Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package nl.uva.sne.disambiguators; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.didion.jwnl.JWNLException; import nl.uva.sne.commons.FileUtils; import nl.uva.sne.commons.SemanticUtils; import nl.uva.sne.commons.Term; import nl.uva.sne.commons.TermFactory; import nl.uva.sne.commons.ValueComparator; import; import; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.mapdb.DB; import org.mapdb.DBMaker; import org.mapdb.Serializer; /** * * @author S. Koulouzis */ public class BabelNet extends DisambiguatorImpl { private String keysStr; private DB db; private static Map<String, String> synsetCache; private static Map<String, List<String>> wordIDCache; private static Map<String, String> disambiguateCache; private static Map<String, String> edgesCache; private String key; private String[] keys; private int keyIndex = 0; private File cacheDBFile; @Override public List<Term> disambiguateTerms(String filterredDictionary) throws IOException, ParseException { List<Term> terms = new ArrayList<>(); File dictionary = new File(filterredDictionary); int count = 0; int lineCount = 1; try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dictionary))) { for (String line; (line = br.readLine()) != null;) { if (lineCount >= getLineOffset()) { String[] parts = line.split(","); String term = parts[0]; // Integer score = Integer.valueOf(parts[1]); if (term.length() >= 1) { count++; if (count > getLimit()) { break; } Term tt = getTerm(term); if (tt != null) { terms.add(tt); } } } lineCount++; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(SemanticUtils.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, null, ex); return terms; } return terms; } @Override public Term getTerm(String term) throws IOException, ParseException, JWNLException, UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException { Set<Term> possibleTerms; try { possibleTerms = getTermNodeByLemma(term); // if (possibleTerms != null & possibleTerms.size() > 1) { Term dis = disambiguate(term, possibleTerms, getAllTermsDictionaryPath(), getMinimumSimilarity()); // } else if (possibleTerms.size() == 1) { // return possibleTerms.iterator().next(); // } // return null; if (dis == null) { Logger.getLogger(BabelNet.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Couldn''''t figure out what ''{0}'' means", term); } else { Logger.getLogger(BabelNet.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Term: {0}. Confidence: {1} URL: {2}", new Object[] { dis, dis.getConfidence(), dis.getUrl() }); } return dis; } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(BabelNet.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return null; } private Set<Term> getTermNodeByLemma(String term) throws IOException, ParseException, UnsupportedEncodingException, JWNLException, FileNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String language = "EN"; List<String> ids = getcandidateWordIDs(language, term); Set<Term> nodes = new HashSet<>(); if (ids != null) { for (String id : ids) { String synet = getBabelnetSynset(id, language); String url = null; Term node = TermFactory.create(synet, language, term, null, url); if (node != null) { try { url = "" + URLEncoder.encode(node.getUID(), "UTF-8"); node.setUrl(url); List<Term> h = getHypernyms(language, node); if (h != null && !h.isEmpty()) { node.setBroader(h); for (Term t : h) { node.addBroaderUID(t.getUID()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(SemanticUtils.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, null, ex); } nodes.add(node); } } } return nodes; } private String getBabelnetSynset(String id, String lan) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, InterruptedException { // if (db == null || db.isClosed()) { // loadCache(); // } if (id == null || id.length() < 1) { return null; } String json = getFromSynsetCache(id); if (json != null && json.equals("NON-EXISTING")) { return null; } if (json == null) { URL url = new URL("" + id + "&filterLangs=" + lan + "&langs=" + lan + "&key=" + this.key); System.err.println(url); json = IOUtils.toString(url); handleKeyLimitException(json); // if (db.isClosed()) { // loadCache(); // } if (json != null) { putInSynsetCache(id, json); } else { putInSynsetCache(id, "NON-EXISTING"); } } return json; } @Override public void configure(Properties properties) { super.configure(properties); keysStr = properties.getProperty("bablenet.key"); keys = keysStr.split(","); key = keys[keyIndex]; String fName = FilenameUtils.getName(getCachePath()); String newName = this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "." + fName; String path = getCachePath().replaceAll(fName, newName); cacheDBFile = new