Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Oculus Info Inc. * * * Released under the MIT License. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package oculus.aperture.graph.aggregation.impl; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import oculus.aperture.graph.aggregation.ClusterConverter; import oculus.aperture.graph.aggregation.OculusAggregator; import oculus.aperture.graph.aggregation.util.AggregationUtilities; import oculus.aperture.spi.common.Link; import oculus.aperture.spi.common.Node; import oculus.aperture.spi.graph.GraphAggregationResult; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class LouvainAggregator implements OculusAggregator { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LouvainAggregator.class); protected ClusterConverter clusterer = null; protected Map<String, Node> nodeMap = null; protected Map<String, Link> linkMap = null; protected CommunityStructure structure = null; protected volatile Collection<Set<Node>> clusterSet = null; protected volatile GraphAggregationResult graphResult = null; private double resolution; private volatile boolean cancel = false; private String status = STATUS_WAITING; private int progress; private boolean calculateLinkWeights = true; public LouvainAggregator(double resolution) { this.resolution = resolution; } protected double getLinkWeight(Node node, Node neighbor) { if (linkMap == null) { return 0.0; } if (!calculateLinkWeights) { return 1.0; } double linkWeight = 0; for (Link link : node.getIncidentLinks()) { if ((link.getSourceId().equalsIgnoreCase(node.getId()) && link.getTargetId().equalsIgnoreCase(neighbor.getId())) || (link.getSourceId().equalsIgnoreCase(neighbor.getId()) && link.getTargetId().equalsIgnoreCase(node.getId()))) { linkWeight += link.getWeight(); } } return linkWeight; } protected void parceCommunities(final int[] comStructure) { if (nodeMap == null || structure == null) { return; } Map<Integer, Set<Node>> clusterMap = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Node>>(); for (Node node : nodeMap.values()) { int index = comStructure[]; if (clusterMap.containsKey(index)) { Set<Node> cluster = clusterMap.get(index); cluster.add(node); } else { Set<Node> cluster = new HashSet<Node>(); cluster.add(node); clusterMap.put(index, cluster); } } clusterSet = clusterMap.values(); if (clusterer != null) { graphResult = clusterer.convertClusterSet(clusterSet); } } private double q(int node, Community community) { if (structure == null) { return 0.0; } Double edgesToDouble = structure.nodeConnectionsWeight[node].get(community); double edgesTo = 0; if (edgesToDouble != null) { edgesTo = edgesToDouble.doubleValue(); } double weightSum = community.weightSum; double nodeWeight = structure.weights[node]; double qValue; if ((structure.nodeCommunities[node] == community) && (structure.nodeCommunities[node].size() > 1)) { qValue = resolution * edgesTo - (nodeWeight * (weightSum - nodeWeight)) / (2.0 * structure.graphWeightSum); } else if ((structure.nodeCommunities[node] == community) && (structure.nodeCommunities[node].size() == 1)) { qValue = 0.0; } else { qValue = resolution * edgesTo - (nodeWeight * weightSum) / (2.0 * structure.graphWeightSum); } return qValue; } protected class ModEdge { private int source; private int target; private double weight; public ModEdge(int source, int target, double weight) { this.source = source; = target; this.weight = weight; } public int getSource() { return source; } public int getTarget() { return target; } public double getWeight() { return weight; } } protected class CommunityStructure { private Map<Community, Double>[] nodeConnectionsWeight; private Map<Community, Integer>[] nodeConnectionsCount; private Map<Node, Integer> map; private Community[] nodeCommunities; private double[] weights; private double graphWeightSum; private LinkedList<ModEdge>[] topology; private LinkedList<Community> communities; private int N; private Map<Integer, Community> invMap; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") CommunityStructure() { if (nodeMap == null || linkMap == null) { return; } N = nodeMap.size(); nodeConnectionsWeight = new HashMap[N]; nodeConnectionsCount = new HashMap[N]; nodeCommunities = new Community[N]; topology = new LinkedList[N]; weights = new double[N]; map = new HashMap<Node, Integer>(); invMap = new HashMap<Integer, Community>(); communities = new LinkedList<Community>(); int index = 0; for (Node node : nodeMap.values()) { if (cancel) { setStatusWaiting(); return; } map.put(node, index); nodeCommunities[index] = new Community(this); nodeConnectionsWeight[index] = new HashMap<Community, Double>(); nodeConnectionsCount[index] = new HashMap<Community, Integer>(); weights[index] = 0; nodeCommunities[index].seed(index); Community hidden = new Community(structure); hidden.nodes.add(index); invMap.put(index, hidden); communities.add(nodeCommunities[index]); index++; } double progressInterval = 89.0 / (double) nodeMap.size(); double progressAccumulation = 0; for (Node node : nodeMap.values()) { progressAccumulation += progressInterval; if (progressAccumulation >= 1.0) { progress += Math.round(progressAccumulation); progressAccumulation = 0; } if (cancel) { setStatusWaiting(); return; } int node_index = map.get(node); topology[node_index] = new LinkedList<ModEdge>(); for (Node neighbor : AggregationUtilities.getNeighbors(node, nodeMap)) { if (cancel) { setStatusWaiting(); return; } if (node == neighbor) { continue; } int neighbor_index = map.get(neighbor); double weight = getLinkWeight(node, neighbor); weights[node_index] += weight; ModEdge me = new ModEdge(node_index, neighbor_index, weight); topology[node_index].add(me); Community adjCom = nodeCommunities[neighbor_index]; nodeConnectionsWeight[node_index].put(adjCom, weight); nodeConnectionsCount[node_index].put(adjCom, 1); nodeCommunities[node_index].connectionsWeight.put(adjCom, weight); nodeCommunities[node_index].connectionsCount.put(adjCom, 1); nodeConnectionsWeight[neighbor_index].put(nodeCommunities[node_index], weight); nodeConnectionsCount[neighbor_index].put(nodeCommunities[node_index], 1); nodeCommunities[neighbor_index].connectionsWeight.put(nodeCommunities[node_index], weight); nodeCommunities[neighbor_index].connectionsCount.put(nodeCommunities[node_index], 1); graphWeightSum += weight; } } graphWeightSum /= 2.0; } private void addNodeTo(int node, Community to) { to.add(new Integer(node)); nodeCommunities[node] = to; for (ModEdge e : topology[node]) { int neighbor = e.getTarget(); // Remove Node Connection to this community Double neighEdgesTo = nodeConnectionsWeight[neighbor].get(to); if (neighEdgesTo == null) { nodeConnectionsWeight[neighbor].put(to, e.getWeight()); } else { nodeConnectionsWeight[neighbor].put(to, neighEdgesTo + e.getWeight()); } Integer neighCountEdgesTo = nodeConnectionsCount[neighbor].get(to); if (neighCountEdgesTo == null) { nodeConnectionsCount[neighbor].put(to, 1); } else { nodeConnectionsCount[neighbor].put(to, neighCountEdgesTo + 1); } Community adjCom = nodeCommunities[neighbor]; Double wEdgesto = adjCom.connectionsWeight.get(to); if (wEdgesto == null) { adjCom.connectionsWeight.put(to, e.weight); } else { adjCom.connectionsWeight.put(to, wEdgesto + e.weight); } Integer cEdgesto = adjCom.connectionsCount.get(to); if (cEdgesto == null) { adjCom.connectionsCount.put(to, 1); } else { adjCom.connectionsCount.put(to, cEdgesto + 1); } Double nodeEdgesTo = nodeConnectionsWeight[node].get(adjCom); if (nodeEdgesTo == null) { nodeConnectionsWeight[node].put(adjCom, e.weight); } else { nodeConnectionsWeight[node].put(adjCom, nodeEdgesTo + e.weight); } Integer nodeCountEdgesTo = nodeConnectionsCount[node].get(adjCom); if (nodeCountEdgesTo == null) { nodeConnectionsCount[node].put(adjCom, 1); } else { nodeConnectionsCount[node].put(adjCom, nodeCountEdgesTo + 1); } if (to != adjCom) { Double comEdgesto = to.connectionsWeight.get(adjCom); if (comEdgesto == null) { to.connectionsWeight.put(adjCom, e.weight); } else { to.connectionsWeight.put(adjCom, comEdgesto + e.weight); } Integer comCountEdgesto = to.connectionsCount.get(adjCom); if (comCountEdgesto == null) { to.connectionsCount.put(adjCom, 1); } else { to.connectionsCount.put(adjCom, comCountEdgesto + 1); } } } } private void removeNodeFrom(int