Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Delft University of Technology * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package nl.tudelft.graphalytics.graphmat; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ProcessBuilder.Redirect; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2LongMap; import nl.tudelft.graphalytics.Platform; import nl.tudelft.graphalytics.PlatformExecutionException; import nl.tudelft.graphalytics.domain.Algorithm; import nl.tudelft.graphalytics.domain.Benchmark; import nl.tudelft.graphalytics.domain.Graph; import nl.tudelft.graphalytics.domain.NestedConfiguration; import nl.tudelft.graphalytics.domain.PlatformBenchmarkResult; import nl.tudelft.graphalytics.domain.algorithms.BreadthFirstSearchParameters; import nl.tudelft.graphalytics.domain.algorithms.CommunityDetectionLPParameters; import nl.tudelft.graphalytics.domain.algorithms.PageRankParameters; import nl.tudelft.graphalytics.graphmat.algorithms.bfs.BreadthFirstSearchJob; import nl.tudelft.graphalytics.graphmat.algorithms.cdlp.CommunityDetectionLPJob; import nl.tudelft.graphalytics.graphmat.algorithms.lcc.LocalClusteringCoefficientJob; import; import nl.tudelft.graphalytics.graphmat.algorithms.wcc.WeaklyConnectedComponentsJob; /** * GraphMat platform integration for the Graphalytics benchmark. * * @author Yong Guo * @author Tim Hegeman */ public class GraphMatPlatform implements Platform { private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(); public static final String PLATFORM_NAME = "graphmat"; public static final String PROPERTIES_FILENAME = PLATFORM_NAME + ".properties"; public static final String RUN_COMMAND_FORMAT_KEY = ""; public static final String CONVERT_COMMAND_FORMAT_KEY = "graphmat.command.convert"; public static final String INTERMEDIATE_DIR_KEY = "graphmat.intermediate-dir"; public static String BINARY_DIRECTORY = "./bin/standard"; public static final String FORMAT_CONVERT_BINARY_NAME = BINARY_DIRECTORY + "/format_convert"; public static final String MTX_CONVERT_BINARY_NAME = BINARY_DIRECTORY + "/graph_convert"; private Configuration config; private String intermediateGraphFile; private String graphFile; private Long2LongMap vertexTranslation; public GraphMatPlatform() {"Parsing GraphMat configuration file."); try { config = new PropertiesConfiguration(PROPERTIES_FILENAME); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Could not find or load \"{}\"", PROPERTIES_FILENAME); config = new PropertiesConfiguration(); } } private String createIntermediateFile(String name, String extension) throws IOException { String dir = config.getString(INTERMEDIATE_DIR_KEY, null); if (dir != null) { File f = new File(dir); if (!f.isDirectory() && !f.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("failed to create intermediate directory: " + dir); } return f + "/" + name + "." + extension; } else { return File.createTempFile(name, "." + extension).getAbsolutePath(); } } private void tryDeleteIntermediateFile(String path) { if (!new File(path).delete()) { LOG.warn("failed to delete intermediate file '{}'", path); } } @Override public void uploadGraph(Graph graph) throws Exception {"Preprocessing graph \"{}\". Currently disabled (not needed).", graph.getName()); if (graph.getNumberOfVertices() > Integer.MAX_VALUE || graph.getNumberOfEdges() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "GraphMat does not support more than " + Integer.MAX_VALUE + " vertices/edges"); } String intermediateFile = createIntermediateFile(graph.getName(), ".txt"); String outputFile = createIntermediateFile(graph.getName(), ".mtx"); // Convert from Graphalytics VE format to intermediate format vertexTranslation = GraphConverter.parseAndWrite(graph, intermediateFile); // Convert from intermediate format to MTX format boolean isDirected = graph.getGraphFormat().isDirected(); String cmdFormat = config.getString(CONVERT_COMMAND_FORMAT_KEY, "%s %s"); List<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); args.clear(); args.add("--selfloops=0"); args.add("--duplicatededges=0"); if (!isDirected) args.add("--bidirectional"); args.add("--inputformat=1"); args.add("--outputformat=0"); args.add("--inputheader=0"); args.add("--outputheader=1"); args.add("--inputedgeweights=0"); args.add("--outputedgeweights=2"); args.add("--edgeweighttype=0"); args.add(intermediateFile); args.add(outputFile); runCommand(cmdFormat, MTX_CONVERT_BINARY_NAME, args); // Success! Set paths to intermediate and output files this.intermediateGraphFile = intermediateFile; this.graphFile = outputFile; } @Override public PlatformBenchmarkResult executeAlgorithmOnGraph(Benchmark benchmark) throws PlatformExecutionException { Algorithm algorithm = benchmark.getAlgorithm(); Object params = benchmark.getAlgorithmParameters(); GraphMatJob job; switch (algorithm) { case BFS: job = new BreadthFirstSearchJob(config, graphFile, vertexTranslation, (BreadthFirstSearchParameters) params); break; case PR: job = new PageRankJob(config, graphFile, vertexTranslation, (PageRankParameters) params); break; case WCC: job = new WeaklyConnectedComponentsJob(config, graphFile, vertexTranslation); break; case CDLP: job = new CommunityDetectionLPJob(config, graphFile, vertexTranslation, (CommunityDetectionLPParameters) params); break; case LCC: job = new LocalClusteringCoefficientJob(config, graphFile, vertexTranslation); break; default: throw new PlatformExecutionException("Not yet implemented."); } String intermediateOutputPath = null; boolean outputEnabled = benchmark.isOutputRequired(); try { if (outputEnabled) { intermediateOutputPath = createIntermediateFile("output", "txt"); job.setOutputPath(intermediateOutputPath); } job.execute(); if (outputEnabled) { OutputConverter.parseAndWrite(intermediateOutputPath, benchmark.getOutputPath(), vertexTranslation); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new PlatformExecutionException("failed to execute command", e); } finally { if (intermediateOutputPath != null) { tryDeleteIntermediateFile(intermediateOutputPath); } } return new PlatformBenchmarkResult(NestedConfiguration.empty()); } @Override public void deleteGraph(String graphName) { tryDeleteIntermediateFile(intermediateGraphFile); tryDeleteIntermediateFile(graphFile); } public static void runCommand(String format, String binaryName, List<String> args) throws InterruptedException, IOException { String argsString = ""; for (String arg : args) { argsString += arg + " "; } String cmd = String.format(format, binaryName, argsString);"running command: {}", cmd); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd.split(" ")); // pb.redirectErrorStream(true); // pb.redirectError(Redirect.INHERIT); // pb.redirectOutput(Redirect.INHERIT); // pb.inheritIO(); pb.redirectErrorStream(true); Process process = pb.start(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); } int exit = process.waitFor(); if (exit != 0) { throw new IOException("unexpected error code"); } } @Override public String getName() { return PLATFORM_NAME; } @Override public NestedConfiguration getPlatformConfiguration() { return NestedConfiguration.fromExternalConfiguration(config, PROPERTIES_FILENAME); } }