Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package nl.systemsgenetics.cellTypeSpecificAlleleSpecificExpression; import htsjdk.samtools.CigarElement; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Set; import org.molgenis.genotype.Alleles; import org.molgenis.genotype.RandomAccessGenotypeData; import org.molgenis.genotype.trityper.TriTyperGenotypeData; import org.molgenis.genotype.variant.GeneticVariant; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecordIterator; import htsjdk.samtools.SamReader; import htsjdk.samtools.SamReaderFactory; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import org.jdom.IllegalDataException; import org.molgenis.genotype.vcf.VcfGenotypeData; /** * * @author Adriaan van der Graaf */ public class ReadGenoAndAsFromIndividual { public static void readGenoAndAsFromIndividual(String loc_of_bam1, String genotype_loc, String coupling_location, String outputLocation, String snpLocation) throws IOException, Exception { if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 1) { //Print ASREADS header System.out.println("---- Starting ASREADS for the following settings: ----"); System.out.println("\t input bam: " + loc_of_bam1); System.out.println("\t genotype location: " + genotype_loc); System.out.println("\t coupling file: " + coupling_location); System.out.println("\t output location: " + outputLocation); if (!snpLocation.equals("")) { System.out.println("\t snp Location: " + snpLocation); } else { System.out.println("\t snp Location: " + "NONE"); } System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------"); } //parse command line arguments String loc_of_bam; loc_of_bam = loc_of_bam1; System.out.println("Location of bam file: "); System.out.println(loc_of_bam); if (!new File(loc_of_bam).exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ERROR! Location of bam file is not an existing file. Exitting."); } else { if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10) { System.out.println("Location of bam file is an existing file, will continue."); } } RandomAccessGenotypeData TTdataSet; VcfGenotypeData VCFdataSet; HashMap<String, GeneticVariant> variantIdMap; String[] individual_names; String tabixLoc = genotype_loc + ".tbi"; //open vcf dataset //based on extention and existance of both files. if (FilenameUtils.isExtension(genotype_loc, "gz") && new File(tabixLoc).exists() && new File(genotype_loc).exists()) { try { VCFdataSet = new VcfGenotypeData(new File(genotype_loc), new File(tabixLoc), 0.99); variantIdMap = VCFdataSet.getVariantIdMap(); individual_names = VCFdataSet.getSampleNames(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Error reading vcf dataset: " + genotype_loc); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } else if (new File(genotype_loc + "/GenotypeMatrix.dat").exists()) { //assuming trityper dataset based on the genotype matrix try { TTdataSet = new TriTyperGenotypeData(new File(genotype_loc)); variantIdMap = TTdataSet.getVariantIdMap(); individual_names = TTdataSet.getSampleNames(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Error reading trityper dataset: " + genotype_loc); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } else { throw new IllegalDataException("could not find a Trityper or vcf file in the genotype location"); } //get the variants in the variantIdMAP Set<String> snpNames = variantIdMap.keySet(); ArrayList<String> SNPsToAnalyze; SNPsToAnalyze = new ArrayList<String>(); //If available, read the file with rs numbers. if (!snpLocation.equals("")) { ArrayList<String> includeSNPs = UtilityMethods.readFileIntoStringArrayList(snpLocation); int snpsNotFound = 0; for (String snp_to_include : includeSNPs) { if (snpNames.contains(snp_to_include)) { SNPsToAnalyze.add(snp_to_include); } else { snpsNotFound++; } } if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 1) { System.out.println("WARNING: Did not find " + Integer.toString(snpsNotFound) + " out of " + Integer.toString(includeSNPs.size()) + " SNPs in the include file."); } } else { for (String snp_to_include : snpNames) { SNPsToAnalyze.add(snp_to_include); } } //String path = "/gcc/groups/lld/tmp01/projects/bamFiles/"; //sample_map contains all the individuals that are in the sample file. HashMap sample_map = convert_individual_names(individual_names, coupling_location); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10) { System.out.println("Sample names were loaded."); } if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println(sample_map.toString()); } //Twice because my files have the .MERGED.sorted.bam suffix attached to them. String sample_name = FilenameUtils .getBaseName(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(loc_of_bam))); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10) { System.out.println("sample_name: " + sample_name); System.out.println("sample_map: " + sample_map.toString()); } Object sample_idx = sample_map.get(sample_name); if (sample_idx == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't find the filename in the sample names. Quitting."); } int sample_index = Integer.parseInt(sample_idx.toString()); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10) { System.out.println("sample_index: " + sample_index); } //bam file path and filename String path_and_filename = loc_of_bam; File sample_file = new File(path_and_filename); SamReader bam_file = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault().open(sample_file); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10) { System.out.println("Initialized for reading bam file"); } PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(outputLocation, "UTF-8"); int i = 0; for (String i_snp : SNPsToAnalyze) { //System.out.println(i_snp); GeneticVariant this_variant = variantIdMap.get(i_snp); String chromosome = this_variant.getSequenceName(); String position = String.valueOf(this_variant.getStartPos()); // We only do analyses if we find a SNP and it is biallelic // However this is trityper data, so if we use // the allele count is used for the check of something. //DO NOT ENTER A SEPARATED GENOMIC DATASET OTHERWISE THIS WILL BREAK. if (this_variant.isSnp() & this_variant.isBiallelic()) { String row_of_table = get_allele_specific_overlap_at_snp(this_variant, sample_index, chromosome, position, bam_file); //commented out the phasing part. writer.println(chromosome + "\t" + position + "\t" + i_snp + "\t" + this_variant.getVariantAlleles().getAllelesAsChars()[0] + "\t" + this_variant.getVariantAlleles().getAllelesAsChars()[1] + "\t" + row_of_table + "\t" + Arrays.toString(this_variant.getSampleVariants().get(sample_index).getAllelesAsChars()) //+ "\t" + //Boolean.toString(this_variant.getSamplePhasing().get(sample_index)) ); } i++; if ((i % 10000 == 0) && (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10)) { System.out.println("Finished " + Integer.toString(i) + " SNPs"); } } writer.close(); } public static String get_allele_specific_overlap_at_snp(GeneticVariant this_variant, int sample_index, String chromosome, String position, SamReader bam_file) { int pos_int = Integer.parseInt(position); Alleles all_variants = this_variant.getVariantAlleles(); Character ref_allele_char = all_variants.getAllelesAsChars()[0]; String ref_allele = ref_allele_char.toString(); //System.out.println("ref_allele: " + ref_allele); Character alt_allele_char = all_variants.getAllelesAsChars()[1]; String alt_allele = alt_allele_char.toString(); //System.out.println("alt_allele: " + alt_allele); int ref_overlap = 0; int alt_overlap = 0; int no__overlap = 0; // now determine per individual the sample variants. // I'm assuming the ordering is the same as the individual names created // by the getSampleNames() method. // Otherwise the data will be nicely permuted, and I will have to convert some stuff. int i = 0; String temp_string; int position_of_snp = Integer.parseInt(position); SAMRecordIterator all_reads_in_region; all_reads_in_region = bam_file.queryOverlapping(chromosome, position_of_snp, position_of_snp); // Right now assuming the above iterator provides me with reads. // Otherwise, I don't know. String bases = ""; while (all_reads_in_region.hasNext()) { SAMRecord read_in_region =; Character base_in_read = get_base_at_position(read_in_region, pos_int); //System.out.println("base_in_read: " + base_in_read); if (base_in_read == ref_allele.charAt(0)) { ref_overlap++; } else if (base_in_read == alt_allele.charAt(0)) { alt_overlap++; } else if (base_in_read == '!' || base_in_read == 'N') { continue; } else { no__overlap++; } } //This line below cost me a day to figure out the error. all_reads_in_region.close(); String string_for_output; string_for_output = Integer.toString(ref_overlap) + "\t" + Integer.toString(alt_overlap) + "\t" + Integer.toString(no__overlap); return (string_for_output); } public static Character get_base_at_position(SAMRecord sam_read, int pos_int) { int curr_pos = sam_read.getAlignmentStart(); int end_pos = sam_read.getAlignmentEnd(); String read = sam_read.getReadString(); int idx_of_read = 0; int idx_of_cigar = 0; if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println("positions"); System.out.println("curr_pos: " + Integer.toString(curr_pos)); System.out.println("end_pos: " + Integer.toString(end_pos)); System.out.println("SNP pos: " + Integer.toString(pos_int)); } while (curr_pos <= end_pos) { CigarElement cigar = sam_read.getCigar().getCigarElement(idx_of_cigar); int final_pos; switch (cigar.getOperator()) { case D: curr_pos += cigar.getLength(); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println("Found D in cigar: "); System.out.println("current_pos + " + Integer.toString(cigar.getLength())); System.out.println("final curr_pos: " + Integer.toString(curr_pos)); } break; case EQ: final_pos = curr_pos + cigar.getLength(); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println("Found EQ in cigar: "); System.out.println(); System.out.println("index_of_read + " + Integer.toString(cigar.getLength())); System.out.println("final idx_of_read: " + Integer.toString(idx_of_read)); System.out.println(); System.out.println("current_pos + " + Integer.toString(cigar.getLength())); System.out.println("final curr_pos: " + Integer.toString(curr_pos)); System.out.println("\nStarting iteration:"); } while (curr_pos < final_pos) { if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println("index is now:" + Integer.toString(idx_of_read)); System.out.println("ref pos is now:" + Integer.toString(curr_pos)); System.out.println("The base at this pos is:" + read.charAt(idx_of_read)); } if (curr_pos == pos_int) { // System.out.println("index is now:" + Integer.toString(idx_of_read)); // System.out.println("ref pos is now:" + Integer.toString(curr_pos)); // System.out.println("The base at this pos is:" + read.charAt(idx_of_read)); return (read.charAt(idx_of_read)); } curr_pos++; idx_of_read++; } break; case H: if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10) { System.out.println("found H line in Cigar, skipping read"); } return ('!'); case I: idx_of_read += cigar.getLength(); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println("Found I in cigar: "); System.out.println("index_of_read + " + Integer.toString(cigar.getLength())); System.out.println("final idx_of_read: " + Integer.toString(idx_of_read)); } break; case M: final_pos = curr_pos + cigar.getLength(); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println("Found M in cigar: "); System.out.println(); System.out.println("index_of_read + " + Integer.toString(cigar.getLength())); System.out.println("final idx_of_read: " + Integer.toString(idx_of_read)); System.out.println(); System.out.println("current_pos + " + Integer.toString(cigar.getLength())); System.out.println("final curr_pos: " + Integer.toString(curr_pos)); System.out.println("\nStarting iteration:"); } while (curr_pos < final_pos) { if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println("index is now:" + Integer.toString(idx_of_read)); System.out.println("ref pos is now:" + Integer.toString(curr_pos)); System.out.println("The base at this pos is:" + read.charAt(idx_of_read)); } if (curr_pos == pos_int) { // System.out.println("index is now:" + Integer.toString(idx_of_read)); // System.out.println("ref pos is now:" + Integer.toString(curr_pos)); // System.out.println("The base at this pos is:" + read.charAt(idx_of_read)); return (read.charAt(idx_of_read)); } curr_pos++; idx_of_read++; } break; case N: curr_pos += cigar.getLength(); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println("Found N in cigar: "); System.out.println("current_pos + " + Integer.toString(cigar.getLength())); System.out.println("final curr_pos: " + Integer.toString(curr_pos)); } break; case P: curr_pos += cigar.getLength(); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println("Found P in cigar: "); System.out.println("current_pos + " + Integer.toString(cigar.getLength())); System.out.println("final curr_pos: " + Integer.toString(curr_pos)); } break; case S: idx_of_read += cigar.getLength(); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println("Found S in cigar: "); System.out.println("index_of_read + " + Integer.toString(cigar.getLength())); System.out.println("final idx_of_read: " + Integer.toString(idx_of_read)); } break; case X: curr_pos += cigar.getLength(); idx_of_read += cigar.getLength(); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println("Found X in cigar: "); System.out.println(); System.out.println("index_of_read + " + Integer.toString(cigar.getLength())); System.out.println("final idx_of_read: " + Integer.toString(idx_of_read)); System.out.println(); System.out.println("current_pos + " + Integer.toString(cigar.getLength())); System.out.println("final curr_pos: " + Integer.toString(curr_pos)); } break; } idx_of_cigar++; if (curr_pos - 1 > end_pos) { System.out.println("Something goes wrong when bases based on cigar."); System.out.println(Integer.toString(curr_pos) + ">" + Integer.toString(end_pos)); } } //couldn't find anything, returning: '!' if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { //System.out.println("### coulnd't find overlapping base in this read. ###"); } return ('!'); } /** * * @param individual_names * @param coupling_location * @return * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException * */ public static HashMap convert_individual_names(String[] individual_names, String coupling_location) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String coupling_loc = coupling_location; //This will be filled while reading the file ArrayList<String> sample_names_in_file = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> individual_names_in_file = new ArrayList<String>(); //This will be the one that is later returned HashMap ordered_sample_names = new HashMap(); File coupling_file = new File(coupling_loc); FileInputStream fis; BufferedInputStream bis; DataInputStream dis; fis = new FileInputStream(coupling_file); // Here BufferedInputStream is added for fast reading. bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); dis = new DataInputStream(bis); // dis.available() returns 0 if the file does not have more lines. int i = 0; while (dis.available() != 0) { String[] curr_line = dis.readLine().split("\t"); individual_names_in_file.add(i, curr_line[0]); sample_names_in_file.add(i, curr_line[1]); //print the individual al line for checking. //System.out.println("line: " + " " + curr_line[0] +" " + curr_line[1] ); } // dispose all the resources after using them. fis.close(); bis.close(); dis.close(); i = 0; for (String i_name : individual_names) { int index = individual_names_in_file.indexOf(i_name); if (index >= 0) { //We find a name in the genotype folder in the individual names stuff. ordered_sample_names.put(sample_names_in_file.get(index), i); } i++; } return (ordered_sample_names); } }