Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package no.sintef.jarfter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonObject; import; import no.sintef.jarfter.Exceptions.JarfterException; /** * * @author havahol */ public class Jarfter { private final String sessionId; public Jarfter() { // Intentionally empty constructor long timestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()).getTime(); sessionId = "a_" + timestamp; } public void cleanUp() throws JarfterException { String dir_name = "/tmp/" + sessionId; log("cleanUp - Deleting folder " + dir_name); File directory = new File(dir_name); if (directory.exists()) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(directory); } catch (IOException ioe) { log("cleanUp - Something bad happened"); error(ioe); throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.TMP_CLEAN_UP); } } } public FileInputStream getJarStreamFromClojureStream(InputStream input) throws JarfterException { log("getJarStreamFromClojureStream - started"); String tmpFolderName = createTmpFolder(); String clojureFileName = tmpFolderName + "/clojureInput.clj"; String jarFileName = tmpFolderName + "/transformation.jar"; FileInputStream stream = null; File clojureFile = new File(clojureFileName); // Write to file writeFile(clojureFile, input); // Compile clojure code compileClj2Jar(tmpFolderName, clojureFileName, jarFileName); log("getJarStreamFromClojureStream - Reading jar file...\n"); try { // Read from file stream = new FileInputStream(jarFileName); } catch (FileNotFoundException noFile) { throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.IO_NO_TEMP_JAR); } return stream; } public FileInputStream getWarStreamFromClojureStream(InputStream input) throws JarfterException { log("getWarStreamFromClojureStream - started"); String tmpFolderName = createTmpFolder(); String clojureFileName = tmpFolderName + "/clojureInput.clj"; String warFileName = tmpFolderName + "/warfter.war"; FileInputStream stream = null; File clojureFile = new File(clojureFileName); // Write to file writeFile(clojureFile, input); // Compile clojure code compileClj2War(tmpFolderName, clojureFileName, warFileName); log("getWarStreamFromClojureStream - Reading war file...\n"); try { // Read from file stream = new FileInputStream(warFileName); } catch (FileNotFoundException noFile) { throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.IO_NO_TEMP_WAR); } return stream; } public FileInputStream compileAndTransform(String clojure, String csv, String outputName) throws JarfterException { log("compileAndTransform - started"); String tmpFolderName = createTmpFolder(); String clojureFileName = tmpFolderName + "/clojureInput.clj"; String jarFileName = tmpFolderName + "/transformation.jar"; String csvFileName = tmpFolderName + "/" + "csv.csv"; String transformedFileName = tmpFolderName + "/" + outputName; FileInputStream transformedStream = null; File clojureFile = new File(clojureFileName); File csvFile = new File(csvFileName); // Write clojure source code to file writeFile(clojureFile, clojure); // Compile clojure code compileClj2Jar(tmpFolderName, clojureFileName, jarFileName); log("compileAndTransform - Compile successful"); // write csv raw data to file writeFile(csvFile, csv); // Run the transformation jarFileName with csv as input and transformedFileName as output log("compileAndTransform - Starting transformation with the following inputs:\n" + jarFileName + "\n" + csvFileName + "\n" + transformedFileName); runTransformation(jarFileName, csvFileName, transformedFileName); log("compileAndTransform - Transform successful"); try { // Read from file transformedStream = new FileInputStream(transformedFileName); } catch (FileNotFoundException noFile) { log("compileAndRun - got FileNotFoundException when reading transformed data..."); error(noFile); throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.IO_NO_TEMP_FILE); } return transformedStream; } public JsonObject storeTransformation(InputStream clojureStream) throws JarfterException { return storeTransformation(clojureStream, ""); } public JsonObject storeTransformation(InputStream clojureStream, String name) throws JarfterException { return storeTransformation(clojureStream, name, ""); } public JsonObject storeTransformation(InputStream clojureStream, String name, String metadata) throws JarfterException { log("storeTransformation - start of method"); PostgresqlInteractor pi = null; String tmpFolderName = createTmpFolder(); String clojureFileName = tmpFolderName + "/clojureInput.clj"; String jarFileName = tmpFolderName + "/transformation.jar"; File clojureFile = new File(clojureFileName); try { // Write to file writeFile(clojureFile, clojureStream); // Compile clojure code compileClj2Jar(tmpFolderName, clojureFileName, jarFileName); pi = new PostgresqlInteractor(); pi.addTransformationEntry(sessionId, name, metadata, clojureFileName, jarFileName); //pi.addFileEntry_havahol(sessionId, jarFileName); return jsonWrappedTransformUri(sessionId); } catch (JarfterException je) { throw je; } finally { if (pi != null) { pi.disconnect(); } } } public InputStream getJarStream(String transform_uri) throws JarfterException { // Checking if this jar is already in the tmp folder String searchJar = createTmpFolder(transform_uri) + "/transformation.jar"; try { if (new File(searchJar).exists()) { return new FileInputStream(new File(searchJar)); } } catch (FileNotFoundException nofile) { log("getJarStream - did not find jar, even though it should exist... Below is stack trace, but we load it from DB"); error(nofile); } return getJarStreamFromDatabase(transform_uri); } public InputStream getJarStreamFromDatabase(String transform_uri) throws JarfterException { PostgresqlInteractor pi = null; try { pi = new PostgresqlInteractor(); return pi.getTransformationJar(transform_uri); } catch (JarfterException jex) { error(jex); throw jex; } finally { if (pi != null) { pi.disconnect(); } } } public JsonObject selectFromTransformations(String transform_uri) throws JarfterException { PostgresqlInteractor pi = null; try { pi = new PostgresqlInteractor(); return pi.selectAllTransfomations(transform_uri); } catch (JarfterException jex) { throw jex; } finally { if (pi != null) { pi.disconnect(); } } } public JsonObject storeRawData(InputStream rawDataStream) throws JarfterException { return storeRawData(rawDataStream, ""); } public JsonObject storeRawData(InputStream rawDataStream, String filename) throws JarfterException { log("storeRawData - beginning of method"); //String uri = streamToString(clojureStream); PostgresqlInteractor pi = null; String tmpFolderName = createTmpFolder(); String rawDataFileName = tmpFolderName + "/rawData.dat"; File rawDataFile = new File(rawDataFileName); try { writeFile(rawDataFile, rawDataStream); pi = new PostgresqlInteractor(); pi.addFilesEntry(sessionId, filename, rawDataFileName); return jsonWrap("fileid", sessionId); } catch (JarfterException jex) { throw jex; } finally { if (pi != null) { pi.disconnect(); } } } public FileInputStream executeTransformation(String transformation_uri, String files_fileid, String transformedDataFileName) throws JarfterException { log("executeTransformation - began"); PostgresqlInteractor pi = null; try { pi = new PostgresqlInteractor(); InputStream rawDataStream = pi.getFilesFile(files_fileid); String rawDataFileName = pi.getFilesFilename(files_fileid); return executeTransformation(transformation_uri, rawDataFileName, rawDataStream, transformedDataFileName); } catch (JarfterException jex) { throw jex; } finally { if (pi != null) { pi.disconnect(); } } } public FileInputStream executeTransformation(String transformation_uri, String rawDataFileName, InputStream rawDataStream, String transformedDataFileName) throws JarfterException { String tmpFolderName = createTmpFolder(transformation_uri); String jarFileName = tmpFolderName + "/transformation.jar"; rawDataFileName = tmpFolderName + "/" + rawDataFileName; transformedDataFileName = tmpFolderName + "/" + transformedDataFileName; try { if (!new File(jarFileName).exists()) { InputStream jarStream = getJarStreamFromDatabase(transformation_uri); // Write jarStream to file in tmpFolder writeFileBinary(new File(jarFileName), jarStream); } // Write rawDataStream to file in tmpFolder writeFileBinary(new File(rawDataFileName), rawDataStream); // Run transformation and create transformedDataFile in tmpFolder runTransformation(jarFileName, rawDataFileName, transformedDataFileName); // Return FileInputStream of transformedDataFile return new FileInputStream(transformedDataFileName); } catch (JarfterException jex) { throw jex; } catch (FileNotFoundException nofile) { log("executeTransformation - FileNotFoundException found..."); error(nofile); throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.IO_NO_TEMP_FILE); } } public void storeBinaryOnDisk(InputStream input) throws JarfterException { String tmpFolderName = createTmpFolder(); File outputFile = new File(tmpFolderName + "/transformation.jar"); writeFileBinary(outputFile, input); log("storeBinaryOnDisk - check file " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); } private String createTmpFolder() { return createTmpFolder(sessionId); } private String createTmpFolder(String id) { String tmpFolderName = "/tmp/" + id; File tmpFolder = new File(tmpFolderName); if (!tmpFolder.exists()) { tmpFolder.mkdir(); } log("createTmpFolder - created folder " + tmpFolderName); return tmpFolderName; } private void runTransformation(String jarFileName, String rawDataFileName, String transformedDataFileName) throws JarfterException { if (!rawDataFileName.endsWith(".csv")) { // This won't work, so we throw the exception here log("runTransformation - rawDataFileName does not have .csv extension"); throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.GRAFTER_BAD_INPUT_FORMAT); } runCommand("java", "-jar", jarFileName, rawDataFileName, transformedDataFileName); } private void compileClj2Jar(String folderName, String clojureFileName, String jarFileName) throws JarfterException { // Call script to generate jar. // Script need to be available in $PATH String applicationFileName = ""; runCommand(applicationFileName, folderName, clojureFileName, jarFileName); } public void compileClj2War(String folderName, String clojureFileName, String warFileName) throws JarfterException { // Call script to generate war. // Script need to be available in $PATH String applicationFileName = ""; runCommand(applicationFileName, folderName, clojureFileName, warFileName); if (fileContains(folderName + "/log.txt", "Subprocess failed")) { throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.CLOJURE_COMPILE_ERROR); } } /** * Encapsulates the use of ProccessBuilder * @param command * @param arguments * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ private void runCommand(String command, String... arguments) throws JarfterException { log("runCommand - Starting " + command + "...\n"); List<String> commandList = new ArrayList<String>(); commandList.add(command); for (String argument : arguments) { commandList.add(argument); } ProcessBuilder procBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(commandList); Process detachedProc = null; try { detachedProc = procBuilder.start(); } catch (IOException ioe) { log("runCommand - Could not start the detachedProc..."); error(ioe); throw new JarfterException(); } String line; String stdout = ""; String stderr = ""; try { // Reading output BufferedReader outputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(detachedProc.getInputStream())); while ((line = outputReader.readLine()) != null) { stdout += line; } outputReader.close(); // Reading error BufferedReader errorReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(detachedProc.getErrorStream())); while ((line = errorReader.readLine()) != null) { stderr += line; } errorReader.