Java tutorial
/* This file is part of Cyclos. Cyclos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Cyclos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Cyclos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.dao.accounts.AccountDAO; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.dao.accounts.AccountStatusDAO; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.dao.accounts.PendingAccountStatusDAO; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.dao.accounts.fee.account.AccountFeeChargeDAO; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.dao.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.Account; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.AccountStatus; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.Currency; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.MemberAccount; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.MemberAccountStatus; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.PendingAccountStatus; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.SystemAccount; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.SystemAccountStatus; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.fees.account.AccountFeeCharge; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.fees.account.AccountFeeLog; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.fees.account.AccountFee.ChargeMode; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.transactions.Invoice; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.transactions.Payment; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.transactions.ScheduledPayment; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.transactions.Transfer; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.transactions.TransferAuthorization; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.transactions.Payment.Status; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.alerts.SystemAlert; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.settings.LocalSettings; import; import; import; import; import; import; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.CurrentTransactionData; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.DataIteratorHelper; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.RelationshipHelper; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.CurrentTransactionData.Entry; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.access.LoggedUser; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.conversion.CalendarConverter; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.conversion.UnitsConverter; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.validation.ValidationException; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus; import; import; import; /** * Handles the updating of account status * @author luis * @author Rinke (all dealing with rates) */ public class AccountStatusHandlerImpl implements AccountStatusHandler, Runnable, InitializingBean, DisposableBean { private static enum RunStatus { SUCCESS, ERROR, RETRY, EMPTY } private static final float PRECISION_DELTA = 0.0001F; // set MAX_PROCESSING_BATCH to 1 to avoid potential deadlocks. private static final int MAX_PROCESSING_BATCH = 1; private static final int MAX_ERROR_ATTEMPTS = 6; private BlockingQueue<Integer> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer>(); private PendingAccountStatusDAO pendingAccountStatusDao; private TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate; private Thread thread; private AccountStatusDAO accountStatusDao; private AccountFeeChargeDAO accountFeeChargeDao; private AccountFeeService accountFeeService; private SettingsService settingsService; private AlertService alertService; private FetchService fetchService; private DRateService dRateService; private ARateService aRateService; private boolean inProcess; private int errors; private AccountDAO accountDao; public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { thread = new Thread(this, "AccountStatusHandler"); thread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); thread.start(); } public void destroy() throws Exception { stopThread(); } public AccountStatus getStatus(Account account, final Calendar date, final boolean processCurrentStatus, final boolean processAccountFeePeriod) { AccountStatus