Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package nl.systemsgenetics.cellTypeSpecificAlleleSpecificExpression; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import org.jdom.IllegalDataException; import org.molgenis.genotype.Alleles; import org.molgenis.genotype.variant.GeneticVariant; import org.molgenis.genotype.vcf.VcfGenotypeData; import umcg.genetica.containers.Pair; /** * * @author adriaan */ class PhasedEntry { public PhasedEntry(String asLocations, String couplingLoc, String outputLocation, String cellPropLoc, String phasingLocation, String regionLocation) throws IOException, Exception { /** * This method will perform a binomial test for some test region. * later additional features will be add. * * currently the flow of the program: * 1. read all SNPs from AS files and add overdispersion and cellprop to the files * 2. read phasing and assign alleles for these snps * 3. load test regions and determine test snps. * 5. determine log likelihood for test-snps. (with some deduplication) */ // 1. Read all SNPs from AS files ArrayList<String> allFiles = UtilityMethods.readFileIntoStringArrayList(asLocations); ReadAsLinesIntoIndividualSNPdata asReader = new ReadAsLinesIntoIndividualSNPdata(asLocations); HashMap<String, ArrayList<IndividualSnpData>> snpHashMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<IndividualSnpData>>(); HashMap<String, String> posNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); //first determine overdispersion values per SNP. ArrayList<BetaBinomOverdispInSample> dispersionParameters = new ArrayList<BetaBinomOverdispInSample>(); String dispersionOutput = FilenameUtils.getFullPath(outputLocation) + FilenameUtils.getBaseName(outputLocation) + "_dispersionFile.txt"; PrintWriter dispersionWriter = new PrintWriter(dispersionOutput, "UTF-8"); dispersionWriter.write("Filename\tdispersion"); int i = 0; for (String asLoc : allFiles) { dispersionParameters.add(new BetaBinomOverdispInSample(asLoc)); dispersionWriter.printf("%s\t%.6f\n", dispersionParameters.get(i).getSampleName(), dispersionParameters.get(i).getOverdispersion()[0]); } dispersionWriter.close(); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10) { System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("Finished dispersion estimates for all individuals."); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------"); } boolean hasCellProp = false; ArrayList<String> phenoString = new ArrayList<String>(); if (cellPropLoc != null) { hasCellProp = true; phenoString = UtilityMethods.readFileIntoStringArrayList(cellPropLoc); } //second reading of the ASfiles. while (true) { //read some stuff from the files. ArrayList<IndividualSnpData> tempSNPdata; tempSNPdata = asReader.getIndividualsFromNextLine(); if (tempSNPdata.isEmpty()) break; //I can safely assume all snps are the same per line, based on //checks done in the getIndividualsFromNextLine. String snpName = tempSNPdata.get(0).getSnpName(); String chr = tempSNPdata.get(0).getChromosome(); String posString = tempSNPdata.get(0).getPosition(); //add dispersionValues to the SNPs: for (int j = 0; j < tempSNPdata.size(); j++) { if (!tempSNPdata.get(j).getSampleName().equals(dispersionParameters.get(j).getSampleName())) { System.out.println(tempSNPdata.get(j).getSampleName()); System.out.println(dispersionParameters.get(j).getSampleName()); throw new IllegalDataException( "the name of the individual in the dispersion data is not the same as the individual name in the SNP"); } tempSNPdata.get(j).setDispersion(dispersionParameters.get(j).getOverdispersion()[0]); if (hasCellProp) { tempSNPdata.get(j).setCellTypeProp(Double.parseDouble(phenoString.get(j))); } } posNameMap.put(chr + ":" + posString, snpName); //take the SNP name and arraylist and put in the hashmap. snpHashMap.put(chr + ":" + posString, tempSNPdata); } if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10) { System.out.println("all AS info Snps were read"); } // 2. Load test regions and determine the snps in the region. if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10) { System.out.println("Starting the assignment of snps to regions."); } ArrayList<GenomicRegion> allRegions; allRegions = ReadGenomicRegions(regionLocation); // 3. Read phasing info for these snps Pair<HashMap<String, ArrayList<IndividualSnpData>>, ArrayList<GenomicRegion>> phasedPair; phasedPair = addPhasingToSNPHashMap(snpHashMap, couplingLoc, allRegions, phasingLocation); snpHashMap = phasedPair.getLeft(); allRegions = phasedPair.getRight(); phasedPair = null; if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10) { System.out.println("Added phasing information to AS values of snps."); } /** * 4. Start testing, per region.: * * 4.1 Detemine the test snp in the region, this will be the reference value * 4.2 Determine the heterozygotes for the test snp. * 4.3 switch alt and ref values of the heterozygotes in the test region * respective of the test snp. add the new list to a binomial test. * 4.4 do the test in the and others in the future. * * */ //write output to these files. PrintWriter writerBinom = new PrintWriter(FilenameUtils.getFullPath(outputLocation) + FilenameUtils.getBaseName(outputLocation) + "_Binomial_results.txt", "UTF-8"); PrintWriter writerBetaBinom = new PrintWriter(FilenameUtils.getFullPath(outputLocation) + FilenameUtils.getBaseName(outputLocation) + "_BetaBinomial_results.txt", "UTF-8"); PrintWriter writerCTSBinom = new PrintWriter(FilenameUtils.getFullPath(outputLocation) + FilenameUtils.getBaseName(outputLocation) + "_CellTypeSpecificBinomial_results.txt", "UTF-8"); PrintWriter writerCTSBetaBinom = new PrintWriter(FilenameUtils.getFullPath(outputLocation) + FilenameUtils.getBaseName(outputLocation) + "_CellTypeSpecificBetaBinomial_results.txt", "UTF-8"); for (GenomicRegion iRegion : allRegions) { System.out.println(iRegion.getAnnotation()); // I may want to change this into all test SNPS needs to be implemented still. // compared to all snps in the region. ArrayList<String> snpsInRegion = iRegion.getSnpInRegions(); ArrayList<IndividualSnpData> allHetsInRegion = new ArrayList<IndividualSnpData>(); //Don't want to do this in every iteration in the next loop. for (String regionSnp : snpsInRegion) { allHetsInRegion.addAll( UtilityMethods.isolateHeterozygotesFromIndividualSnpData(snpHashMap.get(regionSnp))); } HashSet<String> combinationsDone = new HashSet<String>(); HashMap<String, BinomialTest> storedBinomTests = new HashMap<String, BinomialTest>(); HashMap<String, BetaBinomialTest> storedBetaBinomTests = new HashMap<String, BetaBinomialTest>(); ///PLEASE NOTE, CELL TYPE SPECIFIC FUNCTIONALITY HAS NOT YET BEEN IMPLEMENTED. //Plan is to use this in the future but keeping them in HashMap<String, CTSbinomialTest> storedCTSBinomTests = new HashMap<String, CTSbinomialTest>(); HashMap<String, CTSBetaBinomialTest> storedCTSBetaBinomTests = new HashMap<String, CTSBetaBinomialTest>(); for (String testSnp : snpsInRegion) { ArrayList<IndividualSnpData> hetTestSnps = UtilityMethods .isolateHeterozygotesFromIndividualSnpData(snpHashMap.get(testSnp)); //Check if the snpp has phasing, but also see if there are heterozygous SNPs in the region. try { if (!hetTestSnps.get(0).hasPhasing()) { System.out.println("\tno phasing"); continue; } } catch (Exception e) { continue; } StringBuilder inputIdA = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder inputIdB = new StringBuilder(); ArrayList<String> hetTestNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (IndividualSnpData hetSample : hetTestSnps) { inputIdA.append(hetSample.sampleName); inputIdA.append(hetSample.getPhasingFirst()); inputIdB.append(hetSample.sampleName); inputIdB.append(hetSample.getPhasingSecond()); hetTestNames.add(hetSample.sampleName); } String refStringA = inputIdA.toString(); String refStringB = inputIdB.toString(); if (hetTestSnps.size() >= GlobalVariables.minHets) { //make sure I don't have to do two tests double. if (combinationsDone.contains(refStringA)) { BinomialTest binomForAddition = storedBinomTests.get(refStringA); BetaBinomialTest betaBinomForAddition = storedBetaBinomTests.get(refStringA); //there is duplication here to make sure it is stored under the correct name. if (binomForAddition == null) { binomForAddition = storedBinomTests.get(refStringB); binomForAddition.addAdditionalSNP(hetTestSnps.get(0).snpName, hetTestSnps.get(0).position); betaBinomForAddition = storedBetaBinomTests.get(refStringB); betaBinomForAddition.addAdditionalSNP(hetTestSnps.get(0).snpName, hetTestSnps.get(0).position); storedBinomTests.put(refStringB, binomForAddition); storedBetaBinomTests.put(refStringB, betaBinomForAddition); } else { binomForAddition.addAdditionalSNP(hetTestSnps.get(0).snpName, hetTestSnps.get(0).position); storedBinomTests.put(refStringA, binomForAddition); betaBinomForAddition.addAdditionalSNP(hetTestSnps.get(0).snpName, hetTestSnps.get(0).position); storedBetaBinomTests.put(refStringA, betaBinomForAddition); } continue; } ArrayList<IndividualSnpData> phasedSNPsForTest = new ArrayList<IndividualSnpData>(); Set<String> uniqueGeneSNPnames = new HashSet<String>(); // The following loop determines which SNPs will be used for // test data. for (int j = 0; j < allHetsInRegion.size(); j++) { IndividualSnpData thisHet = allHetsInRegion.get(j); int snpPos = Integer.parseInt(thisHet.position); //First check if the Heterozygote is in the test region if (snpPos < iRegion.getStartPosition() || snpPos > iRegion.getEndPosition()) { continue; } String sampleName = thisHet.sampleName; uniqueGeneSNPnames.add(thisHet.snpName); if (!hetTestNames.contains(thisHet.sampleName) || !thisHet.hasPhasing()) { continue; } //this is the heterozygote to compare to. IndividualSnpData hetToCompareTo = hetTestSnps.get(hetTestNames.indexOf(sampleName)); if (hetToCompareTo.getPhasingFirst() != thisHet.getPhasingFirst()) { // because it is a heterozygote, we can assume that // first is 0 and second is 1, or the other way around. // if the first in this snp doesn't match the // first in test, we will have to switch the ref, alt // alleles int temp = thisHet.refNum; thisHet.refNum = thisHet.altNum; thisHet.altNum = temp; } phasedSNPsForTest.add(thisHet); } if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10) { System.out.println("\n----------------------------------------"); System.out.println("Testing Region: " + iRegion.getAnnotation()); System.out.println("With the following test SNP: " + hetTestSnps.get(0).snpName); System.out.println("Using the following gene SNPs: "); int whatSNP = 0; System.out.print("\t[ "); for (String snpName : uniqueGeneSNPnames) { System.out.print(snpName); if ((whatSNP % 4 == 3) && (whatSNP != uniqueGeneSNPnames.size() - 1)) { System.out.print(",\n\t "); } else if (whatSNP != uniqueGeneSNPnames.size() - 1) { System.out.print(", "); } whatSNP += 1; } System.out.println(" ]"); System.out.println("----------------------------------------\n"); } BinomialTest thisBinomTest; thisBinomTest = BinomialTest.phasedBinomialTest(phasedSNPsForTest, iRegion, hetTestSnps.size()); thisBinomTest.addAdditionalSNP(hetTestSnps.get(0).snpName, hetTestSnps.get(0).position); thisBinomTest.setGenotype(hetTestSnps.get(0).genotype); storedBinomTests.put(refStringA, thisBinomTest); BetaBinomialTest thisBetaBinomTest; thisBetaBinomTest = BetaBinomialTest.phasedBetaBinomialTest(phasedSNPsForTest, iRegion, hetTestSnps.size()); thisBetaBinomTest.addAdditionalSNP(hetTestSnps.get(0).snpName, hetTestSnps.get(0).position); thisBetaBinomTest.setGenotype(hetTestSnps.get(0).genotype); storedBetaBinomTests.put(refStringA, thisBetaBinomTest); //make sure we don't have to do the computationally intensive tests again. combinationsDone.add(refStringA); combinationsDone.add(refStringB); } } for (String thisTestName : storedBinomTests.keySet()) { BinomialTest thisBinomTest = storedBinomTests.get(thisTestName); BetaBinomialTest thisBetaBinomTest = storedBetaBinomTests.get(thisTestName); if (thisBinomTest.isTestPerformed()) { writerBinom.println(writeBinomialTestOutput(thisBinomTest)); writerBetaBinom.println(writeBetaBinomialTestOutput(thisBetaBinomTest)); } } } //close the files writerBinom.close(); writerBetaBinom.close(); writerCTSBinom.close(); writerCTSBetaBinom.close(); } private Pair<HashMap<String, ArrayList<IndividualSnpData>>, ArrayList<GenomicRegion>> addPhasingToSNPHashMap( HashMap<String, ArrayList<IndividualSnpData>> snpHashMap, String couplingLoc, ArrayList<GenomicRegion> genomicRegions, String vcfLoc) throws IOException { String tabixLoc = vcfLoc + ".tbi"; VcfGenotypeData genotypeData = new VcfGenotypeData(new File(vcfLoc), new File(tabixLoc), GlobalVariables.variantProb); //make a Hashmap with the coupling information correct. String[] sampleNames = genotypeData.getSampleNames(); ArrayList<String> couplingList = UtilityMethods.readFileIntoStringArrayList(couplingLoc); HashMap<String, Integer> couplingMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (String iSample : couplingList) { String[] tempCouple = iSample.split("\t"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < sampleNames.length; i++) { if (tempCouple[0].equals(sampleNames[i])) { couplingMap.put(tempCouple[1], i); found = true; break; } } if (!found && GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10) { System.out.println("Couldn't find individual " + tempCouple[0] + " in sampleNames, continueing with the