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { log("runCommand - caught exception while reading stdout and stderr..."); error(ioe); throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.IO_PROCESS_OUTPUT); } log("runCommand - stdout:\n" + stdout); log("runCommand - stderr:\n" + stderr); try { detachedProc.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException interruption) { log("runCommand - caught InterruptedException from detachedProc.waitFor()..."); error(interruption); throw new JarfterException(interruption.getClass().getName(), interruption.getLocalizedMessage()); } detachedProc.destroy(); if (!stderr.equals("")) { runCommandAnalyzeStderr(command, stderr); } } private void runCommandAnalyzeStderr(String command, String stderr) throws JarfterException { // At the time of writing, runCommand is used with two kind of programs if (command.equals("")) { // This is the stderr from successful if (stderr.endsWith("Compiling sintef-jarfter-template.coreCompiling sintef-jarfter-template.core")) { return; } else if (stderr.contains("lang.RuntimeException")) { throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.GRAFTER_COMPILE_ERROR); } else { throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.GRAFTER_UNKNOWN_COMPILE_ERROR); } } if (command.equals("java")) { if (stderr.equals( "log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger ( Please initialize the log4j system properly.log4j:WARN See for more info.")) { return; } else if (stderr.equals( "SLF4J: Failed to load class \"org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder\".SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementationSLF4J: See for further details.")) { return; } if (stderr.contains("UnsupportedRDFormatException:")) { throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.GRAFTER_BAD_OUTPUT_FORMAT); } throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.GRAFTER_UNKOWN_RUNTIME_ERROR); } } private boolean fileContains(String filename, String searchString) { File file = new File(filename); try { FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(file); java.util.Scanner scanner = new java.util.Scanner(fileStream).useDelimiter("\\A"); String fileAsString = scanner.hasNext() ? : ""; return fileAsString.contains(searchString); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.IO_NO_TEMP_FILE); } } /** * Writes a input stream to a given file. * Also handles windows characters on Linux platforms. * @param outputFile * @param input * @throws IOException */ private void writeFile(File outputFile, InputStream input) throws JarfterException { if (outputFile.exists()) { outputFile.delete(); } try { log("writeFile(File, InputStream) - Writing to file " + outputFile.getName()); // Writing to a string before writing to file String inputAsString = streamToString(input); //String inputAsString = IOUtils.toString(input, encoding); log("writeFile(File, InputStream) - InputStream consisted of the following:\n" + inputAsString); writeFile(outputFile, inputAsString); input.close(); log("writeFile(File, InputStream) - File written!"); } catch (IOException ex) { log("writeFile(File, InputStream) - Exception in writeFile..."); error(ex); throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.IO_WRITE_FILE); } } private void writeFile(File outputFile, String content) throws JarfterException { try { String encoding = "UTF-8"; FileUtils.writeStringToFile(outputFile, content, encoding); } catch (IOException ex) { log("writeFile(File, String) - Exception in writeFile..."); error(ex); throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.IO_WRITE_FILE); } } private void writeFileBinary(File outputFile, InputStream input) throws JarfterException { if (outputFile.exists()) { outputFile.delete(); } try { log("writeFileBinary - Writing to file " + outputFile.getName()); OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); byte[] buffer = new byte[8 * 1024]; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = != -1) { output.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } output.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException nofile) { log("writeFileBinary - FileNotFoundException found..."); error(nofile); throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.IO_NO_TEMP_FILE); } catch (IOException ioex) { log("writeFileBinary - IOException in writeFileBinary..."); error(ioex); throw new JarfterException(JarfterException.Error.IO_WRITE_FILE); } finally { } } private String streamToString(InputStream input) { String encoding = "UTF-8"; java.util.Scanner scanner = new java.util.Scanner(input).useDelimiter("\\A"); String inputAsString = scanner.hasNext() ? : ""; return inputAsString.replaceAll("[\uFEFF-\uFFFF]", ""); } private JsonObject jsonWrappedTransformUri(String transformation_uri) { return Json.createObjectBuilder().add("transformation_uri", transformation_uri).build(); } private JsonObject jsonWrap(String field, String value) { return Json.createObjectBuilder().add(field, value).build(); } private void log(String message) { Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().toString()).log(Level.INFO, this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "::" + message); } private void error(Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }