Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2013 Gregory Graham.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineSegment;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPoint;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.joda.time.Period;

 * @author Gregory Graham
public abstract class DBDefinition {

     * Transforms the Date instance into a SQL snippet that can be used as a date
     * in a query.
     * <p>
     * For instance the date might be transformed into a string like "
     * DATETIME('2013-03-23 00:00:00') "
     * @param date   date
     * @return the date formatted as a string that the database will correctly
     * interpret as a date.
    public abstract String getDateFormattedForQuery(Date date);

     * Transforms the Date instance into UTC time zone date.
     * @param date the local date to be rolled to UTC.
     * @return SQL that creates this Date as a UTC date in the database.
    public String getUTCDateFormattedForQuery(Date date) {
        Double zoneOffset = (0.0 + date.getTimezoneOffset()) / 60.0;

        int hourPart = zoneOffset.intValue() * 100;
        int minutePart = (int) ((zoneOffset - (zoneOffset.intValue())) * 60);

        return doAddMinutesTransform(doAddHoursTransform(getDateFormattedForQuery(date), "" + hourPart),
                "" + minutePart);

     * Formats the raw column name to the required convention of the database.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation does not change the column name.
     * @param columnName   columnName
     * @return the column name formatted for the database.
    public String formatColumnName(String columnName) {
        return formatNameForDatabase(columnName);

     * Returns the standard beginning of a string value in the database.
     * <p>
     * The default method returns "'", that is a single quote.
     * @return the formatting required at the beginning of a string value.
    public String beginStringValue() {
        return "'";

     * Returns the standard ending of a string value in the database.
     * <p>
     * The default method returns "'", that is a single quote.
     * @return the formatting required at the end of a string value.
    public String endStringValue() {
        return "'";

     * Returns the standard beginning of a number value in the database.
     * <p>
     * The default method returns "", that is an empty string.
     * @return the formatting required at the beginning of a number value.
    public String beginNumberValue() {
        return "";

     * Returns the standard end of a number value in the database.
     * <p>
     * The default method returns "", that is an empty string.
     * @return the formatting required at the end of a number value.
    public String endNumberValue() {
        return "";

     * Formats the table and column name pair correctly for this database.
     * <p>
     * This should only be used for column names in the select query when aliases
     * are not being used. Which is probably never.
     * <p>
     * e.g table, column =&gt; TABLE.COLUMN
     * @param table table
     * @param columnName columnName
     * @return a string of the table and column name for the select clause
    public String formatTableAndColumnName(DBRow table, String columnName) {
        return formatTableName(table) + "." + formatColumnName(columnName);

     * Formats the table alias and column name pair correctly for this database.
     * <p>
     * This should be used for column names in the select query.
     * <p>
     * e.g table, column =&gt; TABLEALIAS.COLUMN
     * @param table table
     * @param columnName columnName
     * @return a string of the table and column name for the select clause
    public String formatTableAliasAndColumnName(RowDefinition table, String columnName) {
        return getTableAlias(table) + "." + formatColumnName(columnName);

     * Formats the table and column name pair correctly for this database
     * This should be used for column names in the select clause, that is to say
     * between SELECT and FROM
     * e.g table, column =&gt; TABLEALIAS.COLUMN COLUMNALIAS
     * @param table table
     * @param columnName columnName
     * @return a string of the table and column name for the select clause
    public String formatTableAliasAndColumnNameForSelectClause(DBRow table, String columnName) {
        final String tableAliasAndColumn = formatTableAliasAndColumnName(table, columnName);
        return tableAliasAndColumn + " " + formatForColumnAlias(tableAliasAndColumn);

     * Formats the table name correctly for this database.
     * <p>
     * Used wherever a table alias is inappropriate, for instance UPDATE
     * statements.
     * @param table   table
     * @return a string of the table name formatted for this database definition
    public String formatTableName(DBRow table) {
        return formatNameForDatabase(table.getTableName());

     * Provides the column name as named in the SELECT clause and ResultSet.
     * <p>
     * This is the column alias that matches the result to the query. It must be
     * consistent, unique, and deterministic.
     * @param table table
     * @param columnName columnName
     * @return the table alias and the column name formatted correctly for this
     * database.
    public String formatColumnNameForDBQueryResultSet(RowDefinition table, String columnName) {
        final String actualName = formatTableAliasAndColumnName(table, columnName);
        return formatForColumnAlias(actualName);

     * Apply standard formatting of the column alias to avoid issues with the
     * database's column naming issues.
     * @param actualName   actualName
     * @return the column alias formatted for this database.
    public String formatForColumnAlias(final String actualName) {
        String formattedName = actualName.replaceAll("\\.", "__");
        return formatNameForDatabase("DB" + formattedName.hashCode()).replaceAll("-", "_");

     * Apply standard object name transformations required by the database.
     * <p>
     * This methods helps support database specific naming rules by allowing
     * post-processing of the object names to conform to the rules.
     * @param sqlObjectName the Java object name to be transformed into a database
     * object name.
     * @return the object name formatted for use with this database
    protected String formatNameForDatabase(final String sqlObjectName) {
        return sqlObjectName;

     * Apply standard formatting of the expression alias to avoid issues with the
     * database's alias naming issues.
     * @param key   key
     * @return the alias of the key formatted correctly.
    public String formatExpressionAlias(Object key) {
        return ("DB" + key.hashCode()).replaceAll("-", "_");

     * Apply necessary transformations on the string to avoid it being used for an
     * SQL injection attack.
     * <p>
     * The default method changes every single quote (') into 2 single quotes
     * ('').
     * @param toString   toString
     * @return the string value safely escaped for use in an SQL query.
    public String safeString(String toString) {
        return toString.replaceAll("'", "''");

     * returns the required SQL to begin a line within the WHERE or ON Clause for
     * conditions.
     * usually, but not always " and "
     * @return a string for the start of a where clause line
    public String beginWhereClauseLine() {
        return beginAndLine();

     * returns the required SQL to begin a line within the WHERE or ON Clause for
     * conditions.
     * usually, but not always " and "
     * @param options   options
     * @return a string for the start of a where clause line
    public String beginConditionClauseLine(QueryOptions options) {
        if (options.isMatchAllConditions()) {
            return beginAndLine();
        } else {
            return beginOrLine();

     * returns the required SQL to begin a line within the WHERE or ON Clause for
     * joins.
     * usually, but not always " and "
     * @param options   options
     * @return a string for the start of a where clause line
    public String beginJoinClauseLine(QueryOptions options) {
        if (options.isMatchAllRelationships()) {
            return beginAndLine();
        } else {
            return beginOrLine();

     * Indicates that the database does not accept named GROUP BY columns and the
     * query generator should create the GROUP BY clause using indexes instead.
     * @return TRUE if the database needs indexes for the group by columns, FALSE
     * otherwise.
    public boolean prefersIndexBasedGroupByClause() {
        return false;

     * Returns the start of an AND line for this database.
     * @return " AND " or the equivalent for this database.
    public String beginAndLine() {
        return " AND ";

     * Returns the start of an OR line for this database.
     * @return " OR " or the equivalent for this database.
    public String beginOrLine() {
        return " OR ";

     * Provides the start of the DROP TABLE expression for this database.
     * @return "DROP TABLE " or equivalent for the database.
    public String getDropTableStart() {
        return "DROP TABLE ";

     * Returns the start of the PRIMARY KEY clause of the CREATE TABLE statement.
     * <p>
     * This is the clause within the column definition clause after the columns
     * themselves, i.e. CREATE TABLE tab (col integer<b>, PRIMARY KEY(col)</b>)
     * @return ", PRIMARY KEY (" or the equivalent for this database.
    public String getCreateTablePrimaryKeyClauseStart() {
        return ",PRIMARY KEY (";

     * Returns the separator between the columns in the PRIMARY KEY clause of the
     * CREATE TABLE statement.
     * <p>
     * This is the clause within the column definition clause after the columns
     * themselves, i.e. CREATE TABLE tab (col integer<b>, PRIMARY KEY(col)</b>)
     * @return ", " or the equivalent for this database.
    public String getCreateTablePrimaryKeyClauseMiddle() {
        return ", ";

     * Returns the conclusion of the PRIMARY KEY clause of the CREATE TABLE
     * statement.
     * <p>
     * This is the clause within the column definition clause after the columns
     * themselves, i.e. CREATE TABLE tab (col integer<b>, PRIMARY KEY(col)</b>)
     * @return ")" or the equivalent for this database.
    public String getCreateTablePrimaryKeyClauseEnd() {
        return ")";

     * Returns the start of the CREATE TABLE statement.
     * @return "CREATE TABLE " or the equivalent for this database.
    public String getCreateTableStart() {
        return "CREATE TABLE ";

     * Returns the start of the column list within the CREATE TABLE statement.
     * <p>
     * This is the clause within the CREATE TABLE that defines the columns
     * themselves, i.e. CREATE TABLE tab <b>(col integer, PRIMARY KEY(col))</b>
     * @return "(" or the equivalent for this database.
    public String getCreateTableColumnsStart() {
        return "(";

     * Returns the separator between column definitions in the column list of the
     * CREATE TABLE statement.
     * <p>
     * This is the clause within the CREATE TABLE that defines the columns
     * themselves, i.e. CREATE TABLE tab <b>(col integer, PRIMARY KEY(col))</b>
     * @return ", " or the equivalent for this database.
    public String getCreateTableColumnsSeparator() {
        return ", ";

     * Returns the separator between the column name and the column datatype
     * within the column definitions in the column list of the CREATE TABLE
     * statement.
     * <p>
     * This is the clause within the CREATE TABLE that defines the columns
     * themselves, i.e. CREATE TABLE tab <b>(col integer, PRIMARY KEY(col))</b>
     * @return " " or the equivalent for this database.
    public String getCreateTableColumnsNameAndTypeSeparator() {
        return " ";

     * Returns the end of the column list within the CREATE TABLE statement.
     * <p>
     * This is the clause within the CREATE TABLE that defines the columns
     * themselves, i.e. CREATE TABLE tab <b>(col integer, PRIMARY KEY(col))</b>
     * @return ")" or the equivalent for this database.
    public Object getCreateTableColumnsEnd() {
        return ")";

     * Wraps the SQL snippet provided in the LOWER operator of the database.
     * @param sql   sql
     * @return " lower("+string+")"
    public String toLowerCase(String sql) {
        return " lower(" + sql + ")";

     * Returns the beginning of an INSERT statement for this database.
     * @return "INSERT INTO " or equivalent.
    public String beginInsertLine() {
        return "INSERT INTO ";

     * Returns the end of an INSERT statement for this database.
     * @return ";" or equivalent.
    public String endInsertLine() {
        return ";";

     * Returns the beginning of the column list of an INSERT statement for this
     * database.
     * @return "(" or equivalent.
    public String beginInsertColumnList() {
        return "(";

     * Returns the end of the column list of an INSERT statement for this
     * database.
     * @return ") " or equivalent.
    public String endInsertColumnList() {
        return ") ";

     * Returns the beginning of a DELETE statement for this database.
     * @return "DELETE FROM " or equivalent.
    public String beginDeleteLine() {
        return "DELETE FROM ";

     * Returns the end of a DELETE statement for this database.
     * @return ";" or equivalent.
    public String endDeleteLine() {
        return ";";

     * The EQUALS operator for this database.
     * @return " = " or equivalent
    public String getEqualsComparator() {
        return " = ";

     * The NOT EQUALS operator for this database.
     * @return " &lt;&gt; " or equivalent
    public String getNotEqualsComparator() {
        return " <> ";

     * Returns the beginning of a WHERE clause for this database.
     * @return " WHERE " or equivalent.
    public String beginWhereClause() {
        return " WHERE ";

     * Returns the beginning of an UPDATE statement for this database.
     * @return "UPDATE " or equivalent.
    public String beginUpdateLine() {
        return "UPDATE ";

     * Returns the beginning of a SET clause of an UPDATE statement for this
     * database.
     * @return " SET " or equivalent.
    public String beginSetClause() {
        return " SET ";

     * Returns the initial separator of a SET sub-clause of an UPDATE statement
     * for this database.
     * @return "" or equivalent.
    public String getStartingSetSubClauseSeparator() {
        return "";

     * Returns the subsequent separator of a SET sub-clause of an UPDATE statement
     * for this database.
     * @return "," or equivalent.
    public String getSubsequentSetSubClauseSeparator() {
        return ",";

     * Returns the initial separator of a ORDER BY sub-clause of a SELECT
     * statement for this database.
     * @return "" or equivalent.
    public String getStartingOrderByClauseSeparator() {
        return "";

     * Returns the subsequent separator of a ORDER BY sub-clause of a SELECT
     * statement for this database.
     * @return "," or equivalent.
    public String getSubsequentOrderByClauseSeparator() {
        return ",";

     * Returns the initial clause of a WHERE clause of a SELECT statement for this
     * database.
     * <p>
     * DBvolution inserts a constant operation to every WHERE clause to simplify
     * the production of the query. This method returns a condition that always
     * evaluates to true.
     * @return a SQL snippet representing a TRUE operation.
     * @see #getTrueOperation()
    public String getWhereClauseBeginningCondition() {
        return getTrueOperation();

     * Returns the initial clause of a WHERE clause of a SELECT statement for this
     * database.
     * <p>
     * DBvolution inserts a constant operation to every WHERE clause to simplify
     * the production of the query. This method checks the options parameter and
     * returns a TRUE operation or a FALSE operation depending on the query
     * requirements.
     * @param options   options
     * @return the required initial condition.
     * @see #getTrueOperation()
     * @see #getFalseOperation()
    public String getWhereClauseBeginningCondition(QueryOptions options) {
        if (options.isMatchAllConditions()) {
            return getTrueOperation();
        } else {
            return getFalseOperation();

     * An SQL snippet that always evaluates to FALSE for this database.
     * @return " 1=0 " or equivalent
    public String getFalseOperation() {
        return " (1=0) ";

