Java tutorial
/*$Id: 12168 2008-12-08 10:43:46Z jens $*/ /* **************************************************************************** * * * (c) Copyright 2005 ABM-utvikling * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * * Public License for more details. * * * **************************************************************************** */ package no.abmu.abmstatistikk.annualstatistic.util; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import no.abmu.abmstatistikk.annualstatistic.service.AnnualStatisticService; import no.abmu.organisationregister.domain.OrganisationTypeNameConst; import no.abmu.organisationregister.service.OrganisationUnitService; import no.abmu.util.hibernate2.spring.ApplicationContextLoaderH2; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; /** * Tool to import data into AnnualStatistic database. * * @author Henning Kulander * @author Thomas Oldervoll * @author $Author: jens $ * @version $Rev: 12168 $ * @date $Date: 2008-12-08 11:43:46 +0100 (Mon, 08 Dec 2008) $ * @copyright ABM-Utvikling */ public class DataLoaderH2 { public static final String HIB_FILE_KEY = ""; public static final String HIB_DIALECT_KEY = "hibernate.dialect"; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DataLoaderH2.class); private static String dialect; private static Exception initException; protected ApplicationContext context; private AnnualStatisticService asService; private OrganisationUnitService organisationUnitService; private boolean loadMuseum = false; private boolean loadFagbib = false; private boolean loadFolkebib = false; public DataLoaderH2(String[] args) { parseOpts(args); Properties properties = new Properties(); String hibFile = System.getProperty(HIB_FILE_KEY, "conf/hibernate/"); try { properties.load(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(hibFile)); dialect = (String) properties.get(HIB_DIALECT_KEY); if (dialect == null) { throw new IllegalAccessException("The file " + hibFile + " had no key " + HIB_DIALECT_KEY); } } catch (Exception e) { initException = e; } System.getProperties().setProperty("applicationContextConfig", "conf/spring/application-context.xml"); System.getProperties().setProperty("config_locs_cp", "conf/spring/appContext-util.xml," + "conf/spring/appContext-configuration.xml," + "conf/spring/appContext-db-dataLayer.xml," + "conf/spring/appContext-service-orgRegister.xml," + "conf/spring/appContext-service-annualStatistic.xml," + "conf/spring/appContext-service-user.xml"); /* + "conf/spring/appContext-security.xml" */ System.getProperties().setProperty("config_locs", ""); ApplicationContextLoaderH2.getInstance().init(); context = ApplicationContextLoaderH2.getInstance().getApplicationContext(); asService = (AnnualStatisticService) ApplicationContextLoaderH2.getInstance().getApplicationContext() .getBean("AnnualStatisticService"); organisationUnitService = (OrganisationUnitService) ApplicationContextLoaderH2.getInstance() .getApplicationContext().getBean("organisationUnitService"); if (organisationUnitService == null) { log.error("Couldn't find organisationUnitService bean"); } loadData(); } private void parseOpts(String[] args) { if (args == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if ("-full".equals(args[i])) { loadMuseum = true; loadFagbib = true; loadFolkebib = true; } else if ("-museum".equals(args[i])) { loadMuseum = true; } else if ("-fagbib".equals(args[i])) { loadFagbib = true; } else if ("-folkebib".equals(args[i])) { loadFolkebib = true; } } } private void loadData() { loadFromExcel(); } private void addMuseum(Set excelFiles) { excelFiles.add(new ExcelFileInfo(OrganisationTypeNameConst.MUSEUM, "museum", "src" + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "museum.xls", "Ark1", 1, 3, 5)); } private void addFagbib(Set excelFiles) { excelFiles.add(new ExcelFileInfo(OrganisationTypeNameConst.FAG_LIBRARY, "fagbib", "src" + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "bibliotek_fag.xls", "Ark1", 0, 4, 0)); } private void addFolkebib(Set excelFiles) { excelFiles.add(new ExcelFileInfo(OrganisationTypeNameConst.FYLKES_LIBRARY, "folkbib", "src" + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "statistikk2003" + File.separator + "statistikk2003_folkebibliotek_" + "fylkesbibliotek.xls", "Ark1", 0, 2, 1)); excelFiles.add(new ExcelFileInfo(OrganisationTypeNameConst.MOBILE_LIBRARY, "folkbib", "src" + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "statistikk2003" + File.separator + "statistikk2003_folkebibliotek_" + "mobile.xls", "Ark1", 0, 2, 1)); excelFiles.add(new ExcelFileInfo(OrganisationTypeNameConst.HIGH_SCHOOL_LIBRARY, "folkbib", "src" + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "statistikk2003" + File.separator + "statistikk2003_folkebibliotek_" + "videregaaendeskoler.xls", "Ark1", 0, 2, 1)); excelFiles.add(new ExcelFileInfo(OrganisationTypeNameConst.FYLKE, "folkbib", "src" + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "statistikk2003" + File.separator + "statistikk2003_folkebibliotek_" + "fylkeskommuner_vgs.xls", "Ark1", 0, 2, 1)); excelFiles.add(new ExcelFileInfo(OrganisationTypeNameConst.PUBLIC_LIBRARY, "folkbib", "src" + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "statistikk2003" + File.separator + "statistikk2003_folkebibliotek_" + "folkebibliotek.xls", "Ark1", 0, 2, 1)); excelFiles.add(new ExcelFileInfo(OrganisationTypeNameConst.PRISON_LIBRARY, "folkbib", "src" + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "statistikk2003" + File.separator + "statistikk2003_folkebibliotek_" + "fengsel.xls", "Ark1", 1, 3, 1)); excelFiles.add(new ExcelFileInfo(OrganisationTypeNameConst.HOSPITAL_LIBRARY, "folkbib", "src" + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "statistikk2003" + File.separator + "statistikk2003_folkebibliotek_" + "pasient.xls", "Ark1", 0, 2, 1)); excelFiles.add(new ExcelFileInfo(OrganisationTypeNameConst.PRIMARY_SCHOOL_LIBRARY, "folkbib", "src" + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "statistikk2003" + File.separator + "statistikk2003_folkebibliotek_" + "grunnskoler.xls", "Ark1", 0, 2, 1)); excelFiles.add(new ExcelFileInfo(OrganisationTypeNameConst.KOMMUNE, "folkbib", "src" + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "statistikk2003" + File.separator + "statistikk2003_folkebibliotek_" + "kommuner_grunnskoler.xls", "Ark1", 0, 2, 1)); } /** * ExcelFileInfo. * */ private class ExcelFileInfo { private String fileName; private String sheetName; private int headerLine; private String schemaShortName; private String organisationType; private short idColumn; private int firstDataLine; public ExcelFileInfo(String organisationType, String schemaShortName, String fileName, String sheetName, int headerLine, int firstDataLine, int idColumn) { this.organisationType = organisationType; this.schemaShortName = schemaShortName; this.fileName = fileName; this.sheetName = sheetName; this.headerLine = headerLine; this.firstDataLine = firstDataLine; this.idColumn = (short) idColumn; } public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder().append(fileName).append(organisationType).toHashCode(); } } private void loadFromExcel() { Set excelFiles = new HashSet(); if (loadMuseum) { addMuseum(excelFiles); } if (loadFagbib) { addFagbib(excelFiles); } if (loadFolkebib) { addFolkebib(excelFiles); } Iterator excelFileIterator = excelFiles.iterator(); while (excelFileIterator.hasNext()) { ExcelFileInfo excelFileInfo = (ExcelFileInfo); ExcelWithLibraryInformationAndDataParser excelParser = new ExcelWithLibraryInformationAndDataParser(); excelParser.setAnnualStatisticService(asService); excelParser.setOrganisationUnitService(organisationUnitService); log.debug("ParseExcel... handleRequestInternal called..."); System.out.println("Loading " + excelFileInfo.fileName + "."); excelParser.setOrganisationType(excelFileInfo.organisationType); excelParser.setSchemaShortName(excelFileInfo.schemaShortName); excelParser.setSheetName(excelFileInfo.sheetName); excelParser.setOrganisationUnitIdColumnIdx(new Short(excelFileInfo.idColumn)); excelParser.setFieldLine((int) excelFileInfo.headerLine); excelParser.setFirstDataLine(excelFileInfo.firstDataLine); excelParser.setExcelFileName(excelFileInfo.fileName); List orgUnits = excelParser.getOrganisationalUnits();"Loaded " + orgUnits.size() + " organisation units from " + excelFileInfo.fileName); } } public static void main(String[] args) { DataLoaderH2 dataLoader = new DataLoaderH2(args); } }