Java tutorial
/** * Software License * * Copyright 2007/2010 National Library of New Zealand. * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * or the file "LICENSE.txt" included with the software. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * */ package nz.govt.natlib.ndha.manualdeposit.metadata; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.FileUtils; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.PropertiesUtil; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.XMLHandler; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.XMLHandler.XMLObject; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.exceptions.XmlException; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.exlibris.IDeposit; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.exlibris.ILogin; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.mets.MetsWriter; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.manualdeposit.exceptions.InvalidApplicationDataException; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.manualdeposit.exceptions.InvalidCMSSystemException; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.manualdeposit.exceptions.InvalidDepositSystemException; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.manualdeposit.exceptions.InvalidLoginSystemException; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.manualdeposit.exceptions.InvalidMetsWriterException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jasypt.util.text.BasicTextEncryptor; public final class ApplicationData { private final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ApplicationData.class); private final static String STANDARD_OBJECT_TYPE = "ApplicationData"; private final static String PROP_METS_COPY_LOC = "MetsCopyLocation"; private final static String PROP_METS_FTP_SERVER = "MetsFTPServer"; private final static String PROP_METS_FTP_USER = "MetsFTPUser"; private final static String PROP_METS_FTP_PASSWD = "MetsFTPPassword"; private final static String PROP_QUEUE_LOC = "QueueLocation"; private final static String PROP_BULK_LOC = "BulkQueueLocation"; private final static String PROP_MAX_JOBS = "MaximumJobsRunning"; private final static String PROP_QUEUE_REFRESH = "QueueRefreshInterval"; private final static String PROP_METS_WRITER_CLASS = "MetsWriterClass"; private final static String PROP_METADATA_USER_FILE = "MetaDataUserFile"; private final static String PROP_SERVER_SOURCE_DIR = "SourceDirOnServer"; private final static String PROP_DEPOSIT_WSDL_URL = "depositWsdlUrl"; private final static String PROP_PRODUCER_WSDL_URL = "producerWsdlUrl"; private final static String PROP_REPOSITORY_WSDL_URL = "repositoryWsdlUrl"; private final static String PROP_PDS_URL = "pdsURL"; private final static String PROP_CMS_2_SEARCH_URL = "cms2SearchURL"; private final static String PROP_DPS_SEARCH_URL = "DPSSearchURL"; private final static String PROP_CONTENT_AGGREGATOR_URL = "ContentAggregatorURL"; private final static String PROP_CMS_1_SEARCH_URL = "cms1SearchURL"; private final static String PROP_DEPOSIT_SET_ID = "DepositSetID"; private final static String PROP_CMS_1_SEARCH_Z39 = "UseZ39SearchForCMS1"; private final static String PROP_USER_INSTITUTION = "DepositUserInstitution"; private final static String PROP_SETTINGS_PATH = "SettingsPath"; private final static String PROP_LOGIN_CLASS = "LoginClass"; private final static String PROP_DEPOSIT_CLASS = "DepositClass"; private final static String PROP_SIP_STATUS_REFRESH_TIME = "SipStatusRefreshRate"; private final static String PROP_MAXIMUM_STRUCTURE_LENGTH = "MaximumStructureLength"; private final static String PROP_MAXIMUM_PROVENANCE_EVENT_LENGTH = "MaximumProvenanceEventLength"; private final static String PROP_SEARCH_STRATEGY_CLASS = "SearchStrategyClass"; private final static String PROP_SIP_STATUS_FILE = "SipStatusFile"; private final static String PROP_ENCRYPTION_SEED = "Z39TapuhiVoyager"; private final static String PROP_SRU_SEARCH_SCHEMA = "SRUSearchSchema"; private final static String PROP_CMS_1_SYSTEM_TEXT = "CMS1SystemText"; private final static String PROP_CMS_1_LABEL = "CMS1Label"; private final static String PROP_CMS_2_TEXT = "CMS2Text"; private final static String PROP_CMS_2_LABEL = "CMS2Label"; private final static String PROP_INCLUDE_FILE_DATES = "IncludeFileDates"; private final static String PROP_BULK_QUERY_COUNT = "BulkQueryCount"; private