Java tutorial
/* This file is part of GALE (Generic Adaptation Language and Engine). GALE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GALE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with GALE. If not, see <>. */ /** * * Last modified: $Date$ * In revision: $Revision$ * Modified by: $Author: vramos $ * * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Eindhoven University of Technology. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software is proprietary information of the Eindhoven University * of Technology. It may be used according to the GNU LGPL license. */ package; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher; import; import; import; import; import nl.tue.gale.common.GaleUtil; import nl.tue.gale.common.cache.CacheSession; import nl.tue.gale.common.code.Argument; import nl.tue.gale.common.uri.URI; import nl.tue.gale.common.uri.URIs; import; import; import org.dom4j.DocumentFactory; import org.dom4j.Element; public class MCPlugin extends AbstractPlugin { private static final String xhtmlns = ""; private static final String adaptns = ""; //private static final Logger logging = Logger.getLogger(AdaptLinkModule.class); private boolean log = false; public boolean isLog() { return log; } public void setLog(boolean log) { this.log = log; } @Override public void doGet(Resource resource) throws ProcessorException { doPost(resource); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void doPost(Resource resource) throws ProcessorException { GaleContext gale = GaleContext.of(resource); if ("true".equals(gale.req().getParameter("framewait"))) return; try { DocumentFactory df = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); Element html = df.createElement("html", xhtmlns); MCModule.Test test = null; try { test = (MCModule.Test) gale.req().getSession().getAttribute(gale.req().getParameter("guid")); } catch (Exception e) { } if (test == null) throw new ProcessorException("unable to find test-data in session"); Element h1 = df.createElement("h1", xhtmlns).addText(test.getTitle()); html.add(h1); Element ol = df.createElement("ol", xhtmlns); html.add(ol); int qnr = 0, cnr = 0; // Added by Vinicius Ramos - Date: Sept 13th 2012 Set<String> concepts_error = new TreeSet<String>(); boolean fail = false; //Log the questions and answers String logQandA = ""; int questions = 0; int answers = 0; for (MCModule.Question q : test.getQuestions()) { boolean correct = true; Element li = df.createElement("li", xhtmlns); li.add((Element) q.getQuestion().clone()); ol.add(li); Element br = df.createElement("br", xhtmlns); li.add(br); //Log the questions and answers if (questions > 0) { //Separate questions by "-" logQandA += "-"; } questions++; logQandA += q.getId() + ":"; answers = 0; for (MCModule.Answer a : q.getAnswers()) { int anr = q.getAnswers().indexOf(a); boolean checked = checkAnswer(qnr, anr, q.getRight() == 1, gale); correct = correct && (checked == a.isCorrect()); Element ea = a.toXHTML(qnr, anr, q.getRight() == 1); ea.addAttribute("disabled", "true"); if (checked) ea.addAttribute("checked", "true"); li.add(ea); br = df.createElement("br", xhtmlns); li.add(br); if (checked && a.getExplain() != null && !"".equals(a.getExplain())) { Element i = df.createElement("i", xhtmlns); li.add(i); i.add((Element) a.getExplain().clone()); br = df.createElement("br", xhtmlns); li.add(br); } if (checked) { logQandA += a.getId() + ","; answers++; } } //Remove "," from answers from the last question if (answers > 0) logQandA = logQandA.substring(0, logQandA.length() - 1); br = df.createElement("br", xhtmlns); li.add(br); qnr++; cnr += (correct ? 1 : 0); /* * Implemented by Vinicius Ramos * DATE: Sept 13th 2012 * * Get concepts related to the failed questions by the user */ if (!correct) { //Store the failed question List<String> concepts = q.getConcepts(); for (String concept : concepts) { concepts_error.add(concept); fail = true; } } } double result = (cnr * 1.0) / qnr * 100; CacheSession<EntityValue> session = gale.openUmSession(); /* * Implemented by Vinicius Ramos * DATE: Sept 13th 2012 * * Add links to the concepts related to the wrong answers */ if (fail) { session = gale.openUmSession(); /*Element p = df.createElement("p", xhtmlns); p.addText("We recommend you to read the following concepts: "); html.add(p); Element ul = df.createElement("ul", xhtmlns); html.add(ul);*/ //String failedQuestions = failedQuestions.substring(0, failedQuestions.length()-1); //List<String> failedConcepts = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String concept : concepts_error) { //List of failed concepts //failedConcepts.add(concept); /*Element li = df.createElement("li", xhtmlns); ul.add(li); Element a = df.createElement("a", adaptns); a.addAttribute("href", concept); a.addText(getConceptTitleByName(concept, gale)); li.add(a);*/ String execCode = test.getReal_knowledge_expr().replaceAll("%concept", concept);, execCode, Argument.of("gale", "", gale, "session", "nl.tue.gale.common.cache.CacheSession", session)); } //Store the failed concepts in UM if (concepts_error.size() > 0) { String failedConcepts = new String(); for (String c : concepts_error) { failedConcepts += c + ","; } failedConcepts = failedConcepts.substring(0, failedConcepts.length() - 1); String execCode = "${#failed-concepts} = \"" + failedConcepts + "\";";, execCode, Argument.of("gale", "", gale, "session", "nl.tue.gale.common.cache.CacheSession", session)); execCode = "#{#failed, true};";, execCode, Argument.of("gale", "", gale, "session", "nl.tue.gale.common.cache.CacheSession", session)); } }, test.getAction(), Argument.of("gale", "", gale, "session", "nl.tue.gale.common.cache.CacheSession", session, "value", "java.lang.Double", new Double(result))); session.commit(); if (isLog()) { // log the result StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("\""); sb.append(gale.userId()); sb.append("\";\""); sb.append(new Date()); sb.append("\";\""); sb.append(gale.conceptUri()); sb.append("\";\""); // Log Questions and Answers FORMAT: "Q1:a1,a2,...,aN-Q2:a1,a2,...,aN-...-QN:a1,a2,...,aN" sb.append(logQandA); sb.append("\";"); sb.append(result); gale.log().log("mctest", sb.toString()); } if (test.isVerbose()) { if (test.getResult() != null) html.add((Element) test.getResult().clone()); resource.put("xml", html); resource.put("mime", "text/xhtml"); resource.put("original-url", "gale:/empty.xhtml"); gale.usedStream(); } else { try { Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); params.putAll(gale.req().getParameterMap()); params.remove("plugin"); params.remove("guid"); Map.Entry<String, String[]> entry; for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String[]>> iterator = params.entrySet().iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { entry =; if (entry.getKey().startsWith("q_")) iterator.remove(); } gale.resp().sendRedirect(GaleUtil.getRequestURL(gale.req(), params)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProcessorException("unable to redirect", e); } gale.usedResponse(); } } catch (Exception e) { try { RequestDispatcher rd ="/ErrorServlet"); gale.req().getSession().setAttribute("exception", new ProcessorException("unable to evaluate test", e)); rd.forward(gale.req(), gale.resp()); gale.usedResponse(); } catch (Exception ee) { throw new ProcessorException("unexpected error while trying to display the errorpage", ee); } } } private boolean checkAnswer(int qnr, int anr, boolean radio, GaleContext gale) { if (radio) return ("a_" + anr).equals(gale.req().getParameter("q_" + qnr)); else return ("true").equals(gale.req().getParameter("q_" + qnr + "_" + anr)); } private String getConceptTitleByName(String sConcept, GaleContext gale) { URI uri_a = gale.conceptUri(); String suri_a = uri_a.toString(); URI uri = URIs.of(suri_a.substring(0, suri_a.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).concat(sConcept)); Concept concept =; return concept.getTitle(); } }