     * An SQL snippet that always evaluates to TRUE for this database.
     * @return " 1=1 " or equivalent
    public String getTrueOperation() {
        return " (1=1) ";

     * An SQL snippet that represents NULL for this database.
     * @return " NULL " or equivalent
    public String getNull() {
        return " NULL ";

     * Returns the beginning of a SELECT statement for this database.
     * @return "SELECT " or equivalent.
    public String beginSelectStatement() {
        return " SELECT ";

     * Returns the beginning of the FROM clause of a SELECT statement for this
     * database.
     * @return "FROM " or equivalent.
    public String beginFromClause() {
        return " FROM ";

     * Returns the default ending of an SQL statement for this database.
     * @return ";" or equivalent.
    public Object endSQLStatement() {
        return ";";

     * Returns the initial separator of the column list sub-clause of a SELECT
     * statement for this database.
     * @return "" or equivalent.
    public String getStartingSelectSubClauseSeparator() {
        return "";

     * Returns the subsequent separator of the column list sub-clause of a SELECT
     * statement for this database.
     * @return "," or equivalent.
    public String getSubsequentSelectSubClauseSeparator() {
        return ",";

     * The COUNT(*) clause for this database.
     * @return "COUNT(*)" or equivalent.
    public String countStarClause() {
        return " COUNT(*) ";

     * Provides an opportunity for the definition to insert a row limiting
     * statement before the query.
     * <p>
     * for example H2DB uses SELECT TOP 10 ... FROM ... WHERE ... ;
     * <p>
     * Based on the example for H2DB this method should return " TOP 10 "
     * <p>
     * If the database does not support row limiting this method should throw an
     * exception when rowLimit is not null
     * <p>
     * The default implementation returns "".
     * @param options   options
     * @return a string for the row limit sub-clause or ""
    public Object getLimitRowsSubClauseDuringSelectClause(QueryOptions options) {
        return "";

     * Returns the beginning of the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement for this
     * database.
     * @return " ORDER BY " or equivalent.
    public String beginOrderByClause() {
        return " ORDER BY ";

     * Returns the end of the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement for this
     * database.
     * @return " " or equivalent.
    public String endOrderByClause() {
        return " ";

     * Returns the appropriate ascending or descending keyword for this database
     * given the sort order.
     * @param sortOrder   sortOrder
     * @return " ASC " for TRUE, " DESC " for false or equivalent
    public Object getOrderByDirectionClause(Boolean sortOrder) {
        if (sortOrder == null) {
            return "";
        } else if (sortOrder) {
            return " ASC ";
        } else {
            return " DESC ";

     * Used during the creation of an ANSI join to add a table with a normal, or
     * "required" join.
     * @return the default implementation returns " INNER JOIN ".
    public String beginInnerJoin() {
        return " INNER JOIN ";

     * Used during the creation of an ANSI join to add an optional table using a
     * Left Outer Join.
     * @return the default implementation returns " LEFT OUTER JOIN "
    public String beginLeftOuterJoin() {
        return " LEFT OUTER JOIN ";

     * Used during the creation of an ANSI join to add an optional table using a
     * Full Outer Join.
     * @return the default implementation returns " FULL OUTER JOIN ".
    public String beginFullOuterJoin() {
        return " FULL OUTER JOIN ";

     * Used during the creation of an ANSI join to add the criteria of an optional
     * table using an ON clause.
     * @return the default implementation returns " ON( ".
    public String beginOnClause() {
        return " ON( ";

     * Used during the creation of an ANSI join to complete the criteria of an
     * optional table by closing the ON clause.
     * @return the default implementation returns " ) ".
    public String endOnClause() {
        return " ) ";

    private String getSQLTypeOfDBDatatype(PropertyWrapper field) {
        return getDatabaseDataTypeOfQueryableDatatype(field.getQueryableDatatype());

     * Supplied to allow the DBDefintion to override the standard QDT datatype.
     * <p>
     * When the
     * @param qdt   qdt
     * @return the databases type for the QDT as a string
    protected String getDatabaseDataTypeOfQueryableDatatype(QueryableDatatype qdt) {
        return qdt.getSQLDatatype();

     * Provides an opportunity for the definition to insert a row limiting
     * statement after the query
     * for example MySQL/MariaDB use SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... LIMIT 10 ;
     * Based on the example for MySQL/MariaDB this method should return " LIMIT 10
     * "
     * If the database does not support row limiting this method should throw an
     * exception when rowLimit is not null
     * If the database does not limit rows after the where clause this method
     * should return ""
     * @param options   options
     * @return the row limiting sub-clause or ""
    public Object getLimitRowsSubClauseAfterWhereClause(QueryOptions options) {
        int rowLimit = options.getRowLimit();
        Integer pageNumber = options.getPageIndex();
        if (rowLimit > 0 && supportsPagingNatively(options)) {
            long offset = pageNumber * rowLimit;
            return "LIMIT " + rowLimit + " OFFSET " + offset;
        } else {
            return "";

     * The place holder for variables inserted into a prepared statement, usually
     * " ? "
     * @return the place holder for variables as a string
    public String getPreparedVariableSymbol() {
        return " ? ";

     * Indicates whether this database distinguishes between upper and lowercase
     * letters in column names.
     * @return the default implementation returns FALSE.
    public boolean isColumnNamesCaseSensitive() {
        return false;

     * Used during output of BLOB columns to avoid complications in some
     * scenarios.
     * @return the default implementation returns "/*"
    public String startMultilineComment() {
        return "/*";

     * Used during output of BLOB columns to avoid complications in some
     * scenarios.
     * @return the default implementation returns "*\/"
    public String endMultilineComment() {
        return "*/";

     * Used within DBInsert to start the VALUES clause of the INSERT statement.
     * @return the default implementation returns " VALUES( ".
    public String beginValueClause() {
        return " VALUES ( ";

     * Used within DBInsert to end the VALUES clause of the INSERT statement.
     * @return the default implementation returns " ) ".
    public Object endValueClause() {
        return ")";

     * Used within DBInsert to separate the values within the VALUES clause of the
     * INSERT statement.
     * @return the default implementation returns ",".
    public String getValuesClauseValueSeparator() {
        return ",";

     * Used within DBInsert to separate the columns within the INSERT clause of
     * the INSERT statement.
     * @return the default implementation returns ",".
    public String getValuesClauseColumnSeparator() {
        return ",";

     * Used during the creation of ANSI queries to separate the table and its
     * alias.
     * @return the default implementation returns " AS ".
    public String beginTableAlias() {
        return " AS ";

     * Used during the creation of ANSI queries to conclude the table alias.
     * @return the default implementation returns " ".
    public String endTableAlias() {
        return " ";

     * Transforms the table name into the unique and deterministic table alias.
     * @param tabRow   tabRow
     * @return the table alias.
    public String getTableAlias(RowDefinition tabRow) {
        return formatTableAlias("" + tabRow.getClass().getSimpleName().hashCode());

     * Formats the suggested table alias provided by DBvolution for the particular
     * database..
     * @param suggestedTableAlias   suggestedTableAlias
     * @return the table alias.
    public String formatTableAlias(String suggestedTableAlias) {
        return "_" + suggestedTableAlias.replaceAll("-", "_");

     * Defines the function used to get the current date (excluding time) from the
     * database.
     * @return the default implementation returns " CURRENT_DATE "
    protected String getCurrentDateOnlyFunctionName() {
        return " CURRENT_DATE";

     * Defines the function used to get the current timestamp from the database.
     * @return the default implementation returns " CURRENT_TIMESTAMP "
    protected String getCurrentDateTimeFunction() {
        return " CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ";

     * Creates the CURRENTTIMESTAMP function for this database.
     * @return a String of the SQL required to get the CurrentDateTime value.
    public String doCurrentDateTimeTransform() {
        return getCurrentDateTimeFunction();

     * Defines the function used to get the current time from the database.
     * @return the default implementation returns " CURRENT_TIMESTAMP "
    protected String getCurrentTimeFunction() {
        return " CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ";

     * Creates the CURRENTTIME function for this database.
     * @return a String of the SQL required to get the CurrentTime value.
    public String doCurrentTimeTransform() {
        return getCurrentTimeFunction();

     * Provides the SQL statement required to drop the named database.
     * @param databaseName   databaseName
     * @return the default implementation does not support dropping databases.
    public String getDropDatabase(String databaseName) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("DROP DATABASE is not supported by this DBDatabase implementation");

     * Wraps the provided SQL snippet in a statement that performs trims all
     * spaces from the left of the value of the snippet.
     * @param enclosedValue   enclosedValue
     * @return SQL snippet
    public String doLeftTrimTransform(String enclosedValue) {
        return " LTRIM(" + enclosedValue + ") ";

     * Wraps the provided SQL snippet in a statement that changes the value of the
     * snippet to lowercase characters.
     * @param enclosedValue   enclosedValue
     * @return SQL snippet
    public String doLowercaseTransform(String enclosedValue) {
        return " LOWER(" + enclosedValue + ") ";

     * Wraps the provided SQL snippet in a statement that trims all spaces from
     * the right of the value of the snippet.
     * @param enclosedValue   enclosedValue
     * @return SQL snippet
    public String doRightTrimTransform(String enclosedValue) {
        return " RTRIM(" + enclosedValue + " )";

     * Wraps the provided SQL snippet in a statement that the length of the value
     * of the snippet.
     * @param enclosedValue   enclosedValue
     * @return SQL snippet
    public String doStringLengthTransform(String enclosedValue) {
        return " " + getStringLengthFunctionName() + "( " + enclosedValue + " ) ";

     * Wraps the provided SQL snippet in a statement that performs trims all
     * spaces from the left and right of the value of the snippet.
     * @param enclosedValue   enclosedValue
     * @return SQL snippet
    public String doTrimFunction(String enclosedValue) {
        return " TRIM(" + enclosedValue + ") ";

     * Wraps the provided SQL snippet in a statement that changes the characters
     * of the value of the snippet to their uppercase equivalent.
     * @param enclosedValue   enclosedValue
     * @return SQL snippet
    public String doUppercaseTransform(String enclosedValue) {
        return " UPPER(" + enclosedValue + ") ";

     * Wraps the provided SQL snippets in a statement that joins the two snippets
     * into one SQL snippet.
     * @param firstString firstString
     * @param secondString secondString
     * @return SQL snippet
     * @see StringExpression#append(java.lang.String)
     * @see StringExpression#append(java.lang.Number)
     * @see StringExpression#append(
     * @see StringExpression#append(
    public String doConcatTransform(String firstString, String secondString) {
        return firstString + "||" + secondString;

     * Returns the function name of the function used to return the next value of
     * a sequence.
     * @return "NEXTVAL"
     * @see NumberExpression#getNextSequenceValue(java.lang.String)
     * @see NumberExpression#getNextSequenceValue(java.lang.String,
     * java.lang.String)
    public String getNextSequenceValueFunctionName() {
        return "NEXTVAL";

     * Returns the function name of the function used to remove all the spaces
     * padding the end of the value.
     * @return "RTRIM"
    public String getRightTrimFunctionName() {
        return "RTRIM";

     * Returns the function name of the function used to change the case of all
     * the letters in the value to lower case.
     * <p>
     * Usually databases only support lower and upper case functions for ASCII
     * characters. Support for change the case of unicode characters is dependent
     * on the underlying database.
     * @return "LOWER"
    public String getLowercaseFunctionName() {
        return "LOWER";

     * Returns the function name of the function used to change the case of all
     * the letters in the value to upper case.
     * <p>
     * Usually databases only support lower and upper case functions for ASCII
     * characters. Support for change the case of unicode characters is dependent
     * on the underlying database.
     * @return "UPPER"
    public String getUppercaseFunctionName() {
        return "UPPER";

     * Returns the function name of the function used to determine the number of
     * characters in the value.
     * <p>
     * DBvolution tries to ensure that the character length of a value is equal to
     * the character length of an equivalent Java String.
     * <p>
     * That is to say: DBV.charlength() === java.lang.String.length()
     * @return "LOWER"
    public String getStringLengthFunctionName() {
        return "CHAR_LENGTH";

     * Returns the function used to determine the username of the user currently
     * logged into the database.
     * <p>
     * Usually this is the same username supplied when you created the DBDatabase
     * instance.
     * @return "CURRENT_USER'
    public String getCurrentUserFunctionName() {
        return "CURRENT_USER";

     * Transforms a SQL snippet that is assumed to be a date into an SQL snippet
     * that provides the year part of the date.
     * @param dateExpression   dateExpression
     * @return a SQL snippet that will produce the year of the supplied date.
    public String doYearTransform(String dateExpression) {
        return "EXTRACT(YEAR FROM " + dateExpression + ")";

     * Transforms a SQL snippet that is assumed to be a date into an SQL snippet
     * that provides the month part of the date.
     * @param dateExpression   dateExpression
     * @return a SQL snippet that will produce the month of the supplied date.
    public String doMonthTransform(String dateExpression) {
        return "EXTRACT(MONTH FROM " + dateExpression + ")";

     * Transforms a SQL snippet that is assumed to be a date into an SQL snippet
     * that provides the day part of the date.
     * <p>
     * Day in this sense is the number of the day within the month: that is the 23
     * part of Monday 25th of August 2014
     * @param dateExpression   dateExpression
     * @return a SQL snippet that will produce the day of the supplied date.
    public String doDayTransform(String dateExpression) {
        return "EXTRACT(DAY FROM " + dateExpression + ")";

     * Transforms a SQL snippet that is assumed to be a date into an SQL snippet
     * that provides the hour part of the date.
     * @param dateExpression   dateExpression
     * @return a SQL snippet that will produce the hour of the supplied date.
    public String doHourTransform(String dateExpression) {
        return "EXTRACT(HOUR FROM " + dateExpression + ")";