next."); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(sampleNames)); } } if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println("final coupling map:"); System.out.println(couplingMap.toString()); } int snpsDone = 0; for (int regionIndicator = 0; regionIndicator < genomicRegions.size(); regionIndicator++) { GenomicRegion iRegion = genomicRegions.get(regionIndicator); Iterable<GeneticVariant> VariantsInRegion; VariantsInRegion = genotypeData.getVariantsByRange(iRegion.getSequence(), iRegion.getTestStart() - 1, //minus one because bigger than. iRegion.getTestEnd()); ArrayList<String> snpsInThisTestRegion = new ArrayList<String>(); for (GeneticVariant currentVariant : VariantsInRegion) { if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println("Starting " + currentVariant.getPrimaryVariantId()); } if (!(currentVariant.isSnp() && currentVariant.isBiallelic())) { //not a valid variant if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println("continueing because not a valid variant"); } continue; } String snpName = currentVariant.getPrimaryVariantId(); String chr = currentVariant.getSequenceName(); String posString = Integer.toString(currentVariant.getStartPos()); ArrayList<IndividualSnpData> oldSnpData = snpHashMap.get(chr + ":" + posString); if (oldSnpData == null) { if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println( "Couldn't find SNP: " + snpName + " in AS reads, continueing with the next."); } continue; } if (!oldSnpData.get(0).getSnpName().equals(snpName)) { if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10) { System.out.println("Couldn't find SNP: " + snpName + " in the correct position: " + chr + ":" + posString); System.out.println(oldSnpData.get(0).getSnpName()); } continue; } snpsInThisTestRegion.add(chr + ":" + posString); //If phasing is already add to this variant we may as well stop right here. if (oldSnpData.get(0).hasPhasing()) { //this assumes all individuals in oldSNPdata are phased at the same time. //currently this is the case, but if it changes it, it might break. continue; } ArrayList<IndividualSnpData> newSnpData = new ArrayList<IndividualSnpData>(); List<Boolean> SamplePhasing = currentVariant.getSamplePhasing(); List<Alleles> Variants = currentVariant.getSampleVariants(); boolean passSNP = false; for (IndividualSnpData iAS : oldSnpData) { int i; i = couplingMap.get(iAS.getSampleName()); //make sure there is phasing data available: if (SamplePhasing.get(i)) { char Alt = iAS.getAlternative(); //Genotype IO used the phasing boolean, and the //order of the allele characters for the phasing. char[] alleleChars; alleleChars = Variants.get(i).getAllelesAsChars(); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 100) { System.out.println(Arrays.toString(alleleChars)); } //first assuming the allele is reference //if not the cse, then we change it. int first = 0; int second = 0; if (alleleChars[0] == Alt) { first = 1; } if (alleleChars[1] == Alt) { second = 1; } try { iAS.setPhasing(first, second); } catch (IllegalDataException e) { if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10 && !passSNP) { System.out.println("Did not set phasing for variant" + snpName + " phasing does not match genotype."); } passSNP = true; } } newSnpData.add(iAS); } //something went wrong in the SNP with phasing information and genotype from other data. if (passSNP) { newSnpData = oldSnpData; } //overwrite this into the snpHashMap snpHashMap.put(chr + ":" + posString, newSnpData); snpsDone++; } iRegion.setSnpInRegions(snpsInThisTestRegion); genomicRegions.set(regionIndicator, iRegion); if (GlobalVariables.verbosity >= 10 && regionIndicator % 1000 == 0) { System.out.println("Finished adding phasing to " + Integer.toString(regionIndicator) + " regions, " + Integer.toString(snpsDone) + " snps."); } } //so I can output it easily Pair<HashMap<String, ArrayList<IndividualSnpData>>, ArrayList<GenomicRegion>> returnPair; returnPair = new Pair<HashMap<String, ArrayList<IndividualSnpData>>, ArrayList<GenomicRegion>>(snpHashMap, genomicRegions); return returnPair; } private ArrayList<GenomicRegion> ReadGenomicRegions(String regionsFile) throws IOException { ArrayList<String> stringArray = UtilityMethods.readFileIntoStringArrayList(regionsFile); ArrayList<GenomicRegion> allRegions = new ArrayList<GenomicRegion>(); for (String iString : stringArray) { String[] splitString = iString.split("\t"); GenomicRegion tempRegion = new