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 * Copyright 2015 Norbert
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
 * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
 * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
 * copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package norbert.mynemo.core.evaluation;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics;
import org.apache.mahout.common.RandomUtils;


 * This class provides an evaluation of a recommender in the point of view of only one user.
public class PersonnalRecommenderEvaluator implements RecommenderEvaluator {
    private static float capEstimatedPreference(float estimate, DataModel dataModel) {
        if (dataModel.getMaxPreference() < estimate) {
            return dataModel.getMaxPreference();
        if (estimate < dataModel.getMinPreference()) {
            return dataModel.getMinPreference();
        return estimate;

     * Copies the preferences of the given user, from the given data model to the given map.
     * @param dataModel source of the preferences
     * @param preferences destination of the preferences
     * @param user user id
    private static void copyUserPreferences(DataModel dataModel, FastByIDMap<PreferenceArray> preferences,
            long user) throws TasteException {
        List<Preference> oneUserTrainingPrefs = null;

        for (Preference preference : dataModel.getPreferencesFromUser(user)) {
            Preference newPref = new GenericPreference(user, preference.getItemID(), preference.getValue());
            if (oneUserTrainingPrefs == null) {
                oneUserTrainingPrefs = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(3);


        preferences.put(user, new GenericUserPreferenceArray(oneUserTrainingPrefs));

     * Returns the number of test sets necessary for the given training percentage.
    private static int numberOfTestSets(double trainingPercentage, int numberOfPreferences) {
        int result;

        if (trainingPercentage == 1) {
            // avoid division by zero
            result = numberOfPreferences;
        } else {
            result = (int) (1 / (1 - trainingPercentage));
            // cap by the number of preferences
            if (numberOfPreferences < result) {
                result = numberOfPreferences;

        return result;

    /** Duration of the last evaluation. */
    private long duration;
    /** Accumulated error. */
    private final DescriptiveStatistics errorStats;
    private final boolean exhaustive;
    private final MetricType metric;
    private long predictionRequestNumber;
    private final Random random;
    /** Accumulated error * error. */
    private final DescriptiveStatistics squaredErrorStats;

    private final long targetUser;

     * Creates an evaluator for the given user.
     * <p>
     * An exhaustive evaluation is based on all preferences. An exhaustive evaluation results in a
     * lower speed and a better accuracy.
     * @param targetUser the user to evaluate.
     * @param metric type of metric to return
     * @param exhaustive return a metric based on all preferences
    public PersonnalRecommenderEvaluator(long targetUser, MetricType metric, boolean exhaustive) {
        random = RandomUtils.getRandom();
        this.targetUser = targetUser;
        this.metric = metric;
        errorStats = new DescriptiveStatistics();
        squaredErrorStats = new DescriptiveStatistics();
        this.exhaustive = exhaustive;

     * Copies the preferences of the target user to the given preference map, except the given ones.
    private void addUserPreferences(DataModel model, FastByIDMap<PreferenceArray> preferences,
            Collection<Preference> preferencesToExclude) throws TasteException {
        PreferenceArray targetUserPreferences = model.getPreferencesFromUser(targetUser);
        List<Preference> preferencesToAdd = new ArrayList<>(
                targetUserPreferences.length() - preferencesToExclude.size());

        // hash set to speed the method
        Set<Long> itemToExclude = new HashSet<>(preferencesToExclude.size());
        for (Preference preference : preferencesToExclude) {

        for (Preference currentPreference : targetUserPreferences) {
            // the equals method of Preference do not behave as expected, thus
            // preferencesToExclude.contains(currentPreference) can't be used
            if (!itemToExclude.contains(currentPreference.getItemID())) {

        preferences.put(targetUser, new GenericUserPreferenceArray(preferencesToAdd));

     * Build the training preferences with a given percentage of user. The preferences are extracted
     * from the given data model. The returned map does not include the target user.
     * <p>
     * The given percentage must be between 0 and 1.
    private FastByIDMap<PreferenceArray> buildBaseTrainingPreferences(DataModel model, double evaluationPercentage)
            throws TasteException {
        FastByIDMap<PreferenceArray> result = new FastByIDMap<PreferenceArray>(model.getNumUsers() - 1);

        LongPrimitiveIterator it = model.getUserIDs();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            long userId = it.nextLong();
            double nextDouble = random.nextDouble();
            if (nextDouble < evaluationPercentage && userId != targetUser) {
                copyUserPreferences(model, result, userId);

        return result;

    private List<List<Preference>> buildNonExhaustiveTestSet(PreferenceArray targetUserPreferences,
            double trainingPercentage) {

        List<Preference> testSet = new ArrayList<>();

        for (Preference currentPreference : targetUserPreferences) {
            if (trainingPercentage < random.nextDouble()) {

        List<List<Preference>> result = new ArrayList<>(1);
        return result;

     * Builds all test sets. The test sets are a random partition of the preferences of the target
     * user. The number of partition is derived from the given percentage.
     * <p>
     * If the evaluation is not exhaustive or if the given percentage is less than 0.5, then only one
     * set is build, that contains the given percentage of preference.
    private List<List<Preference>> buildTestSets(DataModel dataModel, double trainingPercentage)
            throws TasteException {

