Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Craig Thomas * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package nlmt.topicmodels; import nlmt.datatypes.IdentifierObjectMapper; import nlmt.datatypes.SparseDocument; import nlmt.datatypes.Word; import nlmt.probfunctions.PMFSampler; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import; import java.util.*; import; import static org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma.logGamma; /** * Simple implementation of Hierarchical Latent Dirichlet Allocation using Gibbs * Sampling. The <code>HierarchicalLDANode</code> class is used to build the topic trees that are * described as part of the Nested Chinese Restaurant Problem. Each node in the tree * is essentially a topic. * * The tree is initialized randomly at first. Each document generates a random path * in the tree, up to a <code>maxDepth</code>. When initially generating a path, it * looks at the children along the parent node, and chooses the next node in the * path based on the popularity of the children (i.e. how many documents have already * been allocated to that node). It may generate new nodes in the tree. When the path * is generated, each word in the document is randomly assigned to a node in the path. * * When <code>doGibbsSampling</code> is called, it looks at each document's path, and * removes the documents and all of its words from the nodes in the path. Then, it * generates a new path for the document from the root of the tree to the * <code>maxDepth</code>. When generating paths, it calculates the probability of choosing * the next node based upon the words in the document, the words in the node, and the * popularity of the node. Once the path has been generated, it assigns each word in * the document to a node as normal Latent Dirichlet Allocation would work (the * number of topics is equal to the total length of the path). */ public class HierarchicalLDAModel implements Serializable { // Keeps track of how deep the tree can become private int maxDepth; // The gamma hyper-parameter - controls how likely documents will choose new paths protected double gamma; // The eta word-smoothing parameter - smaller values results in more topics private double[] eta; // Stick breaking parameter to control proportion of specific / general words private double m; // Stick breaking parameter to control how strongly m is upheld private double pi; // Keeps track of what topics have been assigned to the word in a document. // The documentIndex will range from 0 to the total number of documents protected SparseDocument[] documents; // Associates a word with a specific number protected IdentifierObjectMapper<String> vocabulary; // Used to produce random numbers private Random random; // Used to maps nodes to their indices (topic numbers) protected IdentifierObjectMapper<HierarchicalLDANode> nodeMapper; // The paths that each document takes through the topic tree protected HierarchicalLDAPath[] documentPaths; // The root node of the topic tree protected HierarchicalLDANode rootNode; // Used to sample from various distributions private PMFSampler pmfSampler; // The default depth of the tree public final static int DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH = 3; // The default value for the gamma hyper-parameter public final static double DEFAULT_GAMMA = 1.0; // Default values for the eta hyper-parameter - favors more terms towards the root public final static double[] DEFAULT_ETA = { 2.0, 1.0, 0.5 }; // The default value of pi - favors more specific words public final static double DEFAULT_PI = 1.0; // The default value of m - favors more specific words public final static double DEFAULT_M = 0.5; public HierarchicalLDAModel() { this(DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH, DEFAULT_GAMMA, DEFAULT_ETA, DEFAULT_M, DEFAULT_PI); } public HierarchicalLDAModel(int maxDepth, double gamma, double[] eta, double m, double pi) { if (maxDepth < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxDepth must be >= 2"); } if (gamma < 0.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("gamma must be >= 0"); } if (eta.length < maxDepth) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("eta must have at least " + maxDepth + " values"); } if (m <= 0.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("m must be > 0"); } if (pi <= 0.