Java tutorial
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Ident: Sogeti Smart Mobile Solutions ** Author: rene ** Copyright: (c) Apr 24, 2011 Sogeti Nederland B.V. All Rights Reserved. **------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** Sogeti Nederland B.V. | No part of this file may be reproduced ** Distributed Software Engineering | or transmitted in any form or by any ** Lange Dreef 17 | means, electronic or mechanical, for the ** 4131 NJ Vianen | purpose, without the express written ** The Netherlands | permission of the copyright holder. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * This file is part of OpenGPSTracker. * * OpenGPSTracker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * OpenGPSTracker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenGPSTracker. If not, see <>. * */ package; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import; import android.location.Location; import; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import; import; import; /** * Class to interact with the service that tracks and logs the locations * * @author rene (c) Jan 18, 2009, Sogeti B.V. * @version $Id$ */ public class GPSLoggerServiceManager { private static final String REMOTE_EXCEPTION = "REMOTE_EXCEPTION"; public final Object mStartLock = new Object(); private IGPSLoggerServiceRemote mGPSLoggerRemote; private boolean mBound; /** * Class for interacting with the main interface of the service. */ private ServiceConnection mServiceConnection; private Runnable mOnServiceConnected; public GPSLoggerServiceManager() { mBound = false; } public static void startGPSLogging(Context context, String trackName) { Intent intent = createServiceIntent(); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.COMMAND, ExternalConstants.Commands.EXTRA_COMMAND_START); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.EXTRA_TRACK_NAME, trackName); context.startService(intent); } @NonNull private static Intent createServiceIntent() { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("", "")); return intent; } public static void startGPSLogging(Context context, int precision, int customInterval, float customDistance, String trackName) { setCustomLoggingPrecision(context, customInterval, customDistance); setLoggingPrecision(context, precision); startGPSLogging(context, trackName); } public static void pauseGPSLogging(Context context) { Intent intent = createServiceIntent(); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.COMMAND, ExternalConstants.Commands.EXTRA_COMMAND_PAUSE); context.startService(intent); } public static void resumeGPSLogging(Context context) { Intent intent = createServiceIntent(); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.COMMAND, ExternalConstants.Commands.EXTRA_COMMAND_RESUME); context.startService(intent); } public static void resumeGPSLogging(Context context, int precision, int customInterval, float customDistance) { setCustomLoggingPrecision(context, customInterval, customDistance); setLoggingPrecision(context, precision); resumeGPSLogging(context); } public static void stopGPSLogging(Context context) { Intent intent = createServiceIntent(); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.COMMAND, ExternalConstants.Commands.EXTRA_COMMAND_STOP); context.startService(intent); } public static void setLoggingPrecision(Context context, int mode) { Intent intent = createServiceIntent(); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.CONFIG_PRECISION, mode); context.startService(intent); } public static void setCustomLoggingPrecision(Context context, long seconds, float meters) { Intent intent = createServiceIntent(); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.CONFIG_INTERVAL_TIME, seconds); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.CONFIG_INTERVAL_DISTANCE, meters); context.startService(intent); } public static void setSanityFilter(Context context, boolean filter) { Intent intent = createServiceIntent(); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.CONFIG_SPEED_SANITY, filter); context.startService(intent); } public static void setStatusMonitor(Context context, boolean monitor) { Intent intent = createServiceIntent(); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.CONFIG_STATUS_MONITOR, monitor); context.startService(intent); } public static void setAutomaticLogging(Context context, boolean atBoot, boolean atDocking, boolean atUnDocking, boolean atPowerConnect, boolean atPowerDisconnect) { Intent intent = createServiceIntent(); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.CONFIG_START_AT_BOOT, atBoot); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.CONFIG_START_AT_DOCK, atDocking); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.CONFIG_STOP_AT_UNDOCK, atUnDocking); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.CONFIG_START_AT_POWER_CONNECT, atPowerConnect); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.CONFIG_STOP_AT_POWER_DISCONNECT, atPowerDisconnect); context.startService(intent); } public