Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2005-2013, Stefan Strmberg <> * * This file is part of OpenNetHome ( * * OpenNetHome is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * OpenNetHome is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package nu.nethome.home.impl; import nu.nethome.home.item.*; import nu.nethome.home.items.UPnPScanner; import nu.nethome.home.items.UsbScanner; import nu.nethome.home.system.*; import nu.nethome.util.plugin.PluginProvider; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import static java.lang.Class.forName; /** * This is the main class of the NetHomeServer. It will start and manage all other HomeItem instances. * * @author Stefan Stromberg */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public class HomeServer implements HomeItem, HomeService, ServiceState, ServiceConfiguration, ValueItem { private static final String MODEL; static { MODEL = ("<?xml version = \"1.0\"?> \n" + "<HomeItem Class=\"HomeServer\" Category=\"Ports\">" + " <Attribute Name=\"Version\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getVersion\" Default=\"true\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"SentEventCount\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getSentEventCount\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"EventsPerMinute\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getEventsPerMinute\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"FileName\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getFileName\" Set=\"setFileName\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"UpgradeCommand\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getUpgradeCommand\" Set=\"setUpgradeCommand\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"LogFile\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getLogFile\" Set=\"setLogFile\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"PythonScriptFile\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getPythonFile\" Set=\"setPythonFile\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"GlobalLogger\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getGlobalLogger\" Set=\"setGlobalLogger\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"WarningAction\" Type=\"Command\" Get=\"getWarningAction\" Set=\"setWarningAction\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"ErrorAction\" Type=\"Command\" Get=\"getErrorAction\" Set=\"setErrorAction\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"UpTime\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getUpTime\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"MaxDistributionTime\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getMaxDistributionTime\" Unit=\"ms\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"AverageDistributionTime\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getAverageDistributionTime\" Unit=\"ms\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"MaxItemTime\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getMaxItemTime\" Unit=\"ms\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"MaxItemName\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getMaxItemName\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"AlarmCount\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getCurrentAlarmCountString\" />" + " <Attribute Name=\"TotalLogRows\" Type=\"String\" Get=\"getTotalLogRecordCountString\" />" + " <Action Name=\"LoadItems\" Method=\"loadItems\" />" + " <Action Name=\"SaveItems\" Method=\"saveItems\" />" + " <Action Name=\"StopServer\" Method=\"stopServer\" />" + " <Action Name=\"UpgradeServer\" Method=\"upgradeServer\" />" + " <Action Name=\"ResetStatistics\" Method=\"resetStatistics\" />" + " <Action Name=\"ClearLog\" Method=\"clearLog\" />" + " <Action Name=\"Update Global Logger\" Method=\"updateGlobalLogger\" />" + "</HomeItem> "); } private static final int MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 20; private static final String QUIT_EVENT = "BrokerQuitEvent"; public static final int LOG_RECORD_CAPACITY = 50; public static final int EVENT_COUNT_PERIOD = 15; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(HomeServer.class.getName()); private static final int MS_PER_MINUTE = (1000 * 60); private static final int MS_PER_HOUR = (MS_PER_MINUTE * 60); private static final int MS_PER_DAY = (MS_PER_HOUR * 24); private static final int UPGRADE_HOLDOFF_TIME = 500; private static final int MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60; private String name; private long id = 1L; private boolean doUpgrade = false; private String upgradeCommand = "/usr/local/lib/home-manager/"; private Date startTime = new Date(); private long maxID = 0; private LinkedBlockingQueue<Event> eventQueue; private EventDistributionStatistics statistics = new EventDistributionStatistics(); private Timer minuteTimer = new Timer(); private Event minuteEvent; private String fileName = "system.xml"; private int sentEventCount = 0; private final ItemDirectory itemDirectory = new ItemDirectory(); private HomeItemFactory factory; private HomeItemLoader homeItemLoader; private PluginProvider pluginProvider; private LinkedBlockingDeque<LogRecord> logRecords; private long totalLogRecordCount = 0; private int currentWarningCount = 0; private boolean activated = false; private List<FinalEventListener> finalEventListeners = new LinkedList<>(); private ExtendedLoggerComponent eventCountlogger = new ExtendedLoggerComponent(this); private long eventsCount = 0; private long eventsCountPerPeriod = 0; private int minuteCounter; private int minutesBetweenItemSave = 60; private String logDirectory = ""; private Python python; private String loggerComponentDescriptor = ""; private CommandLineExecutor commandLineExecutor; private String warningAction = ""; private String errorAction = ""; public HomeServer() { eventQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE); logRecords = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(LOG_RECORD_CAPACITY); setupLogger(); eventCountlogger.activate(this); commandLineExecutor = new CommandLineExecutor(this, true); python = new Python(); } private void setupLogger() { Logger.getLogger("").addHandler(new Handler() { @Override synchronized public void publish(LogRecord record) { newLogRecord(record); } @Override public void flush() { // Nothing to do } @Override public void close() throws SecurityException { logRecords.clear(); } }); } private void newLogRecord(LogRecord record) { if (isLogRecordInBlacklist(record)) { return; } totalLogRecordCount++; if (logRecords.remainingCapacity() == 0) { if (logRecords.getLast().getLevel().intValue() >= Level.WARNING.intValue()) { currentWarningCount--; } logRecords.removeLast(); } logRecords.offerFirst(record); if (record.getLevel().intValue() >= Level.WARNING.intValue()) { currentWarningCount++; if (record.getLevel().intValue() < Level.SEVERE.intValue()) { commandLineExecutor.executeCommandLine(warningAction); } else { commandLineExecutor.executeCommandLine(errorAction); } } } private boolean isLogRecordInBlacklist(LogRecord record) { if (record.getMessage() == null) { return false; } return record.getMessage().startsWith("Prefs file removed in background") || record.getMessage().startsWith("Could not open/create prefs root node") || record.getMessage().startsWith("SAAJ0009"); } public String clearLog() { logRecords.clear(); currentWarningCount = 0; return ""; } public void run(HomeItemFactory factory, HomeItemLoader loader, PluginProvider pluginProvider, BootWebServer bootWebServer) { this.factory = factory; this.homeItemLoader = loader; this.pluginProvider = pluginProvider; loadItems(bootWebServer); bootWebServer.setStatus("Startup complete"); waitForEnd(); // When we get this far, the application is closing down. // Stop all HomeItems and empty the instance list. stopAndRemoveItems(); // Upgrade server handleUpgrade();"**Exiting HomeManager " + HomeManager.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion() + "**"); } private void startPython(BootWebServer bootWebServer) { if (getPythonFile() != null && !getPythonFile().isEmpty()) { bootWebServer.beginSection("Starting Python");; } } private synchronized void waitForEnd() { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Interrupted waiting for end of program", e); } } public void stopServer() { saveItems(); internalStopServer(); } private synchronized void internalStopServer() { notify(); } public HomeService getService() { return this; } public ServiceConfiguration getConfiguration() { return this; } public void activate(HomeService server) { Thread eventThread = new Thread("EventDistributor") { @Override public void run() { eventDistributorTask(); } }; eventThread.start(); minuteEvent = new InternalEvent(MINUTE_EVENT_TYPE); Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); // Start at next next even minute boolean hourJump = (date.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == (MINUTES_PER_HOUR - 1)); date.set(Calendar.HOUR, date.get(Calendar.HOUR) + (hourJump ? 1 : 0)); date.set(Calendar.MINUTE, (hourJump ? 1 : (date.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + 2))); date.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); date.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); // Schedule the job at m_Interval minutes interval minuteTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { send(minuteEvent); } }, date.getTime(), MS_PER_MINUTE); activated = true; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ssg.home.HomeItem#setName() */ public void setName(String name) { = name; } /** * @return the fileName */ public String getFileName() { return fileName; } /** * @param fileName the fileName to set */ public void setFileName(String fileName) { if (activated && !fileName.equals(this.fileName)) { // Kind of ugly. If the user changes the save file name, we also save this as a system property // so we can find the name (file) again when the server is started. Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(HomeManager.class); prefs.put("SaveFileName", fileName); } this.fileName = fileName; } public List<DirectoryEntry> listInstances(String pattern) { return itemDirectory.listInstances(pattern); } public HomeItemProxy openInstance(String name) { HomeItem item = itemDirectory.findInstance(name); if (item != null) { try { return new LocalHomeItemProxy(item, this); } catch (ModelException e) { // return null } } return null; } public boolean renameInstance(String fromInstanceName, String toInstanceName) { return itemDirectory.renameInstance(fromInstanceName, toInstanceName); } public boolean removeInstance(String instanceName) { HomeItem item = itemDirectory.removeInstance(instanceName); if (item == null) { // Item does not exist return false; } // Stop the instance unless it is never started if (!item.getName().startsWith("#")) { item.stop(); } return true; } public Event createEvent(String type, String value) { return new InternalEvent(type, value); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ssg.home.EventBroker#send(ssg.home.Event) * * This implementation iterates all HomeItems connected to the EventBroker * and sends the event to each of them. */ public void send(Event event) { logger.fine(event.toString()); if (!eventQueue.offer(event)) { handleEventDistributionFaliure(event); } else { sentEventCount++; eventsCount++; } } public boolean executePython(String pythonCode) { try { if (python.executePython(pythonCode)) { return true; } else { logger.warning("Error executing Python: " + pythonCode); return false; } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.warning("Error when calling script function:" + ex.toString()); return false; } } private void handleEventDistributionFaliure(Event event) { if (statistics.isItemCurrentlyProcessingEvent()) { logger.severe("Event queue full. Current Item processing is \"" + statistics.getCurrentItemName() + "\" since " + getCurrentItemProcessingTime() + " ms"); } else { logger.severe("Event queue full trying to distribute " + event.toString()); } } public void eventDistributorTask() { while (true) { Event event; String itemName = ""; try { // Take the next event from the queue, will wait if no events yet event = eventQueue.take(); // Check if it was the quit event, quit in that case if (event.getAttribute(Event.EVENT_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE).equals(QUIT_EVENT)) { return; } // Loop over all Items and offer the event statistics.startDistributionRound(); boolean eventIsHandled = false; for (HomeItem home : itemDirectory.getHomeItems()) { try { itemName = home.getName(); logger.finest("Distributing event to " + itemName); statistics.startItemDistribution(itemName); boolean handled = home.receiveEvent(event); eventIsHandled |= handled; } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to distribute event to \"" + itemName + "\" (" + event.toString() + ") ", e); } statistics.endItemDistribution(); } synchronized (finalEventListeners) { for (FinalEventListener listener : finalEventListeners) { listener.receiveFinalEvent(event, eventIsHandled); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Do Dinada } finally { statistics.endDistributionRound(); } } } /** * Register a new HomeItem * * @param item Instance to register */ public int registerInstance(HomeItem item) { return itemDirectory.registerInstance(item, false); } public String getModel() { return MODEL; } public boolean receiveEvent(Event e) { if (e.getAttribute(Event.EVENT_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE).equals(MINUTE_EVENT_TYPE) && ++minuteCounter >= minutesBetweenItemSave) { saveItems(); minuteCounter = 0; return true; } return false; } public String getName() { return name; } public long getItemId() { return id; } public void setItemId(long id) { = id; } /** * HomeItem method which stops all object activity for program termination */ public void stop() { // Stop the event distribution thread by sending the quit event Event quitEvent = new InternalEvent(QUIT_EVENT); send(quitEvent); // Stop the minute timer minuteTimer.cancel(); } public String getSentEventCount() { return String.valueOf(sentEventCount); } /** * Load HomeItems from a file and activate them. This is done in two steps: First the Items are * registered in the internal directory. After that the Items are activated in start order. * This means that at activation, all Items are reachable in the directory even those which are * not yet activated. */ public void loadItems(BootWebServer bootWebServer) { String currentFileName = getFileName(); bootWebServer.beginSection("Loading items from file " + currentFileName); List<HomeItem> loadedItems = homeItemLoader.loadItems(getFileName(), factory, this); bootWebServer.beginSection("Pre processing items"); addSingletonItems(loadedItems); sortOnStartOrder(loadedItems); for (HomeItem item : loadedItems) { if (item.getItemId() > maxID) { maxID = item.getItemId(); } } maxID += 1; // Loop through all created Items, and register them bootWebServer.beginSection("Registering items"); for (HomeItem item : loadedItems) { // This is a backward compatibility check. If the Item has no valid ID, assign one if (item.getItemId() == 0) { item.setItemId(maxID); maxID += 1; } // Register the new instance int regResult = itemDirectory.registerInstance(item, true); if (regResult != 0) { // IF we fail to register the instance, mark it as bad by setting ID = 0 HomeServer.logger.warning( "Failed to register Item " + item.getName() + " Error " + Integer.toString(regResult)); item.setItemId(0); } } startPython(bootWebServer); // Now loop through all Items again in start order and activate them bootWebServer.beginSection("Start activating Items"); int itemCount = loadedItems.size(); int activatedItemCount = 0; for (HomeItem item : loadedItems) { if (item.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("JettyWEB")) { bootWebServer.stop(); } else { bootWebServer.setStatus("Activating item '" + item.getName() + "' (" + (activatedItemCount + 1) + " of " + itemCount + ")"); } if (!item.getName().startsWith("#") && (item.getItemId() != 0)) { try { item.activate(this); activatedItemCount++; } catch (Exception e) { HomeServer.logger .warning("Failed to activate Item " + item.getName() + " Error " + e.getMessage()); } } }"Activated " + Integer.toString(activatedItemCount) + " of " + Integer.toString(itemCount) + " Items"); setFileName(currentFileName); } private void addSingletonItems(List<HomeItem> loadedItems) { boolean hasUpnpScanner = false; boolean hasUsbScanner = false; for (HomeItem loadedItem : loadedItems) { if (loadedItem instanceof UPnPScanner) { hasUpnpScanner = true; } if (loadedItem instanceof UsbScanner) { hasUsbScanner = true; } } if (!hasUpnpScanner) { UPnPScanner uPnPScanner = new UPnPScanner(); uPnPScanner.setName("UPnP_Scanner"); loadedItems.add(uPnPScanner); } if (!hasUsbScanner) { UsbScanner usbScanner = new UsbScanner(); usbScanner.setName("USB_Scanner"); loadedItems.add(usbScanner); } } private void sortOnStartOrder(List<HomeItem> sortedItems) { Collections.sort(sortedItems, new Comparator<HomeItem>() { public int compare(HomeItem o1, HomeItem o2) { try { HomeItemModel m1 = StaticHomeItemModel.getModel(o1); HomeItemModel m2 = StaticHomeItemModel.getModel(o2); if (m1.getStartOrder() == m2.getStartOrder()) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } return m1.getStartOrder() > m2.getStartOrder() ? 1 : -1; } catch (ModelException e) { // This should not happen... return 0; } } }); } public void saveItems() { List<HomeItem> items = new LinkedList<>(); Iterator<HomeItem> i = itemDirectory.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { items.add(; } homeItemLoader.saveItems(items, fileName); } /** * Stop all HomeItems and empty the internal instance lists */ public void stopAndRemoveItems() { Iterator<HomeItem> it = itemDirectory.iterator();"Closing down"); while (it.hasNext()) { try { HomeItem item =;"Stopping: " + item.getName()); item.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning("Exception caught during stop of Item: " + e.getMessage()); } }"Stopped Items"); itemDirectory.clear(); eventCountlogger.stop();"Stopped Internal services"); } /** * Initiate the upgrade sequence */ public void upgradeServer() { doUpgrade = true; stopServer(); } public void handleUpgrade() { if (doUpgrade) { try {"Starting upgrade sequence"); Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); // Run the upgrade command. If this is a Windows bat-file, you have to have one bat file which // does a "start" of the second real upgrade bat file. r.exec(upgradeCommand); try { // For some reason we have to wait a while, otherwise it seems this program exits before // the execution of the upgrade command is really started. Thread.sleep(UPGRADE_HOLDOFF_TIME); } catch (InterruptedException i) { // Do nothing } } catch (IOException e) { logger.warning("Could not auto upgrade:" + e.getMessage()); } } } /** * @return the upgradeCommand */ public String getUpgradeCommand() { return upgradeCommand; } /** * @param upgradeCommand the upgradeCommand to set */ public void setUpgradeCommand(String upgradeCommand) { this.upgradeCommand = upgradeCommand; } public String getUpTime() { long currentTime = new Date().getTime(); long uptime = currentTime - startTime.getTime(); long days = uptime / MS_PER_DAY; uptime = uptime - days * MS_PER_DAY; long hours = uptime / MS_PER_HOUR; uptime = uptime - hours * MS_PER_HOUR; long minutes = uptime / MS_PER_MINUTE; String result = (days != 0) ? Long.toString(days) + " days " : ""; result += (hours != 0) ? Long.toString(hours) + " hours " : ""; return result + Long.toString(minutes) + " minutes"; } public HomeItemProxy createInstance(String publicClassName, String instanceName) { // Check name if (itemDirectory.findInstance(instanceName) != null) { return null; } // Try to create an instance of the new class HomeItem newItem = factory.createInstance(publicClassName); if (newItem == null) { return null; } // Set the name, ID and register the new instance try { newItem.setName(instanceName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed setting name on HomeItem: " + instanceName, e); } maxID += 1; newItem.setItemId(maxID); registerInstance(newItem); try { return new LocalHomeItemProxy(newItem, this); } catch (ModelException e) { return null; } } public List<HomeItemInfo> listClasses() { return factory.listItemTypes(); } public PluginProvider getPluginProvider() { return pluginProvider; } public ServiceState getState() { return this; } public String getMaxDistributionTime() { Double value = statistics.getMaxRoundTime(); return String.format("%.2f", value); } public String getAverageDistributionTime() { Double value = statistics.getAvarageRoundTime(); return String.format("%.2f", value); } public String getMaxItemTime() { Double value = statistics.getMaxItemTime(); return String.format("%.2f", value); } public String getCurrentItemProcessingTime() { Double value = statistics.currentItemProcessingTime() / EventDistributionStatistics.NANO_PER_MILLI; return String.format("%.2f", value); } public String getMaxItemName() { return statistics.getMaxItemName(); } public void resetStatistics() { statistics.resetStatistics(); } public String getVersion() { String version = HomeManager.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion(); return (version == null) ? "Unknown" : version; } public Collection<LogRecord> getCurrentLogRecords() { return new ArrayList<>(logRecords); } public int getCurrentAlarmCount() { return currentWarningCount; } public long getTotalLogRecordCount() { return totalLogRecordCount; } public String getCurrentAlarmCountString() { return Integer.toString(currentWarningCount); } public String getTotalLogRecordCountString() { return Long.toString(totalLogRecordCount); } @Override public void registerFinalEventListener(FinalEventListener listener) { synchronized (finalEventListeners) { finalEventListeners.add(listener); } } @Override public void unregisterFinalEventListener(FinalEventListener listener) { synchronized (finalEventListeners) { finalEventListeners.remove(listener); } } @Override public String getValue() { eventsCountPerPeriod = eventsCount; eventsCount = 0; return getEventsPerMinute(); } public String getEventsPerMinute() { return Long.toString(eventsCountPerPeriod / EVENT_COUNT_PERIOD); } public String getLogFile() { return eventCountlogger.getFileName(); } public void setLogFile(String logfile) { eventCountlogger.setFileName(logfile); } @Override