles) { javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { directoryProgressBar.setIndeterminate(false); directoryProgressBar.setMaximum(totalFiles); directoryProgressBar.setMinimum(0); directoryProgressBar.setValue(numFiles); directoryProgressBar.setString("Scanned " + numFiles + " of " + totalFiles); } }); } }