Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * @contributor(s): Freerider Team (Group 4, IT2901 Fall 2012, NTNU) * @contributor(s): Freerider Team 2 (Group 3, IT2901 Spring 2013, NTNU) * @version: 2.0 * * Copyright 2013 Freerider Team 2 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import no.ntnu.idi.freerider.model.MapLocation; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; /** * This class retrieves a {@link MapRoute} using the Google Maps API. * <br><br> * Use the static method {@link #getRoute(double, double, double, double)}. */ public class RouteProvider { /** * Returning a {@link MapRoute}, containing data that is retrieved from Google Maps. * * @param fromLat The latitude where the route starts. * @param fromLon The longitude where the route starts. * @param toLat The latitude where the route ends. * @param toLon The latitude where the route ends. * @return Returns a {@link MapRoute} containing all the map data needed for showing a route in a map view. * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException * @throws XmlPullParserException */ public static MapRoute getRoute(double fromLat, double fromLon, double toLat, double toLon, final boolean drawable) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, XmlPullParserException { final String url = RouteProvider.getUrl(fromLat, fromLon, toLat, toLon); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); Callable<MapRoute> callable = new Callable<MapRoute>() { @Override public MapRoute call() throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, XmlPullParserException { InputStream is = RouteProvider.getConnectionInputStream(url); MapRoute temp = new MapRoute(); temp = RouteProvider.getRoute(is, drawable); return temp; } }; Future<MapRoute> future = executor.submit(callable); MapRoute ret; try { ret = future.get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { ret = null; } catch (ExecutionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block ret = null; } executor.shutdown(); return ret; } private static MapRoute getRoute(InputStream is, boolean drawable) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { XMLParser parser = new XMLParser(drawable); return parser.parse(is); } /** * Creates a url that should be used to retrieve a route from google maps. * * @param fromLat * @param fromLon * @param toLat * @param toLon * @return */ private static String getUrl(double fromLat, double fromLon, double toLat, double toLon) {// connect to map web service StringBuffer urlString = new StringBuffer(); urlString.append(""); urlString.append("origin=");// from urlString.append(Double.toString(fromLat)); urlString.append(","); urlString.append(Double.toString(fromLon)); urlString.append("&destination=");// to urlString.append(Double.toString(toLat)); urlString.append(","); urlString.append(Double.toString(toLon)); urlString.append("&sensor=false"); return urlString.toString(); } /** * Creates a connection from the given URL, and returns an {@link InputStream} for reading data. * * @param url The URL that the connection refer to. * @return Returns an {@link InputStream} for reading data. * @throws IOException * @throws MalformedURLException */ private static InputStream getConnectionInputStream(String url) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { URLConnection conn = new URL(url).openConnection(); return conn.getInputStream(); } } class KMLHandler extends DefaultHandler { MapRoute route; boolean isPlacemark; boolean isRoute; boolean isItemIcon; private Stack<String> mCurrentElement = new Stack<String>(); private String mString; public KMLHandler() { route = new MapRoute(); } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String name, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { mCurrentElement.push(localName); if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("Placemark")) { isPlacemark = true; } else if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("ItemIcon")) { if (isPlacemark) { isItemIcon = true; } } mString = new String(); } @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { String chars = new String(ch, start, length).trim(); mString = mString.concat(chars); } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String name) throws SAXException { if (mString.length() > 0) { if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("name")) { if (isPlacemark) { isRoute = mString.equalsIgnoreCase("Route"); if (!isRoute) { } } else { route.setRouteName(mString); } } else if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("color") && !isPlacemark) { } else if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("width") && !isPlacemark) { } else if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("description")) { if (isPlacemark) { String description = cleanup(mString); if (!isRoute) { } else { route.setDistanceDescription(description); } } } else if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("href")) { if (isItemIcon) { } } else if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("coordinates")) { if (isPlacemark) { if (!isRoute) { } else { String[] coordinatesParsed = split(mString, " "); for (int i = 0; i < coordinatesParsed.length; i++) { String[] xyParsed = split(coordinatesParsed[i], ","); double lat = Double.parseDouble(xyParsed[1]); double lon = Double.parseDouble(xyParsed[0]); route.addCoordinate(new MapLocation(lat, lon)); if (i == 0) { route.addToDrivingThroughList(GeoHelper.getMapLocation(lat, lon)); } else if (i == coordinatesParsed.length - 1) { route.addToDrivingThroughList(GeoHelper.getMapLocation(lat, lon)); } } } } } } mCurrentElement.pop(); if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("Placemark")) { isPlacemark = false; if (isRoute) isRoute = false; } else if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("ItemIcon")) { if (isItemIcon) isItemIcon = false; } } private String cleanup(String value) { String remove = "<br/>"; int index = value.indexOf(remove); if (index != -1) value = value.substring(0, index); remove = " "; index = value.indexOf(remove); int len = remove.length(); while (index != -1) { value = value.substring(0, index).concat(value.substring(index + len, value.length())); index = value.indexOf(remove); } return value; } private static String[] split(String strString, String strDelimiter) { String[] strArray; int iOccurrences = 0; int iIndexOfInnerString = 0; int iIndexOfDelimiter = 0; int iCounter = 0; if (strString == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input string cannot be null."); } if (strDelimiter.length() <= 0 || strDelimiter == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Delimeter cannot be null or empty."); } if (strString.startsWith(strDelimiter)) { strString = strString.substring(strDelimiter.length()); } if (!strString.endsWith(strDelimiter)) { strString += strDelimiter; } while ((iIndexOfDelimiter = strString.indexOf(strDelimiter, iIndexOfInnerString)) != -1) { iOccurrences += 1; iIndexOfInnerString = iIndexOfDelimiter + strDelimiter.length(); } strArray = new String[iOccurrences]; iIndexOfInnerString = 0; iIndexOfDelimiter = 0; while ((iIndexOfDelimiter = strString.indexOf(strDelimiter, iIndexOfInnerString)) != -1) { strArray[iCounter] = strString.substring(iIndexOfInnerString, iIndexOfDelimiter); iIndexOfInnerString = iIndexOfDelimiter + strDelimiter.length(); iCounter += 1; } return strArray; } }