static void setStreaming(Context context, boolean isStreaming, float distance, long time) { Intent intent = createServiceIntent(); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.CONFIG_STREAM_BROADCAST, isStreaming); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.CONFIG_STREAM_INTERVAL_DISTANCE, distance); intent.putExtra(ExternalConstants.Commands.CONFIG_STREAM_INTERVAL_TIME, time); context.startService(intent); } public Location getLastWaypoint() { synchronized (mStartLock) { Location lastWaypoint = null; try { if (mBound) { lastWaypoint = this.mGPSLoggerRemote.getLastWaypoint(); } else { Log.w(this, "Remote interface to logging service not found. Started: " + mBound); } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(this, "Could get lastWaypoint GPSLoggerService.", e); } return lastWaypoint; } } public float getTrackedDistance() { synchronized (mStartLock) { float distance = 0F; try { if (mBound) { distance = this.mGPSLoggerRemote.getTrackedDistance(); } else { Log.w(this, "Remote interface to logging service not found. Started: " + mBound); } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(this, "Could get tracked distance from GPSLoggerService.", e); } return distance; } } public long getTrackId() { synchronized (mStartLock) { long trackId = -1; try { if (mBound) { trackId = this.mGPSLoggerRemote.getTrackId(); } else { Log.w(this, "Remote interface to logging service not found. Started: " + mBound); } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(this, "Could stat GPSLoggerService.", e); } return trackId; } } public int getLoggingState() { synchronized (mStartLock) { int logging = ExternalConstants.STATE_UNKNOWN; try { if (mBound) { logging = this.mGPSLoggerRemote.loggingState(); // Log.d( TAG, "mGPSLoggerRemote tells state to be "+logging ); } else { Log.w(this, "Remote interface to logging service not found. Started: " + mBound); } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(this, "Could stat GPSLoggerService.", e); } return logging; } } public boolean isMediaPrepared() { synchronized (mStartLock) { boolean prepared = false; try { if (mBound) { prepared = this.mGPSLoggerRemote.isMediaPrepared(); } else { Log.w(this, "Remote interface to logging service not found. Started: " + mBound); } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(this, "Could stat GPSLoggerService.", e); } return prepared; } } public void storeMetaData(String key, String value) { synchronized (mStartLock) { if (mBound) { try { this.mGPSLoggerRemote.storeMetaData(key, value); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(GPSLoggerServiceManager.REMOTE_EXCEPTION, "Could not send datasource to GPSLoggerService.", e); } } else { Log.e(this, "No GPSLoggerRemote service connected to this manager"); } } } public void storeMediaUri(Uri mediaUri) { synchronized (mStartLock) { if (mBound) { try { this.mGPSLoggerRemote.storeMediaUri(mediaUri); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(GPSLoggerServiceManager.REMOTE_EXCEPTION, "Could not send media to GPSLoggerService.", e); } } else { Log.e(this, "No GPSLoggerRemote service connected to this manager"); } } } /** * Means by which an Activity lifecycle aware object hints about binding and unbinding * * @param onServiceConnected Run on main thread after the service is bound */ public void startup(Context context, final Runnable onServiceConnected) { synchronized (mStartLock) { if (!mBound) { mOnServiceConnected = onServiceConnected; mServiceConnection = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) { synchronized (mStartLock) { GPSLoggerServiceManager.this.mGPSLoggerRemote = IGPSLoggerServiceRemote.Stub .asInterface(service); mBound = true; } if (mOnServiceConnected != null) {; mOnServiceConnected = null; } } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) { synchronized (mStartLock) { mBound = false; } } }; if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(context, ExternalConstants.permission.TRACKING_CONTROL) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { context.bindService(createServiceIntent(), this.mServiceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); } else { Log.e(this, "Did not bind service because required permission is lacking"); } } else { Log.w(this, "Attempting to connect whilst already connected"); } } } /** * Means by which an Activity lifecycle aware object hints about binding and unbinding */ public void shutdown(Context context) { synchronized (mStartLock) { try { if (mBound) { context.unbindService(this.mServiceConnection); GPSLoggerServiceManager.this.mGPSLoggerRemote = null; mServiceConnection = null; mBound = false; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.w(this, "Failed to unbind a service, prehaps the service disapearded?", e); } } } }