public String getLogDirectory() { return logDirectory; } public void setLogDirectory(String logFileDirectory) { this.logDirectory = logFileDirectory; if (!this.logDirectory.isEmpty() && !this.logDirectory.endsWith(File.separator)) { this.logDirectory += File.separator; } } public String getPythonFile() { return python.getScriptSourceFileName(); } public void setPythonFile(String scriptFile) { String lastScriptFile = python.getScriptSourceFileName(); python.setScriptSourceFileName(scriptFile); if (!python.isActivated() && activated && !scriptFile.isEmpty()) {"Starting python");; } } /** * Gets the loggerComponentDescriptor. See {@link ValueItemLogger}. * * @return the loggerComponentDescriptor. */ public String getGlobalLogger() { return loggerComponentDescriptor; } /** * Sets the loggerComponentDescriptor that defines the global logger. See * {@link ValueItemLogger}. * * @param loggerComponentDescriptor the loggerComponentDescriptor to set */ public void setGlobalLogger(String loggerComponentDescriptor) { this.loggerComponentDescriptor = loggerComponentDescriptor; } /** * This is the action that updates a the global logger - if it has been * provided in the GlobalLogger field of the settings pane. * <p/> * It loops through all home items that are known. For every item that * inherits from ValueItem and has a LoggerComponent field, and a provided * LogFile, its content is imported into the global logger. * * @return */ public String updateGlobalLogger() { if (StringUtils.isBlank(getGlobalLogger())) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Action: updateGlobalLogger - No global logger provided."); return ""; } String itemName; ValueItemLogger valueLogger = ValueItemLoggerFactory.createValueItemLogger(getGlobalLogger()); for (HomeItem home : itemDirectory.getHomeItems()) { try { itemName = home.getName(); // Check if HomeItem implements ValueItem if (!(home instanceof ValueItem)) { continue; } HomeItemProxy proxy = new LocalHomeItemProxy(home, this); // Check if HomeItem has private ExtendedLoggerComponent ExtendedLoggerComponent extLogComp = getLoggerComponent(proxy); if (extLogComp == null) { logger.log(Level.FINE, itemName + " does not have an extended logger component..."); continue; } // Read the HomeItem file LogFile field if (!StringUtils.isBlank(proxy.getAttributeValue("LogFile"))) { String logFile = getCompletePathName(getLogDirectory(), proxy.getAttributeValue("LogFile")); String homeItemId = Long.toString(home.getItemId()); logger.log(Level.INFO, itemName + " with id " + homeItemId + " has a private logfile ('" + logFile + "') that will be merged with the global database."); if (valueLogger.importCsvFile(logFile, getGlobalLogger(), homeItemId) == false) { // Failed, let's get out of here! return "Failed"; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed updating the logger: ", e); } } return ""; } public static String getCompletePathName(String path, String file) { String fileName = file == null ? "" : file; String pathName = path == null ? "" : path; if (fileName != null && !fileName.toLowerCase().startsWith(pathName.toLowerCase())) { fileName = Paths.get(pathName).resolve(fileName).toString(); } return fileName; } /** * Gets an associated extended logger component of the HomeItem. Note that * it is up to the HomeItem implementation to actually use a component * logger or not. This method will try to find one in its private members by * using introspection. * * @param proxy the home item proxy * @return an ExtendedLoggerComponent object, or null if none is found. */ private ExtendedLoggerComponent getLoggerComponent(HomeItemProxy proxy) { HomeItem item = (HomeItem) proxy.getInternalRepresentation(); ExtendedLoggerComponent elc = null; Class<?> clz = item.getClass(); do { for (Field field : clz.getDeclaredFields()) { field.setAccessible(true); Class<?> classType = field.getType(); if (classType.getName().contains("ExtendedLoggerComponent")) { try { elc = (ExtendedLoggerComponent) field.get(item); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { // Eat! } break; } } clz = clz.getSuperclass(); } while (null != clz); return elc; } @Override public String getValueItemLoggerDescriptor() { return getGlobalLogger(); } public String getWarningAction() { return warningAction; } public void setWarningAction(String warningAction) { this.warningAction = warningAction; } public String getErrorAction() { return errorAction; } public void setErrorAction(String errorAction) { this.errorAction = errorAction; } }