Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package nl.uva.mlc.eurovoc.featureextractor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import nl.uva.mlc.settings.Config; import static nl.uva.mlc.settings.Config.configFile; import; /** * * @author admin */ public class KFCPropagator { static final org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(KFCPropagator.class.getName()); private String KFoldPath = null; private int k = Integer.parseInt(configFile.getProperty("K_IN_K-FOLD_CV")); public FeaturePropagator fp = null; private ArrayList<Integer> itNums = null; private ArrayList<Double> alphas = null; public KFCPropagator() { this.itNums = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (String s : Config.configFile.getProperty("ITERATION_NUMS").split(",")) { this.itNums.add(Integer.parseInt(s.trim())); }"Iteration numbers for analyze:" + this.itNums.toString()); this.alphas = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (String s : Config.configFile.getProperty("ALPHAS").split(",")) { this.alphas.add(Double.parseDouble(s.trim())); }"Alphas for analyze:" + this.alphas.toString()); } public void propagator() { this.fp = new FeaturePropagator(); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { Map<String, HashMap<String, Double>> scores = new HashMap<>(); try { File file2 = new File(KFoldPath + "/fold" + (i + 1) + "/judg.txt"); if (file2.exists()) FileUtils.forceDelete(file2); file2.createNewFile(); FileWriter fw2; fw2 = new FileWriter(file2); BufferedWriter judg = new BufferedWriter(fw2); BufferedReader testFile = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(new File(KFoldPath + "/fold" + (i + 1) + "/test.txt"))); BufferedReader scoresFile = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(new File(KFoldPath + "/fold" + (i + 1) + "/scores.txt"))); String str, str2; while ((str = testFile.readLine()) != null) { String[] parts = str.split(" # ")[1].split(" "); if (str.split(" ")[0].equals("1")) judg.write(parts[0] + " 0 " + parts[1] + " 1" + "\n"); str2 = scoresFile.readLine(); Double score = Double.valueOf(str2.split("\\s+")[2]); if (scores.containsKey(parts[0])) scores.get(parts[0]).put(parts[1], score); else { HashMap<String, Double> temp = new HashMap<>(); temp.put(parts[1], score); scores.put(parts[0], temp); } } judg.close(); for (int itr : itNums) { if (itr == 0) continue; for (double alpha : this.alphas) { if (alpha == 0D) continue; this.fp.alpha = alpha; this.fp.numIteration = itr; File f = new File(KFoldPath + "/fold" + (i + 1) + "/anal"); if (f.exists()) f.delete(); else FileUtils.forceMkdir(f); File file = new File(KFoldPath + "/fold" + (i + 1) + "/anal/propagatedRes_" + "alpha" + alpha + "_itrNum" + itr + ".txt"); if (file.exists()) FileUtils.forceDelete(file); file.createNewFile(); FileWriter fw; fw = new FileWriter(file); BufferedWriter propRes = new BufferedWriter(fw); for (Entry<String, HashMap<String, Double>> ent : scores.entrySet()) { FileUtils.forceMkdir(f); HashMap<String, Double> propScores = fp.finalScorePropagator(ent.getValue()); MyValueComparator bvc = new MyValueComparator(propScores); TreeMap<String, Double> sorted_map = new TreeMap<>(bvc); sorted_map.putAll(propScores); int rank = 1; for (Entry<String, Double> ent2 : propScores.entrySet()) { String line = ent.getKey() + " 0 " + ent2.getKey() + " " + rank++ + " " + ent2.getValue(); propRes.write(line + " RUN" + "\n"); } }"alpha:" + alpha + "iteration:" + itr + " is finished"); propRes.close(); } } } catch (IOException ex) { log.error(ex); }"------------- Fold " + (i + 1) + " is finished--------------"); } } public void main(String kFoldPath) { this.KFoldPath = kFoldPath; this.propagator(); } } class MyValueComparator implements Comparator<String> { Map<String, Double> base; public MyValueComparator(Map<String, Double> base) { this.base = base; } // Note: this comparator imposes orderings that are inconsistent with equals. @Override public int compare(String a, String b) { if (base.get(a) >= base.get(b)) { return -1; } else { return 1; } // returning 0 would merge keys } }