Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 Doltech Systems Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class SuperDevCompiler { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SuperDevCompiler.class.getName()); public static final String CODE_SERVER_URL = ""; private static SuperDevCompiler superDevCompiler = null; public static SuperDevCompiler get() { return get(CODE_SERVER_URL); } public static SuperDevCompiler get(String serverUrl) { if (superDevCompiler == null) { superDevCompiler = new SuperDevCompiler(GWT.getModuleName(), serverUrl); } return superDevCompiler; } public interface InjectedCallback { void onInjected(); } public interface StartedCallback { void onStarted(String moduleName, String requestUrl); } public interface PollCallback { void onPoll(float startTime); } public interface CompletedCallback { /** * Called when the CodeServer successfully compiles. * @return true to stop the automatic page refresh. */ boolean onCompleted(JavaScriptObject json); } public interface FailedCallback { void onFailed(String reason, String logUrl); } private String moduleName; private String serverUrl; private boolean injected = false; private Set<InjectedCallback> injectedCallbacks = new HashSet<>(); private Set<StartedCallback> startCallbacks = new HashSet<>(); private Set<PollCallback> pollCallbacks = new HashSet<>(); private Set<CompletedCallback> completeCallbacks = new HashSet<>(); private Set<FailedCallback> failedCallbacks = new HashSet<>(); private SuperDevCompiler(String moduleName, String serverUrl) { this.moduleName = moduleName; this.serverUrl = serverUrl; // Setup __gwt_bookmarklet_globals setupGlobals(); // Inject the dev_mode_on.js injectDevModeOn(); } public String getModuleName() { return moduleName; } public String getServerUrl() { return serverUrl; } private native void setupGlobals() /*-{ // Setup globals var globals = $wnd.__gwt_bookmarklet_globals; if (typeof globals == 'undefined') { globals = { callback_counter: 0, callbacks: {} }; $wnd.__gwt_bookmarklet_globals = globals; } }-*/; /** * Invoke a SuperDevMode compilation with auto refresh. */ public void compile() { compile(true); } /** * Invoke a SuperDevMode compilation. * @param refresh if true will auto refresh module. */ public native void compile(boolean refresh) /*-{ if (!!$wnd.__gwt_bookmarklet_globals.compiling) { // A module is already being compiled. return; } var moduleName =; var serverUrl =; // Compile erorr checking var error = null; if(moduleName) { error =; } var logUrl = serverUrl + '/log/' + moduleName; if (moduleName && !error) { // Probably a regular compile, so check in the page. var active_modules = $wnd.__gwt_activeModules; getPropMap = active_modules[moduleName].bindings; var params =;)(getPropMap); var urlPrefix = serverUrl + "/recompile/" + moduleName + "?" + params; var _this = this; var lastPollStart; function onPollFinished(event) { if ($wnd.__gwt_bookmarklet_globals.compiling && event.status == "compiling") { //dialog.updateProgress(event); // fails in IE8 var waitTime = 1000 - (new Date().getTime() - lastPollStart); if (waitTime > 0) { setTimeout(poll, waitTime); } else { poll(); } } // otherwise it's idle or an unknown event type, so stop } function poll() { if ($wnd.__gwt_bookmarklet_globals.compiling) { // fails in IE8 lastPollStart = new Date().getTime();;;Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(serverUrl + '/progress?', onPollFinished); } } function onCompileCompleted(json) { $wnd.__gwt_bookmarklet_globals.compiling = false; if (json.status != 'ok') {;)(logUrl); return; } if(!;)(json)) {; } } $wnd.