Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package oims.dataBase.syncer; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import oims.dataBase.DataBaseManager; import oims.dataBase.Db_dataBase; import oims.dataBase.Db_table; import oims.dataBase.tables.SyncerTable; /** * * @author ezouyyi */ public class DataBaseSyncer implements Runnable { private Boolean isSyncerWorking_; private DataBaseManager itsDbm_; private List<Db_table> itsChangedTables_; private SyncerTable itsSyncerTable_; private List<Db_table> itsL2CachingQuenen_; public DataBaseSyncer(DataBaseManager dbm, SyncerTable table) { itsDbm_ = dbm; isSyncerWorking_ = Boolean.TRUE; itsChangedTables_ = Lists.newArrayList(); itsL2CachingQuenen_ = Lists.newArrayList(); itsSyncerTable_ = table; } public void L2TableNeedToBeCached(Db_table table) { if (this.itsL2CachingQuenen_ != null) { this.itsL2CachingQuenen_.add(table); } } public void tableUpdated(Db_table table) { if (table.getTableType() == Db_table.Table_Type.TABLE_TYPE_MIRROR) { synchronized (this.itsChangedTables_) { this.itsChangedTables_.add(table); } } } private void processChangedTable() { synchronized (this.itsChangedTables_) { Iterator<Db_table> itr = this.itsChangedTables_.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { this.itsSyncerTable_.tableUpdated(; } this.itsChangedTables_.clear(); } } public void start() { Thread syncerT = new Thread(this); syncerT.start(); } public void stopSyncer() { isSyncerWorking_ = Boolean.FALSE; } public Boolean installEntry(Set<String> MirrorTables_) { Boolean result = Boolean.TRUE; for (String table : MirrorTables_) { result = result && this.itsSyncerTable_.newEntry(table).isSucceed(); } return result; } private Set<String> checkSyncerTable() { Set<String> tableNeedDownload = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); if (this.itsDbm_.isRemoteDbConnected() && this.itsDbm_.islocalDbConnected()) { ResultSet localRs = this.itsDbm_.getlocalSnycerTable(); ResultSet remoteRs = this.itsDbm_.getRemoteSnycerTable(); tableNeedDownload = this.itsSyncerTable_.compareSyncerTable(localRs, remoteRs); } return tableNeedDownload; } @Override public void run() { while (isSyncerWorking_) { try { Thread.sleep(15000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DataBaseSyncer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } /*update table*/ this.processChangedTable(); /*prcess updated tables*/ /*check syncerTable and process mirror tables*/ Set<String> tableNeedDownload = checkSyncerTable(); if (tableNeedDownload.size() > 0) { for (String str : tableNeedDownload) { Db_table table = this.itsDbm_.findMirrorTable(str); Db_dataBase lDb = this.itsDbm_.getLocalDataBase(); if (table != null) { this.itsDbm_.getRemoteDataBase().copyTable(lDb, table); } } // Always sync syncerTable Db_table Stable = this.itsDbm_.findMirrorTable(SyncerTable.getDerivedTableName()); if (Stable != null) { this.itsDbm_.getRemoteDataBase().copyTable(this.itsDbm_.getLocalDataBase(), Stable); } } /*process L2 tables*/ if (this.itsL2CachingQuenen_.size() > 0) { for (Db_table table : this.itsL2CachingQuenen_) { /*process one table once*/ if (table.uploadL2CachedData() == Boolean.TRUE) { this.itsL2CachingQuenen_.remove(table); } break; } } } } }