status; lock(false, account); try { status = accountStatusDao.getByDate(account, date); } catch (final EntityNotFoundException e) { // When no account status is found, create a new one with values = zero account = fetchService.fetch(account); if (account instanceof MemberAccount) { status = new MemberAccountStatus((MemberAccount) account); } else { status = new SystemAccountStatus((SystemAccount) account); } } if (status instanceof MemberAccountStatus) { MemberAccountStatus memberStatus = (MemberAccountStatus) status; // When the account fee period should be processed, ensure a new AccountStatus is created on the period end if (processAccountFeePeriod) { final Collection<AccountFeeCharge> charges = accountFeeService .insertMissingChargesForPreviousPeriods(memberStatus, date); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(charges)) { for (final AccountFeeCharge charge : charges) { final MemberAccountStatus newStatus = memberStatus.newBasedOnThis(); newStatus.setDate(charge.getPeriod().getEnd()); newStatus.setAccountFeeLog(charge.getAccountFeeLog()); newStatus.setVolumeAccountFees(newStatus.getVolumeAccountFees().add(charge.getAmount())); // Insert the status, updating the memberStatus instance memberStatus = accountStatusDao.insert(newStatus); } } } // For member accounts, get the updated reserved amount for volume account fees if (processCurrentStatus) { status = accountFeeService.adjustVolumeChargesToDate(memberStatus, date); } } // If the current status should be processed, also take into account the delta by pending account statuses if (processCurrentStatus) { final Iterator<PendingAccountStatus> iterator = pendingAccountStatusDao.iterateFor(account); try { if (iterator.hasNext()) { while (iterator.hasNext()) { final PendingAccountStatus pendingStatus =; switch (pendingStatus.getType()) { case PAYMENT: final Transfer transfer = fetchService.fetch(pendingStatus.getTransfer(), Transfer.Relationships.FROM, Transfer.Relationships.TO); if (shouldUpdateToAccountOnPayment(pendingStatus, transfer) && transfer.getTo().equals(account)) { status = updateAccountStatusOnPayment(pendingStatus, true, transfer, status); } if (shouldUpdateFromAccountOnPayment(pendingStatus, transfer) && transfer.getFrom().equals(account)) { status = updateAccountStatusOnPayment(pendingStatus, false, transfer, status); } break; case RESERVED_SCHEDULED_PAYMENT: status = updateAccountStatusOnReservedScheduledPayment(pendingStatus, status, false); break; case LIBERATE_RESERVED_INSTALLMENT: status = updateAccountStatusOnLiberateReservedInstallment(pendingStatus, status, false); break; case ACCOUNT_FEE_DISABLED: status = updateAccountStatusAccountFeeDisabled(pendingStatus, (MemberAccountStatus) status, false); break; case ACCOUNT_FEE_INVOICE: status = updateAccountStatusOnAccountFeeInvoice(pendingStatus, (MemberAccountStatus) status, false); break; case AUTHORIZATION: status = updateAccountStatusOnAuthorization(pendingStatus, status, false); break; case LIMIT_CHANGE: status = updateAccountStatusOnCreditLimitChange(pendingStatus, status, false); break; default: System.out.println("Invalid pending account status type: " + pendingStatus.getType()); break; } } } } finally { DataIteratorHelper.close(iterator); } } return status; } public void initialize() { final int count = pendingAccountStatusDao.count(); processNext(count); } public PendingAccountStatus liberateReservedAmountForInstallment(final Transfer transfer) { ensureAlive(); final ScheduledPayment scheduledPayment = transfer.getScheduledPayment(); if (scheduledPayment == null || !scheduledPayment.isReserveAmount()) { return null; } // Insert the pending Status PendingAccountStatus pendingStatus = new PendingAccountStatus(); pendingStatus.setType(PendingAccountStatus.Type.LIBERATE_RESERVED_INSTALLMENT); pendingStatus.setDate(scheduledPayment.getDate()); pendingStatus.setScheduledPayment(scheduledPayment); pendingStatus.setAccount(scheduledPayment.getFrom()); pendingStatus.setTransfer(transfer); pendingStatus.setTransferStatus(transfer.getStatus()); pendingStatus = pendingAccountStatusDao.insert(pendingStatus); CurrentTransactionData.addPendingAccountStatus(); return pendingStatus; } /** * Creates a PendingAccountStatus for an account fee disabled, which should affect the given account */ public PendingAccountStatus processAccountFeeDisabled(final MemberAccount account, final BigDecimal subtractedAmount) { ensureAlive(); PendingAccountStatus pendingStatus = new PendingAccountStatus(); pendingStatus.setType(PendingAccountStatus.Type.ACCOUNT_FEE_DISABLED); pendingStatus.setDate(Calendar.getInstance()); pendingStatus.setAccount(account); pendingStatus.setSubtractedAmount(subtractedAmount); pendingStatus = pendingAccountStatusDao.insert(pendingStatus); CurrentTransactionData.addPendingAccountStatus(); return pendingStatus; } /** * Creates a PendingAccountStatus for an account fee disabled, which should affect the given account */ public PendingAccountStatus processAccountFeeInvoice(final Account account, final Invoice invoice) { ensureAlive(); PendingAccountStatus pendingStatus = new PendingAccountStatus(); pendingStatus.setType(PendingAccountStatus.Type.ACCOUNT_FEE_INVOICE); pendingStatus.setDate(Calendar.getInstance()); pendingStatus.setAccount(account); pendingStatus.setInvoice(invoice); pendingStatus = pendingAccountStatusDao.insert(pendingStatus); CurrentTransactionData.addPendingAccountStatus(); return pendingStatus; } /** * Creates a PendingAccountStatus for a transfer authorization <br> * <b>IMPORTANT</b>: Make sure that this is first called on the to account, then on the from account. Otherwise rate calculations work with the * wrong balance. See remark on updateAccounStatusonPayment. * */ public PendingAccountStatus processAuthorization(final Account account, final Transfer transfer, final TransferAuthorization transferAuthorization) { ensureAlive(); PendingAccountStatus pendingStatus = new PendingAccountStatus(); pendingStatus.setType(PendingAccountStatus.Type.AUTHORIZATION); pendingStatus.setDate(Calendar.getInstance()); pendingStatus.setAccount(account); pendingStatus.setTransfer(transfer); pendingStatus.setTransferStatus(transfer.getStatus()); pendingStatus.setTransferAuthorization(transferAuthorization); pendingStatus = pendingAccountStatusDao.insert(pendingStatus); CurrentTransactionData.addPendingAccountStatus(); return pendingStatus; } public void processFromCurrentTransaction() { final Entry entry = CurrentTransactionData.getEntry(); final int pendingAccountStatuses = entry == null ? 0 : entry.getPendingAccountStatuses(); if (pendingAccountStatuses > 0) { processNext(pendingAccountStatuses); } } public PendingAccountStatus processLimitChange(final Account account) { ensureAlive(); PendingAccountStatus pendingStatus = new PendingAccountStatus(); pendingStatus.setType(PendingAccountStatus.Type.LIMIT_CHANGE); pendingStatus.setDate(Calendar.getInstance()); pendingStatus.setAccount(account); pendingStatus.setLowerLimit(account.getCreditLimit()); pendingStatus.setUpperLimit(account.getUpperCreditLimit()); if (LoggedUser.isValid()) { pendingStatus.setBy(LoggedUser.element()); } pendingStatus = pendingAccountStatusDao.insert(pendingStatus); CurrentTransactionData.addPendingAccountStatus(); return pendingStatus; } public void processNext(final int count) { // Ensure a max count is offered each time int current = count; while (current > 0) { queue.offer(Math.min(MAX_PROCESSING_BATCH, current)); current -= MAX_PROCESSING_BATCH; } } public PendingAccountStatus processReservedScheduledPayment(final ScheduledPayment scheduledPayment) { ensureAlive(); if (!scheduledPayment.isReserveAmount()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Scheduled payment is not set to reserve the amount"); } // Insert the pending Status PendingAccountStatus pendingStatus = new PendingAccountStatus(); pendingStatus.setType(PendingAccountStatus.Type.RESERVED_SCHEDULED_PAYMENT); pendingStatus.setDate(scheduledPayment.getDate()); pendingStatus.setScheduledPayment(scheduledPayment); pendingStatus = pendingAccountStatusDao.insert(pendingStatus); CurrentTransactionData.addPendingAccountStatus(); return pendingStatus; } public PendingAccountStatus processTransfer(final Transfer transfer) { ensureAlive(); // Insert the pending Status PendingAccountStatus pendingStatus = new PendingAccountStatus(); pendingStatus.setType(PendingAccountStatus.Type.PAYMENT); pendingStatus.setDate(transfer.getDate()); pendingStatus.setTransfer(transfer); pendingStatus.setTransferStatus(transfer.getStatus()); pendingStatus = pendingAccountStatusDao.insert(pendingStatus); CurrentTransactionData.addPendingAccountStatus(); return pendingStatus; } public void run() { try { while (true) { // Wait until something is available final Integer count = queue.take(); if (count != null && count > 0) { processQueue(count); } } } catch (final InterruptedException e) { // Ignore } } public void setAccountDao(final AccountDAO accountDao) { this.accountDao = accountDao; } public void setAccountFeeChargeDao(final AccountFeeChargeDAO accountFeeChargeDao) { this.accountFeeChargeDao = accountFeeChargeDao; } public void setAccountFeeService(final AccountFeeService accountFeeService) { this.accountFeeService = accountFeeService; } public void setAccountStatusDao(final AccountStatusDAO accountStatusDao) { this.accountStatusDao = accountStatusDao; } public void setAlertService(final AlertService alertService) { this.alertService = alertService; } public void setaRateService(final ARateService aRateService) { this.aRateService = aRateService; } public void setdRateService(final DRateService dRateService) { this.dRateService = dRateService; } public void setFetchService(final FetchService fetchService) { this.fetchService = fetchService; } public void setPendingAccountStatusDao(final PendingAccountStatusDAO pendingAccountStatusDao) { this.pendingAccountStatusDao = pendingAccountStatusDao; } public void setSettingsService(final SettingsService settingsService) { this.settingsService = settingsService; } public void setTransactionTemplate(final TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate) { this.transactionTemplate = transactionTemplate; } public void waitUntilProcessAll() { while (!queue.isEmpty() || inProcess) { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { return; } } } private void calculateVolumeCharges(final AccountStatus last, final AccountStatus current) { if (current instanceof MemberAccountStatus) { final MemberAccountStatus memberStatus = (MemberAccountStatus) current; final Collection<AccountFeeCharge> charges = accountFeeService .calculateVolumeCharges((MemberAccountStatus) last, memberStatus.getDate()); for (final AccountFeeCharge charge : charges) { if (charge.getAmount().floatValue() > PRECISION_DELTA) { memberStatus.setVolumeAccountFees(memberStatus.getVolumeAccountFees().add(charge.getAmount())); accountFeeChargeDao.insert(charge); } } } } private void ensureAlive() { if (thread == null) { throw new ValidationException("general.error.accountStatusProcessing"); } } private boolean lock(final boolean forWrite, final Account... accounts) { try { accountDao.lock(forWrite, Arrays.asList(accounts)); return true; } catch (final Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Processes the next n pending account statuses. Warning: if passing more than 1, on high concurrent systems, it's likely to cause deadlocks, as * accounts are locked in the database. * @return Returns whether something was actually processed - false if there were no pending records to process */ private boolean processQueue(final int count) throws InterruptedException { inProcess = true; final RunStatus status = transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<RunStatus>() { public RunStatus doInTransaction(final TransactionStatus status) { return runInTransaction(status, count); } }); CurrentTransactionData.cleanup(); switch (status) { case RETRY: // Just retry the same pending account status after a small sleep queue.offer(count); break; case ERROR: errors++; if (errors <= MAX_ERROR_ATTEMPTS) { // Sleep 2sec, then 4, then 8, then 16... Thread.sleep((long) (Math.pow(2, errors) * 1000)); // Ensure there will be another try for this status queue.offer(count); } else { // CRITICAL STATE!!! // We've not managed to resolve the error, and no more account status processing is done, which means // no more payments can be done! Kill the thread and raise an alert stopThread(); transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() { @Override protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(final TransactionStatus status) { PendingAccountStatus pendingStatus = null; Object[] arguments = {}; try { pendingStatus =; final Transfer transfer = pendingStatus.getTransfer(); if (transfer != null) { final LocalSettings localSettings = settingsService.getLocalSettings(); final UnitsConverter unitsConverter = localSettings .getUnitsConverter(transfer.getType().getFrom().getCurrency().getPattern()); final CalendarConverter dateConverter = localSettings.getDateConverter(); arguments = new Object[] { dateConverter.toString(pendingStatus.getDate()), transfer.getFrom().getOwnerName(), transfer.getTo().getOwnerName(), unitsConverter.toString(transfer.getAmount()) }; } } catch (final Exception e) { // Ok, leave null } alertService.create(SystemAlert.Alerts.ERROR_PROCESSING_ACCOUNT_STATUS, arguments); } }); } } inProcess = false; return status != RunStatus.EMPTY; } private RunStatus runInTransaction(final TransactionStatus status, final int count) { try { final List<PendingAccountStatus> pendings =; if (pendings.isEmpty()) { return RunStatus.EMPTY; } for (final PendingAccountStatus pendingStatus : pendings) { final Account account = pendingStatus.getAccount(); if (account != null) { // In cases where the pending account status references the account (ACCOUNT_FEE_DISABLED, ACCOUNT_FEE_INVOICE, AUTHORIZATION // and LIMIT_CHANGE), perform the lock outside the switch to avoid code replication if (!lock(true, account)) { status.setRollbackOnly(); return RunStatus.RETRY; } } switch (pendingStatus.getType()) { case PAYMENT: final Transfer transfer = pendingStatus.getTransfer(); final boolean updateTo = shouldUpdateToAccountOnPayment(pendingStatus, transfer); final boolean updateFrom = shouldUpdateFromAccountOnPayment(pendingStatus, transfer); // Lock the required accounts Account[] toLock = null; if (updateFrom && updateTo) { toLock = new Account[] { transfer.getFrom(), transfer.getTo() }; } else if (updateFrom) { toLock = new Account[] { transfer.getFrom() }; } else if (updateTo) { toLock = new Account[] { transfer.getTo() }; } if (toLock != null) { if (!lock(true, toLock)) { status.setRollbackOnly(); return RunStatus.RETRY; } } // IMPORTANT: The to-account status must be updated before the from-account status if (updateTo) { updateAccountStatusOnPayment(pendingStatus, true, transfer, null); } if (updateFrom) { updateAccountStatusOnPayment(pendingStatus, false, transfer, null); } break; case RESERVED_SCHEDULED_PAYMENT: // Lock the from account, to ensure the available balance is ok if (!lock(true, pendingStatus.getScheduledPayment().getFrom())) { status.setRollbackOnly(); return RunStatus.RETRY; } updateAccountStatusOnReservedScheduledPayment(pendingStatus, null, true); break; case LIBERATE_RESERVED_INSTALLMENT: updateAccountStatusOnLiberateReservedInstallment(pendingStatus, null, true); break; case ACCOUNT_FEE_DISABLED: updateAccountStatusAccountFeeDisabled(pendingStatus, null, true); break; case ACCOUNT_FEE_INVOICE: updateAccountStatusOnAccountFeeInvoice(pendingStatus, null, true); break; case AUTHORIZATION: updateAccountStatusOnAuthorization(pendingStatus, null, true); break; case LIMIT_CHANGE: updateAccountStatusOnCreditLimitChange(pendingStatus, null, true); break; default: System.out.println("Invalid pending account status type: " + pendingStatus.getType()); break; } // Remove the pending status after processing the new account status pendingAccountStatusDao.delete(pendingStatus.getId()); errors = 0; } return RunStatus.SUCCESS; } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); status.setRollbackOnly(); return RunStatus.ERROR; } } private boolean shouldUpdateFromAccountOnPayment(final PendingAccountStatus pendingAccountStatus, final Transfer transfer) { /* * On pending debits, generated fees should not update the account status, or there would be a reserved amount for pending debits that would * only be generated when the main transfer were authorized. This is, however, distinct from when the same account is paying a generated * transfer (such as a conversion fee), because both amounts will be charged from the same account at once */ final Transfer parent = transfer.getParent(); final boolean parentAndChildFromSameAccount = parent != null && parent.getFrom().equals(transfer.getFrom()); final boolean pending = (parent != null && pendingAccountStatus.getTransferStatus() == Payment.Status.PENDING); return parentAndChildFromSameAccount || !pending; } private boolean shouldUpdateToAccountOnPayment(final PendingAccountStatus pendingAccountStatus, final Transfer transfer) { // Should update the to account status only if the transfer is processed return pendingAccountStatus.getTransferStatus() == Payment.Status.PROCESSED; } private void stopThread() { if (thread != null) { thread.interrupt(); thread = null; } } private MemberAccountStatus updateAccountStatusAccountFeeDisabled( final PendingAccountStatus pendingAccountStatus, MemberAccountStatus last, final boolean insert) { final Account account = pendingAccountStatus.getAccount(); final BigDecimal amount = pendingAccountStatus.getSubtractedAmount(); if (last == null) { last = (MemberAccountStatus) getStatus(account, null, false, false); } MemberAccountStatus status = last.newBasedOnThis(); status.setVolumeAccountFees(status.getVolumeAccountFees().subtract(amount)); if (insert) { status = accountStatusDao.insert(status, false); } return status; } private AccountStatus updateAccountStatusOnAccountFeeInvoice(final PendingAccountStatus pendingAccountStatus, MemberAccountStatus last, final boolean insert) { final Account account = pendingAccountStatus.getAccount(); final Invoice invoice = fetchService.fetch(pendingAccountStatus.getInvoice(), RelationshipHelper .nested(Invoice.Relationships.ACCOUNT_FEE_LOG, AccountFeeLog.Relationships.ACCOUNT_FEE)); final AccountFeeLog accountFeeLog = invoice.getAccountFeeLog(); if (accountFeeLog != null) { final ChargeMode chargeMode = accountFeeLog.getAccountFee().getChargeMode(); if (chargeMode.isVolume()) { if (last == null) { last = (MemberAccountStatus) getStatus(account, null, false, true); } final AccountStatus status = last.newBasedOnThis(); MemberAccountStatus memberStatus = (MemberAccountStatus) status; final BigDecimal totalFeeAmount = accountFeeChargeDao.totalAmoutForPeriod((MemberAccount) account, accountFeeLog); memberStatus.setVolumeAccountFees(memberStatus.getVolumeAccountFees().subtract(totalFeeAmount)); // Save the status if (insert) { memberStatus = (MemberAccountStatus) accountStatusDao.insert(status, false); } return memberStatus; } } return last; } /** * Beware the order in which this is called. First on the to account, then on the from account. Otherwise rate calculations work with the wrong * balance. See remark on updateAccounStatusonPayment. * */ private AccountStatus updateAccountStatusOnAuthorization(final PendingAccountStatus pendingAccountStatus, AccountStatus last, final boolean insert) { final Account account = pendingAccountStatus.getAccount(); final Transfer transfer = pendingAccountStatus.getTransfer(); final TransferAuthorization transferAuthorization = pendingAccountStatus.getTransferAuthorization(); if (last == null) { last = getStatus(account, null, false, true); } AccountStatus status = last.newBasedOnThis(); final boolean isDebit = account.equals(transfer.getFrom()); final boolean isAuthorized = pendingAccountStatus.getTransferStatus() == Payment.Status.PROCESSED; final BigDecimal amount = transfer.getAmount(); // update balance if (isAuthorized) { // A PendingAccountStatus for authorization is only inserted when the last level has been reached (the payment is processed). // So, we don't have to worry here that an authorization action has been done but the payment is not yet processed. // APPLY RATES (d-rate, a-rate) updateRatesOnAccountStatus(status, transfer); // Update the balance updateBalanceWithTransfer(pendingAccountStatus, status, transfer); } if (isDebit) { status.setPendingDebits(status.getPendingDebits().subtract(1, amount)); } status.setTransferAuthorization(transferAuthorization); // For member accounts, we must also calculate the account fee charge calculateVolumeCharges(last, status); // Save the status if (insert) { status = accountStatusDao.insert(status, false); } return status; } private AccountStatus updateAccountStatusOnCreditLimitChange(final PendingAccountStatus pendingAccountStatus, AccountStatus last, final boolean insert) { final Account account = pendingAccountStatus.getAccount(); // Update the account status if (last == null) { last = getStatus(account, null, false, true); } AccountStatus status = last.newBasedOnThis(); status.setCreditLimit(pendingAccountStatus.getLowerLimit()); status.setUpperCreditLimit(pendingAccountStatus.getUpperLimit()); status.setCreditLimitChangedBy(pendingAccountStatus.getBy()); // For member accounts, we must also calculate the account fee charge calculateVolumeCharges(last, status); // Save the status if (insert) { status = accountStatusDao.insert(status, false); } return