final static String Z39_STRATEGY = "nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.ilsquery.Z3950SearchStrategyImpl"; private final static String SRU_STRATEGY = "nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.ilsquery.SruSearchStrategyImpl"; private String metsSavePath = ""; private String metsFTPServer = ""; private String metsFTPUser = ""; private String metsFTPPassword = ""; private String jobQueuePath = ""; private String bulkUploadQueuePath = ""; private String settingsPath = "./"; private String settingsStructTemplatePath = null; private String settingsMetaDataTemplatePath = null; private int jobQueueRefreshInterval = 1000; private int sipStatusRefreshInterval = 600000; private int maximumJobsRunning = 1; private int maximumStructureLength = 100; private int maximumProvenanceEventLength = 100; private String metsWriterClass = "nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.mets.MetsWriterImpl"; private String metaDataUserFile = "MetaDataUsers.xml"; private String sourceDirOnServer = ""; private String depositWsdlUrl = ""; private String producerWsdlUrl = ""; private String repositoryWsdlUrl = ""; private String pdsUrl = ""; private String dpsSearchUrl = ""; private String contentAggregatorUrl = ""; private String cms2SearchUrl = ""; private String cms1SearchUrl = ""; private String depositSetID = ""; private boolean useZ39SearchForCMS1 = true; private boolean includeFileDates = true; private String depositUserInstitution = ""; private String depositClass = "nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.exlibris.DepositDummy"; private IDeposit deposit = null; private boolean depositSetup = false; private String loginClass = "nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.exlibris.Login"; private ILogin login = null; private String searchStrategyClass = "nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common.ilsquery.SruSearchStrategyImpl"; private String sipStatusFile = null; private String sruSearchSchema = "dps"; private BasicTextEncryptor encryptor; private PersonalSettings personalSettings; private String cms1SystemText = "ilsdb"; private String cms1Label = "Voyager"; private String cms2Text = "tapuhi"; private String cms2Label = "Tapuhi"; private int bulkQueryCount = 5; private boolean dataLoaded = false; private static final ApplicationData INSTANCE = new ApplicationData(); private ApplicationData() { } public static ApplicationData createNew() { return INSTANCE; } public static ApplicationData getInstance(final String xmlFileName) throws IOException { INSTANCE.loadData(xmlFileName); return INSTANCE; } public static ApplicationData getInstance() throws InvalidApplicationDataException { if (!INSTANCE.dataLoaded) { throw new InvalidApplicationDataException("Application data not loaded"); } return INSTANCE; } public String getMetsSavePath() { return metsSavePath; } public void setMetsSavePath(final String value) { metsSavePath = value; } public String getMetsFTPServer() { return metsFTPServer; } public void setMetsFTPServer(final String value) { metsFTPServer = value; } public String getMetsFTPUser() { return metsFTPUser; } public void setMetsFTPUser(final String value) { metsFTPUser = value; } public String getMetsFTPPassword() { return metsFTPPassword; } public void setMetsFTPPassword(final String value) { metsFTPPassword = value; } public String getJobQueuePath() { return jobQueuePath; } public void setJobQueuePath(final String value) { jobQueuePath = value; } public String getBulkUploadQueuePath() { return bulkUploadQueuePath; } public void setBulkUploadQueuePath(final String value) { bulkUploadQueuePath = value; } public int getJobQueueRefreshInterval() { return jobQueueRefreshInterval; } public void setJobQueueRefreshInterval(final int value) { jobQueueRefreshInterval = value; } public int getSipStatusRefreshInterval() { return sipStatusRefreshInterval; } public void setSipStatusRefreshInterval(final int value) { sipStatusRefreshInterval = value; } public int getMaximumStructureLength() { return maximumStructureLength; } public void setMaximumStructureLength(final int value) { maximumStructureLength = value; } public int getMaximumProvenanceEventLength() { return maximumProvenanceEventLength; } public void setMaximumProvenanceEventLength(final int value) { maximumProvenanceEventLength = value; } public int getMaximumJobsRunning() { return maximumJobsRunning; } public void setMaximumJobsRunning(final int value) { maximumJobsRunning = value; } public String getMetsWriterClass() { return metsWriterClass; } public void setMetsWriterClass(final String value) { metsWriterClass = value; } public String getSipStatusFile() { return sipStatusFile; } public void setSipStatusFile(final String value) { sipStatusFile = value; } public MetsWriter getMetsWriter() throws InvalidMetsWriterException { final Class<?