__gwt_bookmarklet_globals.compiling = true; setTimeout(poll, 1000);;Ljava/lang/String;)(moduleName, urlPrefix);;Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(urlPrefix, onCompileCompleted); } else {;Ljava/lang/String;)(error, logUrl) } }-*/; private void onCompileStarted(String moduleName, String requestUrl) { for (StartedCallback callback : startCallbacks) { if (callback != null) { callback.onStarted(moduleName, requestUrl); } } } private void onPoll(float startTime) { for (PollCallback callback : pollCallbacks) { if (callback != null) { callback.onPoll(startTime); } } } private boolean onCompileCompleted(JavaScriptObject json) { boolean stopRefresh = false; for (CompletedCallback callback : completeCallbacks) { if (callback != null) { stopRefresh = stopRefresh || callback.onCompleted(json); } } return stopRefresh; } private void onCompileFailed(String logUrl) { onCompileFailed("GWT compilation failed, check the logs for the reason why.", logUrl); } private void onCompileFailed(String reason, String log) { for (FailedCallback callback : failedCallbacks) { if (callback != null) { callback.onFailed(reason, log); } } } private native String getBindingParameters(JavaScriptObject getPropMap) /*-{ var session_key = '__gwtDevModeSession:' +; var prop_map = getPropMap(); var props = []; for (var key in prop_map) { props.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(prop_map[key])); } var params; if (!props.length) { // There is only one permutation, maybe because we're in dev mode already. // Use the cached value if present. var cached = window.sessionStorage[session_key]; return cached || ''; } var encoded = props.join('&') + '&'; // Cache it for the next recompile. window.sessionStorage[session_key] = encoded; return encoded; }-*/; private native void callJsonp(String urlPrefix, JavaScriptObject callback) /*-{ var callbackId = 'c' + $wnd.__gwt_bookmarklet_globals.callback_counter++; $wnd.__gwt_bookmarklet_globals.callbacks[callbackId] = function(json) { delete $wnd.__gwt_bookmarklet_globals.callbacks[callbackId]; callback(json); }; var url = urlPrefix + '_callback=__gwt_bookmarklet_globals.callbacks.' + callbackId; var script = $doc.createElement('script'); script.src = url; $doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); }-*/; /** * Determines if the code server is configured to run the given module. * @return {boolean} true if the code server supports the given module. */ private native boolean isModuleOnCodeServer() /*-{ try { var modules_on_codeserver = $wnd.__gwt_codeserver_config.moduleNames; // Support browsers without indexOf() (e.g. IE8). for (var i = 0; i < modules_on_codeserver.length; i++) { if (modules_on_codeserver[i] == { return true; } } } catch(e) {} return false; }-*/; /** * Determines whether we can recompile a module and see the results. If not, * explains why not. * @return {string} The error message, or null if there is no error and * a recompile will succeed. */ private native String getCannotCompileError() /*-{ if (! { return 'The code server isn\'t configured to compile this module.'; } var moduleName =; var modules_on_page = $wnd.__gwt_activeModules; if (!modules_on_page || !(moduleName in modules_on_page)) { return 'The current page doesn\'t have this module.'; } var mod = modules_on_page[moduleName]; var dev_mode_key = '__gwtDevModeHook:' + moduleName; var dev_mode_on = mod['superdevmode'] || window.sessionStorage[dev_mode_key]; if (!dev_mode_on && !mod.canRedirect) { return 'This module doesn\'t have Super Dev Mode enabled.'; } // looks okay return null; }-*/; /** * Tells the GWT application to replace itself with a different version that * the code server is serving, then reloads the page. (This only works if * the GWT application was compiled with the new dev mode hook turned on in * the GWT linker.) */ public native void reloadInDevMode() /*-{ var moduleName =; var serverUrl =; var key = '__gwtDevModeHook:' + moduleName; window.sessionStorage[key] = serverUrl + '/' + moduleName + '/' + moduleName + '.nocache.js'; $wnd.location.reload(); }-*/; /** * Turns dev mode off for the given module, then reloads the page. * @param moduleName The modules name */ private native void reloadWithoutDevMode(String moduleName) /*-{ var key = '__gwtDevModeHook:' +; window.sessionStorage.removeItem(key); $wnd.location.reload(); }-*/; public boolean isDevModeInjected() { return injected || isModuleOnCodeServer(); } public Element getDevModeOnScriptElement() { HeadElement head = Document.get().getHead(); NodeList<Node> childNodes = head.