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("pi must be > 0"); } this.gamma = gamma; this.maxDepth = maxDepth; this.eta = eta; this.m = m; this.pi = pi; vocabulary = new IdentifierObjectMapper<>(); documents = new SparseDocument[0]; random = new Random(); nodeMapper = new IdentifierObjectMapper<>(); pmfSampler = new PMFSampler(maxDepth); } /** * Read in a list of documents. Each document is assumed to be a * list of Strings. Stop-words and other pre-processing should be * done prior to reading documents. The documents should be read before * running doGibbsSampling. * * @param documents the List of documents, each being a List of Strings */ public void readDocuments(List<List<String>> documents) { this.documents = new SparseDocument[documents.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < documents.size(); i++) { this.documents[i] = new SparseDocument(vocabulary); this.documents[i].readDocument(documents.get(i), true); } documentPaths = new HierarchicalLDAPath[documents.size()]; rootNode = new HierarchicalLDANode(null, vocabulary.size()); int rootId = nodeMapper.addObject(rootNode); for (int i = 0; i < documents.size(); i++) { documentPaths[i] = new HierarchicalLDAPath(rootNode, maxDepth); } rootNode.setId(rootId); } /** * Initialize all of the counters. For each document, generate a path * in the tree up to a maximum length of <code>maxDepth</code>. When the * path for the document has been created, randomly assign each word in the * document to one of the nodes in the path. */ public void initialize() { for (int documentIndex = 0; documentIndex < documents.length; documentIndex++) { List<Integer> newPath = chooseRandomPath(true); documentPaths[documentIndex] = new HierarchicalLDAPath(rootNode, maxDepth); documentPaths[documentIndex].addPath(newPath, nodeMapper); documentPaths[documentIndex].addDocument(documentIndex); chooseLevelsForDocument(documents[documentIndex], documentPaths[documentIndex], true); } } /** * Given the specified document, calculates the complete log likelihood for * that document given the words in this path component, and the number of * documents that have visited the node. * * @param wordCountsAtLevel the total word counts for all vocabulary words in the document at this level * @param documentWords the set of Word objects appearing in this document * @param eta the value of eta for this level * @param node the node with the words * @return the log likelihood of choosing this node */ protected double getPathWordsLikelihood(Map<Integer, Integer> wordCountsAtLevel, Set<Word> documentWords, double eta, HierarchicalLDANode node) { double etaTotal = eta * vocabulary.size(); int nodeTotalWordCount = node.getTotalWordCount(); double result = logGamma( etaTotal + nodeTotalWordCount - wordCountsAtLevel.values().stream().mapToInt(v -> v).sum()); result -= logGamma(etaTotal + nodeTotalWordCount); for (Word word : documentWords) { int vocabIndex = word.getVocabularyId(); int wordCountAllDocuments = node.getWordCount(vocabIndex); result -= logGamma(eta + wordCountAllDocuments - wordCountsAtLevel.getOrDefault(vocabIndex, 0)); result += logGamma(eta + wordCountAllDocuments); } return result; } /** * Calculates the probability for the specified path, given the document * in question. The path is passed as a list of node ids (e.g. [0, 3, 12]). * The path may have an id element of -1, which indicates that a new node * should be created (e.g. [0, 3, -1]). Assumes that the path weights have * already been propagated from the root node to all of the leaves. * * @param pathToConsider the List of nodes in a path to check * @return the probability of selecting the specified path */ protected double calculatePathLikelihood(List<Integer> pathToConsider) { int nodeId = -1; int lastNode = maxDepth - 1; while (nodeId == -1) { nodeId = pathToConsider.get(lastNode); lastNode--; } return nodeMapper.getObjectFromIndex(nodeId).getPathWeight(); } /** * Calculates the log-likelihood of the path given the words that occur in the * document. The path is passed as a list of node ids (e.g. [0, 3, 12]). * The path may have an id element of -1, which indicates that a new node * should be created (e.g. [0, 3, -1]). * * @param document the SparseDocument to consider * @param path the path that the document currently takes through the tree * @param pathToConsider the path nodes to consider * @return the log-likelihood of the path */ protected