GenomicRegion(); tempRegion.setAnnotation(splitString[0]); tempRegion.setSequence(splitString[1]); tempRegion.setStartPosition(Integer.parseInt(splitString[2])); tempRegion.setEndPosition(Integer.parseInt(splitString[3])); //Try to see if there are test regions specified. try { //set the test region to what is found in the file tempRegion.setTestStart(Integer.parseInt(splitString[4])); tempRegion.setTestEnd(Integer.parseInt(splitString[5])); tempRegion.setHasTestRegion(true); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { //set the test region to be the genomic region. tempRegion.setTestStart(Integer.parseInt(splitString[2])); tempRegion.setTestEnd(Integer.parseInt(splitString[3])); tempRegion.setHasTestRegion(false); } allRegions.add(tempRegion); } return allRegions; } public static String writeBinomialTestOutput(BinomialTest thisTest) { StringBuilder outputString = new StringBuilder(); outputString.append(thisTest.getChromosome()); outputString.append("\t"); // The start and end of the test region outputString.append(Integer.toString(thisTest.testRegionStart)); outputString.append("-"); outputString.append(Integer.toString(thisTest.testRegionEnd)); outputString.append("\t"); // The start and end will be in the same field seperated by a dash outputString.append(Integer.toString(thisTest.startOfRegion)); outputString.append("-"); outputString.append(Integer.toString(thisTest.endOfRegion)); outputString.append("\t"); outputString.append(thisTest.RegionName); outputString.append("\t"); outputString.append(String.format("% .9f", thisTest.getTestStatistics().getpVal())); outputString.append("\t"); outputString.append(String.format("% 9.3f", thisTest.getTestStatistics().getChiSq())); outputString.append("\t"); //number of hets in region outputString.append(Integer.toString(thisTest.totalTestSNPs)); outputString.append("\t"); int refSum = 0; int altSum = 0; for (int i : thisTest.getAsRef()) refSum += i; for (int i : thisTest.getAsAlt()) altSum += i; outputString.append(Integer.toString(refSum)); outputString.append("\t"); outputString.append(Integer.toString(altSum)); outputString.append("\t"); outputString.append(String.format("% 4.4f", thisTest.binomRatio)); outputString.append("\t"); outputString.append(thisTest.getGenotype()); outputString.append("\t"); ArrayList<String> allTestPositions = thisTest.getAdditionalPositions(); for (String i : allTestPositions) { outputString.append(i); outputString.append(";"); } outputString.append("\t"); ArrayList<String> allTestNames = thisTest.getAdditionalNames(); for (String i : allTestNames) { outputString.append(i); outputString.append(";"); } outputString.append("\t"); return outputString.toString(); } public static String writeBetaBinomialTestOutput(BetaBinomialTest thisTest) { StringBuilder outputString = new StringBuilder(); outputString.append(thisTest.getChromosome()); outputString.append("\t"); // The start and end of the test region outputString.append(Integer.toString(thisTest.testRegionStart)); outputString.append("-"); outputString.append(Integer.toString(thisTest.testRegionEnd)); outputString.append("\t"); // The start and end will be in the same field seperated by a dash outputString.append(Integer.toString(thisTest.startOfRegion)); outputString.append("-"); outputString.append(Integer.toString(thisTest.endOfRegion)); outputString.append("\t"); outputString.append(thisTest.RegionName); outputString.append("\t"); outputString.append(String.format("% .9f", thisTest.pVal)); outputString.append("\t"); outputString.append(String.format("% 9.3f", thisTest.chiSq)); outputString.append("\t"); //number of hets in region outputString.append(Integer.toString(thisTest.totalTestSNPs)); outputString.append("\t"); int refSum = 0; int altSum = 0; for (int i : thisTest.getAsRef()) refSum += i; for (int i : thisTest.getAsAlt()) altSum += i; outputString.append(Integer.toString(refSum)); outputString.append("\t"); outputString.append(Integer.toString(altSum)); outputString.append("\t"); outputString.append(String.format("% 4.4f", thisTest.binomRatio)); outputString.append("\t"); outputString.append(thisTest.getGenotype()); outputString.append("\t"); ArrayList<String> allTestPositions = thisTest.getAdditionalPositions(); for (String i : allTestPositions) { outputString.append(i); outputString.append(";"); } outputString.append("\t"); ArrayList<String> allTestNames = thisTest.getAdditionalNames(); for (String i : allTestNames) { outputString.append(i); outputString.append(";"); } outputString.append("\t"); return outputString.toString(); } }