Java tutorial
package no.ssb.vtl.model; /*- * ========================LICENSE_START================================= * Java VTL * %% * Copyright (C) 2016 - 2017 Hadrien Kohl * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * =========================LICENSE_END================================== */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Map; import static; import static no.ssb.vtl.model.Order.Direction.ASC; /** * Represent the ordering the {@link DataPoint}s in a Dataset. */ public final class Order extends ForwardingMap<Component, Order.Direction> implements Comparator<DataPoint> { public static final Comparator<Comparable> NULLS_FIRST = Comparator .<Comparable>nullsFirst(Comparator.naturalOrder()); public static final Comparator<VTLObject> VTL_OBJECT_COMPARATOR = Comparator .comparing(vtlObject -> (Comparable) vtlObject.get(), NULLS_FIRST); public static final Comparator<Entry<String, Component>> BY_ROLE = Comparator.comparing( entry -> entry.getValue().getRole(), Ordering.explicit(Component.Role.IDENTIFIER, Component.Role.MEASURE, Component.Role.ATTRIBUTE)); public static final Comparator<Entry<String, Component>> BY_NAME = Comparator.comparing(Entry::getKey); private final DataStructure structure; private final ImmutableMap<Component, Direction> delegate; private final int[] indices; private final Direction[] directions; Order(DataStructure structure, ImmutableMap<Component, Direction> orders) { this.delegate = ImmutableMap.copyOf(orders); this.structure = checkNotNull(structure); ArrayList<Integer> indices = Lists.newArrayList(); ArrayList<Direction> directions = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Component component : orders.keySet()) { indices.add(structure.indexOf(component)); directions.add(orders.get(component)); } this.indices = Ints.toArray(indices); this.directions = directions.toArray(new Direction[] {}); } @Override public String toString() { MoreObjects.ToStringHelper helper = MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this); if (structure != null && delegate != null) { for (Entry<Component, Direction> entry : delegate.entrySet()) { helper.add(structure.getName(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()); } } return helper.toString(); } /** * Create a new Order.Builder instance. * * @param structure the structure this Order will operate on. */ public static Builder create(DataStructure structure) { return new Builder(structure); } /** * Create a copy of the order. * <p> * Useful to change data structure. */ public static Order.Builder createCopyOf(Order order) { return create(order.structure); } /** * Return the default Order for the given DataStructure. */ public static Order createDefault(DataStructure dataStructure) { Map<Component, Direction> order = dataStructure.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> e.getValue().isIdentifier()) .sorted(BY_ROLE.thenComparing(BY_NAME)) .collect(ImmutableMap.toImmutableMap(Entry::getValue, o -> ASC)); return new Order(dataStructure, ImmutableMap.copyOf(order)); } @Override public int compare(DataPoint o1, DataPoint o2) { int result; for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { result =[i]), o2.get(indices[i])); if (result != 0) { return directions[i] == ASC ? result : -result; } } return 0; } @Override protected Map<Component, Direction> delegate() { return delegate; } public enum Direction { ASC, DESC } public static class Builder { private final ImmutableMap.Builder<Component, Direction> delegate = ImmutableMap.builder(); private final DataStructure structure; private Builder(DataStructure structure) { this.structure = checkNotNull(structure); } public Builder put(Component key, Direction value) { delegate.put(key, value); return this; } public Builder put(String key, Direction value) { delegate.put(structure.get(key), value); return this; } public Builder put(Entry<Component, Direction> entry) { delegate.put(entry); return this; } public Builder putAll(Map<Component, Direction> map) { delegate.putAll(map); return this; } @Beta public Builder putAll(Iterable<? extends Entry<Component, Direction>> entries) { delegate.putAll(entries); return this; } public Order build() { return new Order(structure,; } } }