node, Community from) { Community community = nodeCommunities[node]; for (ModEdge e : topology[node]) { int neighbor = e.getTarget(); // Remove Node Connection to this community Double edgesTo = nodeConnectionsWeight[neighbor].get(community); Integer countEdgesTo = nodeConnectionsCount[neighbor].get(community); if (countEdgesTo - 1 == 0) { nodeConnectionsWeight[neighbor].remove(community); nodeConnectionsCount[neighbor].remove(community); } else { nodeConnectionsWeight[neighbor].put(community, edgesTo - e.getWeight()); nodeConnectionsCount[neighbor].put(community, countEdgesTo - 1); } // Remove Adjacency Community's connection to this community Community adjCom = nodeCommunities[neighbor]; Double oEdgesto = adjCom.connectionsWeight.get(community); Integer oCountEdgesto = adjCom.connectionsCount.get(community); if (oCountEdgesto - 1 == 0) { adjCom.connectionsWeight.remove(community); adjCom.connectionsCount.remove(community); } else { adjCom.connectionsWeight.put(community, oEdgesto - e.getWeight()); adjCom.connectionsCount.put(community, oCountEdgesto - 1); } if (node == neighbor) { continue; } if (adjCom != community) { Double comEdgesto = community.connectionsWeight.get(adjCom); Integer comCountEdgesto = community.connectionsCount.get(adjCom); if (comCountEdgesto - 1 == 0) { community.connectionsWeight.remove(adjCom); community.connectionsCount.remove(adjCom); } else { community.connectionsWeight.put(adjCom, comEdgesto - e.getWeight()); community.connectionsCount.put(adjCom, comCountEdgesto - 1); } } Double nodeEgesTo = nodeConnectionsWeight[node].get(adjCom); Integer nodeCountEgesTo = nodeConnectionsCount[node].get(adjCom); if (nodeCountEgesTo - 1 == 0) { nodeConnectionsWeight[node].remove(adjCom); nodeConnectionsCount[node].remove(adjCom); } else { nodeConnectionsWeight[node].put(adjCom, nodeEgesTo - e.getWeight()); nodeConnectionsCount[node].put(adjCom, nodeCountEgesTo - 1); } } from.remove(new Integer(node)); } private void moveNodeTo(int node, Community to) { Community from = nodeCommunities[node]; removeNodeFrom(node, from); addNodeTo(node, to); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void zoomOut() { if (structure == null) { return; } int M = communities.size(); LinkedList<ModEdge>[] newTopology = new LinkedList[M]; int index = 0; nodeCommunities = new Community[M]; nodeConnectionsWeight = new HashMap[M]; nodeConnectionsCount = new HashMap[M]; HashMap<Integer, Community> newInvMap = new HashMap<Integer, Community>(); for (int i = 0; i < communities.size(); i++) { Community com = communities.get(i); nodeConnectionsWeight[index] = new HashMap<Community, Double>(); nodeConnectionsCount[index] = new HashMap<Community, Integer>(); newTopology[index] = new LinkedList<ModEdge>(); nodeCommunities[index] = new Community(com); Set<Community> iter = com.connectionsWeight.keySet(); double weightSum = 0; Community hidden = new Community(structure); for (Integer nodeInt : com.nodes) { Community oldHidden = invMap.get(nodeInt); hidden.nodes.addAll(oldHidden.nodes); } newInvMap.put(index, hidden); for (Community adjCom : iter) { int target = communities.indexOf(adjCom); double weight = com.connectionsWeight.get(adjCom); if (target == index) weightSum += 2. * weight; else weightSum += weight; ModEdge e = new ModEdge(index, target, weight); newTopology[index].add(e); } weights[index] = weightSum; nodeCommunities[index].seed(index); index++; } communities.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { Community com = nodeCommunities[i]; communities.add(com); for (ModEdge e : newTopology[i]) { nodeConnectionsWeight[i].put(nodeCommunities[], e.getWeight()); nodeConnectionsCount[i].put(nodeCommunities[], 1); com.connectionsWeight.put(nodeCommunities[], e.getWeight()); com.connectionsCount.put(nodeCommunities[], 1); } } N = M; topology = newTopology; invMap = newInvMap; } public Map<Node, Integer> getMap() { return map; } } protected class Community { double weightSum; CommunityStructure structure; LinkedList<Integer> nodes; HashMap<Community, Double> connectionsWeight; HashMap<Community, Integer> connectionsCount; public int size() { return nodes.size(); } public