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package nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.transactions;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;

import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.Relationship;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.Account;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.AccountOwner;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.Rated;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.SystemAccountOwner;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.external.ExternalTransfer;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.fees.account.AccountFeeLog;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.fees.transaction.TransactionFee;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.members.Element;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.members.brokerings.BrokerCommissionContract;
import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.settings.LocalSettings;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils;

 * A unit transfer between two accounts. A transaction may be performed with several transfers (ex: additional fees)
 * @author luis
public class Transfer extends Payment implements Rated {

    public static enum Relationships implements Relationship {
        ACCOUNT_FEE_LOG("accountFeeLog"), CHILDREN("children"), CHARGED_BACK_BY("chargedBackBy"), LOAN_PAYMENT(
                "loanPayment"), PARENT("parent"), CHARGEBACK_OF(
                        "chargebackOf"), TRANSACTION_FEE("transactionFee"), RECEIVER("receiver"), EXTERNAL_TRANSFER(
                                "externalTransfer"), AUTHORIZATIONS("authorizations"), NEXT_AUTHORIZATION_LEVEL(
                                        "nextAuthorizationLevel"), SCHEDULED_PAYMENT("scheduledPayment");

        private final String name;

        private Relationships(final String name) {
   = name;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4749387454425166686L;
    private AccountFeeLog accountFeeLog;
    private Collection<Transfer> children;
    private Transfer chargedBackBy;
    private String transactionNumber;
    private String traceNumber;
    private Long clientId;
    private String traceData;
    private LoanPayment loanPayment;
    private Transfer parent;
    private Transfer chargebackOf;
    private TransactionFee transactionFee;
    private Element receiver;
    private ExternalTransfer externalTransfer;
    private Collection<TransferAuthorization> authorizations;
    private AuthorizationLevel nextAuthorizationLevel;
    private ScheduledPayment scheduledPayment;
    private BrokerCommissionContract brokerCommissionContract;
    private Calendar expirationDate;
    private Calendar emissionDate;
    private BigDecimal iRate;
    private transient Transfer root;

    public AccountFeeLog getAccountFeeLog() {
        return accountFeeLog;

     * Returns the amount as a positive number, even when it's negative (i.e. chargeback)
    public BigDecimal getActualAmount() {
        final BigDecimal amount = getAmount();
        return amount == null ? null : amount.abs();

     * Returns the process date if not null, date otherwise
    public Calendar getActualDate() {
        return getProcessDate() == null ? getDate() : getProcessDate();

     * When the amount is negative (i.e. chargeback), returns the to account instead
    public Account getActualFrom() {
        final BigDecimal amount = getAmount();
        return amount == null || amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) >= 0 ? getFrom() : getTo();

     * When the amount is negative (i.e. chargeback), returns the to account owner instead
    public AccountOwner getActualFromOwner() {
        return getActualFrom().getOwner();

     * When the amount is negative (i.e. chargeback), returns the from account instead
    public Account getActualTo() {
        final BigDecimal amount = getAmount();
        return amount == null || amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) >= 0 ? getTo() : getFrom();

     * When the amount is negative (i.e. chargeback), returns the from account owner instead
    public AccountOwner getActualToOwner() {
        return getActualTo().getOwner();

    public Collection<TransferAuthorization> getAuthorizations() {
        return authorizations;

    public BrokerCommissionContract getBrokerCommissionContract() {
        return brokerCommissionContract;

    public Transfer getChargebackOf() {
        return chargebackOf;

    public Transfer getChargedBackBy() {
        return chargedBackBy;

    public Collection<Transfer> getChildren() {
        return children;

