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(at your option) any later version.
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package nl.strohalm.cyclos.setup.migrations.version3_6;

import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Calendar;

import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.transactions.Payment;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.setup.TraceableMigration;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.JDBCWrapper;

import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils;

 * A migration class which replaces the old AccountStatus by the new ClosedAccountBalance approach
 * @author luis
public class ClosedAccountBalancesMigration implements TraceableMigration {

    public int execute(final JDBCWrapper jdbc) throws SQLException {

        // First, ensure the account status still exists, ie, not already migrated
        ResultSet accountStatusExists = null;
        try {
            accountStatusExists = jdbc.query("select 1 from account_status limit 1");
        } catch (final SQLException e) {
            // The already does not exists. Exit.
            return 0;
        } finally {

        // Populate the account limit logs from both the account status and the pending account status tables
                "insert into account_limit_logs " + " (account_id, date, by_id, credit_limit, upper_credit_limit) "
                        + " select account_id, date, credit_limit_by_id, credit_limit, upper_credit_limit"
                        + " from account_status" + " where credit_limit_by_id is not null");

                "insert into account_limit_logs " + " (account_id, date, by_id, credit_limit, upper_credit_limit) "
                        + " select account_id, date, by_id, lower_limit, upper_limit"
                        + " from pending_account_status" + " where type = 'lim'");

        // Populate the amount_reservations table from pending transfers, scheduled payments which reserves the total amount and their installments
        jdbc.execute("insert into amount_reservations" + " (subclass, account_id, date, amount, transfer_id)"
                + " select 'P', from_account_id, date, amount, id " + " from transfers t " + " where t.status = ? ",
                "insert into amount_reservations" + " (subclass, account_id, date, amount, scheduled_payment_id)"
                        + " select 'S', from_account_id, date, amount, id " + " from scheduled_payments "
                        + " where reserve_amount = true ");
                "insert into amount_reservations" + " (subclass, account_id, date, amount, transfer_id)"
                        + " select 'I', t.from_account_id, ifnull(t.process_date,, -t.amount, "
                        + " from transfers t inner join scheduled_payments sp on t.scheduled_payment_id ="
                        + " where sp.reserve_amount = true and t.status <> ? ",

        // Iterate each account
        int results = 0;
        final ResultSet accounts = jdbc.query("select id, creation_date from accounts");
        try {
            while ( {
                final long accountId = accounts.getLong("id");
                final Date creationDate = new Date(DateUtils
                        .truncate(accounts.getTimestamp("creation_date"), Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH).getTime());
                // Get, by day, each diff, either for balance or reserved amount
                ResultSet diffs = jdbc.query(" select * from ( "
                        + "     select 'B' as type,, b.balance as diff" + "     from ( "
                        + "         select date(date) as date, sum(amount) as balance " + "         from ( "
                        + "             select t.process_date as date, "
                        + "             case when t.chargeback_of_id is null then "
                        + "                 case when t.from_account_id = ? then -t.amount else t.amount end "
                        + "             else "
                        + "                 case when t.to_account_id = ? then t.amount else -t.amount end "
                        + "             end as amount " + "             from transfers t "
                        + "             where (t.from_account_id = ? or t.to_account_id = ?) "
                        + "               and t.process_date is not null " + "         ) t "
                        + "         group by date(date) " + "     ) b " + "     union "
                        + "     select 'R', date(, sum(r.amount) " + "     from amount_reservations r "
                        + "     where r.account_id = ? " + "     group by date( " + " ) t "
                        + " where date < current_date() " + " order by date", accountId, accountId, accountId,
                        accountId, accountId);
                Date lastDate = creationDate;
                double balance = 0;
                double reserved = 0;
                try {
                    boolean hasData = false;
                    while ( {
                        hasData = true;
                        boolean isBalance = "B".equals(diffs.getString("type"));
                        Date date = diffs.getDate("date");
                        double diff = diffs.getDouble("diff");
                        if (!lastDate.equals(date)) {
                            // Insert a closed balance when the date changes
                            results += jdbc.execute(
                                    "insert into closed_account_balances (date, account_id, balance, reserved) values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
                                    nextDay(lastDate), accountId, balance, reserved);
                        if (isBalance) {
                            balance += diff;
                        } else {
                            reserved += diff;
                        lastDate = date;
                    if (hasData) {
                        // There is a last closed balance to insert
                        results += jdbc.execute(
                                "insert into closed_account_balances (date, account_id, balance, reserved) values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
                                nextDay(lastDate), accountId, balance, reserved);
                } finally {
                // Set the last closing date
                jdbc.execute("update accounts set last_closing_date = ? where id = ?", lastDate, accountId);
        } finally {

        // Now it is safe to drop the account_status table
        jdbc.execute("drop table account_status");
        jdbc.execute("drop table pending_account_status");

        return results;

    private Date nextDay(final Date date) {
        final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
        return new Date(calendar.getTimeInMillis());