Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package notification; import; import; import db.DBQuerierRemote; import db.DBUpdaterRemote; import db.dbConnectorRemote; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.Set; import slitclient.EJBConnector; /** * This is the core notification class. * Its main purpose is to check for new notifications and register seen notifications * It also handles the threads used to display new notifications, * * @author Viktor Setervang */ public class Notification { // This is a button from the UserGUI class private JButton userGUINotificationButton; private JFrame frame; private JButton notificationGUIButton; private final EJBConnector ejbConnector = EJBConnector.getInstance(); private final dbConnectorRemote connector = ejbConnector.getEjbRemote(); private final DBQuerierRemote dbQuerier = ejbConnector.getDBQuerier(); private String userName; private HashMap<String, String> userInfo; private ArrayList<HashMap> unseenNotifications; // This field is for equality checks, so we dont end up with redudant Timer threads. private ArrayList<HashMap> futureNotifications; // This should be a sort of collection of Time objects, so there wont be "collisions". private ArrayList<Timer> timers; public Notification(JFrame frame, HashMap<String, String> userInfo, JButton userGUINotificationButton) { this.frame = frame; this.userInfo = userInfo; this.userGUINotificationButton = userGUINotificationButton; unseenNotifications = new ArrayList<>(); timers = new ArrayList<>(); userName = this.userInfo.get("userName"); frameAddWindowListener(); createNotificationTimers(); initiateNotificationUpdateLoop(); } /** * This method puts future notification timestamps into a timer. * When The timer goes off, the method checkForNotifications will be called. */ public void createNotificationTimers() { // Will be changed to only contain notification in close time proximity. String futureNotificationQuery = "AND Notification.notificationTime > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()"; // Gets the notifications from the database. ArrayList<HashMap> newFutureNotifications; if (futureNotifications != null) { newFutureNotifications = dbQuerier.getUserNotifications(futureNotificationQuery, userName); ArrayList<HashMap> tempList = newFutureNotifications; //System.out.println("futureNotifications.size(): " + this.futureNotifications.size()); //System.out.println("newList.size(): " + newFutureNotifications.size()); // calls a method that check for notification equality so there wont be redundant Timer threads. newFutureNotifications = getUniqueNotification(newFutureNotifications); futureNotifications = tempList; //System.out.println("newList.size(): " + newFutureNotifications.size()); } else { futureNotifications = dbQuerier.getUserNotifications(futureNotificationQuery, userName); newFutureNotifications = futureNotifications; //System.out.println("this.futureNotifications.size(): " + this.futureNotifications.size()); } if (newFutureNotifications.size() > 0) { Date date; //Timer timer = new Timer(); for (HashMap notification : newFutureNotifications) { Timer timer = new Timer(); int idNotification = (Integer) notification.get("idNotification"); Timestamp stamp = (Timestamp) notification.get("timestamp"); TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { //checkForNotifications(); markNotificationAsReady(idNotification); // PUT Notification in a form of ready to view list. } }; DateHandler dateHandler = new DateHandler(); try { date = dateHandler.timestampToDate(stamp); //System.out.println(date.toString()); timer.schedule(task, date); // Adds the timer to a list to avoid rogue threads after System.exit timers.add(timer); } catch (ParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Notification.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } checkForNotifications(); } /** * This method compares the list futureNotifications with the list provided * as parameter. It then extracts elements unique for one of those two lists. * * @param unseenNotifications the list to be compared with futureNotifications * @return an ArrayList containing unique elements */ private ArrayList<HashMap> getUniqueNotification(ArrayList<HashMap> unseenNotifications) { Set newSet = new HashSet(unseenNotifications); Set oldSet = new HashSet(this.futureNotifications); // returns a SetView that only contains the elements that are unique for one Set. SetView setView = Sets.symmetricDifference(newSet, oldSet); ArrayList<HashMap> uniqueElements = new ArrayList(setView); return uniqueElements; } /** * Sets the notificationGUIButton to be the same as the seeNotificationButton * used in NotificationGUI. * * @param notificationGUIButton */ public void setSeeNotificationGUIButton(JButton notificationGUIButton) { this.notificationGUIButton = notificationGUIButton; } /** * Checks the database for unseen notifications that match the current timestamp. * If there are unseen notifications that got a timestamp less or equal to current time * the notification buttons will be renamed so that the user will see the amount of unseen notifications. */ public void checkForNotifications() { //String currentUnseenNotificationQuery = "AND Notification.notificationTime <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()"; // Gets all unseen notifications for the current user. ArrayList<HashMap> notificationList = dbQuerier.getUserNotifications("", userName); // Removes the notifications already registered by the Timers notificationList = getUniqueNotification(notificationList); // adds the old unseen notifications to the unseenNotifications list unseenNotifications.addAll(notificationList); //System.out.println("unseen notificationList.size(): " + notificationList.size()); if (unseenNotifications.size() > 0) { userGUINotificationButton.setText("Varsler(" + unseenNotifications.size() + ")"); frame.repaint(); frame.pack(); try { notificationGUIButton.setText("Varsler(" + unseenNotifications.size() + ")"); } catch (NullPointerException np) { } //panel.repaint(); } } /** * Marks the notification specified by the parameter as ready to be viewed * * @param idNotification the identifier (PK) of the notification that is * ready to be viewed. */ private void markNotificationAsReady(int idNotification) { for (HashMap notification : futureNotifications) { if ((int) notification.get("idNotification") == idNotification) { unseenNotifications.add(notification); } } if (unseenNotifications.size() > 0) { userGUINotificationButton.setText("Varsler(" + unseenNotifications.size() + ")"); frame.repaint(); frame.pack(); try { notificationGUIButton.setText("Varsler(" + unseenNotifications.size() + ")"); } catch (NullPointerException np) { System.out.println("No active notificationGUI"); } //panel.repaint(); } } /** * Adds a windowListener to the frame that will close down all * timer threads made by the Notification object. */ public void frameAddWindowListener() { frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { // Closing down all Timer threads removeNotificationThreads(); frame.dispose(); System.exit(0); } }); } /** * Cancels all notification timer threads, only call this if you are 100% sure its a * good idea. */ public void removeNotificationThreads() { // Closing down all Timer threads System.out.println("Closing down all Notification Timer threads"); for (Timer timer : timers) { timer.purge(); timer.cancel(); } } /** * This method initiate the notification "update loop". * a Timer that checks for notifications at fixed intervals */ private void initiateNotificationUpdateLoop() { TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { checkForNotifications(); } }; Timer timer = new Timer(); // 1 sec = 1000, 1 minute = 60000 // Will currently check for updates every 5 minutes // task, first time before intervals, fixed interval time. timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, 300000, 300000); timers.add(timer); } /** * @return all unseen notifications. */ public ArrayList<HashMap> getUnseenNotifications() { return unseenNotifications; } /** * Marks all the notifications in the list as seen. * * @param seenNotifications list of notification IDs. */ public void markNotificationsAsSeen(ArrayList<Integer> seenNotifications) { DBUpdaterRemote dbUpdater = ejbConnector.getDBUpdater(); dbUpdater.markNotificationsAsSeen(seenNotifications); unseenNotifications.clear(); } }