     * Transforms a SQL snippet that is assumed to be a date into an SQL snippet
     * that provides the minute part of the date.
     * @param dateExpression   dateExpression
     * @return a SQL snippet that will produce the minute of the supplied date.
    public String doMinuteTransform(String dateExpression) {
        return "EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM " + dateExpression + ")";

     * Transforms a SQL snippet that is assumed to be a date into an SQL snippet
     * that provides the second part of the date.
     * @param dateExpression   dateExpression
     * @return a SQL snippet that will produce the second of the supplied date.
    public String doSecondTransform(String dateExpression) {
        return "EXTRACT(SECOND FROM " + dateExpression + ")";

     * Returns the partial second value from the date.
     * <p>
     * This should return the most detailed possible value less than a second for
     * the date expression provided. It should always return a value less than 1s.
     * @param dateExpression the date from which to get the subsecond part of.
     * @return SQL
    public String doSubsecondTransform(String dateExpression) {
        return "(EXTRACT(MILLISECOND FROM " + dateExpression + ")/1000.0000)";

     * Transforms an SQL snippet into an SQL snippet that provides the index of
     * the string to find.
     * @param originalString originalString
     * @param stringToFind stringToFind
     * @return a SQL snippet that will produce the index of the find string.
    public String doPositionInStringTransform(String originalString, String stringToFind) {
        return "POSITION(" + stringToFind + " IN " + originalString + ")";

     * Provides the function name of the COALESCE, IFNULL, or NVL function.
     * <p>
     * This provides the function name for this database that transforms a NULL
     * into another value.
     * @return "COALESCE"
    public String getIfNullFunctionName() {
        return "COALESCE";

     * Indicates whether the database supports statements that compares to boolean
     * values using EQUALS, NOT EQUALS, etc.
     * <p>
     * If the database supports statements that resolve to "true = true", this
     * method will return TRUE.
     * <p>
     * Internally this method is used to allow DBvolution to alter the SQL for MS
     * SQLServer so that DBBoolean columns can be compared like with other
     * databases.
     * @return TRUE if this database can compare boolean values, FALSE otherwise.
    public boolean supportsComparingBooleanResults() {
        return true;

     * Returns the function name of the function that negates boolean values.
     * @return "NOT"
    public String getNegationFunctionName() {
        return "NOT";

     * Provides the separator between GROUP BY clause items.
     * @return ", "
    public String getSubsequentGroupBySubClauseSeparator() {
        return ", ";

     * Provides the key words and syntax that start the GROUP BY clause.
     * @return " GROUP BY "
    public String beginGroupByClause() {
        return " GROUP BY ";

     * Provides the function of the function that provides the average of a
     * selection.
     * @return "AVG"
    public String getAverageFunctionName() {
        return "AVG";

     * Provides the function of the function that provides the count of items in a
     * selection.
     * @return "COUNT"
    public String getCountFunctionName() {
        return "COUNT";

     * Provides the function of the function that provides the maximum value in a
     * selection.
     * @return "MAX"
    public String getMaxFunctionName() {
        return "MAX";

     * Provides the function of the function that provides the minimum value in a
     * selection.
     * @return "MIN"
    public String getMinFunctionName() {
        return "MIN";

     * Provides the function of the function that provides the sum of a selection.
     * @return "SUM"
    public String getSumFunctionName() {
        return "SUM";

     * Provides the function of the function that provides the standard deviation
     * of a selection.
     * @return "stddev"
    public String getStandardDeviationFunctionName() {
        return "STDDEV";

     * Indicates whether the database prefers (probably exclusively) the ORDER BY
     * clause to use column indexes rather than column names.
     * @return the default implementation returns FALSE.
    public boolean prefersIndexBasedOrderByClause() {
        return false;

     * Indicates whether the the database supports a form of paging natively.
     * <p>
     * Databases that don't support paging will have paging handled by the java
     * side. Unfortunately this causes some problems as the entire dataset will be
     * retrieved with the first call, making the first call expensive in time and
     * memory. Subsequent calls will be more efficient but that probably won't
     * help your developers.
     * @param options   options
     * @return the default implementation returns TRUE.
    public boolean supportsPagingNatively(QueryOptions options) {
        return true;

     * Indicates that this database supports the JDBC generated keys API.
     * <p>
     * Generated keys are the preferred method for retrieving auto-increment
     * primary keys.
     * <p>
     * Alternatively the DBDefinition can overload {@link #supportsRetrievingLastInsertedRowViaSQL()
     * } and {@link #getRetrieveLastInsertedRowSQL() }
     * <p>
     * If both {@link #supportsGeneratedKeys()
     * } and {@link #supportsRetrievingLastInsertedRowViaSQL() } return false
     * DBvolution will not retrieve auto-incremented primary keys.
     * @return TRUE if this database supports the generated keys API, FLASE
     * otherwise.
    public boolean supportsGeneratedKeys() {
        return true;

     * Provides the name of the function that removes the decimal part of a real
     * number.
     * @return "trunc"
    public String getTruncFunctionName() {
        return "trunc";

     * Transforms 2 SQL snippets that represent a real number and a integer into a
     * real number with the decimal places reduced to the integer.
     * <p>
     * 0 decimal places transforms the real number into an integer.
     * @param realNumberExpression realNumberExpression
     * @param numberOfDecimalPlacesExpression numberOfDecimalPlacesExpression
     * @return an expression that reduces the realNumberExpression to only the
     * number of decimal places in numberOfDecimalPlacesExpression.
    public String doTruncTransform(String realNumberExpression, String numberOfDecimalPlacesExpression) {
        return getTruncFunctionName() + "(" + realNumberExpression + ", " + numberOfDecimalPlacesExpression + ")";

     * Returns the SQL required to directly compare 2 strings.
     * @param firstSQLExpression firstSQLExpression
     * @param secondSQLExpression secondSQLExpression
     * @return SQL snippet comparing the 2 strings
    public String doStringEqualsTransform(String firstSQLExpression, String secondSQLExpression) {
        return firstSQLExpression + " = " + secondSQLExpression;

     * Transforms a bit expression into an integer expression.
     * <p>
     * Used to allow comparison of bit columns in some databases.
     * @param booleanExpression   bitExpression
     * @return the transformation necessary to transform bitExpression into an
     * integer expression in the SQL.
    public String doBooleanToIntegerTransform(String booleanExpression) {
        return doIfThenElseTransform(booleanExpression, "" + 1, "" + 0);

     * Transforms a integer expression into an bit expression.
     * <p>
     * Used to allow comparison of integer columns in some databases.
     * @param bitExpression   bitExpression
     * @return the transformation necessary to transform bitExpression into an
     * integer expression in the SQL.
    public String doIntegerToBitTransform(String bitExpression) {
        return bitExpression;

     * Returns the suffix added to a column definition to support
     * auto-incrementing a column.
    public String getColumnAutoIncrementSuffix() {

     * Indicates whether the database prefers to use triggers and sequences to
     * maintain auto-incrementing identities.
     * @return the default implementation returns FALSE.
     * @see Oracle11XEDBDefinition#prefersTriggerBasedIdentities()
    public boolean prefersTriggerBasedIdentities() {
        return false;

     * Provides all the SQL necessary to create a trigger and sequence based
     * auto-incrementing identity.
     * @param db db
     * @param table table
     * @param column column
     * @return the default implementation returns an empty list.
     * @see
     * Oracle11XEDBDefinition#getTriggerBasedIdentitySQL(,
     * java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
    public List<String> getTriggerBasedIdentitySQL(DBDatabase db, String table, String column) {
        return new ArrayList<String>();

     * Provides the SQL type and modifiers required to create the column
     * associated with the provided field.
     * @param field the field of the column being created.
     * @return the datatype and appropriate modifiers.
     * @see PropertyWrapper#isAutoIncrement()
     * @see
     * #propertyWrapperConformsToAutoIncrementType(
     * @see #hasSpecialAutoIncrementType()
     * @see #getSpecialAutoIncrementType()
     * @see
     * #getSQLTypeOfDBDatatype(
     * @see #getColumnAutoIncrementSuffix()
     * @see AutoIncrementFieldClassAndDatatypeMismatch
    public final String getSQLTypeAndModifiersOfDBDatatype(PropertyWrapper field) {
        if (field.isAutoIncrement()) {
            if (propertyWrapperConformsToAutoIncrementType(field)) {
                if (hasSpecialAutoIncrementType()) {
                    return getSpecialAutoIncrementType();
                } else if (hasSpecialPrimaryKeyTypeForDBDatatype(field)) {
                    return getSpecialPrimaryKeyTypeOfDBDatatype(field) + getColumnAutoIncrementSuffix();
                } else {
                    return getSQLTypeOfDBDatatype(field) + getColumnAutoIncrementSuffix();
            } else {
                throw new AutoIncrementFieldClassAndDatatypeMismatch(field);
        if (field.isPrimaryKey()) {
            if (hasSpecialPrimaryKeyTypeForDBDatatype(field)) {
                return getSpecialPrimaryKeyTypeOfDBDatatype(field);
            } else {
                return getSQLTypeOfDBDatatype(field);
        } else {
            return getSQLTypeOfDBDatatype(field);

     * Provides the name that DBvolution will use for the sequence of a
     * trigger-based auto-increment implementation.
     * @param table table
     * @param column column
     * @return the name of the primary key sequence to be created.
    public String getPrimaryKeySequenceName(String table, String column) {
        return formatNameForDatabase(table + "_" + column + "dsq");

     * Provides the name that DBvolution will use for the trigger of a
     * trigger-based auto-increment implementation.
     * @param table table
     * @param column column
     * @return the name of the trigger to be created.
    public String getPrimaryKeyTriggerName(String table, String column) {
        return formatNameForDatabase(table + "_" + column + "dtg");

     * Indicates whether the database uses a special type for it's auto-increment
     * columns.
     * @return the default implementation returns FALSE.
    protected boolean hasSpecialAutoIncrementType() {
        return false;

     * Indicates whether field provided can be used as a auto-incrementing column
     * in this database
     * @return true if the QDT field can be used with this database's
     * autoincrement feature.
    private boolean propertyWrapperConformsToAutoIncrementType(PropertyWrapper field) {
        final QueryableDatatype qdt = field.getQueryableDatatype();
        return propertyWrapperConformsToAutoIncrementType(qdt);

     * Indicates whether {@link QueryableDatatype} provided can be used as a
     * auto-incrementing column in this database
     * @param qdt   qdt
     * @return the default implementation returns TRUE for DBNumber or DBString,
     * FALSE otherwise.
    protected boolean propertyWrapperConformsToAutoIncrementType(QueryableDatatype qdt) {
        return (qdt instanceof DBNumber) || (qdt instanceof DBInteger);

     * Provides the special auto-increment type used by this database if it has
     * one.
     * @return the default implementation returns ""
    protected String getSpecialAutoIncrementType() {
        return "";

     * Indicates whether the database prefers the primary key to be defined at the
     * end of the CREATE TABLE statement.
     * @return the default implementation returns TRUE.
    public boolean prefersTrailingPrimaryKeyDefinition() {
        return true;

     * Indicates whether the database requires LargeObjects to be encoded as
     * Base64 CLOBS using the CharacterStream method to read the value.
     * @return the default implementation returns FALSE.
    public boolean prefersLargeObjectsReadAsBase64CharacterStream() {
        return false;

     * Indicates whether the database prefers reading BLOBs using the getBytes()
     * method.
     * @return the default implementation returns FALSE
    public boolean prefersLargeObjectsReadAsBytes() {
        return false;

     * Indicates whether the database prefers reading BLOBs using the getClob()
     * method.
     * @return the default implementation returns FALSE
    public boolean prefersLargeObjectsReadAsCLOB() {
        return false;

     * Indicates whether the database prefers reading BLOBs using the getBlob()
     * method.
     * @return the default implementation returns FALSE
    public boolean prefersLargeObjectsReadAsBLOB() {
        return false;

     * Transforms the arguments into a SQL snippet that produces a substring of
     * the originalString from the start for length characters.
     * @param originalString originalString
     * @param start start
     * @param length length
     * @return an expression that will produce an appropriate substring of the
     * originalString.
    public String doSubstringTransform(String originalString, String start, String length) {
        return " SUBSTRING(" + originalString + " FROM " + start + (length.trim().isEmpty() ? "" : " FOR " + length)
                + ") ";

     * Indicates that the database prefers Large Object values to be set using the
     * setCharacterStream method.
     * <p>
     * If both {@link #prefersLargeObjectsSetAsCharacterStream() } and
     * {@link #prefersLargeObjectsSetAsBase64String()} return FALSE, DBvolution
     * will use the setBinaryStream method to set the value.
     * @return the default implementation returns FALSE.
    public boolean prefersLargeObjectsSetAsCharacterStream() {
        return false;

     * Indicates that the database prefers Large Object values to be set using the
     * setBLOB method.
     * <p>
     * If both {@link #prefersLargeObjectsSetAsCharacterStream() } and
     * {@link #prefersLargeObjectsSetAsBase64String()} return FALSE, DBvolution
     * will use the setBinaryStream method to set the value.
     * @return the default implementation returns FALSE.
    public boolean prefersLargeObjectsSetAsBLOB() {
        return false;

     * Indicates that the database prefers Large Object values to be set using the
     * setCharacterStream method.
     * <p>
     * If both {@link #prefersLargeObjectsSetAsCharacterStream() } and
     * {@link #prefersLargeObjectsSetAsBase64String()} return FALSE, DBvolution
     * will use the setBinaryStream method to set the value.
     * @return the default implementation returns FALSE.
    public boolean prefersLargeObjectsSetAsBase64String() {
        return false;

     * Provides the name of the function that will choose the largest value from a
     * list of options.
     * @return " GREATEST "
    public String getGreatestOfFunctionName() {
        return " GREATEST ";

     * Provides the name of the function that will choose the smallest value from
     * a list of options.
     * @return " LEAST "
    public String getLeastOfFunctionName() {
        return " LEAST ";

     * Provides Cheeseburger.
     * @return a cheeseburger.
    public String getCheezBurger() {
        return " LOL! De beez dont makes cheezburger.";