> cls; final MetsWriter metsWriter; try { cls = Class.forName(metsWriterClass); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidMetsWriterException("Class not found " + metsWriterClass, ex); } try { metsWriter = (MetsWriter) cls.newInstance(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidMetsWriterException("Invalid class", ex); } return metsWriter; } public String getMetaDataUserFile() { return metaDataUserFile; } public void setMetaDataUserFile(final String value) { metaDataUserFile = value; } public String getSourceDirOnServer() { return sourceDirOnServer; } public void setSourceDirOnServer(final String value) { sourceDirOnServer = value; } public String getDepositWsdlUrl() { return depositWsdlUrl; } public void setDepositWsdlUrl(final String value) { depositWsdlUrl = value; } public String getProducerWsdlUrl() { return producerWsdlUrl; } public void setProducerWsdlUrl(final String value) { producerWsdlUrl = value; } public String getRepositoryWsdlUrl() { return repositoryWsdlUrl; } public void setRepositoryWsdlUrl(final String value) { repositoryWsdlUrl = value; } public String getPdsUrl() { return pdsUrl; } public void setPdsUrl(final String value) { pdsUrl = value; } public String getDPSSearchUrl() { return dpsSearchUrl; } public void setDPSSearchUrl(final String value) { dpsSearchUrl = value; } public String getContentAggregatorUrl() { return contentAggregatorUrl; } public void setContentAggregatorUrl(final String value) { contentAggregatorUrl = value; } public String getCMS1SearchUrl() { return cms1SearchUrl; } public void setCMS1SearchUrl(final String value) { cms1SearchUrl = value; } public String getCMS2SearchUrl() { return cms2SearchUrl; } public void setCMS2SearchUrl(final String value) { cms2SearchUrl = value; } public String getDepositSetID() { return depositSetID; } public void setDepositSetID(final String value) { depositSetID = value; } public String getCMSSystemText(final MetaDataFields.ECMSSystem cmsSystem) throws InvalidCMSSystemException { String result = ""; switch (cmsSystem) { case CMS2: result = cms2Text; break; case CMS1: result = cms1SystemText; break; case NoSystem: result = "No CMS Reference"; break; case StaffMediated: result = "Staff Mediated"; break; default: throw new InvalidCMSSystemException("Unknown"); } return result; } public String getCMS1SystemText() { return cms1SystemText; } public void setCMS1SystemText(final String value) { cms1SystemText = value; } public String getCMS1Label() { return cms1Label; } public void setCMS1Label(final String value) { cms1Label = value; } public String getCMS2Text() { return cms2Text; } public void setCMS2Text(final String value) { cms2Text = value; } public String getCMS2Label() { return cms2Label; } public void setCMS2Label(final String value) { cms2Label = value; } public boolean isUseZ39SearchForCMS1() { return useZ39SearchForCMS1; } public void setUseZ39SearchForCMS1(final boolean value) { useZ39SearchForCMS1 = value; } public boolean isIncludeFileDates() { return includeFileDates; } public void setIncludeFileDates(final boolean value) { includeFileDates = value; } public String getDepositUserInstitution() { return depositUserInstitution; } public void setDepositUserInstitution(final String value) { depositUserInstitution = value; } public String getSettingsPath() { return settingsPath; } public void setSettingsPath(final String value) throws FileNotFoundException { settingsPath = value; personalSettings = PersonalSettings.create(settingsPath); } public String getStructTemplatePath() { return settingsStructTemplatePath; } public String getMetaDataTemplatePath() { return settingsMetaDataTemplatePath; } public void setDepositClass(final String value) { depositClass = value; } public String getDepositClass() { return depositClass; } public void setSruSearchSchema(final String value) { sruSearchSchema = value; } public String getSruSearchSchema() { return sruSearchSchema; } public IDeposit getDeposit() throws InvalidDepositSystemException { return getDeposit(true); } public IDeposit getDeposit(final boolean includeSetup) throws InvalidDepositSystemException { if (deposit == null) { final Class<?