        PreferenceArray targetUserPreferences = dataModel.getPreferencesFromUser(targetUser);

        if (trainingPercentage < 0.5 || !exhaustive) {
            // create only one set, fill it, exit
            return buildNonExhaustiveTestSet(targetUserPreferences, trainingPercentage);

        int numberOfPreferences = dataModel.getPreferencesFromUser(targetUser).length();
        int numberOfSets = numberOfTestSets(trainingPercentage, numberOfPreferences);

        // Initialize the lists
        List<List<Preference>> result = new ArrayList<>(numberOfSets);
        for (int index = 0; index < numberOfSets; index++) {
            result.add(index, new ArrayList<Preference>());
        if (numberOfSets == numberOfPreferences) {
            // fill each set with one preference. This ensures that each set
            // will contain one preference.
            for (int index = 0; index < result.size(); index++) {
        } else {
            // fill the sets randomly
            for (Preference currentPreference : dataModel.getPreferencesFromUser(targetUser)) {
                result.get((int) Math.floor(random.nextDouble() * numberOfSets)).add(currentPreference);

        return result;

     * Evaluates the given preferences according to the given recommender using the given training
     * model.
     * <p>
     * The resulting errors are added to {@link #errorStats} and {@link #squaredErrorStats}.
    private void evaluate(DataModel trainingModel, Recommender recommender, List<Preference> preferencesToEvaluate)
            throws TasteException {
        for (Preference preference : preferencesToEvaluate) {
            float error = getError(trainingModel, recommender, preference);
            if (!Float.isNaN(error)) {
                squaredErrorStats.addValue(error * error);

     * If the exhaustive evaluation is off, the training percentage behave normally. If the exhaustive
     * evaluation is on, then the training percentage have two different behaviors:
     * <ul>
     * <li>percentage < 0.5: percentage behave normally, the evaluation is not exhaustive.</li>
     * <li>
     * <p>
     * 0.5 <= percentage: the preferences of the target user are split in several test sets. Each set
     * contains approximately the same number of user preferences. For example, if
     * <code>percentage=1</code>, then the number of set equals the number of preference of the target
     * user, each set containing one preference. If <code>percentage=0.5</code>, then two sets are
     * built, each set contains half of the preferences. If <code>percentage=0.9</code>, then ten sets
     * are built, each set contains one tenth of the preferences. Then, each set is tested as if the
     * evaluation is not exhaustive.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Thus, <code>1</code> provides the most precise result, but the computation may be intensive.
     * </p>
     * </li>
     * </ul>
    public double evaluate(RecommenderBuilder recommenderBuilder, DataModelBuilder dataModelBuilder,
            DataModel dataModel, double trainingPercentage, double evaluationPercentage) throws TasteException {

        Timer timer = Timer.createStartedTimer();

        // clear the previously computed errors
        predictionRequestNumber = 0;

        // all training preferences except the target user's one
        FastByIDMap<PreferenceArray> baseTrainingPreferences = buildBaseTrainingPreferences(dataModel,

        List<List<Preference>> testSets = buildTestSets(dataModel, trainingPercentage);

        // the idea is to generate a recommendation for each preference of the
        // target user.
        for (List<Preference> currentTestSet : testSets) {
            // add the preferences of the target user
            FastByIDMap<PreferenceArray> currentTrainingPreferences = baseTrainingPreferences.clone();
            addUserPreferences(dataModel, currentTrainingPreferences, currentTestSet);

            DataModel currentTrainingModel = (dataModelBuilder == null)
                    ? new GenericDataModel(currentTrainingPreferences)
                    : dataModelBuilder.buildDataModel(currentTrainingPreferences);

            Recommender currentRecommender = recommenderBuilder.buildRecommender(currentTrainingModel);

            evaluate(currentTrainingModel, currentRecommender, currentTestSet);

        duration = timer.stop().getDuration();

        return getEvaluationSummary(metric);

     * Returns the absolute difference between the given preference and the estimated one. Depending
     * on the recommender, the returned float may be NaN.
    private float getError(DataModel trainingModel, Recommender recommender, Preference preference)
            throws TasteException {
        float estimation = Float.NaN;
        try {
            // may return Float.NaN
            estimation = capEstimatedPreference(recommender.estimatePreference(targetUser, preference.getItemID()),
        } catch (NoSuchUserException | NoSuchItemException exception) {
            // It's possible that an item exists in the test data but not
            // training data in which case NSEE or NSIE will be thrown.
        return Math.abs(estimation - preference.getValue());

     * Returns a report on the last evaluation.
    public EvaluationReport getEvaluationReport() {
        return new EvaluationReport(new DescriptiveStatistics(errorStats),
                new DescriptiveStatistics(squaredErrorStats), predictionRequestNumber, duration);

     * Returns the MAE or the RMSE, depending of the choosen metric.
    private double getEvaluationSummary(MetricType metric) {
        double summary;

        switch (metric) {
            summary = errorStats.getMean();

            summary = Math.sqrt(squaredErrorStats.getMean());

            throw new IllegalStateException();

        return summary;

    public float getMaxPreference() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public float getMinPreference() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void setMaxPreference(float maxPreference) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void setMinPreference(float minPreference) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();