Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package no.imr.sea2data.stox; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Window; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import no.imr.sea2data.imrbase.exceptions.XMLReaderException; import no.imr.sea2data.imrbase.util.Conversion; import no.imr.sea2data.imrbase.util.Workspace; import no.imr.stox.factory.Factory; import no.imr.stox.factory.FactoryUtil; import no.imr.stox.functions.utils.Functions; import no.imr.stox.functions.utils.ProjectUtils; import no.imr.stox.functions.utils.RUtils; import no.imr.stox.model.IModel; import no.imr.stox.model.IProject; import no.imr.stox.model.Project; import no.imr.stox.model.ProjectXMLReader; import no.imr.sea2data.core.util.FTPUtil; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author aasmunds */ public class InstallerUtil { /** * Extract file to workspace folder. */ /** * Initalize. * * @param resTemplate * @param targetFolder * @param subFolder * @param fileName * @param force - force a new copy replacement */ public static void extractToTargetFolder(String resTemplate, String targetFolder, String subFolder, String fileName, boolean force) { File fFile = new File(Workspace.getDir(targetFolder, subFolder) + "/" + fileName); if (force || !fFile.exists()) { try { // Extract the resource to file if not exist. String fs = ProjectUtils.STOX_SYSTEM_FOLDER + "/" + resTemplate + "/" + subFolder + "/" + fileName; InputStream st = Workspace.getResourceAsStream(fs); if (st == null) { return; } IOUtils.copy(st, new FileOutputStream(fFile)); } catch (IOException ex) { } } } /** * Create a test model * * @return a model object representing this folder. */ public static final String TESTPROJECT = "Tobis-2013842-test"; /** * Apply test model * * @param bl */ public static void applyTestModelBaseline(IProject p) { IModel bl = p.getBaseline(); IModel blr = p.getBaselineReport(); // Apply additional parameters: bl.getProcessByFunctionName(Functions.FN_READACOUSTICXML) .setParameterValue(Functions.PM_READACOUSTICXML_FILENAME + 1, "input/acoustic/Luf20_2013842.xml"); bl.getProcessByFunctionName(Functions.FN_FILTERACOUSTIC) .setParameterValue(Functions.PM_FILTERACOUSTIC_DISTANCEEXPR, "log >= 287.9 and log <= 409.9") .setParameterValue(Functions.PM_FILTERACOUSTIC_FREQEXPR, "frequency == 38000 and transceiver == 2") .setParameterValue(Functions.PM_FILTERACOUSTIC_NASCEXPR, "acocat == 27 and chtype == 'P'"); bl.getProcessByFunctionName(Functions.FN_READBIOTICXML) .setParameterValue(Functions.PM_READACOUSTICXML_FILENAME + 1, "input/biotic/4-2013-3317-1.xml"); bl.getProcessByFunctionName(Functions.FN_FILTERBIOTIC) .setParameterValue(Functions.PM_FILTERBIOTIC_CATCHEXPR, "noname == 'HAVSIL'"); bl.getProcessByFunctionName(Functions.FN_DEFINESTRATA) .setParameterValue(Functions.PM_DEFINESTRATA_USEPROCESSDATA, true); // setParameterValue(Functions.PM_DEFINESTRATA_FILENAME, "polygon/tobis.txt"); bl.getProcessByFunctionName(Functions.FN_ACOUSTICDENSITY).setParameterValue(Functions.PM_ACOUSTICDENSITY_A, -93); // Test accurate area method: bl.getProcessByFunctionName(Functions.FN_STRATUMAREA).setParameterValue(Functions.PM_STRATUMAREA_AREAMETHOD, Functions.AREAMETHOD_SIMPLE); blr.getProcessByFunctionName(Functions.FN_ESTIMATEBYPOPULATIONCATEGORY) .setParameterValue(Functions.PM_ESTIMATEBYPOPCATEGORY_SCALE, 1000); } /** * Extract test model * * @return */ public static IProject extractTestModel() { IProject p = FactoryUtil.acquireProject(ProjectUtils.getSystemProjectRoot(), TESTPROJECT, Factory.TEMPLATE_ACOUSTICABUNDANCETRANSECT); applyTestModelBaseline(p); // Apply process data from resource into project xml try (InputStream stream = InstallerUtil.class.getResourceAsStream("/stox/test/process/processdata.xml")) { new ProjectXMLReader(p).readXML(stream); } catch (IOException | XMLReaderException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Project.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }; // Attempt to copy data files to the test project (if not existing) String resTemplate = "test"; String projectFolder = p.getProjectFolder(); extractToTargetFolder(resTemplate, projectFolder, ProjectUtils.PROJECT_BIOTICINPUT_FOLDER, "4-2013-3317-1.xml", false); extractToTargetFolder(resTemplate, projectFolder, ProjectUtils.PROJECT_ACOUSTICINPUT_FOLDER, "Luf20_2013842.xml", false); return p; } // createTestModel private static Double getVersionFromFile(File ver) { if (!ver.exists()) { return null; } Double res = null; try { String line = null; BufferedReader br = null; br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(ver)); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { res = Conversion.safeStringtoDoubleNULL(line); } br.