     * Indicates whether the database prefers date values to be read as Strings.
     * <p>
     * Normally dates are read as dates but this method switches DBvolution to
     * using a text mode.
     * @return the default implementation returns false.
     * @see #parseDateFromGetString(java.lang.String)
    public boolean prefersDatesReadAsStrings() {
        return false;

     * returns the date format used when reading dates as strings.
     * <p>
     * Normally dates are read as dates but this method allows DBvolution to read
     * them using a text mode.
     * @param getStringDate a date retrieved with {@link ResultSet#getString(java.lang.String)
     * }
     * @return return the date format required to interpret strings as dates.
     * @throws java.text.ParseException SimpleDateFormat may throw a parse
     * exception
     * @see #prefersDatesReadAsStrings()
    public Date parseDateFromGetString(String getStringDate) throws ParseException {
        return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse(getStringDate);

     * Provides an opportunity to tweak the generated DBTableField before creating
     * the Java classes
     * @param dbTableField the current field being processed by
     * DBTableClassGenerator
    public void sanityCheckDBTableField(DBTableField dbTableField) {

     * Indicates whether this DBDefinition supports retrieving the primary key of
     * the last inserted row using SQL.
     * <p>
     * Preferably the database should support
     * {@link #supportsGeneratedKeys() generated keys} but if it doesn't this and {@link #getRetrieveLastInsertedRowSQL()
     * }
     * allow the DBDefinition to provide raw SQL for retrieving the last created
     * primary key.
     * <p>
     * The database should support either generated keys or last inserted row SQL.
     * <p>
     * If both {@link #supportsGeneratedKeys()
     * } and {@link #supportsRetrievingLastInsertedRowViaSQL() } return false
     * DBvolution will not retrieve auto-incremented primary keys.
     * <p>
     * Originally provided for the SQLite-JDBC driver.
     * @return TRUE if the database supports retrieving the last generated key
     * using a SQL script, FALSE otherwise.
    public boolean supportsRetrievingLastInsertedRowViaSQL() {
        return false;

     * Provides the SQL required to retrieve that last inserted row if {@link #supportsRetrievingLastInsertedRowViaSQL()
     * } returns TRUE.
     * @return the default implementation returns "".
    public String getRetrieveLastInsertedRowSQL() {
        return "";

     * Provides the database's version of an empty string.
     * @return '' or the database's equivalent.
    public String getEmptyString() {
        return beginStringValue() + endStringValue();

     * Indicates whether the database supports the standard DEGREES function.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation returns TRUE.
     * <p>
     * If the database does not support the standard function then the definition
     * may override {@link #doDegreesTransform(java.lang.String) } to implement
     * the required functionality.
     * @return TRUE if the database supports the standard DEGREES function,
     * otherwise FALSE.
    public boolean supportsDegreesFunction() {
        return true;

     * Indicates whether the database supports the standard RADIANS function.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation returns TRUE.
     * <p>
     * If the database does not support the standard function then the definition
     * may override {@link #doRadiansTransform(java.lang.String) } to implement
     * the required functionality.
     * @return TRUE if the database supports the standard RADIANS function,
     * otherwise FALSE.
    public boolean supportsRadiansFunction() {
        return true;

     * Implements the degrees to radians transformation using simple maths.
     * <p>
     * If the database does not support the standard RADIANS function this method
     * provides another method of providing the function.
     * @param degreesSQL   degreesSQL
     * @return the degrees expression transformed into a radians expression
    public String doRadiansTransform(String degreesSQL) {
        return " (" + degreesSQL + ") * 0.0174532925 ";

     * Implements the radians to degrees transformation using simple maths.
     * <p>
     * If the database does not support the standard DEGREES function this method
     * provides another method of providing the function.
     * @param radiansSQL   radiansSQL
     * @return the radians expression transformed into a degrees expression
    public String doDegreesTransform(String radiansSQL) {
        return " " + radiansSQL + " * 57.2957795 ";

     * Provides the name of the function that raises e to the power of the
     * provided value.
     * @return "EXP"
    public String getExpFunctionName() {
        return "EXP";

     * Indicates whether the database has a built-in EXP function.
     * <p>
     * If the database does not support EXP, then DBvolution will use an
     * expression to calculate the value.
     * @return the default implementation returns TRUE.
    public boolean supportsExpFunction() {
        return true;

     * Indicates whether the database supports the standard deviation function.
     * <p>
     * DBvolution will use a terrible approximation of standard deviation if the
     * database neither has a built-in function nor supports another method of
     * implementing it.
     * @return the default implementation returns TRUE.
    public boolean supportsStandardDeviationFunction() {
        return true;

     * Indicates whether the database supports the modulus function.
     * @return the default implementation returns TRUE.
    public boolean supportsModulusFunction() {
        return true;

     * Implements the integer division remainder (mod) function.
     * @param firstNumber firstNumber
     * @param secondNumber secondNumber
     * @return the SQL required to get the integer division remainder.
    public String doModulusTransform(String firstNumber, String secondNumber) {
        return "(" + firstNumber + ") % (" + secondNumber + ")";

     * Does the required transformation to produce an SQL snippet that adds
     * numberOfSeconds seconds to the dateValue.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param numberOfSeconds numberOfSeconds
     * @return an SQL snippet
    public String doAddSecondsTransform(String dateValue, String numberOfSeconds) {
        return "DATE_ADD(" + dateValue + ", INTERVAL (" + numberOfSeconds + ") SECOND )";

     * Does the required transformation to produce an SQL snippet that adds
     * numberOfMinutes minutes to the dateValue.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param numberOfMinutes numberOfMinutes
     * @return an SQL snippet
    public String doAddMinutesTransform(String dateValue, String numberOfMinutes) {
        return "DATE_ADD(" + dateValue + ", INTERVAL (" + numberOfMinutes + ") MINUTE )";

     * Does the required transformation to produce an SQL snippet that adds
     * numberOfdays days to the dateValue.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param numberOfDays numberOfDays
     * @return an SQL snippet
    public String doAddDaysTransform(String dateValue, String numberOfDays) {
        return "DATE_ADD(" + dateValue + ", INTERVAL (" + numberOfDays + ") DAY )";

     * Does the required transformation to produce an SQL snippet that adds
     * numberOfHours hours to the dateValue.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param numberOfHours numberOfHours
     * @return an SQL snippet
    public String doAddHoursTransform(String dateValue, String numberOfHours) {
        return "DATE_ADD(" + dateValue + ", INTERVAL (" + numberOfHours + ") HOUR )";

     * Does the required transformation to produce an SQL snippet that adds
     * numberOfWeeks weeks to the dateValue.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param numberOfWeeks numberOfWeeks
     * @return an SQL snippet
    public String doAddWeeksTransform(String dateValue, String numberOfWeeks) {
        return "DATE_ADD(" + dateValue + ", INTERVAL (" + numberOfWeeks + ") WEEK )";

     * Does the required transformation to produce an SQL snippet that adds
     * numberOfMonths months to the dateValue.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param numberOfMonths numberOfMonths
     * @return an SQL snippet
    public String doAddMonthsTransform(String dateValue, String numberOfMonths) {
        return "DATE_ADD(" + dateValue + ", INTERVAL (" + numberOfMonths + ") MONTH )";

     * Does the required transformation to produce an SQL snippet that adds
     * numberOfYears years to the dateValue.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param numberOfYears numberOfYears
     * @return an SQL snippet
    public String doAddYearsTransform(String dateValue, String numberOfYears) {
        return "DATE_ADD(" + dateValue + ", INTERVAL (" + numberOfYears + ") YEAR )";

     * Transform a Java Boolean into the equivalent in an SQL snippet.
     * @param boolValue   boolValue
     * @return an SQL snippet
    public String doBooleanValueTransform(Boolean boolValue) {
        if (boolValue == null) {
            return getNull();
        } else if (boolValue) {
            return getTrueValue();
        } else {
            return getFalseValue();
        //      return beginNumberValue() + (boolValue ? 1 : 0) + endNumberValue();

     * Indicates whether the database supports use of the "^" operator to perform
     * boolean XOR.
     * @return TRUE if the database supports "^" as XOR, FALSE otherwise.
    public boolean supportsXOROperator() {
        return false;

     * Transform a set of SQL snippets into the database's version of the LEAST
     * function.
     * <p>
     * The LEAST function takes a list of values and returns the smallest value.
     * <p>
     * Not to be confused with the MIN aggregate function.
     * @param strs   strs
     * @return a String of the SQL required to find the smallest value in the list
     * provided.
    public String doLeastOfTransformation(List<String> strs) {
        if (supportsLeastOfNatively()) {
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(getLeastOfFunctionName() + "(");
            String comma = "";
            for (String str : strs) {
                comma = ", ";
            return sql.append(")").toString();
        } else {
            return fakeLeastOfTransformation(strs);

    private String fakeLeastOfTransformation(List<String> strs) {
        String sql = "";
        String prevCase = null;
        if (strs.size() == 1) {
            return strs.get(0);
        for (String str : strs) {
            if (prevCase == null) {
                prevCase = "(" + str + ")";
            } else {
                sql = "(case when " + str + " < " + prevCase + " then " + str + " else " + prevCase + " end)";
        return sql;

     * Transform a set of SQL snippets into the database's version of the GREATEST
     * function.
     * <p>
     * The GREATEST function takes a list of values and returns the largest value.
     * <p>
     * Not to be confused with the MAX aggregate function.
     * @param strs   strs
     * @return a String of the SQL required to get the largest value in the
     * supplied list.
    public String doGreatestOfTransformation(List<String> strs) {
        if (supportsGreatestOfNatively()) {
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(getGreatestOfFunctionName() + "(");
            String comma = "";
            for (String str : strs) {
                comma = ", ";
            return sql.append(")").toString();
        } else {
            return fakeGreatestOfTransformation(strs);

    private String fakeGreatestOfTransformation(List<String> strs) {
        String sql = "";
        String prevCase = null;
        if (strs.size() == 1) {
            return strs.get(0);
        for (String str : strs) {
            if (prevCase == null) {
                prevCase = "(" + str + ")";
            } else {
                sql = "(case when " + str + " > " + prevCase + " then " + str + " else " + prevCase + " end)";
        return sql;

     * Returns the SQL string used to replace the value of a substring with
     * another string.
     * @param withinString search within this value
     * @param findString search for this value
     * @param replaceString replace with this value
     * @return "REPLACE(withinString, findString, replaceString)"
     * @see StringExpression#replace(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
     * @see StringExpression#replace(java.lang.String,
     * @see StringExpression#replace(,
     * java.lang.String)
     * @see StringExpression#replace(,
    public String doReplaceTransform(String withinString, String findString, String replaceString) {
        return "REPLACE(" + withinString + "," + findString + "," + replaceString + ")";

     * Transforms a SQL snippet of a number expression into a character expression
     * for this database.
     * @param numberExpression   numberExpression
     * @return a String of the SQL required to transform the number supplied into
     * a character or String type.
    public String doNumberToStringTransform(String numberExpression) {
        return doConcatTransform(getEmptyString(), numberExpression);

     * Creates the CURRENTDATE function for this database.
     * @return a String of the SQL required to get the CurrentDateOnly value.
    public String doCurrentDateOnlyTransform() {
        return getCurrentDateOnlyFunctionName().trim() + "()";

     * Convert the boolean array of bit values into the SQL equivalent.
     * @param booleanArray   booleanArray
     * @return SQL snippet.
    public String doBitsValueTransform(boolean[] booleanArray) {
        String result = "";
        String separator = "ARRAY(";
        for (boolean c : booleanArray) {
            if (c) {
                result += separator + "true";
            } else {
                result += separator + "false";
            separator = ",";
        if (!separator.equals("(")) {
            result += ")";
        return result;

     * Convert the 2 SQL date values into a difference in days.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param otherDateValue otherDateValue
     * @return SQL
    public String doDayDifferenceTransform(String dateValue, String otherDateValue) {
        return "(DATEDIFF('DAY', " + dateValue + "," + otherDateValue + "))";

     * Convert the 2 SQL date values into a difference in days.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param otherDateValue otherDateValue
     * @return SQL
    public String doWeekDifferenceTransform(String dateValue, String otherDateValue) {
        return "(" + doDayDifferenceTransform(dateValue, otherDateValue) + "/7)";

     * Convert the 2 SQL date values into a difference in months.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param otherDateValue otherDateValue
     * @return SQL
    public String doMonthDifferenceTransform(String dateValue, String otherDateValue) {
        return "(DATEDIFF('MONTH', " + dateValue + "," + otherDateValue + "))";

     * Convert the 2 SQL date values into a difference in years.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param otherDateValue otherDateValue
     * @return SQL
    public String doYearDifferenceTransform(String dateValue, String otherDateValue) {
        return "(DATEDIFF('YEAR', " + dateValue + "," + otherDateValue + "))";

     * Convert the 2 SQL date values into a difference in hours.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param otherDateValue otherDateValue
     * @return SQL
    public String doHourDifferenceTransform(String dateValue, String otherDateValue) {
        return "(DATEDIFF('HOUR', " + dateValue + "," + otherDateValue + "))";

     * Convert the 2 SQL date values into a difference in minutes.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param otherDateValue otherDateValue
     * @return SQL
    public String doMinuteDifferenceTransform(String dateValue, String otherDateValue) {
        return "(DATEDIFF('MINUTE', " + dateValue + "," + otherDateValue + "))";

     * Convert the 2 SQL date values into a difference in whole seconds.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param otherDateValue otherDateValue
     * @return SQL
    public String doSecondDifferenceTransform(String dateValue, String otherDateValue) {
        return "(DATEDIFF('SECOND', " + dateValue + "," + otherDateValue + "))";

     * Convert the 2 SQL date values into a difference in milliseconds.
     * @param dateValue dateValue
     * @param otherDateValue otherDateValue
     * @return SQL
    //   public String doMillisecondDifferenceTransform(String dateValue, String otherDateValue) {
    //      return "(DATEDIFF('MILLISECOND', " + dateValue + "," + otherDateValue + "))";
    //   }
     * Create a foreign key clause for use in a CREATE TABLE statement from the
     * {@link PropertyWrapper} provided.
     * @param field   field
     * @return The default implementation returns something like " FOREIGN KEY
     * (column) REFERENCES table(reference_column) "
    public String getForeignKeyClauseForCreateTable(PropertyWrapper field) {
        if (field.isForeignKey()) {
            return " FOREIGN KEY (" + field.columnName() + ") REFERENCES " + field.referencedTableName() + "("
                    + field.referencedColumnName() + ") ";
        return "";

     * Produce SQL that will provide return the second value if the first is NULL.
     * @param possiblyNullValue possiblyNullValue
     * @param alternativeIfNull alternativeIfNull
     * @return SQL
    public String doStringIfNullTransform(String possiblyNullValue, String alternativeIfNull) {
        return this.getIfNullFunctionName() + "(" + possiblyNullValue + ","
                + (alternativeIfNull == null ? "NULL" : alternativeIfNull) + ")";

     * Produce SQL that will provide return the second value if the first is NULL.
     * @param possiblyNullValue possiblyNullValue
     * @param alternativeIfNull alternativeIfNull
     * @return SQL
    public String doNumberIfNullTransform(String possiblyNullValue, String alternativeIfNull) {
        return doStringIfNullTransform(possiblyNullValue, alternativeIfNull);

     * Produce SQL that will provide return the second value if the first is NULL.
     * @param possiblyNullValue possiblyNullValue
     * @param alternativeIfNull alternativeIfNull
     * @return SQL
    public String doDateIfNullTransform(String possiblyNullValue, String alternativeIfNull) {
        return doStringIfNullTransform(possiblyNullValue, alternativeIfNull);

     * Produce SQL that will compare the first value to all the other values using
     * the IN operator.
     * @param comparableValue comparableValue
     * @param values values
     * @return SQL similar to "comparableValue IN (value, value, value)"
    public String doInTransform(String comparableValue, List<String> values) {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        builder.append(comparableValue).append(" IN ( ");
        String separator = "";
        for (String val : values) {
            if (val != null) {
            separator = ", ";
        return builder.toString();

     * Returns FROM clause to be used for this table.
     * @param table the table to transform into a FROM clause.
     * @return a SQL snippet for a FROM clause.
    public String getFromClause(DBRow table) {
        String recursiveTableAlias = table.getRecursiveTableAlias();
        if (recursiveTableAlias != null) {
            return recursiveTableAlias;
        } else {
            return formatTableName(table) + beginTableAlias() + getTableAlias(table) + endTableAlias();

     * The beginning of the WITH variant supported by this database.
     * @return "WITH RECURSIVE" by default.
    public String beginWithClause() {
        return " WITH RECURSIVE ";

     * Define the table to be used during a recursive query.
     * @param recursiveTableAlias the table alias used during the recursive query.
     * @param recursiveColumnNames all the columns in the recursive part of the
     * query.
     * @return by default something like: ALIAS(COL1, COL2, ... )
    public String formatWithClauseTableDefinition(String recursiveTableAlias, String recursiveColumnNames) {
        return recursiveTableAlias + "(" + recursiveColumnNames + ")" + " \n";

     * Return the default preamble to the priming query of a
     * {@link DBRecursiveQuery}.
     * @return " AS ("
    public String beginWithClausePrimingQuery() {
        return " AS (";

     * Return the necessary connector between the priming query and the recursive
     * query used in a {@link DBRecursiveQuery}.
     * @return " \n UNION ALL "
    public String endWithClausePrimingQuery() {
        return " \n UNION ALL ";

     * Return the default preamble to the recursive query of a
     * {@link DBRecursiveQuery}.
     * @return ""
    public String beginWithClauseRecursiveQuery() {
        return "";

     * Return the default preamble to the recursive query of a
     * {@link DBRecursiveQuery}.
     * @return " \n ) \n"
    public String endWithClauseRecursiveQuery() {
        return " \n ) \n";

     * Return the default select clause for the final query of a
     * {@link DBRecursiveQuery}.
     * @param recursiveTableAlias the table alias used in the recursive query.
     * @param recursiveAliases all the column aliases used in the recursive query.
     * @return " SELECT ... FROM ... ORDER BY ... ASC; ";
    public String doSelectFromRecursiveTable(String recursiveTableAlias, String recursiveAliases) {
        return " SELECT " + recursiveAliases + ", " + getRecursiveQueryDepthColumnName() + " FROM "
                + recursiveTableAlias + " ORDER BY " + getRecursiveQueryDepthColumnName() + " ASC; ";

     * Indicates whether this database needs the recursive query to use table
     * aliases.
     * @return TRUE
    public boolean requiresRecursiveTableAlias() {
        return true;

     * Return the default name for the depth column generated during a
     * {@link DBRecursiveQuery}.
     * @return " DBDEPTHCOLUMN "
    public String getRecursiveQueryDepthColumnName() {
        return " DBDEPTHCOLUMN ";

     * Expresses whether the database has a particular datatype for primary key
     * columns.
     * @param field the property to check
     * @return FALSE by default
    protected boolean hasSpecialPrimaryKeyTypeForDBDatatype(PropertyWrapper field) {
        return false;

     * Return the necessary SQL data type for this field to be a primary key in
     * this database.
     * @param field the property to check
     * @return by default DBvolution returns the standard datatype for this field.
    protected String getSpecialPrimaryKeyTypeOfDBDatatype(PropertyWrapper field) {
        return getSQLTypeOfDBDatatype(field);

     * Indicates whether the LEASTOF operator is supported by the database or
     * needs to be emulated.
     * @return TRUE by default.
    protected boolean supportsLeastOfNatively() {
        return true;

     * Indicates whether the GREATESTOF operator is supported by the database or
     * needs to be emulated.
     * @return TRUE by default.
    protected boolean supportsGreatestOfNatively() {
        return true;

     * Indicates whether the database supports grouping by columns that don't
     * involve any tables.
     * @return TRUE by default.
    public boolean supportsPurelyFunctionalGroupByColumns() {
        return true;

     * Creates a pattern that will exclude system tables during DBRow class
     * generation i.e. {@link DBTableClassGenerator}.
     * <p>
     * By default this method returns ".*" as system tables are not a problem for
     * most databases.
     * @return default is ".*" so all tables are included.
    public String getSystemTableExclusionPattern() {
        return ".*";

     * Allows the database to have a different format for the primary key column
     * name.
     * <p>
     * Most databases do not have a problem with this method but PostgreSQL likes
     * the column name to be lowercase in this particular instance.
     * @param primaryKeyColumnName the name of the primary key column formatted
     * for this database
     * @return the Primary Key formatted for this database.
    public String formatPrimaryKeyForRetrievingGeneratedKeys(String primaryKeyColumnName) {
        return primaryKeyColumnName;

     * Choose a string option based on the number in the first parameter.
     * <p>
     * Based on the MS SQLserver CHOOSE function, this method allows the first
     * parameter to determine which string is appropriate. If the number is 1, the
     * first string is returned, 2 returns the second and so forth. If the number
     * exceeds the number of strings the last string is returned.s
     * @param numberToChooseWith the index to use
     * @param strs the options to choose from.
     * @return SQL
    public String doChooseTransformation(String numberToChooseWith, List<String> strs) {
        if (supportsChooseNatively()) {
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(getChooseFunctionName() + "(" + numberToChooseWith);
            String comma = ", ";
            for (String str : strs) {
            return sql.append(")").toString();
        } else {
            return fakeChooseTransformation(numberToChooseWith, strs);

    private String fakeChooseTransformation(String numberToChooseWith, List<String> strs) {
        String sql = "(case ";
        String prevCase = null;
        if (strs.size() == 1) {
            return strs.get(0);
        String op = " <= ";
        for (int index = 0; index < strs.size(); index++) {
            String str = strs.get(index);
            if (index == strs.size() - 1) {
                sql += " else " + str + " end)";
            } else {
                sql += " when " + numberToChooseWith + op + (index + 1) + " then " + str
                        + System.getProperty("line.separator");
                op = " = ";
        return sql;

     * Allows the DBDatabase instance to provide the database-specific name for
     * the CHOOSE function.
     * <p>
     * Used by {@link #doChooseTransformation(java.lang.String, java.util.List)
     * } to connect to the correct database function.
     * @return SQL
    public String getChooseFunctionName() {
        return "";

     * Switchs the
     * {@link #doChooseTransformation(java.lang.String, java.util.List)} to using
     * the database's native function.
     * <p>
     * Override this method and return TRUE if the database has a native
     * equivalent to the CHOOSE function as used by  {@link #doChooseTransformation(java.lang.String, java.util.List) }.
     * <p>
     * You will also need to implement {@link #getChooseFunctionName() }.
     * @return TRUE if the database has a CHOOSE equivalent, otherwise FALSE
    protected boolean supportsChooseNatively() {
        return false;

     * Implements functionality similar to IF THEN ELSE probably using CASE.
     * <p>
     * Returns the second parameter if the first is TRUE, otherwise returns the
     * third parameter.
     * @param booleanTest the true/false test
     * @param thenResult the result to return if the test returns TRUE
     * @param elseResult the result to return if the test returns FALSE
     * @return IF the booleanTest is TRUE returns the thenResult, otherwise
     * returns elseResult.
    public String doIfThenElseTransform(String booleanTest, String thenResult, String elseResult) {
        return "(CASE WHEN " + booleanTest + " THEN " + thenResult + " ELSE " + elseResult + " END)";

     * Extracts the weekday from the date provided as a number from 1 to 7.
     * <p>
     * Provides access to the day of the week as a number from 1 for Sunday to 7
     * for Saturday.
     * @param dateSQL the date to get the day of the week for.
     * @return a number between 1 and 7 for the weekday.
    abstract public String doDayOfWeekTransform(String dateSQL);

     * Provides the CREATE INDEX clause for this database.
     * <p>
     * Used in {@link DBDatabase#createIndexesOnAllFields(
     * } to create indexes for the fields of the table.
     * @param field the field to generate an index for
     * @return SQL
    public String getIndexClauseForCreateTable(PropertyWrapper field) {
        return "CREATE INDEX " + formatNameForDatabase("DBI_" + field.tableName() + "_" + field.columnName())
                + " ON " + formatNameForDatabase(field.tableName()) + "("
                + formatNameForDatabase(field.columnName()) + ")";

     * Transforms the array of booleans into the database format.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation changes the array into a string of 0s and 1s.
     * @param bools all the true/false values
     * @return a string of 1s and 0s representing the boolean array.
    public String doBooleanArrayTransform(Boolean[] bools) {
        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
        for (Boolean bool : bools) {
            str.append((bool == true ? "1" : "0"));
        return "'" + str.toString() + "'";

     * Reverses the {@link #doBooleanArrayTransform(java.lang.Boolean[]) } and
     * creates an array of booleans.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation transforms a string of 0s and 1s into an array
     * of Booleans.
     * @param stringOfBools all the true/false values
     * @return an array of Booleans.
    public Boolean[] doBooleanArrayResultInterpretation(String stringOfBools) {
        if (stringOfBools != null && stringOfBools.length() > 0) {
            Boolean[] result = new Boolean[stringOfBools.length()];
            for (int i = 0; i < stringOfBools.length(); i++) {
                result[i] = (stringOfBools.substring(i, i + 1)).equals("1");
            return result;
        } else {
            return null;

     * Indicates if the database supports ARRAYs natively and the functionality
     * has been implemented.
     * @return TRUE by default.
    public boolean supportsArraysNatively() {
        return true;

     * Implement this method if the database implements ARRAYs but not BOOLEAN.
     * @param objRepresentingABoolean an object to be used in the boolean array
     * @return a boolean derived from objRepresentingABoolean.
    public Boolean doBooleanArrayElementTransform(Object objRepresentingABoolean) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Transform the to numbers to compare then with equals.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation is {@code leftHandSide + " = " + rightHandSide}.
     * @param leftHandSide the first value to compare
     * @param rightHandSide the second value to compare
     * @return the SQL required to compare the two numbers.
    public String doNumberEqualsTransform(String leftHandSide, String rightHandSide) {
        return "" + leftHandSide + " = " + rightHandSide + "";

     * Creates the ALTER TABLE statement required to add a FOREIGN KEY constraint.
     * <p>
     * Remember to check {@code field.isForeignKey()} first.
     * @param newTableRow the table to be altered.
     * @param field the field to add a foreign key from
     * @return the SQL to add a foreign key.
    public String getAlterTableAddForeignKeyStatement(DBRow newTableRow, PropertyWrapper field) {
        if (field.isForeignKey()) {
            return "ALTER TABLE " + this.formatTableName(newTableRow) + " ADD "
                    + this.getForeignKeyClauseForCreateTable(field);
        return "";

     * Creates the ALTER TABLE statement required to remove a FOREIGN KEY
     * constraint.
     * <p>
     * Remember to check {@code field.isForeignKey()} first.
     * @param newTableRow the table to be altered.
     * @param field the field to remove the foreign key from.
     * @return the SQL to remove a foreign key.
    public String getAlterTableDropForeignKeyStatement(DBRow newTableRow, PropertyWrapper field) {
        if (field.isForeignKey()) {
            return "ALTER TABLE " + this.formatTableName(newTableRow) + " DROP FOREIGN KEY " + field.columnName();
        return "";

     * Perform necessary transformations on the stored value to make it readable
     * by Java.
     * <p>
     * Primarily used on Spatial types, this method allows a data type unknown to
     * JDBC to be transformed into the necessary type (usually a String) to be
     * read by Java and DBvolution.
     * @param qdt the DBV value to be stored
     * @param selectableName the selectable value
     * @return SQL
    public String doColumnTransformForSelect(QueryableDatatype qdt, String selectableName) {
        return selectableName;