     * @return the (optional) client id that generates the transfer
    public Long getClientId() {
        return clientId;

    public Calendar getEmissionDate() {
        return emissionDate;

    public Calendar getExpirationDate() {
        return expirationDate;

    public ExternalTransfer getExternalTransfer() {
        return externalTransfer;

    public BigDecimal getiRate() {
        return iRate;

    public LoanPayment getLoanPayment() {
        return loanPayment;

    public Nature getNature() {
        return Nature.TRANSFER;

    public AuthorizationLevel getNextAuthorizationLevel() {
        return nextAuthorizationLevel;

    public Transfer getParent() {
        return parent;

    public Element getReceiver() {
        return receiver;

    public Transfer getRootTransfer() {
        if (root == null) {
            Transfer topMost = this;
            while (topMost.getParent() != null) {
                topMost = topMost.getParent();
            root = topMost;

        return root;

    public ScheduledPayment getScheduledPayment() {
        return scheduledPayment;

     * Optional.
     * @returns the data set by the client making a payment.<br>
     * As an example: it could be used to link a payment with its notifications (payment received).<br>
     * It depends on the client side then there is no guarantee of uniqueness between different transfer.<br>
     * Note: It has nothing to do with the (unique) pair <traceNumber, clientId> (used to query transactions by those values).
    public String getTraceData() {
        return traceData;

     * @return the (optional) trace number generated by a client
    public String getTraceNumber() {
        return traceNumber;

    public TransactionFee getTransactionFee() {
        return transactionFee;

    public String getTransactionNumber() {
        return transactionNumber;

     * When the amount is negative (i.e. chargeback), returns whether the to account is a system account
    public boolean isActuallyFromSystem() {
        return getActualFromOwner() instanceof SystemAccountOwner;

     * When the amount is negative (i.e. chargeback), returns whether the from account is a system account
    public boolean isActuallyToSystem() {
        return getActualToOwner() instanceof SystemAccountOwner;

    public boolean isProcessedAtDifferentDate() {
        return !ObjectUtils.equals(getDate(), getProcessDate());

    public boolean isRoot() {
        return parent == null;

    public void setAccountFeeLog(final AccountFeeLog feeLog) {
        accountFeeLog = feeLog;

    public void setAuthorizations(final Collection<TransferAuthorization> authorizations) {
        this.authorizations = authorizations;

    public void setBrokerCommissionContract(final BrokerCommissionContract brokerCommissionContract) {
        this.brokerCommissionContract = brokerCommissionContract;

    public void setChargebackOf(final Transfer chargebackOf) {
        this.chargebackOf = chargebackOf;

    public void setChargedBackBy(final Transfer chargedBackBy) {
        this.chargedBackBy = chargedBackBy;

    public void setChildren(final Collection<Transfer> children) {
        this.children = children;

    public void setClientId(final Long clientId) {
        this.clientId = clientId;

    public void setEmissionDate(final Calendar emissionDate) {
        this.emissionDate = emissionDate;

    public void setExpirationDate(final Calendar expirationDate) {
        this.expirationDate = expirationDate;

    public void setExternalTransfer(final ExternalTransfer externalTransfer) {
        this.externalTransfer = externalTransfer;

    public void setiRate(final BigDecimal iRate) {
        this.iRate = iRate;

    public void setLoanPayment(final LoanPayment loanComponent) {
        loanPayment = loanComponent;

    public void setNextAuthorizationLevel(final AuthorizationLevel nextAuthorizationLevel) {
        this.nextAuthorizationLevel = nextAuthorizationLevel;

    public void setParent(final Transfer parent) {
        this.parent = parent;
        root = null;

    public void setReceiver(final Element receiver) {
        this.receiver = receiver;

    public void setScheduledPayment(final ScheduledPayment scheduledPayment) {
        this.scheduledPayment = scheduledPayment;

    public void setTraceData(final String traceData) {
        this.traceData = traceData;

    public void setTraceNumber(final String traceNumber) {
        this.traceNumber = traceNumber;

    public void setTransactionFee(final TransactionFee fee) {
        transactionFee = fee;

    public void setTransactionNumber(final String transactionNumber) {
        this.transactionNumber = transactionNumber;

    protected void appendVariableValues(final Map<String, Object> variables, final LocalSettings localSettings) {
        super.appendVariableValues(variables, localSettings);
        variables.put("transaction_number", getTransactionNumber());