Community(Community com) { structure = com.structure; connectionsWeight = new HashMap<Community, Double>(); connectionsCount = new HashMap<Community, Integer>(); nodes = new LinkedList<Integer>(); } public Community(CommunityStructure structure) { this.structure = structure; connectionsWeight = new HashMap<Community, Double>(); connectionsCount = new HashMap<Community, Integer>(); nodes = new LinkedList<Integer>(); } public void seed(int node) { nodes.add(node); weightSum += structure.weights[node]; } public boolean add(int node) { nodes.addLast(new Integer(node)); weightSum += structure.weights[node]; return true; } public boolean remove(int node) { boolean result = nodes.remove(new Integer(node)); weightSum -= structure.weights[node]; if (nodes.size() == 0) { structure.communities.remove(this); } return result; } } @Override public void requestCancel() { cancel = true; status = STATUS_CANCELLING; } @Override public String getStatus() { return status; } @Override public int getPercentComplete() { return progress; } @Override public void run() { progress = 0; this.clusterSet = null; this.graphResult = null; cancel = false; status = STATUS_AGGREGATING; logger.debug("Running Louvain clustering algorithm on " + nodeMap.size() + " nodes and " + linkMap.size() + " links..."); StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); stopWatch.start(); progress = 1; structure = new CommunityStructure(); Random rand = new Random(); boolean someChange = true; while (someChange) { if (cancel) { setStatusWaiting(); return; } someChange = false; boolean localChange = true; while (localChange) { if (cancel) { setStatusWaiting(); return; } localChange = false; // we always use randomisation as it produces a better decomposition. However, // it does increase the computation time. int start = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % structure.N; int step = 0; for (int i = start; step < structure.N; i = (i + 1) % structure.N) { if (cancel) { setStatusWaiting(); return; } step++; double best = 0.; Community bestCommunity = null; Community nodecom = structure.nodeCommunities[i]; Set<Community> iter = structure.nodeConnectionsWeight[i].keySet(); for (Community com : iter) { if (cancel) { setStatusWaiting(); return; } double qValue = q(i, com); if (qValue > best) { best = qValue; bestCommunity = com; } } if ((nodecom != bestCommunity) && (bestCommunity != null)) { structure.moveNodeTo(i, bestCommunity); localChange = true; } } someChange = localChange || someChange; } if (someChange) { structure.zoomOut(); } } progress = 95; int[] comStructure = new int[nodeMap.size()]; int count = 0; for (Community com : structure.communities) { if (cancel) { setStatusWaiting(); return; } for (Integer node : com.nodes) { if (cancel) { setStatusWaiting(); return; } Community hidden = structure.invMap.get(node); for (Integer nodeInt : hidden.nodes) { if (cancel) { setStatusWaiting(); return; } comStructure[nodeInt] = count; } } count++; } progress = 98; if (cancel) { setStatusWaiting(); return; } parceCommunities(comStructure); stopWatch.stop(); logger.debug("Finished Louvain clustering algorithm."); if (graphResult != null) { logger.debug("reduced " + nodeMap.size() + " nodes to " + graphResult.getNodes().size()); logger.debug("reduced " + linkMap.size() + " links to " + graphResult.getLinks().size()); } logger.debug("Algorithm took " + stopWatch.toString()); stopWatch.reset(); setStatusWaiting(); progress = 100; } private void setStatusWaiting() { status = STATUS_WAITING; } @Override public void setClusterConverter(ClusterConverter clusterer) { this.clusterer = clusterer; } @Override public void setGraph(Map<String, Node> nodeMap, Map<String, Link> linkMap) { this.nodeMap = nodeMap; this.linkMap = linkMap; } @Override public GraphAggregationResult getAggregationResult() { return this.graphResult; } @Override public Collection<Set<Node>> getClusterSet() { return this.clusterSet; } public void setResolution(double resolution) { this.resolution = resolution; } public void calculateLinkWeighting(boolean calculateLinkWeights) { this.calculateLinkWeights = calculateLinkWeights; } }