Java tutorial
/** * Software License * * Copyright 2007/2010 National Library of New Zealand. * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * or the file "LICENSE.txt" included with the software. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * */ package nz.govt.natlib.ndha.manualdeposit.bulkupload; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.Timer; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.manualdeposit.AppProperties; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.manualdeposit.ManualDepositPresenter; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.manualdeposit.bulkupload.BulkUploadItem.JobState; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.manualdeposit.exceptions.BulkLoadException; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.manualdeposit.exceptions.JobQueueException; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.manualdeposit.jobmanagement.UploadJob; import nz.govt.natlib.ndha.manualdeposit.metadata.UserGroupData; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; public class BulkUploadQueueManagement { private final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BulkUploadQueueManagement.class); private final List<BulkUploadItem> bulkUploadItems = new ArrayList<BulkUploadItem>(); private final JTable theBulkUploadItemsTable; private final AppProperties applicationProperties; private final UserGroupData userGroup; private boolean bulkUploadIsRunning = false; private final IBulkUpload uploadFrame; private boolean checkDPS = true; private final ManualDepositPresenter theManualDepositParent; private final BulkUploadPresenter bulkUploadParent; private UploadJob uploadJob; private boolean closeDownBulkUpload = false; public static BulkUploadQueueManagement create(final AppProperties appProperties, final JTable bulkUploadItemsTable, final IBulkUpload frame, final ManualDepositPresenter manualDepositParent, final BulkUploadPresenter parent) throws Exception { return new BulkUploadQueueManagement(appProperties, bulkUploadItemsTable, frame, manualDepositParent, parent); } public BulkUploadQueueManagement(final AppProperties appProperties, final JTable bulkUploadItemsTable, final IBulkUpload frame, final ManualDepositPresenter manualDepositParent, final BulkUploadPresenter parent) throws Exception { uploadFrame = frame; applicationProperties = appProperties; userGroup = applicationProperties.getUserData().getUser(applicationProperties.getLoggedOnUser()) .getUserGroupData(); theBulkUploadItemsTable = bulkUploadItemsTable; theManualDepositParent = manualDepositParent; bulkUploadParent = parent; final LoadJobs loadJobs = new LoadJobs(); if (loadJobs.lock()) { final Thread jobThread = new Thread(loadJobs); jobThread.start(); loadJobs.unlock(); } else { LOG.debug("Couldn't load jobs"); throw new BulkLoadException("Couldn't load jobs"); } } public void startRunning() { bulkUploadIsRunning = true; } public boolean isRunning() { return bulkUploadIsRunning; } public void closeDown() { closeDownBulkUpload = true; theManualDepositParent.setProgressBarVisible(true); } public void setCheckDPS(boolean value) { checkDPS = value; synchronized (bulkUploadItems) { for (BulkUploadItem item : bulkUploadItems) { item.setQueryDPS(value); } } } public boolean isCheckDPS() { return checkDPS; } public int getNoOfFiles() { int noOfFiles = 0; synchronized (bulkUploadItems) { for (BulkUploadItem item : bulkUploadItems) { noOfFiles += item.getEntity().getAllFiles().size(); } } return noOfFiles; } private static FileFilter xmlFilter = new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File file) { return file.isFile() && file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml"); } }; public static File[] getUploadFiles(String uploadJobPath) { File[] files = null; File bulkUploadQueueFile = new File(uploadJobPath); if (bulkUploadQueueFile.exists() && bulkUploadQueueFile.isDirectory()) { files = bulkUploadQueueFile.listFiles(xmlFilter); } return files; } private class LoadJobs implements Runnable { private final Lock _loadJobsLock = new ReentrantLock(); public boolean lock() { return _loadJobsLock.tryLock(); } public void unlock() { _loadJobsLock.unlock(); } public void run() { bulkUploadParent.setStatus("Loading saved jobs ..."); LOG.debug("Start loadJobs"); File[] files = getUploadFiles(applicationProperties.getApplicationData().getBulkUploadQueuePath()); if (files != null) { int max = files.length; bulkUploadParent.setMaxProgress(max); bulkUploadParent.setProgressVisible(true); int i = 0; for (File file : files) { bulkUploadParent.setCurrentProgress(i); bulkUploadParent.setStatus(String.format("Loading saved jobs (%d of %d) ...", i, max)); try { LOG.debug("Loading