     * Creates a string representation of a DateRepeat from the Period
     * @param interval the interval to be transformed into a DateRepeat.
     * @return a DateRpeat as an SQL string
    public String transformPeriodIntoDateRepeat(Period interval) {
        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
        str.append(interval.getDays() + (interval.getWeeks() * 7)).append(DateRepeatExpression.DAY_SUFFIX);
        return str.toString();

     * Create a DateRepeat by subtracting the 2 dates.
     * @param leftHandSide the first date
     * @param rightHandSide the second date to subtract from the first
     * @return the SQL required to create a DateRepeat from the dates
    public String doDateMinusToDateRepeatTransformation(String leftHandSide, String rightHandSide) {
        return "(" + leftHandSide + " - " + rightHandSide + ")";

     * Compare 2 DateRepeats using EQUALS.
     * @param leftHandSide the first value to compare
     * @param rightHandSide the second value to compare
     * @return the SQL required to create to compare DateRepeats
    public String doDateRepeatEqualsTransform(String leftHandSide, String rightHandSide) {
        return "(" + leftHandSide + " = " + rightHandSide + ")";

     * Compare 2 DateRepeats using NOT EQUALS.
     * @param leftHandSide the first DateRepeat value to compare
     * @param rightHandSide the second DateRepeat value to compare
     * @return the SQL required to create to compare DateRepeats
    public String doDateRepeatNotEqualsTransform(String leftHandSide, String rightHandSide) {
        return "(" + leftHandSide + " <> " + rightHandSide + ")";

     * Compare 2 DateRepeats using LESSTHAN.
     * @param leftHandSide the first DateRepeat value to compare
     * @param rightHandSide the second DateRepeat value to compare
     * @return the SQL required to create to compare DateRepeats
    public String doDateRepeatLessThanTransform(String leftHandSide, String rightHandSide) {
        return "(" + leftHandSide + " < " + rightHandSide + ")";

     * Compare 2 DateRepeats using LESSTHANEQUALS.
     * @param leftHandSide the first DateRepeat value to compare
     * @param rightHandSide the second DateRepeat value to compare
     * @return the SQL required to create to compare DateRepeats
    public String doDateRepeatLessThanEqualsTransform(String leftHandSide, String rightHandSide) {
        return "(" + leftHandSide + " <= " + rightHandSide + ")";

     * Compare 2 DateRepeats using GREATERTHAN.
     * @param leftHandSide the first DateRepeat value to compare
     * @param rightHandSide the second DateRepeat value to compare
     * @return the SQL required to create to compare DateRepeats
    public String doDateRepeatGreaterThanTransform(String leftHandSide, String rightHandSide) {
        return "(" + leftHandSide + " > " + rightHandSide + ")";

     * Compare 2 DateRepeats using GREATERTHANEQUALS.
     * @param leftHandSide the first DateRepeat value to compare
     * @param rightHandSide the second DateRepeat value to compare
     * @return the SQL required to create to compare DateRepeats
    public String doDateRepeatGreaterThanEqualsTransform(String leftHandSide, String rightHandSide) {
        return "(" + leftHandSide + " >= " + rightHandSide + ")";

     * Offset the date by the DateRepeat.
     * @param leftHandSide the first DateRepeat value to compare
     * @param rightHandSide the second DateRepeat value to compare
     * @return the SQL required to change the date by the required amount.
    public String doDatePlusDateRepeatTransform(String leftHandSide, String rightHandSide) {
        return "(" + leftHandSide + " + " + rightHandSide + ")";

     * Offset the date by subtracting the DateRepeat.
     * @param leftHandSide the first DateRepeat value to compare
     * @param rightHandSide the second DateRepeat value to compare
     * @return the SQL required to change the date by the required amount.
    public String doDateMinusDateRepeatTransform(String leftHandSide, String rightHandSide) {
        return leftHandSide + "-" + rightHandSide;

     * Create a Period from the database version of the DateRepeat.
     * @param intervalStr the DateRepeat value to convert into a Jodatime Period
     * @return a Period.
    public Period parseDateRepeatFromGetString(String intervalStr) {
        return DateRepeatImpl.parseDateRepeatFromGetString(intervalStr);

     * Compare 2 polygons with EQUALS.
     * @param firstGeometry the first polygon2d value to compare
     * @param secondGeometry the second polygon2d value to compare
     * @return SQL
    public String doPolygon2DEqualsTransform(String firstGeometry, String secondGeometry) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Spatial Operations Haven't Been Defined Yet");

     * Creates a Polygon2D representing the intersection of the Polygon2Ds.
     * @param firstGeometry the first polygon2d value to compare
     * @param secondGeometry the second polygon2d value to compare
     * @return SQL that represents a polygon of the intersection, null if there is
     * no intersection.
    public String doPolygon2DIntersectionTransform(String firstGeometry, String secondGeometry) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Spatial Operations Haven't Been Defined Yet");

     * Test whether the 2 polygons intersect.
     * @param firstGeometry the first polygon2d value to compare
     * @param secondGeometry the second polygon2d value to compare
     * @return SQL that returns TRUE if they intersect.
    public String doPolygon2DIntersectsTransform(String firstGeometry, String secondGeometry) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Spatial Operations Haven't Been Defined Yet");

     * Test whether the first polygon completely contains the second polygon.
     * @param firstGeometry the first polygon2d value to compare
     * @param secondGeometry the second polygon2d value to compare
     * @return SQL that is TRUE if the first polygon contains the second.
    public String doPolygon2DContainsPolygon2DTransform(String firstGeometry, String secondGeometry) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Geometry Operations Have Not Been Defined For This Database Yet.");

     * Inverse of {@link #doPolygon2DIntersectsTransform(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
     * }, tests whether the 2 polygons are non-coincident.
     * @param firstGeometry the first polygon2d value to compare
     * @param secondGeometry the second polygon2d value to compare
     * @return SQL that is FALSE if the polygons intersect.
    public String doPolygon2DDoesNotIntersectTransform(String firstGeometry, String secondGeometry) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Geometry Operations Have Not Been Defined For This Database Yet.");

     * Test whether the 2 polygons intersect but not contained or within.
     * @param firstGeometry the first polygon2d value to compare
     * @param secondGeometry the second polygon2d value to compare
     * @return SQL that is TRUE if the polygons have intersecting and
     * non-intersecting parts.
    public String doPolygon2DOverlapsTransform(String firstGeometry, String secondGeometry) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Geometry Operations Have Not Been Defined For This Database Yet.");

     * Tests whether the polygons touch.
     * <p>
     * Checks that a) the polygons have at least on point in common and b) that
     * their interiors do not overlap.
     * @param firstGeometry the first polygon2d value to compare
     * @param secondGeometry the second polygon2d value to compare
     * @return SQL snippet
    public String doPolygon2DTouchesTransform(String firstGeometry, String secondGeometry) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Geometry Operations Have Not Been Defined For This Database Yet.");

     * Test whether the first polygon is completely within the second polygon.
     * <p>
     * Compare this to {@link #doPolygon2DContainsPolygon2DTransform(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
     * }
     * @param firstGeometry the first polygon2d value to compare
     * @param secondGeometry the second polygon2d value to compare
     * @return SQL that is TRUE if the first polygon is within the second.
    public String doPolygon2DWithinTransform(String firstGeometry, String secondGeometry) {
        //indicate whether g1 is spatially within g2. This is the inverse of Contains(). 
        // i.e. G1.within(G2) === G2.contains(G1)
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Geometry Operations Have Not Been Defined For This Database Yet.");

     * Returns the dimension of the polygon.
     * <p>
     * This will be "2"
     * @param polygon2DSQL a polygon2d value
     * @return "2" unless something has gone horribly wrong.
    public String doPolygon2DMeasurableDimensionsTransform(String polygon2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Geometry Operations Have Not Been Defined For This Database Yet.");

     * Create a simple four sided bounding for the polygon.
     * @param polygon2DSQL a polygon2D value
     * @return the SQL required to create a bounding box for the polygon.
    public String doPolygon2DGetBoundingBoxTransform(String polygon2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Geometry Operations Have Not Been Defined For This Database Yet.");

     * Retrieve the area of the polygon.
     * @param polygon2DSQL a polygon2D value
     * @return SQL that will return the area of the Polygon2D
    public String doPolygon2DGetAreaTransform(String polygon2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Geometry Operations Have Not Been Defined For This Database Yet.");

     * Defines the transformation require to transform an SQL Polygon2D into a
     * linestring representing the exterior ring of the polygon.
     * @param polygon2DSQL a polygon2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doPolygon2DGetExteriorRingTransform(String polygon2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Geometry Operations Have Not Been Defined For This Database Yet.");

     * Indicates that this database supports hyperbolic functions natively.
     * @return TRUE by default.
    public boolean supportsHyperbolicFunctionsNatively() {
        return true;

     * Provides the ARCTAN2 function name for this database.
     * @return "atan2" by default.
    public String getArctan2FunctionName() {
        return "atan2";

     * Get the year part of the DateRepeat, an integer
     * @param dateRepeatSQL a date repeat value
     * @return SQL
    public String doDateRepeatGetYearsTransform(String dateRepeatSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Get the month part of the DateRepeat, an integer
     * @param dateRepeatSQL a date repeat value
     * @return SQL
    public String doDateRepeatGetMonthsTransform(String dateRepeatSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Get the Days part of the DateRepeat, an integer
     * @param dateRepeatSQL a date repeat value
     * @return SQL
    public String doDateRepeatGetDaysTransform(String dateRepeatSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Get the hour part of the DateRepeat, an integer
     * @param dateRepeatSQL a date repeat value
     * @return SQL
    public String doDateRepeatGetHoursTransform(String dateRepeatSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Get the minute part of the DateRepeat, an integer
     * @param dateRepeatSQL a date repeat value
     * @return SQL
    public String doDateRepeatGetMinutesTransform(String dateRepeatSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Get the seconds part of the DateRepeat, a decimal number
     * @param dateRepeatSQL a date repeat value
     * @return SQL
    public String doDateRepeatGetSecondsTransform(String dateRepeatSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Transform the DateRepeat into it's character based equivalent.
     * @param dateRepeatSQL a date repeat value
     * @return SQL
    public String doDateRepeatToStringTransform(String dateRepeatSQL) {
        return doConcatTransform(getEmptyString(), dateRepeatSQL);

     * Provide SQL to interpret the String value as a number.
     * <p>
     * Full of ways to fail this is.
     * @param stringResultContainingANumber a number value to be coerced to string
     * @return SQL that converts the string value into number.
    public String doStringToNumberTransform(String stringResultContainingANumber) {
        return "(0.0+(" + stringResultContainingANumber + "))";

     * Indicates that the database supports the ARCSINE function.
     * @return true by default.
    public boolean supportsArcSineFunction() {
        return true;

     * Indicates that the database supports the COTANGENT function.
     * @return true by default.
    public boolean supportsCotangentFunction() {
        return true;

     * Transform a datatype not supported by the database into a type that the
     * database does support.
     * <p>
     * Used mostly to turn Booleans into numbers.
     * <p>
     * By default this method just returns the input DBExpression.
     * @param columnExpression a column expression that might need to change type
     * for this database
     * @return The DBExpression as a DBExpression supported by the database.
    public DBExpression transformToStorableType(DBExpression columnExpression) {
        return columnExpression;

     * Provide the SQL to compare 2 Point2Ds
     * @param firstPoint a point2d value to compare
     * @param secondPoint a point2d value to compare
     * @return SQL
    public String doPoint2DEqualsTransform(String firstPoint, String secondPoint) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Spatial Operations Haven't Been Defined Yet");

     * Provide the SQL to return the X coordinate of the Point2D
     * @param pont2DSQL a point2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doPoint2DGetXTransform(String pont2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provide the SQL to return the Y coordinate of the Point2D
     * @param point2DSQL a point2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doPoint2DGetYTransform(String point2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provide the SQL to return the dimension of the Point2D
     * <p>
     * Point is a 0-dimensional objects for this purpose.
     * @param point2DSQL a point2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doPoint2DMeasurableDimensionsTransform(String point2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provide the SQL to derive the Polygon2D representing the Bounding Box of
     * the Point2D.
     * @param point2DSQL a point2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doPoint2DGetBoundingBoxTransform(String point2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provide the SQL to derive the WKT version of the Point2D.
     * @param point2DSQL a point2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doPoint2DAsTextTransform(String point2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provide the SQL that correctly represents this Point2D in this database.
     * @param point a point to be turned into an SQL point2d value.
     * @return SQL
    public String transformPoint2DIntoDatabaseFormat(Point point) {
        String wktValue = point.toText();
        return "'" + wktValue + "'";

     * Provide the SQL that correctly represents these coordinates in this
     * database.
     * <p>
     * The same as
     * {@link #transformPoint2DIntoDatabaseFormat(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point)}
     * but for two coordinates as SQL.
     * @param xValue a number value
     * @param yValue a number value
     * @return SQL
    public String transformCoordinatesIntoDatabasePoint2DFormat(String xValue, String yValue) {
        return "'POINT(" + xValue + " " + yValue + ")'";

     * From the database's representation of a Point2D create a JTS Point.
     * <p>
     * This is the inverse of {@link #transformPoint2DIntoDatabaseFormat(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point)
     * }.
     * @param pointAsString a point2d value
     * @return a point created from the point2d value
     * @throws if the database result is
     * not a valid WKT
    public Point transformDatabasePoint2DValueToJTSPoint(String pointAsString)
            throws {
        Point point = null;
        WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader();
        Geometry geometry =;
        if (geometry instanceof Point) {
            point = (Point) geometry;
        } else {
            throw new IncorrectGeometryReturnedForDatatype(geometry, point);
        return point;

     * From the database's representation of a Polygon2D create a JTS Polygon.
     * <p>
     * This is the inverse of
     * {@link #transformPolygonIntoDatabasePolygon2DFormat(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon)}.
     * @param polygon2DSQL a polygon2d value
     * @return a polygon created from the polygon2d value
     * @throws if the database result is
     * not a valid WKT
    public Polygon transformDatabasePolygon2DToJTSPolygon(String polygon2DSQL)
            throws {
        Polygon poly = null;
        WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader();
        Geometry geometry =;
        if (geometry instanceof Polygon) {
            poly = (Polygon) geometry;
        } else if (geometry instanceof LineString) {
            GeometryFactory geofactory = new GeometryFactory();
            LineString lineString = (LineString) geometry;
            poly = geofactory.createPolygon(lineString.getCoordinateSequence());
        } else if (geometry instanceof Point) {
            GeometryFactory geofactory = new GeometryFactory();
            Point point = (Point) geometry;
            poly = geofactory.createPolygon(new Coordinate[] { point.getCoordinate(), point.getCoordinate(),
                    point.getCoordinate(), point.getCoordinate(), point.getCoordinate() });
        } else {
            throw new IncorrectGeometryReturnedForDatatype(geometry, poly);
        return poly;

     * From the database's representation of a Lin2D create a JTS LineString.
     * <p>
     * This is the inverse of
     * {@link #transformPolygonIntoDatabasePolygon2DFormat(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon)}.
     * @param lineStringAsSQL a line2d value
     * @return a linestring created from the line2d
     * @throws if the database result is
     * not a valid WKT
    public LineString transformDatabaseLine2DValueToJTSLineString(String lineStringAsSQL)
            throws {
        LineString lineString = null;
        WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader();
        Geometry geometry =;
        if (geometry instanceof LineString) {
            lineString = (LineString) geometry;
        } else {
            throw new IncorrectGeometryReturnedForDatatype(geometry, lineString);
        return lineString;

     * Provide the SQL that correctly represents this LineString in this database.
     * @param lineString a linestring to transform in to a Line2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String transformLineStringIntoDatabaseLine2DFormat(LineString lineString) {
        String wktValue = lineString.toText();
        return "'" + wktValue + "'";

     * Provide the SQL to derive the WKT version of the Line2D.
     * @param line2DSQL a line2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLine2DAsTextTransform(String line2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Transform the 2 Line2D SQL snippets into an EQUALS comparison of the 2
     * @param line2DSQL the first line2d value to compare
     * @param otherLine2DSQL the second line2d value to compare
     * @return SQL
    public String doLine2DEqualsTransform(String line2DSQL, String otherLine2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Transform the 2 Line2D SQL snippets into an NOT_EQUALS comparison of the 2
     * @param line2DSQL the first line2d value to compare
     * @param otherLine2DSQL the second line2d value to compare
     * @return SQL
    public String doLine2DNotEqualsTransform(String line2DSQL, String otherLine2DSQL) {
        return "NOT (" + doLine2DEqualsTransform(line2DSQL, otherLine2DSQL) + ")";

     * Create the SQL required to get the dimension of this Line2D SQL.
     * @param line2DSQL the line2d value
     * @return the dimension (probably 1)
    public String doLine2DMeasurableDimensionsTransform(String line2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Create the SQL to derive the bounding box of this Line2D SQL
     * @param line2DSQL the line2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLine2DGetBoundingBoxTransform(String line2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Create the SQL to transform a Point2DArray SQL into a Polygon2D
     * @param pointSQL the point2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String transformPoint2DArrayToDatabasePolygon2DFormat(List<String> pointSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL that will return the largest X value within the Line2D
     * expression.
     * @param line2DSQL the line2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLine2DGetMaxXTransform(String line2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL that will return the smallest X value within the Line2D
     * expression.
     * @param line2DSQL the line2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLine2DGetMinXTransform(String line2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL that will return the largest Y value within the Line2D
     * expression.
     * @param line2DSQL the line2 value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLine2DGetMaxYTransform(String line2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL that will return the smallest Y value within the Line2D
     * expression.
     * @param line2DSQL the line2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLine2DGetMinYTransform(String line2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL that will return the largest X value within the Polygon2D
     * expression.
     * @param polygon2DSQL the polygon2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doPolygon2DGetMaxXTransform(String polygon2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL that will return the smallest X value within the Polygon2D
     * expression.
     * @param polygon2DSQL the polygon2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doPolygon2DGetMinXTransform(String polygon2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL that will return the largest X value within the Polygon2D
     * expression.
     * @param polygon2DSQL the polygon2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doPolygon2DGetMaxYTransform(String polygon2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL that will return the smallest Y value within the Polygon2D
     * expression.
     * @param polygon2DSQL the polygon2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doPolygon2DGetMinYTransform(String polygon2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL that will transform a WKT version of a Polygon2D into the
     * database's version of a Polygon2D.
     * @param polygon2D the polygon2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String transformPolygonIntoDatabasePolygon2DFormat(Polygon polygon2D) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate SQL to derive the distance between the two Polygon2D expressions.
     * @param polygon2DSQL the first polygon2d value to compare
     * @param otherPolygon2DSQL the second polygon2d value to compare
     * @return SQL:
    public String doPoint2DDistanceBetweenTransform(String polygon2DSQL, String otherPolygon2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL to apply rounding to the Number expressions
     * @param numberSQL the number value
     * @return SQL
    public String doRoundTransform(String numberSQL) {
        return "ROUND(" + numberSQL + ")";

     * Generate the SQL to apply rounding to the Number expressions with the
     * specified number of decimal places.
     * @param number the number value
     * @param decimalPlaces the number value of the decimal places required.
     * @return SQL
    public String doRoundWithDecimalPlacesTransform(String number, String decimalPlaces) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * Generate the SQL to use the SUBSTRING_BEFORE function with the 2 String
     * expressions.
     * @param fromThis the string value to be dissected
     * @param beforeThis the string value that indicates the end of the required
     * text. Not included in the returned value
     * @return SQL
    public String doSubstringBeforeTransform(String fromThis, String beforeThis) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL to use the SUBSTRING_AFTER function with the 2 String
     * expressions.
     * @param fromThis the string value to be dissected
     * @param afterThis the string value that indicates the beginning of the
     * required text. Not included in the returned value.
     * @return SQL
    public String doSubstringAfterTransform(String fromThis, String afterThis) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Indicates that closing or canceling a statement will cause the connection
     * to close as well.
     * <p>
     * Override this method and return FALSE if the database closes connections
     * when closing statements
     * @return TRUE if closing a statement does NOT effect the connection,
     * otherwise FALSE.
    public boolean willCloseConnectionOnStatementCancel() {
        return false;

     * Indicates that the database driver does not provide the
     * Statement.isClosed() method.
     * @return TRUE by default.
    public boolean supportsStatementIsClosed() {
        return true;

     * Generates the SQL to determine whether the first (polygon) argument
     * contains the second point argument.
     * @param polygon2DSQL the polygon2d to compare with
     * @param point2DSQL the point2d value that might be inside the polygon2d
     * @return SQL
    public String doPolygon2DContainsPoint2DTransform(String polygon2DSQL, String point2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generates the SQL to convert the polygon to the standard text version of a
     * polygon.
     * @param polygonSQL the polygon2d value
     * @return SQL
    public String doPolygon2DAsTextTransform(String polygonSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generates the SQL required to find whether the 2 lines cross at any point.
     * @param firstLine the first line2d value to compare
     * @param secondLine the second line2d value to compare
     * @return an SQL expression that will evaluate to TRUE FALSE or NULL,
     * depending on whether the lines cross at any point.
    public String doLine2DIntersectsLine2DTransform(String firstLine, String secondLine) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL required to find the intersection point of the 2 line
     * segment SQL expressions.
     * @param firstLine the first line2d to compare
     * @param secondLine the second line2d to compare
     * @return an SQL expression that will evaluate to the intersection point of
     * the 2 line segments or NULL.
    public String doLine2DIntersectionPointWithLine2DTransform(String firstLine, String secondLine) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL required to find the complete set of all points of
     * intersection between the tow 2 lines.
     * @param firstLine the first line2d to compare
     * @param secondLine the second line2d to compare
     * @return an SQL expression that will evaluate to the intersection point of
     * the 2 line segments or NULL.
    public String doLine2DAllIntersectionPointsWithLine2DTransform(String firstLine, String secondLine) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Convert the String object returned by the database into a JTS LineSegment
     * object.
     * @param lineSegmentAsSQL the database linesegment2d value to create a
     * {@link com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineSegment JTS LineSegment} with
     * @return a JTS LineSegment derived from the database's response, may be
     * null.
     * @throws malformed WKT will throw
     * an exception
    public LineSegment transformDatabaseLineSegment2DValueToJTSLineSegment(String lineSegmentAsSQL)
            throws {
        LineString lineString = null;
        WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader();
        Geometry geometry =;
        if (geometry instanceof LineString) {
            lineString = (LineString) geometry;
            if (lineSegmentAsSQL == null) {
                return null;
            } else {
                return new LineSegment(lineString.getCoordinateN(0), lineString.getCoordinateN(1));
        } else {
            throw new IncorrectGeometryReturnedForDatatype(geometry, lineString);

     * Convert the JTS LineSegment object into a SQL expression that the database
     * will accept as a line segment.
     * <p>
     * By default, creates a WKT representation
     * @param lineSegment the LineSegment to convert to database format.
     * @return an SQL expression that can be interpreted by the database as a line
     * segment.
    public String transformLineSegmentIntoDatabaseLineSegment2DFormat(LineSegment lineSegment) {
        LineString line = (new GeometryFactory())
                .createLineString(new Coordinate[] { lineSegment.getCoordinate(0), lineSegment.getCoordinate(1) });
        String wktValue = line.toText();
        return "'" + wktValue + "'";

     * Generates the database specific SQL for testing whether the 2 line segment
     * expressions ever cross.
     * @param firstSQL the first Line2D value to compare
     * @param secondSQL the second Line2D value to compare
     * @return an SQL expression that will report whether the 2 line segments
     * intersect.
     * @see
     * #doLineSegment2DIntersectionPointWithLineSegment2DTransform(java.lang.String,
     * java.lang.String)
    public String doLineSegment2DIntersectsLineSegment2DTransform(String firstSQL, String secondSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL required to find the largest X value in the line segment
     * SQL expression.
     * @param lineSegment the LineSegment2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLineSegment2DGetMaxXTransform(String lineSegment) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL required to find the smallest X value in the line segment
     * SQL expression.
     * @param lineSegment the LineSegment2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLineSegment2DGetMinXTransform(String lineSegment) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL required to find the largest Y value in the line segment
     * SQL expression.
     * @param lineSegment the LineSegment2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLineSegment2DGetMaxYTransform(String lineSegment) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL required to find the smallest Y value in the line segment
     * SQL expression.
     * @param lineSegment the LineSegment2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLineSegment2DGetMinYTransform(String lineSegment) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL required to the rectangular boundary that fully encloses
     * the line segment SQL expression.
     * @param lineSegment the LineSegment2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLineSegment2DGetBoundingBoxTransform(String lineSegment) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL required to find the dimension of the line segment SQL
     * expression.
     * @param lineSegment the LineSegment2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLineSegment2DDimensionTransform(String lineSegment) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL required to find whether the 2 line segment SQL
     * expressions are NOT equal.
     * @param firstLineSegment the first LineSegment2D value
     * @param secondLineSegment the second LineSegment2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLineSegment2DNotEqualsTransform(String firstLineSegment, String secondLineSegment) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL required to find whether the 2 line segment SQL
     * expressions are equal.
     * @param firstLineSegment the first LineSegment2D value
     * @param secondLineSegment the second LineSegment2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLineSegment2DEqualsTransform(String firstLineSegment, String secondLineSegment) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL required to convert the line segment SQL expression into
     * the WKT string format.
     * @param lineSegment the LineSegment2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLineSegment2DAsTextTransform(String lineSegment) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL required to find the intersection point of the 2 line
     * segment SQL expressions.
     * @param firstLineSegment the first LineSegment2D value
     * @param secondLineSegment the second LineSegment2D value
     * @return an SQL expression that will evaluate to the intersection point of
     * the 2 line segments or NULL.
    public String doLineSegment2DIntersectionPointWithLineSegment2DTransform(String firstLineSegment,
            String secondLineSegment) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL required to return the starting point of the provided
     * LineSegment2D expression.
     * @param lineSegmentSQL the LineSegment2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLineSegment2DStartPointTransform(String lineSegmentSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Generate the SQL required to return the starting point of the provided
     * LineSegment2D expression.
     * @param lineSegmentSQL the LineSegment2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doLineSegment2DEndPointTransform(String lineSegmentSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provide the SQL that correctly represents this MultiPoint2D value in this
     * database.
     * @param points the MultiPoint2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String transformMultiPoint2DToDatabaseMultiPoint2DValue(MultiPoint points) {
        String wktValue = points.toText();
        return "'" + wktValue + "'";

     * Convert the database's string representation of a MultiPoint2D value into a
     * MultiPoint..
     * @param pointsAsString the MultiPoint2D value to create a
     * {@link com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPoint JTS MultiPoint} with.
     * @return the MultiPoint2D as a
     * {@link com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPoint JTS MultiPoint} instance
     * @throws malformed WKT values will
     * throw an exception
    public MultiPoint transformDatabaseMultiPoint2DValueToJTSMultiPoint(String pointsAsString)
            throws {
        MultiPoint mpoint = null;
        WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader();
        Geometry geometry =;
        if (geometry instanceof MultiPoint) {
            mpoint = (MultiPoint) geometry;
        } else if (geometry instanceof Point) {
            mpoint = (new GeometryFactory().createMultiPoint(new Point[] { ((Point) geometry) }));
        } else {
            throw new IncorrectGeometryReturnedForDatatype(geometry, geometry);
        return mpoint;

     * Provide the SQL to compare 2 MultiPoint2Ds using the equivalent of EQUALS.
     * @param firstMultiPointValue the first MultiPoint2D value to compare
     * @param secondMultiPointValue the second MultiPoint2D value to compare
     * @return SQL
    public String doMultiPoint2DEqualsTransform(String firstMultiPointValue, String secondMultiPointValue) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provide the SQL to compare 2 MultiPoint2Ds using the equivalent of NOT
     * EQUALS.
     * @param first the first MultiPoint2D value to compare
     * @param second the second MultiPoint2D value to compare
     * @return SQL
    public String doMultiPoint2DNotEqualsTransform(String first, String second) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provide the SQL to get point at the supplied index within the MultiPoint2D
     * @param first the first MultiPoint2D value to retrieve a point from.
     * @param index the index at which the required point is at.
     * @return SQL
    public String doMultiPoint2DGetPointAtIndexTransform(String first, String index) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provides the SQL the derive the number of points in the multipoint2d value.
     * @param multiPoint2D the MultiPoint2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doMultiPoint2DGetNumberOfPointsTransform(String multiPoint2D) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provides the SQL the derive the dimension (2 basically) of the MultiPoint2D
     * value.
     * @param multipoint2D the MultiPoint2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doMultiPoint2DMeasurableDimensionsTransform(String multipoint2D) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provides the SQL the derive the bounding box containing all the points in
     * the MultiPoint2D value.
     * @param multiPoint2D the MultiPoint2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doMultiPoint2DGetBoundingBoxTransform(String multiPoint2D) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provides the SQL the transform the MultiPoint2D value into a WKT value.
     * @param multiPoint2D the MultiPoint2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doMultiPoint2DAsTextTransform(String multiPoint2D) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provides the SQL the transform the MultiPoint2D value into a
     * {@link Line2DResult} value.
     * @param multiPoint2D the MultiPoint2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doMultiPoint2DToLine2DTransform(String multiPoint2D) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

    //   public String doMultiPoint2DToPolygon2DTransform(String first) {
    //      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
    //   }
     * Provides the SQL that will derive the smallest Y value of all the points in
     * the MultiPoint2D value
     * @param multiPoint2D the MultiPoint2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doMultiPoint2DGetMinYTransform(String multiPoint2D) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provides the SQL that will derive the smallest X value of all the points in
     * the MultiPoint2D value
     * @param multiPoint2D the MultiPoint2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doMultiPoint2DGetMinXTransform(String multiPoint2D) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provides the SQL that will derive the largest Y value of all the points in
     * the MultiPoint2D value
     * @param multiPoint2D the MultiPoint2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doMultiPoint2DGetMaxYTransform(String multiPoint2D) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Provides the SQL that will derive the largest X value of all the points in
     * the MultiPoint2D value
     * @param multiPoint2D the MultiPoint2D value
     * @return SQL
    public String doMultiPoint2DGetMaxXTransform(String multiPoint2D) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Returns true if the database supports has built-in support for limiting
     * number of rows returned by a query.
     * @param options the query options used for this query.
     * @return TRUE if there is an SQL way of limiting rows numbers, otherwise
     * FALSE
    public boolean supportsRowLimitsNatively(QueryOptions options) {
        return true;

     * Return if, like Oracle, the database requires Spatial indexes to perform
     * standard spatial operations.
     * @return FALSE by default
    public boolean requiresSpatial2DIndexes() {
        return false;

     * Return the sequence of SQL operations required to create the necessary
     * Spatial2D indexes.
     * @param database the database for which we require spatial indexes.
     * @param formatTableName the table for which the index should apply.
     * @param formatColumnName the column which the index will index.
     * @return an ordered list of SQL.
    public List<String> getSpatial2DIndexSQL(DBDatabase database, String formatTableName, String formatColumnName) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Wrap query with any required syntax to provide paging functionality.
     * <p>
     * Required to support Oracle's ROWNUM-based paging "system".
     * <p>
     * By default the method just returns the sqlQuery.
     * @param sqlQuery the SQL query to add paging functionality
     * @param options the options that apply to the query.
     * @return SQL
    public String doWrapQueryForPaging(String sqlQuery, QueryOptions options) {
        return sqlQuery;

     * Return the number of spatial dimensions that this geometry is defined in.
     * <p>
     * Effectively indicates whether the geometry is 2D, 3D, etc.
     * @param line2DSQL the Line2D value
     * @return the number of spatial dimensions that this geometry is defined in.
    public String doLine2DSpatialDimensionsTransform(String line2DSQL) {
        return "2";

     * Return whether this geometry includes a magnitude (M) value along with X,
     * Y, etc.
     * @param line2DSQL the Line2D value
     * @return TRUE or FALSE
    public String doLine2DHasMagnitudeTransform(String line2DSQL) {
        return this.getFalseOperation();

     * Return the magnitude (M) value of this line.
     * <p>
     * Effectively indicates whether the geometry is 2D or 3D.
     * @param line2DSQL the Line2D value
     * @return the value for the magnitude, or NULL if there is no magnitude.
    public String doLine2DGetMagnitudeTransform(String line2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Return the number of spatial dimensions that this geometry is defined in.
     * <p>
     * Effectively indicates whether the geometry is 2D, 3D, etc.
     * @param point2DSQL the Point2D value
     * @return the number of spatial dimensions that this geometry is defined in.
    public String doPoint2DSpatialDimensionsTransform(String point2DSQL) {
        return "2";

     * Return whether this geometry includes a magnitude (M) value along with X,
     * Y, etc.
     * @param point2DSQL the Point2D value
     * @return TRUE or FALSE
    public String doPoint2DHasMagnitudeTransform(String point2DSQL) {
        return this.getFalseOperation();

     * Return the magnitude (M) value of this line.
     * <p>
     * Effectively indicates whether the geometry is 2D or 3D.
     * @param point2DSQL the Point2D value
     * @return the value for the magnitude, or NULL if there is no magnitude.
    public String doPoint2DGetMagnitudeTransform(String point2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Return the number of spatial dimensions that this geometry is defined in.
     * <p>
     * Effectively indicates whether the geometry is 2D, 3D, etc.
     * @param multipoint2DSQL the MultiPoint2D value
     * @return the number of spatial dimensions that this geometry is defined in.
    public String doMultiPoint2DSpatialDimensionsTransform(String multipoint2DSQL) {
        return "2";

     * Return whether this geometry includes a magnitude (M) value along with X,
     * Y, etc.
     * @param multipoint2DSQL the MultiPoint2D value
     * @return TRUE or FALSE
    public String doMultiPoint2DHasMagnitudeTransform(String multipoint2DSQL) {
        return this.getFalseOperation();

     * Return the magnitude (M) value of this line.
     * <p>
     * Effectively indicates whether the geometry is 2D or 3D.
     * @param multipoint2DSQL the MultiPoint2D value
     * @return the value for the magnitude, or NULL if there is no magnitude.
    public String doMultiPoint2DGetMagnitudeTransform(String multipoint2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Return the number of spatial dimensions that this geometry is defined in.
     * <p>
     * Effectively indicates whether the geometry is 2D, 3D, etc.
     * @param polygon2DSQL the Polygon2D value
     * @return the number of spatial dimensions that this geometry is defined in.
    public String doPolygon2DSpatialDimensionsTransform(String polygon2DSQL) {
        return "2";

     * Return whether this geometry includes a magnitude (M) value along with X,
     * Y, etc.
     * @param polygon2DSQL the Polygon2D value
     * @return TRUE or FALSE
    public String doPolygon2DHasMagnitudeTransform(String polygon2DSQL) {
        return this.getFalseOperation();

     * Return the magnitude (M) value of this line.
     * <p>
     * Effectively indicates whether the geometry is 2D or 3D.
     * @param polygon2DSQL the Polygon2D value
     * @return the value for the magnitude, or NULL if there is no magnitude.
    public String doPolygon2DGetMagnitudeTransform(String polygon2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Return the number of spatial dimensions that this geometry is defined in.
     * <p>
     * Effectively indicates whether the geometry is 2D, 3D, etc.
     * @param lineSegment2DSQL the LineSegment2D value
     * @return the number of spatial dimensions that this geometry is defined in.
    public String doLineSegment2DSpatialDimensionsTransform(String lineSegment2DSQL) {
        return "2";

     * Return whether this geometry includes a magnitude (M) value along with X,
     * Y, etc.
     * @param lineSegment2DSQL the LineSegment2D value
     * @return TRUE or FALSE
    public String doLineSegment2DHasMagnitudeTransform(String lineSegment2DSQL) {
        return this.getFalseOperation();

     * Return the magnitude (M) value of this line.
     * <p>
     * Effectively indicates whether the geometry is 2D or 3D.
     * @param lineSegment2DSQL the LineSegment2D value
     * @return the value for the magnitude, or NULL if there is no magnitude.
    public String doLineSegment2DGetMagnitudeTransform(String lineSegment2DSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Override this method to provide the SQL that will create a database
     * Polygon2D value from the list of presumed coordinates.
     * <p>
     * Coordinates are a series of number values that are presumed to be pairs of
     * X and Y values. That is to say the list is a list number values with no
     * formatting other than that required to express the values as numbers.
     * @param coordinateSQL lots of numbers
     * @return a polygon2d value
    public String transformCoordinateArrayToDatabasePolygon2DFormat(List<String> coordinateSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Override this method to provide a specific transform that will derive the
     * last day of the month from the date value provided.
     * <p>
     * If no override is provided for this method a default implementation will be
     * used instead.
     * @param dateSQL the date value
     * @return the last day of the month that the date is in.
    public String doEndOfMonthTransform(String dateSQL) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Override this method to implement changing a date to another time zone.
     * <p>
     * The method should roll the time forward or backward to the correct time for
     * the time zone. That is if the date is 12/Aug/2015 10:13:34 GMT+1200 and the
     * new time zone is GMT+1000, then the new date should be 12/Aug/2015 8:13:34
     * GMT+1000.
     * <p>
     * When implementing this method be aware that time zones are very complex,
     * and you will need to deal with "GMT+1345", "PST", "Pacific/Auckland", and
     * lots of other variants.
     * @param dateSQL the date to be move to another time.
     * @param timeZone the required time zone
     * @return SQL representing the date value in the requested time zone.
    public String doDateAtTimeZoneTransform(String dateSQL, TimeZone timeZone)
            throws UnsupportedOperationException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

     * Returns the {@link QueryableDatatype} class to be used with the named
     * database specific datatype.
     * <p>
     * This method is called during {@link DBTableClassGenerator} to resolve data
     * types that JDBC doesn't recognize into a QDT. In particular anything that
     * JDBC reports as {@link java.sql.Types#OTHER} will be resolved using this
     * method.
     * <p>
     * The default method returns NULL which causes the generator to use a
     * DBJavaObject.
     * @param typeName
     * @return the class of the QDT that can be used with this columns of this
     * type name.
    public Class<? extends QueryableDatatype> getQueryableDatatypeClassForSQLDatatype(String typeName) {
        if (typeName.toUpperCase().equals("POLYGON")) {
            return DBPolygon2D.class;
        } else if (typeName.toUpperCase().equals("LINESTRING")) {
            return DBLine2D.class;
        } else if (typeName.toUpperCase().equals("POINT")) {
            return DBPoint2D.class;
        } else if (typeName.toUpperCase().equals("MULTIPOINT")) {
            return DBMultiPoint2D.class; // obviously this is not going to work in all cases 
        } else {
            return null;

     * Supplies the beginning of the HAVING clause.
     * <p>
     * Default implementation returns "HAVING ".
     * @return "HAVING "
    public String getHavingClauseStart() {
        return "HAVING ";

     * Adapts the query to work for a database that does not support full outer
     * join queries.
     * <p>
     * Full outer join queries in this sense use a FULL OUTER join for ALL joins
     * in the query.
     * <p>
     * The standard implementation replaces the query with a LEFT OUTER join query
     * UNIONed with a RIGHT OUTER join query.
     * @param querySQL
     * @param options
     * @return a fake full outer join query for databases that don't support FULL
     * OUTER joins
    public String doWrapQueryToFakeFullOuterJoin(String querySQL, QueryOptions options) {
        return "" + querySQL.replaceAll(" FULL OUTER ", " LEFT OUTER ").replaceFirst("; *$", "")
                + " UNION DISTINCT " + querySQL.replaceAll(" FULL OUTER ", " RIGHT OUTER ");

     * The value used for TRUE boolean values.
     * <p>
     * The default method returns " TRUE ".
     * @return " TRUE "
    public String getTrueValue() {
        return " TRUE ";

     * The value used for FALSE boolean values.
     * <p>
     * The default method returns " FALSE ".
     * @return " FALSE "
    public String getFalseValue() {
        return " FALSE ";

     * Transforms the boolean statement to a value that can be compared by this
     * database.
     * <p>
     * If the database supports comparing booleans (see {@link #supportsComparingBooleanResults()
     * }) just return the input.
     * @param booleanStatement
     * @return the statement transformed so that the value can be compared using
     * the standard operators, by default the method returns the input unchanged.
    public String doBooleanStatementToBooleanComparisonValueTransform(String booleanStatement) {
        if (this.supportsComparingBooleanResults()) {
            return booleanStatement;
        } else {
            return " CASE WHEN " + booleanStatement + " THEN " + getTrueValue() + " WHEN NOT " + booleanStatement
                    + " THEN " + getFalseValue() + " ELSE -1 END ";

     * Transforms the boolean value (as an SQL snippet) to a value that can be
     * compared by this database.
     * <p>
     * If the database supports comparing booleans (see {@link #supportsComparingBooleanResults()
     * }) just return the input.
     * @param booleanValue
     * @return the statement transformed so that the value can be compared using
     * the standard operators, by default the method returns the input unchanged.
    public String doBooleanValueToBooleanComparisonValueTransform(String booleanValue) {
        if (this.supportsComparingBooleanResults()) {
            return booleanValue;
        } else {
            return " CASE WHEN " + booleanValue + " IS NULL THEN -1 ELSE " + booleanValue + " END ";