File(path); } private List<String> getcandidateWordIDs(String language, String word) throws IOException, ParseException, FileNotFoundException, InterruptedException { // if (db == null || db.isClosed()) { // loadCache(); // } List<String> ids = getFromWordIDCache(word); if (ids != null && ids.size() == 1 && ids.get(0).equals("NON-EXISTING")) { return null; } language = language.toUpperCase(); if (ids == null || ids.isEmpty()) { ids = new ArrayList<>(); URL url = new URL( "" + word + "&langs=" + language + "&key=" + this.key); System.err.println(url); String genreJson = IOUtils.toString(url); int count = 0; try { handleKeyLimitException(genreJson); } catch (IOException ex) { if (ex.getMessage().contains("Your key is not valid or the daily requests limit has been reached") && count < keys.length - 1) { count++; return getcandidateWordIDs(language, word); } else { throw ex; } } Object obj = JSONValue.parseWithException(genreJson); if (obj instanceof JSONArray) { JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) obj; for (Object o : jsonArray) { JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) o; if (jo != null) { String id = (String) jo.get("id"); if (id != null) { ids.add(id); } } } } else if (obj instanceof JSONObject) { JSONObject jsonObj = (JSONObject) obj; String id = (String) jsonObj.get("id"); if (id != null) { ids.add(id); } } // if (db.isClosed()) { // loadCache(); // } if (ids.isEmpty()) { ids.add("NON-EXISTING"); putInWordIDCache(word, ids); return null; } putInWordIDCache(word, ids); } return ids; } // private void loadCache() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException { // File lock = new File(cacheDBFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".lock"); // int count = 0; // long sleepTime = 5; // while (lock.exists()) { // sleepTime = sleepTime * 2; // count++; // if (count >= 10) { // break; // } // Logger.getLogger(SemanticUtils.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "DB locked. Sleeping: {0} {1}", new Object[]{sleepTime, count}); // Thread.sleep(sleepTime); // } // // lock.createNewFile(); // db = DBMaker.newFileDB(cacheDBFile).make(); // synsetCache = db.getHashMap("synsetCacheDB"); // if (synsetCache == null) { // synsetCache = db.createHashMap("synsetCacheDB").keySerializer(Serializer.STRING).valueSerializer(Serializer.STRING).make(); // } // wordIDCache = db.get("wordIDCacheDB"); // if (wordIDCache == null) { // wordIDCache = db.createHashMap("wordIDCacheDB").keySerializer(Serializer.STRING).valueSerializer(Serializer.BASIC).make(); // } // // disambiguateCache = db.get("disambiguateCacheDB"); // if (disambiguateCache == null) { // disambiguateCache = db.createHashMap("").keySerializer(Serializer.STRING).valueSerializer(Serializer.STRING).make(); // } // // edgesCache = db.getHashMap("edgesCacheDB"); // if (edgesCache == null) { // edgesCache = db.createHashMap("edgesCacheDB").keySerializer(Serializer.STRING).valueSerializer(Serializer.STRING).make(); // } // db.commit(); // lock.delete(); // } private void handleKeyLimitException(String genreJson) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, InterruptedException { if (genreJson.contains("Your key is not valid or the daily requests limit has been reached")) { keyIndex++; if (keyIndex > keys.length - 1) { keyIndex = 0; } key = keys[keyIndex]; Logger.getLogger(BabelNet.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, "Switch to: {0}", keyIndex); throw new IOException(genreJson); } } // private void saveCache() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException { // Logger.getLogger(BabelNet.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, "Saving cache"); // if (db != null) { // if (!db.isClosed()) { // commitDB(); // db.close(); // } // } // } private List<Term> getHypernyms(String language, Term t) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ParseException, Exception { Map<String, Double> hypenymMap = getEdgeIDs(language, t.getUID(), "HYPERNYM"); List<Term> hypernyms = new ArrayList<>(); ValueComparator bvc = new ValueComparator(hypenymMap); Map<String, Double> sorted_map = new TreeMap(bvc); sorted_map.putAll(hypenymMap); int maxNumOfHyper = 5; for (String uid : sorted_map.keySet()) { if (maxNumOfHyper <= 0) { break; } String synetHyper = getBabelnetSynset(uid, language); String url = "" + URLEncoder.encode(uid, "UTF-8"); Term hypernym = TermFactory.create(synetHyper, language, null, uid, url); if (hypernym != null) { hypernyms.add(hypernym); } maxNumOfHyper--; } // hypenymMap = getEdgeIDs(language, t.getUID(), "MERONYM", key); return hypernyms; } private Map<String, Double> getEdgeIDs(String language, String id, String relation) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ParseException, Exception { // if (db == null || db.isClosed()) { // loadCache(); // } String genreJson = getFromEdgesCache(id); if (genreJson == null) { URL url = new URL("" + id + "&key=" + this.key); System.err.println(url); genreJson = IOUtils.toString(url); handleKeyLimitException(genreJson); if (genreJson != null) { putInEdgesCache(id, genreJson); } if (genreJson == null) { putInEdgesCache(id, "NON-EXISTING"); } } Object obj = JSONValue.parseWithException(genreJson); JSONArray edgeArray = (JSONArray) obj; Map<String, Double> map = new HashMap<>(); for (Object o : edgeArray) { JSONObject pointer = (JSONObject) ((JSONObject) o).get("pointer"); String relationGroup = (String) pointer.get("relationGroup"); String target = (String) ((JSONObject) o).get("target"); Double normalizedWeight = (Double) ((JSONObject) o).get("normalizedWeight"); Double weight = (Double) ((JSONObject) o).get("weight"); if (relationGroup.equals(relation)) { map.put(target, ((normalizedWeight + weight) / 2.0)); } } return map; } private Term disambiguate(String term, Set<Term> possibleTerms, String termDictionaryFile, double minimumSimilarity) throws IOException, JWNLException, ParseException { Term dis = SemanticUtils.disambiguate(term, possibleTerms, termDictionaryFile, minimumSimilarity, true); if (dis != null) { return dis; } else { Set<String> ngarms = FileUtils.getNGramsFromTermDictionary(term, termDictionaryFile); possibleTerms = babelNetDisambiguation("EN", term, ngarms); if (possibleTerms != null && possibleTerms.size() == 1) { dis = possibleTerms.iterator().next(); } } return dis; } private Set<Term> babelNetDisambiguation(String language, String lemma, Set<String> ngarms) { if (ngarms.isEmpty()) { return null; } if (ngarms.size() == 1 && ngarms.iterator().next().length() <= 1) { return null; } HashMap<String, Double> idsMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Term> termMap = new HashMap<>(); Set<Term> terms = new HashSet<>(); int count = 0; int breaklimit = 1000; int oneElementlimit = 65; int difflimit = 60; Double persent; for (String n : ngarms) { if (n.length() <= 1) { continue; } count++; if (idsMap.size() == 1 && count > oneElementlimit) { // Double score = idsMap.values().iterator().next(); // if (score >= 10) { break; // } } if ((count % 2) == 0 && idsMap.size() >= 2 && count > difflimit) { ValueComparator bvc = new ValueComparator(idsMap); TreeMap<String, Double> sorted_map = new TreeMap(bvc); sorted_map.putAll(idsMap); Iterator<String> iter = sorted_map.keySet().iterator(); Double first = idsMap.get(; Double second = idsMap.get(; persent = first / (first + second); if (persent > 0.65) { break; } } if (count > breaklimit) { break; } String clearNg = n.replaceAll("_", " "); if (clearNg == null) { continue; } if (clearNg.startsWith(" ")) { clearNg = clearNg.replaceFirst(" ", ""); } if (clearNg.endsWith(" ")) { clearNg = clearNg.substring(0, clearNg.length() - 1); } Pair<Term, Double> termPair = null; try { termPair = babelNetDisambiguation(language, lemma, clearNg); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.getMessage() != null && ex.getMessage().contains("Your key is not valid")) { try { termPair = babelNetDisambiguation(language, lemma, clearNg); } catch (Exception ex1) { // Logger.getLogger(BabelNet.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, ex1, null); } } else { Logger.getLogger(SemanticUtils.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, null, ex); } } if (termPair != null) { termMap.put(termPair.first.getUID(), termPair.first); Double score; if (idsMap.containsKey(termPair.first.getUID())) { score = idsMap.get(termPair.first.getUID()); // score++; score += termPair.second; } else { // score = 1.0; score = termPair.second; } idsMap.put(termPair.first.getUID(), score); } } if (!idsMap.isEmpty()) { ValueComparator bvc = new ValueComparator(idsMap); TreeMap<String, Double> sorted_map = new TreeMap(bvc); sorted_map.putAll(idsMap); count = 0; Double firstScore = idsMap.get(sorted_map.firstKey()); terms.add(termMap.get(sorted_map.firstKey())); idsMap.remove(sorted_map.firstKey()); for (String tvID : sorted_map.keySet()) { if (count >= 1) { Double secondScore = idsMap.get(tvID); persent = secondScore / (firstScore + secondScore); if (persent > 0.2) { terms.add(termMap.get(tvID)); } if (count >= 2) { break; } } count++; } return terms; } return null; } private Pair<Term, Double> babelNetDisambiguation(String language, String lemma, String sentence) throws IOException, ParseException, Exception { if (lemma == null || lemma.length() < 1) { return null; } // if (db == null || db.isClosed()) { // loadCache(); // } String query = lemma + " " + sentence.replaceAll("_", " "); query = URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8"); String genreJson; genreJson = getFromDisambiguateCache(sentence); if (genreJson != null && genreJson.equals("NON-EXISTING")) { return null; } if (genreJson == null) { URL url = new URL( "" + query + "&lang=" + language + "&key=" + key); System.err.println(url); genreJson = IOUtils.toString(url); handleKeyLimitException(genreJson); // if (db.isClosed()) { // loadCache(); // } if (!genreJson.isEmpty() || genreJson.length() < 1) { putInDisambiguateCache(sentence, genreJson); } else { putInDisambiguateCache(sentence, "NON-EXISTING"); } } Object obj = JSONValue.parseWithException(genreJson); // Term term = null; if (obj instanceof JSONArray) { JSONArray ja = (JSONArray) obj; for (Object o : ja) { JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) o; String id = (String) jo.get("babelSynsetID"); Double score = (Double) jo.get("score"); Double globalScore = (Double) jo.get("globalScore"); Double coherenceScore = (Double) jo.get("coherenceScore"); double someScore = (score + globalScore + coherenceScore) / 3.0; String synet = getBabelnetSynset(id, language); String url = "" + URLEncoder.encode(id, "UTF-8"); Term t = TermFactory.create(synet, language, lemma, null, url); if (t != null) { List<Term> h = getHypernyms(language, t); t.setBroader(h); return new Pair<>(t, someScore); } } } return null; } private void putInSynsetCache(String id, String json) throws InterruptedException, IOException { File lock = waitForDB(cacheDBFile); lock.createNewFile(); loadSynsetCache(); synsetCache.put(id, json); db.commit(); db.close(); lock.delete(); } private String getFromSynsetCache(String id) throws InterruptedException, IOException { File lock = waitForDB(cacheDBFile); lock.createNewFile(); loadSynsetCache(); String json = synsetCache.get(id); db.close(); lock.delete(); return json; } private void loadSynsetCache() { if (db == null || db.isClosed()) { db = DBMaker.newFileDB(cacheDBFile).make(); } synsetCache = db.getHashMap("synsetCacheDB"); if (synsetCache == null) { synsetCache = db.createHashMap("synsetCacheDB").keySerializer(Serializer.STRING) .valueSerializer(Serializer.STRING).make(); } } private void putInWordIDCache(String word, List<String> ids) throws InterruptedException, IOException { File lock = waitForDB(cacheDBFile); lock.createNewFile(); loadWordIDCache(); wordIDCache.put(word, ids); db.commit(); db.close(); lock.delete(); } private void loadWordIDCache() { if (db == null || db.isClosed()) { db = DBMaker.newFileDB(cacheDBFile).make(); } wordIDCache = db.get("wordIDCacheDB"); if (wordIDCache == null) { wordIDCache = db.createHashMap("wordIDCacheDB").keySerializer(Serializer.STRING) .valueSerializer(Serializer.BASIC).make(); } } private void putInEdgesCache(String id, String genreJson) throws InterruptedException, IOException { File lock = waitForDB(cacheDBFile); lock.createNewFile(); loadEdgesCache(); edgesCache.put(id, genreJson); db.commit(); db.close(); lock.delete(); } private void loadEdgesCache() { if (db == null || db.isClosed()) { db = DBMaker.newFileDB(cacheDBFile).make(); } edgesCache = db.getHashMap("edgesCacheDB"); if (edgesCache == null) { edgesCache = db.createHashMap("edgesCacheDB").keySerializer(Serializer.STRING) .valueSerializer(Serializer.STRING).make(); } } private void putInDisambiguateCache(String sentence, String genreJson) throws InterruptedException, IOException { File lock = waitForDB(cacheDBFile); lock.createNewFile(); loadDisambiguateCache(); disambiguateCache.put(sentence, genreJson); db.commit(); db.close(); lock.delete(); } private void loadDisambiguateCache() { if (db == null || db.isClosed()) { db = DBMaker.newFileDB(cacheDBFile).make(); } disambiguateCache = db.get("disambiguateCacheDB"); if (disambiguateCache == null) { disambiguateCache = db.createHashMap("disambiguateCacheDB").keySerializer(Serializer.STRING) .valueSerializer(Serializer.STRING).make(); } } private List<String> getFromWordIDCache(String word) throws InterruptedException, IOException { File lock = waitForDB(cacheDBFile); lock.createNewFile(); loadWordIDCache(); List<String> ids = wordIDCache.get(word); db.close(); lock.delete(); return ids; } private String getFromEdgesCache(String id) throws InterruptedException, IOException { File lock = waitForDB(cacheDBFile); lock.createNewFile(); loadEdgesCache(); String genreJson = edgesCache.get(id); db.close(); lock.delete(); return genreJson; } private String getFromDisambiguateCache(String sentence) throws IOException, InterruptedException { File lock = waitForDB(cacheDBFile); lock.createNewFile(); loadDisambiguateCache(); String genreJson = disambiguateCache.get(sentence); db.close(); lock.delete(); return genreJson; } }