job " + file.getAbsolutePath()); BulkUploadItem job = BulkUploadItem.create(file.getPath(), applicationProperties, theManualDepositParent); addBulkUploadItem(job); LOG.debug("Job loaded, adding to queue " + job.getEntityName()); } catch (Exception ex) { String message = "The Job " + file.getName() + " Cannot be loaded\n" + ex.getMessage();; } i++; } } else { String message = "The Job Queue directory (" + applicationProperties.getApplicationData().getBulkUploadQueuePath() + ") must exist and must be a directory";; } checkJobQueue(); bulkUploadParent.setNoOfFiles(); LOG.debug("End loadJobs"); bulkUploadParent.setStatus(""); bulkUploadParent.setProgressVisible(false); } } public void addBulkUploadItem(BulkUploadItem item) { synchronized (bulkUploadItems) { bulkUploadItems.add(item); if (theBulkUploadItemsTable != null) { BulkUploadTableModel resultsTableModel = (BulkUploadTableModel) theBulkUploadItemsTable.getModel(); resultsTableModel.addRow(item); } } } private void checkJobQueue() { if (closeDownBulkUpload) { return; } LOG.debug("Start checkJobQueue"); int noOfJobsQueryingCMS = 0; int noOfJobsNotQueriedCMS = 0; int noOfJobsQueryingDPS = 0; int noOfJobsNotQueriedDPS = 0; int noOfJobsNotQueued = 0; int noOfJobsToBeBatched = 0; // System.out.println("Start checkJobQueue"); synchronized (bulkUploadItems) { for (BulkUploadItem item : bulkUploadItems) { if ((item.getJobState() != JobState.Batching) && (item.getJobState() != JobState.IndigoJobCreated) && (!item.getJobState().isError())) { noOfJobsToBeBatched++; } switch (item.getJobState()) { case Requested: noOfJobsNotQueriedCMS++; break; case QueryingCMS: noOfJobsQueryingCMS++; break; case CMSIDRetrieved: if (checkDPS) { noOfJobsNotQueriedDPS++; } else { noOfJobsNotQueued++; } break; case QueryingDPS: noOfJobsQueryingDPS++; break; case ItemDoesNotExistInDPS: if (!checkDPS) { item.setJobState(JobState.CMSIDRetrieved); } else { noOfJobsNotQueued++; } break; case ItemExistsInDPS: if (!checkDPS) { item.setJobState(JobState.CMSIDRetrieved); } break; case Batching: if ((item.getUploadJobState() != null) && (item.getUploadJobState() != UploadJob.JobState.Batching)) { item.setJobState(JobState.IndigoJobCreated); } break; default: break; } } if (bulkUploadIsRunning && noOfJobsToBeBatched == 0 && !bulkUploadParent.isLoadingFiles()) { bulkUploadIsRunning = false; } if (noOfJobsNotQueriedCMS > 0 && noOfJobsQueryingCMS < applicationProperties.getApplicationData().getBulkQueryCount()) { int noQuerying = 0; for (BulkUploadItem item : bulkUploadItems) { if (item.getJobState() == JobState.Requested) { item.retrieveCMSDetails(); noQuerying++; if (noQuerying + noOfJobsQueryingCMS >= applicationProperties.getApplicationData() .getBulkQueryCount()) { break; } } } } if (checkDPS && noOfJobsNotQueriedDPS > 0 && noOfJobsQueryingDPS < applicationProperties.getApplicationData().getBulkQueryCount()) { for (BulkUploadItem item : bulkUploadItems) { if (item.getJobState() == JobState.CMSIDRetrieved) { item.checkDPS(); } } } if (bulkUploadIsRunning && noOfJobsNotQueued > 0) { for (BulkUploadItem item : bulkUploadItems) { if (((item.getJobState() == JobState.CMSIDRetrieved) && (!checkDPS)) || (item.getJobState() == JobState.ItemDoesNotExistInDPS)) { // System.out.println("Need to batch " + item.getCMSID() // + ": " + item.getJobState().description()); if (uploadJob == null) { try { uploadJob = item.createJob(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error creating job", ex); // Should be safe to swallow this error as it // would // normally be handled before now. } } else { // System.out.println("Add job " + item.getCMSID()); try { item.addToJob(uploadJob); } catch (JobQueueException jex) { LOG.error("Error adding job", jex); // Again, should be safe to swallow this error // as it would // normally be handled before now. } } noOfJobsToBeBatched--; if ((uploadJob.getJobDetail().size() >= userGroup.getBulkBatchSize()) || ((noOfJobsToBeBatched == 0) && (!bulkUploadParent.isLoadingFiles()))) { uploadJob.prepareJobToRun(); theManualDepositParent.addJob(uploadJob); uploadJob = null; } } } } } if (theBulkUploadItemsTable != null) { theBulkUploadItemsTable.repaint(); } bulkUploadParent.checkButtons(); Action checkJobQueueAction = new AbstractAction() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5562669711772031634L; public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Timer t = (Timer) e.getSource(); t.stop(); checkJobQueue(); } }; new Timer(applicationProperties.getApplicationData().getJobQueueRefreshInterval(), checkJobQueueAction) .start(); LOG.debug("End checkJobQueue"); // System.out.println("End checkJobQueue"); } public JPopupMenu getBulkUploadMenu() { JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); String text = "Cancel job"; if (theBulkUploadItemsTable.getSelectedRowCount() > 1) { text += "s"; } JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(text); item.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { cancelJobs(evt); } }); menu.add(item); BulkUploadTableModel model = (BulkUploadTableModel) theBulkUploadItemsTable.getModel(); int noOfErrorJobsSelected = model.getSelectedErrorCount(theBulkUploadItemsTable); if (noOfErrorJobsSelected > 0) { if (noOfErrorJobsSelected > 1) { text = "Resubmit jobs in error"; } else { text = "Resubmit job in error"; } item = new JMenuItem(text); item.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { resubmitErrorJobs(evt); } }); menu.add(item); } if (menu == null || menu.getComponentCount() == 0) { return null; } else { return menu; } } public int getCompletedJobCount() { int noOfJobs = 0; synchronized (bulkUploadItems) { for (BulkUploadItem item : bulkUploadItems) { if (item.getJobState().isComplete()) { noOfJobs++; } } } return noOfJobs; } public void clearCompletedJobs() { BulkUploadTableModel model = (BulkUploadTableModel) theBulkUploadItemsTable.getModel(); synchronized (bulkUploadItems) { for (BulkUploadItem item : bulkUploadItems) { if (item.getJobState().isComplete()) { model.removeJob(item); item.deleteJob(); } } } } private void killJob(BulkUploadTableModel model, BulkUploadItem job) { synchronized (bulkUploadItems) { if (job != null) { job.deleteJob(); model.removeJob(job); bulkUploadItems.remove(job); } } } private class CancelJobs implements Runnable { private final Lock cancelJobsLock = new ReentrantLock(); private boolean onlyCancelSelectedJobs; public CancelJobs(boolean onlySelectedJobs) { onlyCancelSelectedJobs = onlySelectedJobs; } public boolean lock() { return cancelJobsLock.tryLock(); } public void unlock() { cancelJobsLock.unlock(); } public void run() { if (onlyCancelSelectedJobs && theBulkUploadItemsTable.getSelectedRows().length == 0) { uploadFrame.showError("Could not cancel job", "There are no selected jobs available to cancel"); return; } String message; if (theBulkUploadItemsTable.getSelectedRows().length > 1) { message = "Cancel jobs?\n(This may take some time for large numbers)"; } else { message = "Cancel job?"; } if ((!onlyCancelSelectedJobs) || uploadFrame.confirm(message, true)) { uploadFrame.setWaitCursor(true); BulkUploadTableModel model = (BulkUploadTableModel) theBulkUploadItemsTable.getModel(); uploadFrame.showGlassPane(true); if (!onlyCancelSelectedJobs) { uploadFrame.setStatus("Cancelling jobs ..."); int noOfRows = bulkUploadItems.size(); uploadFrame.setMaxProgress(noOfRows); uploadFrame.setProgressVisible(true); int counter = 1; while (bulkUploadItems.size() > 0) { uploadFrame.setCurrentProgress(counter); uploadFrame.setStatus(String.format("Cancelling jobs (%d of %d) ...", counter, noOfRows)); counter++; BulkUploadItem job = bulkUploadItems.get(0); killJob(model, job); } uploadFrame.setStatus(""); uploadFrame.setProgressVisible(false); } else { int noOfRows = theBulkUploadItemsTable.getSelectedRows().length - 1; uploadFrame.setMaxProgress(noOfRows); uploadFrame.setProgressVisible(true); int counter = 0; for (int i = noOfRows; i >= 0; i--) { uploadFrame.setCurrentProgress(counter); uploadFrame.setStatus(String.format("Cancelling jobs (%d of %d) ...", counter, noOfRows)); counter++; int selectedRow = theBulkUploadItemsTable.getSelectedRows()[i]; BulkUploadItem job = model.getRow(selectedRow); killJob(model, job); } uploadFrame.setStatus(""); uploadFrame.setProgressVisible(false); } uploadFrame.showGlassPane(false); uploadFrame.setWaitCursor(false); } } } public void cancelJobs(boolean onlySelectedJobs) throws BulkLoadException { CancelJobs cancelJobs = new CancelJobs(onlySelectedJobs); if (cancelJobs.lock()) { Thread t = new Thread(cancelJobs); t.start(); cancelJobs.unlock(); } else { LOG.debug("Couldn't cancel jobs"); throw new BulkLoadException("Couldn't cancel jobs"); } } private void cancelJobs(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { if (uploadFrame != null) { try { cancelJobs(true); } catch (BulkLoadException ex) { String errorMessage = "Error cancelling bulk load jobs"; LOG.error(errorMessage, ex); uploadFrame.showError("An error occurred", errorMessage, ex); } } } private void resubmitErrorJobs(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { int[] selectedRows = theBulkUploadItemsTable.getSelectedRows(); BulkUploadTableModel model = (BulkUploadTableModel) theBulkUploadItemsTable.getModel(); for (int index : selectedRows) { BulkUploadItem item = model.getRow(index); if (item.getJobState().isError()) { item.setJobState(JobState.Requested); } } } }