status; } private AccountStatus updateAccountStatusOnLiberateReservedInstallment( final PendingAccountStatus pendingAccountStatus, AccountStatus last, final boolean insert) { final Account account = pendingAccountStatus.getAccount(); // Update the account status if (last == null) { last = getStatus(account, null, false, true); } AccountStatus status = last.newBasedOnThis(); final Transfer transfer = pendingAccountStatus.getTransfer(); final ScheduledPayment scheduledPayment = transfer.getScheduledPayment(); status.setTransfer(transfer); status.setScheduledPayment(scheduledPayment); status.setReservedScheduledPayments( status.getReservedScheduledPayments().subtract(transfer.getActualAmount())); // Save the status if (insert) { status = accountStatusDao.insert(status, false); } return status; } /** * <b>Very important:</b> The order in which methods are called for a transfer is very important for the correct handling of rates.<br> * This order should be as follows: * <ol> * <li>First handle the complete procedure for the to account. This is because the balance and rateBalanceCorrection of the from account are * needed for correctly passing rates to the to-account. If you would first update the accountStatus of the from account, then balance and RBC of * the from account are already changed, meaning that the next call for the to-account would use the wrong values for passing the rates. * <li>when changing an account (to or from), first take care that the rate fields are initialized. Null rate fields will result in repeated alert * fires. * <li>First apply rates before changing the account balances, otherwise the rates methods will work with the wrong account balance. * <li>Only then update the balance. Use AccountStatusDAO.updateBalanceWithTransfer for this, as it will also correct the RateBalanceCorrection * Field. * </ol> */ private AccountStatus updateAccountStatusOnPayment(final PendingAccountStatus pendingStatus, final boolean to, final Transfer transfer, AccountStatus last) { final Account account = to ? transfer.getTo() : transfer.getFrom(); final boolean from = !to; final Status transferStatus = pendingStatus.getTransferStatus(); final boolean isProcessed = transferStatus == Payment.Status.PROCESSED; if (!isProcessed && transferStatus != Payment.Status.PENDING) { // When it's neither processed nor pending, we won't generate a new account status return last; } final boolean insert = last == null; // A very special case here is an scheduled payment which is manually processed (pay now) and still has to be authorized. // In this case, the process date is null and the date is on the future. We can't use either, but the current date instead final Calendar date = transfer.getProcessDate() == null ? Calendar.getInstance() : transfer.getProcessDate(); final Currency currency = account.getType().getCurrency(); if (last == null) { if (isProcessed && (currency.isEnableARate() || currency.isEnableDRate())) { // for rates, the accountstatus MUST be the last one available up to present, because updating next statuses gets really complicated last = getStatus(account, null, false, false); } else { last = getStatus(account, date, false, false); } } AccountStatus status = last.newBasedOnThis(); // For payments that are not on the past date, update the amount for the new one final boolean isDebit = account.equals(transfer.getFrom()); final BigDecimal amount = transfer.getAmount(); if (isProcessed) { // APPLY RATES (d-rate, a-rate) updateRatesOnAccountStatus(status, transfer); // update balance updateBalanceWithTransfer(pendingStatus, status, transfer); } else if (isDebit) { // Update only the pending debits status.setPendingDebits(status.getPendingDebits().add(amount)); } // Process the reserved amount for total amount on scheduled payments, if applicable if (from && transfer.getScheduledPayment() != null && transfer.getScheduledPayment().isReserveAmount()) { status.setReservedScheduledPayments( status.getReservedScheduledPayments().subtract(transfer.getAmount())); } // For member accounts: if (status instanceof MemberAccountStatus) { final MemberAccountStatus memberStatus = (MemberAccountStatus) status; // On top-level payments of account fees, reduce the account fees accumulator boolean isVolumeAccountFee = false; final AccountFeeLog accountFeeLog = transfer.getAccountFeeLog(); if (transfer.getParent() == null && accountFeeLog != null) { isVolumeAccountFee = accountFeeLog.getAccountFee().getChargeMode().isVolume(); } if (isVolumeAccountFee) { // Subtract the account fees when this transfer is related to a volume account fee final BigDecimal totalFeeAmount = accountFeeChargeDao.totalAmoutForPeriod((MemberAccount) account, transfer.getAccountFeeLog()); memberStatus.setVolumeAccountFees(memberStatus.getVolumeAccountFees().subtract(totalFeeAmount)); } else { // Calculate the account fee charges calculateVolumeCharges(last, status); } } // Save the status status.setTransfer(transfer); status.setDate(date); if (insert) { status = accountStatusDao.insert(status, false); // Ensure the account status in future, if exists, are ok if (!currency.isEnableARate() && !currency.isEnableDRate()) { accountStatusDao.updateStatusesInFuture(status); } } return status; } private AccountStatus updateAccountStatusOnReservedScheduledPayment(final PendingAccountStatus pendingStatus, AccountStatus last, final boolean insert) { final ScheduledPayment scheduledPayment = pendingStatus.getScheduledPayment(); final Calendar date = scheduledPayment.getDate(); final Account account = scheduledPayment.getFrom(); if (last == null) { last = getStatus(account, date, false, false); } // Calculate what will be added final int payments = scheduledPayment.getTransfers().size(); BigDecimal totalAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (final Transfer transfer : scheduledPayment.getTransfers()) { totalAmount = totalAmount.add(transfer.getAmount()); } // Create the new status AccountStatus status = last.newBasedOnThis(); status.setDate(date); status.setScheduledPayment(scheduledPayment); status.setReservedScheduledPayments(status.getReservedScheduledPayments().add(payments, totalAmount)); if (insert) { status = accountStatusDao.insert(status, false); } return status; } /** * adds or substracts an amount to the status balance. Call this in stead of directly increasing credits or debits, as it takes care for rate * balance correction field too. Only updates the real credits and debits, not the pending debits and credits. * * @param status The status to be updated. Nothing is saved; the status fields are just updated. * @param transfer the transfer being processed. */ private void updateBalanceWithTransfer(final PendingAccountStatus pendingStatus, final AccountStatus status, final Transfer transfer) { if (pendingStatus.getTransferStatus() != Payment.Status.PROCESSED) { // method only deals with real debits and credits; not with pendings... return; } final BigDecimal amount = transfer.getAmount(); final boolean isDebit = status.getAccount().equals(transfer.getFrom()); final boolean isRoot = transfer.isRoot(); final Currency currency = status.getAccount().getType().getCurrency(); final Calendar date = transfer.getProcessDate(); final boolean rated = (currency.isEnableARate(date) || currency.isEnableDRate(date)); if (isDebit) { // call this first, before the balance is updated. if (rated) { aRateService.updateRateBalanceCorrectionOnFromAccount(status, amount); } if (isRoot) { status.setRootDebits(status.getRootDebits().add(amount)); } else { status.setNestedDebits(status.getNestedDebits().add(amount)); } } else { // call this first, before the balance is updated. if (rated && amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) { // special case for chargebacks (having negative transfer amounts) aRateService.updateRateBalanceCorrectionOnFromAccount(status, amount.negate()); } if (isRoot) { status.setRootCredits(status.getRootCredits().add(amount)); } else { status.setNestedCredits(status.getNestedCredits().add(amount)); } } } private void updateRatesOnAccountStatus(AccountStatus status, final Transfer transfer) { final Calendar date = transfer.getProcessDate() == null ? transfer.getDate() : transfer.getProcessDate(); final Currency currency = status.getAccount().getType().getCurrency(); if (currency.isEnableARate(date) || currency.isEnableDRate(date)) { status = aRateService.initializeRateBalanceCorrectionOnAccounts(status, transfer); } final boolean isDebit = status.getAccount().equals(transfer.getFrom()); if (!isDebit) { aRateService.applyTransfer(status, transfer); dRateService.applyTransfer(status, transfer); } } }