double calculateWordLikelihood(SparseDocument document, HierarchicalLDAPath path, List<Integer> pathToConsider) { double wordProbability = 0.0; Set<Word> documentWords = document.getWordSet(); for (int level = 0; level < maxDepth; level++) { int nodeId = pathToConsider.get(level); if (nodeId != -1) { HierarchicalLDANode node = nodeMapper.getObjectFromIndex(nodeId); // Don't include the document words if the document isn't mapped to the node! Map<Integer, Integer> wordCountsByLevel = (path.getNode(level).getId() == nodeId) ? document.getWordCountsByTopic(level) : new HashMap<>(); wordProbability += getPathWordsLikelihood(wordCountsByLevel, documentWords, eta[level], node); } } return wordProbability; } /** * Given a list of paths through the tree, calculates the log-likelihood of * each potential path, converts back to probability space, and then selects * one randomly (based upon their total 'weight'). Each path in the list of * paths is specified by a series of node ids (e.g. [1, 4, 9]). * * @param document the SparseDocument to check * @param path the path that the document currently takes throug hthe tree * @param paths a list of paths * @return the index of the path chosen from the list */ protected int chooseBestPath(SparseDocument document, HierarchicalLDAPath path, List<List<Integer>> paths) { rootNode.propagatePathWeight(0.0, gamma, maxDepth); double[] logLikelihoods = new double[paths.size()]; for (int pathIndex = 0; pathIndex < paths.size(); pathIndex++) { logLikelihoods[pathIndex] = (calculateWordLikelihood(document, path, paths.get(pathIndex)) + calculatePathLikelihood(paths.get(pathIndex))); } return PMFSampler.normalizeLogLikelihoods(logLikelihoods).sample(); } /** * Generate a random path through the tree. The path is only based on the number of documents * that have already visited the various nodes in the tree. The resulting object is a list * of node ids through the randomly generated path. The new path is always rooted at the root * node. If <code>allowNodeCreation</code> is <code>true</code>, then new nodes may be generated. * * @param allowNodeCreation if true, allows new nodes to be created * * @return a List of node ids through the randomly generated path */ protected List<Integer> chooseRandomPath(boolean allowNodeCreation) { List<Integer> newPath = new ArrayList<>(); newPath.add(rootNode.getId()); HierarchicalLDANode parent = rootNode; int additionalChildren = allowNodeCreation ? 1 : 0; for (int level = 1; level < maxDepth; level++) { if (parent == null || parent.getNumChildren() == 0) { newPath.add(-1); } else { List<HierarchicalLDANode> children = parent.getChildren(); PMFSampler sampler = new PMFSampler(children.size() + additionalChildren); for (HierarchicalLDANode child : children) { double weight = child.getNumDocumentsVisitingNode() / (documents.length - 1 + gamma); sampler.add(weight); } if (allowNodeCreation) { sampler.add(gamma / (documents.length - 1 + gamma)); } int pathComponent = sampler.sample(); if (pathComponent == children.size()) { newPath.add(-1); parent = null; } else { newPath.add(children.get(pathComponent).getId()); parent = children.get(pathComponent); } } } return newPath; } /** * Determines what topic the word should belong to given the current topic counts * in the specified document. It looks at the nodes (topics or topic clusters) in * the path, and chooses one based upon the word distributions. This works identically * as it did in the LDAModel, except that the number of topics is limited to the * depth of the path. * * @param document the document to consider * @param word the word to check * @param path the HierarchicalLDAPath to consider * @return the level of the node in the path that was chosen */ protected int chooseNewLevelForWord(SparseDocument document, Word word, HierarchicalLDAPath path) { pmfSampler.clear(); Map<Integer, Integer> documentTopicCounts = document.getTopicCounts(); double[] levelProbabilities = getLevelProbabilities(documentTopicCounts); double[] wordProbabilities = getWordProbabilities(word, path); for (int level = 0; level < maxDepth; level++) { pmfSampler.add(wordProbabilities[level] * levelProbabilities[level]); } return pmfSampler.sample(); } /** * For each word in a document, assign it a level in the path. If randomize is true, then * the level selection will be randomized. * * @param document the document with the words * @param path the path through the tree * @param randomize if true, level selection for words will be random */ protected void chooseLevelsForDocument(SparseDocument document, HierarchicalLDAPath path, boolean randomize) { Set<Word> words = document.getWordSet(); for (Word word : words) { int level = (randomize) ? random.nextInt(maxDepth) : chooseNewLevelForWord(document, word, path); path.getNode(level).addWord(word); word.setTopic(level); } } /** * Calculates the smoothed probability of the word for each of the levels on the path. The * size of the returned array will have maxDepth items in it, one for each level. * * @param word the word to check * @param path the path to check * @return the Array of probabilities for the word at each level */ protected double[] getWordProbabilities(Word word, HierarchicalLDAPath path) { double[] probabilities = new double[maxDepth]; for (int level = 0; level < maxDepth; level++) { HierarchicalLDANode node = path.getNode(level); probabilities[level] = (node.getWordCount(word.getVocabularyId()) + eta[level]) / (node.getTotalWordCount() + (vocabulary.size() * eta[level])); } return probabilities; } /** * Using the stick breaking convention and the count of number of words in the document * at the various levels, return an array containing the probabilities of each level. * In other words calculate p(level). * * @param documentTopicCounts the counts of the number of words in each level * @return an array of probabilities for each level */ protected double[] getLevelProbabilities(Map<Integer, Integer> documentTopicCounts) { double[] probabilities = new double[maxDepth]; int totalWordCount = documentTopicCounts.values().stream().mapToInt(v -> v).sum(); double remainingStickLength = 1.0; for (int i = 0; i < maxDepth - 1; i++) { int wordCountAtLevel = documentTopicCounts.getOrDefault(i, 0); double stickPiece = (((1 - m) * pi) + wordCountAtLevel) / (pi + totalWordCount); totalWordCount -= wordCountAtLevel; probabilities[i] = stickPiece * remainingStickLength; remainingStickLength *= 1.0 - stickPiece; } probabilities[maxDepth - 1] = 1.0 -; return probabilities; } /** * Loops for the specified number of iterations. For each document, removes * the document from its current path, generates a new path through the tree, * removes each word of the document from its old node, and then calculates what * node in the new path the word should belong to. The result of Gibbs Sampling * will be that every document has a path. Each node in the path represents a * topic. Documents that share nodes are considered to be related to one another. * Level 0 of every path corresponds to the root node, which all documents * share. * * @param numIterations the number of times to perform Gibbs Sampling */ public void doGibbsSampling(int numIterations) { int totalDocs = documents.length; initialize(); for (int iteration = 0; iteration < numIterations; iteration++) { for (int documentIndex = 0; documentIndex < totalDocs; documentIndex++) { doGibbsSamplingSingleDocument(documentIndex, documents[documentIndex], documentPaths[documentIndex]); HierarchicalLDANode.deleteEmptyNodes(nodeMapper); } } } /** * Performs a single round of sampling for the specified document, along its path. * It will choose a new path for the document, deallocate it from its current path, * assign it to the new path, and then assign new levels for each of the words in * the new path. * * @param documentId the identifier for the document (typically a document index) * @param document the SparseDocument to consider * @param path the HierarchicalLDA path that the document currently takes through the tree */ protected void doGibbsSamplingSingleDocument(int documentId, SparseDocument document, HierarchicalLDAPath path) { List<List<Integer>> paths = HierarchicalLDAPath.enumeratePaths(rootNode, maxDepth); int bestPath = chooseBestPath(document, path, paths); List<Integer> newPath = paths.get(bestPath); // Deallocate the document and all its words from the current path path.removeDocument(documentId); Set<Word> words = document.getWordSet(); for (Word word : words) { path.getNode(word.getTopic()).removeWord(word); //word.setTopic(-1); } // Assign the new path, and choose new levels for the words path.addPath(newPath, nodeMapper); path.addDocument(documentId); chooseLevelsForDocument(document, path, false); } /** * Returns the list of words that