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node childNode = childNodes.getItem(i); if ( { Element child = childNode.cast(); if ( { ScriptElement scriptElement =; String scriptSrc = scriptElement.getSrc(); if (scriptSrc != null && scriptSrc.contains("dev_mode_on.js")) { return child; } } } } return null; } private native void setCompiling(boolean compiling) /*-{ $wnd.__gwt_bookmarklet_globals.compiling = compiling; }-*/; private native void injectDevModeOn() /*-{ $wnd.__gwt_bookmarklet_globals.compiling = true; var serverUrl =; var moduleName =; $wnd.__gwt_bookmarklet_params = {'server_url': serverUrl + '/', 'module_name':moduleName}; var s = $wnd.document.createElement('script'); s.src = serverUrl + '/dev_mode_on.js'; void($wnd.document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s));; }-*/; private void onInjected() { Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(new RepeatingCommand() { int maxTries = 0; @Override public boolean execute() { Element devModeOn = getDevModeOnScriptElement(); if (devModeOn != null && isModuleOnCodeServer()) { logger.fine("dev_mode_on.js is now injected! (took " + maxTries + " tries)"); devModeOn.removeFromParent(); injected = true; executeInjectedCallbacks(); setCompiling(false); return false; } else { logger.fine("dev_mode_on.js is not injected yet! (" + maxTries + " tries)"); boolean maxed = maxTries++ < 20; setCompiling(!maxed); return maxed; } } }, 200); } private void executeInjectedCallbacks() { for (InjectedCallback callback : injectedCallbacks) { if (callback != null) { callback.onInjected(); } } } /** * Add an injection callback to execute when super dev mode is injected. */ public InjectedCallback addInjectedCallback(InjectedCallback injectedCallback) { if (!injectedCallbacks.contains(injectedCallback)) { injectedCallbacks.add(injectedCallback); // Check if dev mode already injected if (isDevModeInjected()) { executeInjectedCallbacks(); } } return injectedCallback; } /** * Remove an existing injected callback. */ public boolean removeInjectedCallback(InjectedCallback injectedCallback) { return injectedCallback != null && injectedCallbacks.remove(injectedCallback); } /** * Add a compile start callback to execute when the compilation starts. */ public StartedCallback addCompileStartCallback(StartedCallback startCallback) { if (!startCallbacks.contains(startCallback)) { startCallbacks.add(startCallback); } return startCallback; } /** * Remove an existing started callback. */ public boolean removeCompileStartCallback(StartedCallback startCallback) { return startCallback != null && startCallbacks.remove(startCallback); } /** * Add a poll callback each time a poll is sent to the CodeServer. */ public PollCallback addPollCallback(PollCallback pollCallback) { if (!pollCallbacks.contains(pollCallback)) { pollCallbacks.add(pollCallback); } return pollCallback; } /** * Remove an existing poll callback. */ public boolean removePollCallback(PollCallback pollCallback) { return pollCallback != null && pollCallbacks.remove(pollCallback); } /** * Add a compile complete callback that is called when the compile is completed. */ public CompletedCallback addCompileCompleteCallback(CompletedCallback completeCallback) { if (!completeCallbacks.contains(completeCallback)) { completeCallbacks.add(completeCallback); } return completeCallback; } /** * Remove an existing complete callback. */ public boolean removeCompileCompleteCallback(CompletedCallback completeCallback) { return completeCallback != null && completeCallbacks.remove(completeCallback); } /** * Add a compile failed callback that is called when a compile fails. */ public FailedCallback addCompileFailedCallback(FailedCallback failedCallback) { if (!failedCallbacks.contains(failedCallback)) { failedCallbacks.add(failedCallback); } return failedCallback; } /** * Remove an existing failed callback. */ public boolean removeCompileFailedCallback(FailedCallback failedCallback) { return failedCallback != null && failedCallbacks.remove(failedCallback); } }