> cls; try { cls = Class.forName(depositClass); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidDepositSystemException("Class not found " + depositClass, ex); } try { deposit = (IDeposit) cls.newInstance(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidDepositSystemException("Invalid class", ex); } } if (!depositSetup && includeSetup) { if (includeSetup) { depositSetup = true; try { deposit.setup(depositWsdlUrl, producerWsdlUrl, repositoryWsdlUrl, pdsUrl, sipStatusFile); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Deposit setup failed", ex); throw new InvalidDepositSystemException("Deposit setup failed", ex); } } } return deposit; } public void setLoginClass(final String value) { loginClass = value; } public String getLoginClass() { return loginClass; } public ILogin getLogin() throws InvalidLoginSystemException { if (login == null) { final Class<?> cls; try { cls = Class.forName(loginClass); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidLoginSystemException("Class not found " + loginClass, ex); } try { login = (ILogin) cls.newInstance(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidLoginSystemException("Invalid class", ex); } } return login; } public void setSearchStrategyClass(final String value) { searchStrategyClass = value; } public String getSearchStrategyClass() { return searchStrategyClass; } public PersonalSettings getPersonalSettings() { return personalSettings; } public void setBulkQueryCount(final int value) { bulkQueryCount = value; } public int getBulkQueryCount() { return bulkQueryCount; } public void loadData(final String fileName) throws IOException { String xmlFileName = fileName; if (xmlFileName == null) { return; } File xmlFile = new File(xmlFileName); LOG.debug(xmlFile.getCanonicalFile()); if (!xmlFile.exists()) { // Search for it final ClassLoader contextClassLoader = PropertiesUtil.getContextClassLoaderInternal(); final Enumeration<URL> urls = PropertiesUtil.getResources(contextClassLoader, xmlFileName); if ((urls == null) || (!urls.hasMoreElements())) { LOG.error("Application Data file not found - " + xmlFileName); throw new FileNotFoundException(xmlFileName + " not found"); } final URL xmlFileNameURL = (URL) urls.nextElement(); xmlFile = new File(xmlFileNameURL.getPath()); xmlFileName = xmlFile.getPath(); } loadFromXML(xmlFileName); dataLoaded = true; } public void storeAsXML(final String xmlFileName) throws IOException, XmlException { final XMLHandler handler = new XMLHandler(MetaDataTypeImpl.getStandardObjectType(), xmlFileName); try { final List<XMLObject> objects = new ArrayList<XMLObject>(); final XMLObject documentation = XMLObject.create("Documentation"); final String documentationDetail = "To edit this file, use Indigo.exe /MetaData"; documentation.setObjectValue(documentationDetail); objects.add(documentation); XMLObject object = getXMLObject(handler); objects.add(object); handler.setObjects(objects); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } handler.writeXMLFile(); } public void loadFromXML(final String xmlFileName) throws IOException { final XMLHandler handler = new XMLHandler(MetaDataTypeImpl.getStandardObjectType(), xmlFileName); final XMLObject object = handler.getObject(STANDARD_OBJECT_TYPE); if (object != null) { setFromXMLObject(object); } } private BasicTextEncryptor getEncryptor() { if (encryptor == null) { encryptor = new BasicTextEncryptor(); encryptor.setPassword(PROP_ENCRYPTION_SEED); } return encryptor; } public XMLObject getXMLObject(final XMLHandler handler) { final XMLObject object = handler.createXMLObject(STANDARD_OBJECT_TYPE, STANDARD_OBJECT_TYPE); object.setObjectType(STANDARD_OBJECT_TYPE); object.setObjectName(STANDARD_OBJECT_TYPE); object.addAttribute(PROP_METS_COPY_LOC, metsSavePath); object.addAttribute(PROP_METS_FTP_SERVER, metsFTPServer); object.addAttribute(PROP_METS_FTP_USER, metsFTPUser); String password = getEncryptor().encrypt(metsFTPPassword); object.addAttribute(PROP_METS_FTP_PASSWD, password); object.addAttribute(PROP_QUEUE_LOC, jobQueuePath); object.addAttribute(PROP_BULK_LOC, bulkUploadQueuePath); object.addAttribute(PROP_MAX_JOBS, String.format("%d", maximumJobsRunning)); object.addAttribute(PROP_QUEUE_REFRESH, String.format("%d", jobQueueRefreshInterval)); object.addAttribute(PROP_SIP_STATUS_REFRESH_TIME, String.format("%d", sipStatusRefreshInterval)); object.addAttribute(PROP_MAXIMUM_STRUCTURE_LENGTH, String.format("%d", maximumStructureLength)); object.addAttribute(PROP_MAXIMUM_PROVENANCE_EVENT_LENGTH, String.format("%d", maximumProvenanceEventLength)); object.addAttribute(PROP_METS_WRITER_CLASS, metsWriterClass); object.addAttribute(PROP_METADATA_USER_FILE, metaDataUserFile); object.addAttribute(PROP_SERVER_SOURCE_DIR, sourceDirOnServer); object.addAttribute(PROP_DEPOSIT_WSDL_URL, depositWsdlUrl); object.addAttribute(PROP_PRODUCER_WSDL_URL, producerWsdlUrl); object.addAttribute(PROP_REPOSITORY_WSDL_URL, repositoryWsdlUrl); object.addAttribute(PROP_DPS_SEARCH_URL, dpsSearchUrl); object.addAttribute(PROP_CONTENT_AGGREGATOR_URL, contentAggregatorUrl); object.addAttribute(PROP_CMS_1_SEARCH_URL, cms1SearchUrl); object.addAttribute(PROP_CMS_2_SEARCH_URL, cms2SearchUrl); object.addAttribute(PROP_PDS_URL, pdsUrl); object.addAttribute(PROP_DEPOSIT_SET_ID, depositSetID); object.addAttribute(PROP_CMS_1_SYSTEM_TEXT, cms1SystemText); object.addAttribute(PROP_CMS_1_LABEL, cms1Label); object.addAttribute(PROP_CMS_2_TEXT, cms2Text); object.addAttribute(PROP_CMS_2_LABEL, cms2Label); object.addAttribute(PROP_CMS_1_SEARCH_Z39, String.format("%b", useZ39SearchForCMS1)); object.addAttribute(PROP_INCLUDE_FILE_DATES, String.format("%b", includeFileDates)); object.addAttribute(PROP_BULK_QUERY_COUNT, String.format("%d", bulkQueryCount)); object.addAttribute(PROP_USER_INSTITUTION, depositUserInstitution); object.addAttribute(PROP_SETTINGS_PATH, settingsPath); object.addAttribute(PROP_LOGIN_CLASS, loginClass); object.addAttribute(PROP_DEPOSIT_CLASS, depositClass); object.addAttribute(PROP_SEARCH_STRATEGY_CLASS, searchStrategyClass); object.addAttribute(PROP_SIP_STATUS_FILE, sipStatusFile); object.addAttribute(PROP_SRU_SEARCH_SCHEMA, sruSearchSchema); return object; } public void setFromXMLObject(final XMLObject object) throws FileNotFoundException { object.setObjectType(STANDARD_OBJECT_TYPE); if (object.getAttribute(PROP_METS_COPY_LOC) != null) { metsSavePath = object.getAttribute(PROP_METS_COPY_LOC); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_METS_FTP_SERVER) != null) { metsFTPServer = object.getAttribute(PROP_METS_FTP_SERVER); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_METS_FTP_USER) != null) { metsFTPUser = object.getAttribute(PROP_METS_FTP_USER); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_METS_FTP_PASSWD) != null) { final String password = object.getAttribute(PROP_METS_FTP_PASSWD); if (password != null && !password.equals("")) { try { metsFTPPassword = getEncryptor().decrypt(password); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Password decryption error", ex); // Password was not encrypted // Don't want to throw an exception as there is a lot of // other processing to do // This needs to be handled by the receiving application } } } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_QUEUE_LOC) != null) { jobQueuePath = object.getAttribute(PROP_QUEUE_LOC); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_BULK_LOC) != null) { bulkUploadQueuePath = object.getAttribute(PROP_BULK_LOC); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_MAX_JOBS) != null) { try { maximumJobsRunning = Integer.parseInt(object.getAttribute(PROP_MAX_JOBS)); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_QUEUE_REFRESH) != null) { try { jobQueueRefreshInterval = Integer.parseInt(object.getAttribute(PROP_QUEUE_REFRESH)); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_SIP_STATUS_REFRESH_TIME) != null) { try { sipStatusRefreshInterval = Integer.parseInt(object.getAttribute(PROP_SIP_STATUS_REFRESH_TIME)); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_MAXIMUM_STRUCTURE_LENGTH) != null) { try { maximumStructureLength = Integer.parseInt(object.getAttribute(PROP_MAXIMUM_STRUCTURE_LENGTH)); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_MAXIMUM_PROVENANCE_EVENT_LENGTH) != null) { try { maximumProvenanceEventLength = Integer .parseInt(object.getAttribute(PROP_MAXIMUM_PROVENANCE_EVENT_LENGTH)); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_METS_WRITER_CLASS) != null) { metsWriterClass = object.getAttribute(PROP_METS_WRITER_CLASS); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_METADATA_USER_FILE) != null) { metaDataUserFile = object.getAttribute(PROP_METADATA_USER_FILE); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_SERVER_SOURCE_DIR) != null) { sourceDirOnServer = object.getAttribute(PROP_SERVER_SOURCE_DIR); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_DEPOSIT_WSDL_URL) != null) { depositWsdlUrl = object.getAttribute(PROP_DEPOSIT_WSDL_URL); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_PRODUCER_WSDL_URL) != null) { producerWsdlUrl = object.getAttribute(PROP_PRODUCER_WSDL_URL); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_REPOSITORY_WSDL_URL) != null) { repositoryWsdlUrl = object.getAttribute(PROP_REPOSITORY_WSDL_URL); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_DPS_SEARCH_URL) != null) { dpsSearchUrl = object.getAttribute(PROP_DPS_SEARCH_URL); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_CONTENT_AGGREGATOR_URL) != null) { contentAggregatorUrl = object.getAttribute(PROP_CONTENT_AGGREGATOR_URL); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_CMS_1_SEARCH_URL) != null) { cms1SearchUrl = object.getAttribute(PROP_CMS_1_SEARCH_URL); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_CMS_2_SEARCH_URL) != null) { cms2SearchUrl = object.getAttribute(PROP_CMS_2_SEARCH_URL); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_PDS_URL) != null) { pdsUrl = object.getAttribute(PROP_PDS_URL); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_DEPOSIT_SET_ID) != null) { depositSetID = object.getAttribute(PROP_DEPOSIT_SET_ID); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_CMS_1_SYSTEM_TEXT) != null) { cms1SystemText = object.getAttribute(PROP_CMS_1_SYSTEM_TEXT); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_CMS_1_LABEL) != null) { cms1Label = object.getAttribute(PROP_CMS_1_LABEL); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_CMS_2_TEXT) != null) { cms2Text = object.getAttribute(PROP_CMS_2_TEXT); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_CMS_2_LABEL) != null) { cms2Label = object.getAttribute(PROP_CMS_2_LABEL); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_CMS_1_SEARCH_Z39) != null) { try { useZ39SearchForCMS1 = Boolean.parseBoolean(object.getAttribute(PROP_CMS_1_SEARCH_Z39)); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_INCLUDE_FILE_DATES) != null) { try { includeFileDates = Boolean.parseBoolean(object.getAttribute(PROP_INCLUDE_FILE_DATES)); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_BULK_QUERY_COUNT) != null) { try { bulkQueryCount = Integer.parseInt(object.getAttribute(PROP_BULK_QUERY_COUNT)); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } object.addAttribute(PROP_BULK_QUERY_COUNT, String.format("%d", bulkQueryCount)); if (object.getAttribute(PROP_USER_INSTITUTION) != null) { depositUserInstitution = object.getAttribute(PROP_USER_INSTITUTION); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_SETTINGS_PATH) != null) { settingsPath = object.getAttribute(PROP_SETTINGS_PATH); personalSettings = PersonalSettings.create(settingsPath); final File settingsFile = new File(settingsPath); if ((!settingsFile.exists()) || (!settingsFile.isDirectory())) { FileUtils.ensureDirectoryExists(settingsFile); } settingsStructTemplatePath = settingsPath + "/Templates/StructureMap"; FileUtils.ensureDirectoryExists(settingsStructTemplatePath); settingsMetaDataTemplatePath = settingsPath + "/Templates/MetaData"; FileUtils.ensureDirectoryExists(settingsMetaDataTemplatePath); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_LOGIN_CLASS) != null) { loginClass = object.getAttribute(PROP_LOGIN_CLASS); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_DEPOSIT_CLASS) != null) { depositClass = object.getAttribute(PROP_DEPOSIT_CLASS); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_SEARCH_STRATEGY_CLASS) != null) { searchStrategyClass = object.getAttribute(PROP_SEARCH_STRATEGY_CLASS); if (searchStrategyClass.equalsIgnoreCase(Z39_STRATEGY)) { searchStrategyClass = Z39_STRATEGY; } else if (searchStrategyClass.equalsIgnoreCase(SRU_STRATEGY)) { searchStrategyClass = SRU_STRATEGY; } } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_SIP_STATUS_FILE) != null) { sipStatusFile = object.getAttribute(PROP_SIP_STATUS_FILE); } if (object.getAttribute(PROP_SRU_SEARCH_SCHEMA) != null) { sruSearchSchema = object.getAttribute(PROP_SRU_SEARCH_SCHEMA); } } }