Java tutorial
/* * ome.adapters.pojos.itests.PojosServiceTest * * Copyright 2006 University of Dundee. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt */ package ome.adapters.pojos.itests; // Java imports import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError; import junit.framework.TestCase; import ome.api.IPixels; import ome.api.IPojos; import ome.api.IQuery; import ome.api.IUpdate; import ome.conditions.ApiUsageException; import ome.conditions.OptimisticLockException; import ome.model.ILink; import ome.model.IObject; import ome.model.annotations.Annotation; import ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink; import ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation; import ome.model.containers.Category; import ome.model.containers.CategoryGroup; import ome.model.containers.Dataset; import ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink; import ome.model.containers.Project; import ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink; import ome.model.core.Image; import ome.model.core.Pixels; import ome.model.meta.Experimenter; import ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup; import ome.parameters.Parameters; import ome.system.Login; import ome.system.ServiceFactory; import ome.testing.CreatePojosFixture; import ome.testing.OMEData; import ome.testing.Paths; import ome.util.CBlock; import ome.util.IdBlock; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.testng.annotations.Configuration; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import pojos.AnnotationData; import pojos.DataObject; import pojos.DatasetData; import pojos.ExperimenterData; import pojos.ImageData; import pojos.ProjectData; import pojos.TextualAnnotationData; /** * @author Josh Moore <a * href=""></a> * @version 1.0 <small> (<b>Internal version:</b> $Rev$ $Date$) </small> * @since 2.0 */ @Test(groups = { "client", "integration" }) public class PojosServiceTest extends TestCase { protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PojosServiceTest.class); ServiceFactory factory = new ServiceFactory("ome.client.test"); CreatePojosFixture fixture; OMEData data; Set ids, results, mapped; IPojos iPojos; IQuery iQuery; IUpdate iUpdate; Image img; ImageData imgData; Dataset ds; DatasetData dsData; @Override @Configuration(beforeTestClass = true) protected void setUp() throws Exception { data = (OMEData) factory.getContext().getBean("data"); iPojos = factory.getPojosService(); iQuery = factory.getQueryService(); iUpdate = factory.getUpdateService(); try { iQuery.get(Experimenter.class, 0l); } catch (Throwable t) { // TODO no, no, really. This is ok. (And temporary) } iQuery.get(Experimenter.class, 0l); // if this one fails, skip rest. Login rootLogin = (Login) factory.getContext().getBean("rootLogin"); ServiceFactory rootFactory = new ServiceFactory(rootLogin); fixture = CreatePojosFixture.withNewUser(rootFactory); fixture.createAllPojos(); GROUP_FILTER = new PojoOptions().grp(fixture.g.getId()); OWNER_FILTER = new PojoOptions().exp(fixture.e.getId()); } @Test public void testGetSomethingThatsAlwaysThere() throws Exception { List l = iQuery.findAllByExample(new Experimenter(), null); assertTrue("Root has to exist.", l.size() > 0); Experimenter exp = (Experimenter) l.get(0); assertNotNull("Must have an id", exp.getId()); assertNotNull("And a name", exp.getFirstName()); // Now let's try to map it. ExperimenterData expData = new ExperimenterData((Experimenter) l.get(0)); assertNotNull("And something should still be there", expData); assertTrue("And it should have an id", expData.getId() > -1); assertNotNull("And various other things", expData.getFirstName()); } @Test public void testNowLetsTryToSaveSomething() throws Exception { imgData = simpleImageData(); img = (Image) imgData.asIObject(); img = iPojos.createDataObject(img, null); assertNotNull("We should get something back", img); assertNotNull("Should have an id", img.getId()); Image img2 = iQuery.get(Image.class, img.getId().longValue()); assertNotNull("And we should be able to find it again.", img2); } @Test public void testAndSaveSomtheingWithParents() throws Exception { saveImage(); ds = img.linkedDatasetIterator().next(); Long