Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package nl.uva.sne.commons; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.didion.jwnl.JWNL; import net.didion.jwnl.JWNLException; import; import; import; import net.didion.jwnl.dictionary.Dictionary; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.StopFilter; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.WhitespaceTokenizer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.en.PorterStemFilter; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.hy.ArmenianAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.shingle.ShingleFilter; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.CharArraySet; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; /** * * @author S. Koulouzis */ public class SemanticUtils { static Set<String> stopwords = new HashSet(); public static String stopwordsFile = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "workspace" + File.separator + "TEXT2" + File.separator + "etc" + File.separator + "stopwords.csv"; static Map<String, Map<String, Double>> termDocCache; static Set<String> nonLematizedWords = new HashSet(); private static Dictionary wordNetdictionary; private static File nonLematizedWordsFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "workspace" + File.separator + "TEXT2" + File.separator + "termXtraction" + File.separator + "etc" + File.separator + "nonLematizedWords"); private static Map<String, String> stemCache = new HashMap<>(); static { try { JWNL.initialize(new FileInputStream(System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "workspace" + File.separator + "TEXT2" + File.separator + "etc" + File.separator + "file_properties.xml")); } catch (JWNLException | FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SemanticUtils.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } public static double tfIdf(List<String> doc, List<List<String>> docs, String term) { return tf(doc, term) * idf(docs, term); } private static double tf(List<String> doc, String term) { double result = 0; for (String word : doc) { if (term.equalsIgnoreCase(word)) { result++; } } return result / (double) doc.size(); } private static double idf(List<List<String>> docs, String term) { double n = 0; for (List<String> doc : docs) { for (String word : doc) { if (term.equalsIgnoreCase(word)) { n++; break; } } } if (n <= 0) { n = 1; } return Math.log(docs.size() / n); } //Code From org.apache.commons.text.similarity. /** * Calculates the cosine similarity for two given vectors. * * @param leftVector left vector * @param rightVector right vector * @return cosine similarity between the two vectors */ public static Double cosineSimilarity(Map<String, Double> leftVector, Map<String, Double> rightVector) { if (leftVector == null || rightVector == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vectors must not be null"); } Set<String> intersection = getIntersection(leftVector, rightVector); // System.err.println(leftVector); // System.err.println(rightVector); double dotProduct = dot(leftVector, rightVector, intersection); double d1 = 0.0d; for (Double value : leftVector.values()) { d1 += Math.pow(value, 2); } double d2 = 0.0d; for (Double value : rightVector.values()) { d2 += Math.pow(value, 2); } double cosineSimilarity; if (d1 <= 0.0 || d2 <= 0.0) { cosineSimilarity = 0.0; } else { double a = Math.sqrt(d1) * Math.sqrt(d2); cosineSimilarity = (dotProduct / a); } return cosineSimilarity; } /** * Returns a set with strings common to the two given maps. * * @param leftVector left vector map * @param rightVector right vector map * @return common strings */ private static Set<String> getIntersection(Map<String, Double> leftVector, Map<String, Double> rightVector) { // ValueComparator bvc = new ValueComparator(leftVector); // TreeMap<String, Double> Lsorted_map = new TreeMap(bvc); // Lsorted_map.putAll(leftVector); // // bvc = new ValueComparator(rightVector); // TreeMap<String, Double> Rsorted_map = new TreeMap(bvc); // Rsorted_map.putAll(rightVector); // // SortedSet<String> Lkeys = new TreeSet<>(leftVector.keySet()); // SortedSet<String> Rkeys = new TreeSet<>(rightVector.keySet()); Set<String> intersection = new HashSet<>(leftVector.keySet()); intersection.retainAll(rightVector.keySet()); return intersection; } /** * Computes the dot product of two vectors. It ignores remaining elements. * It means that if a vector is longer than other, then a smaller part of it * will be used to compute the dot product. * * @param leftVector left vector * @param rightVector right vector * @param intersection common elements * @return the dot product */ private static double dot(Map<String, Double> leftVector, Map<String, Double> rightVector, Set<String> intersection) { Double dotProduct = 0.0; for (String key : intersection) { dotProduct += leftVector.get(key) * rightVector.get(key); } return dotProduct; } public static Set<String> getDocument(Term term) throws IOException, JWNLException, MalformedURLException, ParseException { Set<String> doc = new HashSet<>(); List<String> g = term.getGlosses(); if (g != null) { for (String s : g) { if (s != null) { doc.addAll(tokenize(s, true)); } } } List<String> al = term.getAlternativeLables(); if (al != null) { for (String s : al) { if (s != null) { doc.addAll(tokenize(s, true)); } } } List<String> cat = term.getCategories(); if (cat != null) { for (String s : cat) { if (s != null) { doc.addAll(tokenize(s, true)); } } } return doc; } public static List<String> getNGrams(String text, int maxNGrams) throws IOException { List<String> words = new ArrayList<>(); Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_42, CharArraySet.EMPTY_SET); TokenStream tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream("content", new StringReader(text)); StopFilter stopFilter = new StopFilter(Version.LUCENE_42, tokenStream, getStopWords()); stopFilter.setEnablePositionIncrements(false); // SnowballFilter snowballFilter = new SnowballFilter(stopFilter, "English"); try (ShingleFilter sf = new ShingleFilter(stopFilter, 2, maxNGrams)) { sf.setOutputUnigrams(false); CharTermAttribute charTermAttribute = sf.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); sf.reset(); while (sf.incrementToken()) { String word = charTermAttribute.toString(); words.add(word.replaceAll(" ", "_")); } sf.end(); } return words; } public static TokenStream tokenStemStream(String fieldName, Reader reader) throws IOException { TokenStream stream = new WhitespaceTokenizer(Version.LUCENE_42, reader); stream = new StopFilter(Version.LUCENE_42, stream, getStopWords()); stream = new PorterStemFilter(stream); return stream; } public static TokenStream tokenStream(String fieldName, Reader reader) throws IOException { Analyzer analyzer = new ArmenianAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_42, getStopWords()); TokenStream stream = analyzer.tokenStream("field", reader); return stream; } public static List<String> tokenize(String text, boolean stem) throws IOException, JWNLException { text = text.replaceAll("", "'"); text = text.replaceAll("_", " "); text = text.replaceAll("[0-9]", ""); text = text.replaceAll("[\\p{Punct}&&[^'-]]+", " "); text = text.replaceAll("(?:'(?:[tdsm]|[vr]e|ll))+\\b", ""); text = text.toLowerCase(); TokenStream tokenStream; if (stem) { tokenStream = tokenStemStream("field", new StringReader(text)); } else { tokenStream = tokenStream("field", new StringReader(text)); } ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<>(); try { CharTermAttribute term = tokenStream.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); tokenStream.reset(); while (tokenStream.incrementToken()) { words.add(term.toString()); } tokenStream.end(); } finally { tokenStream.close(); } // Logger.getLogger(SemanticUtils.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Returning {0}:", words.size() + " tokens"); return words; } private static CharArraySet getStopWords() throws IOException { if (stopwords.isEmpty()) { readStopWords(); } return new CharArraySet(Version.LUCENE_42, stopwords, true); } private static void readStopWords() throws IOException { try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(stopwordsFile))) { for (String line; (line = br.readLine()) != null;) { stopwords.add(line); } } } public static Map<String, Double> getTermsInDoc(Map<String, Double> termDictionaray, File f) throws IOException, JWNLException { if (termDocCache == null) { termDocCache = new HashMap<>(); } Map<String, Double> termsInDoc = termDocCache.get(f.getAbsolutePath()); if (termsInDoc != null) { return termsInDoc; } termsInDoc = new HashMap<>(); List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<>(); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f))) { for (String text; (text = br.readLine()) != null;) { tokens.addAll(tokenize(text, true)); } } for (String term : termDictionaray.keySet()) { for (String t : tokens) { if (term.equals(t)) { Double tf = termsInDoc.get(t); if (tf != null) { tf++; } else { tf = 1.0; } termsInDoc.put(t, tf); } } } termDocCache.put(f.getAbsolutePath(), termsInDoc); return termsInDoc; } public static String lemmatize(String word) throws JWNLException, FileNotFoundException, MalformedURLException, IOException, ParseException, Exception { if (nonLemetize(word) || word.contains("_")) { return word; } wordNetdictionary = getWordNetDictionary(); IndexWordSet set = wordNetdictionary.lookupAllIndexWords(word); for (IndexWord iw : set.getIndexWordArray()) { return iw.getLemma(); } // word = lmmtizeFromOnlineWordNet(word, language); // word = lemmatizeFromBabelNet(word, language); return word; } public static boolean nonLemetize(String word) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if (nonLematizedWords.isEmpty() || nonLematizedWords == null) { loadNonLematizeWords(); } return nonLematizedWords.contains(word); } private static Dictionary getWordNetDictionary() { if (wordNetdictionary == null) { wordNetdictionary = Dictionary.getInstance(); } return wordNetdictionary; } private static void loadNonLematizeWords() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if (nonLematizedWordsFile.exists() && nonLematizedWordsFile.length() > 1) { try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(nonLematizedWordsFile))) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { nonLematizedWords.add(line); } } } } public static POS[] getPOS(String s) throws JWNLException { // Look up all IndexWords (an IndexWord can only be one POS) wordNetdictionary = getWordNetDictionary(); IndexWordSet set = wordNetdictionary.lookupAllIndexWords(s); // Turn it into an array of IndexWords IndexWord[] words = set.getIndexWordArray(); // Make the array of POS POS[] pos = new POS[words.length]; for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { pos[i] = words[i].getPOS(); } return pos; } public static Set<Term> tf_idf_Disambiguation(Set<Term> possibleTerms, Set<String> nGrams, String lemma, double confidence, boolean matchTitle) throws IOException, JWNLException, ParseException { List<List<String>> allDocs = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, List<String>> docs = new HashMap<>(); if (possibleTerms == null || possibleTerms.size() < 10) { return null; } for (Term tv : possibleTerms) { Set<String> doc = SemanticUtils.getDocument(tv); allDocs.add(new ArrayList<>(doc)); docs.put(tv.getUID(), new ArrayList<>(doc)); } Set<String> contextDoc = new HashSet<>(); for (String s : nGrams) { if (s.contains("_")) { String[] parts = s.split("_"); for (String token : parts) { if (token.length() >= 1 && !token.contains(lemma)) { contextDoc.add(token); } } } else if (s.length() >= 1 && !s.contains(lemma)) { contextDoc.add(s); } } docs.put("context", new ArrayList<>(contextDoc)); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> featureVectors = new HashMap<>(); for (String k : docs.keySet()) { List<String> doc = docs.get(k); Map<String, Double> featureVector = new TreeMap<>(); for (String term : doc) { if (!featureVector.containsKey(term)) { double tfidf = tfIdf(doc, allDocs, term); featureVector.put(term, tfidf); } } featureVectors.put(k, featureVector); } Map<String, Double> contextVector = featureVectors.remove("context"); Map<String, Double> scoreMap = new HashMap<>(); for (String key : featureVectors.keySet()) { Double similarity = cosineSimilarity(contextVector, featureVectors.get(key)); for (Term t : possibleTerms) { if (t.getUID().equals(key)) { String stemTitle = stem(t.getLemma().toLowerCase()); String stemLema = stem(lemma); // List<String> subTokens = new ArrayList<>(); // if (!t.getLemma().toLowerCase().startsWith("(") && t.getLemma().toLowerCase().contains("(") && t.getLemma().toLowerCase().contains(")")) { // int index1 = t.getLemma().toLowerCase().indexOf("(") + 1; // int index2 = t.getLemma().toLowerCase().indexOf(")"); // String sub = t.getLemma().toLowerCase().substring(index1, index2); // subTokens.addAll(tokenize(sub, true)); // } // // List<String> nTokens = new ArrayList<>(); // for (String s : nGrams) { // if (s.contains("_")) { // String[] parts = s.split("_"); // for (String token : parts) { // nTokens.addAll(tokenize(token, true)); // } // } else { // nTokens.addAll(tokenize(s, true)); // } // } // if (t.getCategories() != null) { // for (String s : t.getCategories()) { // if (s != null && s.contains("_")) { // String[] parts = s.split("_"); // for (String token : parts) { // subTokens.addAll(tokenize(token, true)); // } // } else if (s != null) { // subTokens.addAll(tokenize(s, true)); // } // } // } //// System.err.println(t.getGlosses()); // Set<String> intersection = new HashSet<>(nTokens); // intersection.retainAll(subTokens); // if (intersection.isEmpty()) { // similarity -= 0.1; // } int dist = edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils.editDistance(stemTitle, stemLema); similarity = similarity - (dist * 0.05); t.setConfidence(similarity); } } scoreMap.put(key, similarity); } if (scoreMap.isEmpty()) { return null; } ValueComparator bvc = new ValueComparator(scoreMap); TreeMap<String, Double> sorted_map = new TreeMap(bvc); sorted_map.putAll(scoreMap); // System.err.println(sorted_map); Iterator<String> it = sorted_map.keySet().iterator(); String winner =; Double s1 = scoreMap.get(winner); if (s1 < confidence) { return null; } Set<Term> terms = new HashSet<>(); for (Term t : possibleTerms) { if (t.getUID().equals(winner)) { terms.add(t); } } if (!terms.isEmpty()) { return terms; } else { Logger.getLogger(SemanticUtils.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "No winner"); return null; } } public static Term disambiguate(String term, Set<Term> possibleTerms, String allTermsDictionary, double confidence, boolean matchTitle) throws IOException, JWNLException, ParseException { Set<String> ngarms = FileUtils.getNGramsFromTermDictionary(term, allTermsDictionary); possibleTerms = SemanticUtils.tf_idf_Disambiguation(possibleTerms, ngarms, term, confidence, matchTitle); Term dis = null; if (possibleTerms != null && possibleTerms.size() == 1) { dis = possibleTerms.iterator().next(); } // if (dis != null) { // Logger.getLogger(SemanticUtils.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Term: {0}. Confidence: {1}", new Object[]{dis, dis.getConfidence()}); // } else { // Logger.getLogger(SemanticUtils.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Couldn''''t figure out what ''{0}'' means", term); // } return dis; } public static String stem(String string) throws IOException, JWNLException { if (string.length() < 1) { return string; } String res = stemCache.get(string); if (res != null) { return res; } List<String> stems = SemanticUtils.tokenize(string, true); StringBuilder stem = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : stems) { stem.append(s).append(" "); } if (stem.length() > 1) { stem.deleteCharAt(stem.length() - 1); stem.setLength(stem.length()); } stemCache.put(string, stem.toString()); return stem.toString(); } }