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return res; } private static void printSystemVersionToFile(File ver, double systemVersion) { PrintWriter printWriter = null; try { printWriter = new PrintWriter(ver); printWriter.println(systemVersion); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { } finally { if (printWriter != null) { printWriter.close(); } } } public static File getSystemVersionFile() { return new File(ProjectUtils.getSystemFolder() + "/version.txt"); } public static Double getSystemVersionFromResource() { File ver = getSystemVersionFile(); return getVersionFromFile(ver); } private static String rStoX = "Rstox.tar.gz"; /*public static void retrieveRstox(String ftpPath, String pkgFile) throws IOException { boolean fromResource = false; if (fromResource) { // Extract the resource to file if not exist. String fs = "stox/system/r/" + rStoX; InputStream st = Workspace.getResourceAsStream(fs); if (st == null) { return; } IOUtils.copy(st, new FileOutputStream(new File(pkgFile))); } else { // From FTP retrieveTARGZFromFTP(ftpPath, pkgFile); } }*/ public static final String IMR_FTP = ""; public static final String FTP_STOX = IMR_FTP + "/" + "StoX"; public static final String FTP_STOXDOWNLOAD = FTP_STOX + "/" + "Download"; public static final String RSTOX = "Rstox"; public static final String REFERENCE = "reference"; public static final String README = "README"; public static final String FTP_STOXDOWNLOAD_RSTOX = FTP_STOXDOWNLOAD + "/" + RSTOX; public static final String FTP_STOXDOWNLOAD_REFERENCE = "StoX/Download/reference"; public static Boolean retrieveReadMeFromFTP(String ftpPath, String outFile) { return retrieveFromFTP(ftpPath, outFile, (FTPFile ftpFile) -> ftpFile.isFile() && ftpFile.getName().startsWith(README)); } /*public static Boolean retrieveTARGZFromFTP(String ftpPath, String outFile) throws IOException { return retrieveFromFTP(ftpPath, outFile, (FTPFile ftpFile) -> ftpFile.isFile() && ftpFile.getName().endsWith(TARGZ)); }*/ public static Boolean retrieveFromFTP(String ftpPath, String outFile, FTPFileFilter filter) { try { FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient(); // pass directory path on server to connect if (ftpPath == null) { return false; } ftpPath = ftpPath.replace("ftp://", ""); String[] s = ftpPath.split("/", 2); if (s.length != 2) { return false; } String server = s[0]; String subPath = s[1]; ftpClient.setConnectTimeout(5000); ftpClient.connect(server); ftpClient.setFileType(FTPClient.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); if (!ftpClient.login("anonymous", "")) { return false; } ftpClient.enterLocalPassiveMode(); // bug : mac doesnt allow ftp server connect through through local firewall - thus use passive server try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outFile)) { try { String path = subPath + "/"; FTPFile[] files = ftpClient.listFiles(path, filter); Optional<FTPFile> opt = .sorted((f1, f2) ->, f2.getName().length())) .findFirst(); if (opt.isPresent()) { ftpClient.retrieveFile(path + opt.get().getName(), fos); } } finally { ftpClient.logout(); ftpClient.disconnect(); } } return true; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new UncheckedIOException(ex); } } public static boolean retrieveReferenceFromFTP() { FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient(); try { // pass directory path on server to connect ftpClient.connect(""); ftpClient.setFileType(FTPClient.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); // successful if (!ftpClient.login("anonymous", "")) { return false; } ftpClient.enterLocalPassiveMode(); FTPUtil.retrieveDir(ftpClient, FTP_STOXDOWNLOAD_REFERENCE, ProjectUtils.getSystemReferenceFolder()); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } finally { try { ftpClient.disconnect(); } catch (IOException e) { } } return true; } public static String getIOTempDirFile(String fileName) { String tmpDir = System.getProperty(""); tmpDir = new File(tmpDir).getPath().replace("\\", "/"); return tmpDir + "/" + fileName; } public static boolean installRstox(Window wnd, String ftpPath, String rFolder) { // String pkgFile = getIOTempDirFile(RSTOX + TARGZ); // retrieveRstox(ftpPath, pkgFile); wnd.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); try { return RUtils.installRstox(ftpPath, rFolder); } finally { wnd.setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); } } public static void extractSystemFromResource() { // Extract strata files Double d = getSystemVersionFromResource(); if (d != null && d >= Project.RESOURCE_VERSION) { return; } // System version File ver = getSystemVersionFile(); printSystemVersionToFile(ver, Project.RESOURCE_VERSION); /*// Polygons Workspace.getDir(ProjectUtils.getSystemPolygonFolder(), null); String systemFolder = ProjectUtils.getSystemFolder(); String[] pls = {"kolmule", "norwegian_sea", "norwegian_sea2014", "tobis", "herring_spawning2015", "vintertokt_barentshav", "herringlarvae"}; for (String pl : pls) { extractToTargetFolder("system", systemFolder, ProjectUtils.SYSTEM_POLYGON_FOLDER, ProjectUtils.txt(pl), true); }*/ // Reference retrieveReferenceFromFTP(); // Extract test model extractTestModel(); } }