id = ds.getId(); // another copy Image img2 = (Image) iQuery.findAllByQuery( "select i from Image i " + "left outer join fetch i.datasetLinks " + "where = :id", new Parameters().addId(img.getId())).get(0); assertTrue("It better have a dataset link too", img2.sizeOfDatasetLinks() > 0); Dataset ds2 = img2.linkedDatasetIterator().next(); assertTrue("And the ids have to be the same", id.equals(ds2.getId())); } @Test(groups = { "versions", "broken" }) public void testButWeHaveToHandleTheVersions() throws Exception { Image img = new Image(); img.setName("version handling"); Image sent = iUpdate.saveAndReturnObject(img); sent.setDescription(" veresion handling update"); Integer version = sent.getVersion(); // Version incremented Image sent2 = iUpdate.saveAndReturnObject(sent); Integer version2 = sent2.getVersion(); assertTrue(!version.equals(version2)); // Resetting; should get error sent2.setVersion(version); TextAnnotation iann = new TextAnnotation(); iann.setTextValue(" version handling "); // iann.setImage(sent2); try { iUpdate.saveAndReturnObject(sent2); fail("Need optmistic lock exception."); } catch (OptimisticLockException e) { // ok. } // Fixing the change; // now it should work. sent2.setVersion(version2); iUpdate.saveAndReturnObject(iann); } @Test public void testNowOnToSavingAndDeleting() throws Exception { imgData = simpleImageData(); img = (Image) imgData.asIObject(); assertNull("Image doesn't have an id.", img.getId()); img = iPojos.createDataObject(img, null); assertNotNull("Presto change-o, now it does.", img.getId()); iPojos.deleteDataObject(img, null); img = iQuery.find(Image.class, img.getId().longValue()); assertNull("we should have deleted it ", img); } @Test public void testLetsTryToLinkTwoThingsTogether() throws Exception { imgData = simpleImageData(); dsData = simpleDatasetData(); img = (Image) imgData.asIObject(); ds = (Dataset) dsData.asIObject(); DatasetImageLink link = new DatasetImageLink();, img); ILink test = ILink[] { link }, null)[0]; assertNotNull("ILink should be there", test); } @Test(groups = { "broken", "ticket:541" }) public void testAndHeresHowWeUnlinkThings() throws Exception { // Method 1: saveImage(); List updated = unlinkImage(); iUpdate.saveCollection(updated); // Make sure it's not linked. List list = iQuery.findAllByQuery(DatasetImageLink.class.getName(), new Parameters().addLong("", img.getId())); assertTrue(list.size() == 0); // Method 2: saveImage(); updated = unlinkImage(); iPojos.updateDataObjects((IObject[]) updated.toArray(new IObject[updated.size()]), null); List list2 = iQuery.findAllByQuery(DatasetImageLink.class.getName(), new Parameters().addLong("", img.getId())); assertTrue(list.size() == 0); // Method 3: saveImage(); Dataset target = img.linkedDatasetIterator().next(); // For querying DatasetImageLink dslink = img.findDatasetImageLink(target).iterator().next(); img.unlinkDataset(target); img = iPojos.updateDataObject(img, null); ILink test = iQuery.find(DatasetImageLink.class, dslink.getId().longValue()); assertNull(test); // Method 4; Dataset d = new Dataset(); d.setName("unlinking"); Project p = new Project(); p.setName("unlinking"); p = iPojos.createDataObject(p, null); d = iPojos.createDataObject(d, null); ProjectDatasetLink link = new ProjectDatasetLink(); link.setParent(p); link.setChild(d); } @Test(groups = { "broken", "ticket:541" }) public void testHeresHowWeUnlinkFromJustOneSide() throws Exception { saveImage(); DatasetImageLink link = img.iterateDatasetLinks().next(); img.removeDatasetImageLink(link, false); iPojos.updateDataObject(img, null); DatasetImageLink test = iQuery.find(DatasetImageLink.class, link.getId().longValue()); assertNull(test); } private void saveImage() { imgData = simpleImageDataWithDatasets(); img = (Image) imgData.asIObject(); img = iUpdate.saveAndReturnObject(img); assertTrue("It better have a dataset link", img.sizeOfDatasetLinks() > 0); } private List unlinkImage() { List updated = img.eachLinkedDataset(new CBlock() { public Object call(IObject arg0) { img.unlinkDataset((Dataset) arg0); return arg0; } }); updated.add(img); return updated; } // // READ API // @Test public void test_loadContainerHierarchy() throws Exception { ids = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(fixture.pu9990.getId(), fixture.pu9991.getId())); results = iPojos.loadContainerHierarchy(Project.class, ids, null); PojoOptions po = new PojoOptions().exp(new Long(0L)); results = iPojos.loadContainerHierarchy(Project.class, null,; } @Test(groups = "EJBExceptions") public void test_findContainerHierarchies() { PojoOptions defaults = new PojoOptions(), empty = new PojoOptions(null); ids = new HashSet(data.getMax("Image.ids", 2)); results = iPojos.findContainerHierarchies(Project.class, ids,; try { results = iPojos.findContainerHierarchies(Dataset.class, ids,; fail("Should fail"); } catch (ApiUsageException e) { // ok. } ids = new HashSet(data.getMax("Image.ids", 2)); results = iPojos.findContainerHierarchies(CategoryGroup.class, ids,; } @Test public void test_findAnnotations() { Map<Long, Set<IObject>> m; ids = new HashSet(data.getMax("Image.Annotated.ids", 2)); m = iPojos.findAnnotations(Image.class, ids, null, null); assertAnnotations(m); ids = new HashSet(data.getMax("Dataset.Annotated.ids", 2)); m = iPojos.findAnnotations(Dataset.class, ids, null, null); assertTrue(m.size() > 0); assertAnnotations(m); Map<Long, Set<AnnotationData>> m2 = DataObject.asPojos(m); AnnotationData data = m2.values().iterator().next().iterator().next(); assertNotNull(data.getOwner()); } void assertAnnotations(Map<Long, Set<IObject>> m) { Annotation ann = (Annotation) m.values().iterator().next().iterator().next(); assertNotNull(ann.getDetails().getOwner()); assertTrue(ann.getDetails().getOwner().isLoaded()); assertNotNull(ann.getDetails().getCreationEvent()); assertTrue(ann.getDetails().getCreationEvent().isLoaded()); // Annotations are immutable // assertNotNull(ann.getDetails().getUpdateEvent()); // assertTrue(ann.getDetails().getUpdateEvent().isLoaded()); } @Test public void test_retrieveCollection() throws Exception { Image i = iQuery.get(Image.class, fixture.iu5551.getId()); i.unload(); Set annotations = (Set) iPojos.retrieveCollection(i, Image.ANNOTATIONLINKS, null); assertTrue(annotations.size() > 0); } @Test public void test_findCGCPaths() throws Exception { ids = new HashSet(data.getMax("Image.ids", 2)); results = iPojos.findCGCPaths(ids, IPojos.CLASSIFICATION_ME, null); results = iPojos.findCGCPaths(ids, IPojos.CLASSIFICATION_NME, null); results = iPojos.findCGCPaths(ids, IPojos.DECLASSIFICATION, null); } @Test(groups = "broken") public void test_findCGCPaths_declass() throws Exception { Paths paths = new Paths(data.get("CGCPaths.all")); Set de = iPojos.findCGCPaths(paths.uniqueImages(), IPojos.DECLASSIFICATION, null); assertTrue(de.size() == paths.unique(Paths.CG, Paths.EXISTS, Paths.EXISTS, Paths.EXISTS).size()); for (Iterator it = de.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { CategoryGroup cg = (CategoryGroup); Iterator it2 = cg.linkedCategoryIterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Category c = (Category); Iterator it3 = c.linkedImageIterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { Image i = (Image); Set found = paths.find(cg.getId(), c.getId(), i.getId()); assertTrue(found.size() == 1); } } } Long single_i = paths.singlePath()[Paths.I.intValue()]; Set one_de = iPojos.findCGCPaths(Collections.singleton(single_i), IPojos.DECLASSIFICATION, null); assertTrue(one_de.size() == paths.unique(Paths.CG, Paths.WILDCARD, Paths.WILDCARD, single_i).size()); } @Test public void test_findCGCPaths_class() throws Exception { // Finding a good test Long[] targetPath = null; Paths paths = new Paths(data.get("CGCPaths.all")); Set withNoImages = paths.find(Paths.WILDCARD, Paths.WILDCARD, Paths.NULL_IMAGE); for (Iterator it = withNoImages.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Long n = (Long); // Must be at least two Categories in one CG since we're only // examining the Categories in this CategoryGroup w/o an image. // Now need one with an image. Long[] values = paths.get(n); Set target = paths.find(values[Paths.CG.intValue()], Paths.WILDCARD, Paths.EXISTS); if (target.size() > 0) { targetPath = paths.get((Long) target.iterator().next()); break; } } assert targetPath != null : "No valid category group found for classification test."; Set single = Collections.singleton(targetPath[Paths.I.intValue()]); Set me = iPojos.findCGCPaths(single, IPojos.CLASSIFICATION_ME, null); Set nme = iPojos.findCGCPaths(single, IPojos.CLASSIFICATION_NME, null); for (Iterator it = nme.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { CategoryGroup group = (CategoryGroup); if (group.getId().equals(targetPath[Paths.CG.intValue()])) { for (Iterator it2 = group.linkedCategoryIterator(); it.hasNext();) { Category c = (Category); if (c.getId().equals(targetPath[Paths.C.intValue()])) { fail("Own category should not be included."); } } } } for (Iterator it3 = nme.iterator(); it3.hasNext();) { CategoryGroup group = (CategoryGroup); if (group.getId().equals(targetPath[Paths.CG.intValue()])) { fail("Should not be in mutually-exclusive set."); } } } @Test(groups = "EJBExceptions") public void testCountingApiExceptions() { Set ids = Collections.singleton(new Long(1)); // Does not exist try { iPojos.getCollectionCount("DoesNotExist", "meNeither", ids, null); fail("An exception should have been thrown"); } catch (ApiUsageException e) { // ok. } // Missing plural on dataset try { iPojos.getCollectionCount("ome.model.containers.Project", "dataset", ids, null); fail("An exception should have been thrown"); } catch (ApiUsageException e) { // ok. } // Null ids try { iPojos.getCollectionCount("ome.model.containers.Project", "datasets", null, null); fail("An exception should have been thrown"); } catch (ApiUsageException e) { // ok. } // Poorly formed try { iPojos.getCollectionCount("hackers.rock!!!", "", ids, null); fail("An exception should have been thrown"); } catch (ApiUsageException e) { // ok. } // Empty Class string try { iPojos.getCollectionCount("", "datasets", ids, null); fail("An exception should have been thrown"); } catch (ApiUsageException e) { // ok. } // Empty Class string try { iPojos.getCollectionCount(null, "datasets", ids, null); fail("An exception should have been thrown"); } catch (ApiUsageException e) { // ok. } // Empty property string try { iPojos.getCollectionCount("ome.model.core.Image", "", ids, null); fail("An exception should have been thrown"); } catch (ApiUsageException e) { // ok. } // Null property string try { iPojos.getCollectionCount("ome.model.core.Image", null, ids, null); fail("An exception should have been thrown"); } catch (ApiUsageException e) { // ok. } } @Test public void test_getCollectionCount() throws Exception { Long id = fixture.iu5551.getId(); Map m = iPojos.getCollectionCount(Image.class.getName(), Image.ANNOTATIONLINKS, Collections.singleton(id), null); Integer count = (Integer) m.get(id); assertTrue(count.intValue() > 0); id = fixture.du7771.getId(); m = iPojos.getCollectionCount(Dataset.class.getName(), Dataset.IMAGELINKS, Collections.singleton(id), null); count = (Integer) m.get(id); assertTrue(count.intValue() > 0); } @Test public void test_getImages() throws Exception { ids = new HashSet(data.getMax("Project.ids", 2)); Set images = iPojos.getImages(Project.class, ids, null); } @Test public void test_getUserDetails() throws Exception { Map m = iPojos.getUserDetails(Collections.singleton(fixture.TESTER), null); Experimenter e = (Experimenter) m.get(fixture.TESTER); ExperimenterGroup g; assertNotNull(g = e.getPrimaryGroupExperimenterMap().parent()); assertNotNull(g.getName()); for (ExperimenterGroup gg : e.linkedExperimenterGroupList()) { assertNotNull(gg.getName()); } } @Test(groups = "EJBExceptions") public void test_getUserImages() throws Exception { try { results = iPojos.getUserImages(null); fail("APIUsage: experimenter/group option must be set."); } catch (ApiUsageException e) { // ok. } results = iPojos.getUserImages(new PojoOptions().exp(fixture.e.getId()).map()); assertTrue(results.size() > 0); } // // Misc // @Test(groups = { "broken", "ticket:334" }) public void testAndForTheFunOfItLetsGetTheREWorking() throws Exception { Pixels pix = iQuery.findAll(Pixels.class, null).get(0); IPixels pixDB = factory.getPixelsService(); RenderingEngine re = factory.createRenderingEngine(); re.lookupPixels(pix.getId()); re.load(); PlaneDef pd = new PlaneDef(0, 0); pd.setZ(0); re.render(pd); } // / // ======================================================================== // / ~ Versions // / // ======================================================================== @Test(groups = { "versions", "broken", "ticket:118" }) public void test_version_doesnt_increase_on_non_change() throws Exception { Image img = new Image(); img.setName(" no vers. increment "); img = iUpdate.saveAndReturnObject(img); Image test = iUpdate.saveAndReturnObject(img); fail("must move details correction to the merge event listener " + "or version will always be incremented. "); assertTrue(img.getVersion().equals(test.getVersion())); } @Test(groups = { "versions", "broken", "ticket:118" }) public void test_version_doesnt_increase_on_linked_update() throws Exception { TextAnnotation ann = new TextAnnotation(); Image img = new Image(); img.setName("version_test"); ann.setTextValue("version_test"); img.linkAnnotation(ann); img = iUpdate.saveAndReturnObject(img); ann = (TextAnnotation) img.linkedAnnotationList().get(0); assertNotNull(img.getId()); assertNotNull(ann.getId()); int orig_img_version = img.getVersion().intValue(); // No longer exists int orig_ann_version = ann.getVersion().intValue(); ann.setTextValue("updated version_test"); ann = iUpdate.saveAndReturnObject(ann); img = iQuery.get(Image.class, img.getId()); // ann.getImage(); // No longer existsint new_ann_version = ann.getVersion().intValue(); int new_img_version = img.getVersion().intValue(); assertFalse(ann.getTextValue().contains("updated")); assertTrue(orig_img_version == new_img_version); } // / // ======================================================================== // / ~ Counts // / // ======================================================================== @Test public void test_counts() throws Exception { Dataset counts; long self = factory.getAdminService().getEventContext().getCurrentUserId(); // Counts are now always loaded counts = loadForCounts(fixture.du7770.getId(), null); // 7770 has not links assertNull(counts.getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner().get(self)); counts = loadForCounts(fixture.du7771.getId(), null); // Here we get the first map, since fixture creates entities // as other users too assertNotNull(counts.getImageLinksCountPerOwner()); assertTrue(counts.getImageLinksCountPerOwner().values().iterator().next() > 0); assertNotNull(counts.getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner()); assertTrue(counts.getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner().values().iterator().next().equals(1L)); } private Dataset loadForCounts(Long id, Map options) { Dataset obj = iPojos.loadContainerHierarchy(Dataset.class, Collections.singleton(id), options).iterator() .next(); return obj; } // / // ======================================================================== // / ~ Various bug-like checks // / // ======================================================================== @Test public void test_no_duplicate_rows() throws Exception { String name = "TEST:" + System.currentTimeMillis(); // Save Project. Project p = new Project(); p.setName(name); p = iUpdate.saveAndReturnObject(p); // Check only one List list = iQuery.findAllByString(Project.class, "name", name, true, null); assertTrue(list.size() == 1); assertTrue(((Project) list.get(0)).getId().equals(p.getId())); // Update it. ProjectData pd = new ProjectData(p); pd.setDescription("....testnodups...."); Project send = (Project) pd.asIObject(); assertEquals(p.getId().intValue(), pd.getId()); assertEquals(send.getId().intValue(), pd.getId()); Project result = iPojos.updateDataObject(send, null); ProjectData test = new ProjectData(result); assertEquals(test.getId(), p.getId().intValue()); // Check again. List list2 = iQuery.findAllByString(Project.class, "name", name, true, null); assertTrue(list2.size() == 1); assertTrue(((Project) list.get(0)).getId().equals(((Project) list2.get(0)).getId())); } @Test public void test_no_duplicate_links() throws Exception { Image img = new Image(); img.setName("duplinks"); Dataset ds = new Dataset(); ds.setName("duplinks"); img.linkDataset(ds); img = iUpdate.saveAndReturnObject(img); ds = img.linkedDatasetIterator().next(); List imgLinks = iQuery.findAllByQuery(DatasetImageLink.class.getName(), new Parameters().addLong("", img.getId())); List dsLinks = iQuery.findAllByQuery(DatasetImageLink.class.getName(), new Parameters().addLong("", ds.getId())); assertTrue(imgLinks.size() == 1); assertTrue(dsLinks.size() == 1); assertTrue( ((DatasetImageLink) imgLinks.get(0)).getId().equals(((DatasetImageLink) dsLinks.get(0)).getId())); } @Test public void test_no_duplicates_on_save_array() throws Exception { Image img = new Image(); img.setName("duplinks"); Dataset ds = new Dataset(); ds.setName("duplinks"); img.linkDataset(ds); IObject[] retVal = iUpdate.saveAndReturnArray(new IObject[] { img, ds }); img = (Image) retVal[0]; ds = (Dataset) retVal[1]; List imgLinks = iQuery.findAllByQuery(DatasetImageLink.class.getName(), new Parameters().addLong("", img.getId())); List dsLinks = iQuery.findAllByQuery(DatasetImageLink.class.getName(), new Parameters().addLong("", ds.getId())); assertTrue(imgLinks.size() == 1); assertTrue(dsLinks.size() == 1); assertTrue( ((DatasetImageLink) imgLinks.get(0)).getId().equals(((DatasetImageLink) dsLinks.get(0)).getId())); } @Test public void test_annotating_a_dataset_cglib_issue() throws Exception { // Setup: original is our in-memory, used every where object. Dataset original = new Dataset(); original.setName(" two rows "); original = iPojos.createDataObject(original, null); DatasetData annotatedObject = new DatasetData(original); Dataset annotated = (Dataset) iPojos.updateDataObject(annotatedObject.asIObject(), null); // Dataset m = new Dataset( original.getId(), false); TextAnnotation annotation = new TextAnnotation(); annotation.setNs(""); annotation.setTextValue(" two rows content "); // CGLIB TextAnnotation object = iPojos.createDataObject(annotation, null); DataObject returnedToUser = new TextualAnnotationData(object); // Now working but iPojos is still returning a CGLIB class. assertTrue(String.format("Class %s should equal class %s", object.getClass(), annotation.getClass()), object.getClass().equals(annotation.getClass())); } @Test public void test_annotating_a_dataset() throws Exception { long self = factory.getAdminService().getEventContext().getCurrentUserId(); String name = " two rows " + System.currentTimeMillis(); String text = " two rows content " + System.currentTimeMillis(); String desc = " new description " + System.currentTimeMillis(); // Setup: original is our in-memory, used every where object. Dataset original = new Dataset(); original.setName(name); original = iPojos.createDataObject(original, null); // No longer return these from create methods. assertNull(original.getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner()); // assertNull(original.getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner().get(self)); original.setDescription(desc); TextAnnotation annotation = new TextAnnotation(); annotation.setNs(""); annotation.setTextValue(text); original.linkAnnotation(annotation); original = iPojos.createDataObject(original, null); annotation = (TextAnnotation) original.linkedAnnotationIterator().next(); assertUniqueAnnotationCreation(name, text); Dataset test = iQuery.get(Dataset.class, original.getId().longValue()); assertTrue(desc.equals(test.getDescription())); // createDataObjects no longer does counts // assertNotNull(original.getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner()); // assertNotNull(original.getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner().get(self)); // assertTrue(original.getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner().get(self) > // 0L); } @Test public void test_two_datasets_and_a_project() throws Exception { String name = " 2&1 " + System.currentTimeMillis(); Project p = new Project(); p.setName(name); p = iPojos.createDataObject(p, null); Dataset d1 = new Dataset(); d1.setName(name); d1 = iPojos.createDataObject(d1, null); Dataset d2 = new Dataset(); d2.setName(name); d2 = iPojos.createDataObject(d2, null); ProjectDatasetLink l1 = new ProjectDatasetLink(); ProjectDatasetLink l2 = new ProjectDatasetLink(); l1.setParent(p); l1.setChild(d1); l2.setParent(p); l2.setChild(d2); p.addProjectDatasetLink(l1, true); p.addProjectDatasetLink(l2, true); p = iPojos.updateDataObject(p, null); Iterator it = p.iterateDatasetLinks(); while (it.hasNext()) { ProjectDatasetLink link = (ProjectDatasetLink); if (link.child().getId().equals(d1.getId())) { l1 = link; d1 = link.child(); } else if (link.child().getId().equals(d2.getId())) { l2 = link; d2 = link.child(); } else { fail(" Links aren't set up propertly"); } } d1.setDescription(name); Dataset test = iPojos.updateDataObject(d1, null); ProjectDatasetLink link1 = iQuery.get(ProjectDatasetLink.class, l1.getId().longValue()); assertNotNull(link1); assertTrue(link1.parent().getId().equals(p.getId())); assertTrue(link1.child().getId().equals(d1.getId())); ProjectDatasetLink link2 = iQuery.get(ProjectDatasetLink.class, l2.getId().longValue()); assertNotNull(link2); assertTrue(link2.parent().getId().equals(p.getId())); assertTrue(link2.child().getId().equals(d2.getId())); } @Test public void test_delete_annotation() throws Exception { String string = "delete_annotation" + System.currentTimeMillis(); Dataset d = new Dataset(); d.setName(string); TextAnnotation a = new TextAnnotation(); a.setNs(""); a.setTextValue(string); d.linkAnnotation(a); d = iPojos.createDataObject(d, null); DatasetAnnotationLink al = d.unmodifiableAnnotationLinks().iterator().next(); a = (TextAnnotation) al.child(); iPojos.deleteDataObject(al, null); iPojos.deleteDataObject(a, null); Object o = iQuery.find(TextAnnotation.class, a.getId().longValue()); assertNull(o); } @Test public void test_duplicate_links_again() throws Exception { String string = "duplinksagain" + System.currentTimeMillis(); Dataset d = new Dataset(); d.setName(string); Project p = new Project(); p.setName(string); d.linkProject(p); d = iPojos.createDataObject(d, null); Set orig_ids = new HashSet(d.collectProjectLinks(new IdBlock())); DatasetData dd = new DatasetData(d); Dataset toSend = dd.asDataset(); Dataset updated = iPojos.updateDataObject(toSend, null); Set updt_ids = new HashSet(updated.collectProjectLinks(new IdBlock())); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(orig_ids); log.debug(updt_ids); } assertTrue(updt_ids.containsAll(orig_ids)); assertTrue(orig_ids.containsAll(updt_ids)); } @Test public void test_update_annotation() throws Exception { DataObject annotatedObject; AnnotationData data; Dataset d = new Dataset(); d.setName(" update_annotation"); d = iPojos.createDataObject(d, null); annotatedObject = new DatasetData(d); data = new TextualAnnotationData(" update_annotation "); IObject updated = iPojos.updateDataObject(annotatedObject.asIObject(), null); ILink link = ((Dataset) updated).linkAnnotation(data.asAnnotation()); link = iPojos.updateDataObject(link, null); link.getChild().unload(); DataObject toReturn = new TextualAnnotationData((TextAnnotation) link.getChild()); } @Test(groups = { "version", "broken" }) public void test_unloaded_ds_in_ui() throws Exception { Project p = new Project(); p.setName("ui"); Dataset d = new Dataset(); d.setName("ui"); Image i = new Image(); i.setName("ui"); p.linkDataset(d); d.linkImage(i); p = iPojos.createDataObject(p, null); ProjectData pd_test = new ProjectData(iPojos .loadContainerHierarchy(Project.class, Collections.singleton(p.getId()), null).iterator().next()); DatasetData dd_test = pd_test.getDatasets().iterator().next(); pd_test.setDescription("new value:ui"); iPojos.updateDataObject(pd_test.asIObject(), null); try { dd_test.getName(); fail(" this should blow up "); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO which exception? // good. } } // TODO move to another class // now let's test all methods that use the filtering functionality PojoOptions GROUP_FILTER; PojoOptions OWNER_FILTER; private void assertFilterWorked(Set<? extends IObject> results, Integer min, Integer max, Experimenter e, ExperimenterGroup g) { if (min != null) { assertTrue(results.size() > min); } if (max != null) { assertTrue(results.size() < max); } if (e != null) { for (IObject iobj : results) { assertTrue(e.getId().equals(iobj.getDetails().getOwner().getId())); } } if (g != null) { for (IObject iobj : results) { assertTrue(g.getId().equals(iobj.getDetails().getGroup().getId())); } } } @Test(groups = "ticket:318") public void testFilters_getUserImages() throws Exception { // nothing should throw an exception try { iPojos.getUserImages(null); fail(); } catch (ApiUsageException api) { // ok } // TODO MOVE TO FIXTURE // First we'll need to create an image from the user but not in the // group, // and from the group but not the user // Image i1 = new Image(); i.setName("user not group"); // i.getDetails().setOwner(fixture.e); // i.getDetails().setGroup(new ExperimenterGroup(1L)); // i = // Image i2 = new Image(); i. // just filtering for the user should get us everything Set<Image> imgs = iPojos.getUserImages(; assertFilterWorked(imgs, 0, null, fixture.e, null); // now for groups imgs = iPojos.getUserImages(; assertFilterWorked(imgs, 0, null, null, fixture.g); } @Test(groups = "ticket:318") public void testFilters_getImages() throws Exception { // there are about 6 projects in our fixture ids = new HashSet(data.getMax("Project.ids", 100)); Set<Image> images = iPojos.getImages(Project.class, ids,; assertFilterWorked(images, null, 100, fixture.e, null); images = iPojos.getImages(Project.class, ids,; assertFilterWorked(images, null, 100, null, fixture.g); } @Test(groups = "ticket:318") public void testFilters_findCGCPaths() throws Exception { ids = new HashSet(data.getMax("Image.ids", 100)); results = iPojos.findCGCPaths(ids, IPojos.CLASSIFICATION_ME,; assertFilterWorked(results, null, 100, fixture.e, null); results = iPojos.findCGCPaths(ids, IPojos.CLASSIFICATION_ME,; assertFilterWorked(results, null, 100, null, fixture.g); results = iPojos.findCGCPaths(ids, IPojos.CLASSIFICATION_NME,; assertFilterWorked(results, null, 100, fixture.e, null); results = iPojos.findCGCPaths(ids, IPojos.CLASSIFICATION_NME,; assertFilterWorked(results, null, 100, null, fixture.g); results = iPojos.findCGCPaths(ids, IPojos.DECLASSIFICATION,; assertFilterWorked(results, null, 100, fixture.e, null); results = iPojos.findCGCPaths(ids, IPojos.DECLASSIFICATION,; assertFilterWorked(results, null, 100, null, fixture.g); } @Test(groups = "ticket:318") public void testFilters_findContainerHierarchies() throws Exception { ids = new HashSet(data.getMax("Image.ids", 100)); try { results = iPojos.findContainerHierarchies(Project.class, ids,; assertFilterWorked(results, null, 100, fixture.e, null); } catch (AssertionFailedError afe) { // this may fail since the images aren't filtered } // but this shouldn't. Iterator it = results.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if ( instanceof Image) { it.remove(); } } assertFilterWorked(results, null, 100, fixture.e, null); try { results = iPojos.findContainerHierarchies(Project.class, ids,; assertFilterWorked(results, null, 100, null, fixture.g); } catch (AssertionFailedError afe) { // again, this may fail } // but this shouldn't. it = results.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if ( instanceof Image) { it.remove(); } } assertFilterWorked(results, null, 100, null, fixture.g); } @Test(groups = "ticket:318") public void testFilters_loadContainerHierarchy() throws Exception { ids = new HashSet(data.getMax("Project.ids", 2)); results = iPojos.loadContainerHierarchy(Project.class, ids,; assertFilterWorked(results, null, 100, fixture.e, null); results = iPojos.loadContainerHierarchy(Project.class, ids,; assertFilterWorked(results, null, 100, null, fixture.g); } // ~ Helpers // ========================================================================= private ImageData simpleImageData() { // prepare data ImageData id = new ImageData(); id.setName("My test image"); id.setDescription("My test description"); return id; } private DatasetData simpleDatasetData() { DatasetData dd = new DatasetData(); dd.setName("t1"); dd.setDescription("t1"); return dd; } private ImageData simpleImageDataWithDatasets() { DatasetData dd = simpleDatasetData(); Set dss = new HashSet(); dss.add(dd); ImageData id = simpleImageData(); id.setDatasets(dss); return id; } private void assertUniqueAnnotationCreation(String name, String text) { // Test List ds = iQuery.findAllByString(Dataset.class, "name", name, true, null); List as = iQuery.findAllByString(TextAnnotation.class, "textValue", text, true, null); assertTrue(ds.size() == 1); assertTrue(as.size() == 1); } }