describe each topic. The <code>minNumDocuments</code> * parameter controls what topics are displayed. Topics must have the minimum number * of documents specified within them to be considered a valid topic, otherwise they * will not appear in the list. * * @param numWords the number of words to fetch * @param minNumDocuments the minimum number of documents that must appear in the topic * @return the List of topics, each with a List of Strings that are the words for that topic */ public Map<Integer, List<String>> getTopics(int numWords, int minNumDocuments) { Map<Integer, List<String>> topics = new HashMap<>(); for (int key : nodeMapper.getIndexKeys()) { HierarchicalLDANode node = nodeMapper.getObjectFromIndex(key); if (node.getDocumentsVisitingNode().size() >= minNumDocuments) { topics.put(key, node.getTopWords(numWords, vocabulary)); } } return topics; } /** * Returns a string representation of the tree starting at the root. * * @param numWords the number of words to print per line * @return returns a String representation of the tree */ public String prettyPrintTree(int numWords) { return prettyPrintNode(rootNode, 0, numWords); } /** * Returns a string representation of the tree, formatted nicely, starting at the * specified node. * * @param node the node to be considered as the root node * @param indentationLevel the current indentation level * @param numWords the number of words to print per line * @return returns a String representation of the node */ public String prettyPrintNode(HierarchicalLDANode node, int indentationLevel, int numWords) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder indents = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i <= indentationLevel; i++) { indents.append("-"); } result.append(indents); result.append(" Node "); result.append(node.getId()); result.append(": "); result.append(node.getNumDocumentsVisitingNode()); result.append(" docs, words: "); result.append(node.getTopWords(numWords, vocabulary)); result.append("\n"); for (HierarchicalLDANode child : node.getChildren()) { result.append(prettyPrintNode(child, indentationLevel + 2, numWords)); } return result.toString(); } /** * Infer what the topic distributions should be for an unseen document. * Returns a Pair with the left-most item containing a list of nodes that * the document belongs to in the topic hierarchy. The right-most item in * the Pair contains the distribution of the document over the topics. Both * lists will contain <code>maxDepth</code> number of items. If there are * no words in the document, will return empty lists for both items. If * <code>overrideGamma</code> is <code>true</code>, then gamma * will be temporarily set to a very low number to prevent new nodes * from being created. * * @param document the List of Strings that represents the document * @param numIterations the number of times to perform gibbs sampling on the inference * @param overrideGamma if true, will prevent new node generation by making gamma very small * @return a Pair of Lists, the left being the topic numbers, the right being the distributions */ public Pair<List<Integer>, List<Double>> inference(List<String> document, int numIterations, boolean overrideGamma) { if (numIterations < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("numIterations must be >= 1"); } if (document.size() == 0) { return Pair.of(new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>()); } // If the caller doesn't want new nodes generated, set gamma to a very low value double oldGamma = gamma; gamma = (overrideGamma) ? 0.00000000000000001 : gamma; // Read the document SparseDocument newDocument = new SparseDocument(vocabulary); newDocument.readDocument(document, false); int temporaryDocumentId = documents.length; // Allocate the new document to a random path, and allocate words in the document to the path HierarchicalLDAPath newDocumentPath = new HierarchicalLDAPath(rootNode, maxDepth); List<Integer> newPath = chooseRandomPath(false); newDocumentPath.addPath(newPath, nodeMapper); newDocumentPath.addDocument(temporaryDocumentId); chooseLevelsForDocument(newDocument, newDocumentPath, true); // Perform gibbs sampling but only for the current document for (int iteration = 0; iteration < numIterations; iteration++) { doGibbsSamplingSingleDocument(temporaryDocumentId, newDocument, newDocumentPath); } // Restore the previous value of gamma gamma = oldGamma; // Figure out the word distributions List<Integer> pathNodeIds = .collect(Collectors.toList()); List<Double> wordDistributions = new ArrayList<>(); Map<Integer, Integer> wordCountsByTopic = newDocument.getTopicCounts(); int totalWords = wordCountsByTopic.values().stream().mapToInt(value -> value).sum(); // If the document contained no valid words, then return empty distributions, and a // path that is all nulls if (totalWords == 0) { wordDistributions = new ArrayList<>(); pathNodeIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (int level = 0; level < maxDepth; level++) { wordDistributions.add(0.0); pathNodeIds.add(-1); } } else { for (int level = 0; level < maxDepth; level++) { wordDistributions.add((double) (wordCountsByTopic.getOrDefault(level, 0) / totalWords)); } // Reset the old counts for the nodes and their documents by de-allocating the node from // the path that it was associated with Set<Word> wordSet = newDocument.getWordSet(); for (int level = 0; level < maxDepth; level++) { HierarchicalLDANode node = newDocumentPath.getNode(level); node.removeVisited(temporaryDocumentId); for (Word word : wordSet) { if (word.getTopic() == level) { node.removeWord(word); word.setTopic(-1); } } } } // Delete any empty nodes that exist after removing the words and documents HierarchicalLDANode.deleteEmptyNodes(nodeMapper); return Pair.of(pathNodeIds, wordDistributions); } /** * Retrieves the hierarchy for the tree. * * @return the hierarchy for the tree */ public Map<Integer, List<Integer>> getHierarchy() { return HierarchicalLDANode.generateMap(nodeMapper); } /** * Retrieves the number of documents in each each node of the tree. * * @return a Map that links the node identifier to the number of documents it contains */ public Map<Integer, Integer> getNumDocumentsForNodes() { Map<Integer, Integer> result = new HashMap<>(); for (Integer nodeId : nodeMapper.getIndexKeys()) { result.put(nodeId, nodeMapper.getObjectFromIndex(nodeId).getNumDocumentsVisitingNode()); } return result; } /** * Returns the path that the specified document took down the tree. If the * supplied <code>documentIndex</code> is invalid, will return a path * consisting of -1 values. * * @param documentIndex the index of the document in the original list of documents * @return the path the document took down the tree */ public List<Integer> getPathForDocument(int documentIndex) { List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (int level = 0; level < maxDepth; level++) { if ((documentIndex >= documents.length) || (documentIndex < 0)) { result.add(-1); } else { HierarchicalLDANode node = documentPaths[documentIndex].getNode(level); if (node != null) { result.add(node.getId()); } else { result.add(-1); } } } return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if ((o == null) || (getClass() != o.getClass())) { return false; } HierarchicalLDAModel that = (HierarchicalLDAModel) o; if (maxDepth != that.maxDepth) { return false; } if (, gamma) != 0) { return false; } if (, m) != 0) { return false; } if (, pi) != 0) { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(eta, that.eta)) { return false; } // Probably incorrect - comparing Object[] arrays with Arrays.equals if (!Arrays.equals(documents, that.documents)) { return false; } if (!vocabulary.equals(that.vocabulary)) { return false; } if (!nodeMapper.equals(that.nodeMapper)) { return false; } // Probably incorrect - comparing Object[] arrays with Arrays.equals return Arrays.equals(documentPaths, that.documentPaths) && !(rootNode != null ? !rootNode.equals(that.rootNode) : that.rootNode != null); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result; long temp; result = maxDepth; temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(gamma); result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(eta); temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(m); result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(pi); result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); result = 31 * result + (documents != null ? Arrays.hashCode(documents) : 0); result = 31 * result + vocabulary.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + nodeMapper.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (documentPaths != null ? Arrays.hashCode(documentPaths) : 0); result = 31 * result + (rootNode != null ? rootNode.hashCode() : 0); return result; } }